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Ok, to begin with I’am going to talk about eating, about eating habits. I think we have a
really lucky situation because of the eating habits of our region as we have what is
called a Mediterranean diet that is consisting primarily of fruits and vegetables and so
on, and I think we all are used, for example, to having salad for lunch or to eating fruit
after every lunch and dinner and so on. But I think that even though we have those
habits, the diet we have has changed dramatically in the last few years. Maybe it has
something to do with our daily routines. For example, I remember when I was a child, I
had lunch with my grandparents and my grandmother spent the whole morning
cooking a hot meal but nowadays we don’t have time for that. Our schedules have
changed our diet. I think that the fact that women work has influenced the way in
which we have changed our eating habits. Not having enough time has led us to eat
junk food or fast food, increasing obesity rates. It has a lot to do with the following
point, that is obesity indeed. We can’t change our stressfull busy lives and our
schedules so the way we can combat this obesity is through education because we
have to be aware of how important what we eat is for our health and for our daily
lives. When we talk about this education we not only have to think about what we eat
but also we have to think about how much we exercise. We have to change the way
we think about exercise, not only to keep in shape but also to have a healthy life. That
is related to the last point which is the point with which I am going to finish my speech.
This is the stress in our lives. The point talks about causes and effects of our stressful
lives are related to our jobs. I feel that each time we have to spend more hours at work
and this work / these jobs are getting more demanding. Apart from that also family
obligations, or other activities that you are involved in … well… I think we are
dedicating more and more time to our jobs. And well those are the causes and the
effects that are really related to that we were talking about before. We already talked
about how stress changes aour daily habits, our eating habits but it is also related to
the exercise we do because we lack of time to do this kind of activities. We feel that
doing exercise for example, it is not an obligation. We think that it is leisure and we
always postpone /put it on hold when we have to do anything that we think is more
important, that conflicts with it. From my point of view, I think it is important to fight
against stress not only because of the influence that it has on our bodies, but also the
effect that it has on our minds because as we get more stressed, we are more prone to
suffering from mental diseases and or even chronic depression.

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