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What is Mutants AND Machine-guns

version 3.1 (draft)?
Think of Thundarr the Barbarian, Gamma World, Mutant Future, Mad
Max, Fallout and post-apocalypse movies and stories.

All you need to play

This rulebook, friends, paper, pencil, a few six-sided dice and

Dice Notation
Dice Abbrev. Roll and Result
1d2 Roll 1 die (1 to 3 =1; 4 to 6 = 2)
1d3 Roll 1 die (1 to 2 = 1; 3 to 4 = 2; 5 to 6 = 3)
1d6/2d6 Roll 1 die / Roll 2 dice
Roll 2 dice, lowest number becomes tens digit
d66 while highest number becomes one digit (i.e.
you roll a 4,2; the result is 24)


Your character is represented by these four Abilities, they are rated
from 0 to 5:

Physical: To do with body’s health, raw physical power and resisting

(radiation, poison, etc.).
Mental: To do with problem solving, logic, perception, science,
knowledge and psionic.
Combat: To do with combat, reflex, hand-eye coordination and overall
athletic ability.
Social: To do with negotiation, interaction, influencing and bargain.

To create a hero you must distribute Character Points (CP) between the
abilities. The minimum points you can put in the abilities is 0 and the
maximum is 3 for a beginning character.
Android: Roll 1d6+10 HP, 4 CP and roll for 2 human/animal mutations.
Android cannot heal during rest, it needs to be repaired. During rest
pick difficulty and make a Mental roll (TN 7 heal 1d3 HP; TN 9 heal 1d6
HP; TN 11 heal 1d6+2 HP). Android does not need food when
Evolved Animal: Roll 1d6+8 HP, 4 CP and roll for 2 human/animal
mutations. Evolved Animal also received the Natural Weapon
Mutant Human: Roll 1d6+10 HP, 4 CP and roll for 2 human/animal
Mutated Plant: Roll 1d6 + 8 HP, 4 CP. Mutated Plant gets 2 plant
mutations. Mutated Plant is capable of walking and talking similar to
human or animal. It can be a humanoid in appearance but does not
have to be.
Pure Human: Roll 1d6+12 HP, 5 CP. Pure Human is immune to
mutation, so any roll involving mutation is ignore.

Defence is a Target Number when dealing with attack. To calculate
your defence, add 7 to your Physical ability. Defence can be upgraded
by using armour.

Experience (XP) and advancement

You get 1 to 3 XP at the end of a scenario/quest, on an average
everyone should get 2 XP at the end of a scenario or quest. You then
may spend:

1. 1 XP to gain 1 HP
2. 5XP to gain upgrade one ability by 1.

Doing stuffs
When in doubt, roll 2d6 roll plus appropriate ability trying to get the
Target Number (TN) or more to succeed. Refer to difficulty table

Difficulty TN
Routine 5
Easy 7
Normal 9
Hard 11
Super Hard 13


You get a FUMBLE on a natural roll of 2 and a CRITICAL SUCCESS on a
natural roll of 12. A fumble is bad and a critical success is good. In
combat you automatically miss on a fumble and automatically hit on a
critical dealing a double damage.
Action points
Action points provide characters with the means to affect game play in
significant ways. A character always starts with 3 Action Points (AP) and
he always replenishes them at the beginning of every adventure. A
character can spend 1 AP to do one of these things:

 Allow a character to get extra action.

 Grant an extra die to a roll. Roll extra die and pick the best two.
This cannot be used for damage roll.
 Turn a failure into a success.
 Turn a success into a critical success.
 Stop a character from dying. If a hit kills your character, he is
not dead but unconscious with 0 HP.

Human/animal Mutation
Make a d66 roll and refer to the human/animal mutation below. During
your adventure you may caught with the hazard of radiation and may
get extra mutation. If so, roll d66 and refer to mutation below.

d66 Mutation Effect

11 Acid Spit (R, M) Produce acid every 3 turns during
combat. Roll attack as normal, on a hit it
deals 1d6+1 damage
12 Adrenaline Jolt Boost your Physical for 1d3 rounds. +2
bonus on Physical roll
13 Chameleon Skin You skin changes colour. +4 when hiding.
14 Dark vision You can see in total darkness.
15 Detonating Pods You grow 1d3 pods per day. Pods deal
(R,M) 1d6+2 damage.
16 Dual Headed You grow another head next to the first
one. Make a second roll whenever you
use senses (looking, listening, traps)
choose the best one.
22 Elasticity You can bend and twist your body in
unnatural ways and squeeze through
very tight spaces.
23 Enhanced Healing Spend as other action to concentrate and
heal 1d6 HP
24 Extra Arms You can wield an extra weapon and an
extra shield or a second 2-handed
weapon. You attack twice per combat
round. If you gain Quickness mutation
you only attack twice.
25 Gigantism +2 damage to melee attack, you cannot
use armour.
26 Gills You have gills. You can breathe under
water. You also get +2 bonus to any roll
while under water.
33 Spiky Growth You grow spikes on your body. Roll 1d6.
1-2 small spikes: 1d6 damage; 2-3
medium spikes: 1d6+1; 5-6: large spikes:
1d6+2. You may remove and throw your
spikes and make a range attack. Mutants
with medium and large spikes cannot
wear armour.
34 Natural Armour Thick fur, scales, a shell, rubbery skin.
Roll 1d6, 1-2 +1 defence, 3-4 +2 defence,
5-6 +3 defence.
35 Natural Weapon Claw, bite, horns or other natural melee
(M) attack. Roll 1d6, 1-2: 1d6 damage, 3-4:
1d6+1 damage, 5-6: 1d6+2 damage.
36 Pheromone You release pheromones. You get +2
bonus when doing Social roll.
44 Quickness You get +2 bonus to roll involving speed
and agility. You also attack twice per
combat round. If you gain Extra Arms
mutation you only attack twice.
45 Radiation You resist a bit of radiation. +4 to
Resistance radiation roll when prompted.
46 Shocker (R,M) Every 3 turns, you may emit a blast of
energy from your hands or other body
parts. Roll Attack as normal, if hit it deals
1d6+3 damage.
55 Psionic Talent Make a d66 roll on psionic table.
56 Venomous bite (M) Your natural bite attack injects poison. If
successful it will deal 1d6 damage, the
target then must make a Physical roll
against TN 7 or he will suffer another 1d6
damage. You cannot take this mutation if
you have acid spit mutation.
66 Wings You have bird or bat like wings and are
able to fly in a short distance. You also
gain a Swoop Attack. When you do this,
the target must make Physical roll against

your Physical ability + 7. On a fail, target
get 1d6 damage.
R means Range where you only use the mutation in ranged
M means Melee where you only use the mutation in melee

Make a d66 roll and refer to the psionic table below. You must expend
1 HP to use psionic power and you must make a Mental roll against
Psionic TN.

d66 Psionic TN Effect

11 Control Machine 9 You control 1 machine for 1d3 turn
12 Mental Blast 9 Target not able to move for 1d3 turn
but may still make psionic attack
13 Detect Psionic 7 You detect psionic activity present.
14 Detect Machine 7 You detect machine nearby.
15 Empathy 7 You can read target emotion and
16 Charm Person 7 Force target to obey your will
22 Telekinesis 9 Move object from a far.
23 Daze 7 Target loses next action.
24 Brain Lock 9 Target cannot move and cannot make
psionic for 1d3 turn.
25 Combat 7 You gain +1 defence for the whole
Precognition combat.
26 Combat 9 You gain +2 to attack for the whole
Prescience combat.
33 Levitate 7 Target levitates for 1d3 turn.
34 Fire Bolt 7 Deals 1d6+1 fire damage to a target.
35 Lightning Strike 11 Deals 3d6 lightning damage to 1d3
36 Dark vision 7 You see in total darkness for 1d3 turn.
44 Natural Armour 9 You gain +1d3 defence for 1d3 turn.
45 Fire Storm 13 Deals 5d6H4 fire damage to 1d6

46 Create - A bio melee weapon of some kind. It
Bioweapon can be a sword, hammer, etc. Pick a
TN for damages. TN 7: 1d6; TN 9:
1d6+1; TN 11: 1d6+2.
55 Psycho booster 9 You either boost Physical, Social or
Combat by 1d3 for 1d3 turn.
56 Negate Psionic 9 Cancel psionic effect.
66 Finger Fire 5 Deals 1d3 fire damage to a target

Plant mutations
Make a d66 roll and refer to the plant mutations below.

d66 Plant Mutation Effect

11-12 Animate Seeds Plant may plant a seed. The seed will
grow up to have the same mutation
as the mutated plant.
13-14 Carnivore (M) Plant has mouths that are capable of
inflicting 1d6 damage with a bite. Roll
1d6 to determine how many mouths
are on the plant. Each mouth is
considered as 1 attack.
15-16 Dermal Acid Sap (M) Plant sap is acidic. It inflict 2d6 HP
damage every round to creature that
come in contact with it.
22-23 Electrical Charge Plant is capable to store electrical
(M,R) charge from food consume. Plant may
use this weapon after 3 rounds as it is
fully recharge. It inflicts 3d6 HP
damage. Once use up plant must wait
another 3 round to use it.
24-34 Human/Animal Make a d66 roll in the human/animal
Mutation mutation above.
35-36 Radioactive Plant may emit radiation. Anyone

Emissions (M) within melee range will effected with
the radiation. Roll 1d6 to determine
radiation level. Refer to radiation
table for damage.
44-45 Shriek (M,R) Whenever plant is hurt, it will shriek
which capable of damaging everyone.
The shriek causes 2d6 damage
(everyone may make a Physical roll TN
7 to half the damage).
46-55 Tendrils (M) Plant grows tendril. Tendrils can do
1d6+2 melee damage to a target.
56-66 Thorns (R) Plant can throw thorns! Plant may
spend an action to throw 1d6 thorns.
Each thorn inflicts 1d3 damage to a
Initiative is the order of who acts when in combat. To determined
initiative, each combatant rolls 1d6 + Combat. The highest goes first.
Any ties will act simultaneously.

When you turn arrive, pick one of the options below:

1. Attack: Attack a target with a weapon. Roll 2d6 and add

Combat ability trying to get an equal or higher number than the
target's defence.
2. Use Psionic: To use psionic. Make a Mental roll against psionic
3. Move: A character may move into melee range and engage a
target, disengaged from a target, or move into cover.
4. Other Action: This is for actions surrounding picking locks,
reloading a gun, opening a window, using an item, etc.

5. Flee: To flee, combatant (must be in free position) needs to
make the Combat roll against opponent with the highest
defence in combat.

Combat continues until one side is defeated.

Movement in combat
Movement is abstract for fast combat although combatants are not
static – they keep on moving. To simulate movement, everyone starts
in free position. From there, you may either move into melee range
and engage a target or disengage from a target or move into cover.
When you engaged to a target you may only use melee attack. To
disengage a target you must make a Combat roll against TN of 9, if
successful you move into free position. You may use shoot a free
positioned target without penalty but get -4 penalty when shooting an
engaged target.

Resting a full evening recovers full HP. Resting for a few minutes
recovers 1d6 HP.

Whenever you fall in Mutants & Machine-guns, roll 3d6 for damage.
You may roll for Physical ability against TN (usually 9) set by GM to
halves the damage. On a critical success you are not damaged at all.

Radiation is determined according to their level. When radiation hits,
you need to make a Physical roll against radiation level’s TN. If you fail,
roll 1d6: if the result is 3 to 6 you receive radiation damage equal to
the radiation level’s damage, apply this to your HP; if you roll a 1 or 2
you received the radiation damage as well as gaining a mutation (roll

for a random human/animal mutation if you are a non-plant based race
and plant mutation for plant based race).

Radiation Level TN Damage

1 5 1d3
2 7 1d6
3 9 1d6+1
4 11 1d6+2
5 13 1d6+3
Similar to radiation, poison is also determined according to their level.
Characters must make a Physical roll against poison level’s TN. On a
fail, character received damage equal to poison level’s damage.

Poison Level TN Damage

1 5 1d3
2 7 1d6
3 9 1d6+1
4 11 1d6+2
5 13 1d6+3
Wasteland ECONOMY
In the wasteland people barter their goods. Goods are measured with
Trade Unit (TU).

You may spend 10+2d6 TU on equipment for a start. Feel free to
donate unused TU to another player.

Melee Weapon Damage TU

Unarmed 1d2 0
Knife, Dagger (throwable in range) 1d3 2
Hand Axe, Club, Light Hammer, Mace, Short
1d6 3
Spear (throwable in range) 1d6 4

Battle Axe, Military Pick, Broad Sword 1d6+1 6
Great Sword, Maul, Pole arm, Great Axe 1d6+2 9
Gun Fire Type Damage TU
Cross Bow* S 1d6 5
Pistol S 1d6 8
SMG S, B, A 1d6 9
Shotgun B, A 2d6 10
Light Machine-gun B, A 2d6H+1** 15
Rifle S, B, A 1d6+2 14
Pulse Rifle S, B, A 2d6H+2** 20
Heavy Machinegun B, A 2d6H+2** 18
Armour Defence TU
Light Armour (leather jacket, etc) +1 5
Medium Armour (Kevlar, etc) +2 15
Heavy Armour (plate, etc) +3 20
S means Single shot. B means Burst shot and A means Full Auto.
* Must reload on the next turn.
** Roll 2d6 and pick 1 of the highest and add either 1 or 2

Item Effect TU
Ammo Pack Ammo pack for guns. 3
Heals 1d6 HP. It only works on Pure
Stimpack 3
Human, Mutant Human and Cyborg.
It’s a grenade. When launch it will deal
Frag grenade 5
2d6+4 damage
Use for pick locking and other thief like
Thief Tool stuff. Provide a +2 bonus when 8
Each character start with 1d6 number of ammo packs. When a player
rolls a fumble on when shooting this means that an ammo pack has
been consumed and they must reload.

Single, BURST and full auto shot
Some guns can go for burst mode which means when you attack a
target and if it hits any leftover damage may go to the next free
positioned target. It is hard to attack when in burst mode but it will
deliver a heavy damage to target. You get a -1 penalty to attack roll but
if it hits +2 bonus to damage roll. This is the same with full auto accept
a full auto give a -2 penalty to attack roll but gives a +4 bonus to
damage roll.

Shot Mode Attack roll Damage Bonus

Burst -1 penalty to attack roll +2 damage
Full Auto -2 penalty to attack roll +4 damage
Ancient artefacts
Ancient artefacts are things from the ancient past. The ancients use it
to do their chore or other needs such as stunning their poultry or
shooting bad guys. They are usually found in ancient city or vault.
When characters find artefact, the artefacts may or may not be
working. Each artefact has condition rate from 0-5. Each rating has a
probability of working. Roll the table below to determine if it works or

Roll 1d6 Condition Rate Working on 1d6

6 5 2-6
5 4 3-6
4 3 4-6
3 2 5-6
2 1 6
1 0 Not working
Random artefacts
If GM have not or do not want to set a specific artefact, roll the table
below. Mundane Item and Ammo are at GM discretion.

Roll 1d6 Random Artefacts
Mundane Item. GM pick a random household
item i.e. hair brush, a canned food,etc.
3 1d3 Ammo packs.
4 Medicine. Roll on Medicine table.
5 Melee Weapon. Roll on Melee Weapon.
6 Gun. Roll on Gun table.

Artefacts rolls
When an artefact is working, character must figure out how to use it.
GM will determine how complex from the table below.

Complexity TN Examples
0 5 Mundane item
Weapons, Grenades, non-power
1 7
2 9 Vehicle, robots, power armour
Computer, medicine, complex
3 11
Characters then make a Mental roll against the chosen complexity. A
roll of fumble indicates that it failed horribly, and the character will
have damaged himself or nearby characters if the item is capable of
doing it. A roll of critical success will always succeed, regardless. If
successful your character knows how to use the item. If you failed then
you just wasted 1 hour of game time. Character may make as many roll
until he succeed. For every fail an hour passed.

Fixing Artefacts
Characters may try to fix the artefact. The rolls are similar to artefact
roll and the TN is based on complexity TN. Characters may try
unlimited amount of time until character roll a fumble where artefact
will damaged character or other character around him.

1d6 Weapon Damage Note
1-2 Vibro Blade 1d6+2 Blade with vibration mechanism
1d6+3 Mace with crackling energy on
3-4 Energy Mace
1d6+4 Target must make Physical roll TN
7 to prevent 1d3 round stunt,
5 Stun Whip
when stunt target cannot move
or do action
6 Laser Sword 2d6 No Jedi here

2d6 Weapon Fire Damage
2 Plasma Rifle S, B, A 1d6+5
3 Laser Rifle S, B, A 2d6H+3
1d6, hit 1d3 free positioned
4 Flamethrower S
1d6+2, stun target for 1d3
5 Stun Pistol S
6 Blaster Rifle S, B, A 2d6H+2
7 Laser Pistol S 1d6+2
8 Gauss Auto Rifle S, B, A 2d6H+4
2d6, capable of shrieking attack
9 Sonic Rifle S, B, A
(refer to shriek mutation)
Gauss Machine
10 S 2d6
11 Minigun B 2d6+3
12 Tesla Rifle S, B, A 3d6

1d6 Weapon Defence Note
1 Combat Shield - Absorb 1 point of damage
2 Flex Armour - Absorb 2 points of damage
3 Sheath Armour +3 Modern day riot gear
Ceramic Resist fire and cold
4 +4
5 Shell Armour +4 Grant +4 to radiation roll
6 Power Armour +4 +1 Physical, +1 Combat

1d6 Medicine Effect
1 Stimpack Cures 1d6 HP
Eat it after being hit by radiation. It will
2 Rad-Purge Pill
prevent 1d6 radiation damage.
Give a +1 to either Social or Mental ability
3 Mentat
(roll randomly or GM pick)
Gve a +1 to either Combat or Physical ability
4 Guffout
(roll randomly or GM pick)
Drink it after being hit by poison. It will
5 Antitox
prevent 1d6 poison damage.
6 Cures 3d6 HP
To simply everything, every vehicle has these ability – control, speed,
hull, defence and capacity. All you need to do is pick 1 vehicle, add
modification and a name. Remember the more things that you put in a
vehicle the expensive it is.

Vehicle Control Speed Hull Defence Capacity TU

Bike 2 3 1 5 4 30
Dune 2 3 2 5 4 35
Car 2 2 3 6 6 70
Van 1 1 4 6 6 80
Truck 1 1 5 7 8 90

0 1 6 7 8 120
Tank 0 1 7 8 8 200
Heavy 0 1 8 8 10 250

Control: determine how good the vehicle is in combat and

Speed: determine how fast the vehicle is.
Hull: Basically HP for vehicle although it is handle differently.
Defence: Target number for attacking. To calculate defence add
driver’s Physical ability with the vehicle defence score.
Capacity: determine how many (mod) modifications you can install on
the vehicle.

Here are list of modifications for your vehicle. TU = Trade Unit Mod =

Armour plating (TU 5)(Mod 1)

+1 to defence (max. of 13)

Increased Control/Speed/Hull (TU 5)(Mod 1)

Add 1 to vehicle stats of your choice.

GIGA system (TU 8)(Mod 1)

You may fire 2 weapons at the same time targeting 1 vehicle. For every
additional GIGA you may fire 1 additional weapon.

Targeting system (TU 5)(Mod 1)

Add 1 to your to hit roll using vehicle weapon.

Turret (TU 5)(Mod 1)
One of your vehicle weapon move 360 degree.

Ram plating (TU 8)(Mod 1)

When damage by ramming, half the damage received.

Vehicle Weapon Damage Range Mod TU

Machine gun 1d6+1 Short 1 10
Beam Blaster 1d6+2 Short 1 15
Vulcan 2d6 Short 1 30
Howitzer 2d6 Long 2 30
Gatling Gun 2d6+1 Short 2 35
Flame Thrower* 2d6+2 Close 2 40
Spark 2d6+2 Short 2 45
Cannon** 3d6 Long 3 100
Thunder Cannon** 4d6 Long 3 150
You may also add weapon to your vehicle. All weapon has varies
damage, range, mod and TUs. Refer to the table below:

* Attack 1d3 targets. Must make separate roll for each target.
** Miss on Touch to Short range

Vehicle combat
At the beginning of vehicle combat GM will determine who is chasing
who. The chaser is call predator and the one being chased is call prey.
Unless stated all vehicle start at long range.

Ranges are: Touch – Close – Short – Long – Far

The ranges will determine what kind of weapon or action you can use
to destroy your opponent.

Vehicle combat is determined by these phases.

1. Initiative
2. Movement
3. Action
4. End turn

Initiative. Each round, ever vehicle must make an initiative roll which
are 1d6 + speed of the car. The highest won an initiative and determine
the course of the chase.

Chase. Participant with initiative pick difficulty on the difficulty table.

All vehicles then make a chase roll which is 2d6 + speed against the TN
picked just now, this will determine your skill to drive the vehicle
outdoing your predator or trying to get a good position to attack. If all
vehicles succeed or failed nothing happen as everyone manages to
outdo each other. But, if one of you succeed and the other failed, you
may move your vehicle closer to your target or move further away.

Examples: Metal Max’s car is in close range with Jagged Mutant. Both
makes chase rolls with the outcome of Max succeed and Jagged
Mutant failed. Max then move his vehicle nearer to Jagged Mutant
from long to short range, close enough to fire his cannon.

Action. Here are lists of action which can be done during vehicle

1. Attack. If your vehicle’s weapon is in ranged with your target,

roll 2d6 + drive. If the result is equal or more than target
vehicle’s defence, you succeed. Roll for weapon damage.
If attacking critters, apply the damage directly to their HP. If
attacking another vehicle, roll for damage and consult the
damage table below:

Damage roll Damage to Hull
1–5 0 damage
6 – 11 1 damage
12 – 17 2 damages
18+ 3 damages

2. Escape. Must be in Far range only. No other vehicle can be

nearer to your vehicle. Roll 2d6 + speed. If the result equal to or
more than opponent with the highest speed +7, you manage to
escape from the battle.
3. Ramming. Must be in Touch range only. Roll 2d6 + drive. If the
result is equal to or higher than target defence, you succeed.
Roll 2d6 + hull for damage.
4. Using non-vehicle weapon. Must be in Close range only and
only available for guns. All attack has a -2 penalty when
attacking with guns.

Damage to Hull. When a vehicle’s hull reduce to zero, roll 1d6, on a 2

to 6, the vehicle stop functioning and driver must go on foot. On a 1,
the vehicle blew up. Driver and passenger make a Physical roll against
TN 7. If failed, each driver and passenger received 2d6 damage.

The Bizzarrian beast are critters that you can rides. They are defined
similar to critters with only exception of the speed stats which is used
for vehicle combat. When attacking in vehicle combat, they must get to
Touch range to attack unless the Bizzarrian has a ranged attack. Here
are some examples:

Combat 3 Ability 2 Speed 3 Defence 8 HP 20 Damage 1d6+3 (Claw &

PoCat is a large cat which you can ride. Like its cousin it tends to sleep a
lot when they not hungry.

Combat 2 Ability 3 Speed 3 Defence 7 HP 25 Damage 1d6+2 (Bite)
A Centisteed looks like a horse with many legs.

Giant Centipede
Combat 1 Ability 3 Speed 0 Defence 9 HP 15 Damage 1d6+2 (Bite)
Giant Centipede usually comes with many colours. It is usually slow.

There are a lot of strange critters lurking in the wasteland. Here are
some examples:

Dead Dog Walking

Combat 2 Ability 0 Defence 7 HP 12 Damage 1d6+1 (Bite)
A dog corpse which is alive. You literally see flesh, bones, a few
maggots and blood gushing out of the critters.

Combat 1 Ability 1 Defence 7 HP 8 Damage 1d6+2 (Punch)
A tall mushroom like creature with human like limb.

Giant Scorpion
Combat 3 Ability 0 Defence 25 Damage 2d6 (Pincer)
A giant version of the basic scorpion. Once in 3 round, it may attack
using its tail. If hit, it will inflict level 3 poison to a target.

Poisonous Spike Mushroom

Combat 1 Ability 2 Defence 5 Damage 1d6 (Spike)
Cousin of Spike Mushroom. It is capable of releasing level 2 poison
attack to a target.

Combat 3 Ability 1 Defence 9 HP 10 Damage (weapon used)
A warlike military mutant pig.

Spike Mushroom
Combat 1 Ability 0 Defence 5 HP 5 Damage 1d6 (Spike)
This spiky fungus usually spotted in group of 2 to 4.

Creating Critters
This is a rough guide to create the creatures of the wasteland. First pick
the size, which roughly give their base HP, Defence and damage. After
that you may add mutation. A badass critter should have a combat and
ability of 5 or more; a weak but intelligence critter should have combat
below than 2 but have more than 5 on ability score. Add description on
your critters and you’re good to go!

Size HP Defence Damage

Very small 5 or less 5 1d3
Small 6-10 5-6 1d6
Large 11-20 6-7 1d6+2
Very Large 21-30 7-8 2d6-1
Extra Large 21-40 8-9 2d6
Huge 41 or more 10-13 2d6+2
Advice to Game Master
This is a basic game with a lot of things to fill in. GM is free to create or
remove rules, monster, skills, spell, etc. Make it personal. The number
one rules for any RPG is to have fun!

Experimental Playground © 2014


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