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LONG TEST # 1 Score:

Name:_________________________________________ Section:______________________ Date:_________________

I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the CORRECT answer.

_____1. It is used to display photographic images.

a. GIF b. JPEG c. PNG d. TIFF
_____2. It represents the image as an array of dots, called pixels.
a. bitmap b. graphics c. image d. vector
_____3. It is produced by vibration, as perceived by the sense of hearing.
a. audio b. image c. text d. video
_____4. It is used to convert images from an analog form into a digital form.
a. image editing b. photocopying c. scanning d. recording
_____5. These are characters that are used to create words, sentences, and paragraphs.
a. audio b. image c. text d. video
_____6. It refers to the use of electronic media to store and experience multimedia content.
a. media b. multimedia c. technology d. trends
_____7. It is the illusion of motion created by the consecutive display of images of static elements.
a. animation b. image c. text d. video
_____8. It was designed to be an alternative to GIF file format, supports transparency, but not animation.
a. GIF b. JPEG c. PNG d. TIFF
_____9. These are digital representation of non-text information, such as a drawing, chart, or photograph.
a. bitmap b. graphics c. image d. vector
_____10. These are the images created with software that uses geometrical formulas to represent images.
a. bitmap b. graphics c. image d. vector
_____11. It is the technology of capturing, recording, processing, transmitting, and reconstructing moving pictures.
a. audio b. image c. text d. video
_____12. These are very small in size, its advantage is not losing or blurring any part of the image whenever you zoom in the image
(lossless compression).
a. GIF b. JPEG c. PNG d. TIFF
_____13. Image editing is used to edit any image using softwares like Adobe Photoshop or JASC's Paint Shop program to enhance the
image quality.
a. image editing b. photocopying c. scanning d. recording

II. Identification. Identify the effect that is being described in each statement. Write the symbol (+) if it is positive and (-) if

_____14. easier to bully others.

_____15. more informed society.
_____16. increases the risk of obesity.
_____17. advertisements that influence spending habits.
_____18. enabled individuals to spread their innovative ideas.
_____19. depiction of violence, offensive language, and sexuality.
_____20. made information available to more people more quickly.
_____21. trying to reach or adhere to an unrealistic standard of beauty.
_____22. helps children learn to network and navigate intimate relationships.
_____23. exposing the general public to sights and sounds they never would have previously had access to.
III. Identification. Identify whether the words and phrases are advantages or disadvantages of multimedia. Write the AD if it is
advantage and DA if it is disadvantage.

_____24. Trendy _____31. Not always easy to configure

_____25. Expensive _____32. Good for “computer-phobics”
_____26. Is easy to use. _____33. Enhancement of Text Only Messages
_____27. Cost-effective _____34. Multimedia is Entertaining as Well as Educational
_____28. Not always compatible _____35. Improves over Traditional Audio-Video Presentations
_____29. Gains and Holds Attention _____36. Needs special training for those who are not
_____30. Requires special hardware computer literate individuals

IV. Analyze each words/phrases. Put each of them with its correct identification. Write all your answers inside the box.



Examples of Multimedia Multimedia Elements Kinds of Graphics Types of Graphic Formats


V. Essay. (51-55)
Write your answers on the space provided. Minimum of 100 words, please write legibly. (PAKIGANDAHAN PO ANG SULAT)

Give the differences and similarities of people as media and people in media. (5 pts)


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