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NAME: ___________________________________________ SCORE: _________
Identify the following by the choosing from the given choices in the box.
Polygyny Ritual kinship Extended family Monogamy

Marriage Extended Family Exogamy Monogamous Family Kinship

Patrilineal Descent Polyandry Polygamy Endogamy

__________________1. A form of marriage in which one man marries more than one woman at a given time.
__________________2. It is a form of marriage in which one man marries one woman.
__________________3. A socially approved sexual and economic union, usually between a man and a woman.
__________________4. It is a rule of marriage in which an individual has to marry outside his own group.
__________________5. It is a marriage of one woman with more than one man.
__________________6. A type of family with only one husband and one wife within the household.
__________________7. It may consist of two or more single parent, monogamous, polygynous families linked with ties.
__________________8. The web of social relationships that form an important part of the lives of most humans in most
__________________9. One person marries more than one person of opposite sex at one time.
__________________10. Marrying a person from within one’s own group.


Choose the correct answer from the given choices. Encircle your answer.
1. A person is affiliated with a group of kin through descent links of one sex only (either males or females)
a. unilineal descent b. patrilineal descent
c. matrilineal descent d. ambilineal descent
2. Affiliates an individual with kin of both sexes related to him or her through men only.
a. unilineal descent b. patrilineal descent
c. matrilineal descent d. ambilineal descent
3. Affiliates an individual with kin of both sexes related to him or her through women only.
a. unilineal descent b. patrilineal descent
c. matrilineal descent d. ambilineal descent
4. People related by marriage are called
a. consanguines b. affines
c.relatives d. kindred
5. People related by blood are called
a. kindred b. affines
c. relatives d. consanguines
6. Polyandry means:
a. Any marriage system that allows multiple spouses.
b. A man having several wives.
c. A marriage involving just one spouse.
d. A woman having multiple husbands.
7. The bond of blood or marriage which binds people together in groups.
a. Kinship b. marriage
c. household d. descent
8. This is where the couple finds their own house, independent from all family members.
a. patrilocal residence b. matrilocal residence
c. neolocal residence d. avunculocal residence
9. A family member is separated from the rest of the family. This may be due to employment far way, military service, or
a. transnational family b. conditionally separated family
c. nuclear family d. extended family
10. When both patrilineal and matrilineal descent principles are combined.
a. unilineal descent b. bilineal descent
c. patrilineal descent d. matrilineal descent

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