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Bullos, Lyza Mae A.

I – BSED English

Purposive Communication

Answer the following clearly and substantially. (5 points each)

1. Why is it important to be ethical in communication today?

First and foremost, there are consequences that a person will not want to face if he or
she communicates unethically in any forms of communication. As everyone says, trust cannot
be easily returned once a person breaks it therefore always be truthful and accurate. Integrity
is essential because money cannot buy it. A simple act of not properly putting references can
be a habit that may turn into plagiarism. In addition, avoiding conflict and misunderstanding is
better because a true educated person will not want arguments so be reasonable as much as
possible. A responsible person thinks a thousand times before acting especially if he or she is
irritated. There are also instances that a person fears to share his or her views due to the
judgemental society nowadays. Listening and accepting other people’s perspectives can help
us and our country to have a better place. This also safeguards us from racism, sexism, and
violence. Lastly, if a person wants to be respected, he or she should also show respect to
other people.

2. When you think of politicians today, would you say that they have been communicating in an
ethical manner?

In general, I would say that they are not communicating ethically because of three
factors such as money, fame, and power. Politics is one of the dirtiest ambitions as being
discussed in our ethics subject. We may not know every acts and decisions they have made
because those are not being publicized but politics is full of obstruction of justices and money
is the key. Most of the time, justice is only for the rich people and it is only every election
campaign when politicians make acts of charity. However, I would say that there are proposed
bills and laws that helped and continuously helping us which means that they still advocating
truthfulness and acts as responsible politicians. In percentage, I would rate them 40% of being
ethical and 60% of being unethical it is because we cannot still trust the facts and figures being
shown in the news but still be thankful to the projects that they have successfully implemented
for the betterment of our country.

3. Who comes to mind on the subject of violating the ethics of communication?

The first person that comes to my mind is President Rodrigo Duterte because as a
president he should be the role model of Filipinos. The way he acts and speaks may influence
the minds of his constituents. A child may not believe that speaking in an ill manner is a bad
habit if his or her parents are doing so. Likewise, Mr. President should avoid stating bad words
and swearing that’s why Filipinos create memes and put captions and emojis of clown.
Moreover, we, individuals violate the ethics of communication in our everyday lives. A simple
secret that may turn into a conflict is inevitable and once we fail to control ourselves, we incite
anger with or without knowledge by the person we hate. Cheating and not properly putting
references are other habits that we have. We have the mindset that “It’s not wrong as long as
no one sees us.” However, we forget that God knows what we are thinking and doing.

4. Why do people communicate in an ethical manner? What problems can arise when people are
not ethical in their communication practices?

People communicate in an ethical manner so that they will gain the trust of others. We
are sensitive to what other people thinks about us, so we are cautious to our behavior. We also
want to be respected and we believe in the Chinese proverb of Confucius “Don't do unto others
what you don't want done unto you.” Moreover, we believe in karma and the idea that
vengeance is not ours, its Gods. When people communicate unethically there are short- and
long-term is not ours, its Gods. When people communicate unethically there are
consequences that he or she might encounter. Short-term such as arguments and
misunderstanding and long-term such as being put to jail. Slander, libel, cyberlibel, perjury,
falsification of documents, and obstructions of justice are some of the cases that are related to
being unethical in communication. Fines plus the damage and years of imprisonment are the
punishments that everyone might face if they continue to be unethical in communication.

5. How do you understand the term "World Englishes"?

World Englishes is the term for the varieties of Englishes around the world. There are
various Englishes that differ in spelling, punctuation, grammar, idioms, vocabularies, and
pronunciations. It may be similar; however, it can create confusion if someone does not know
how to use it and what kind of English to utilize in certain situations. Examples of the Englishes
being used around the world are British English, American English, African American English,
and Philippine English. In addition, Standard English is also a form this variety in which it
depends on the region. The most important thing is that we should have an alternative
especially in formal contexts.

6. What the importance of understanding variety of English?

Understanding the varieties of English is essential because it can be our alternative in

communicating internationally. It is better to know more Englishes to avoid confusion
especially to the two most well-known Englishes such as the British English and American
English. In addition, for us to appreciate the beauty of the language of each country and to
prevent ourselves from discriminating it just because of its uniqueness to other dialects. As
being stated by Matthew Sutherland, “every English-speaking nation has its own set of English
phrases and idioms…” and “The many versions of English spoken around the globe merely
serve to make English an even richer tongue.” Another, English is considered as the language
of the educated and international business. It will be helpful in our career if we know and
understand the varieties of English.

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