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To support the first hypothesis, butterflies have a high dispersal ability across a large
geographic range. This, combined with their short generation time and high reproductive rate,
suggests that butterflies may have a high capacity to adapt to longer term charges in climate.
Metamorphosis describes the physical change of some organisms from Class Insecta from a
larval stage to its matured form. Several researchers have previously studied the effects of
temperature on metabolism and metamorphosis. Higher temperature would speed up the
metamorphosis process due to the availability of prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) at warmer
climate. The temperature also affects the size of caterpillars, higher temperature would yield
bigger size, while lower temperature would yield smaller size (Park & Chan, n.d.). Thus,
temperature does play a strong role in the body size and growth strategies that contribute to

Moreover, butterflies are cold-blooded and take on the temperature of their surroundings.
Cold blooded creatures are much more active in warm environments and are very sluggish in
cold environments because their muscle activity depends on chemical reactions which run
quickly when it is hot and slowly when it is cold. In the butterflies studied, the higher the
temperature, the greater their metabolic rates, therefore the greater rate in their development.
According to McLure (2012), global warming is the culprit when it comes to the changes in the
“distribution and abundance” of butterfly. Also, Humboldt (2018), conducted an experiment to
see if the temperature would affect the size of the butterflies wherein the result was, the
wingspans of the butterflies that emerged from chrysalises – the hard-shelled pupa of a moth or
butterfly, kept in the hot temperature were larger than those from chrysalises kept in room
temperature. With this change in temperature can cause the change in size of a butterfly.

To prove the second hypothesis, it is generally accepted that butterfly wing color-patterns
have ecological and behavioral functions that evolved through natural selection. According to
Thulin (2019), when different species independently develop traits that closely resemble each
other, that’s convergent evolution, it means that the same evolutionary solution boosted their
chances of survival. Butterflies provide good case studies of this phenomenon because they are
impressive mimics. Some types of butterflies can produce cyanide-like toxins, making them very
unpleasant prey. A bird will eat a butterfly and learn, after one, or two, or three experiences, not
to eat it anymore. The bird remembers that butterfly from its wing patterns and avoids it. Other
species, poisonous and harmless alike, that live in the same area have evolved lookalike wings
for protection.

The colorful canvas of the butterfly wing is an exceptional example of evolutionary

innovation and adaptation. Butterflies use colors and patterns for attraction and deception. Some
butterflies look for certain colors or patterns when searching for a mate. Several species of
butterflies and moths have eyespots on their wings (Remain garden, 2020). In addition, scientist
Martin (2017), stated that butterflies have beautiful colored patterns for sexual selection, for
finding a mate, or it’s some kind of adaptation to protect themselves from predators. Along with
that, they have conducted an experiment to understand genetics and evolution by removing the
gene from seven butterfly species wherein they were able to radically alter the insect’s
appearance and wing patterns as well as colors changed in ways that were unexpected. With this,
through genetic mutation over a period of time, butterflies will develop pattern on its wings that
are intimidating to predators therefore making predators avoid them from becoming their prey.

To validate the third hypothesis, it is evident that changes to the climate can affect
ecosystems. As stated in the study conducted by McDermott (2016), the study has demonstrated
previously unknown sensitivities of our UK butterflies to extreme climatic events, which are
becoming more frequent with climate change wherein increasingly frequent extreme weather
events could threaten butterfly populations. Some of these effects are undoubtedly putting future
populations at risk. In line with this, as the temperature is rising, populations of warm-adapted
butterflies are increasing in size and moving farther north, whereas populations of cold-adapted
butterflies in Massachusetts are decreasing in size. Every year, a new generation of these
butterflies follows the same path forged by generations before them. The only thing guiding
them on this migration is temperature telling them when they need to travel like a biological
trigger setting them in flight. Climate change may also be reducing the growth of vital milkweed
habitat limiting the number of places where monarch butterflies can feed and reproduce (Wolfe,

For the last hypothesis, the coevolution – the mutual evolutionary influence between two
species, of flowering plants and their animal pollinators presents one of nature's most striking
examples of adaption and specialization. Flowering plants are adapting to their pollinators, which
are in turn adapting to the plants. The relationship between these distantly related taxa is
symbiotic in the broad sense that characterizes life and that gives rise to the high degree of
complexity and diversity that we perceive in nature. Butterflies and plants have co-evolved over
time and depend on each other for survival. As mention by PennState College of Agricultural
Sciences, butterflies or pollinators move pollen from male structures (anthers) of flowers to the
female structure (stigma) of the same plant species. Movement of pollen (analogous to sperm) to
a flower’s stigma results in fertilization of the flower’s eggs. A sufficiently fertilized flower will
produce seeds and the fruit surrounding seeds, ensuring that a new generation or breed of plants
can be produced.

Furthermore, butterflies play an important role in pollinating flowers, particularly flowers

that have a strong scent, are red or yellow in color and produce a large amount of nectar. The
importance of butterfly pollination to several plant species, like milkweed and other wildflowers,
depend on butterflies to transfer their pollen. Adequate pollination with the help of butterflies,
wildflowers will reproduce and produce enough seeds for dispersal and propagation and develop
genetic diversity within a population (United States Department of Agriculture, n.d.).
Aradazza, A.M. & Badiang, R.G. (2015). The effects of temperature on the development of
butterfly. Retrieved from

Park, R. & Chan, L. (n.d.). Butterflies and climate change. Retrieved from

Thulin, L. (2019). What butterflies’ colorful wing patterns can teach us about evolution.
Retrieved from

Remain gardens. (2020). How do butterflies use their wing colors? Retrieved from

Martin, A. (2017). Secrets of butterfly wing patterns revealed by gene hacking. Retrieved from

Wolfe, D. (2016). How climate change affects the monarch butterfly, and what we can do about
it. Retrieved from

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