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This study aims to determine the common perceptions of

nursing students to faculty members handling NCM subjects.

It seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of the


1.1 Gender

1.2 Age

1.3 Civil Status

1.4 Educational Attainment

1.5 Religion

1.6 Socio-economic Status

1.7 Occupation

2. What are the most common perceptions of nursing students to

faculty members handling NCM subjects?

3. What are the least common perceptions of nursing students to

faculty members handling NCM subjects?

4. Is there any significance of the common perceptions of nursing

students to faculty members handling NCM subjects?

5. How may the findings of this research be utilized to improve the

teaching strategies of the faculty members handling NCM subjects?


1. To determine the most common perceptions of nursing students to faculty

members handling NCM subjects.
2. To determine the least common perceptions of nursing students to faculty
members handling NCM subjects.
3. To come up with compromises that will work both for the students and the


This study will give contribution to nursing education. The

result can be utilized as a basis for further study on the different

perceptions of nursing students regarding on the lecture made by the

faculty members. The following get the benefits of this study:

The Nursing Students

The output of the study may help the nursing students to

understand the different teaching strategies of the faculty members

handling NCM subjects.

The Faculty Members handling NCM subjects

The positive result of the study may help them to understand

the perception of the nursing students to faculty members handling

NCM subjects. On the other hand, they will learn on the responses of

the respondents so that they could teach in a different approach to

further enhance the learning of their students.

The Future Researchers

The result can be utilized as a basis for further study on the

different perceptions of nursing students regarding on the lecture

made by the faculty members.


There is no significance of the common perceptions of

nursing students to faculty members handling NCM subjects.


The scope of the study is all about the common perceptions of

nursing students to faculty members handling NCM subjects. The

researcher chooses Our Lady of Fatima University nursing students

and the faculty members handling NCM subjects as their

representative respondents.
Their primary reason is to learn and identify the common

perceptions of nursing students to faculty members handling NCM

subjects. The researchers will get only 50 respondents so that the

result will be easy to measure. The researchers believed that this

number of respondents is enough to assess the validity and reliability

of the study.




Teaching students how to learn

College students often struggle to find effective learning strategies. But

professors can help.

Monitor staff

It's no secret that students learn best when they self-regulate--set their own
academic goals, develop strategies to meet them and reflect on their academic

High-achieving students know what needs to be learned and how to learn it,
educational psychology studies increasingly show. But while making those kinds
of self-assessments may sound simple--and something most college students
could do--many psychology professors find their students aren't self-aware
enough to conduct them.

Some faculties believe they can help students develop these strategies through
their teaching. Others, however, don't think it's their place to do so, pointing to
the load of content they already must teach in one semester. Besides, some
ask, isn't college too late to teach students how to learn?

Not according to self-regulation researchers Paul Pintrich, PhD, co-founder of a

"learning how to learn" course at the University of Michigan, and Barry
Zimmerman, PhD, an educational psychology professor at the Graduate School
and University Center at the City University of New York (CUNY).

They, along with University of Texas strategic-learning advocate Claire Ellen

Weinstein, PhD, and others, say it's never too late to teach students how to
learn. Though well aware of the time constraints on professors, they believe that
if faculty weaves self-regulation strategies into their teaching, students more
quickly absorb course material, ultimately saving faculty time. In fact, Weinstein,
founder of a learning-to-learn course at Texas, finds that the more students use
learning strategies, the higher their grade-point averages (GPAs) and graduation
rates. And Pintrich believes college students need instruction in using these
strategies because university life lacks the structure high school offers.

"In college, you see problems arise where students don't have as much day-to-
day interaction with instructors as in high school," says Pintrich. "Schedules are
more open and classes much larger."

Among the ways professors can help students structure their time and learning
better is setting clear learning objectives for courses, making regular
assignments and emphasizing outlines, mnemonic aids and other such learning

Taking charge
At the core of self-regulation are strategies to manage cognition, but motivation
to use those strategies is also a key, says Pintrich.

"You need the 'will' as well as the 'skill,'" he says.

Researchers propose a variety of models for activating skill and will.

Zimmerman has developed one of the best-known models and uses it to coach
remedial students at CUNY. He says it's helpful to think of self-regulation in
three phases:

* Forethought. Students set short-term, challenging but attainable academic

goals. They also estimate their ability--also called self-efficacy--to reach those

* Performance. Students adopt "powerful" learning strategies, such as

scheduling study time, using mnemonics and outlining course content.

* Self-reflection. Students evaluate how effectively their strategies help them

meet their academic goals and adjust strategies accordingly.

Studies show that such monitoring yields considerable payoffs. Zimmer-man

finds, for example, that when students set goals and monitor their self-efficacy
they can boost their achievement potential by 30 percent, based on predictions
from previous grades and scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test.

Other research findings suggest that high-achieving students tend to self-

regulate more automatically than low-achieving students. For example, in a
study of 320 college students, psychologist Carol VanZile-Tamsen, PhD, of the
State University of West Georgia, found that those with the lowest GPAs
reported using less self-regulation than their peers.

But she also found that lower achievers tended to self-regulate more if they
were motivated to learn course material, either out of interest or for their major.
In other research, educational psychologist Eunsook Hong, PhD, of the
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, found that while some students always use
self-monitoring strategies, others use them inconsistently across different
subjects and situations.

"Because students exert more self-regulation in certain situations, you can train
for it," she says.

Spurring students along

Faculty can incite students' motivation to self-regulate by organizing their

courses to emphasize reflective learning and goal setting, say VanZile-Tamsen
and Zimmerman.

They suggest that faculty:

* Identify course objectives up front. Spell out what students should learn across
the course and for each test, suggests Zimmerman. Ask students to monitor
their efficacy in meeting test objectives. This helps them determine what to

* Emphasize concept relevance. Build in plenty of examples to explain each

concept and relate new ideas to previously covered ones. "Students will be
more motivated to self-regulate if they see the relevance," says VanZile-Tamsen.

* Quiz students frequently. Give them regular assignments and tests so they can
tell how well they're learning material. If they realize what they're missing today,
they might not score poorly on the final later.

* Tie feedback to key concepts. Frame comments on tests and homework

assignments in terms of how well students' answers match course objectives
and their self-efficacy judgments. This "postmortem" analysis helps students see
what they should restudy, says Zimmerman.

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