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Sample Exam RA ni Guys Para maka study mu….

1. _____________________ is the systematic study of human society.

2. _____________________ - the study of humans
3. _____________________ is the study of human society
4. _____________________ a special point of view of sociology that sees general patterns of
society in the lives of particular people
5. _____________________ a study of the larger world and our societies place in it
6. _____________________ is the regard that one’s own culture and society is the center of
everything and therefore far more superior than others
7. _____________________ published a book entitled “Zoonomia”
8. _____________________ is also known as the cradle of humanity
9. _____________________ is a social institution found in all societies that unites people in
cooperative groups to care for one another, it is the basic unit of society
10. _____________________ refers to ritual parent-child relations such as the godparent-godchild
relationship established through the baptism ceremony

Sociology Anthropology Sociology Erasmus Darwin Sociological perspective

Global perspective Ethnocentrism Charles Lyell Africa Family

Ritual Kinship Tribes Bands Nuclear Family Chiefdoms

I. Identification

Write in column A the corresponding answer in column B

Column A Column B
1. Politics refers to any activity involving human beings associated
together in relationship of power and authority where conflict occur
2. Politics is the authoritative allocation of values in society
3. A human being is a political animal
4. Politics is reserved for statesmen and stateswomen
5. Politics is a way of ruling in divided societies without violence

famous archaeological sites in Africa and discoverer

Species of hominins, hominids, hominoid

Aspects of Culture

Answer Key

1. Sociology
2. Anthropology
3. Sociology
4. Sociological perspective
5. Global perspective
6. Ethnocentrism
7. Charles Lyell
8. Africa
9. Family
10. Ritual kinship


1. Robert Dahl
2. David Easton
3. Aristotle
4. Michael Oakeshott
5. Bernard Crick

Site at-least 10 famous archaeological sites in Africa

1. Aspects of Culture
 Learned
 Symbolic
 Integrated whole
 Shared
 All encompassing
a. Norms – societies standards of acceptable behavior. It could be Folkway, Moores and Laws.
b. Beliefs – the means of the people in explaining the sense of their experiences and ideas that they hold to be
true, factual or real
c. Symbols – representations or illustrations to represent a particular belief or meaning of something.
d. Language – it is a system of symbols that individuals utilize to communicate, interact and share their views
or beliefs thus making an understanding amongst individuals.
e. social institutions – this consists of a group of people who come together for a common goal or purpose.

Major Social Institutions

 Family, education, religion, economic institutions, government as a social institution

Ethnocentrism – a belief of a certain society that their culture is much more superior than others

Cultural relativism – is the idea that a person’s beliefs, values and practices should be understood based on the person’s
own culture, rather than be based against the criteria of another

Hunting and Gathering economies (began to change around 10,000 BCE)

Human population = low (1 mile of land supported 2 people)
Women and men = relatively equal (women’s gathering brought in more calories; mystery of bearing life)
Humans developed cultures and beliefs (art, burials, religious ideas)
Populated EVERY continent by about 18,000 BCE

Understanding Society, Culture, and Politics

Note: this is a sample exam for your review

I. Circle the letter of the best answer.
1. Which of the following best defines society?
a. Society is a political entity
b. Society is the same as nation or culture
c. Society is limited by geographical boundaries
d. Society is organized interaction of people sharing land and culture
2. Complete the statement: Culture includes _____________.
a. Only material things such as jewelry, books and artworks
b. Our thoughts, our beliefs and our possessions
c. The land we share
d. Only nonmaterial things such as values or beliefs
3. Which of the following types of societies came first?
a. Industrial
b. Agricultural
c. Mass
d. Horticultural and pastoral
4. Complete the statement: Kissing a person on both cheeks when you first meet is a French
a. More
b. Taboo
c. Folkway
d. Law
5. In a sociological sense, why would earning a grade of 99 make you a deviant?
a. You only could have gotten a grade of 99 by cheating
b. That grade is not the norm
c. It alienates you from your peer group
d. It improves your status
6. How is nation different from state?
a. State is cultural, nation is political
b. State is political, nation is cultural
c. State is not real, nation is real
d. There is no difference between the two

7. How much population is needed to satisfy the elements of a state?

a. There must be around a million of people residing a piece of land
b. More or less numerous with heterogenous gender to perpetuate the race
c. Only one person is enough
d. One hundred men who inhabits the land
8. The following comprise the elements of a state, except for one.
a. Land
b. People
c. Sovereignty
9. Which theory of state supports the institution of the power of monarchs?
a. Social Contract Theory
b. Evolutionary Theory
c. Monarchy Theory
d. Divine Right Theory
10. Thomas Hobbes suggested the Social Contract Theory based on what belief about human nature?
a. Man by nature is good
b. Man by nature is evil
c. Man by nature is sociable
d. Man by nature is a leader
11. What was the significance of hunting to the evolution of man?
a. It made men expand their brain size.
b. This allowed better tool crafting and lesser need for big molars to chew on hard food.
c. It paved the way for men to cultivate the lands.
d. It led to the extinction of animals.
12. What is the importance of studying Darwin’s Theory of Evolution?
a. It convinces us that we are not made from ashes.
b. It lets us understand how man came to life in a scientific way.
c. It makes one doubt his religion.
d. Learning about it is not important at all.
13. Following Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, why do species evolve into another?
a. Because they are all meant to be extinct
b. Species evolve in order to change their form
c. Species evolve in order to adapt to the changes in the environment
d. Because species are meant to live their afterlife in a different form
14. What are the evidences used to support the Evolution Theory?
a. History books
b. Fossils
c. Folklore stories about the early hominins
d. There were no evidences to support the theory
15. Which specie of ape is said to be the closest ancestor of human beings?
a. Baboon
b. Chimpanzee
c. King Kong
d. Primate
16. Ipin and his family depend on nature for their food and other needs. Once their immediate
surrounding run out of edible fruits and plant they would leave and find a new place to live in. This is
called a nomadic life. At what period in history did Ipin and his family live?
a. Mesolithic Period
b. Neolithic Period
c. Paleolithic Period
d. Pleistocene
17. The earliest apes had really long arms and big hands which enabled them to climb trees to get food
and seek shelter, however this affected the way they walk. How did the earliest apes walk?
a. They were bipedal.
b. They skipped while walking.
c. They rarely walk since they swing from one tree to another.
d. They knucklewalk.
18. What is the proof that evolution continues up to this day?
a. The offsprings of human beings always get better traits.
b. Insects in polluted places get darker color to adapt to their environment.
c. Animals look exactly the same over time.
d. The evolution process has already ceased.
19. Which theory states that the state started when a group of people invaded a land forced the settlers to
follow their orders and laws?
a. Divine Right Theory
b. Force Theory
c. Social Contract Theory
d. Evolutionary Theory
20. Why is it important to study the cultures around the world?
a. Because culture is universal
b. Because every place has a different culture and we should study their culture to better
understand and reconcile our differences.
c. Because cultures are all the same
d. Because it is interesting.

II. Analyze the following social behaviors, practices, and groups. Identify the element of society where they
are ought to be categorized; Norm, Values, Roles, Institution, or Status.
___________1. Family
___________2. Bayanihan system
___________3. Cannibalism
___________4. Gender such as being a male or female
___________5. Coming to class prepared
___________6. Crab mentality
___________7. School
___________8. Taking care of the younger members of the family
__________9. Saying “please” and “thank you”
__________10. Being a professional employee

III. Tell whether the following practices are taboo or not. Write T on the blank if the statement is taboo
and put an X mark if it is not.
_____11. Homosexuality
_____12. Respectig elders
_____13. Being religious
_____14. Incest
_____15. Obeying rules

IV. Analyze the type of status mentioned in each item. Write AS for Ascribed Status and AC for Acquired
_____16. Being born rich
_____17. Being unemployed
_____18. Being a male or female
_____19. Being a teacher
_____20. Being an honor student

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