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Chapter 3 Elicited Behaviors and Classical Conditioning

o Learning
o Behaviorism
o Conditioning : the association between environment stimuli and
the organism’s responses
 Elicited behavior (respondent behavior)
o Is one that is automatically drawn out by a certain stimulus
o Behavior drawn out by preceding stimulus
 A sneeze is produce by a particle of dust
 A startle reaction to the sound of a gunshot
 Types of elicited behaviors
o Reflex : a relatively simple, automatic response to a stimuli
 Salivate in response to a drop of lemon juice
 Blink a response to a puff or air
 Startle response : defensive reaction to a sudden,
unexpected stimulus causing automatic tightening of
skeletal muscles as well as various hormonal and organ
 Flexion response : involves relatively major body
movement (cth : menghindar dr panas)
 Orienting response : position ourselves to facilitate
attending stimulus (terarah gt)
o Reflex arc
 Neural structure underlying some reflexes
 Consists of sensory neuron, interneuron, and motor neuron
 Responding to pain messages sent through spinal cord is
faster than waiting for message
o Fixed action pattern : fixed sequence of responses elicited by a
specific stimulus
 Sometimes called “modal action auah
 The specific stimulus that elicits a fixed action pattern is
called a sign stimulus or releaser.
 Cth : web building by spiders, v shaped formation flying by
ducks, nut burying by squirrels, cats scratch the ground to
cover up urine n feces, cats rub up against the legs of
visitors to mark their territory
 Dah lu baca2 cengage
 Simple mechanism of learning
o Habituation and sensitization
 The repeated presentation of an eliciting stimuuls can alter
the strength of the elicited behavior
 Habituation :
 A decrease in the strength of an elicited behavior
following repeated presentations of the eliciting
 Stop attending to low-intensity background noises
such as the
o Ticking of a clock or distant noise of traffic
 Sensitization
 An increase in the strength of an elicited behavior
following repeated presentations of the eliciting
 Soldiers under attack generally don’t habituate to the
sound of artillery shells exploding nearby.. instead,
their startle reaction e auah

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