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11/21/2019 Calculation of concrete creep coefficient & shrinkage strain - Eurocode 2

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Eurocode 2
Concrete creep coe cient & shrinkage strain
Calculation of concrete creep coe cient and shrinkage strain. The nal value at in nite time is
calculated as well as the development curves as a function of time
According to:
EN 1992-1-1:2004+AC2:2010 Section 3.1.4 & Annex B
Supported National
No Nationally De ned Parameters (NDPs) in the calculation

Concrete characteristic strength fck =  30 MPa

Concrete cross-sectional area Ac =  0.4 m2

Part of cross-section perimeter exposed u =  0.5 m

to drying

Age of concrete at loading t0 =  7 days

Ambient temperature T =  20 °C

Relative humidity of ambient RH =  70 %


Cement type =  Class N

Age of concrete at end of curing ts =  7 days

Final creep coe cient φ(∞,t0) = 2.114
Final shrinkage strain εcs(∞,ts) = 30.35 ×10-5

1. For slab geometry with thickness t consider a typical 1.0 m wide segment with Area Ac = t * 1.0
m and perimeter exposed to drying u = 2.0 m 1/4
11/21/2019 Calculation of concrete creep coefficient & shrinkage strain - Eurocode 2

2. When the compressive stress of concrete σc at age t0 exceeds the value 0.45fck(t0) non-linear
creep develops. The non-linear creep coe cient is obtained by multiplying the linear creep
coe cient φ(∞,t0) with the factor e1.5(kσ - 0.45) where kσ = σc / fck(t0). For more information see
EN1992-1-1 §3.1.4(4)

Creep & Shrinkage time development
(hover=value, drag=zoom, double-click=reset)

Creep coefficient
Shrinkage strain ×10-5

Input Data
Concrete characteristic strength: fck = 30 MPa
Concrete cross-sectional area: Ac = 0.4 m2
Part of cross-section perimeter exposed to drying: u = 0.5 m
Age of concrete at loading: t0 = 7 days
Ambient temperature: T = 20 °C
Relative humidity of ambient environment: RH = 70 %
Cement type: = Class N
Age of concrete at end of curing: ts = 7 days

Calculation of creep coe cient

Intermediate factors
The following intermediate factors and coe cients are calculated: 2/4
11/21/2019 Calculation of concrete creep coefficient & shrinkage strain - Eurocode 2

The notional size h0 of the cross-section is calculated as h0 = 2Ac / u = 2⋅0.400 m2 / 0.500 m =

1600 mm, as speci ed in EN1992-1-1 §3.1.4(4)
The coe cient kh depending on the notional size h0 is calculated as a function of h0 in
accordance with EN1992-1-1 Table 3.3. With linear interpolation the following value is obtained:
kh = 0.70
The coe cients α1, α2, α3 that consider the in uence of concrete strength are calculated in
accordance with EN1992-1-1 equations (B8.c) as follows: α1 = (35 MPa / fcm)0.7 = (35 MPa / 38
MPa)0.7 = 0.944, α2 = (35 MPa / fcm)0.2 = (35 MPa / 38 MPa)0.2 = 0.984, α3 = (35 MPa / fcm)0.5 = (35
MPa / 38 MPa)0.5 = 0.960
The coe cient α depends on the cement type. For cement type Class N it is speci ed in
EN1992-1-1 §B.1(2) as α = 0
The e ect of ambient temperature is taken into account by adjusting the concrete ages t and t0
in accordance with EN1992-1-1 equation (B.10)
The e ect of cement type is taken into account by adjusting the concrete age at loading t0 in
accordance with EN1992-1-1 equation (B.9)
The adjusted value of concrete age at loading t0 by taking into account both contributions of
ambient temperature and cement type is t0 = 6.987 days
The factor φRH accounts for the e ect of relative humidity. It is calculated in accordance with
EN1992-1-1 equations (B.3a), (B.3b) as φRH = 1.222
The coe cient β(fcm) allows for the e ect of concrete strength. It is calculated in accordance
with EN1992-1-1 equation (B.4) as β(fcm) = 16.8 / fcm0.5 = 16.8 / (38 MPa)0.5 = 2.725
The coe cient β(t0) allows for the e ect of concrete age at loading. It is calculated in
accordance with EN1992-1-1 equation (B.5) as β(t0) = 1 / (0.1 + t00.2) = 1 / [0.1 + (6.987 days)0.2] =
The coe cient βH depends on the relative humidity RH and the notional member size h0. It is
calculated in accordance with EN1992-1-1 equations (B.8a), (B.8b) as βH = 1439.572

Notional creep coe cient

The notional creep coe cient φ0 is calculated in accordance with EN1992-1-1 equation (B.2) as the

φ0 = φRH⋅β(fcm)⋅β(t0) = 1.222⋅2.725⋅0.635 = 2.114

Time-development of creep coe cient

The time-development curve of creep coe cient φ(t,t0) as a function of time t is calculated as the
product φ(t,t0) = φ0⋅β(t,t0) in accordance with EN1992-1-1 equation (B.1), where the time-development
coe cient β(t,t0) is given by EN1992-1-1 equation (B.7) as follows:

β(t,t0) = [ (t - t0) / (βH + t - t0) ]0.3, where time t is given in days

Final creep coe cient at in nite time

The nal creep coe cient φ(∞,t0) at in nite time is obtained by setting t=∞ which corresponds to
setting β(t,t0) = 1.0 and therefore φ(∞,t0) = φ0 = 2.114.

Therefore the nal creep coe cient at in nite time is calculated as φ(∞,t0) = 2.114.

Calculation of shrinkage strain

Intermediate factors
In addition to the previous calculations the following intermediate factors and coe cients are

The coe cients αds1 and αds2 depend on the cement type. For cement type Class N they are
speci ed in EN1992-1-1 §B.2(1) as αds1 = 4 and αds2 = 0.12
The factor βRH accounts for the e ect of relative humidity in accordance with EN1992-1-1
equation (B.12). It is calculated as βRH = 1.55⋅[1 - (RH / 100 %)3] = 1.55⋅[1 - (70.0 % / 100 %)3] =

Basic drying shrinkage strain 3/4
11/21/2019 Calculation of concrete creep coefficient & shrinkage strain - Eurocode 2

The basic drying shrinkage εcd,0 is given in EN1992-1-1 equation (B.11). It is calculated as εcd,0 = 36.21

Autogenous shrinkage strain

The autogenous shrinkage strain at in nite time εca(∞) is calculated in accordance with EN1992-1-1
equation (3.12) as:

εca(∞) = 2.5⋅(fck - 10 MPa)⋅10-6 = 2.5⋅(30.00 MPa - 10 MPa)⋅10-6 = 5.00 ×10-5

Total shrinkage strain

The total shrinkage strain εcs is composed from the drying shrinkage strain εcd and the autogenous
shrinkage strain εca as speci ed in [EN1992-1-1 equation (3.8)]:

εcs = εcd + εca

Time-development of shrinkage strain

The time-development curve of the drying shrinkage strain εcd(t) as a function of time t is calculated
as the product εcd(t) = βds(t,ts)⋅kh⋅εcd,0 in accordance with EN1992-1-1 equation (3.9), where the time-
development coe cient βds(t,ts) is given by EN1992-1-1 equation (3.10):

βds(t,ts) = (t - ts) / (t) - ts + 0.04⋅h03/2)

The time-development curve of the autogenous shrinkage strain εca(t) as a function of time t is
calculated as the product εca(t) = βas(t)⋅εca(∞) in accordance with EN1992-1-1 equation (3.11), where the
time-development coe cient βas(t) is given by EN1992-1-1 equation (3.13):

βas(t) = 1 - exp(-0.2⋅t 0.5), where time t is given in days

Final shrinkage strain at in nite time

The nal total shrinkage strain εcs(∞,ts) at in nite time is obtained by setting t=∞ which corresponds
to setting βds(t,ts) = 1.0 and βas(t) = 1.0, and therefore:

εcs(∞,ts) = kh⋅εcd,0 + εca(∞) = 0.70⋅36.21 ×10-5 + 5.00 ×10-5 = 30.35 ×10-5

Therefore the nal total shrinkage strain at in nite time is calculated as εcs(∞,ts) = 30.35 ×10-5.

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