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Thoughts of INSPIRATION of

Engineer – Statesman,
Bharat Ratna Sir M Visvesvaraya
The Institution of Engineers (India)

T – The way to build a nation is to build a good citizen. The majority of the citizens should be
efficient of good character and possess a reasonably high sense of duty.
H – Hard work performed in a disciplined manner will in most cases keep the worker fit and also
prolong his life.

E – Efficient managers, well equipped industries, trained technologists and skilled workmen
constituted the true wealth of the nation.

I – If the intelligence of our people is kept undeveloped, skill untrained, activities unstimulated, the
standard of living will remain low and the country will continue to be populated by ignorant

N – Nation wide thinking, nation wide planning and nation wide action are the three great
essentials to prevent nation wide crisis for future generations to struggle through.
S – Success in life may be attributed to rigorous self discipline, punctuality, regular habits and
systematic work.

T – To make our country great, self supporting and strong, work hard , work harder work with
efficiency, work in a co operative spirit and work with a team spirit.
I – Increasingly efficient work, progressively harder work, periodically planned and disciplined
work, courtesy towards fellow workers and servants are the four point programme for the
national reconstruction of India.

T – Think and act Institutionally, Think in terms of nation, Practice self help, Practice team work,
Cultivate team work, Know that knowledge is power, Increase production, Restrict import ,
Support Indian Industries, Maintain efficient standards are the Ten Commandments for the
efficiency of the citizens.

U – Unemployment and poverty would be considerably diminished, the people would be reaping
benefits of planned development and well set in its march on the path of progress and

T – The secret of long life and health; “Hard work, disciplined habits, modesty, in luxury,
contentment and cheerfulness”.
I – Increased efficiency, through modernisation and work are the gospel that should be preached
and practiced. Ease-loving nature, apathy and slackness are the curses.

O – One of the main objects of education is to train the recipient for the battle of life. The greatest
draw back in education is the omission to give practical training in the use of machine tools
needed for Industrialisation.

N – No great improvement can be affected without definite ideals and organizations. “Investigate,
educate, organize” should be our watch words if we are to quicker the life pulse of the people
and train them for a larger and fuller life.

O – Observing the conditions, resolved to plan, promote and encourage development chiefly in
education, industries, commence and public works to enable the people to work well, earn
well and live well.

F – Five year plans have come to be popular on account of the known revolutionary
developments which may also revised as changes in circumstances necessitate from year to

E – Education is the soverign remedy for all economic ills. Progress in every country depends
mainly on the education of its people, without education, we are a nation of children.

N – ‘Nation Building’, ‘Rural Industrialisation’, ‘Reconstructing India’, “Planned Economy for

India” were the publications mainly responsible to make the people of India plan conscious.

G – Genious is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration, ‘plan your work and work your plan’, God
help those who help themselves. Always work hard, ‘Industrialise or Perish”. Note books and
pencils inseparable companions etc, were the guiding slogans and principles.

I – Improve the conditions of the country so as to make it economically prosperous, scientifically

progressive, industrially sound and educationally well advanced.
N – National planning commission will use all its powers to ensure that country is going in
economic strength and National efficiency from stage to stage.
E – Efficiency, Character, Planned and disciplined and efficient work in the long run lead to high
working capacity, comfortable living and longevity.

E – Every man who has become great owes his achievements to incessant toil, and the philosophy
in India is different, it lacks ambition and hustle.

R – Remember the race is for the skilled and the strong, we cannot hope to succeed if we continue
to work with antiquated tools and follow old fashion business methods.

S – Success in any profession or trade is due largely to the capacity individuality, integrity,
Foresight, hard work of the person who undertakes it and it depends on man’s own exertions.
I – If you buy what you do not need, you will need what you cannot buy and therefore the person
who spends more than he earns is a fool.

N – No one person can shape the life of another. Your success and happiness depends upon your
own self. Think for yourself and have a plan of life.

D – Do not agree to do any work unless you are sure you have courage to do it. But when you
expect a task, do not ever fail to carry it out. Every thing should be done on time.
I – In evolving a keen economic organization for our industrial development there should be
neither too much of autocracy nor too much of democracy.

A – A person who did not look after himself by keeping his dress neat could not be expected to be
efficient in his duties. Therefore to be well dressed is to be well disciplined.

Compiled by
The Institution of Engineers (India)
Davangere Local Centre

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