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Exam 2 BIOL&212 Winter 2020

Please use the space provided. Ensure that you directly address the specific question in your answer.


1. Construct an accurate phylogenetic tree using the following taxa as tips: Stingray (S), Olympic Torrent
Salamander (OTS), Northern Flicker (NF), King Salmon (KS), Dungeness Crab (DC), Grizzly Bear (GB), Ord’s
Kangaroo Rat (OKR), Rubber Boa (RB), Nile Crocodile (NC), Frilled Anemone (FA), North Pacific Giant Octopus
(NPGO), Northern Scorpion (NS). Please also place the following synapomorphies on the tree: endoskeleton,
completely amniotic egg, Protostome development, opsin duplication, and divergence of skeletal & smooth
muscle. (12)

2. A Mountain Lion sustains a spinal injury that severs the axons of interneurons that receive input from
proprioceptive neurons. Use words and a diagram to explain and illustrate how and why the mountain lion’s
ability to jump and land smoothly while running will be affected by this injury. Show the connectivity
between proprioceptors and the correct region of the brain, and identify the damaged region of the spinal
cord. Please also describe the type of neurons (diameter and myelination) that carry this information. (7)
Exam 2 BIOL&212 Winter 2020
3. Use what you know about the physiology of neurons to answer the following questions. Treat questions a - c
as unrelated to each other.
a. Imagine that a mutation makes Na+ leak channels just as common as K+ leak channels. Describe its effect
on the resting potential: identify the ions responsible, explain how their diffusion changes, and whether
this brings the neuron closer to or further from, its threshold potential. (3)

b. The intracellular:extracellular ratio of K+ ions is normally 150:4mM. Imagine that you decrease that ratio
to 150: 20mM. Describe the subsequent effect on the resting potential: identify the ions responsible,
explain how their diffusion changes, and whether this brings the neuron closer to or further from, its
threshold potential. (4)

c. Imagine that in a different neuron, voltage-gated K+ channels open quickly, only 0.3ms after voltage-
gated Na+ channels. Predict changes in timing, amplitude and shape of an AP (if any) by drawing one
labeled diagram comparing a normal AP (solid line) to your AP (dashed line), and by explaining why
these changes occur. Label the axes, depolarization, and repolarization phases of your curve. (6)

4. Describe your perception of a pressure wave that initially vibrates the basilar membrane rapidly, at about
30mm from the oval window, then steadily decreases its vibration rate, as it crosses the basilar membrane
closer and closer to the oval window. (4)
Exam 2 BIOL&212 Winter 2020
5. Recall the ZPA and AER, and their roles in limb growth and patterning.

a. Embryos with their AER removed show no limb outgrowth, and weak or no A-P digit patterning. Given
these results, describe the concentration gradient and amount of SHH that you expect to find in these
embryos, compared to embryos with intact AERs, and explain your answer. (3)

b. In another set of embryos, you transplant half of the AER from the right limb bud onto ventral ectoderm.
Predict the final limb & digit morphology for ventral and right side, and explain your answer. (2)

c. You isolate a protein secreted by cells of the AER called Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF), and hypothesize
that it is the inductive signal that causes normal limb outgrowth. Describe an experiment that would test
this hypothesis and explain the results that would confirm your prediction (note: FGF has a role in many
developmental sequences and so you cannot knock out the gene or eliminate its transcription). (4)
Exam 2 BIOL&212 Winter 2020
6. A mutation causes a mother to produce eggs that have defective Ca 2+ channels, which do not open in
response to oocyte depolarization. Describe the effect of this mutation on the development of the slow
block to polyspermy, and explain why it should have this effect. (3)

7. A friend discovers that her dog has a brain tumor, but she does not know which region of the brain is
affected. The dog has trouble regulating its breathing rate during exercise, and he vomits spontaneously.
Given this, predict which region of its brain has the tumor, explain your choice, and predict one more
symptom that this tumor may produce. (4)

8. Use what you know about the anatomy and physiology of special sensory organs to evaluate how each of
the following changes will impact an Animal’s ability to sense its environment.
A mutation produces a non-functional
ligand-gated channel, which normally
binds glucose. What special sense(s) will
be impacted by this mutation?

The stereocilia on “hair cells” become

stiffer as Vertebrates age. Which senses
are likely to be impacted by this change?
Describe one specific example of how the
perception of a stimulus will change due
to this age related stiffening.

9. Describe how each of the following modifications to structures of the eye will affect primate vision: (4)
You stop ingesting Vitamin A or
beta-carotene (precursor of retinal).

Your lens loses its elasticity and

ability to become thick.

Your ciliary muscles weaken and

cannot contract as strongly.
Exam 2 BIOL&212 Winter 2020
The muscles of your iris can no
longer contract.

10. Identify whether each of the following toxins will increase, decrease, or not change, the tension normally
produced in a skeletal muscle cell. (5)
Toxin is a competitive antagonist of
Toxin inhibits opening of voltage-
gated Ca2+ channels of t-tubules
Toxin blocks Ca2+ reuptake pumps
on sarcoplasmic reticulum
Toxin disrupts Ca2+ binding to
Toxin binds to and inhibits ACh-

11. This figure shows the tension produced by a muscle over time, with arrows representing the initiation of
action potentials. Imagine that you inject this muscle with caffeine, which you believe makes mechanically-
gated Ca+ channels more permeable to Ca+ ions. Please draw another series of myograms on these axes
below, showing how tension will be affected (assume the timing of AP initiation is the same), and explain the
mechanistic reason for any changes (if there are). Include in your answer the location of these mechanically-
gated Ca+ channels (5)

12. On the same axis, graph and label two myograms: a single twitch contraction for a Type 1 (slow) fiber, and
one for a Type 2X (fast) fiber: Label the axes, and stimulus, lag, contraction, and relaxation phases with
appropriate relative lengths and amplitudes. THEN explain what Ca2+ ions are doing in the contraction phase
versus the relaxation phase.

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