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Morphological Subclasses of Lateral

Olivocochlear Terminals?
Ultrastructural Analysis of Inner Spiral
Bundle in Cat and Guinea Pig
Department of Otology and Laryngology,Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115
(M.S.,M.C.L.);Eaton-Peabody Laboratory ofAuditory Physiology,Massachusetts Eye and Ear
Infirmary, Boston, Massachusetts 02114 (M.S., M.C.L.);Department of Health Sciences and
Technology,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Massachusetts 02 115 (M.C.L.);
Department of Otolaryngology,Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai 980, Japan (M.S.)

The lateral olivocochlear efferent pathway terminates in vesicle-filled swellings in the inner
spiral bundles under inner hair cells (IHCs) and has been suggested to include at least two
chemically distinct subclasses (see, e.g., Vetter et al. 119911 Synapse 72-43]. In the present
study, the ultrastructure and peripheral targets of vesicle-filled swellings in the IHC area of the
cat and guinea pig cochleas were quantitatively analyzed to determine 1)whether morphologi-
cal subclasses could be defined based on swelling size or on the density, size, or shape of clear
and dense-cored vesicles and 2) whether swellings with different postsynaptic targets differed
morphologically. In both cat and guinea pig, all swellings contained large, round, clear vesicles
and a variable number of dense-core vesicles. Although evidence of clear-cut subclasses was not
compelling, the smallest swellings tended to be rich in dense-core and poor in clear vesicles and
rarely formed synaptic contacts. Most of the larger swellings, which tended to contain few
dense-core vesicles and a rich complement of clear round vesicles, formed synapses with radial
afferent fibers. However, there were no morphological differences between swellings contacting
afferents originating on the modiolar vs. pillar sides of the IHC (the source of afferents with low
and high spontaneous discharge rates, respectively). We conclude that 1)if distinct y-amino
butyric acid (GABA)ergicand cholinergic subclasses of lateral olivocochlear (LOC) fibers exist,
then the vesicle morphology of their terminals does not differ as it does in the central nervous
system and that 2) if peptide neurotransmitters, such as calcitonin gene-related peptide and
enkephalins, are packaged in dense-core vesicles, then the LOC terminals synapsing with IHC
afferent fibers are not particularly rich in these peptides. o 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Indexing terms: cochlea, efferent, synaptic vesicles, morphometry

The lateral olivocochlear (LOC) system is made up of these LOC terminals are the unmyelinated segments of the
approximately 1,500 neurons on each side of the brainstem afferent radial fibers (RFs) in the region immediately below
that originate in the region of the lateral superior olive and their synaptic contacts with IHCs (Smith, 1961; Liberman,
that project via unmyelinated axons predominately to the 1980b); however, synaptic contacts between apparent LOC
ipsilateral cochlea (Warr, 1975; Warr and Guinan, 1979; terminals and IHCs as well as other efferent-like profiles in
Guinan et al., 1983). Within the cochlea (Fig. 11, each fiber the IHC area have been reported (Liberman, 1980b).
enters the longitudinally oriented inner spiral bundle (ISB) The functional significance of this profuse innervation of
and tunnel spiral bundle (TSB) under the inner hair cells the IHC area is unknown at present (see, e.g., Liberman,
(IHCs). While traveling in these bundles, each LOC axon 1990); however, there is anatomical evidence suggesting
produces numerous en passant swellings and short branches
ending in terminal swellings (Smith, 1961; Liberman,
Accepted March 22,1996
1980b; Brown, 1987a). It is estimated that, on average, each
Address reprint requests to M. Charles Liberman, Eaton-Peabody Labora-
LOC fiber gives rise to roughly 200 such swellings along its tory, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, 243 Charles Street, Boston, MA
course (Brown, 1987a). The major peripheral targets of 02114.



Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the position of the inner spiral illustrated fibers are shown contacting the modiolar side of the IHC
bundle (ISB) and tunnel spiral bundle (TSB) with respect to the inner (light stippling), and one is shown contacting the pillar side of the IHC.
hair cell (IHC). Three afferent fibers are illustrated; a single IHC is Fibers contacting the two sides of the IHC are known to differ in
actually contacted by 10-30 different radial fibers (RFs). Two of the spontaneous discharge rates and thresholds (Liberman, 1982a).

that the innervation of RFs is related somehow to the made in routine micrographs. Furthermore, in other ner-
functional differences among RFs according to spontaneous vous tissues studied, ACh and GABA are typically stored in
discharge rate (SR). Ultrastructural studies suggest that, vesicles that appear different: round vs. pleomorphic, respec-
although virtually all RFs receive synapses from LOC tively (see, e.g., Helfert et al., 1992). Vesicle shape is also
terminals, those RFs with high thresholds and low SRs quantified easily in routine electron micrographs.
(which are found exclusively on the modiolar side of the The purpose of the present study was to systematically
IHC; Fig. 1) are much more heavily innervated than the apply ultrastructural morphometry to all vesicle-contain-
high-SR, low-threshold RFs found on the pillar side of the ing swellings in the ISB of selected cochlear regions from
IHCs (Liberman et al., 1990). cat and guinea pig in order to search for morphological
A large amount of immunocytochemical literature on the subtypes, defined mainly on the basis of vesicle content.
olivocochlear (OC) system suggests that LOC neurons can The peripheral targets of all these vesicle-containing swell-
contain a number of neuroactive substances, including acetyl- ings were also determined (if any were visible within the
choline (ACh), y-amino butyric acid (GABA), calcitonin serial sections available), allowing us to address whether
gene-related peptide (CGRP), enkephalins, and dynorphins there were any systematic morphological differences among
as well as dopamine (for review, see Eybalin, 1993). Al-
swellings according to whether they synapsed with RFs or
though there are few true co-localization studies, a number
of pieces of evidence suggest that, at least in rodents, there IHCs or whether they synapsed with low-SR or high-SR
may be two fundamentally different subpopulations within RFs.
the LOC system (Schwartz and Ryan, 1986; Ryan et al.,
1987): one cholinergic subsystem co-containing ACh, CGRP,
and enkephalins (Altschuler et al., 1983; Vetter et al., 1991; MATERIALS AND METHODS
Saffeidine and Eybalin, 1992) and a separate GABAergic Tissue preparation
system (Fex and Altschuler, 1984; Eybalin and Pujol, 1987;
Eybalin et al., 1988; Eybalin and Altschuler, 1990; Vetter et Animals used in this study included two cats and three
al., 1991). If this is true, then it should be possible to guinea pigs (see Table 1).The cats were anesthetized with
identify the LOC terminals of these two major subgroups in intraperitoneal injections of Dial in urethane, and the
routine electron micrographs through the ISB area. CGRP guinea pigs were anesthetized with intraperitoneal injec-
and enkephalins are reported to be contained in dense-core tions of Nembutal followed by intramuscular injections of
vesicles (Sliwinska-Kowalska et al., 1989), whereas ACh Innovar-Vet. Both cats and guinea pigs were used in
and GABA are thought to be packaged in clear vesicles. The physiological experiments prior to perfusion and prepara-
distinction between dense-core and clear vesicles is easily tion of cochleas for electron microscopy. The physiological
TABLE 1. Cochlear Frequency Regions and Respective Numbers of section was obtained (magnification roughly x 3,000).These
Sections Analyzed
were used to 1) identify and number all the vesicle-filled
Frequency correlate No. of serial swellings to be analyzed, 2 ) to search for synaptic contacts
Animal ID (kHd sections between vesicle-filled swellings and their targets, and 3 ) to
Cat 1 0.25 102 identify the postsynaptic targets to whatever extent pos-
Cat I 2.00 54 sible. Second, a series of higher power views ( x 20,000) were
Cat 1 16.00 66
Cat 2 0.25 8 taken of each swelling in each section to be analyzed. These
Cat 2 16.00 8 micrographs were photographically enlarged to ~ 4 3 , 0 0 0to
Guinea pig 1 0.25 7
Guinea pig 1 0.50 12 measure the swelling size and were also photographically
Guinea pig 2 3.50 5 enlarged to ~ 9 0 , 0 0 0to measure size and shape of clear
Guinea pig 3 0.50 15
vesicles. The magnification of the electron microscope was
checked at each session by photographing a calibrated grid
in the microscope and printing the grid along with the
experiments included measurement of compound action micrographs obtained at that session.
potentials (CAP) from the round window and/or single- Measurements of swelling size and vesicle size were made
fiber recordings from the auditory nerve (cat 1only). Based by manually tracing the outline of the swellings or vesicles
on these physiological measures of cochlear function, all (in the appropriate micrographs), digitizing the outline
ears used in this report were normal at the time of the with a scanner (at 300 dots per inch), and analyzing the
perfusion; however, these tests do not assay the state of the digitized outlines with NIH Image (version 1.47). At the
OC system. Morphological data from one of the cats (cat 1) magnification used for the tracings, the scanner resolution
formed the basis for the analysis in a previous study of the produced a pixel size equal to roughly 2% of the average
afferent innervation of the organ of Corti (Liberman et al., diameter of a vesicle. In addition to the area and perimeter
1990). All experimental protocols for the treatment and use of any digitized outline, this software package computes the
of these animals were approved by the IACUC at the roundness, which is defined as the ratio of the minor to the
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary. Animals were killed major axis of the outlined form. Reproducibility checks
by exsanguination while they were deeply anesthetized. involving retracing and redigitizing the same vesicle popula-
Fixation of the cochleas was effected by intralabyrinthine tions typically yielded test-retest errors of less than 5%.
perfusion of a solution containing 2.5% glutaraldehyde in
0.065 M phosphate buffer with 0.005% CaC12 (0.45 mM),
pH 7.2, while the animal was still deeply anesthetized. RESULTS
Following perfusion for roughly 5 minutes, the cochlea was Databases and inclusion criteria
dissected out and postfixed in the same solution overnight
at 4°C. After postfixation, the cochleas were rinsed (phos- Figure 1 is a schematic illustration of the ISB, which
phate buffer) and osmicated (1%Os04 in phosphate buffer) consists of a number of separate fascicles of longitudinally
for 1-2 hours, dehydrated in ethanol, and embedded in oriented fibers running among the supporting cells in the
epoxy resins via propylene oxide. For one of the guinea pigs IHC area. The ISB contains the peripheral terminals of the
(guinea pig 31, an en bloc staining step (with uranyl acetate LOC efferent fibers, which synapse primarily with the
saturated in distilled water) was inserted between the dendrites of afferent RFs. It may also contain spiraling
osmication and the dehydration steps. portions of medial OC neurons destined for the outer hair
After oven curing the epoxy, the cochleas were processed cells (OHCs) as well as brief spiral courses of some RFs
as plastic-embedded surface preparations in which the (Liberman, 1980a; Brown, 1987a,b).Outer spiral fibers, the
entire organ of Corti, from apex to base, was dissected into a afferent innervation of OHCs, aImost never travel in the
series of pieces that were reembedded in epoxy (for ease of ISB (Brown, 1987b; Simmons and Liberman, 1988).
handling), thinned with sanding discs to roughly 200 pm in The purpose of the present study was to characterize the
thickness, and then glued to microscope slides. Each 200 pm ultrastructure of all vesicle-containing swellings in the IHC
wafer contained a piece of the organ of Corti roughly 1 mm area, looking for possible morphological subclasses of the
in length, with the basilar membrane parallel to the slide. LOC system. Typical electron micrographs of portions of
The length of the organ of Corti can be measured with a the ISB in cat and guinea pig are illustrated in Figure 2.
drawing tube on a light microscope, and the frequency Many of the larger neuronal profiles contain vesicles. Some
correlate of any cochlear piece can be estimated by using contain mainly clear vesicles (see, e.g., Fig. 2, vesicles 1and
cochlear frequency maps, which are available for the cat a), some contain a mixture of clear and dense-core vesicles
and the guinea pig (Liberman, 1982b; Liberman and Gao, (see, e.g., Fig. 2, vesicles 3, 4,and 51, whereas still others
1995). contain an extremely high percentage of dense-core vesicles
Selected regions of the organ of Corti were removed from (see, e.g., Fig. 2, vesicles 6 and 7). Some of the large, clear
the slide, mounted on epoxy blanks, and serially sectioned vesicle-containing profiles (see, e.g., Fig. 2, vesicle 1)can be
in the radial plane on an ultramicrotome. Serial-section seen to synapse (Fig. 2, arrow) with other nonvesiculated
ribbons were collected on Formvar-coated slot grids, stained profiles (putative RFs) and, thus, are prime candidates for
with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, and examined in an OC terminals. However, still other profiles contain only a
electron microscope. The numbers of serial sections col- modest number of vesicles, perhaps only three to five per
lected in each of the cochlear regions analyzed from each of cross section (see, e.g., Fig. 2 , vesicle 7); it is not immedi-
the five animals are summarized in Table 1. ately obvious how to classify such vesicle-poor profiles. The
smallest profiles (see, e.g., Fig. 2, vesicle 8) contain only
Electron microscopy and morphometry neurotubules and neurofilaments and presumably corre-
Analysis of ultrastructure involved three steps. First, a spond to the nonsynaptic interswelling portion of the
series of low-power views of the inner spiral bundles in each spiraling OC neurons.
Fig. 2. Electron micrographs of typical radial sections through the (3, 4, and 5), a swelling with a particularly high ratio of dense-core to
inner spiral bundle in cat (top) and guinea pig (bottom). Features clear vesicles (6), a profile with very few clear vesicles (71, and a
highlighted include swellings containing only clear vesicles (1and 21, neuronal profile containing only neurotubules and neurofilaments (8).
swellings containing a few dense-core as well as numerous clear vesicles Scale bars = 1 pm.

300 300
A: Cat 0-1 DCV/ B: Guinea Pig
1-4 DCV/
4-1 6 DCV/


v) 0 0
c 200 0 200
0°F o n

100 0
0 0

0 0
I I I 1 I I I I

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Swelling Area (sq. pm) Swelling Area (sq. pm)
Fig. 3. Analysis of swelling size (x-axis),clear-vesicledensity (y-axis), swelling Le., the total number of vesicles counted in all relevant
and dense-core vesicle density (symbol type) for cat (A) and guinea pig sections divided by the summed cross-sectional areas of the swelling
(B). Swelling area is defined as the maximum cross-sectional area across all relevant sections). Data for cat are from the 2.0 and 16.0 kHz
among the serial sections. Clear and dense-core vesicle densities regions of cat 1; data from guinea pig are from all cochlear regions of
represent the average density seen across all sections through each guinea pigs 1and 2.

If the release of neuroactive substances occurs primarily In the Discussion, evidence will be presented to suggest
at localized swellings along or at the ends of neuronal that all the vesicle-containing swellings analyzed arise from
processes where vesicles congregate (en passant or terminal the thin unmyelinated fibers of the LOC system. Although
swellings, respectively), then the functionally important such an origin has not been directly demonstrated, they will
profiles to evaluate would be those containing vesicles and be referred to as “LOC swellings” as a convenient short-
representing obvious swellings of the axoplasm. Light hand.
microscopic studies of labeled LOC neurons suggest that
their swellings in the ISB area are, at most, about 2-3 pm Swelling size and the density of clear
in diameter. Thus, to assess from serial ultrathin sections
whether a profile represents a localized swelling requires, at
and dense-core vesicles
most, 4-5 pm (or 50-60 serial sections). Micrographs, such as those in Figure 2, suggest differ-
The analysis in the present study encompassed nine ences in the relative proportion of clear and dense-core
cochlear regions from five different animals (two cats and vesicles as well as in the overall density of vesicles among
three guinea pigs), as summarized in Table 1. The numbers the swellings in the ISB. Of course, random micrographs
of serial ultrathin sections analyzed were greater than 50 in cannot reveal whether such variability reflects systematic
each of three cochlear regions from one cat (cat 1)and were differences among swellings or simply the tendency for
between five and 15 in all other cochlear regions from the clear and dense-core vesicles to cluster in complicated ways
other cat and from all three guinea pigs. Thus, in cat 1,for within a homogeneous population of swellings.
which extensive serial sections were available, the criterion Systematic analysis of swelling size and the density of
for inclusion in the database was that the profile appeared clear and dense-core vesicles for all ISB swellings was
to travel longitudinally in the ISB and constituted a local- undertaken to look for evidence of discrete subpopulations.
ized swelling in the neuron, demonstrating an increase of at Results for cat 1, for which extensive section series were
least 50% in diameter. Virtually all profiles included by available, are illustrated in Figure 3A. Although there is no
these criteria contained at least a few “vesicles.” Further- compelling evidence for discrete subpopulations, there are
more, virtually all vesicles visible within the ISB were clear interswelling differences in size and density of clear
contained within such profiles (for the present study, and dense-core vesicles. Furthermore, there is a clear
vesicles are defined as membranous profiles with areas tendency for the most dense-core vesicles to be seen among
from 800 to 300 nmz, i.e., diameters from circa 32 to the smallest swellings (maximum cross-sectional areas less
62 nm). For those regions with fewer than 20 sections than 0.5 p,m2). A similar tendency is seen among the
analyzed, the database comprised all vesicle-containing profiles from the guinea pig cochleas (Fig. 3B): Those
profiles, without explicit attempts at reconstruction-based profiles with the most dense-core vesicles (16-64 per pm2)
demonstration that each profile represented a localized are always relatively small in diameter (maximum area less
swe11ing. than about 0.6 pm2) and relatively low in clear-vesicle
70 i mate contact with the IHC without forming clear synaptic


-I specializations: Many of these formed synapses on RFs very
near the RFiIHC synapse. Figure 5B shows that these
IHC-contacting profiles included both large and small
swellings; however, most contained very few dense-core
40- Size and shape of clear vesicles
L In each cochlear region evaluated, all neuronal profiles in
2 30- the IHC area containing at least 20 clear vesicles across all
E available sections were subjected to morphometric analysis.
* 20-
The mean area and roundness of clear vesicles contained in
all swellings evaluated is plotted in Figure 6.
The mean size of clear vesicles ranged from about 1,250
to 2,500 nm2. This corresponded to average diameters (if
perfectly spherical) of roughly 40-60 nm. Vesicle diameters
-m-T in this range are typically classified as “large” (see, e.g.,
0 0.2 0.4 0:6 ’ i Cant, 19931, although relatively few studies classifying
Fiber Diameter (pm) terminals based on vesicle size provide actual measure-
ments. There appears to be a relationship between mean
Fig. 4. Distribution of diameters for all of the ISB neurons analyzed size and the characteristic frequency (CF) region analyzed:
from cat 1.Fiber diameter represents the average value for all sections In Figure 6A-C, there is a tendency for the largest vesicles
available from the extraswelling portion of each fiber. to be seen in the most apical regions. However, there also
seem to be systematic differences between individual ani-
mals of the same species: e.g., the mean vesicle sizes at the
content. Note also that dense-core vesicles are generally 0.25 kHz region are significantly larger in cat 1than in cat
more common in the guinea pig than in the cat, as can also 2. Thus, the apparent size difference between the 3.5 kHz
be seen from an examination of Figure 2. Although the region and the 0.25 kHz region in Figure 6C could also be
swelling sizes varied considerably, the interswelling por- due to the fact that the two regions were sampled from
tions were more uniform in diameter: In the cat data shown different animals. Whatever their significance, these size
in Figure 3A, the interswelling diameters ranged from 0.1 differences do not represent magnification drift in any step
to 0.7 pm (Fig. 4),with roughly 90% less than 0.4 pm in of the documentation process: Their accuracy was verified
diameter. by simultaneously reanalyzing selected examples from dif-
The analysis of the three cochlear regions from cat 1also ferent cochlear regions or animals.
included a complete reconstruction of the RFs, as reported There is little variability in the average shape of the clear
in a previous publication (Liberman et al., 1990). For the vesicles in any cochlear region analyzed from cat or guinea
sample of swellings illustrated in Figure 3A,this analysis pig. Mean roundness values in the vicinity of 0.85-0.90, as
allows us to examine possible correlations between swelling seen here, would be termed “round” in existing classifica-
size or the content of clear or dense-core vesicles on the one tion schemes of synaptic vesicles (see, e.g., Helfert et al.,
hand and the nature of the peripheral targets (if any) on the 1992). Although the vesicle shape appears to be quite
other hand. In other words, for each of the reconstructed homogeneous in all cochleas analyzed, the data shown in
swellings, we could assess whether any synaptic contact Figure 6A-C were from cochleas prepared without en bloc
was made, and, if contact was made, what was the nature of staining in uranyl acetate, a procedure typically used in
the postsynaptic element. studies of vesicle shape in central nervous system tissues
Figure 5A illustrates the proportion of these swellings (see, e.g., Helfert et al., 1992). Thus, the measurement of
making synaptic contacts varies with swelling size: A very vesicle size and shape was repeated in one cochlear region
high proportion (90%) of large swellings (i.e., those with from one guinea pig for which the cochlea was treated with
areas greater than 0.7 pm2) are seen to make synaptic uranyl acetate prior to embedding. Figure 6D shows that
contact with RFs; a very small proportion (5%)of smaller the results from this cochlea are not significantly different
swellings are seen to make any synapses. Furthermore, it from those obtained without the en bloc uranyl step: All
appears that none of the numerous small swellings with swellings in this cochlea would also be characterized as
relatively few clear vesicles contact RFs. Comparison of containing large, round vesicles.
Figure 3A with Figure 5A also reveals that few of the small The data in Figure 6 do not suggest any obvious subtypes
swellings with high dense-core vesicle content synapse with of vesicle-containing swellings distinguishable on the basis
RFs: For example, of the numerous small (<0.5 pm2) of clear vesicle morphology. However, these data represent
swellings with dense-core vesicle density > l / p m 2(Fig. 3A), only mean values of the vesicle size and roundness on a
only one synapsed with an RF. The analysis in Figure 5A swelling-by-swelling basis. The data in Figure 7 compare
also includes a comparison in the morphology of LOC the distributions of size and roundness in individual swell-
swellings contacting pillar-side vs. modiolar-side RFs (see ings, giving a visual comparison of the variances of the two
Fig. 5 , key): There are no compelling differences with measures. When normalized to the means in this fashion,
respect either to average size or to content of clear or these distributions of vesicle size and roundness also sug-
dense-core vesicles. Only two LOC swellings were seen to gest that the swellings are quite homogeneous with respect
synapse with the IHC (see Liberman et al., 1990), both were to the sizes and shapes of the clear vesicles they contain.
on the modiolar side, and neither contained any dense-core Finally, in the one cat for which the section series was
vesicles. Numerous vesicle-containing profiles were in inti- extensive enough to allow complete reconstruction of much

No RF Synapses
0-1 DCV/sa.un
No IHC Contacts
0-1 DCV/sq.prnl

o I A

4-16 DCV/sq.Fm
x o


1 I I I I I I I

3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3
Swelling Area ( Swelling Area (
Fig. 5. Swelling size, clear vesicle density, and dense-core vesicle In B, the symbol code identifies those swellings intimately contacting
density for ISB swellings coded according to their peripheral target. (but not synapsing with) IHCs (open symbols) from those not contact-
Data are the same as those from Figure 3A, except with different ing (crosses) and further identifies the side of the IHC contacted (circles
symbol coding (see key). In A, the symbol code identifies those swellings for modiolar, triangle for pillar). Two swellings synapsing on RFs
synapsing with RFs (circles and triangles) from those not synapsing contacting the basal pole of the IHC have been classified arbitrarily as
(crosses) and further identifies swellings synapsing with RFs destined pillar side: Both had dense-core vesicle density < l/pm2.
for the pillar side of the IHC (triangles) vs. the modiolar-side (circles).

of the surrounding afferent innervation, the mean size and On the other hand, OC fibers projecting to OHCs do not
roundness of the clear vesicles was compared between produce en passant or terminal swellings in the IHC area
swellings contacting modiolar-side RFs, pillar-side-RFs, (Liberman and Brown, 1986; Brown, 1987a) and are large
and those not seen to contact any RFs at all. As shown in in caliber: only 8% of OC fibers projecting to OHCs have
Figure 8, there does not appear to be any appreciable diameters less than 3.5 pm (Brown, 1987a), whereas 88%of
difference in the size or roundness of clear vesicles as a the interswelling diameters measured in this study were
function of the swelling target defined in this way. less than 3.5 pm (Fig. 4).
A variety of studies, including immunocytochemical and
DISCUSSION intracellular or extracellular labeling, suggest that all OC
swellings in the IHC area arise from the lateral (L)OC
Central origin(s) of the ISB swellings analyzed system of small cells in and/or around the lateral superior
Existing ultrastructural studies of the IHC area strongly olivary nucleus (evidence reviewed by Liberman et al.,
suggest that all fibers spiraling in the ISBs are part of the 1990). There may also be LOC projections to the OHC area
OC system. First, afferent fibers to IHCs and OHCs take a (see below), but there is no evidence that the medial (M)OC
fundamentally radial course through this region, either system projects to the IHC area. Thus, the vesicle-filled
climbing directly to the IHC or passing directly between swellings analyzed here must correspond to peripheral
inner pillar cells (well below the ISB) to cross on the floor of projections of LOC neurons.
the tunnel to the OHCs (Spoendlin and Gacek, 1963;
If a subset of LOC neurons gives off swellings only in the
Liberman and Brown, 1986; Brown, 1987a,b; Simmons and
OHC region, then they would have been missed in the
Liberman, 1988). Second, severing the OCB in the brain-
stem leads to complete disappearance of all the ISBs in cat present study. Two pieces of evidence suggest such a
(Liberman, 1990). Third, autonomic innervation of the projection may indeed exist. First, in the brainstem, only
cochlea is confined to the modiolus and osseous spiral LOC cell bodies are immunopositive for CGRP and/or
lamina (Spoendlin, 1981; Hozawa et al., 1989). enkephalin (Altschuler et al., 1984a; Abou-Madi et al.,
Thus, the swellings analyzed in the present study must 1987; Lu et al., 1987; Vetter et al., 1991; Saffeidine and
arise from the OC system. Light microscopic evidence from Eybalin, 1992),yet fibers immunopositive for CGRP and/or
reconstruction of single HRP-filled OC fibers suggests that enkephalins have been reported in the OHC area, especially
all swellings in the ISB region arise from thin collaterals of in apical cochlear regions (Altschuler et al., 1984b, 1985;
spiraling OC fibers that do not project to the OHC region Fex and Altschuler, 1984; Eybalin et al., 1988). Second, a
(Liberman and Brown, 1986; Brown, 1987a). Such fibers population of thin beaded fibers, similar morphologically to
are studded with small en passant swellings in the ISB and spiraling ISB fibers, crosses the tunnel to OHC areas in the
TSB, the sizes of which are comparable to those seen here. apical half of the cochlea (Liberman et al., 1990).
A: Cat 1 B: Cat 2
0.9 8

0 0.25kHz 0.7 0 0.25kHz

t& 2.0kHz 0 16.0kHz

0.6 0.6 I I I

1000 1500 2000 2500 1000 1500 2000 2500

C: Guinea Pig D. Guinea Pig (Uranyl)


1 0 0.25kHz
0.5 kHz
&% 3.5kHz
1 0.7

1 A 0.5kHz/
I I I 0.6 I I I
1000 1500 2000 2500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Mean Vesicle Area (sq. nm.) Mean Vesicle Area (sq. nm.)
Fig. 6. Scatter plots of mean roundness vs. mean area for clear vesicles are included.
... - -
The maximum . . number of.vesicles
. traced
. -per-”
vesicles from a population of ISB swellings in the cat (A,B) and guinea swelling was 200: lfcursory examination suggested that more than ZOO
pig (C,D) cochleas. Only the case in D was treated en bloc with uranyl vesicles were present across all of the available sections in the series,
acetate. Each symbol in A-D represents mean data for all the vesicles then the sections evaluated from that swelling were spaced at regular
measured in one swelling. Within each scatter plot, swellings are pooled intervals within the series. In this and in all subsequent figures, vesicle
across two or three cochlear regions, with different symbol types (see roundness is defined as the ratio of minor-to-major axis, as assessed by
key). All swellings for which there were at least 20 measurable clear NIH Image software.

The present study did not specifically evaluate swellings only within localized swellings. Furthermore, a high propor-
in the TSB area; however, light microscopicreconstructions tion of the larger swellings synapsed with RFs (Fig. 5A),
of OC neurons show free and profuse intercommunication whereas few small swellings formed synapses with any
between these two bundles: Single OC neurons send collat- structures (Fig. 5A). Thus, present morphological evidence
erals to both ISB and TSB, and no single neuron sends implies that neurotransmission occurs at most of the larger
branches only to the TSB (Brown, 1987a). In summary, swellings (cross-sectional area >0.7 pm2) in the ISB and
existing evidence suggests that the present analysis should may not occur at most smaller swellings. The vesicles
provide a complete sample of the LOC projection to the IHC within these smaller swellings may be in transit to more
area. distally located synaptic zones. Alternatively, they could be
released in the absence of clear synaptic contacts and affect
Sites of neurotransmission: the function of the organ of Corti in a more diffuse fashion.
Swellings, vesicles, and synapses The small and large swellings seen in this study may arise
According to the present study, virtually all swellings in from the “spiral” and “terminal” portions, respectively,
the ISB contain clear vesicles, and vesicle aggregates occur seen in light microscopic studies of LOC fibers (Brown,

a, 401~ 4 0 1 ~,



2 10 10
0 0
0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5 1 1.5 2

0:5 i 1.5
Vesicle Area
Fig. 7. A-F: Normalized distributions of area (A,C,E) and round-

ness (B,D,F) for all clear vesicles measured in three cochlear regions
(top, middle, and bottom) of one cat cochlea. Each plot contains
numerous superimposed traces; each trace represents data from one
swelling. Values of area and roundness for each vesicle (x-axes) were

i 1.5
Vesicle Roundness

normalized to the mean area or roundness for that swelling; the y-axes
show the relative proportion of vesicles of each normalized area or
roundness expressed as a percentage of the sample for that swelling.
Only swellings with at least 50 measurable clear vesicles are included in
these plots.

1987a). Existing light microscopic data suggest that the exactly four LOC swellingsiRF. Existing ultrastructural
projection of a single LOC neuron in the ISB consists of 1) data from serial section reconstructions suggest that each
an initial spiral portion in which there are small en passant high-SR fiber in the auditory nerve receives, on average,
swellings and no branching and 2) a terminal portion in from five to ten LOC synapses (Liberman et al., 1990).
which several collaterals are given off, each of which shows Because a single LOC swelling often gives rise to multiple
numerous large en passant swellings (intermingled with synapses (as defined in these ultrastructural studies), the
smaller ones) as well as terminal branchlets with large two sets of numbers are probably in good agreement.
terminal swellings. Although swelling sizes were not explic-
itly measured in Brown's light microscopic study, his Relevance to putative subpopulations
calibrated drawings suggest that the smaller en passant
swellings from the spiral portion correspond to areas less
within the LOC system
than 0.5 Fm2, i.e., those with a low probability of forming A significant body of immunohistochemical evidence
synapses (Fig. 5A; present study), whereas the larger ones suggests that the LOC system comprises at least two major
from the terminal portion correspond to areas greater than subdivisions. Although it is far from established, one
0.5 Fm2 (with a high probability of synapsing with RFs). appealingly simple hypothesis is that one division is cholin-
The average number of swellings seen in the terminal ergic and the other is GABAergic (Vetter et al., 19911, with
regions of LOC fibers is 120 (Brown, 1987a). If all these the two subtypes present in roughly equal numbers. Immu-
make synaptic contact with RFs, then the estimated total of nocytochemical studies of the auditory brainstem have
1,500 LOC neurons projecting to one cochlea (Warr, 1975) suggested that, at least in rodents, the cholinergic neurons
would create a total of 180,000 synaptic swellings distrib- may co-contain CGRP (Vetter et al., 1991) and enkephalins
uted among the roughly 45,000 RFs, for an average ratio of (Altschuler et al., 1983; Abou-Madi et al., 1987; SafTeidine
A: 2.0 kHz B: 16.0 kHz
0.9 r,
x x


U. /

v Synapse on Modiolar RFs

0 Synapse on Pillar RFs
0.6 0.6 I I I
1000 1500 2000 2500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Mean Vesicle Area Mean Vesicle Area
Fig. 8. Scatter plots comparing mean roundness vs. mean area of Data are all from one cat. A shows swellings from the 2.0 kHz region,
clear vesicles for lateral olivocochlear (LOC) swellings synapsing with and B shows swellings from the 16.0 kHz region. All other conventions
RFs on modiolar side (triangles) vs. pillar side (circles). Swellings of data display are as described for Figure 5.
(crosses) did not synapse with RFs within the serial sections analyzed.

and Eybalin, 1992), whereas the GABAergic population the base (Fex and Altschuler, 1984; Eybalin et al., 1988), we
may not contain CGRP, enkephalins, or any of the neuroac- might expect the pleomorphic vesicle-containing swellings
tive constituents thought to exist in the LOC system as a to be more common in the apical turns, i.e., cochlear
whole, e.g., dynorphins (Altschuler et al., 1985) and dopa- frequency regions tuned below roughly 2.5 kHz.
mine (Eybalin et al., 1993). The results of the present study are clearly not consistent
The co-localization patterns suggested from brainstem with these expectations. First, there is no evidence for
studies, to some extent, are corroborated by immunohisto- swellings containing pleomorphic vesicles, even in apical
chemical studies of the cochlea. Although no explicit colocal- turns of the guinea pig, where the evidence for GABAergic
ization studies have been executed for the periphery, a innervation is the strongest (Fig. 6). It is unlikely that there
number of investigators have reported that, for a variety of is any fundamental inadequacy in our methodology, given
immunological markers (cholinergic: Eybalin and Pujol, the fact that identical processing and analysis methods
1987; Vetter et al., 1991; opioid: Altschuler et al., 1984b; yielded numerous clear examples of pleomorphic and flat
GABAergic: Fex and Altschuler, 1984; Eybalin and Altsch- vesicles (with average roundness values from 0.50 to 0.85)
uler, 1990; Vetter et al., 1991), some of the fibers and/or when they were applied in our laboratory to electron
swellings in the ISB are reactive, whereas others are not. micrographs of ultrathin sections of neuropil in the co-
Swellings positive for enkephalin (Altschuler et al., 198413; chlear nucleus (Berglund et al., 1993). However, it is
Eybalin et al., 1985b), GABA (Eybalin et al., 1988), CGRP possible that peripheral nervous tissues behave differently
(Takeda et al., 1986, 1987; Sliwinska-Kowalska et al., from those in the central nervous system. Another possibil-
1989), and dopamine (Eybalin et al., 1993) have all been ity is that, in cochlear efferents, GABA is packaged in round
shown to make synaptic contact with RFs. vesicles. Indeed, recent immunoelectron microscopic stud-
If this hypothesis of cholinergic and GABAergic LOC ies have suggested that, in the inferior colliculus of cat,
subtypes is correct, then we might expect one population of whereas 97% of GABA-immunopositive terminals con-
ISB swellings to display round, clear vesicles (containing tained pleomorphic vesicles; a subpopulation of 3% con-
ACh) and numerous dense-core vesicles (containing CGRP tained round vesicles (Oliver and Beckius, 1992). Further-
and enkephalins) and a second population to contain only more, in cerebellar cortex, immunopositivity for GABA may
pleomorphic clear vesicles (containing GABA). Such expec- be found in both small-ovoid and large-spheroidal or pleo-
tations are based on 1)immunoelectron microscopic studies morphic vesicles (Hamori et al., 1990). However, it is also
of the cochlea suggesting that both CGRP and enkephalins possible that the GABA activity reported in the ISB is not
in the ISB are concentrated in dense-core vesicles (Altsch- associated with synaptic transmission. No clear resolution
uler et al., 198413; Sliwinska-Kowalska et al., 1989) and 2) of this question is possible at present.
studies of the central nervous system suggesting that ACh Although we found no compelling evidence for division of
and GABA are packaged in round and pleomorphic clear the ISB swellings into morphological subtypes, in both cat
vesicles, respectively (see, e.g., Van der Want and Nunes and guinea pig, the population of swellings was not homoge-
Cardozo, 1988; Helfert et al., 1992; Oliver and Beckius, neous: The highest dense-core vesicle contents were seen in
1992; Mize et al., 1994; Benson et al., 1996). Given the small swellings with few clear vesicles (Fig. 3), whereas
further observation that GABAergic innervation in the ISB large swellings tended to have few dense-core vesicles.
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