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Second Quarterly Examination

Mathematics 9
Name: _________________________________________________________ Level: ____________ Date: ______________________ Score: _________

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read and understand each question. Answer with the best of your knowledge.

I. Binary Choice Test

DIRECTION: Write T on the space provided if the statement is correct and F if it is false.
________ 1. A quadratic equation is an equation with the highest power of variable which is 3.
________ 2. 3 x+ 5= is a quadratic equation that is not in the standard form
________ 3. x(x+11)=2(x+5) is a quadratic equation that is not in the standard form.
________ 4. In x2 - 8x = 0, the values of the two x are 8 and 0.
________ 5. In the quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0, a can be equal to 0.
________ 6. x2+8+16 is a perfect square trinomial.
b 2
________ 7. In completing the square, add the cube of half of the coefficient of x, ()2
to both sides.

________ 8. The imaginary number i=√ −1 and i 2=1.

________ 9. The complex conjugates of a + bi s a – bi.
________ 10. If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is equal to zero then it has only one solution which will be a
rational number.
________ 11. If b2 – 4ac < 0, then the equation has no real number solution.
________ 12. The discriminant of the quadratic equation is 64, so it has no real number solution.
________ 13. The sum of the roots of the equation 3x2 +4x +1=0 is .
________ 14. If x = -4, then x2 + x – 6>0 is a true statement.
________ 15. (x+5)(x – 4)>0 is an example of quadratic equality.

II. Computation
DIRECTION: Perform the indicated computation. Show your solution.
A. Solve the following quadratic equations. (2 pts. each)
(Use completing the square)
16. x −2 x−12=0 17. 2 x2 +6 x +1=0

18. x 2+ 5 x=11 19. 4 x ( 2 x−3 )=4 x−5

(Use quadratic formula)
20.7 x + x =2 21. 5 x 2+ 4=x

22. x 2−8 x +25=0 23. 4 x ( x−1 ) +5=0

(Find the discriminant and describe its roots)

24. 3 x + 4 x=3 25. 3 x ( x−4 ) +1=0

B. Complex numbers (2 pts. each)

(Simplify each sum or difference)
26. ( 12+17 i )−(13−i) 27. ( 8−10 i ) +(−15−3 i)

28. (−15−√ −9 )−(3−√−9) 29. (−2+8 i ) +( 4−3 i)

30. ( 5+ √−16 )−(13−√ −16)

(Simplify each product or quotient)

31. ( 4+i √ 3)(−7+ 2i √ 2) 32. (−5−2i)(−6−3 i)

5+5 i
33. −5 i(−3+2 i) 34.

√ 2+ √2 i
√2−√ 2i
C. Solve the following quadratic inequalities. (3 pts. each)
36. x 2−2 x−8>0 37. 2 x2 + x−15> 0

38. x 2+ 2 x−8≥ 9 x 39. x 2+ 3 x −4> 0

40. ( x +5 ) ( x −4 )> 0
2nd Math

III. Short-response Test

DIRECTION: Identify if the given equations are true or not based on the given proportion. If TRUE, write the
corresponding property used.

m 6
If = , which of the following must be true.
n 8

41. 8 m=6 n 42.

m+ n 6+8
43. mn=6 (8) 43. =
n 4

m+ n 10 m 12
44. = 46. = =0.75
m 7 n 16

IV. Worded Problems

DIRECTION: Solve the following worded problems. Show your solution.
47. Find the lengths of two segments which sum is 150 cm and which ratio is 2:4.

48. The difference of two numbers is 64. When the smaller number is increased by 4 and the larger number is
decreased by 12, their ratio will be 5:9. What are the original numbers?

49. Mel fills his gas tank up with 6 gallons of premium unleaded gas for a cost of $26.58. How much would it cost to
fill an 18 gallon tank?

50. Jacob ran 10 miles in 80 minutes. At that rate, how far would he run in 2.5 hours?

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