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Dictionary of Sports

and Games Terminology


Dictionary of Pseudonyms: 11,000 Assumed Names and Their Origins, 5th ed. (2010)
Alternate Names of Places: A Worldwide Dictionary (2009)
African Placenames: Origins and Meanings of the Names
for Natural Features, Towns, Cities, Provinces and Countries, 2d ed. (2008)
The Pronunciation of Placenames: A Worldwide Dictionary (2007)
Nicknames of Places: Origins and Meanings of the Alternate and Secondary Names,
Sobriquets, Titles, Epithets and Slogans for 4600 Places Worldwide (2006)
Placenames of the World: Origins and Meanings of the Names for 6,600 Countries,
Cities, Territories, Natural Features and Historic Sites, 2d ed. (2006)
Placenames of France: Over 4,000 Towns, Villages, Natural Features,
Regions and Departments (2004; paperback 2009)
Encyclopedia of Corporate Names Worldwide (2002; paperback 2008)
A Dictionary of Art Titles: The Origins of the
Names and Titles of 3,000 Works of Art (2000; paperback 2008)
A Dictionary of Music Titles: The Origins of the
Names and Titles of 3,500 Musical Compositions (2000; paperback 2008)
Literally Entitled: A Dictionary of the Origins of
the Titles of Over 1,300 Major Literary Works
of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (¡996; paperback 2009)
Placenames of Russia and the Former Soviet Union:
Origins and Meanings of the Names for Over 2,000
Natural Features, Towns, Regions and Countries (1996)
The Naming of Animals: An Appellative Reference to Domestic,
Work and Show Animals Real and Fictional (1993)
Dictionary of
Sports and Games

McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers

Jefferson, North Carolina, and London
Room, Adrian.
Dictionary of sports and games terminology / Adrian Room.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.

ISBN 978-0-7864-4226-3
softcover : 50# alkaline paper

1. Sports — Terminology.
2. Games — Terminology.
I. Title.
GV567.R66 2010 796.03 — dc22 2010009227

British Library cataloguing data are available

©2010 Adrian Room. All rights reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form

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without permission in writing from the publisher.

Front cover design by Kelly Elliott

Manufactured in the United States of America

McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers

Box 611, Jefferson, North Carolina 28640
Table of Contents


The Dictionary

Appendix: Abbreviations of Ruling Bodies

and Administrative Organizations
Select Bibliography

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This new dictionary give the definitions of hockey and ice hockey, are spelled out since
more than 8,000 terms used in sports and football or hockey could apply to either.)
games. The coverage ranges alphabetically There are also comprehensive categories of
from aikido to yachting and includes such sports, each of which has its own entry. Aqua-
well-known sports as American football, as- tics deals with sports other than (literally)
sociation football, athletics, auto racing, “mainstream” ones such as sailing, surfing,
baseball, basketball, boxing, cricket, cy- and swimming. Martial arts embraces Japa-
cling, equestrianism, field hockey, golf, nese combative sports such as judo, karate,
gymnastics, horse racing, ice hockey, moun- and kendo, each entered individually. The
taineering, rugby league, rugby union, sail- category Olympics covers terminology asso-
ing, shooting, skiing, surfing, swimming, ciated with the Games rather than individual
tennis, and volleyball. Less widely played Olympic sports, which anyway have their own
sports include archery, badminton, bowls, specific entries, as sports existing outside the
croquet, fencing, fives, handball, netball, Olympics.
parachuting, real tennis, rounders, squash, This is perhaps the place to point out that
trampolining, and weightlifting. Devotees there are no entries for board games or card
of darts are catered for, as are enthusiasts of games, or for blood sports such as hunting.
billiards, judo, orienteering, pool, rodeo, Angling qualifies for inclusion, however, as
skateboarding, snooker, and water polo. both a competitive and recreational sport, but
Some sports are subsumed under a broader bull-fighting does not. Nor does pigeon rac-
category, as climbing under mountaineering, ing, despite its similarity to horse racing, with
cross-country running under athletics, div- owners, breeders, trainers, and punters (or bet-
ing under swimming, kayaking under ca- tors). In the field of recreational sports, boat-
noeing, mountain biking under cycling, ing is also excluded, as being too general. Nor
rally driving under auto racing, skydiving does betting appear. One must draw the line
under parachuting, speed skating under ice somewhere.
skating, Thai boxing under boxing. On the The language or jargon of some sports can
other hand, snowboarding is regarded as dis- be quite arcane. Even international sports have
tinct from skiing, tenpin bowling from skit- their exclusive terminology, and it takes a
tles, and water skiing as not simply a variety player or fan to understand it. Golf, for ex-
of skiing. Trampolining, too, is more than ample, has or had its birdie, bogey, dormy,
just a form of gymnastics. (The terms Amer- eagle, niblick, stymie, mashie, nassau, and
ican football and association football, field sclaff. Tennis has its idiosyncratic scoring

Introduction 2

(love-thirty, deuce) and horse racing its bet- sports centers are accorded their due place in
ting terms (ante-post, evens, nap, odds-on). the book. Among them are Aintree, Banff
When it comes to national sports, the fog of Springs, Down Royal, Lake Placid, Madison
uncertainty can thicken. For non–Americans, Square Garden, and Newbury. Racecourses
baseball terms such as bunt, cut-off man, are classified by type, as being either flat
home plate, left field, and safety squeeze (without obstacles) or National Hunt (with
may well remain a mystery, while across the obstacles), and there are descriptions of fa-
Atlantic cricket is likely to puzzle Americans (as mous jumps, as Becher’s Brook and the
it even does a number of British) with its Chi- Canal Turn at Aintree. Entries are also pro-
naman, doosra, golden duck, off-break, vided for the various national venues of the
popping crease, and yorker. The game’s fiel- Formula One Grand Prix in auto racing, such
ding positions are notoriously puzzling. Where as the German Grand Prix and Spanish
does a player stand at backward point, fine Grand Prix.
leg, silly mid-off, or third man? Come to Sporting awards such as Calcutta Cup or
that, what does a nightwatchman do? Diamond Sculls are also represented, as are
Boxing can baffle through its different the nicknames for well-known teams, such as
weight categories, bantamweight, cruiser- Falcons for the Atlanta Falcons American
weight, and welterweight among them. What football team, and Les Bleus for the French
is the distinction between flyweight, junior national rugby union team. There are no en-
flyweight, and superflyweight? The weights tries for the actual teams themselves, any more
entered in the book, in kilograms and pounds, than there are for individual sports players,
are those used in professional boxing. however famous.
Attention is particularly paid to the alter- The names of sporting awards often coin-
nate or colloquial terms found in sporting vo- cide with the actual event for which the award
cabulary, such as bailer in cricket as an alter- is made. Thus the Melbourne Cup is not only
nate term for a full toss, or cabbage in golf as an Australian horse race but the award pre-
a colloquial term for the rough. Abbreviations sented to the winner, and the Champions
used in sports reports also find their place, es- Trophy is both a cricket championship and
pecially where scoring is important. Cricket the award gained by its victors. Most names
scores are noted for their use of b for bowled of sporting events, however, derive either from
and c for caught while lbw (leg before their location or from their name of their
wicket) is an abbreviation more common than founder or commercial sponsor. In the do-
the spelled-out words. Baseball, similarly, has main of horse racing, for example, the Derby
its ERA and RBI. is thus named for its founder, the Earl of
It may seem strange to have entries for such Derby, while its near-namesake, the Kentucky
common words as ball and even game, but Derby, is named for the state where it is held.
this is often because everyday terms can have The names of some modern sponsored races
more than one meaning. A good example is can be extraordinarily cumbersome. Among
club, which in golf alone can refer either to those held at England’s Wetherby racecourse
the implement with which the ball is struck in November 2009, for example, were the
or to the association whose members play the Hold Your Christmas Party Here Conditional
game. A net, too, can be used either to catch Jockeys’ Claiming Hurdle, the Book Raceday
fish or to divide the two halves of a tennis Hospitality On 01937 582035 Handicap
court. Chase (incorporating a telephone number),
The names of sporting venues such as sta- and the Juvenile Maiden Hur-
diums, golf courses, racecourses, and other dle (with a website). Such names are absent
3 Introduction

from the book, although their generic com- many sporting terms have entered the English
ponents (conditional jockey, claiming race, language generally. Thus across the board, down
raceday, handicap, chase, juvenile, maiden, to the wire, neck and neck, stay the course come
hurdle) duly feature. from racing; ballpark figure, on the ball, out in
All sports have a ruling or administrative left field, step up to the plate, three strikes and
body, and a selection of these also features, you’re out from baseball; go the distance, out for
such as the American Football League, FIFA, the count, roll with the punches, throw in the
International Cricket Council, Jockey Club, towel from boxing; can of worms, hook, line
National Football League, and Union of Eu- and sinker, off the hook, rise to the bait from
ropean Football Associations. Many such fishing; he had a good inning, hit for six, keep
bodies are better known by their initials than a straight bat, off one’s own bat from cricket.
the full formal name, and a list of such abbre- Move the goalposts comes from soccer, behind
viations is given in the Appendix. the eight ball from pool, jump the gun from
Definitions in the dictionary are everything. athletics, sail close to the wind from sailing, go
They aim to be clear and concise, so that a off the deep end from swimming, and par for the
reader knowing little or nothing about a sport course from golf. There are many more.
can understand the term in question. Cross- Inevitably, the entries in the book represent
references play their important part, with each a only a proportion, albeit a sizable one, of
word or phrase in an entry printed in bold sporting vocabulary overall. It would be im-
having its own entry. The definitions of indi- possible to include all sporting terms, to list all
vidual sports are necessarily concise, and like sporting awards and venues. Scores of books
all entries occupy a single phrase or sentence. and encyclopedias have been devoted to the
It would clearly be impracticable if not im- world of sailing alone, for example, and books
possible to devote a single entry to the rules on sport generally are perennially popular, es-
of a particular individual sport, let alone sum- pecially when in the form of memoirs or biog-
marize its history. But equally the essentials of raphies. The present book competes with all
a game or sport, however familiar, must fea- these. But at least it offers a substantial repre-
ture as prominently as the terms it uses. sentation of the words, names, and phrases en-
There is often an overlap in sporting ter- countered in worldwide sports, from the fa-
minology, so that a term associated mainly miliar to the often dauntingly recondite. And
with one sport is also used in the jargon of an- that has been its objective.
other. Thus rally is a term found in at least
half a dozen sports. In such cases, the names
of the different sports using the term are those Arrangement of Entries
in which it is chiefly although not exclusively
found. Clearly, it would be pointless to list all As mentioned, the entries run in alphabet-
the sports in which such terms as guard or ical order. The heading is followed (in brack-
penalty are used. ets) by the name of the sport in which the
Reading sports writing, one often finds a word or phrase is used. If it is used in more
word or phrase normally associated with a par- than one sport (often in different senses), the
ticular sport used in a transferred context. A names of the sports also run in alphabetical
football team catching up on goals in a match order. The label general in this position is ap-
may thus be said to come from behind, a plied to terms that relate to more than one
term properly belonging to racing, while a sport, such as manager or scorecard. The label
struggling tennis player may be said to be on sport is used to denote entries describing a par-
the ropes, as if in the boxing ring. Indeed, ticular game or sport, as fencing or hurling.
Introduction 4

Any word or phrase in bold print in an Some sports writing uses American spellings
entry serves as a cross-reference to its own for American sports, such as baseball, and
entry in its alphabetical place. Mention of a British spelling for British sports, such as
game at the beginning of an entry describing cricket. But such a system presents difficulties,
a sport refers to the sport in question. Thus since one has to choose which to use for an
the definition of badminton begins “a game international sport such as tennis. In the pres-
for two or four people,” so that the game is ent book, the spelling generally used is Amer-
badminton. The same applies in entries such ican rather than British, even for predomi-
as aquabobbing, categorized as a type of nantly British sports. In some cases, however,
water skiing, which begins “a form of the where both a British and an American spelling
sport,” so that the sport is water skiing. On exist for a headword, the British spelling may
the whole, the text of an entry aims not to re- appear as a cross-reference, so that centre
peat the name of the sport in which the word cross-refers to center.
or phrase is used. Headwords followed by an exclamation
Where an entry describes an action carried point represent a spoken command, such as
out by the relevant sport’s participant, the pro- action! in wrestling, break! in boxing, easy! in
noun “he” is used for both sexes in the inter- rowing, or mush! in sled-dog racing.
est of brevity and simplicity. This will nine
times out of ten be appropriate anyway for a
male-dominated sport, such as cricket or Appendix and Bibliography
rugby union, but for sake of consistency the
usage is also applied to sports in which women The Appendix is devoted to a selection of
are prominent participants, such as gymnastics the better-known standard abbreviations for
or tennis. It would unusually pedantic to have the titles of sports ruling bodies and adminis-
“he or she” every time. trative organizations.
A number of entries append additional in- The Bibliography lists the books and pub-
formation or an etymology in square brack- lications consulted both for definitions of
ets. Thus the badminton entry explains how sporting terms and for the rules and origins of
the game came to be so named, and the entry the sports themselves. Each title has an ap-
for caddie gives the origin of the word. pended description in square brackets.
AAA (athletics) abbreviation of Amateur Athletic across the flat (horse racing) flat racing under
Association Jockey Club rules, as distinct from over the
abaft (sailing) behind the boat sticks
A-bars (gymnastics) short form of asymmetric bars acting half-back (rugby league) the player, often
aboard (baseball ) another term for on base; (eques- the hooker, who picks the ball up after a play-
trianism, horse racing) another term for on board the-ball
abseil (mountaineering) the descent of a rock face action! (wrestling) the command by the referee to
on a fixed rope using braking and sliding mech- start wrestling
anisms [German Abseil, from ab, “down,” and action replay ( general ) an instant televised repeat
Seil, “rope”] of an important or disputed incident in a match,
abseiling (mountaineering) the descending of a rock as a goal in association football or a catch in
face by means of an abseil cricket
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula ad court (tennis) short form of advantage court
One international Grand Prix held on the Yas adaptive rowing (rowing) rowing or sculling in
Marina circuit, Abu Dhabi boats that have been adapted for people with
academy (equestrianism) a riding school physical limitations or disabilities
acceptor (horse racing) a horse that has its entry for added money (horse racing) extra money added to
a race confirmed the basic stakes awarded to the winner
Accies (association football ) nickname of the Scot- added time ( general ) time added to the normal
tish club Hamilton Academicals length of time for a match, as injury time in
accumulator (horse racing) a bet on four or more association football
races, with the stake and winnings from each Addicks (association football ) nickname of the En-
race laid on the next race, so that the punter ei- glish club Charlton Athletic [corruption of Ath-
ther wins handsomely or loses everything letic]
accuracy jumping (parachuting) a jump made additional assistant referee (association football )
with the aim of landing on or near the center of one of two extra assistant referees behind each
a target laid out below goal who help the referee with decisions relat-
ace (baseball ) a team’s best starting pitcher; ( golf ) ing to the goal line, set pieces, and play in the
a hole in one; (squash, tennis) a serve that the re- penalty area
ceiver cannot touch address the ball (golf ) to take up a stance in order
acey-deucey (horse racing) colloquial term for a to strike the ball
rider who sets his stirrups at different lengths Admiral’s Cup (sailing) a biennial series of races off
[said to derive from AC/DC, “alternating cur- the south coast of England for national teams of
rent/direct current”] three boats each, culminating in the Fastnet
acro (skiing) a form of aerial [abbreviation of ac- Cup [established in 1957 by the Royal Ocean
robatic] Racing Club, whose admiral presents the tro-
acrobat ( g ymnastics) a performer of acrobatics phy]
acrobatics ( g ymnastics) a routine of gymnastic adolph (trampolining) a forward somersault with
feats three and a half twists [so called for its similar-
across the board (horse racing) (of ) a bet that cov- ity to a rudolph]
ers all possible results in a race, whether a win, advantage (rugby league) a period of time allowed
a place or a show [the board is the noticeboard by the referee after an infringement to deter-
on which the races and odds are listed] mine whether to award the opposing team a

advantage • Albion 6

penalty or to allow play to continue; (rugby aft (sailing) at or toward the rear of a boat
union) a period of time allowed by the referee after extra time ( general ) (of ) a score when extra
after an infringement to determine whether to time has been added to the regular time
award the opposing team a penalty, free kick, against the darts (darts) (of ) a win scored even
or scrum or to allow play to continue; (tennis) though the opposing player had the advantage
the first point after deuce of throwing first
advantage court (tennis) the left side of the court, against the head (rugby union) (of ) gaining the
from which the serve is made and received at possession of the ball from a scrum to which the
odd-numbered points opposing team had the advantage of the put-in
advantage rule ( general ) a rule under which an agricultural (cricket) (of ) a hefty or lofty stroke,
infringement and its penalty are overlooked if as typically occurs in village cricket
this is to the advantage of the non-offending aid (equestrianism) a prompt of the hands or legs
team that the rider gives a horse to make it turn,
adventure racing ( general ) a long and arduous change gait, or the like
race between individuals or teams over an open, aid climbing (mountaineering) climbing with the
varied course, typically including a mountain or assistance of special equipment such as cram-
river, with progress made either on foot (or by pons and ice axes
swimming) or by a form of transport, as by bi- aikido (sport) a Japanese martial art that uses
cycle, by boat, or on horseback specified moves and throws [Japanese ai, “har-
adventure sport ( general ) a sport played not in an mony,” ki, “breath,” and do, “way”]
enclosed area such as a field but pursued in an aikidoka (aikido) a practitioner of aikido
open, natural environment such as water, snow, aiming mark (shooting) the center spot of a target
or air and potentially hazardous, so embracing all Aintree (horse racing) the racecourse at Liverpool,
extreme sports and even such conventional England, where the Grand National is run
sports as sailing and skiing air (basketball ) the distance between the ground
aerial ( g ymnastics) (of ) a maneuver in which a and a player’s feet when shooting or jumping
complete turn is made in the air without touch- for the ball; (equestrianism) a staged or rehearsed
ing the apparatus; (skateboarding) a trick per- movement in haute école; (snowboarding,
formed in mid-flight, usually by launching the surfing) an airborne maneuver
board off a ramp; (skiing) a maneuver such as air gun (shooting) a rifle or pistol firing lead pellets
an acro carried out in mid-air by means of compressed air
aerial contact ( general ) a contact in midair be- air hostess (cricket) colloquial term for a ball hit
tween two players, as in a flying tackle particularly high [as if able to bring down an air
aerial ping-pong (sport) colloquial term for Aus- hostess in an airplane]
tralian Rules, where the frequent exchanges of air pistol (shooting) a pistol firing lead pellets by
high kicks in the air suggest the game of ping- means of compressed air
pong air rifle (shooting) a rifle firing lead pellets by means
aerialist (skiing) a skier who performs gymnastic of compressed air
maneuvers in midair air shot ( general ) a stroke that fails to connect
aero bars (cycling) extensions fixed to the handle- with the ball, as typically in cricket or golf
bars of a time-trial bike or track bike that allow air sports (general ) a category of adventure sports,
the rider to lean further forward and so adopt an including, among others, gliding and parachut-
improved aerodynamic position ing
aerobics ( g ymnastics) a system of rapid and stren- airborne soccer (sport) a game similar to associa-
uous exercises designed to increase fitness and tion football in which a Frisbee is substituted for
improve bodyshape [term coined in 1968 by U.S. the ball
physician Kenneth H. Cooper, from aerobic, “re- airborne throw (netball ) a throw made when a
quiring oxygen,” with plural -s as in gymnas- player is in the air
tics] albatross ( golf ) a score of three strokes under par
aet ( general ) abbreviation of after extra time on a hole [as a “bird” greater and more impres-
AFC (American football) abbreviation of American sive than an eagle]
Football Conference Albiceleste (association football ) nickname of the
AFL (American football ) abbreviation of Ameri- Argentine national team [blend of Spanish albar,
can Football League; (Australian Rules) abbre- “white,” and celeste, “sky blue,” the colors of the
viation of Australian Football League stripes on the players’ shirts]
African Games (Olympics) regional games held Albion (archery) a round of 36 arrows each for
since 1965 for competitors from African countries men and women at 80, 60, and 50yds (73m,
7 alder • Anaheim

55m, and 46m); (association football ) (1) short up, influenced by Alley Oop, a character created
name of the Scottish club Stirling Albion; (2) by U.S. cartoonist V.T. Hamlin in the 1930s]
short name of the English club West Bromwich allez! ( fencing) the command given by the referee
Albion to start fencing [French allez!, “go!”]
alder (angling) an artificial fly that resembles the Allianz Arena ( general ) a leading sports stadium
alder fly in Munich, Germany
all–American (American football ) a college foot- allowance (horse racing) a deduction from the
ball player in a team made up of the best such weight that a horse carries
players at each position Alpine skiing (skiing) a competitive form of the
all-around ( g ymnastics) a competition in which sport involving downhill and slalom events
the highest score from all events is combined to [originating in countries where the Alps form
give an overall champion part of the territory, as France and Switzerland]
All Blacks (rugby union) nickname of the New also-ran (horse racing) a horse that ran a race but
Zealand international team [so dubbed for their did not finish with a place
dark strip by British journalists at the start of amateur ( general ) a person who takes part in sport
their tour of Britain in 1905] for pleasure, as distinct from a paid professional
all-in wrestling (wrestling) a form of the sport with Amateur Athletic Association (athletics) the
few restrictions on the permitted holds British national governing organization for ath-
All-Ireland (Gaelic football, hurling) (of ) a final letics, founded in 1880
between teams with players drawn from both amble (equestrianism) a horse’s leisurely gait in
the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland which the legs on one side are lifted alternately
all-play-all ( general ) another term for a round with those on the other side
robin American bowls (bowling) another name for ten-
all-pro (American football ) a professional player se- pin bowling
lected to play in the Pro Bowl as one of the best American football (sport) a form of football played
in his position with an oval ball between teams of 11 play-
all-rounder (cricket) a player who is equally com- ers, points being scored for touchdowns and
petent as batsman and bowler goals
all-seater stadium ( general ) a stadium with no American Football Conference (American foot-
accommodation for standing spectators ball ) one of the two conferences into which the
all-star (baseball ) a player selected to represent his National Football League was divided in 1969,
league in an All-Star game the other being the National Football Confer-
All-Star game (baseball ) an annual match between ence
teams selected from the best players in the Na- American Football League (American football ) the
tional League and the American League professional football organization formed in
all-ticket match (general ) a match for which spec- 1959 to rival the National Football League and
tators must obtain tickets in advance merging with the latter in 1970
all-weather (horse racing) (of ) a racecourse with a American League (baseball ) one of the two most
synthetic surface that allows racing to take place prestigious North American professional leagues,
in any weather formed in 1901 to rival the National League
All Whites (association football ) nickname of the American tournament ( general ) another term for
New Zealand national team [the color of the a round robin
team’s strip] America’s Cup (sailing) the cup awarded to the
alley (baseball ) a section of the outfield between winner of an international series of races held
two fielders; (bowls) the long narrow enclosure approximately every four years between one de-
where indoor bowls are played; (skittles) the area fending vessel and one challenging vessel [first
where the game is played; (tennis) the space be- awarded by the Royal Yacht Squadron in 1851 to
tween the tramlines at the side of the court; the U.S. schooner America, winner of a race
(tenpin bowling) the long narrow enclosure where around the Isle of Wight]
the game is played amidships (sailing) in or toward the middle of the
alley-oop (basketball ) a maneuver in which the boat
ball is thrown up high so that another player amplitude (snowboarding) the height of a jump or
running toward the basket can catch it in midair trick
and score; (skateboarding, snowboarding) a spin anabolic steroids ( general ) a drug that increases
made in the opposite direction to that in which muscle size, illegally taken by some athletes or
the boarder is traveling [probably French allez!, administered to racehorses
“go!” and a supposed French pronunciation of Anaheim Stadium (baseball ) the California stadium
anchor • Arc 8

that is the home ground of the Anaheim An- feint; (2) a sharp blow with the épée, also as a
gels team feint [French appel, “challenge”]
anchor (athletics) the contestant who runs the an- apprentice (horse racing) shortening of apprentice
chor leg; (cricket) a batsman who can be relied jockey
on not to take risks; (tenpin bowling) the last apprentice jockey (horse racing) a junior jockey
bowler for the team, and generally the best; (tug in flat racing, entitled to ride but receiving tu-
of war) the person at the end of the rope, who ition while working for a trainer
“digs in” to steady those in front approach ( golf ) shortening of approach shot
anchor cannon (billiards) a stroke in which the approach shot ( golf ) a stroke by which a player
two object balls are kept close to the cushion so puts, or attempts to put, a ball onto the green;
that a series of cannons can be made without (tennis) a long hit that enables a player to move
disturbing their position up to the net
anchor leg (athletics) the final stage of a relay race approach work (association football ) a play that
anchorman ( general ) another name for an anchor leads in the direction of the goal
Anfield (association football ) the home ground of apron (auto racing) in Indy car and NASCAR rac-
the English club Liverpool ing, the paved portion of the racetrack that sep-
Angels (baseball ) short name of the Anaheim An- arates the racing surface from the infield; (box-
gels team ing) the part of a ring that extends beyond the
angle (snooker) to position the cue ball so close to ropes; ( golf ) the part of the fairway immedi-
the corner of the cushion that it is difficult to ately in front of the green
hit it in a straight line toward the object ball; aquabatics (aquatics) a display of spectacular feats
(squash) a shot that hits one of the side walls, in or on the water [blend of Latin aqua, “water,”
then the front wall, before bouncing and acrobatics]
angle of split (croquet) the angle at which the balls aquaboard (general ) a board for riding on the sur-
diverge in a split croquet shot face of the water, as in surfing
angled shot (table tennis) a sharp stroke that sends aquabobbing (water skiing) a form of the sport us-
the ball away at an angle ing a vehicle like a tricycle but with skis instead of
angler (angling) formal term for a person who fishes wheels [the vehicle bobs or bounces on the water]
angling (sport) the formal name for the sport or aquacade ( general ) a display of swimming or div-
pastime of catching fish ing, usually accompanied by music [blend of
angulate (skiing) to bend the body, or part of the Latin aqua, “water,” and cavalcade]
body, away from the slope in order to maintain aquadrome ( general ) a leisure facility for aquatic
balance pursuits [blend of Latin aqua, “water,” and hip-
ankle lace (wrestling) a hold in which a wrestler podrome]
traps his opponent by the ankles, so that his back aquafit (aquatics) a type of aerobics performed in
is to the mat water
Annie’s room (darts) a score of double one [from aqualung (aquatics) a self-contained diving appa-
the World War I phrase “up in Annie’s room” as ratus with a supply of compressed air, the latter
a dismissive reply to a query regarding the carried on the back
whereabouts of a person or thing, the number 1 aquanaut (aquatics) another term for a skindiver
being at the top of the dartboard] [blend of Latin aqua, “water,” and astronaut]
AN Other ( general ) a name inserted in a list of aquaplane (water skiing) another term for a wake-
team members to represent a player yet to be an- board
nounced [another spelled as if a personal name] aquarobics (aquatics) a system of exercises similar
ante-post (horse racing) a bet placed before the day to aerobics, carried out to music in chest-high
of the race [before (ante) the runners have their water [blend of Latin aqua, “water,” and aerobics]
numbers posted] aquatic art (swimming) a rare alternate name for
apex (auto racing) the center point of a corner synchronized swimming
apparatus ( g ymnastics) the equipment, or piece of aquatics (sport) sports practiced on or in the water,
equipment, on which a gymnast performs such as surfing, swimming, and water polo
appeal (cricket) a request from a fielder to the um- Arabs (association football ) nickname for support-
pire to establish whether the batsman is out or ers of the Scottish club Dundee United [said to
not derive from the sand spread on the pitch in the
appearance money ( general ) a fee paid to a fa- winter of 1963 to make it playable for the cup tie
mous player or performer to ensure his presence against Albion Rovers]
at a sporting event and so draw paying spectators Arc (horse racing) short name of the Prix de l’Arc
appel ( fencing) (1) a stamp of the front foot in a de Triomphe
9 arch • assistant

arch (athletics) the curve of the body of an athlete arrow (archery) the thin pointed missile shot from
clearing the bar in the high jump a bow to land on a target; (darts) colloquial term
archer (archery) a person who engages in archery for a dart; (tenpin bowling) one of several lines
archer’s bow (association football ) the posture of a marked on the lane to help guide the ball to the
player making a dive, differing from a genuine pins
fall in that the perpetrator holds up both arms arrow-chucking (sport) colloquial term for darts
with open palms, thrusts out his chest, and arrowman (darts) colloquial term for a player of
bends his legs at the knee, suggesting the curve the game
of a bow held by an archer art of self-defense ( general ) a term originally ap-
archery (sport) the art of using bows to shoot ar- plied to boxing but now to most of the martial
rows at a target arts
archery darts (archery) a variety of the sport in Art Ross Trophy (ice hockey) the trophy awarded
which the target has the same arrangement as to the top point scorer at the end of the regular
the numbers on a dartboard National Hockey League season [first awarded
area (association football ) shortening of penalty in 1948 in honor of Art Ross, manager and coach
area of the Boston Bruins]
arena ( general ) the area enclosed by seating in artificial fly (angling) a fly that imitates an insect,
which public sporting contests take place [Latin larva, or small fish
arena, “sand,” from the part of an ancient amphi- artistic gymnastics (gymnastics) the principal form
theater that was strewn with sand for combats] of the sport, performed on various pieces of ap-
Argentinian Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula paratus, as distinct from rhythmic gymnastics
One international Grand Prix held on the cir- artistic swimming (swimming) another term for
cuit at Buenos Aires, Argentina synchronized swimming
Argonauts (Canadian football ) short name of the A’s (baseball ) nickname of the Oakland Athletics
Toronto Argonauts team team
Argyle (association football ) short name of the En- ascender (mountaineering) a metal grip threaded
glish club Plymouth Argyle on a rope as an aid in climbing
arm ( general ) the ability to throw ascham (archery) a tall cupboard for the storage of
arm ball (cricket) a delivery by a spin bowler that bows and arrows [named for Sir Roger Ascham
travels in the direction of the bowler’s arm, in- (1515–1568), author of Toxophilus (1545), the
stead of deviating from it, as is more usual first English treatise on the sport]
arm throw (wrestling) a move in which the wrestler Ascot (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt race-
throws his opponent over his shoulder while course near Windsor, Berkshire, England, as-
holding him by the arm sociated primarily with Royal Ascot
arm wrestling (wrestling) a form of the sport in Ascot Gold Cup (horse racing) the most prestigious
which opponents sit facing each other at a table, race at Royal Ascot, first run in 1807
firmly plant opposite elbows on the table, lock Ashes (cricket) (1) a series of test matches between
hands, and attempt to force each other’s arm England and Australia; (2) the trophy awarded
back and down to the surface to the winner of the series [the trophy is in the
Armco (auto racing) proprietary name of the metal form of a small urn, devised after the Australian
crash barriers on a racetrack formerly used to victory of 1882 as a supposed receptacle of the
absorb the impact of cars and protect spectators “ashes” of English cricket but in reality said to
[acronym of American Rolling Mill Company, contain the burned remains of a bail]
the original manufacturers] ashitori (sumo) a move that brings one’s opponent
armguard (cricket) a form of protection worn on the down by the leg [Japanese ashitori, “leg-hold”]
forearm by a batsman facing the bowler Asian Games (Olympics) regional games held since
armhold (wrestling) a hold on an opponent’s arm 1951 for competitors from Asian countries
armlock (wrestling) an armhold applied to an op- assist (association football, ice hockey) a pass that
ponent’s elbow to gain a submission leads to the scoring of a goal; (baseball ) a play
armstand (swimming) a handstand on the edge of that makes it possible for a batter or runner to
a diving board held briefly before the start of a be put out; (basketball ) a pass that allows a bas-
dive ket to be scored; (lacrosse) the last pass made be-
around the horn (baseball ) (of ) a double play in fore a goal is scored
which the ball is thrown from third base to sec- assistant referee (association football ) one of the
ond base to first base, putting out runners at two officials on either touchline who help the
the latter two [from the image of a ship round- referee adjudicate the game by using a flag to in-
ing Cape Horn, South America] dicate offsides, throw-ins, and corner kicks
association • autopoint 10

association football (sport) a field game in which of the same name that is the home of the Na-
two teams of 11 players compete to kick or head tional Golf Club and host to the U.S. Masters
the ball into the goal of the opposing side Auld Enemy ( general ) an English team from the
[played according to the rules drawn up by the point of view of Scotland
Football Association] Auld Mug (sailing) nickname of the trophy
astern (sailing) in or toward the stern of a vessel awarded to the winner of the America’s Cup
astrodome (general ) a covered stadium [originally Aunt Emma (croquet) colloquial term for an unen-
the name of the Houston Astros baseball team terprising player
at Houston, Texas, built in 1965] Aunt Sally (cricket) colloquial term for a wicket-
Astros (baseball ) short name of the Houston Astros keeper [the bowler “aims” the ball at the wick-
team etkeeper in the same way that balls at a fair-
AstroTurf (general ) proprietary name of an artificial ground are aimed to smash the pipe of the
surface for sports pitches serving as a substitute wooden figure known as an Aunt Sally]
for turf, with a woven, grasslike pile laid on a Aussie Rules (sport) colloquial name for Australian
rubber base [as installed at the Houston As- Rules
trodome] Aussies ( general ) colloquial term for an Australian
asymmetric bars ( g ymnastics) the apparatus used sports team [abbreviation of Australian]
by women for artistic gymnastics, consisting of Austerity Games (Olympics) nickname of the
two parallel bars at different heights [so called Olympic Games held in London in 1948, when
for distinction from the parallel bars used by resources were still in short supply after World
men] War II
at bat (baseball ) the turn of a player to bat Australian crawl (swimming) a fast crawl originat-
atemi-waza (jujitsu) the striking techniques that ing in Australia
are one of the sport’s five basic elements [Japa- Australian Football League (Australian Rules) the
nese atemi, “blow,” and waza, “work”] main governing body for the sport
athlete (general ) a person who takes part in athlet- Australian Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula
ics [from Greek athlon, “contest”] One international Grand Prix held on the cir-
athletics ( general ) (1) an overall term for sports in- cuit at Adelaide or Melbourne, Australia
volving contests of strength, speed, endurance, or Australian National Football (sport) the formal
agility; (2) such sports as now divided into track name of Australian Rules
events and field events Australian Open (tennis) the major championship
attack (cycling) the sudden acceleration made by a that is the first grand slam competition of the
rider in an attempt to break away from another year, held at Flinders Park, Melbourne, Australia
rider or a group; ( general ) a collective term for Australian Rules (sport) an Australian version of
the players in attacking positions, as the for- rugby union played with an oval ball between
wards in association football; (lacrosse) a collec- teams of 18 players, with points scored for goals
tive term for the three players first home, second and behinds [played according to rules deter-
home, and third home between the center and mined by the Australian National Football
the opponents’ goal Council]
attack line (volleyball ) the line 3 meters from the Austrian Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula
net that marks the furthest point to which de- One international Grand Prix held on the cir-
fending players can advance cuit at the A1 Ring, Spielberg, Austria
attacker ( general ) a player whose role is mainly in auto racing (sport) the racing of finely-tuned cars
attacking around a prepared or designated circuit
attend the flag ( golf ) to hold the flag while an- autobus (cycling) colloquial term for a group of
other player putts, removing it immediately after lagging riders who stick together to help each
the ball has been struck other finish inside the time limit for a stage
attitude (cricket) another term for the stance of a [French autobus, “bus”]
batsman autocross (auto racing) a form of auto racing
auction race (horse racing) a race of horses bought across country or on an unmade track [French
at public auction auto, “car,” and cross-country]
audible (American football ) a tactic or game plan automobile racing (sport) the formal name of auto
called out in coded form by the quarterback at racing
the line of scrimmage to replace the play called autopoint (auto racing) a race over rough country
in the huddle (or to execute a play without a in motor vehicles [the motorized equivalent of
huddle when time is short) a point-to-point]
Augusta ( golf ) the golf course at the Georgia city autres, les see under les
11 autumn • back swing

autumn double (horse racing) a bet on the Cam- back crawl (swimming) a former term for the back-
bridgeshire and Cesarewitch, both handicap stroke
races run in the autumn back door (golf ) the back or side of the hole when
Autumn Spectacular ( golf ) colloquial name for entered by the ball
the World Matchplay Championship back down (rowing) to move a boat backward by
Avalanche (ice hockey) short name of the Colorado pushing the oars
Avalanche team back edge ( fencing) the opposite edge of the saber
avalement (skiing) the technique of bending then from the cutting edge
extending the legs to lessen the jolts experienced back foot (general ) the right foot, of a right-handed
when traveling over uneven terrain [French person, as the one further from the target
avaler, “to lower”] back four (association football ) the four backs in a
average (baseball ) shortening of batting average; 4-4-2 formation
(cricket) (1) shortening of batting average; (2) back full (trampolining) a backward somersault
shortening of bowling average with a full twist
awasewaza (judo) an ippon made by scoring two back giant ( g ymnastics) a giant in which the gym-
waza-ari [Japanese awase, “combine,” and waza, nast swings clockwise, his palms facing in the
“work”] same direction as his stomach
away (association football ) in football pools, a back handspring ( g ymnastics) a backflip onto the
match won by a team playing on the ground of hands from a standing position on one or both
their opponents; (general ) (1) not on one’s home feet that leads to a landing upright on the floor
ground; (2) on the outward half of a race; (golf ) or apparatus
(of ) a player who is furthest from the hole back-in, full-out ( g ymnastics) a double salto with
away game ( general ) a match played on the oppo- a full twist made during the second salto
nents’ ground back judge (American football ) a member of the
away swing (cricket) a movement of the ball from officiating team positioned downfield of the line
the leg side to the off side of scrimmage at the side of the field who rules
axel (ice skating) a jump from the forward outside on whether a pass is fairly caught
edge of one skate to the back outside edge of back nine ( golf ) the last nine holes on a course
the other, incorporating one and a half turns in back of a length (cricket) a ball pitched short of a
the air [introduced by the Norwegian skater Axel length (but not so as to be actually short)
Paulsen (1855–1938)] back pass (association football ) a pass back to one’s
axel lift (ice skating) in pair skating, the lift of a own goalkeeper, who must observe the back-
woman by her partner in which she is raised on pass rule
the first element of an axel, supported and back-pass rule (association football ) a rule intro-
turned one and a half times over the man’s head, duced in 1992 which states that a goalkeeper
then lowered on the second element receiving a back pass may not handle the ball in
Ayr (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt race- the penalty box
course at Ayr, southwestern Scotland back-pedal (boxing) to retreat from an opponent
Azzurri see Gli Azzurri while still facing them
b (cricket) abbreviation of bowled in scoring back pocket (Australian Rules) a defensive player
b sub (cricket) abbreviation of bowled by substi- who runs the ball out of defense
tute in scoring back pullover (trampolining) a move in which, fol-
Baa-Baas (rugby union) nickname of the Barbarians lowing a backdrop, the legs are pulled or pushed
baby split (tenpin bowling) a split in which only over the head into a three-quarter somersault
two pins are left standing onto the feet
back (archery) the part of the bow handle that faces back row (rugby union) the three forwards (two
the target when the archer is shooting; ( gen- flankers and the number eight) at the back of
eral ) in field games such as association foot- a scrum
ball, a defensive player behind the forwards; back shot (polo) a shot played in the opposite di-
(horse racing) to place a bet on a horse in a race; rection to the movement of play
(rugby league, rugby union) any of the seven play- back straight (athletics) the straight part of a track
ers not in the scrum furthest from the finish; (horse racing) the
back and fill (sailing) to trim the sails so that straight part of a racecourse furthest from the
the wind alternately presses them back and fills finish
them back stretch (athletics, horse racing) anther term
back bowl (bowls) a bowl lying between the jack for the back straight
and the rear ditch back swing ( g ymnastics) a backward swing
back the field • backward 12

back the field (horse racing) to bet on the rest of the backhand flick (table tennis) a flick made back-
runners rather than the favorite hand
back three (rugby union) the wingers and full backhand push (table tennis) a push made back-
back, as the players usually furthest back in a hand
defensive situation backhander ( general ) a blow or stroke made
back up (angling) to fish a pool from the bottom backhand
toward the top by making a cast across then backheel (association football ) a pass or shot made
walking slowly backward upstream; (cricket) (1) with the heel
as a fielder, to be in readiness to stop the ball if backlift (association football ) a backward raising of
it is missed by another fielder; (2) as the batsman the leg before the ball is kicked; (cricket) a back-
at the non-striker’s end, to start to move down ward lifting of the bat before the stroke is made
the pitch in readiness for a possible run made by backline ( general ) a line marking the end limit of
the striker; (lacrosse) to place a player directly play; (rugby union) the players lined across the
behind the line of a shot at goal in order to re- field behind a scrum or lineout
sume possession if the shot is blocked or deflected backmarker ( general ) (1) a contestant who starts a
back walkover ( g ymnastics) a move in which a race with the least advantageous handicap; (2)
bridge is executed then each leg brought for- a competitor at the back of the field
ward in turn via a handstand position backpaddle (canoeing) to push the paddle back-
backboard (basketball ) the board fixed behind the ward in order to reverse the direction of motion
basket to deflect the ball; (ice hockey) a board backscratcher (skiing) an aerial maneuver in which
fixed behind the goal; (tennis) a wall or other the skier touches his back with the tails of both
surface against which a player can practice shots skis, keeping his legs together and his knees bent
backbreaker (wrestling) a hold in which a wrestler under his body
presses his opponent down on his back over his backside air (snowboarding) an aerial maneuver
knee or shoulder executed off the backside wall of the half-pipe
backcast (angling) to throw a fishing line back be- backside rotation (snowboarding) a clockwise ro-
fore making a cast tation for a regular footer or an anticlockwise ro-
backcheck (ice hockey) to check an opponent while tation for a goofy footer
skating backward toward one’s own goal backside wall (snowboarding) the wall of the half-
backcourt (tennis) the area of the court between the pipe behind the back of the boarder
service line and the baseline backspin (general ) a backward motion imparted to
backcourt violation (basketball ) the offense of a ball when struck, as in golf or snooker; (table
passing the ball back across the center line to a tennis) a backward rotation given to the ball ei-
colleague ther by striking it with a downward movement
backdoor play (lacrosse) a play in which a player or by a chop of the bat
sends the ball around the back of the defense backstop (baseball ) a screen or wall that acts as a
toward either wing then makes for the goal barrier behind the catcher; (cricket) an alternate
backdoor slider (baseball ) a pitch that appears to name for a longstop; (rounders) the player behind
be beyond the outside part of the strike zone the batter who stops the ball; (spaceball ) the
but that then breaks back over the plate frame at the end of each court that serves as a
backdrop (trampolining) a landing made on the back scoring area
backfall (wrestling) a fall on the back backstroke (swimming) a stroke performed on the
backfield (American football ) the players who line back, with alternate backward circular move-
up behind the line of scrimmage ments of the arms and scissor movements of the
backfist (karate) a punch with the back of the fist legs
backflip (gymnastics) a backward aerial somersault backstroke flags (swimming) flags suspended above
backhand (bowls) the part of the rink to the left of and across the pool near each end, positioned to
a right-handed player, and to the right of a left- show backstroke swimmers where to turn
handed player; (tennis) (1) (of ) a stroke with the backswing ( golf ) the movement that lifts the club
back of the hand facing toward one’s opponent; back and away from the ball preparatory to
(2) the part of the court to the left of a right- striking it
handed player, and to the right of a left-handed backward (swimming) a dive in which the diver
player, where it often necessary to play backhand starts with his back toward the water and rotates
backhand chop (table tennis) a chop made back- away from the board
hand backward point (cricket) a fielding position on the
backhand drive (table tennis) a drive made back- off side similar to point but further out from
hand the batsman and behind the line of his wicket
13 badminton • ball

badminton (sport) a game for two or four people tish club Falkirk [Scots bairns, “children,” a local
on a court with a net played with lightweight name for the townsfolk]
rackets and a shuttlecock, the object being to bait (angling) the food on a hook that attracts fish
win more points than the opposition by pre- and offers them a bite
venting the shuttlecock from hitting the ground bait waiter (angling) a tray that screws into a bank
[first played in the 1870s at Badminton House, stick to hold boxes of bait
Gloucestershire, country seat of the dukes of baitfish (angling) a small fish used as bait
Beaufort] baize (billiards, snooker) the green woolen cloth
Badminton (equestrianism) short name of the Bad- that covers the bed of the billiard table
minton Horse Trials, an annual three-day event baker (angling) a type of artificial fly used in
held in the grounds of Badminton House, salmon-fishing
Gloucestershire, seat of the dukes of Beaufort balance beam ( g ymnastics) a formal name for the
baff (billiards) to hit the table before hitting the beam
ball; ( golf ) to strike the ground with the sole balestra ( fencing) an attacking movement consist-
of the club and so send the ball high into the ing of a jump forward with both feet immedi-
air ately followed by a lunge [Italian balestra, “cross-
baffing spoon ( golf ) a former term for the spoon bow”]
more commonly known as a baffy balk (baseball ) an illegal action by the pitcher in
baffy (golf ) the former name of a 4-wood, a spoon which he fails to deliver a pitch after beginning
like a brassy but with a slightly shorter shaft the motion to do so, thus deceiving a baserun-
and a more concave face [perhaps from French ner; (billiards, snooker) the part of the billiard
baffe, “slap in the face”] table where play begins, marked off by the balk-
bag (angling) the amount of fish caught; (baseball ) line
any base but home base; (cricket) (1) the total balkline (athletics) a line marking the boundary
of wickets taken in an innings or match by a for a preliminary run when jumping; (billiards,
particular bowler; (2) shortening of cricket bag; snooker) a line across the bottom of the billiard
( golf ) shortening of golf bag table 29 inches (73.3cm) from the cushion;
bag boy ( golf ) a male member of the course staff (croquet) the line at each end of the court from
who helps place a player’s clubs on a cart which players start
bag drop ( golf ) the place where a bag boy or bag ball (association football, rugby union) a pass to a
girl picks up a player’s clubs teammate; (baseball ) a pitch outside the strike
bag girl ( golf ) a female member of the course staff zone; (cricket) a delivery by the bowler; (general )
who helps place a player’s clubs on a cart (1) the round or oval object of varying size,
bag tag ( golf ) the tag that identifies a particular shape, and composition with which a game or
player’s bag sport is played, as a baseball, billiard ball, or
bagel (tennis) shortening of bagel job football; (2) a game played with a ball, as Amer-
bagel job (tennis) colloquial term for a set won in ican football or baseball
six straight games [from the resemblance of the ball carrier (rugby league, rugby union) the player
loser’s zero score to a bagel] carrying the ball at any given moment
Baggies (association football ) nickname of the En- ball court ( general ) an area such as a paved yard
glish club West Bromwich Albion [from the bags used for ball games
in which the stewards carried the gate money ball game ( general ) any game played with a ball
along the touchline to their office] ball hawk (American football ) colloquial term for
baggy green (cricket) the baggy green cap worn by a player who is quick to get possession of the
Australian Test players ball
Bahrain Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula ball-out (trampolining) a one-and-a-quarter for-
One international Grand Prix held on the cir- ward somersault executed after a backdrop
cuit at Sakhir, Bahrain ball player (association football ) a player with good
bail (cricket) one of the two bails on the wicket ball skills; (baseball ) a player of the game
bail out ( golf ) to play cautiously, as in a short ball skills (association football ) the knowledge and
game around a green guarded by bunkers expertise required of a ball player
bailer (cricket) another term for a full toss [it is ball tampering (cricket) an infringement in which
aimed at the bails] the surface of the ball is artificially altered dur-
bails (cricket) the two small wooden crosspieces ing a game to gain an advantage, as by raising its
atop the stumps that form the wicket, which seam with a fingernail or applying a substance to
when dislodged denote that the batsman is out shine it
Bairns (association football ) nickname of the Scot- ball up (Australian Rules) the procedure for starting
ballboy • barebow 14

a game, in which the umpire bounces the ball Banff Springs ( golf ) a golf course at Banff, Al-
in the center of the field and the ruckmen com- berta, Canada
pete for possession bang-bang (baseball ) a moment of play when a
ballboy (association football ) a boy stationed on the runner and the ball arrive at a base almost si-
sidelines to return the ball for a throw-in, col- multaneously
lect corner flags after a match, and the like; bank (billiards, snooker) another term for a cush-
(tennis) a boy who retrieves balls that are out of ion
play and returns them to the players, supplies bank shot (basketball ) a shot that sends the ball off
balls to the players, and the like the backboard into the basket
ballet (ice skating, skiing) a movement or perform- bank stick (angling) a device that secures a keep-
ance like that of a ballet dancer net on a river bank
ballet leg (swimming) a position in synchronized banker (association football ) a result forecast iden-
swimming in which one leg is extended perpen- tically in a series of entries on a football coupon
dicular to the surface of the water Bankies (association football ) nickname of the Scot-
ballet leg double (swimming) a position in syn- tish club Clydebank
chronized swimming in which both legs are ex- banking (cycling) the inclined track surface of a
tended perpendicular to the surface of the water velodrome
ballgirl (association football ) a girl stationed on the Bantams (association football ) nickname of the En-
sidelines to return the ball to the players when glish club Bradford City [from the domestic
it goes out of play, collect the corner flags after fowl, the male of which is a lively fighter]
a match, and the like; (tennis) a girl who re- bantamweight (boxing) the professional weight
trieves balls that are out of play and returns them category of maximum 54kg (118lb)
to the players, supplies balls to the players, and banzuki (sumo) the official ranking list of wrestlers
the like [Japanese banzuke, “list”]
ballkid (tennis) general term for a ballboy or ball- bar (athletics) the crossbar to be cleared in the high
girl jump or pole vault; (weightlifting) shortening
Ballon d’Or (association football ) an annual award of barbell
to the player adjudged the European Footballer bar billiards (billiards) a scaled-down version of
of the Year, first made in 1956 [French ballon billiards played in bars
d’or, “golden ball”] bar hop (cycling) in BMX, to move from the sad-
balloon (cricket) to score a duck; ( general ) a high dle to the handlebars while the bike is in motion
kick or hit of a ball barani (trampolining) a forward somersault with a
ballooning (sport) racing or competing in hot-air half-twist [apparently a proper name]
balloons, with contests of altitude, distance, du- barani-in (trampolining) a double forward somer-
ration of flight, accuracy of landing, and the like sault with a half-twist in the first somersault
ballpark (baseball ) a stadium for baseball barani-out (trampolining) a double forward som-
ballwinner (association football ) a player adept at ersault with a half-twist in the second somer-
winning the ball sault
Ballybunion ( golf ) a golf course at Ballybunion, barb (angling) a backward-facing projection near
Co. Kerry, Ireland the point of a hook
Baltimore chop (baseball ) a chopper that enables Barbarians (rugby union) an international invita-
the batter to reach first base before a fielder can tional team with no ground or clubhouse,
catch the ball [originally practiced by Baltimore founded in England in 1890 [perhaps so named
Orioles] from the popular conception of rugby players as
banana kick (association football ) a sharply curv- mindless thugs]
ing shot made with the inside of the boot Barbars (rugby union) nickname of the Barbarians
banana shot ( golf ) an extreme slice that sends the barbell (weightlifting) a bar with attached disk
ball on a curving trajectory weights and collars [blend of bar and dumbbell]
bandbox (baseball ) a ballpark smaller than aver- barber (baseball ) (1) colloquial term for a talkative
age, in which it is easy to hit home runs player [like the commentator “Red” Barber]; (2)
bandit ( golf ) an amateur player with an unde- a pitcher who fires balls as the head of the bat-
servedly high handicap, giving an advantage in ter, so forcing him away from the plate [as did
competitions Sal “The Barber” Maglie]
bandy (sport) a game similar to hockey played on Barça (association football ) nickname of the Span-
ice with curved sticks between teams of 11 play- ish club Barcelona
ers, the object being to score goals [perhaps same barebow (archery) a type of recurve bow but with
word as bandy, “to toss from one to another”] no sight or stabilizer
15 barefoot • battery

barefoot skiing (water skiing) a form of the sport base (as first baseman), second base (second
practiced without skis baseman), or third base (third baseman)
barmaid (tenpin bowling) a pin that remains hid- baserunner (baseball ) a batter who has reached
den behind another pin [like a barmaid behind first base safely and is now attempting to com-
a bar counter] plete the circuit
Barmy Army (cricket) nickname for British sup- bases-loaded (baseball ) made or occurring at the
porters of the English national team, especially moment when baserunners occupy first base,
when playing test matches abroad [so dubbed by second base, and third base
the Australian media for their vociferous enthu- basher (skiing) colloquial term for a fast or reckless
siasm] skier
barn (horse racing) a collection of loose boxes in a basho (sumo) a tournament comprising 15 matches
yard [Japanese ba, “place,” and sho, “place,” the re-
barrage (bowls) a cluster of bowls around the jack; peated meanings serving for emphasis]
( general ) a heat or round to elect contestants or basic swing (skiing) a snowplow start to a turn
to serve as a tie break, as a jump-off in show- and a parallel turn to finish
jumping basket (basketball ) (1) the net (originally fruit bas-
barrel (darts) the metal part of the dart; (surfing) the ket) fixed on a ring that is used as a goal; (2) a
hollow space beneath the curl of a breaking wave scored goal; (skiing) the circular part of a ski
barrier (horse racing) another term for the start- stick near its base that prevents the pole from
ing gate going too deep into the snow
bas (hurling) the flat blade of the hurley basket catch (baseball ) a catch made by fielder at
base (baseball ) one of the four stations around the waist height as the ball drops over his shoulder
corners of the infield that must be reached in [the player’s arms and hands form a “basket”]
turn when scoring a run; (rounders) one of the basketball (sport) (1) a game played between teams
four fixed points marked by posts that must be of five players, the object being to toss the ball
run around to score a rounder into the opponents’ basket to score a goal; (2) the
base hit (baseball ) a hit that enables the batter to large inflated ball used in the game
reach a base safely bat (baseball ) the rounded wooden implement
base jumping (sport) a form of parachuting from used to strike the ball; (cricket) (1) shortening of
the summit of a structure or natural height, es- cricket bat; (2) a turn at batting; (3) a bats-
pecially a landmark, rather than from an aircraft man; (horse racing) a short whip used by a
[name devised as an acronym of building, aerial, jockey; (table tennis) the small rubber-coated
span (as a bridge), earth (as a mountain), the four implement used to strike the ball; (tennis) col-
objects from which the jump is properly made, loquial term for a racket; (trapball ) the small
but later associated with “base” as the foot of the flat implement with which the ball is hit away
object where the jumper lands] from the trap
base on balls (baseball ) the advance to first base bat-pad catch (cricket) a catch taken after the ball
awarded to a batter after the pitcher has thrown has struck the bat of the batsman and then re-
four balls outside the strike zone bounded off his pad
base-stealer (baseball ) a baserunner who advances Bath (horse racing) a flat racecourse at Bath, west-
to the next base when no hit or error has been ern England
made batinton (sport) a game for two or four players
baseball (sport) (1) a game played with bat, ball, based on badminton with a scoring system as
and gloves between two teams of nine players, the in table tennis [blend of bat and badminton]
object being for each batter to hit the ball deliv- baton (athletics) the metal cylinder passed from one
ered by the opponents’ pitcher then run around runner to another in a relay race
a diamond-shaped circuit of four bases to score batsman (cricket) the player with a bat who at-
a run; (2) the hard ball used in baseball tempts to strike the ball delivered by the bowler
baseball bat (baseball ) the bat used in baseball and score runs
baseball pass (basketball ) a long fast pass in which batter (baseball ) the player with a bat who at-
the ball is thrown overarm tempts to strike the ball delivered by the pitcher
baseline (badminton, tennis) the backline at each and score a run; (rounders) the player with a bat
end of the court; (baseball ) a line that joins two who attempts to hit the ball delivered by the
bases bowler and score a rounder
baseliner (tennis) a player who plays mainly from batter’s box (baseball ) the place where the batter
the baseline and only rarely approaches the net stands to receive the pitch
baseman (baseball ) a fielder stationed near first battery (baseball ) collective term for the pitcher
batting • belt 16

and catcher [originally the term for the pitcher autobiography was titled My Life and the Beau-
alone, as the player who delivered a “battery” of tiful Game]
pitches] Becher’s Brook (horse racing) a difficult jump on
batting (baseball, cricket) playing with a bat, as dis- the Grand National course at Aintree [named
tinct from fielding for Captain Martin Becher (1797–1864), who
batting average (baseball ) a score calculated for a fell here in the first race in 1839]
batter by dividing his total number of hits by his bed (billiards, snooker) the flat surface of slate on the
number of at bats; (cricket) a score calculated billiard table on which the baize is laid; (darts)
for a batsman by dividing his total number of one of the two narrow rings scoring a double or
runs by the number of times he has been out treble in the main segment of a dartboard;
batting order (baseball ) the order in which a team’s (trampolining) the area of the trampoline on
batters are at bat; (cricket) the order in which a which performers bounce and perform routines
team’s batsmen go in to bat bed and breakfast (darts) colloquial term for a
batting track (cricket) fuller term for the track score of 26 [from two and six in its general sense
baulk see balk of “two shillings and six pence,” the traditional
baulkline see balkline cost of bed and breakfast at an inn]
BCS (American football ) abbreviation of Bowl Bees (association football ) (1) nickname of the En-
Championship Series glish club Barnet; (2) nickname of the English
beach cricket (cricket) an informal game played club Brentford [initial of the names, with a hint
on the beach at the stinging insect]
beach football (association football ) an informal behind (Australian Rules) a goal, worth one point,
game played on the beach scored between one of the behind posts and the
beach start (water skiing) a start from the beach, main goalposts
with the skier sitting in the water holding the behind post (Australian Rules) one of the two small
towbar of the boat posts on either side of the main goalposts
beach volleyball (volleyball ) a form of the game belay (mountaineering) (1) the turn of a rope
played barefoot on an outdoor sandy court be- around a rock, especially one supplemented by
tween teams of two players [originally played on anchors and braking devices, made to assist an as-
a beach] cending colleague; (2) the rock around which
beach wicket (cricket) a slow or dry and dusty the turn is made
wicket [like one found in beach cricket] Belgian Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula
beachball (general ) a large inflatable usually colored One international Grand Prix held on the cir-
ball for games on the beach cuit at Spa-Francorchamps, Belgium
beachbreak (surfing) the point where a wave breaks bell lap (athletics) the final lap of a foot race, sig-
on the approach to a sandy beach naled by the sounding of a bell
beam ( g ymnastics) the raised wooden beam on bell target (shooting) a target in air pistol shoot-
which gymnasts perform balancing exercises ing that consists of a cast-iron plate with a hole
beamer (cricket) a fast full toss delivered to a bats- in the center behind which is a bell
man at head height bellows to mend ( general ) colloquial term for
beanball (baseball ) a ball pitched at the head of shortness of breath, as in an aging racehorse or
the batter; (cricket) another term for a beamer an unfit boxer
[from colloquial bean, “head”] belly (archery) the part of the bow handle that faces
bear hug (wrestling) a hold that tightly grips an the archer when shooting
opponent’s arms and upper body belly flop (swimming) an inexpert dive in which the
Bears (American football ) short name of the diver lands face down, flat on the water
Chicago Bears team belly putter ( golf ) a type of putter with a longer
beat (angling) a stretch of riverbank noted for good than usual shaft, the top of which is lodged in
fishing; (sailing) to sail as close as possible to di- the player’s midriff when making a shot
rectly into the wind bellyboard (surfing) a short board which the surfer
beat the board (athletics) to thrust the foot down rides by gripping the sides and keeping the upper
hard on the board in the long jump surface pressed to his chest, using his legs for
beatout (baseball ) a play in which a batter makes steering
a run to first base by outrunning the throw of Belmont Stakes (horse racing) the oldest of the
the fielder designed to stop him Triple Crown races, run annually at Belmont
beautiful game (sport) journalistic nickname for Park near New York City [named for the financier
association football [the phrase is attributed to and sportsman August Belmont (1816–1890)]
the Brazilian football Pelé (1940–), whose 1977 belt (boxing) an imaginary line around the waist
17 bench • big

below which punches are prohibited; ( general ) bet ( general ) a wager on the result of a sporting
an award for achievement in a sport, as black contest, especially in horse racing
belt, Lonsdale Belt betterball ( golf ) (1) a strokeplay between two
bench (American football, association football ) a seat teams of two players in which only the lower
near the touchline for a team’s manager, score of each is counted for each hole; (2) a
trainer, and substitutes; (baseball ) (1) a seat for match in which a single player competes against
coaches and reserves at a match; (2) a collective the best individual score of two or more players
term for the reserves themselves for each hole
bench press (weightlifting) an exercise in which the betting shop ( greyhound racing, horse racing) an
lifter lies face up on a bench with feet on the establishment, not on a racetrack, licensed for
floor and raises a barbell from chest level to arm’s the placing of bets and the payment of winnings
length Betty (snowboarding) nickname for a female
bench-warmer (baseball ) colloquial term for a re- boarder
serve [who warms the bench by sitting on it] between the flags (horse racing) in a point-to-
benched (American football ) kept out of a team as point [a race in which obstacles are marked by
a substitute by being retained on the bench for flags]
the duration of a game or even for several games between the posts (association football ) the playing
bend (athletics) (1) the curved section of the track; position of a goalkeeper
(2) the part of a race run around this section; between the sticks (association football ) alternate
(auto racing) another term for a shunt term for between the posts
bend the ball (association football ) to kick the ball Beverley (horse racing) a flat racecourse at Bever-
in an curving trajectory ley, East Yorkshire, England
benefit match ( general ) a match the proceeds of BHA (horse racing) abbreviation of British
which go to a particular player or team Horseracing Authority
Bengals (American football ) short name of the Bhoys (association football ) nickname of the Scot-
Cincinnati Bengals team tish club Celtic [mock–Irish spelling of boys, re-
benny squad (American football ) the special team lating to the club’s founding in 1887 by Irish
used for the toughest plays with maximum Catholics]
physical contact [their aggression is reportedly bias (bowls) (1) the bulge or greater weight on one
fuelled by pre-match doses of benzedrine] side of a bowl that makes it turn to one side; (2)
Benson & Hedges Cup (cricket) the cup awarded the actual turning that it causes
to the winner of the annual competition between biathlete (Olympics) a competitor in a biathlon
first-class counties, some minor counties, and biathlon (Olympics) a contest in the Winter
certain other teams, first held in 1972 and su- Olympics combining cross-country skiing and
perseded in 2003 by the Twenty20 Cup [name rifle shooting [Latin bi-, “two,” and Greek
of sponsors] athlon, “contest”]
bent (cycling) colloquial term for a recumbent bib (athletics, skiing) the vest bearing their num-
berm (cycling) in BMX, a banked bend ber worn by competitors; ( fencing) the padded
Bermuda Race (sailing) a biennial ocean race for protective part of a mask that protects the throat
yachts, first held in 1906 and covering a course bicycle (equestrianism) to spur a bucking horse on
from Newport, Rhode Island, to Bermuda each side alternately
Bermuda rig (sailing) a rig in which a large sail bicycle kick (association football ) an overhead kick
set fore-and-aft is fixed directly to a tall main- made with both feet off the ground and the legs
mast [originating in Bermuda] moving as if pedaling a bicycle
Bernabéu (association football ) the home ground bicycle motocross (cycling) formal name of BMX
in Madrid, Spain, of the Spanish club Real bicycle polo (polo) a variety of the game played
Madrid [named for a former club president, Don on bicycles instead of on horseback
Santiago Bernabéu] biddy basketball (basketball ) a scaled-down ver-
besom (curling) the broom with which the ice is sion of basketball played by young children
swept ahead of a traveling stone bidon (cycling) a water bottle carried on the bicy-
best of the rest (association football ) a term for the cle during a road race [French]
teams that are among the best apart from those Biellmann spin (ice skating) a spin similar to a lay-
that are currently at the top back spin, with the back arched and the free leg
bestball ( golf ) (1) a match in which one player pulled up over the head [popularized by the
plays against two or three other players, the low- Swiss figure skater Denise Biellmann (1962–)]
est score of an individual’s holes being the one big air ( general ) a freestyle event in a sport such
that is counted; (2) alternate name for a fourball as skateboarding or skiing in which partici-
Big • Black 18

pants perform various tricks in the air after a table, with pockets at the sides and corners, on
jump which billiards and snooker are played
Big Eight (American football ) a major conference billiards (sport) (1) general term for a game played
of eight college football teams, comprising the with a cue and balls on a baize-covered table,
universities of Colorado, Iowa State, Kansas, the aim being either to send the balls into its
Kansas State, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, pockets or to place them in a strategically advan-
and Oklahoma State tageous position; (2) the specific name of such a
Big Five (basketball ) the teams of five institutions game, played with two cue balls (plain ball and
in the area of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: La spot white) and one red
Salle College, the University of Pennsylvania, St. Bills (American football ) short name of the Buf-
Joseph’s College, Temple University, and Vi- falo Bills team
lanova University billy board (surfing) a very short surfboard
Big Four (association football ) the four English Billy Williams’ Cabbage Patch (rugby union)
clubs who have dominated the Premier League nickname of the ground at Twickenham [ac-
since its formation in 1992: Arsenal, Chelsea, quired in 1907 by William “Billy” Williams and
Liverpool, and Manchester United in part used as a market garden]
big hitter (baseball, cricket) a player who hits the bind (rugby union) to hold on to another player, as
ball a long way in a scrum, ruck, or maul
big league (baseball ) another term for a major bingo-bango-bingo ( golf ) a bet among players
league on whose ball will first reach the green, or is
Big Ten (American football ) a major conference of nearest the hole when all the balls are on the
college football teams, comprising the univer- green, or is first into the hole
sities of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Binos (association football ) nickname of the Scot-
Michigan State, Minnesota, Northwestern, Ohio tish club Stirling Albion [from Albion]
State, Purdue, and Wisconsin bird (badminton) colloquial term for the shuttle-
Big Three (American football ) the college foot- cock
ball teams of Harvard, Princeton, and Yale uni- birdie ( golf ) a score of one under par on a hole
versities [said to derive from the “bird of a shot” that U.S.
Big Twelve (American football ) a major confer- golfer Ab Smith claimed he had made in an 1899
ence of college football teams, comprising the game in Atlantic City]
universities of Baylor, Colorado, Iowa State, bird’s nest (angling) colloquial term for a tangled
Kansas, Kansas State, Missouri, Nebraska, Ok- line or cast
lahoma, Oklahoma State, Texas, Texas A&M, Biscuitmen (association football ) former nickname
and Texas Tech of the English club Reading [from the famous
bike (cycling) colloquial term for a bicycle [short- biscuit (cookie) factory in the town]
ening of bicycle]; (motorcycle racing) colloquial Bisley (shooting) the village near Woking, Surrey,
term for a motorcycle [shortening of motorbike] that is the home of the sport in Britain
bike-o (orienteering) a form of orienteering on Bismarck (horse racing) a bet that bookmakers do
mountain bikes not expect to win [from the World War II Ger-
Bikle’s baseball ( gliding) a contest, formally man battleship of the name that was torpedoed
known as “distance within a prescribed area,” in although thought to be unsinkable]
which pilots attempt to fly around as many des- bisque (croquet) an extra turn awarded to a weaker
ignated turn points as possible [named for pilot player in a handicap game; ( general ) a point or
Paul Bikle and the contour of the course, like stroke allowed when regarded as an advantage
that of a baseball diamond] bit (equestrianism, horse racing) the part of the bri-
billiard ball (billiards) one of the three balls (plain dle that the horse holds in its mouth
ball, spot white, and red) used in billiards bite (angling) a nibble at the bait by a fish
billiard cloth (billiards, snooker) the baize that cov- bite alarm (angling) a battery-operated device that
ers the billiard table indicates the movement of a fish taking a bite
billiard cue (billiards) fuller term for a cue biter (angling) a fish likely to take a bite; (curling)
billiard marker (billiards) the person who (or ap- a stone that just touches the outer circle of the
paratus which) marks the points made by the house
players black (snooker) the black ball, worth seven points
billiard spot (billiards) the spot on the billiard Black and Whites (association football ) (1) nick-
table nearest the top cushion on which the red name of the Scottish club Elgin City; (2) nick-
is placed at the beginning of a game name of the Scottish club Gretna [the colors of
billiard table (billiards, snooker) the rectangular the teams’ strips]
19 black • blocker

black ball game (sport) a name for snooker, as a bleachers ( general ) (1) cheap open-air seats for
game whose outcome depends on the final pot- spectators at a sports ground; (2) the spectators
ting of the black themselves [at one time the seats were “bleached”
black belt (judo, karate) a belt worn to indicate or made pale by the sun]
attainment of the dan rank Bledisloe Cup (rugby union) the cup for which
Black Cats (association football ) nickname of the Australia and New Zealand have competed since
Scottish club Sunderland [from the animal of 1931 [presented by Lord Bledisloe (1867–1958),
this color, believed to bring luck] governor general of New Zealand]
Black Ferns (rugby union) nickname of the New Bleus, Les see under Les
Zealand national women’s team [from the color blind side (rugby league) the side of the pitch with
of the team’s shirts] less space between the scrum or play-the-ball
black flag (auto racing) (1) a flag with a car num- and the touchline than the open side; (rugby
ber indicating that its driver must immediately union) the side of the pitch with less space be-
return to the pits; (2) a flag with an orange disk tween the scrum, ruck or maul and the touch-
showing a car number indicating that the car has line than the open side
a mechanical fault and must immediately return blind-side flanker (rugby union) the flanker bind-
to the pits ing on the blind side
Black Jacks (bowls) nickname of the New Zealand blind spot (cricket) the spot on the ground in front
national team [a pun on the white jack] of a batsman where a ball pitched by the bowler
black line (cycling) another term for the pole line leaves the batsman uncertain whether to play
black run (skiing) a run regarded as difficult for forward or play back
inexperienced skiers blinders (horse racing) another term for blinkers
black spot (snooker) the spot on the billiard table blinkers (horse racing) a pair of sidepieces fastened
where the black is positioned, midway between to a horse’s bridle in order to concentrate its at-
the top cushion and the pyramid of reds tention on the course ahead
Blackcaps (cricket) nickname of the New Zealand blitz (American football ) a tactic in which a defen-
national team [from their black caps] sive back abandons his usual role and charges
Blackhawks (ice hockey) short name of the Chicago into the offensive backfield to anticipate a pass
Blackhawks team blob (cricket) colloquial term for a score of zero
blade (cricket) (1) the long flat part of the bat with [from the shape of the figure 0]
which the ball is struck; (2) the bat itself; ( golf ) block (American football ) the obstruction of an op-
a club that does not have a cavity back; (ice skat- posing player who does not have possession;
ing) the runner of a skate; (rowing) (1) the flat (athletics) shortening of starting block; (basket-
part of the oar or scull that enters the water dur- ball ) the deflection of the ball in its upward tra-
ing the rowing stroke; (2) the oar itself; (table jectory to the basket; (cricket) (1) the spot on
tennis) the bat underneath its rubber covering which the batsman rests the end of the bat when
blader (roller skating) a person who uses rollerblades facing the bowling; (2) the defensive stopping of
Blades (association football ) nickname of the British the ball with the bat, with no attempt to score
club Sheffield United [from the local cutlery in- runs; (cycling) (1) another term for the free-
dustry] wheel; (2) a tactical attempt by a rider to slow
bladework (rowing) the management of oars down a group when he does not want it to catch
blanket ( greyhound racing) the cover worn by a another rider who is in the lead; ( general ) the
greyhound during the parade, showing the color hindering of the play or action of an opponent;
and number of the dog’s post position (swimming) the platform from which a swim-
blanket finish ( general ) a very close finish to a mer starts the race; (table tennis) a return shot
race [the contestants are so close that they could in which the ball is played immediately after it
be covered with a single blanket] strikes the table; (volleyball ) a barrier of arms
blast (baseball ) colloquial term for a home run and hands formed above the net with the aim
blaster ( golf ) another term for a sand wedge [it of preventing a spike from the opposite side
“blasts” the ball out of the sand] block tackle (association football ) a tackle made
blazer (general ) (1) a lightweight colored or striped on an opposing player as he attempts to pass the
jacket bearing on its breast pocket the badge of ball or shoot at goal
a club or team, worn by some sportsmen; (2) an block volley (tennis) a volley played with a sta-
sports official who wears a jacket of this type [so tionary racket
named from the red color of the original jackets blocker (American football ) a player whose role is to
worn by members of a St. John’s College, Cam- obstruct opponents with a block; (bowls) a bowl
bridge, boat club] played so that it stops short of the head, thus
blocking • boast 20

making it harder for an opponent to attack the blue line (cycling) another term for the stayers’
jack; (cricket) a habitually defensive batsman, line; (ice hockey) one of the two lines that divide
who makes little or no attempt to score runs the playing area into three equal parts
blocking (boxing) the use of the shoulders, arms, or blue spot (snooker) the spot on the billiard table
hands to prevent an opponent’s punch from where the blue is positioned, midway between
landing cleanly the top and bottom cushions
blocking back (American football ) another term Bluebirds (association football ) nickname of the
for a quarterback Welsh club Cardiff City [the color of the team’s
blocks (athletics) shortening of starting blocks strip]
blood bin (rugby league, rugby union) the place off blueliner (ice hockey) another term for a defense-
the pitch where a player goes to have a bleeding man
wound attended to Bluenoses (association football ) nickname for sup-
blood doping (athletics) the injection of oxy- porters of the Scottish club Rangers [from the
genated blood into an athlete in an (illegal) at- supposedly puritanical views of the Protestants
tempt to enhance his performance who traditionally make up their numbers, espe-
blood horse (horse racing) another term for a thor- cially when the club is playing against the rival
oughbred Catholic club Celtic]
blood knot (angling) a knot used to tie fishing Blues (association football ) nickname of many En-
lines of different lengths glish clubs, including Birmingham City, Carlisle
bloodstock (horse racing) collective term for thor- United, Chelsea, Chester City, Ipswich Town,
oughbred or pedigree horses Manchester City, and Rangers [the color of the
bloodwagon (skiing) a sled used to move injured teams’ strips]; (Australian Rules) short name of
skiers off the slopes the Carlton Blues team; (ice hockey) short name
bloodworm (angling) a midge larva (Chironomus) of the St. Louis Blues team
used as bait blunt (skateboarding) a move in which the tail area
bloop (baseball ) to hit the ball high beyond the behind the rear truck is in contact with the sur-
reach of the infielders face
blooper (baseball ) (1) a ball hit high beyond the BMX (cycling) a bicycle race over an outdoor
reach of the infielders; (2) a ball thrown high course similar to a motocross course, originat-
by the pitcher ing in California in 1969 [abbreviation of bicy-
blouse (horse racing) another term for the silks cle motocross]
worn by a jockey BMX bike (cycling) the specially modified bicycle,
blow line (angling) a line used in dapping which with smallish wheels and no gears, used in BMX
allows the fly to ride on the surface of the water board (association football ) shortening of indicator
blue ( general ) (1) a person chosen to represent Ox- board; (athletics) the point at the end of the run-
ford University or Harrow School (dark blue) or way where the athlete takes off in the long jump
Cambridge University or Eton College (light and triple jump; (basketball ) (1) shortening of
blue) in a particular sport; (2) the badge awarded backboard; (2) alternate term for a rebound;
for this; (snooker) the blue ball, worth five points (cricket) shortening of scoreboard; (darts) short-
Blue Bombers (Canadian football ) short name of ening of dartboard; ( general ) short form of the
the Winnipeg Blue Bombers team formal name of the specially designed rigid plat-
Blue Brazil (association football ) nickname of the form on which a person rides in various sports,
Scottish club Cowdenbeath [from the color of as skateboard, snowboard, surfboard, wake-
the team’s strip and their boast that they are on board; (swimming) shortening of diving board
a par with the Brazilian national side] boarder ( general ) a person who rides a board in a
blue day ( gliding) a cloudless day, when the sky is sport such as snowboarding or surfing
altogether blue boardercross (snowboarding) another name for
blue flag (auto racing) the flag shown to a driver to snowboard cross
indicate that another car is trying to overtake boarding (ice hockey) the offense of pushing an-
Blue Jackets (ice hockey) short name of the Colum- other player into the boards
bus Blue Jackets team boards (ice hockey) the wooden or plastic wall sur-
Blue Jays (baseball ) short name of the Toronto rounding the playing area
Blue Jays team boardsailing (sport) the official term for wind-
blue jersey (cycling) the jersey worn by the leader surfing [introduced because of potential prob-
of the Intergiro sprint competition at the lems with the proprietary status of the name
halfway stage of the Giro d’Italia [Italian maglia Windsurfer]
azzurra, “blue jersey”] boast (squash) a shot that hits one of the two side
21 boast • bookmakers

walls of the court, then the end wall, before aimed at the body of the batsman and usually di-
bouncing [probably form of French bosse] rected toward the leg side [famously practiced in
boast for nick (squash) a boast that lands in the England’s 1932–33 tour of Australia]
nick and dies bodysuit (swimming) a close-fitting one-piece cos-
boat race (rowing) a race between two or more boats tume offering little resistance to the water
Boat Race (rowing) the annual boat race between bodysurfer (surfing) a person riding a breaking
crews of Oxford and Cambridge universities, wave without a surfboard
held on the Thames River in London, England bogey ( golf ) a score of one stroke over par for a
boat the oars (rowing) to lift the oars out of the hole [originally the same as par, but after 1918 as
rowlocks and lay them down in the boat now, presumably from the idea of losing to an
boatie (rowing) colloquial term for a enthusiast for imaginary player, Colonel Bogey, said to be so
the sport named from “The Bogey Man,” a popular song
boating ( general ) rowing or sailing for pleasure of the 1890s]
bob (angling) (1) short term for a bobfly; (2) a bogu (kendo) the armor worn by a kendoka [Japa-
bunch of lobworms used as bait for eels; (bob- nese]
sledding) short term for a bobsled boil (angling) a swirling disturbance on the surface
bob and weave (boxing) to make quick bodily of the water made by a fish coming to a fly
movements up and down and from side to side Boks (rugby union) short form of the nickname
in order to dodge punches Springboks
bob skeleton (bobsledding) another term for a Bolivarian Games (Olympics) regional games held
skeleton bob since 1938 for competitors from South American
bobber (angling) a float attached to a fishing line; countries [named for the South American revo-
(bobsledding) a rider on a bobsled lutionary leader Simón Bolívar (1783–1830)]
bobfly (angling) a dry fly that bobs on the water to bolo (boxing) a long sweeping uppercut [said to
indicate the position of the tail fly resemble a slash with a bolo knife]
bobs (bobsled ) the runners for a bobsled bolt (horse racing) to run out of control, as a horse
bobskate (ice skating) an ice skate with two par- may do at the start of a race
allel blades bomb (American football ) a long looping forward
bobsled (bobsledding) the racing sled for two or pass; (basketball ) a long shot into the basket
more people with steering mechanism and brakes Bombers (Australian Rules) short name of the Es-
used in bobsledding sendon Bombers team
bobsledding (sport) the sport of riding or racing bonification (cycling) a time bonus given to riders
in a bobsled in the Tour de France who achieve a place at
bobsleigh (bobsledding) alternate name for a bob- the end of a stage [French bonification, “bonus”]
sled bonk (cycling) sudden fatigue in a race, often due
bocce (bowls) an Italian form of the game, played to lack of food [imitative of the sensation]
on a narrower, shorter green [Italian bocce, plu- bonk bag (cycling) colloquial term for a musette
ral of boccia, “ball”] bonspiel (curling) a combined tournament and
boccia (bowls) another term for bocce social gathering lasting two or three days [said
body blow (boxing) a punch to the body to derive from French bon, “good,” and Dutch or
body drop (judo) a throw in which a combatant Flemish spel, “game”]
stretches out his leg and throws his opponent boobird ( general ) colloquial term for a supporter
forward over it who boos his team when they play poorly
body lock (wrestling) a hold in which a combatant boogie board (surfing) colloquial term for a body-
locks his arms around his opponent’s body be- board
fore bringing him down to the mat book (association football ) to administer a booking
body swerve ( general ) a swerving movement of bookie (horse racing) colloquial shortening of
the body made to avoid an opponent bookmaker
bodyboard (surfing) a short type of surfboard on booking (association football ) the entering of a
which the surfer lies player’s name in a notebook by the referee as
bodybuilding (general ) a form of exercising to de- the record of an offense, signaled by the show-
velop the size and strength of the muscles ing of a yellow card to the offender
bodycheck ( general ) the deliberate obstruction of bookmaker ( general ) a person who accepts bets
an opposing player’s movements, permitted in in a sport such as horse racing and pays out the
ice hockey and (in the men’s game) lacrosse but winnings
not in most other sports bookmakers ( greyhound racing, horse racing) an-
bodyline bowling (cricket) fast, aggressive bowling other term for a betting shop
boom • bowl 22

boom (sailing) a pole that controls the position of Boston Marathon (athletics) an annual marathon
a sail in Boston, Massachusetts, first run in 1897
Boomers (basketball ) colloquial name of the Aus- bottom (baseball ) the second part of an inning,
tralian national men’s team [from boomer, a male during which the home team bats
kangaroo, Australia’s national animal] bottom edge (cricket) (1) the lower edge of a bat as
boost (swimming) a rapid headfirst rise out of the held by the batsman; (2) a (usually inadvertent)
water in synchronized swimming stroke off this part
boot ( general ) colloquial term for a kick bottom fishing (angling) fishing for fish that live
Boot Hill (cricket) colloquial name for the haz- near the bottom of the sea, usually done from
ardous short leg position [from the nickname the shore or a pier
of the cemetery in Dodge City, Kansas, where bottom order (cricket) the batsmen who come last
many 19th-century gunfighters were buried after in the batting order
they “died with their boots on”] bottom pocket (billiards, snooker) one of the two
boot money (rugby union) money formerly paid to pockets in the balk area of the billiard table,
amateur players by manufacturers of sports where play begins
equipment as an inducement to wear their brand bouldering (mountaineering) a form of rock
of boots for televised matches climbing in which climbers attempt to negoti-
boot one (baseball ) to make an error ate large boulders without the use of ropes
bootleg (American football ) a play in which a boules (sport) a French form of bowls played on
quarterback simulates a pass to another player rough ground with metal bowls that are thrown
but then runs in the opposite direction conceal- at a smaller target ball [French boules, “bowls”]
ing the ball near his hip [from the term for bounce (Gaelic football ) a downward throw of the
smuggled goods] ball so that it rebounds to the hand of the
Borderers (association football ) nickname of the thrower, as a way of retaining possession and
Scottish club Berwick Rangers [based near the gaining ground; ( general ) a rebound of the ball
border with England] when thrown, dropped, or hit; (golf ) the projec-
Borders (association football ) nickname of the Scot- tion at the bottom of the back of a wedge; (tram-
tish club Gretna [based near the border with En- polining) a rebound made on the bed of the
gland] trampoline
bore (athletics, horse racing) to push other competi- bounce-out (darts) the landing of a dart on the
tors out of the way to gain advantage in a race wire of a dartboard so that it falls to the ground
Boro (association football ) nickname of the English bounce pass ( general ) a pass in which a player
clubs Middlesbrough and Scarborough [short- sends the ball to a teammate by bouncing it
ened form of the placenames] bouncer (archery) an arrow that rebounds from
borrow ( golf ) the allowance made for a slope or the target; (cricket) a fast delivery that sends the
the wind on a green, usually by putting the ball ball up sharply from the pitch so that it reaches
uphill of the hole the batsman at chest or head height
bos (hurling) another spelling of bas boundary (cricket) (1) the outer limit of the play-
bosie (cricket) less common term for a googly [a ing area, traditionally marked with a rope or
specialty of the English bowler B.J.T. Bosan- white line; (2) a hit by a batsman that clears the
quet (1877–1936)] boundary to score a four or a six
Bosman ruling (association football ) a ruling that boundary line ( general ) a line around the playing
a footballer whose contract has expired may be area beyond which the ball is out of play
given a free transfer to another club inside the bout (boxing, fencing, judo, wrestling) a contest
European Union [the result of a 1995 case brought bow [rhyming with “hoe”] (archery) the curved
by the Belgian player Jean-Marc Bosman (1964–)] piece of flexible plastic or other material (origi-
boss (association football ) colloquial term for a nally wood), bent by means of a cord stretched
manager between its ends, that is used for shooting ar-
bossaball (sport) a game invented in Belgium in rows
2005 that combines association football, vol- bow [rhyming with “how”] (horse racing) a horse’s
leyball, trampolining, and capoeira (a Brazilian debut in a race; (rowing) (1) the front of the boat;
martial art and dance combination), played on (2) the rower who sits in it; (sailing) the forepart
an inflatable court of the boat
Boston crab (wrestling) a hold in which a combat- bow-hand (archery) the hand in which the bow is
ant sits on the buttocks of a prone opponent and held, normally the left
pulls upward on the latter’s legs [so they are bent bowl (American football ) (1) a bowlshaped stadium
like those of a crab] in which college football is played; (2) the game
23 Bowl • Brands

itself; (3) a postseason game between specially bowstring (archery) the cord of a bow
invited teams; (bowls) (1) the heavy ball with a box (association football ) shortening of penalty
bias that is rolled toward the jack; (2) the deliv- box; (athletics) the support in which an athlete
ery of the bowl; (3) a turn at bowls; (cricket) (1) plants the base of the pole when making a vault;
a delivery of the ball to the batsman by the (baseball ) the place where the batter stands;
bowler; (2) to dismiss a batsman with such a (cricket) (1) a padded shield for the genitals worn
delivery inside the trousers by batsmen and wicketkeep-
Bowl Championship Series (American football ) ers; (2) alternate term for the gully; (horse rac-
the championship series, held in one of five ing) shortening of loose box; (rugby union) the
bowls, that determines which top two college area behind the scrum or line-out
teams will meet in competition box kick (rugby union) a high kick, usually by the
bowl game (American football ) an established scrum-half, into the box
postseason game held at a named bowl box lacrosse (lacrosse) formal name of boxla
bowl-in (polo) another term for a throw-in box out (basketball ) to take up a position between
bowled (cricket) (of ) a batsman who is out be- an opponent and the basket so as to be well
cause a ball delivered by the bowler has struck placed for a rebound
the stumps and dislodged one or both of the box score (baseball ) the tabulated results of a game
bails boxed in (athletics) trapped by other competitors
bowler (bowls) a player of the game; (cricket) the against the inside of the track and so unable to
player who delivers the ball to the batsman overtake
bowler’s wicket (cricket) a pitch that favors bowl- boxer (boxing) a person who boxes or is skilled in
ers the sport
bowling (bowls) the playing of the game; (cricket) boxing (sport) a combat sport in which two com-
the action of delivering the ball by the bowler; petitors trade punches with fists enclosed in
(sport) alternate name for tenpin bowling boxing gloves
bowling alley (bowls) the alley where indoor boxing gloves (boxing) the special padded gloves
bowls are played; (skittles, tenpin bowling) the worn by boxers
alley where the game is played boxing match (boxing) a match or contest between
bowling analysis (cricket) the performance record two boxers
of a bowler, giving figures for overs and maiden boxing ring (boxing) fuller term for a ring
overs bowled, runs conceded, wickets taken, boxing weight (boxing) the particular weight cat-
and the like, from which his bowling average egory at which boxers are matched
can be calculated boxla (lacrosse) an indoor version of the game,
bowling average (cricket) a score calculated for a played in an ice hockey rink with the ice re-
bowler by dividing the number of runs scored moved or covered
off his bowling by the number of wickets he brace (association football ) two goals scored by the
takes same player in a match; (canoeing) a recovery
bowling crease (cricket) the crease from behind stroke made to prevent the canoe from over-
which the bowler delivers the ball turning; (cricket) a duck scored by the same
bowling green (bowls) the green where the game batsman in two innings; (sailing) a rope at-
is played tached to the yard of a square-rigged vessel for
bowling machine (cricket) a machine that delivers the purpose of trimming the sail
balls to a batsman when practicing in the nets bracket (ice skating) a half-turn that takes the
bowls (sport) a game played between individuals skater from one edge of the skate to the oppo-
or teams in which bowls are rolled toward a jack site edge
on a green, the aim being to place as many of Braemar Gathering ( general ) the best-known an-
one’s bowls as possible closer to the jack than the nual Highland games, held at the village of
nearest bowl of one’s opponent or opponents Braemar, Scotland, and traditionally attended
bowman (archery) an archer, who wields a bow; by royalty
(rowing) fuller term for the bow brakeman (bobsledding) the person who sits at the
bowshot (archery) the distance to which an arrow back of the bobsled and applies the brakes
can be shot from a bow braking zone (auto racing) the part of the track
bowside (rowing) the left side of the boat from the before a corner where drivers apply the brakes
point of view of the rowers, as the side on which brandling (angling) a type of red worm used as bait
the bow sits Brands Hatch (auto racing) a circuit in Kent, En-
bowsight (archery) a sight attached to the bow to gland, that was formerly the site of the British
help the archer aim Grand Prix
brassie • British 24

brassie ( golf ) another spelling of brassy breakdown (rugby union) the ending of a run,
brassy ( golf ) the former name of a 2-wood [so causing competition for the ball, usually after a
called because it had a brass sole] tackle
Bravehearts (rugby league) nickname of the Scot- breakfast (darts) shortening of bed and breakfast
tish national team [from Braveheart, the name breaking ball (baseball ) a pitch that changes direc-
given to the Scottish patriot William Wallace tion in flight, as a curveball or slider
(c.1270–1305), who defeated the English at Stir- breast the tape (athletics) to come first in a foot
ling in 1297 and ravaged the northern counties race by breaking the tape with one’s chest
of England] breaststroke (swimming) a stroke made breast-
Braves (baseball ) short name of the Atlanta Braves down, with circling movements of the arms and
team frog-like kicks of the legs between the arm
Brazilian Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula movements
One international Grand Prix held on the cir- breeder (horse racing) a person who breeds horses,
cuit at either São Paolo or Interlagos, Rio de and especially thoroughbreds
Janeiro Breeders’ Cup (horse racing) the cup awarded to
break (athletics) a move by a runner away from a the winner of a flat race founded in 1984 at Hol-
lane toward the inside of the track; (billiards, lywood Park, Texas, and administered by breed-
pool, snooker) (1) the shot made by a player to ers in a series of promotional races with thor-
break the balls; (2) a consecutive series of pots; oughbreds
(3) the score at the end of such a series; (cricket) breeze-up sale (horse racing) a sale in which
the change of direction of a ball delivered by the prospective purchasers can watch young or un-
bowler; (croquet) a turn in which more than one tried horses go through their paces
point is scored in consecutive shots; (cycling) a breezing (horse racing) moving at a brisk pace but
move made by a rider or group of riders away under some restraint from the jockey
from a larger group or from the peloton; ( golf ) Brewers (baseball ) short name of the Milwaukee
another term for a borrow; (horse racing) the Brewers team
start of a race; (surfing) an area of water where brick (basketball ) colloquial term for a poor shot
the waves are suitable for riding; (tennis) a win Brickyard (auto racing) nickname of the circuit
gained by a player able to break service on which the Indianapolis 500 is held [so
break! (boxing) a command by the referee to the named for the millions of bricks laid in 1909 to
boxers in a clinch to separate build a new and firmer surface]
break back (tennis) to win an opponent’s service bricole (billiards) a rebound of the ball from a
game immediately after losing one’s own such cushion; (real tennis) a rebound of the ball from
game a side wall [French bricole, “trifle”]
break-back (cricket) a ball that turns sharply from bridge (billiards, snooker) (1) a support for the cue
the off side on pitching made by placing one’s fingers on the billiard
break-fall (martial arts) a controlled fall in which table and raising the thumb; (2) a metal sup-
the impact is absorbed by the arms and legs port at the end of a rest, serving the same pur-
break one’s duck (cricket) to score one’s first run pose; ( g ymnastics) an arched position of the
as a batsman, so that one’s score will not be a body; (wrestling) an arched position formed with
duck one’s back facing the mat, adopted to avoid a
break point (tennis) a point that gives a player a fall
chance to break service bridge out (wrestling) to escape from an opponent’s
break service (tennis) to win a game in which one’s move by rolling over from a bridge onto one’s
opponent is serving stomach
break the balls (billiards) to open the game by bridle (equestrianism) the gear on a horse’s head
striking the red ball or giving a miss; (snooker) that controls and guides it
to open the game by striking one of the red balls Brighton (horse racing) a flat racecourse at
break the throw (darts) to win a leg in which one’s Brighton, East Sussex, England
opponent made the first throw Britannia Cup (rowing) the cup first presented in
break the wicket (cricket) to dislodge the bails of 1969 to the winners of a race for coxed fours at
a wicket and thus stump or run out the bats- Henley; (sailing) a cup first presented in 1951 to
man the winners of a race for small yachts from any
breakaway (cycling) another term for a break; country
( general ) a sudden attack or forward movement; British and Irish Lions (rugby union) formal name
(rugby football ) an outside forward in the back of the Lions
row British Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula One
25 British Horseracing • bullpen

international Grand Prix held on the circuit at Browns (American football ) short name of the
Silverstone Cleveland Browns team
British Horseracing Authority (horse racing) the Bruins (ice hockey) short name of the Boston Bru-
organization that regulates the sport in Britain ins team
[known as the British Horseracing Board until Brumbies (rugby union) a Super 14 team based in
2007, when it took over the regulatory powers of Canberra, Australia, formed in 1996 [from the
the Jockey Club] brumbies, wild horses native to Australia]
British Lions (rugby union) former name of the brushback (baseball ) a pitch aimed deliberately at
Lions the head of the batter to force him to retreat off
British Open ( golf ) formal name of the Open home plate
Championship bubble float (angling) a round plastic float con-
broad jump (athletics) another term for the long taining water
jump Buccaneers (American football ) short name of the
broadsiding (motorcycle racing) another term for Tampa Bay Buccaneers team
powersliding buck (equestrianism) a vertical jump by a horse,
broken field (American football ) the area beyond with the back arched and the feet bunched to-
the line of scrimmage where the defense is rel- gether
atively scattered bucket (basketball ) colloquial term for a basket;
bronc-riding (rodeo) the riding by a competing (rowing) an abrupt forward movement of the body
cowboy of a bronco Bucks (basketball ) short name of the Milwaukee
bronco (rodeo) a wildly bucking horse ridden by a Bucks team
competing cowboy Bucs (American football ) colloquial short name of
Broncos (American football ) short name of the the Buccaneers
Denver Broncos team; (rugby league) short name Buddies (association football ) nickname of the
of the English club London Broncos Scottish club St. Mirren [plural of a Scots form
Bronx Bombers (baseball ) nickname of the New of body, “person”]
York Yankees team [their stadium is in the budo (sport) another term for the martial arts
Bronx, New York City] [Japanese budo, “way of the warrior”]
bronze (Olympics) shortening of bronze medal bug (horse racing) the weight allowance given to
bronze duck (cricket) a duck scored by a batsman an apprentice as jockey [an apprentice is de-
on his third ball [from bronze as a third award] noted in a race program by an asterisk (*), a
bronze medal (Olympics) the medal awarded as symbol known to printers as a bug]
third prize [bronze is a less valuable metal than bug boy (horse racing) an apprentice as jockey [he
gold or silver] has been given a bug]
broodmare (horse racing) a mare kept for breeding buggy (auto racing) a small, sturdy vehicle used in
Brooklands (auto racing) a former circuit near off-roading, as a beach buggy or dune buggy
Weybridge, Surrey, England, closed in 1939 on bulger ( golf ) a former type of wooden club with
the outbreak of World War II and never reopened a concave face
broom (curling) the implement used to sweep the bull (archery, shooting) (1) the center spot of the
ice ahead of a moving stone target; (2) a shot that hits this spot; (darts) (1)
broom wagon (cycling) the support vehicle that the small red (or black) circle at the center of the
picks up riders who abandon a stage race or fall dartboard, worth 50 points; (2) a dart that hits
too far behind [French voiture balai, “broom this spot
wagon”] bull-dogging (rodeo) another term for steer-
broomball (sport) a game similar to ice hockey in wrestling
which a volleyball is propelled over the ice with bull-riding (rodeo) the competitive bareback rid-
brooms ing of a Brahma bull
broomhandle putter ( golf ) a type of putter with Bulldogs (Australian Rules) short name of the
a long shaft, held at the top in one hand at chest Western Bulldogs team; (rugby league) short
height and lower down in the other hand at waist name of the English club Batley Bulldogs
height, like a broomhandle bullet (American football ) colloquial term for a fast,
brown (snooker) the brown ball, worth four points accurate pass
brown belt (judo, karate) a belt worn to indicate bullet race (horse racing) a sprint of less than five
the highest attainment in the kyu rank furlongs on the flat
brown spot (snooker) the spot on the billiard table bullpen (baseball ) (1) the part of the ground just
where the brown is positioned, midway on the off the diamond where pitchers warm up; (2)
balkline collective term for the relief pitchers of a team
Bulls • byline 26

Bulls (basketball ) short name of the Chicago Bulls burger (skateboarding) colloquial term for a bad
team; (rugby league) short name of the English bruise
club Bradford Bulls Burghley (equestrianism) short name of the Burgh-
bullseye (archery, darts, shooting) formal name of a ley Horse Trials, an annual three-day event held
bull in the grounds of Burghley House near Stam-
bully (Eton wall game) a scrimmage; (field hockey) ford, Lincolnshire, England
the opening move, in which one player from burnout (auto racing) in drag racing, the procedure
each team taps the ground and an opponent’s of spinning the rear tires in water to heat and
stick alternately three times, then tries to be first clean them before a race
to hit the ball lying between them Busby Babes (association football ) former nick-
bully-off (field hockey) formal name of a bully name of the English club Manchester United
Bully Wee (association football ) nickname of the [from Sir Matt Busby (1909–1994), manager of
Scottish club Clyde [Scots bully, “excellent,” and the youthful team in the 1950s]
wee, “small,” as the team was long weaker than bush league (baseball ) colloquial term for a minor
other Glasgow teams] league
bum ( general ) an obsessive devotee of a sport bust (darts) to exceed the required score
bump (rowing) the act of bumping in a bumping butt (archery) the mound of earth behind the tar-
race get; (snooker) the thicker end of the cue
bump and run (American football ) a tactic in butt-ending (ice hockey) an offense committed by
which a cornerback deliberately bumps into the jabbing an opponent with the end of the handle
receiver and runs with him to block a pass; of the stick
( golf ) an approach shot played so that the ball butterfly (swimming) a breast-down stroke with
travels a long way after it lands the arms extended and moving together in a cir-
bump ball (cricket) a ball that bounces just in front cular motion while the legs perform a dolphin
of a fielder attempting a catch kick
bump supper (rowing) a celebratory dinner held buttock (wrestling) a throw using the buttocks or
at Oxford or Cambridge university after the hip
bumping races, hosted by the college that fin- button (curling) another term for a tee; ( fencing) the
ished Head of the River soft covering over the point of a foil or épée;
bumper (cricket) another term for a bouncer; (horse (rowing) a fitting fastened on an oar to stop it
racing) shortening of bumper race slipping through the rowlock
bumper race (horse racing) a flat race for young buttonhook (American football ) a type of pass in
National Hunt horses that have not yet raced which the intended receiver runs straight to-
over hurdles or in steeplechases and that have ward a defensive back then stops and doubles
not run under the rules of flat racing back to the passer
bumping race (rowing) a race, rowed between col- butts (shooting) a range for target practice
lege eights at Oxford and Cambridge universi- buzzard ( golf ) a score of two strokes over par for
ties, in which the boats, starting at fixed intervals, a hole [as distinct from an eagle]
each aim to “bump” (touch) the one in front be- buzzbait (angling) an artificial bait with small
fore being “bumped” by that behind, dropping blades that stir the water
out when this happens buzzer-beater (basketball ) colloquial term for a
bumps (rowing) colloquial short name for bump- basket scored just before the end of play
ing races by (horse racing) born to a named sire [often cou-
bunch (cycling) another term for the peloton pled with out of to name the dam]
bunch sprint (cycling) a sprint for the finishing line bycatch (angling) fish inadvertently caught with
made by the bunch at the end of a race or stage the intended catch, especially when immature
bung (angling) a type of float used when fishing for or of a protected species
pike bye (cricket) a run made from a ball that passes the
bunker (golf ) a hazard in the form of a sand-filled batsman without being struck or touched by him,
hollow the run being credited to the team rather than to
bunny (cricket) another term for a rabbit the score of the batsman; ( general ) the position
bunsen (cricket) colloquial term for a pitch favor- of a player or team against whom no opponent
able to spin bowlers [rhyming slang, Bunsen has been drawn and who proceeds to the next
burner giving turner] round uncontested; ( golf ) a hole or holes re-
bunt (baseball ) a blocking of the ball with the bat maining to be played when a match is decided
so that it does not travel far, usually done to let byline (association football ) another term for the
a baserunner advance touchline
27 c • cannon-off

c (cricket) abbreviation of caught in scoring cam (mountaineering) a mechanical device that

c and b (cricket) abbreviation of caught and grips into a crack in the rock
bowled in scoring caman (hurling, shinty) the slim curved stick used
cabbage ( golf ) colloquial term for the rough in the game
caber (athletics) the heavy pole, usually the trimmed Camanachd Cup (shinty) a cup involving 16
trunk of a tree, used in the sport of tossing the teams, first competed for in 1896 [Gaelic ca-
caber at Highland games manachd, “shinty”]
caddie ( golf ) the person who assists a golfer dur- Cambridgeshire (horse racing) an annual handi-
ing a round by carrying the clubs, advising on cap at Newmarket, first run in 1839 [name of the
the choice of club, and using his knowledge of county in which it was originally located]
the course to read the green [Scots form of camel spin (ice skating) a spin on one foot, with the
French cadet, originally “youngest son”] back arched and the non-skating leg extended
caddie car ( golf ) a small motorized vehicle for horizontally behind [the pose suggests the
transporting players and equipment around a humped back of a camel]
course camogie (hurling) a modified form of the game
caddie cart ( golf ) a light trolley for carrying a bag played by women [played with a stick called a
of golf clubs around a course camog, a Gaelic word related to caman]
caddy ( golf ) another spelling of caddie campaign (horse racing) to prepare a horse for a race
cadence (cycling) the rate at which a rider is ped- can ( golf ) colloquial term for the hole
aling Can-Am (auto racing) short name of the Canadian-
cage (baseball ) an enclosed area for batting practice; American Grand Challenge Cup, an annual se-
(ice hockey) colloquial term for the goal ries of races, six in the U.S. and two in Canada,
Calcutta Cup (rugby union) the cup for which En- first held in 1866
gland and Scotland have competed since 1879 can of corn (baseball ) colloquial term for an easy
[so called as made from the silver rupees remain- catch for a fielder [said to derive from the can on
ing in the funds of the Calcutta Football Club, a stack in a grocery that a sales clerk would
India, when it was disbanded in 1877] knock down with a stick and catch]
Calder Memorial Trophy (ice hockey) the trophy Canada Cup ( golf ) former name of the World
awarded for the rookie of the year [named for Cup
Frank Calder, president of the National Hockey Canadian canoe (canoeing) a long narrow canoe
League from 1917 to 1943] propelled by a single-bladed paddle
Caley Jags (association football ) nickname of Canadian football (sport) a game similar to Amer-
the Scottish club Inverness Caledonian Thistle ican football but with 12 players a side and a
[“Caley” from Caledonian, “Jags” as a colloquial longer field of play
term for the jagged leaves of a thistle, the Scot- Canadian Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula
tish national emblem] One international Grand Prix held on the Gilles
calf-roping (rodeo) an event in which a mounted Villeneuve circuit at Montreal, Canada
competitor chases a calf, lassoes it, dismounts, Canadiens (ice hockey) short name of the Montreal
throws the calf to the ground by hand, then ties Canadiens team
up three of its feet with a short rope Canal Turn (horse racing) a difficult jump on the
Calgary Stampede (rodeo) an annual event and Grand National course at Aintree
stampede in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, founded Canaries (association football ) nickname of the En-
in 1912 glish club Norwich City [either from the local
call (cricket) a shouted direction by a batsman to former breeding and exhibition of canaries, or
his partner whether to run (“Yes!”) or to remain from the city’s mustard-making industry, with
in the crease (“No!”); (tennis) a decision by the associated color represented in the yellow
the umpire or a line judge on the status of a shirts of the players]
shot cannon (billiards) the striking of both the red and
call a cab (horse racing) to wave one arm as a jockey one’s opponent’s ball in a single shot; (croquet)
in order to retain balance when taking a fence a croquet shot and roquet made in a single
call one’s shot (billiards, snooker) to say which ball stroke; (snooker) a shot in which the cue ball
one intends for which pocket deflects from the object ball into another ball
callisthenics (gymnastics) special exercises designed [altered form of carom]
to achieve strength, fitness, and grace of move- cannon game (billiards) another term for carom
ment billiards
calx (Eton wall game) the area behind the goal line, cannon-off (bowls) a delivery in which one bowl
defined by a white line [Latin calx, “lime”] rebounds at an angle from another
cannonball • cartwheel 28

cannonball (tennis) colloquial term for a fast serve card ( golf ) shortening of scorecard; (horse racing)
canoe (canoeing) the light, narrow, flat-bottomed shortening of racecard
boat, propelled by one or more paddles, that is Cardinals (American football ) short name of the
used for the sport Arizona Cardinals team; (baseball ) short name of
canoe polo (water polo) a form of the game in the St. Louis Cardinals team
which the participants are in short canoes using cardio ( general ) exercises to tone the circulatory
double paddles system, carried out in a gymnasium and typically
canoeing (sport) (1) a contest between canoeists; involving equipment such as the treadmill or
(2) the pastime of traveling in canoes exercise bike and cross-training [abbreviation
canoeist (canoeing) (1) a competitor in canoeing; of cardiovascular exercises]
(2) a person who travels in a canoe Carling Cup (association football ) the cup for
canopy (parachuting) the overhead, expanding part which teams in the Football League compete
of a parachute [to 1982 called the League Cup, a name still pop-
canopy formation (parachuting) the stacked forma- ularly current, and after that date successively
tion adopted by skydivers once their canopies the Milk Cup, Littlewoods Cup, Rumbelows
have opened Cup, Coca Cola Cup, and Worthington Cup,
canter (equestrianism) a horse’s gait, slower than a eventually adopting its present sponsored name
gallop but faster than a trot, in which three legs in 2003]
are off the ground at the same time [shortening Carlisle (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt
of Canterbury gallop, from the easy pace at which racecourse at Carlisle, Cumbria, England
medieval pilgrims rode to Canterbury] Carnoustie ( golf ) the course near Dundee, Scot-
Canucks (ice hockey) short name of the Vancou- land, that until 1975 hosted the Open Cham-
ver Canucks team pionship
canvas (boxing) the floor of a ring; (rowing) a term carom (billiards) another term for a cannon [short-
used to describe the measure of lead between ening of carambole, from French carombole, from
two boats in a close race, fixed as the length be- Spanish carambola, “the red ball in billiards”]
tween the bow and the first oarsman [properly carom ball (cricket) a ball bowled by a spin bowler
the covering over the ends of the boat, originally with a flick of his middle finger [named after
made of canvas] carom as an Indian board game in which disks are
canyoning (sport) an extreme sport in which par- flicked onto the table]
ticipants jump into a fast-flowing mountain carom billiards (billiards) a form of billiards
stream or waterfall and allow themselves to be played on a table with no pockets and thus con-
swept rapidly downstream sisting in making a series of cannons
cap (association football ) (1) a commemorative cap carpet (bowls) the surface on which indoor bowls
given to a national player each time he plays in is played; (cricket) the surface of the pitch and the
an international match; (2) an appearance by a outfield; ( golf ) (1) colloquial term for the fair-
national player at international level; ( general ) way; (2) colloquial term for the putting green
a distinguishing cap worn by a player or partic- carriage driving (equestrianism) a discipline in
ipant in a particular sport which a two- or four-wheeled carriage with one
Capitals (ice hockey) short name of the Washing- or more horses competes in dressage, a cross-
ton Capitals team country time trial, and the negotiation of a
capriole (equestrianism) an element of dressage in winding course marked out by cones
which the horse leaps up with all four feet off carrot (croquet) the part of the hoop below the
the ground and kicks its back legs at the height ground
of the jump [Old French capriole, “leap”] carry ( golf ) the distance a ball travels through the
captain ( general ) the leader of a sports team or air before touching the ground at or near its des-
club tination; (ice hockey) to advance the puck down
Captain Armstrong (horse racing) a jockey who the ice by controlling it with one’s stick
holds his horse back with a “strong arm” in order carry one’s bat (cricket) to remain not out after
to stop it drawing ahead batting throughout an innings
captain’s pick ( general ) (1) a player selected for a cart ( golf ) shortening of golf cart
team by its captain; (2) an outstanding player CART Championship (auto racing) former name
carabiner (mountaineering) a steel link with a of the ChampCar Championship [acronym of
spring clip in one side through which a rope can Championship Autoracing Teams]
be threaded in abseiling [German Karabiner- Cartmel (horse racing) a National Hunt race-
haken, “spring hook”] course at Cartmel, Cumbria, England
carambole (billiards) the formal name of a carom cartwheel (bowls) a bowl delivered with a marked
29 carving • center

bias; ( g ymnastics) a sideways somersault with Italian club Inter Milan, comprising four de-
arms and legs extended fenders, three midfielders, and three attackers
carving (skiing) a technique of making fast turns by [Italian catenaccio, “bolt”]
turning the skis so that the edges cut into the Cats (Australian Rules) short name of the Geelong
snow; (snowboarding) a technique of making fast Cats team
turns by turning the board so that the edge cuts cats on the counter (darts) the winning of a game
into the snow; (surfing) the execution of large [said to derive from the “cats” or large drinking
smooth turns on a wave pots that the losers were obliged to line up on
carving skis (skiing) skis specifically designed for the counter before the next game]
carving Catterick (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt
Cas (rugby league) short name of the English club racecourse at Catterick Bridge, North Yorkshire,
Castleford Tigers England
cast (angling) the throwing of a fishing line or net; catworm (angling) a worm (Nephthys hombergi)
(trampolining) a sideways movement across the commonly used as bait
bed caught (cricket) (of ) a batsman whose stroke re-
castle (cricket) colloquial term for the wicket de- sulted in a catch, so that he is out
fended by the batsman caught and bowled (cricket) (of ) a batsman whose
casual water ( golf ) a pool of water caused by rain stroke gave a catch to the bowler
or flooding, from where a ball can be reposi- caught behind (cricket) (of ) a batsman whose
tioned without penalty stroke gave a catch to the wicketkeeper (who is
cat (sailing) shortening of catamaran behind the wicket)
cat stance (karate) a position in which the front Caulfield Cup (horse racing) the cup awarded to the
foot is raised ready to kick winner of an annual race at Caulfield, Mel-
cat-twist back drop (trampolining) a full twist to bourne, Australia, first run in 1879
a back drop cauliflower ear (boxing) an ear permanently
catamaran (sailing) a boat with two hulls swollen and disfigured by repeated blows [in ap-
catch (angling) (1) the capture of a fish; (2) the pearance resembling the clumped shape of a
amount of fish caught; (baseball ) the catching cauliflower]
by a fielder of the ball hit by the batter before caution (association football ) another term for
it touches the ground, so that he is out; (bowls) a booking; (boxing) a reprimand given to a
a bowl that prevents another from passing; boxer by the referee following an infringement,
(cricket) the catching by a fielder of the ball hit three such reprimands usually resulting in a
by the batsman before it touches the ground, so warning
that he is out; ( general ) a simple game, popular Cavaliers (basketball) short name of the Cleveland
among children, in which a ball is thrown and Cavaliers team
caught in turn; (rowing) the moment when the caver (caving) a person who explores caves
blade enters the water at the beginning of the caving (sport) the exploration of caves
stroke cavity back (golf ) a clubhead with a depression on
catch a crab (rowing) to sink the oar too deep (or the back
not deep enough) in the water, causing the Celtic League (rugby union) a contest between
rower to fall back and the boat to be jolted and major Irish, Welsh, and Scottish teams, intro-
even halted [as if the oar had been caught by a duced in 2001 [the teams come from the Celtic
crab] countries of the British Isles]
catch and kick (Gaelic football ) to catch the ball Celtics (basketball) short name of the Boston
and instantly kick it as a pass Celtics team
catch and release (angling) the practice of releas- center (American football ) the player in the center
ing a fish after it has been caught and weighed of the offensive line who begins the play with a
catch-as-catch-can (wrestling) a form of the sport snap of the ball to a player in the backfield;
in which any hold is allowed (archery, shooting) the area of the target between
catch-waist camel spin (ice skating) in pair skat- the bull and the outer; (association football ) a
ing, a camel spin with the free legs pointing in kick from either of the wings to the center of
opposite directions and each partner’s arms the pitch; (Australian Rules) a player in midfield;
around the other’s waist (basketball) the position of a player immediately
catcher (baseball ) the fielder positioned behind under the basket; (field hockey) a pass from ei-
the batter ther of the wings to the center of the pitch;
catenaccio (association football ) a rigidly defensive (lacrosse) a midfield player who competes in the
system of play introduced in the 1960s by the draw and links play between defense and at-
center back • challenge 30

tack; (netball ) a player who can operate any- to his national team as well as to his county or
where on the court except in the shooting cir- state team
cle; (rugby league, rugby union) one of the two central fire (shooting) (of ) a cartridge with its ful-
three-quarters in the center of the pitch minate in the center of the base
center back (association football ) a player in the central wrestling area (wrestling) the circle on the
middle of the defense mat between the passivity zone and the central
center bounce (Australian Rules) another term for circle
a ball up centre ( general ) another spelling of center
center circle (association football ) the circle painted Centre Court (tennis) the central and most impor-
on the middle of the pitch, at the center of which tant court at Wimbledon, where the final of the
is the center spot championships is played
center field (baseball ) the part of the outfield di- centurion (cricket) a batsman who scores a century
rectly behind second base as viewed from home Centurions (rugby league) short name of the En-
plate glish club Leigh Centurions
center fielder (baseball ) the fielder positioned in century (cricket) a score of 100 runs by a batsman;
center field (snooker) a break of 100 or more points
center forward (association football, field hockey) Cesarewitch (horse racing) an annual handicap at
the central player in the line of forwards Newmarket, first run in 1839 [inaugurated by
center half (association football, field hockey) the the tsesarevich, the heir to the Russian throne
central player behind the center forward who became Alexander II (1818–1881)]
center half back (Australian Rules) a defensive chain gang (American football ) the members of the
player operating near the middle of the 50- officiating team who measure the 10 yards
meter arc needed to gain a new set of downs
center half-forward (Australian Rules) an attack- chainring (cycling) the gear wheel that drives the
ing player operating behind the full forward chain
center line (ice hockey) another term for the red chains (American football ) a method employed by
line the officiating team to measure the yardage
center pass (field hockey) the pass that starts the needed to gain a new set of downs
game, made by a center from the center spot to chainwheel (cycling) another term for the chainring
a teammate; (netball ) the throw from the cen- Chair (horse racing) a jump on the Grand National
ter of the court that starts the game course at Aintree
center service line (tennis) the line parallel to the Chairboys (association football ) nickname of the
tramlines that divides the right and left service English club Wycombe Wanderers [from the
courts furniture-making industry in the town of High
center spot (association football ) the painted spot Wycombe]
in the center of the pitch from which the kick- chairlift (skiing) a set of seats suspended on cables
off is made at the start of each half and after the used to transport skiers uphill
scoring of a goal; (billiards) the spot on the bil- chairman (wrestling) one of the three officials in
liard table midway between the two middle charge of a bout, the others being the judge and
pockets, corresponding to the blue spot in the referee
snooker chalk (snooker) the small cube of colored chalk
center square (Australian Rules) the square marked rubbed on the tip of the cue to give a good con-
in the center of the oval tact when striking the cue ball; (weightlifting)
center three-quarter (rugby union) one of the two the magnesium carbonate powder (not actually
middle players in the line of three-quarters chalk) applied by weightlifters to their hands
centerboard (sailing) a retractable keel or fin to help them grip the barbell
centerman (ice hockey) the forward playing be- chalk eater (horse racing) colloquial term for a
tween two wingers punter who bets only on the favorite [he fol-
Central American and Caribbean Games (Olym- lows the bookmaker as he writes up the latest
pics) regional games held since 1926 for competi- odds in chalk]
tors from the countries of Central America and challenge ( general ) an invitation to take part in a
the Caribbean sporting contest, especially to a reigning cham-
Central American Games (Olympics) the name to pion
1935 of the Central American and Caribbean Challenge Cup (rugby league) the leading British
Games cup competition, first held in 1929
central circle (wrestling) the inner circle of the mat challenge match ( general ) a match held as a chal-
central contract (cricket) the contracting of a player lenge
31 challenger • checking

challenger ( general ) a person who takes up a chal- clothes before and after a game and discuss tac-
lenge, especially to a reigning champion tics
champ ( general ) colloquial shortening of cham- Chanticleers (rugby league) the English name for
pion the French national Tricolores team [from Chan-
champagne breakfast (darts) a score in a single ticleer as a name for the domestic cock, the sym-
throw of treble 20, treble 5, and treble 1, bet- bolic bird of France]
tering a breakfast chap and lie (bowls) to deliver a bowl so that it
ChampCar (auto racing) a finely tuned car, but hits another and takes its place; (curling) to de-
with a smaller engine than a Formula One car, liver a stone so that it hits another and takes its
that takes part in the annual championship of place
this name [short for Championship Car] charge ( golf ) to play a round aggressively
champion ( general ) a competitor who has excelled charge down (rugby league, rugby union) to run to-
all others, especially in boxing ward a kicked ball and block it with the hands
Champion Hurdle (horse racing) an annual race or body
at Cheltenham, first run in 1927 Chargers (American football ) short name of the
Champion Jockey (horse racing) the title of the San Diego Chargers team
jockey who rides the most winners in a particu- charging (basketball) the offense of running into a
lar season, in both flat racing and National Hunt stationary defender while in possession of the
Champions’ Dinner ( golf ) popular name for the ball
Masters Club charity event (general) an amateur contest, such as
Champions League (association football ) informal a race or match, organized to raise money for
name of the UEFA Champions League charity
Champions Trophy (cricket) an annual one-day charity stripe (basketball) colloquial term for the
international tournament first held in 1998, re- foul line
garded as the most important of its kind after charity toss (basketball) colloquial term for a free
the World Cup; (field hockey) an annual tourna- throw
ment first held in 1978 chase (real tennis) the second impact of an unre-
Championship (association football ) the group of turned ball, for which the player scores unless
teams that replaced Division 1 in 2004; ( gen- his opponent betters it by a similar impact nearer
eral ) short title of a particular championship, the end wall; (horse racing) shortening of steeple-
as the Open Championship in golf chase
championship (general) (1) a contest held to deter- chase track (horse racing) a racetrack with fences
mine who will be champion; (2) the title awarded (for a steeplechase)
to the winner of such a contest chaser (cycling) a rider who is trying to catch up
chance ( general ) an opportunity of achieving a with a break; (horse racing) a horse that com-
positive result during a match, such as dismiss- petes in steeplechases
ing a batsman in cricket or scoring a goal in chassé (ice skating) a sequence in which the foot
association football that is not in contact with the ice moves up next
change (cricket) the substitution of one bowler (or to the skating foot without passing it and re-
type of bowling) for another during a match; places it as the skating foot [French chassé,
(horse racing) the fractions of a second taken to “chase”]
declare the time of the first four horses in a race cheap (cricket) (of ) a wicket taken after the bats-
change bowler (cricket) a bowler who relieves the man has scored only a few runs
regular bowlers in a match check (ice hockey) the (legitimate) blocking of an
change ends ( general ) to switch from occupying opponent’s forward progress with one’s shoul-
one half of an area of play, as a pitch or court, der or hip
to the other, so changing the direction of play check side (snooker) a side that causes the cue ball
change-foot spin (ice skating) a spin in which a to rebound off the cushion at less of an angle
jump is made from one foot to the other than in a normally struck shot
change-up (baseball ) an unexpectedly slow pitch checkdown (American football ) a short pass to a
intended to deceive the batter running back as a final option when the wide
changeover (athletics) the handing over of the receivers are covered
baton by one runner to another in a relay race; checkered flag (auto racing) another spelling of
( general ) the point in a game or match at which chequered flag
the two sides change ends checking (trampolining) the technique of absorb-
changing room ( general ) a room or premises at a ing the recoil from the bed by flexing the body
sports ground where players change their at the hips, knees, and ankles
checkmark • Chipolopolo 32

checkmark (athletics) the indicator on the track chest trap (association football ) control of the ball
that tells the incoming runner in a relay race using the chest
when he should start to accelerate Chester (horse racing) a flat racecourse at Chester,
checkout (darts) a score that wins a game in one Cheshire, England
turn chewy on your boot! (Australian Rules) a call to a
cheekpieces (horse racing) strips of sheepskin sewn player to discourage him from performing well
onto each side of a horse’s bridle to help it con- in a particular play [as if chewing gum were on
centrate its attention on the course ahead, much his boot]
in the manner of blinkers Chicago Stadium (basketball) the home ground of
cheer squad (general) volunteer supporters drafted the Chicago Bulls team, Chicago
in to empty spectator seats in a stadium chicane (auto racing) a sharp double bend on a
cheerleader ( general ) one of a team of uniformly track [French chicane “quibble at law”]
dressed young women who spur on a sports team Chiefs (American football ) short name of the
with coordinated shouts, cheers, and chanting Kansas City Chiefs team
cheese (skittles) the heavy wooden ball used to chili dip (golf ) a weak loft following a mishit [like
knock down the skittles scooping up a mouthful of chili with a taco]
cheesecake (tenpin bowling) a lane in which it is chimney (mountaineering) a cleft in a rock face just
easy to make high scores wide enough to admit a climber to enter
chef de mission (Olympics) the person who sup- chin (boxing) the ability to withstand punches;
ports, promotes, and generally guides a national ( g ymnastics) to pull oneself up so that one’s chin
team [French chef de mission, “mission leader”] reaches the horizontal bar
chef d’équipe ( general ) the person generally re- chin music (baseball ) colloquial term for a pitch
sponsible for a team’s practical arrangements, es- that passes close to the head of the batter;
pecially when they are traveling [French chef (cricket) colloquial term for a bouncer that flies
d’équipe, “team leader”] up close to the head of the batsman [originally
Cheltenham (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt a punch on the jaw]
racecourse at Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, En- chin-up (gymnastics) an exercise in which the gym-
gland, the location of the Cheltenham Gold nast uses his arms to lift his chin over the hor-
Cup izontal bar
Cheltenham & Gloucester Trophy (cricket) the chinaman (cricket) an off break or googly bowled
trophy awarded to the winners of an annual one- by a left-arm bowler to a right-handed batsman
day competition of 60 overs per side, first held [said to have been introduced by a West Indian
in 1963 [originally the Gillette Cup but renamed bowler of Chinese descent]
in 2001 for new sponsors] Chinese cut (cricket) a mishit in the form of an
Cheltenham Gold Cup (horse racing) the cup outside edge that sends the ball behind the
awarded to the winner of an annual steeplechase wicket [perhaps so called because it is “devious,”
at Cheltenham, first run in 1924 and now re- from racial stereotyping]
garded as the greatest prize of the National Hunt Chinese Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula
Chepstow (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt One international Grand Prix held on the cir-
racecourse at Chepstow, Gwent, Wales cuit at Shanghai, China
chequered flag (auto racing) the black-and-white Chinese snooker (snooker) a situation where the
flag indicating the end of a race, shown to the cue ball is awkwardly placed, close to or touch-
winner and to each subsequent car that crosses ing another ball, but without actually being a
the finishing line snooker
cherries (greyhound racing) colloquial term for the chip ( general ) a hit or kick that sends a ball high
racetrack [rhyming slang for dogs, from Cock- into the air over a short distance; ( golf ) short-
ney cherry hogs, “cherry pits”] ening of chip shot
Cherries (association football ) nickname of the En- chip in ( golf ) to put the ball in the hole directly
glish club Bournemouth [from the red shirts of from a chip shot
the players] chip shot ( golf ) a shot, usually close to the green,
cherry (cricket) colloquial term for a new ball that sends the ball in a low trajectory, so that it
[from its color and its “virginity”] runs forward on landing
chest (association football ) to hit or direct the ball chip the winner (curling) to cast a stone that
with the chest “chips” the edge of another stone
chest pass (basketball) a pass in which the player Chipolopolo (association football ) nickname of the
holds the ball at chest level then passes it to a Zambian national team [local chipolopolo, “cop-
teammate without bouncing it per bullets,” for the copper important in the na-
33 chockstone • classic technique

tional eonomy and the deadly speed of the play- cus, or shot; ( general ) a circular or semicircular
ers] area marked on a playing area such as a field,
chockstone (mountaineering) a stone jammed in a court, or rink
crack, chimney, or crevice circuit (athletics) a single tour of a running track;
choctaw (ice skating) a turn from either edge of (auto racing) the specially designed looping road
the skate to the other edge on the other foot in or track on which races are held; ( general ) (1) a
the opposite direction [as distinct from a mo- designated cross-country route, as in mo-
hawk] tocross; (2) the venues visited in turn by sports
choke ( golf ) (1) to shorten the swinging length of competitors; (3) any circular route
the club by gripping it lower down the shaft; circuit slugger (baseball ) a regular slugger who
(2) to crack or lose one’s nerve when in an appar- has to run the circuit of the bases every time he
ently winning position hits a home run
choke hold ( judo, wrestling) a move to restrain circuit training ( general ) a form of athletic
one’s opponent by encircling his neck with one’s training using a series of different exercises
arm or legs [the series forms a “circuit” or round of exer-
chop ( general ) a short, sharp downward blow or cises]
stroke circus ( general ) a team or group of players travel-
chop block (American football ) an illegal block ing together to compete in different places
below the knees cite (rugby union) to make an official complaint
chop volley (tennis) a volley hit at waist height about a player after a game
close to the net Citizens (association football ) short name of the
chopper (baseball ) a ball that bounces high after English club Manchester City
being hit down to the ground City (association football ) short name of a British
christiania (skiing) formal term for a christie club with “City” in its name, as Brechin City,
christie (skiing) a method of stopping short when Bristol City, Chester City, Elgin City, Manches-
descending at speed, executed by turning with ter City, Norwich City
the skis parallel [from Christiania, former name claimer (horse racing) another term for a claiming
of Oslo, Norway, where introduced] race
Christmas tree (auto racing) colloquial term in claiming race (horse racing) a race in which any
drag racing for the array of yellow, green, and horse that has taken part may be bought
red lights used to start a race (“claimed”) at a previously fixed price by any-
christy (skiing) another spelling of christie one who has entered a horse at the same race
chuck (cricket) a delivery taken to be a throw, and meeting
so illegal clap skates (ice skating) in speed skating, skates
chuck and chance it (angling) to fish without know- with a blade hinged at the front so that it can be
ing whether a fish lies where the cast is made separated from the heel of the skate and thus stay
chucker (cricket) a bowler whose delivery is re- longer in contact with the ice
garded as a throw, and so illegal Claret Jug ( golf ) popular name of the trophy
chui (judo) a penalty awarded for a serious viola- awarded at the Open Championship [from its
tion [Japanese chui, “warning,” “caution”] original design in 1873 in the style of a silver jug
chukka (polo) one of the six periods into which a used to serve red wine]
game is divided [Hindi chakkar, “wheel,” “circle”] Clarets (association football ) nickname of the En-
chukker (polo) another spelling of chukka glish club Burnley [from the dark red shirts of the
chum (angling) a groundbait of chopped fish [ori- players]
gin uncertain] clash of the ash (sport) descriptive nickname of
Churchill Downs (horse racing) the racetrack at hurling [the hurley is traditionally made from
Louisville, Kentucky, where the Kentucky the wood of the ash tree]
Derby is held clash of the titans ( general ) nickname for a key
chute (canoeing) a narrowing part of a river that match or contest, especially between national or
causes an increase in speed; (horse racing) an ex- major teams
tension to a straight in an oval racecourse, used classic bow (archery) another name for the recurve
in special races; (parachuting) shortening of bow
parachute classic race (horse racing) one of the five English
Cincinnati Reds (baseball ) short name of the classics
Cincinnati Red Stockings team classic technique (skiing) the traditional racing
circle (athletics) the area within which an athlete technique in Nordic skiing, using a diagonal
must remain when throwing the hammer, dis- stride with the skis parallel
classics • closer 34

classics (horse racing) short name of the English clerk of the scales (horse racing) the official whose
classics responsibility is to weigh in the jockeys
claw (bowls) a delivery grip in which the bowl is clew (sailing) the lower corner of a sail
held in the palm with the three middle fingers on climb (cycling) a section of a race or stage that takes
the playing surface and the thumb and pinkie riders up a long hill or mountain
stretched either side climb the ladder (American football ) to jump very
clay (shooting) colloquial shortening of clay pigeon high in order to catch the ball
clay court (tennis) (1) a court with a clay surface; climber (cycling) a rider who specializes in climbs
(2) alternate term for a hard court climbing (mountaineering) the activity of ascend-
clay pigeon (shooting) the saucer-shaped disk of ing natural heights such as rocks, cliffs, or moun-
baked clay shot at as a substitute game bird in tains, either for its own sake or as an integral part
trapshooting of the sport
clay-pigeon shooting (shooting) a form of trap- climbing rope (mountaineering) a rope serving as
shooting using a clay pigeon an essential aid in climbing
clean (angling) without a catch; (weightlifting) the climbing wall (mountaineering) a specially con-
first phase of the clean and jerk movement in structed wall with handholds and footholds,
which the weightlifter lifts the barbell from the used for practicing techniques in rock climb-
floor to shoulder height and holds it there with ing or mountaineering generally
arms bent in preparation for the jerk clinch (boxing) the holding of one’s opponent in
clean and jerk (weightlifting) a lift in two parts in such a way that he cannot throw punches
which the clean is followed by the jerk clip (American football ) an illegal block below the
clean bowled (cricket) (of ) a batsman who has waist from behind; (cricket) a sharp stroke of the
been bowled by a ball that hit his stumps with- ball
out first hitting his bat or pad clipless pedals (cycling) pedals that lock the rider
clean round (equestrianism) another term for a to his bicycle by means of cleats on the soles of
clear round his shoes [so called because they avoid the need
clean sheet (association football ) a match in which for toeclips]
no goals are conceded Clippers (basketball) short name of the Los Ange-
clean-up hitter (baseball ) the hitter who bats fourth les Clippers team
for the batting side, whose hits are thought likely clipping (ice hockey) the offense of delivering a
to enable a baserunner to score check below an opponent’s knees
clear (badminton) an overhead shot that sends the clips (cycling) shortening of toeclips
shuttlecock from one baseline to the other clock golf ( golf ) a form of putting on a green
clear hip circle ( g ymnastics) a variant of the hip marked like a clock dial, in which players putt
circle in which the gymnast does not touch the from each hour figure in turn to a central hole
bar with his hips clocker (horse racing) a person such as a racing cor-
clear round (equestrianism) in showjumping, respondent who times the training runs of horses
a round ridden without any faults or penal- in order to get a guide to their form
ties clogger (association football ) colloquial term for a
clear the boundary ropes (cricket) fuller term for player whose tackles are often fouls
clear the ropes Clonmel (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt
clear the ropes (cricket) to hit the ball clear over the racecourse at Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland
ropes that mark the boundary, so scoring a six close down (association football ) to deny one’s op-
clear the table (snooker) to play a break that clears ponents room to maneuver
all balls from the billiard table close finish ( general ) a finish that is only narrowly
clearance (association football ) a defensive kick won or gained
away from a dangerous attacking position; (field close-hauled (sailing) with sails trimmed as closely
hockey) a defensive hit away from a dangerous as possible to the direction the wind is coming
attacking position from
cleat (cycling) a device attached to the bottom of a close season (angling) a set time of the year when
cycling shoe that engages with the mechanism it is illegal to catch fish; ( general ) a period or
on a clipless pedal and locks the rider to his bi- season when a sport is not normally played, as
cycle winter for cricket in Britain
cleek ( golf ) an old-fashioned narrow-faced iron- close the card (horse racing) to be the final race in
headed club, corresponding to a 2-iron a race meeting
clerk of the course (auto racing, horse racing) an closer (baseball ) a pitcher whose specialty is de-
official in charge of administration fending a lead late in the game
35 clothesline • come home

clothesline (American football ) a foul in which a coffin (cricket) colloquial term for the case used to
player jabs his forearm into the throat of an on- carry a player’s equipment and clothing
coming opponent; (wrestling) the striking of a coffin corner (American football ) the angle between
moving opponent across the face or in the wind- the goal line and the sideline [a punt is often
pipe with one’s outstretched arm [the effect is aimed here so that it may go out of bounds and
like running into a clothesline] become a dead ball]
clout (archery) in long-distance shooting, a special collapse (general) the sudden failure or breakdown
large target in the form of a flat surface on the of a player or team during a contest; (rugby union)
ground divided into concentric circles the breakdown of a scrum, especially when de-
club ( general ) (1) the implement used for striking liberately caused by a set of forwards so that the
the ball in various games, as a golf club; (2) an two front rows fall toward each other
association of people with common social, sport- collar (rowing) another term for a button; (weight-
ing, or other interests; (3) a formal association of lifting) the device that secures the disk weights
players of a named sport, as a football club or to the barbell; (wrestling) a move in which the
golf club opponent is tackled by the neck
club call (rugby league) the right of a club to select collar the bowling (cricket) to hit the balls deliv-
their opponents in a semifinal ered by the bowler all over the field
club linesman (association football ) an official who college football (American football ) the sport as
assists the referee in matches where there is no played by teams of students at universities, col-
assistant referee, as in many local games leges, and military academies
clubface ( golf ) the striking surface of a club Colliers (association football ) nickname of the En-
clubhead ( golf ) the part of the club that strikes glish club Barnsley [from the local coal-mining
the ball industry]
clubhouse ( golf ) the premises attached to a golf color (snooker) any of the six colored balls which
course are played after a red
clutch team ( general ) a tough team that battles on colors ( general ) the distinctive colors worn by a
when in a poor position [they are “in the clutch” participant in a sport to show membership of a
or in a critical situation] team, club, college, or the like, or the identity of
coach ( general ) a professional trainer, typically in an owner or sponsor
athletics or rowing colt (cricket) a player during his first season; ( gen-
coaming (canoeing) the raised rim of a cockpit eral ) (1) a young, inexperienced player; (2) a
coarse fish (angling) any freshwater fish other than member of a junior team; (horse racing) a male
those of the salmon family, as distinct from a horse under four years old
game fish Colts (American football ) short name of the Indi-
Cobblers (association football ) nickname of the En- anapolis Colts team
glish club Northampton Town [from the local combat sport (general) a one-to-one sport in which
footwear industry] each combatant continually attacks the other and
cock-a-bondy (angling) a type of dry fly [corrup- protects himself from him, as wrestling or one of
tion of Welsh coch a bon ddu, “red with a black the martial arts
stem”] combination (boxing) a series of punches thrown
cocked hat (snooker) a shot in which the object in quick succession
ball rebounds off three cushions toward a mid- combination bat (table tennis) a bat with different
dle pocket [the trajectory resembles the outline types of rubber on each side, used for different
of a three-cornered cocked hat] shots
cockpit (auto racing) the place where the driver sits combined event (skiing) a downhill run followed
in the car; (canoeing) the space in the deck of a by two slalom runs
kayak in which the kayaker sits [originally the combined spin (swimming) in synchronized
pit where cockfights were held] swimming, a descending spin through at least
cocktail (horse racing) a horse that is not a thoroug- 360 degrees followed immediately by an ascend-
bbred [properly a horse with a cocked tail] ing spin in the same direction
codriver (auto racing) in rally driving, the person come about (sailing) to change direction
who takes turns in driving the vehicle and who come again (angling) to rise or take the bait a sec-
assists the main driver by carrying out organi- ond time; (horse racing) to regain speed
zational and administrative work come from behind ( general ) to progress from the
coffee grinder ( g ymnastics) a movement in which rear of a group of contestants or from a losing
the gymnast, in a squatting position, circles his position into a winning position
leg while keeping both hands on the floor come home ( general ) to complete a course
come in • corkscrew 36

come in (cricket) to start an innings; ( fencing) to connections (horse racing) the people associated with
get within the guard of one’s opponent; ( gen- a particular horse, such as the owner and trainer
eral ) to take a specified place in a race conquest (mountaineering) the successful ascent of
come off (cricket) to cease bowling a mountain
come on (cricket) to begin to bowl consolation match ( general ) a match for contest-
comebacker (baseball ) a ball hit directly back ants who have been unsuccessful or have not
along the ground by the batter to the pitcher won
comma position (skiing) a position in which the consolation prize ( general ) a prize awarded to a
body is curved to one side, like a comma contestant who was unsuccessful or just failed to
Commonwealth Games ( general ) a quadrennial win
sports contest between countries of the Com- consolation race ( general ) a race for contestants
monwealth, first held (as the British Empire who have been unsuccessful or have not won
Games) in Hamilton, Ontario, in 1930 contact (baseball ) the touching of a baserunner
complete (American football ) (of ) a pass that is by a fielder who holds the ball
successfully caught by a receiver contact sport ( general ) a sport involving bodily
complete game (baseball ) a game in which a contact between players
pitcher records all 27 outs without being re- Continental Cup (ice hockey) the chief European
placed by a relief pitcher club championship
compound bow (archery) a bow equipped with a continuation stroke (croquet) the bonus stroke
system of pulleys and cables that allows the taken either after a player has run a hoop or (as
archer to pull back the bowstring more easily a second bonus stroke) after a roquet
compression (golf ) the measure of the resilience of continuous spin (swimming) in synchronized
a ball swimming, a descending spin through at least
compulsory ( g ymnastics) a routine that contains 720 degrees
obligatory moves contre-la-montre (cycling) another term for a time
con ( general ) abbreviation of conversion in sports trial [French contre la montre, “against the
reports watch”]
concours hippique (equestrianism) another term control point (orienteering) one of the checkpoints
for showjumping [French concours hippique, lit- marked on a map that competitors must visit en
erally “hippic contest”] route to their destination
conditional (horse racing) shortening of condi- conversion (American football ) the scoring of an
tional jockey extra point after a touchdown by kicking the
conditional jockey (horse racing) a jockey who ball over the crossbar; (rugby league, rugby
may claim an allowance union) the scoring of two extra points after a try
conditional race (horse racing) a race in which only by kicking the ball over the crossbar
conditional jockeys may ride Copa America (association football ) a biennial
conditions race (horse racing) the highest grade of championship for South American countries,
flat race, divided into pattern races and listed first officially held in Montevideo, Uruguay,
races [the races are governed by a condition or in 1917 [Spanish Copa América, “America Cup”]
set of conditions] Copa del Rey (association football ) an annual Span-
condor ( golf ) a (rare) score of four strokes under ish championship founded in 1902 [Spanish
par on a hole [as a “bird” greater and more im- Copa del Rey, “King’s Cup,” named for Alfonso
pressive than an albatross or an eagle] XIII (1886–1941)]
cones (equestrianism) a discipline in carriage driv- Copa Libertadores (association football ) an annual
ing, in which the horse and carriage are maneu- championship for South American countries,
vered through a path of cones with balls balanced first played in 1960 [Spanish Copa Libertadores de
atop, the dislodging of which incurs penalty América, “Liberators of America Cup”]
points Corbett (mountaineering) a Scottish mountain peak
conference (general ) an association of sports teams between 2,500 and 3,000 ft in height with a
that play each other, especially those represent- reascent of 500ft on all sides [first listed by J.R.
ing educational institutions Corbett (1876–1949)]
Conn Smythe Trophy (ice hockey) the trophy first Cork (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt race-
donated in 1965 that is presented to the out- course at Mallow, Co. Cork, Ireland
standing performer in the Stanley Cup play- corkscrew (boxing) a punch thrown with the
offs [named for the Canadian player Conn elbow out and a twisting motion of the wrist
Smythe (1895–1980), founder of the Toronto corkscrew back drop (trampolining) one and a half
Maple Leafs] twists to a back drop
37 corner • court player

corner (association football ) shortening of corner in which the player carrying the ball moves in the
kick; (boxing) (1) one of the diagonally opposite opposite direction to the other players
angles of the ring, where a boxer sits between counterpunch (boxing) fuller term for a counter
rounds and is attended by a second; (2) another country (cricket) another term for the outfield
term for the second himself country club ( general ) a club in a rural area with
corner flag (association football ) one of the four facilities for sports such as golf, swimming, and
flags that mark the corners of the pitch where tennis, as well as leisure and social activities
the touchline meets the goal line County (association football ) (1) short name of the
corner forward (hurling) a player in an attacking English clubs Notts County and Stockport
position on the wing County; (2) short name of the Scottish club Ross
corner hit (field hockey) another term for a long County
corner County Championship (cricket) an annual con-
corner kick (association football ) a kick awarded test by county cricket teams, first officially held
to the attacking team at one of the four corners in 1890
of the pitch when a defending player puts the county cricket (cricket) the sport as played between
ball out of play beyond the goal line first-class teams representing the 18 historical
corner man (boxing) another term for a second British counties of Derbyshire, Durham, Essex,
cornerback (American football ) a defensive back, Glamorgan, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Kent,
usually covering an opposing wide receiver Lancashire, Leicestershire, Middlesex, North-
Coronation Cup (horse racing) a race run the day amptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Somerset, Sur-
after the Derby rey, Sussex, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, and
Coronation Stakes (horse racing) a race run dur- Yorkshire
ing Royal Ascot county ground (cricket) the home ground of a
corps à corps ( fencing) bodily contact between two club of county cricket players
fencers [French corps à corps, “body to body”] county match (cricket) a match between county
corridor of uncertainty (cricket) the area just out- cricket teams
side the off stump of a batsman, where he is coup (billiards) the act of striking a ball so that it
unsure what kind of stroke to play or whether to goes into a pocket without hitting another ball
play one at all [French coup, “blow”]
Cottagers (association football ) nickname of the Coupe Aéronautique Gordon Bennett (balloon-
English club Fulham [from their home ground ing) the sport’s most prestigious trophy, named
at Craven Cottage] for the U.S. newspaper editor James Gordon Ben-
Cotton Bowl (American football ) an annual col- nett, Jr. (1841–1918) and awarded since 1906 for
lege football game played since 1937 in Dallas, the furthest distance traveled from the launch site
Texas, matching teams from the Big Twelve [French Coupe Aéronautique, “Aeronautical Cup”]
Conference and Southeastern Conference coupon ( general ) a printed betting form on which
Cougars (rugby league) short name of the English to enter forecasts of sports results, as especially a
club Keighley Cougars football coupon
count (baseball ) a tally of the number of balls and course ( general ) the ground or area over which a
strikes that have been thrown during an at bat; race is run or a game played, as a golf course;
(boxing) the counting up to ten seconds by the (horse racing) shortening of racecourse
referee when a boxer is down on the canvas, course and distance (horse racing) (of ) a measure
after which a win to his opponent by a knock- for calculating a horse’s performance on a partic-
out is declared ular course and in a race over the same distance
countback ( general ) a method of determining a course management ( golf ) the manner in which
winner in a contest when two competitors have a player adapts his game to the demands of a
an equal score by taking their overall perform- particular course
ance into account course specialist (horse racing) a trainer or jockey
counter (boxing) an attack made immediately after with a good record in races at a named race-
an opponent throws a punch; (curling) a stone course
in the house that could be worth a point at the court (general) a walled or marked-off area in which
completion of the end; ( fencing) a parry in a sport is played, as a squash court or tennis
which one foil immediately follows the other; court
(ice skating) a figure in which the body is re- court game ( general ) a game played in a walled
volved in a direction opposite to that in which it court, such as fives, squash, or real tennis
was previously being revolved court player (handball ) a player other than the
counter play (American football ) an offensive play goalkeeper
court tennis • cricket 38

court tennis (sport) another term for real tennis [so which a receiver blocks a linebacker or defen-
named for distinction from lawn tennis] sive back by crashing into him at knee level
cover (cricket) shortening of cover point; (horse cradle (bowls) a delivery grip in which the bowl is
racing) of a stallion, to copulate with a mare held in the palm with the fingers close together
cover drive (cricket) a drive by a batsman that goes and the thumb just below the disk on the side of
through the cover area the bowl; (cricket) a device for practicing close
cover point (cricket) a fielding position on the off fielding in the form of a bowl-shaped structure
side between point and mid-on; (lacrosse) a de- that deflects a ball thrown into it; (lacrosse) a
fensive player just in front of point whose role is gentle rocking action that keeps the ball near
to mark the opponents’ second home the edge of the netting in the crosse as the player
cover shot (darts) a throw at another high number runs with it
when the treble 20 bed is obscured by a dart or cradle back drop (trampolining) a half-twist to a
darts already thrown back drop
cover tackle (rugby union) a tackle by a player run- crampon (mountaineering) a spiked metal attach-
ning across the field behind his teammates on ment on a climbing boot that provides a grip on
a player who has broken through the defensive snow and ice
line crash and dash (skiing) a timed run between two
covers (cricket) a comprehensive term for cover points on a piste
point and extra cover; ( general ) a waterproof crash ball (rugby union) the taking or making of a
covering spread over a playing area such as a pass by a player at the moment he receives a
cricket pitch or tennis court to protect it from tackle from the front
rain crash dive (trampolining) a three-quarter forward
cow corner (cricket) colloquial term for the area somersault with the body fully extended dur-
of the field near the boundary on the leg ing its descent to the bed
side between deep midwicket and long-on [an crash mat (athletics, g ymnastics) a thick mattress
area where fielders are rarely positioned and so used to absorb the impact of landing after a
where cows can graze during a game of village jump or other aerial maneuver
cricket] crash out ( general ) to be eliminated unexpectedly
cow shot (cricket) colloquial term for a slog to the or dramatically from a contest [as literally in auto
leg side in the direction of cow corner racing]
cowabunga! (surfing) a surfer’s cry of exhilaration crash tackle (association football ) a vigorous tackle
when riding the crest of a wave [a meaningless ex- Craven Cottage (association football ) the home
clamation originating on The Howdy Doody TV ground of Fulham football club, London
show in the 1950s] crawl (swimming) a high-speed stroke with alter-
cowboy (rodeo) a performer in the sport nate rotation of the arms from the shoulder and
Cowboys (American football ) short name of the rapid kicks of the legs
Dallas Cowboys team crazy golf ( golf ) a form of putting in which the
Cowes Week (sailing) a week of competitive rac- ball has to be maneuvered over or through a range
ing held annually at Cowes, Isle of Wight, En- of obstacles to reach the central hole
gland, since 1826 cream-puff hitter (baseball ) colloquial term for a
cox (rowing) the steersman who sits opposite stroke weak or ineffective batter
and gives instructions during a race [shortening crease (cricket) a line that regulates the positions
of coxswain] of the bowler and batsman at the wicket; (ice
coxed four (rowing) a boat with four rowers and hockey, lacrosse) an area marked out in front of the
a cox goal
coxed pair (rowing) a boat with two rowers and a creeper (cricket) a ball that travels low along the
cox ground after being delivered by the bowler [it
coxless four (rowing) a boat with four rowers and does not bounce up as expected but “creeps” be-
no cox, the steering being done by the bowman neath the bat]
with rudder lines attached to his shoes crew ( general ) a team of people giving technical
coxless pair (rowing) a boat with two rowers and support to a competitor, as in rally driving;
no cox (rowing) the oarsmen (and cox, where appro-
coxswain (rowing) formal term for a cox [from priate) in a racing boat; (sailing) the body of peo-
cock, “boat,” and swain, “servant”] ple (or the sole person) manning a boat or yacht
Coyotes (ice hockey) short name of the Phoenix cricket (sport) a game played with bat and ball by
Coyotes team two teams of 11 players on a marked-out pitch, the
crackback (American football ) an illegal tackle in object of the batsmen being to score as many
39 cricket bag • crossover

runs as possible and that of the bowler and field- cross (association football ) a transverse pass, espe-
ers to dismiss the batsmen as soon as possible cially when made to the area in front of the op-
cricket bag (cricket) a type of long bag for carry- ponents’ goal; (boxing) a straight punch delivered
ing a player’s bat and other equipment from the side; ( g ymnastics) a position on the
cricket ball (cricket) the hard, red ball covered in rings in which the body is held rigid and the
polished leather that is delivered by the bowler arms extended horizontally
to the batsman and caught or retrieved by the cross-batted (cricket) (of ) a shot played with the
fielders bat horizontal
cricket bat (cricket) the long, flat-sided, wooden cross-body ride (wrestling) another term for a
implement with which the batsman strikes the grapevine
ball cross-buttock (wrestling) a throw in which the hip
cricket club (cricket) an established club of crick- is used to throw the opponent off his balance
eters [typically in the names of county cricket cross-country (equestrianism) an event that simu-
teams, as Surrey Cricket Club] lates riding through open country, including
cricket ground (cricket) the field with a central jumps; ( general ) the crossing of open country,
pitch where cricket is played avoiding roads, either for exercise or as a compet-
cricket match (cricket) a match between two teams itive race
cricket pads (cricket) the pads worn by batsmen cross-country running (athletics) a foot race
cricket pitch (cricket) the central pitch on the field across sections of countryside, with obstacles
where the game is played such as hedges, ditches, and stiles
cricket stumps (cricket) the three stumps (with cross-country skiing (skiing) a race across sections
bails) that form the wicket of countryside, as in Nordic skiing
cricketana (cricket) publications or other items cross-court (table tennis) (of ) a shot hit diagonally
concerned with cricket from one corner of the table to the other; (ten-
cricketer (cricket) a person who plays cricket, nis) (of ) a shot hit diagonally across the court
whether for pleasure or professionally cross-fire (shooting) firing at a rival’s target in error
criterium (cycling) a race consisting of a series of cross-foot spin (ice skating) a spin performed on
laps over public roads [French critérium, “test”] the flat of the blades with the legs crossed
critical area (lacrosse) the area immediately in front cross-handed grip ( golf ) a grip with the right
of the goal hand below the left (for a right-handed player)
critical point (skiing) another name for the k point cross-training ( general ) (1) training in different
Crocodiles (handball ) popular name of Australia’s sports in order to improve one’s skills and per-
national men’s team [from the reptile native to formance in one’s main sport; (2) a form of fitness
the country] training that alternates in a single session between
Croke Park (Gaelic football ) the stadium in exercises using gymnasium equipment and aer-
Dublin, Ireland, that is the venue for the All- obics
Ireland finals and other important matches crossbar ( general ) the horizontal bar across a pair
Croker (Gaelic football ) local nickname for Croke of goal posts
Park crosscheck (ice hockey, lacrosse) an offense in which
crooked number (baseball ) colloquial term for any a player holds up his stick with both hands and
number other than 0 or 1 on the scoreboard [all pushes it across an opponent’s body
such numbers have more complex figures] crosse (lacrosse) the playing stick, with a pocket at
croquet (croquet) a shot in which the striker places the top end for catching, carrying, and throw-
his ball in contact with the ball that it struck in ing the ball
a roquet and now strikes it so that it drives the crossfield (association football ) (of ) a long pass
other ball away; (sport) a game on a lawn for two made sideways
or four players who compete to hit balls with crossing (rugby union) an illegal move in which a
mallets though hoops to a central peg [said to player crosses in front of the player carrying the
be dialect form of French crochet, from croche, ball, thus preventing the defensive team from
“hook”] making a tackle
croquet ball (croquet) one of the colored wooden crosskick (association football ) a kick of the ball
balls with which croquet is played across the field
croquet hoop (croquet) one of the six hoops crossline (angling) a fishing line stretched across a
through which balls are driven stream with a number of hooks attached
croquet lawn (croquet) a lawn on which croquet is crossover (ice skating) a basic move in which one
played skate is crossed over the other when turning a
croquet shot (croquet) fuller term for a croquet corner and increasing speed
crossover dribble • curvet 40

crossover dribble (basketball) a dribble made first Cup (association football ) shortening of Cup Final
with one hand then the other cup final ( general ) the final and deciding match
crouch (athletics) shortening of crouch start in a competition for a cup
crouch start (athletics) a position adopted with the Cup Final (association football ) the match between
knees bent at the start of a race the winners of the final of the FA Cup, held at
crown ( general ) a reward or honor accorded the Wembley
winner of a championship or other contest cup of coffee (baseball ) colloquial term for a spell
crown bowls (bowls) bowls played on a crown in the majors by a player who then returns to
green the minors
crown green (bowls) a green that is larger than that cup tie ( general ) one of a series of matches to de-
used for lawn bowls and that slopes gently up- cide the winner of a cup
ward from the sides to a central “crown” cup-tied (association football ) (of ) a player ineligi-
Crows (Australian Rules) short name of the Adelaide ble to play for his club in a cup tie because he
Crows team played for another club earlier in the competi-
Crucible (snooker) the theater in Sheffield, England, tion; ( general ) (of ) a player unable to play in a
where the world championship is held cup tie because he is injured or otherwise disal-
crucifix ( g ymnastics) another name for the cross lowed
cruiser (boxing) a cruiserweight boxer cup winner ( general ) the winner of a cup, espe-
cruiserweight (boxing) the professional weight cat- cially in a final
egory of maximum 86kg (190lb) Cuppers (field hockey, rugby union) colloquial term
crush stroke (croquet) an illegal stroke made when for the annual intercollegiate matches at Oxford
a mallet touches a ball that is in contact with a University, played for a cup [cup with the Ox-
peg or hoop, other than playing it away ford slang suffix -er]
Cruyff turn (association football ) a move to lose a cuppy ( golf ) (of ) a ball in a “cup” or shallow de-
tracking opponent in which the player pretends pression in the ground
to pass the ball but instead drags it back, turns curl (American football ) a pattern of play in which
his body, and runs in the opposite direction [in- two receivers cross each other; (cricket) a ball
troduced by the Dutch player Johann Cruyff delivered by a bowler that curves before or after
(1947–)] pitching; (surfing) the part of a hollow wave that
Cubs (baseball ) short name of the Chicago Cubs loops over as it breaks
team curl pattern (American football ) the route taken
cue (billiards, snooker) a long tapered wooden rod by a receiver when he runs up the field then
with a leather tip, used to strike the ball [French turns back toward the line of scrimmage
queue, “tail”] curler (curling) a player of the sport
cue ball (billiards, snooker) the ball struck by the curling (sport) a game, played mainly in Scotland,
cue so that it in turn strikes the object ball in which each team slides a series of stones over
cue extension (billiards, snooker) a shaft extension the ice toward a target circle while aiming to
attached to a cue, used when a shot with a dislodge the other team’s stones already in the
standard-length cue is not possible circle
cue tip (billiards, snooker) the leather tip of a cue Curragh (horse racing) the center of the Irish horse-
cuervo ( g ymnastics) a vault in the form of a hand- breeding industry in Co. Kildare, Ireland, with
spring off the springboard, then a half-twist a course that hosts many important flat races,
followed by a backward salto off the horse [in- including the Irish Derby
troduced by the Cuban gymnast Jorge Cuervo Currie Cup (cricket, rugby union) the cup awarded
in 1973] to the winner of a series of matches between
Cultural Olympics (Olympics) an arts festival provincial teams in South Africa [presented in
staged to complement the Olympic Games, first 1890 by Sir Donald Currie (1825–1909)]
held at the 2000 Sydney Olympics and evolv- Curtis Cup ( golf ) the cup awarded to the winner
ing from an educational enterprise initiated in of the biennial tournament between amateur
1929 by U.S. art patron and civic leader Samuel women’s teams from the U.S. and the U.K and
S. Fleisher (1871 –1944) Ireland [donated in 1932 by the former U.S. am-
Cumbrians (association football ) nickname of the ateur champions Harriot and Margaret Curtis]
English club Carlisle United [from the county of curve (baseball ) shortening of curveball
Cumbria in which they are based] curveball (baseball ) a ball thrown by the pitcher
cup ( general ) the trophy in the form of an orna- with a spin that gives it an arcing trajectory
mental cup awarded to a winner or champion; curvet (equestrianism) an element of dressage in
( golf ) the plastic or metal casing lining a hole which the horse rears up then leaps forward on
41 cush • dart

its hindlegs before its forelegs are lowered [Ital- cycling (sport) (1) the sport of racing on bicycles; (2)
ian corvetta, “little curve”] the riding of a bicycle for exercise or pleasure
cush (billiards, snooker) colloquial shortening of cyclist (cycling) a participant in a cycle race
cushion cyclo-cross (sport) cross-country racing on bicycles
cushion (billiards, snooker) the padded lining of D (association football ) the semicircular area at the
the inner side of the billiard table, from which edge of the penalty box outside which players
the balls rebound must stand when a penalty is being taken; (bil-
cusp (ice skating) the point in a turn when the liards, snooker) the semicircular area that adjoins the
skater moves from one edge of the skate to the balk line at the bottom end of the billiard table;
other (field hockey) another name for the shooting cir-
custodian (association football ) colloquial term for cle [the areas have the shape of a capital “D”]
a goalkeeper dab (cricket) a gentle deflection of the ball by the
cut (American football ) the regular sackings dur- batsman to the off side
ing pre-season practice of players deemed not fit daffy (skiing) a maneuver in which an air-borne
enough to make the grade; (cricket) a shot on skier extends one leg forward and the other back
the off side, between cover and third man, daily double (horse racing) a bet on the winners of
made with the bat almost horizontal; ( fencing) two different races on one day of a meeting,
a stroke with the edge of the weapon rather than with the stake and winnings from the first placed
the point; ( golf ) (1) a stroke that deliberately on the second
makes the ball move from left to right in the air daisycutter (cricket) a ball bowled along the ground,
(for a right-handed player); (2) a reduction of or one that stays low after pitching
the field in a tournament after a set number of Dakar rally (auto racing) short name of the Paris-
rounds, so that only players with the better Dakar rally
scores qualify to play in the final round; (tennis) Dale (association football ) short name of the En-
a downward stroke, usually involving spin glish club Rochdale
cut and thrust ( fencing) the use of both the edge dam (greyhound racing) the mother of a greyhound;
and the point of the weapon (horse racing) the mother of a foal
cut back (association football ) to kick back sharply dan (martial arts) a grade of black belt [Japanese
cut fastball (baseball ) another term for a cutter dan, “grade,” “step”]
cut in the ground (horse racing) (of ) a course where dance floor ( golf ) colloquial term for the green
the going is soft or yielding [so that the horse’s [it is flat and smooth]
hooves imprint the turf] dancing (ice skating) shortening of ice dancing
cut line (squash) another term for the service line dandy line (angling) a weighted fishing line with
cut-off man (baseball ) a fielder who goes out to a crosspieces at short intervals, each with a hook
long throw from the outfield before it reaches at either end
the infield danger (horse racing) a horse seen as a possible threat
cut-over ( fencing) an offensive disengage made to a likely winner
over the opponent’s blade danger line (athletics) the distance a runner must
cutback (surfing) a maneuver to change direction go before overtaking a rival and winning a race
and head back toward the breaking part of the danger man (general) a player seen as posing a par-
wave ticular threat
cutter (baseball ) a fastball with a late veer to one danger position (wrestling) a position that places
side; (cricket) a ball that turns sharply after an opponent’s back at less than a right angle to
pitching the mat
cutting edge ( fencing) the sharp edge of a saber dangerous play (association football ) any play
Cy Young Award (baseball ) a trophy awarded to which is likely to injure another player, such as
the outstanding pitcher in the major leagues, raising one’s leg to kick the ball from an oppo-
inaugurated in 1956 [commemorating the U.S. nent as he is running up for a header
player Cy Young (1867–1955)] dap (angling) to fish with a fly that bounces gen-
cycle (baseball ) a single, double, triple, and home tly on the surface of the water
run hit by a batter in a single game; (cycling) a Dark Blues (association football ) nickname of the
bicycle Scottish club Dundee [from the color of the
cycle race (cycling) a race of cyclists, as individu- team’s shirts]
als or in teams dark horse (horse racing) a horse whose racing
cycleball (sport) a modified form of association form is not known
football in which the players, mounted on bicy- dart (darts) the small pointed missile thrown in
cles, maneuver the ball with their front wheels darts
dartboard • deep-water 42

dartboard (darts) the circular target at which darts for deaf competitors on the lines of the Olym-
are thrown, with a bull worth 50 points and 20 pics [blend of deaf and Olympics]
numbered segments, each containing two beds death spiral (ice skating) in pair skating, a move
dartist (darts) a player of the game [perhaps a de- in which the man spins the woman around him
liberate suggestion of artist] in a circle as she skates on one foot with her body
dartitis (darts) colloquial term for the syndrome almost horizontal to the ice
in which a player is unable to throw a dart prop- decathlete (Olympics) a competitor in a decathlon
erly or even at all decathlon (Olympics) a men’s event consisting of 10
dartman (darts) a player of the game separate contests held on two consecutive days:
darts (sport) an indoor game in which players take 100 meters, long jump, shot put, high jump,
turns to throw three darts each at a dartboard and 400 meters on day one, 110-meter hurdles,
with the aim of achieving a particular score discus, pole vault, javelin, and 1,500 meters
dash (athletics) former term for a sprint on day two [Greek deka, “ten,” and athlon, “con-
Davis Cup (tennis) the cup awarded to the winner test”].
of an international tournament for men’s teams decider ( general ) (1) a move or action in a game
first held in 1900 as a challenge match between that proves decisive, as a goal in association
Britain and the U.S. [donated by the U.S. player football; (2) a final match or race in a series that
Dwight F. Davis (1879–1945)] determines the outcome
dead (general) (of ) a ball that is not in play or tem- decision (boxing) the awarding of a fight in which
porarily inactive, either because it has gone out- there has been no knockout to the boxer with
side the playing area or because a particular rule the greater number of points
comes into effect; (golf ) (of ) a ball that is so close deck (skateboarding) another term for a skate-
to the hole that a putt is regarded as unmissable; board; (surfing) the top surface of the surfboard
(table tennis) (of ) a ball hit with no spin deck cricket (cricket) a version of the game for-
dead ball (association football ) a stationary ball merly played on shipboard in an area enclosed by
ready to be played, as in a free kick or a corner; netting
(cricket) a ball that is dead because it is in the deck game ( general ) a game played in modified
hands of the wicketkeeper or bowler, it has form on the deck of a passenger liner or other
been hit for a boundary by the batsman, or the ship, as deck golf, deck quoits, or deck tennis
batsman who hit it is out; (real tennis) a ball that deck golf (golf ) a form of the game played on deck
is dead after a point is won or lost deck quoits (quoits) a form of the game played on
dead-ball line (rugby league, rugby union) the line deck
behind the goal line beyond which the ball is out deck tennis (tennis) a form of the game played on
of play deck
dead bat (cricket) a bat held by the batsman in declaration (cricket) the action taken by the cap-
such a way that the ball drops straight down on tain when he decides to declare
striking it declare (cricket) to end an innings voluntarily be-
dead cert (horse racing) a horse regarded as certain fore all 10 wickets have fallen, usually because
to win a race the captain considers his batsmen have made
dead draw (bowls) a draw played with dead weight enough runs; (horse racing) to notify the author-
dead end (bowls) an end that has to be replayed ities that a trainer intends to enter a horse in a
when the jack is hit off the rink particular race
dead fish (baseball ) a hit that at first travels fast dedans (real tennis) (1) the open gallery at the end
but that then hits the ground and comes to a of the service side of the court; (2) the specta-
standstill tors who generally view the action through this
dead heat ( general ) an exact tie in a race [French dedans, “inside”]
dead lift (weightlifting) a controlled raising of the dedicated matchday (association football ) a day on
barbell from the floor until the lifter is stand- which the players in a match donate a day’s
ing upright wages to a named charity, their supporters also
dead weight (bowls) the delivery of a bowl that being encouraged to contribute
puts it right next to the jack or another bowl Dee (association football ) short name of the Scot-
dead wood (tenpin bowling) pins that have been tish club Dundee
knocked down and that lie in front of those still deep (association football ) well behind one’s team-
standing mates; (cricket) not close to the wickets
deadbait (angling) a dead fish used as bait deep-water start (water skiing) a start in which
Deaflympics (Olympics) short name of the World the skier is pulled up out of the water by the boat
Games for the Deaf, a series of sporting events while holding on to the handle of the tow rope
43 defender • Diamondbacks

defender (general) (1) a player whose role is mainly desi (baseball ) colloquial shortening of designated
defensive; (2) a reigning champion who seeks hitter
to maintain his title designated hitter (baseball ) a tenth player named
defense (American football ) the team that does not in the lineup to bat anywhere in the batting
have possession of the ball at the start of a play; order instead of the pitcher
(boxing) an attempt by a reigning champion to deuce (tennis) a level score of three points each (as
defend his title in a contest; ( general ) the mem- if “forty-all”), when one of the sides must win
bers of a team whose main role is to prevent the two successive points to win the game [Old
opposing team from scoring French deus (modern deux), “two”]
defenseman (ice hockey, lacrosse) a player whose deuce court (tennis) the right side of the court,
prime role is defensive from which the serve is made and received at
defensive back (American football ) a player who even-numbered points
begins the play away from the line of scrim- deuce game (tennis) a game in which the score is
mage and whose main role is to defend against level at deuce
passes Devil Rays (baseball ) short name of the Tampa
defensive end (American football ) a defensive player Bay Devil Rays team
who lines up at the end of the line of scrimmage devil-take-the-hindmost (cycling) a track race in
defensive wall (association football ) fuller term for which after a given number of laps the last to
a wall cross the finishing line drops out until only two
degree of difficulty (swimming) a measure, based are left to contest the final sprint
on a mathematical formula, that indicates the Devils (ice hockey) short name of the New Jersey
difficulty of a dive Devils team
deke (ice hockey) a maneuver to deceive an oppo- devil’s number (cricket) a score of 87 runs, re-
nent and so draw him out of his defensive posi- garded as unlucky by Australian cricketers [the
tion [Canadian shortening of decoy] number is 13 short of a century]
delivery ( general ) the throwing or bowling of a devil’s own (darts) a score of 88 [from “Devil’s
ball, as in cricket or bowls Own,” nickname of the Connaught Rangers
demolition derby (auto racing) a race in which (88th Foot), a British army regiment noted for
cars are deliberately crashed into one another, their bravery in the Peninsular War]
the winner being the last car left running Devizes-to-Westminster Race (canoeing) an an-
Demons (Australian Rules) short name of the Mel- nual race of 125 miles along the Kennet and
bourne Demons team Avon Canal and Thames River from Devizes,
demonstration sport (general) a sport staged at the Wiltshire, to Westminster, London
Olympics or Commonwealth Games purely for Devon (angling) shortening of Devon minnow
demonstration purposes but subsequently often Devon minnow (angling) an artificial fly that im-
gaining official recognition, as basketball at itates a swimming minnow
the1904 Olympics (included from 1936), base- Dewar Cup (shooting) the cup awarded to the win-
ball at the 1912 Olympics (included from 1978), ner of a rifle shooting contest between the
and kabaddi at the 2010 Commonwealth Games United States and Britain, first held in 1909 [pre-
deny (association football ) to prevent an opposing sented by Thomas Robert Dewar, 1st Baron
player or team from scoring a goal Dewar (1864–1930)]
derby ( general ) a race or sporting contest of any diamond (association football ) a diamond-shaped
kind, especially when keen and held between formation of four central midfielders behind
neighboring teams, as a match between Man- two strikers; (baseball ) (1) the diamond-shaped
chester City and Manchester United in associ- part of the field, marked off by the baselines;
ation football [in a general sense so called from (2) the field itself; (pool) one of the diamond-
the Derby, but in the narrower sense said by shaped inlays on the top surfaces of cushions,
some to come from a contest between two parish used as reference points when playing doubles
teams in Derby itself ] diamond duck (cricket) a duck scored by a bats-
Derby (greyhound racing) short name of the Grey- man who is out on the first ball of a match
hound Derby; (horse racing) (1) an annual race Diamond League (athletics) a series of interna-
for three-year-old colts and fillies run at Epsom tional athletic meetings first held in 2010
since 1780 [founded by Edward Stanley, 12th Diamond Sculls (rowing) the trophy first pre-
Earl of Derby (1752–1834)]; (2) short name of sented in 1844 to the winner of a race for single
the Kentucky Derby sculls at Henley Royal Regatta
descender (mountaineering) a device for control- Diamondbacks (baseball ) short name of the Ari-
ling a descent on a rope zona Diamondbacks team
Diamonds • dive 44

Diamonds (association football ) (1) nickname of discipline ( general ) a branch of sport, or an event
the Scottish club Airdrie United [from the red in a sports contest
and white diamond shape on the team’s strip]; discus (athletics) (1) a heavy thick-centered disk
(2) short name of the Scottish club Rushden and thrown for throwing; (2) the field event in
Diamonds which it is thrown
dibble (angling) to dip the bait lightly in and out disengage ( fencing) to pass one’s sword over or
of the water under the opponent’s sword in order to change
dibbly-dobbler (cricket) a slow ball with imparted the line of attack
spin disgorger (angling) a device for extracting a hook
did not finish (auto racing) failed to complete the from the throat of a fish
course dish (baseball ) another term for the plate; (basket-
die ( general ) to flag or lag in a contest, especially ball) to pass the ball
one involving great effort, such as cycling disk weight (weightlifting) one of the two rubber-
dig (cricket) colloquial term for an innings; (volley- coated metal disks of differing weight that are
ball) a shot made with the hands clasped and secured on the ends of a barbell to make it heav-
the arms extended so that the ball is kept up in ier
the air disk wheel (cycling) a wheel composed of a solid
dig pass (volleyball) a pass made with a dig disk (rather than spokes) used in time trials and
Dilscoop (cricket) a stroke in which the batsman some track races
goes down on one knee and “scoops” the ball dismiss (cricket) to end the innings of a batsman
over the head of the wicketkeeper to send it or side so that he or they are out
straight to the boundary [introduced in 2009 dismount ( g ymnastics) the ending of a routine by
by the Sri Lankan batsman Tillakaratne Dilshan] leaving a piece of apparatus
dime defense (American football ) a defensive for- disobedience (equestrianism) the misbehavior of a
mation involving six defensive backs [so called horse in an event, such as a refusal
as it has more players than a nickel defense] disqualification (boxing) the elimination of a
dimple ( golf ) one of the small depressions on a boxer from a contest because he has received
golf ball three warnings from the referee
ding (surfing) a hole in the bottom of a surfboard distance (boxing) (1) the range within which a
dinged (American football ) suffering concussion boxer can strike his opponent; (2) the scheduled
after being hit on the head in a tackle duration of a match; ( fencing) the interval of
dinger (baseball ) colloquial term for a home run space that must be kept between the two com-
dinghy (sailing) any small open boat batants; (horse racing) (1) the length of a race,
dink ( general ) to send the ball a short distance in measured in miles and furlongs; (2) a point 240
a gentle arc yards (220m) back from the winning post,
dip (athletics) a lunge for the finishing line in a race which a horse must have reached when the win-
dip-net (angling) a long-handled net for lifting up ner finishes in order to run in a subsequent heat
fish from the water distance jumping (water skiing) an event in which
direct free kick (association football ) a free kick, the skier is towed up and off a specially prepared
awarded after a foul or an offside, from which ramp then travels through the air as far as pos-
a goal can be scored without the ball being sible
touched by another player (as distinct from an distance post (horse racing) a post marking the dis-
indirect free kick) tance to the winning post
directeur sportif (cycling) the manager of a profes- distance runner (athletics) an athlete who com-
sional team [French directeur sportif, “sporting petes in middle-distance running or long-
director”] distance running
dirt (horse racing) shortening of dirt track ditch (bowls) the shallow trough around a green
dirt bike (motorcycle racing) a motorcycle designed or, in indoor bowls, at either end of the carpet
for riding on dirt tracks ditcher (bowls) a bowl that runs off or is knocked
dirt jumping (cycling) a discipline in BMX in off the green into the ditch
which riders take off from dirt ramps and per- dive (aquatics) an underwater exploration made
form aerial tricks with an aqualung or similar apparatus; (associ-
dirt track (horse racing) a racetrack with an earth ation football ) a play in which a player throws
surface; (motorcycle racing) a racetrack with a himself to the ground in an archer’s bow posi-
surface of rolled cinders, brickdust, and the like tion in an attempt to deceive the referee into
dirty air (auto racing) turbulent air from a car in believing he was tripped in an illegal tackle and
front of another should thus be awarded a penalty or free kick;
45 diver • door

(boxing) a feigned knockout as a tactical move; dogsled (sled dog racing) a sled pulled by a team
(swimming) a swift, usually head-first, descent of dogs
into the water dohyo (sumo) the ring or marked area in which
diver (aquatics, association football, swimming) a the wrestlers compete [Japanese dohyo, “sumo
person who executes a dive ring”]
dividend (association football ) a share in the pay- doigté ( fencing) the use of the fingers to manipu-
out from a football pool late the sword [French doigté, “fingered”]
diving (aquatics, swimming) the carrying out of dojo (martial arts) (1) a room or hall where instruc-
dives tion is given in various arts of self-defense; (2)
diving board (swimming) the springboard or plat- an area of padded mats for this purpose [Japanese
form from which a dive is made do, “way,” and jo, “place”]
division (association football ) a group of teams doll (horse racing) a hurdle used as a barrier on a
within a league between which fixtures are racecourse to exclude certain areas from use by
arranged [in 2004 Division 1 became the Cham- riders [perhaps a form of dool, “boundary mark”]
pionship and Divisions 2 and 3 became Leagues dolly (cricket) a slow easy catch [from doll, as it is
1 and 2]; (cricket) one of the two groups of nine “child’s play”]
teams introduced in the Pro40 League in1999 dolphin kick (swimming) an element of the but-
and the County Championships in 2000; (gen- terfly in which the legs are held together and
eral ) a group of teams that compete in a con- moved up and down by bending and straighten-
test, as between college eights in a bumping ing them at the knee
race Dolphins (American football ) short name of the
divot ( golf ) (1) a small piece of turf dug up by the Miami Dolphins team
head of a golf club during a stroke; (2) the hole dome ( general ) shortening of astrodome
left where the turf has been dug up in this way domestic ( general ) (of ) a contest between teams
[apparently of Scottish origin] in their native country, not international
DNF (auto racing) abbreviation of did not finish domestique (cycling) a rider who accompanies and
dobbler (cricket) shortening of dibbly-dobbler supports a professional team in a road race
dock start (water skiing) a start in which the skier [French domestique, “servant”]
is pulled onto the water by the boat while stand- Donald (mountaineering) a Scottish Lowland hill
ing or sitting on a dock or pontoon of 2,000ft or more [first listed by Percy Donald]
Dockers (Australian Rules) short name of the Fre- Doncaster (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt
mantle Dockers team racecourse at Doncaster, South Yorkshire, En-
doctor (angling) a type of hackled dry fly gland, the location of the St. Leger
dodgeball (sport) a game in which players form a donkey derby (general) a series of races by contest-
circle and try to hit their opponents with a large ants mounted on donkeys
ball, which they try to dodge donkey drop (cricket) a slow ball bowled or hit so
Dodgers (baseball ) short name of the Los Angeles that it travels in a high arc
Dodgers team Dons (association football ) (1) nickname of the
dog (horse racing) a horse that is slow or difficult to Scottish club Aberdeen [perhaps shortening of
handle Aberdonians, name of townsfolk]; (2) short name
dog paddle (swimming) a simple stroke with alter- of the English club Milton Keynes Dons; (3)
nate arm movements [like the front legs of a nickname of the English club Wimbledon
swimming dog] [shortened form of the placename]
dog racing (sport) another name for greyhound donut (auto racing) to spin a car by pulling on the
racing handbrake [from the circular motion]; (para-
dogfall (wrestling) a fall in which both wrestlers chuting) in skydiving, a free fall formation in
touch the ground together which team members form a hollow circle with
Doggett’s Coat and Badge (rowing) the trophy linked arms; (tennis) colloquial term for a game
awarded to the winner of an annual sculling race score 6–0
between newly qualified watermen on the Doonhamers (association football ) nickname of the
Thames in London [founded in 1715 by Thomas Scottish club Queen of the South [based in
Doggett, an Irish actor, who donated an orange- Dumfries, whose inhabitants talk of their home
colored coat with a silver badge] town as doon hame, “down (at) home”]
dogleg (golf ) a hole with a bending fairway [in the door (real tennis) the third gallery from the end
shape of a dog’s leg] of the service side or the second from the end of
dogs (sport) colloquial term for greyhound rac- the hazard side [both galleries formerly had
ing, especially as a betting sport doors]
doosra • down 46

doosra (cricket) a leg break bowled with an appar- double play (baseball ) a play that puts out two
ent off-break action by a right-arm bowler runners
[Hindi doosra, “the other one”] double poling (skiing) using both ski poles at the
dope ( general ) a drug illegally administered to an same time, especially at a start
athlete or a racehorse double pump (basketball) a feint in which a player
dope sheet (horse racing) a daily bulletin with de- attempts to deceive an opponent by pretending
tails of the horses entered for a race and infor- to shoot in mid-air before taking a shot
mation on their past form double scull (rowing) a two-manned boat in which
dormie ( golf ) a situation in matchplay in which each rower has a pair of sculls
a player is as many holes ahead of an opponent double spare (skittles, tenpin bowling) the knock-
as there are holes left to play [perhaps related to ing down of all of the pins with one’s first ball
Latin dormire, “to sleep,” as the player cannot [twice as good as a spare]
lose even by going to sleep] double steal (baseball ) a play in which two
dormy ( golf ) another spelling of dormie baserunners each make a steal
dorothy (cricket) colloquial term for a six [rhyming double takeout (curling) a takeout that removes
slang, from Dorothy Dix, the name adopted by two stones from play
the popular U.S. journalist Elizabeth Meriwether double team (basketball) the strategy of assigning
Gilmer (1861 –1951)] two defenders to one attacker
dot ball (cricket) a delivery from which no runs are double top (darts) a score of 40 made by a throw
scored [conventionally recorded by the scorer as into the double ring of the segment numbered
a dot] 20 at the top of the dartboard
dot down (rugby league, rugby union) to make a double trap (shooting) in trapshooting, the simul-
perfunctory touchdown of the ball taneous release of two targets at different heights
double (association football ) the winning of the Pre- and angles
miership and FA Cup in one season; (baseball ) double-wake cut (water skiing) an approach for a
a hit that allows the batter to reach second base; jump in which the skier gathers speed by twice
(darts) a score of twice the usual amount, ob- crossing the wake of the boat
tained when the dart lands in the outer bed of the double wing (American football ) an offensive
dartboard; (horse racing) shortening of daily backfield formation with two halfbacks located
double; (pool, snooker) a shot in which the ob- close to the line of scrimmage and just outside
ject ball rebounds off a cushion into the oppo- the ends
site pocket; (tennis) shortening of double fault; doubles ( general ) a game between two pairs of
(trampolining) a double somersault players, as typically in tennis
double axel (ice skating) an axel that incorporates doughnut (auto racing, parachuting) another spell-
two and a half turns in the air ing of donut
double back ( g ymnastics) a move with two suc- down (American football ) one of four consecutive
cessive backflips periods of play during which a team must score
double blue ( general ) (1) a person who has twice or advance the ball 10 yards in order to retain
won a blue; (2) the awards themselves possession; (boxing) (1) beaten because a part of
double bogey ( golf ) a score of two strokes over the body other than the feet is touching the can-
par for a hole, double that of a bogey vas; (2) beaten because helpless on the ropes;
double century (cricket) a score of 200 runs by a (3) beaten because judged unfit by the referee
batsman, double that of a century to continue
double double (basketball) the feat of recording down-and-out (American football ) a pass pattern
double figures in two categories in a game executed by running downfield then making a
double dribble (basketball) a dribble made with 90-degree turn and running toward one of the
two hands or after stopping, both illegal sidelines
double eagle ( golf ) another term for an albatross Down Royal (horse racing) a flat and National
double fault (tennis) two successive faults in a Hunt racecourse in Co. Antrim, Northern Ire-
service, causing the loss of a point land
double full (trampolining) a backward somersault down the line (association football) (of ) a shot trav-
with double twist eling parallel to and close to the side of the pitch;
double header ( general ) two games or matches (shooting) another term for trapshooting; (ten-
played on the same day nis) (of ) a shot traveling parallel to and close to
double-leg tackle (wrestling) a move in which a the side of the court
wrestler grasps his opponent’s legs to bring him down to the wire (horse racing) as far as the finish-
down ing post
47 downfield • drive

downfield ( general ) in or toward the end of the in a game or starting positions in a race; ( golf )
field nearest the goal of the opposing team a stroke that purposely makes the ball move in
downhill (skiing) a downhill race the air from right to left (of a right-handed
Downpatrick (horse racing) a flat and National player) or from left to right (of a left-handed
Hunt racecourse at Downpatrick, Co. Down, player); (horse racing) in flat racing, the ran-
Northern Ireland domly allocated position of a horse in the start-
downstream gate (canoeing) on a slalom course, a ing stalls; (lacrosse) the method of starting the
gate to be negotiated following the direction of women’s game in which the two centers balance
the current the ball on the backs of their horizontally held
downswing ( golf ) the part of the swing in which sticks then toss it in the air as they pull the sticks
the club is moving down toward the ball up and away; (snooker) a stroke that makes the
downtown (basketball) colloquial term for the area cue ball recoil after hitting another ball
beyond the three-point line draw stumps (cricket) to end a game by removing
Doyenne, La (cycling) nickname of the Liège- the wickets
Bastogne-Liège road race [French la doyenne, draw weight (archery) the force required to pull
“the senior,” as the oldest of the one-day top- back the bowstring to its maximum
class races] drawn game ( general ) a game that ends in a draw
drabbling (angling) a manner of fishing for barbel dream team ( general ) a perfect or ideally matched
with a rod and long line passed through a piece team
of lead Dream Team (basketball) nickname of the U.S. na-
draft (auto racing, cycling) another term for slip- tional team that won gold at the 1992 Olympics
stream in Barcelona
drag (snooker) the slightly delayed motion of the dress (angling) to prepare a fly for use on a hook
cue ball, caused by backspin, when struck just dressage (equestrianism) the performance of a horse
under the center in particular gaits and maneuvers in response to
drag racing (auto racing) a race held over a straight signals from the rider [French dressage, “train-
quarter-mile as a test in acceleration, usually be- ing”]
tween two cars at a time dressing room ( general ) a changing room as a
drag strip (auto racing) a course specially built or place where a team can discuss the game or the
modified for drag racing selection of players, be addressed by their man-
Dragon (sailing) a yacht of the International Dragon ager or coach, and the like
class, 8.88m (29.2ft) long dribble ( general ) a closely controlled gradual ad-
Dragons (rugby league) short name of the English vancing of the ball by means of repeated move-
clubs Catalans Dragons and Doncaster Dragons ments of the hand or foot, as appropriate
dragshot (snooker) a shot that imparts drag to the dries (auto racing) tires, especially slicks, designed
ball for use in dry-weather conditions
dragster (auto racing) a car specially built or drift (auto racing) a controlled skid, used to nego-
modified for use in drag racing tiate bends
dragway (auto racing) (1) a road or course used for drill (association football ) to kick the ball hard and
drag racing; (2) the paved area of a drag strip straight, especially into the net
drail (angling) a piece of lead around the shank of drive (American football ) a sequence of plays by a
the hook team without losing possession; (badminton) a
drain (basketball) colloquial term for a clean shot hard low shot over the net made with the racket
through the basket horizontal; (basketball) a forceful advance toward
drain a putt ( golf ) another term for sink a putt the basket; (bowls) a fast, straight delivery that
draw (American football ) a running play disguised eliminates the bias; (cricket) a shot played with
as a passing play; (archery) to pull back the bow- the bat held vertically so that the ball travels
string and arrow ready to shoot; (bowls) a gen- along the ground in front of the batsman; (golf )
tle delivery that makes the bowl curve toward a powerful shot from the tee using a driver;
the point aimed for; (canoeing) a method of (lacrosse) a fast, direct run for goal; (rowing) the
turning the canoe by making a stroke at right action of pulling the oar through the water;
angles to the direction of travel; (cricket) another (rugby union) a team’s pushing forward of a
term for an inside edge; (curling) (1) the degree maul; (table tennis, tennis) a fast, straight return
of curve in the trajectory of a stone; (2) a shot delivered underarm
sufficiently weighty to reach the house; ( gen- drive off ( golf ) to hit the ball from the tee
eral ) (1) a game that ends with an equal score; drive the green ( golf ) to hit the ball from a tee
(2) the random process used to assign opponents onto the green
drive-through • dun 48

drive-through penalty (auto racing) a penalty in dropper (angling) another term for a drop fly
which a driver must enter the pit lane, drive drops (cycling) the lower sections of the curved
through it at the prescribed speed, then rejoin handlebars on a road bike
the race dry bob (cricket) a boy at Eton College who plays
driver (golf ) a wooden-headed club used to hit the cricket in the summer term, as distinct from a
ball a long way, especially from the tee wet bob [bob perhaps the personal name Bob]
driving iron ( golf ) an iron with an enlarged head dry fly (angling) an artificial fly that does not sink
used for tee shots when accuracy is required in the water but floats on the surface
driving range ( golf ) a place for golfers to prac- dry leaf (association football ) a free kick with an
tice their drives unpredictable trajectory, as distinct from a
drop ( golf ) the act of repositioning the ball from falling leaf
an unplayable position by letting it fall from dry slope (skiing) a slope with an artificial surface,
one’s outstretched arm; (rugby league, rugby used for training or out-of-season practice
union) (1) shortening of drop goal; (2) shorten- dual mogul (skiing) a head-to-head race between
ing of drop kick two skiers down a mogul
drop ball (association football ) the dropping of the dual slalom (skiing, snowboarding) another term
ball by the referee to restart play at the point for a parallel slalom
where a game was temporarily suspended dub (angling) to dress a fly
drop fly (angling) an artificial fly attached to a duck (cricket) a score of no runs by a batsman
leader above the tail fly [originally duck’s egg, from the egg-shaped “0”
drop goal (rugby league, rugby union) a goal scored on the scoreboard]
by means of a drop kick duck dive (surfing) a maneuver in which the board
drop in (skateboarding) to enter a half-pipe or ob- is “ducked” under an oncoming wave
stacle from the top; (surfing) (1) to obstruct an- duck hook ( golf ) a mishit that veers sharply to
other surfer by starting to surf in his path; (2) to the left (for a right-handed player)
slide down the face of a wave immediately after Ducks (ice hockey) short name of the Anaheim
takeoff Ducks team
drop kick (rugby league, rugby union) a kick of the Duckworth-Lewis method (cricket) a mathemat-
ball when it bounces from the ground after ical system used to calculate the total required
being dropped from the kicker’s hand; (wrestling) for a team batting second in a one-day game in-
a kick made with both feet while jumping in the terrupted by rain [devised in 1997 by statisti-
air cians Frank Duckworth and Tony Lewis]
drop-knee (surfing) a turn with both knees bent duet (swimming) in synchronized swimming, a
and the trail leg crossed behind the lead leg routine performed by two contestants
drop line (angling) a weighted line for fishing near duff ( golf ) a mishit that occurs when a player’s
the bottom of a river club hits the ground behind the ball
drop one’s hands (horse racing) to relax one’s hold dugout (general) a sunken shelter or covered bench
on the reins and allow the horse to coast home, area beside a sports pitch with seating for a
an offense if done by miscalculation when cross- team’s manager or trainer and for those players
ing the finishing line not in the current game
drop shot (badminton) a gentle shot from the duke (boxing) the verdict in a match [from the
baseline at the back of the court that just clears practice of raising the winner’s arm, from the
the net; (table tennis) a shot that falls just over slang term for a fist, from rhyming slang duke of
the opponent’s side of the net; (tennis) a delicate Yorks, “forks,” slang for the hands]
shot that just clears the net and lands the other dummy (association football, rugby league, rugby
side of it union) a feint of passing the ball in order to mis-
drop stroke (general) another term for a drop shot lead an opponent and run past him
drop volley (tennis) a gentle volley that just clears dummy half (rugby league) another term for an
the net acting half-back
dropout (rugby league) a drop kick to restart play dummy scissors (rugby union) a feigned scissors
after the ball has gone dead, taken from the cen- move
ter of the twenty-meter line; (rugby union) a dump (volleyball) a feigned spike that sends the
drop kick to restart play after the ball has gone ball just over the net or a block
dead, taken from the center of the twenty-two dumper (surfing) a wave that crashes down with
meter line great force, causing surfers to fall
dropped goal (rugby league, rugby union) another dun (angling) an artificial fly that imitates the
term for a drop goal mayfly before hatching [dun, “dull brown”]
49 Dundalk • elevator

Dundalk (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt incorporating elements of running, mountain
racecourse at Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland biking, kayaking, swimming, and abseiling
dunk (basketball) a shot made by jumping up and [combination of eco-, denoting concern for the
pushing the ball down through the basket environment, and -thon, from marathon]
dunker (basketball) a player who shoots a dunk Edgbaston (cricket) the home ground of Warwick-
duster (baseball ) a pitch aimed high in the direc- shire county cricket club, Birmingham
tion of the batter edge (cricket) to give a slight touch to the ball with
Dutch Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula One the edge of the bat; ( general ) the edge of the
international Grand Prix held on the circuit at board in a sport such as wakeboarding
Zandfoort, Netherlands edging (skiing) the technique of tilting the skis so
Dutch 200 (tenpin bowling) colloquial term for a that the edges dig into the snow, thus giving a
score of 200 points, achieved by bowling alter- better grip
nate strikes and spares egg position (skiing) another term for the tuck po-
dyno (mountaineering) colloquial term for a vig- sition
orous leap for a distant hold [shortening of dy- eggbeater (swimming) in synchronized swim-
namic] ming, a technique of treading water by rotating
each way (horse racing) a bet for a win and a place the legs, so keeping the body upright and the
eagle ( golf ) a score of two strokes under par on a hands free
hole [a “bird” twice as impressive as a simple eggplant (snowboarding) a one-handed handplant
birdie] through 180 degrees with the front hand planted
Eagles (American football ) short name of the on the lip of the wall and backside rotation
Philadelphia Eagles team; (association football ) eight (rowing) a crew of eight rowers and a cox
nickname of the English club Crystal Palace [it eight-ball pool (pool) a form of the game played
can both “soar” and “swoop”]; (Australian Rules) with 15 numbered object balls and a cue ball in
short name of the West Coast Eagles team; which the black, numbered 8, is the last to be
(rugby league) short name of the English club potted
Sheffield Eagles eight-count (boxing) a count of eight seconds by
early bath (rugby league) colloquial term for an order the referee that a boxer who is down must take
to a player to leave the field after an infringement while the referee decides whether or not to con-
[he takes a bath in the changing room before the tinue the bout
rest of the team] 800 meters (athletics) a foot race of the stated dis-
earned run (baseball ) a run conceded by a pitcher tance
without the intervention of an error eighteen (Australian Rules) a team of 18 players
earned run average (baseball ) the number of eighteen-hole (golf ) (of ) a course having 18 holes
earned runs conceded by a pitcher per nine in- (as is the norm)
nings pitched eighteen-yard box (association football ) another
earthworm (angling) the common worm used as name for the penalty area [its extent in front of
bait the goal]
easy! (rowing) a command to stop rowing eights (rowing) a race between eights, especially
easy all! (rowing) fuller form of easy! those at Oxford University in Eights Week
Ebor (horse racing) an annual handicap run at York Eights Week (rowing) the annual week in which
since 1843 [abbreviation of Eboracum, the bumping races between college eights are held
Roman name of York] at Oxford University
ECB (cricket) abbreviation of England and Wales eightsman (rowing) a rower in an eight
Cricket Board Eisenhower Trophy ( golf ) the trophy awarded to
echelon (cycling) a paceline in which the cyclists the winner of a biennial international competi-
are arranged in a stepped formation to gain a tion first held in 1958 [named for U.S. president
slipstream effect [French échelon, from échelle, Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890–1969)]
“ladder”] eisschiessen (sport) a German form of curling
eclectic ( golf ) a contest comprising a number of [German Eis, “ice,” and schiessen, “to shoot”]
rounds played under strokeplay conditions, elapsed time (auto racing) in drag racing, the time
with each player selecting his lowest score at taken to cover the course from starting line to
each hole finishing line
Eclipse Stakes (horse racing) an annual race run at elbow (horse racing) a slight bend in a racecourse
Sandown Park since 1886 [named for the fa- element (gymnastics) a move or maneuver in a rou-
mous racehorse Eclipse (1764–1789)] tine
ecothon (general) a cross-country endurance race elevator (wrestling) a move in which a combatant
eleven • escape 50

places his leg behind one of his opponent’s legs enduro (auto racing, motorcycle racing) a long-
and raises it to throw him off balance distance cross-country race that tests the en-
eleven (association football ) a team of 11 players; durance of the vehicles rather than their speed
(cricket) a team of 11 players [short form of endurance]
eligible receiver (American football ) an offensive enforcer (ice hockey) an aggressive team player
player, usually a back or a player on the end of whose main role is not to score goals but to in-
the line of scrimmage, who is legally empowered timidate the opposition
to catch a pass en garde! ( fencing) a command to fencers before
eliminator ( general ) a contest in which a competi- a bout to assume a position from which they can
tor is eliminated, as from a bout in boxing either attack or defend [French en garde!, “on
elite cyclist (cycling) a competent cyclist, especially guard!”]
one riding in a sponsored team England and Wales Cricket Board (cricket) the
Elliott (sailing) a class of keelboat sailed by a crew administrative body of the game, both profes-
of three [named for its New Zealand designer sional and recreational, in England and Wales
Greg Elliott] English (snooker) another term for side
Embassy Championship (darts) an annual cham- English classics (horse racing) the five oldest and
pionship first held in 1978 at Nottingham, now most important British flat races: the Two Thou-
at Frimley Green, Surrey [name of sponsor] sand Guineas, One Thousand Guineas, Oaks,
Emirates Stadium (association football ) the home Derby, and St. Leger
ground of Arsenal football club, London [name English League (association football ) another term
of sponsors] for the Football League, distinguishing it from
Empire Pool (swimming) a former swimming pool the Scottish League
at Wembley, opened in 1934 for the Empire En-Tout-Cas (tennis) proprietary name of a hard
Games (the present Commonwealth Games) but tennis court that can be used in all weathers
closed after the 1948 Olympics [French en tout cas, “in any case”]
enclosure (horse racing) an area marked off for entry (swimming) the end point of a dive, when
(specified) spectators at races, such as the Mem- the swimmer enters the water
bers’ Enclosure or the silver ring entry fee (horse racing) the fee paid to enter a horse
end (American football ) a player positioned at the in a race
extremity of the line of scrimmage; (archery) a épée ( fencing) a narrow-bladed, sharp-pointed
group of (usually three) arrows shot in a single sword formerly used for dueling, now having a
sequence [from one end of the range]; (bowls) a button on the end [French épée, “sword”]
complete sequence of play in one direction [the Epsom (horse racing) a flat racecourse at Epsom
bowls are delivered from one end of the green]; Downs, near Epsom, Surrey, England, the
(curling) the completion of 16 stones [delivered location of the Derby, Oaks, and Coronation
from one end of the rink]; (general) one of the two Cup
halves of a playing area such as a court or field equalizer (association football ) a goal that levels the
end around (American football ) an offensive play score
in which an end runs behind the line of scrim- equestrianism (sport) the riding and control of
mage, is handed the ball, then continues running horses, involving such disciplines as dressage,
to the opposite side of the field showjumping, the three-day event, carriage
end run (American football ) an attempt to run driving, and endurance riding
wide with the ball round the end of a defensive équipe ( general ) a team and its equipment, espe-
line rather than try to break through it cially in auto racing [French équipe, “team”]
end zone (American football ) the area behind the Equitrack (horse racing) proprietary name of a type
goal line into which the offensive team attempts of all-weather surface on a racecourse [perhaps
to take the ball to score a touchdown blend of equi-, “equal,” and equine, “relating to
endo ( g ymnastics) a stalder in a forward position horses,” with track]
on the horizontal bar and asymmetric bars [in- ERA (baseball ) abbreviation of earned run aver-
troduced by the Japanese gymnast Yukio Endo age
(1937–2009)]; (motorcycle racing) a crash in ergo (rowing) shortening of ergometer
which the rider and his bike flip end over end ergometer (rowing) a land-based machine on
endurance race ( general ) a race over a long-dis- which rowers can train and test themselves
tance cross-country course error (baseball ) an instance of a fielder failing to
endurance riding (equestrianism) a test of a horse’s record an out
stamina over a long-distance cross-country escape road (auto racing) a slip road off a circuit
course into which a car can be driven when failing to
51 Eskimo • extra cover

negotiate a bend or otherwise running out of con- eventing (equestrianism) participation in a three-
trol day event or equestrian events generally
Eskimo roll (canoeing) a technique of using the Everest of the sea (sailing) nickname of the Vendée
paddle against the water to right a canoe or Globe
kayak that has tipped or rolled over [said to be exacta (horse racing) alternate name for a perfecta
the method used by Eskimos in kayaks] [American Spanish quiniela exacta, “exact
Eskimoes (Canadian football ) short name of the quinella”]
Edmonton Eskimoes team execution ( g ymnastics) the technical performance
ET (auto racing) abbreviation of elapsed time of an element or routine
Eton field game (sport) a form of association foot- exercise bike ( general ) a machine like a bicycle
ball played at Eton College [played in the field, used for exercise in a gymnasium or in the home
as distinct from the Eton wall game] Exeter (horse racing) a National Hunt racecourse
Eton fives (fives) a form of fives played between at Kennford, near Exeter, Devon, England
doubles in a three-walled court [originally exhibition game ( general ) a game played for in-
played between the buttresses of the chapel at struction purposes or public entertainment
Eton College] Exiles (rugby union) nickname of the club London
Eton wall game (sport) a form of association foot- Irish [formed in London as a club for Irishmen
ball played against a wall at Eton College [played in 1898, following the earlier London Scottish
at a wall, as distinct from the Eton field game] (1878) and London Welsh (1885)]
étrier (mountaineering) a small rope ladder used as expansion bolt (mountaineering) a bolt that ex-
a climbing aid [French étrier, “stirrup”] pands inside a hole or crack in a rock face to pro-
Europa League (association football ) the knock- vide a firm support
out competition that in 2009 replaced the expansion club (American football, basketball) a
UEFA Cup as a contest between European clubs club that has bought a franchise from a profes-
finishing near the top of their domestic league sional league so that it can now start to buy play-
European Champions’ Cup (association football ) ers from other teams
the cup awarded to the champions in an annual expedite rule (table tennis) a rule, applied in a long
competition played among European clubs since game, that obliges the server to win each rally
1956 within a given number of strokes or else forfeit
European Championship (association football ) a the point to the receiver
championship competition played every four explosion shot ( golf ) a shot that sends the ball in
years among European clubs since 1960 a high trajectory out of a bunker by striking the
European Cup (association football ) short name of sand behind the ball with a strong swing of the
the European Champions’ Cup club
European Cup Winners’ Cup (association football ) explosive ability (American football ) the ability of
the cup awarded to the winners of the main Eu- a running back to use strength, speed, and
ropean domestic club competitions, first played agility to dodge or ram through the defensive line
in 1961 but discontinued in 1999, after which cup in order to gain a touchdown
winners competed in an expanded UEFA Cup Expos (baseball ) short name of the Montreal Expos
European Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula team
One international Grand Prix held on the cir- exposed (horse racing) having a well-known rac-
cuit at Valencia, Spain [so named for distinc- ing form, unlike a dark horse
tion from the Spanish Grand Prix] exposing (wrestling) a scoring variant in which
European Super Cup (association football ) the cup points are won for exposing an opponent’s back
awarded to the winners of the Europa League to the mat at an angle of 90 degrees or more
and the European Champions’ Cup exposure (mountaineering) the insecurity or pre-
European Tour ( golf ) an annual series of tourna- cariousness of a position taken by a climber
ments in European countries, now widened to extension (horse racing) the lengthening of a horse’s
include countries far outside Europe, as South stride at a particular pace; (snooker) a section
Africa and Malaysia added to the end of a cue or inserted in the mid-
evening rise (angling) the increased rise of trout dle (of a two-piece cue) to increase its length
to bait on a summer evening when a shot with a standard cue is impossible
evens (horse racing) a bet in which the amount extra (cricket) a run scored from a bye, leg bye,
staked is equal to the amount won if the horse wide or no-ball rather than by hitting the ball
wins and then running
event (equestrianism) shortening of three-day extra cover (cricket) a fielding position on the off
event; ( general ) an item in a sporting contest side between cover and mid-off
extra innings • far 52

extra innings (baseball ) additional innings played fairway wood ( golf ) a wood other than a driver,
to decide the winner if a game is tied after nine used for shots from the fairway
innings Fairyhouse (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt
extra point (American football ) a point scored after racecourse in Co. Meath, Ireland, the location
a touchdown by snapping the ball from the two- of the Irish Grand National
yard line and kicking it through the goalposts fake ( general ) a misleading movement to trick an
extra time ( general ) time added at the end of a opponent
game or match to produce a decisive result when Fakenham (horse racing) a National Hunt race-
there is a tie at the normal finishing time course at Fakenham, Norfolk, England
extreme fighting (sport) another name for ulti- fakie (skateboarding, snowboarding, water skiing) a
mate fighting move in which the boarder rides backwards [ori-
extreme sport ( general ) an unconventional sport, gin uncertain]
often a variant of a conventional one, that poten- Falcons (American football ) short name of the At-
tially exposes participants to danger, such as free lanta Falcons team; (rugby union) short name of
running (from running) the English club Newcastle Falcons
f (horse racing) abbreviation of furlong (or furlongs) fall (cricket) the loss of a wicket; (wrestling) (1) an-
in racing reports other term for a bout; (2) a throw that keeps an
FA (association football ) abbreviation of Football opponent on the mat for a particular time
Association Fall Classic (baseball ) colloquial term for the
FA Cup (association football ) the cup awarded to the World Series
winners of the knockout competition for pro- fall guy (association football ) jocular name for a
fessional English clubs, inaugurated by the player executing a dive
Football Association in 1871 fall line (skiing) the natural line of a route down a
face-off (ice hockey) the procedure for starting or slope; (surfing) the line of fastest descent to the
restarting play in which a linesman drops the base of a wave [a term borrowed from geography,
puck between two opposing players; (lacrosse) where it denotes the zone of falls and rapids be-
the procedure for starting or restarting play in tween an upland region and a plain]
the men’s game by which the ball is placed be- faller (horse racing) a horse that falls at a fence or
tween the crosses of the players as they squat hurdle and fails to complete the race
down, the aim being to capture it or fling it to a falling leaf (association football ) a long-range shot
player on the same side that sends the ball into a curving aerial trajectory
fade ( golf ) a stroke that deliberately causes the false start ( general ) a start to a race made ahead of
ball to move from left to right in the air (for a the official signal and therefore invalid
right-handed player) or from right to left (for a fan (baseball ) another term for strike out [the bat-
left-handed player) ter ineffectually “fans” his bat at a ball]
fadeaway (basketball) a shot taken while leaning fancy (horse racing) to select a horse as the likely
or falling away from the basket winner of a race; ( general ) a dated term for en-
fail (athletics) to be unsuccessful in clearing the bar thusiasts of a particular sport, especially origi-
at a given height in the high jump or pole vault nally boxing or horse racing [the word fancier
fair ball (baseball ) a ball hit between the baselines is still current for a breeder of distinctive varieties,
into the field of play as of cats or pigeons]
fair catch (American football ) an unopposed catch fanny dipper (surfing) a surfer’s nickname for an
by a member of the team receiving a punt or ordinary swimmer [who merely “dips his fanny”
kickoff in the water]
fair goal (American football ) a score of three points fantasy cricket (cricket) a competition on the lines
gained by kicking the ball through the goalposts of fantasy football but with cricketers instead
of the opposing team of footballers
fair play ( general ) the principle of playing or par- fantasy football (association football ) a competi-
ticipating in a sport according to the rules tion in which entrants select an ideal team of real
faire Fanny (pétanque) to lose a game 13–0 [French players from different clubs and score points ac-
faire Fanny, “to do a Fanny,” from a legend that cording to the actual performance of those play-
a French barmaid named Fanny allowed mem- ers for their respective clubs
bers of the losing team to kiss her as a consola- Far Eastern Games (Olympics) regional games
tion prize] held from 1913 to 1950 for competitors from
fairway ( golf ) the closely mown area of turf be- China, Japan, and the Philippines
tween the tee and the green, as distinct from the far post (association football ) the goalpost that is
uncut rough or hazards farthest from the ball at a given moment
53 farm • field game

farm (cricket) to contrive, as a batsman, to receive featherweight (boxing) the professional weight cat-
most of the bowling egory of maximum 57kg (126lb); (horse racing)
farm team (baseball ) a minor league team that the lightest weight that may be carried by a horse
provides players as needed to a major league feature race (horse racing) a steeplechase that pre-
team pares horses for a championship race
fartlek (athletics) a method of training for mara- Fed Cup (tennis) the cup awarded to the winners
thons and long-distance running in which of an international women’s team championship
bursts of fast running alternate with slower spells held from 1963 [inaugurated by the International
[Swedish fart, “speed,” and lek, “play”] Lawn Tennis Federation]
fast bowler (cricket) a bowler who usually bowls at Federation Cup (tennis) former name of the Fed
a fast pace Cup
fast break (basketball) an attempt to score by mov- feed (general) in field games, to pass the ball to an-
ing the ball forward quickly after gaining pos- other player; (rugby league, rugby union) another
session term for a put-in
fast leg theory (cricket) another name for body- feeding station (cycling) a point in a road race
line bowling where riders can pick up food and drink
fast side (association football ) the shortest distance, feet (field hockey) the infringement that occurs when
as the goalkeeper sees it, for the ball to travel the ball comes into contact with the player’s foot
from a player toward or into the net feint (boxing) the faking of a punch with the inten-
fast suit (swimming) another term for a bodysuit tion of disorientating one’s opponent; ( fencing)
fastball (baseball ) a delivery from the pitcher a deceptive movement made to trick one’s oppo-
thrown at maximum speed nent into changing his tactics
Fastnet Cup (sailing) the cup awarded to the win- fence (equestrianism, horse racing) a structure (of
ner of a biennial race from Cowes, Isle of Wight, varying design) for a horse to jump
to the Fastnet Rock, off the southwest coast of fencer (horse racing) a horse trained to jump fences
Ireland, and back to Plymouth. fencing (sport) (1) the sport of attack and defense
fat ( golf ) striking the ground before the ball, so with a sword; (2) this sport as an element of the
that it does not travel far modern pentathlon in the Olympics
fault (billiards, snooker) a failure to hit the correct Fenway Park (baseball ) the home ground of the
ball, incurring a penalty point; (equestrianism) Boston Red Sox team in Boston, Massachusetts
in showjumping, an error in performance, such ferret (cricket) colloquial term for a poor batsman
as disobedience, that incurs a penalty point; [he is sent in after a rabbit]
(tennis) a serve that fails to land the ball within fevvers (darts) a score of 33 [said to derive from
the service court “Firty-free fahsand fevvers on a frush’s froat,” a
fault line (real tennis) the line parallel to the main Cockney pronunciation of “Thirty-three thou-
wall in the hazard end which, with the service sand feathers on a thrush’s throat”]
line at right angles to it, marks the area into Ffos Las (horse racing) a National Hunt race-
which the server must send the ball course in southwestern Wales
favorite (horse racing) the horse expected to win a field (athletics) shortening of field events; (base-
race and which thus attracts the most bets ball, cricket) (1) the arrangement of the fielders;
FC (association football ) abbreviation of football (2) collective term for the fielders themselves;
club, as in the names of such clubs (cycling) another term for a peloton; ( general )
feather (angling) a crudely made artificial fly re- (1) an enclosed area of grass or other ground
sembling a small fish; (boxing) shortening of marked out for playing a field game; (2) all the
featherweight; (cricket) to strike the ball lightly competitors or participants in a contest or sport;
with the edge of the bat; (rowing) to turn the (3) all such competitors except a specified one;
oars parallel to the water when swinging them (horse racing) collective term for the horses in a
forward in order to reduce wind resistance; race
(snooker) (1) to run the cue back and forth across field archery (archery) a form of the sport in which
the bridge between finger and thumb while competitors move along a path aiming at tar-
preparing a shot; (2) to touch the cue ball un- gets (sometimes designed to look like animals),
intentionally while doing this as distinct from target archery
feather fishing (angling) a method of fishing from field event (athletics) any event other than a race,
a drifting boat with weighted tackle to which such as the high jump, shot put, or discus
feathers are attached field game ( general ) a game played on a field or
feathered paddle (canoeing) in kayaking, a pad- pitch. such as association football, field hockey,
dle with blades at right angles to each other or rugby union
field general • fins 54

field general (American football ) another term for figure eight (equestrianism) a dressage exercise in
a quarterback which the horse traces two connected circles, one
field goal (American football ) a score of three clockwise, the other anticlockwise
points made by kicking the ball through the figure floating (swimming) the forming of set pat-
goalposts, usually on the fourth down; (basket- terns by swimmers floating in the water
ball) a goal scored from normal play, rather than figure of eight ( general ) the tracing of the outline
from a free throw; (rugby league) another term of a figure “8,” as by a skater in ice skating
for a drop goal figure skater (ice skating) a skater who executes
field hockey (sport) a field game played between figures
teams of 11 players each who use sticks to hit the figure skating (ice skating) the execution of figures
ball toward (and into) the goal of their oppo- Filberts (association football ) nickname of the En-
nents [as distinct from ice hockey] glish club Leicester City [from the team’s home
field judge (American football ) a member of the ground, Filbert Street, Leicester]
officiating team, positioned downfield of the fill the bases (baseball ) alternate term for load the
line of scrimmage bases
field player (field hockey) a player other than the filly (horse racing) a female horse under the age of
goalkeeper four
field sports (general) outdoor pursuits traditionally final ( general ) the deciding heat or game in a con-
associated with the English aristocracy and in- test
volving animals, such as hunting, shooting, and final whistle (association foootball) the whistle that
fishing [field in the sense “rural”] ends the game, usually at full time
fielder (baseball, cricket) a player who catches or find the back of the net (association football ) to
stops (and returns) the ball, as a member of the score an accurate goal
side that is not batting; (horse racing) a person find the net (association football ) to score a goal
who backs the field against the favorite find the open man (basketball) to pass the ball to
fielder’s choice (baseball ) a play in which a fielder a player who is unmarked and so in a better po-
allows a batter to reach first base but a baserun- sition to receive it than others
ner ahead is put out find water ( golf ) to hit the ball into a water haz-
fielding (baseball, cricket) playing in the field, as ard, obliging the player to take a drop
distinct from batting fine leg (cricket) a fielding position on the leg side
fieldsman (baseball, cricket) a dated alternate name boundary at a more acute angle to the batsman
for a fielder than long leg
Fiesta Bowl (American football ) the bowl in finesse (croquet) a strategic move in which a player
Phoenix, Arizona, where a college football na- apparently wastes a turn in order to gain a future
tional championship is contested advantage
FIFA (association football ) the world governing finger tab (archery) a piece of leather worn on the
body of association football, formed in 1904 finger to prevent injury when releasing an arrow
[abbreviation of French Fédération Internationale finish (general) (1) the end of a sporting contest; (2)
de Football Association, “International Federation the point where a race ends; (rowing) the final
of Association Football”] stage of a stroke, when the blade is brought out
Fifers (association football ) nickname of the Scot- of the water
tish club East Fife finish line (athletics) alternate form of finishing
fifteen (rugby union) a team of 15 players line
fifteen-all (tennis) a level score of one point each finish straight (auto racing) the straight section of
1,500 meters (athletics) a foot race of the stated track where the grid is and where races end
distance finisher (cricket) a middle order batsman whose
fifteen-love (tennis) a score of one point to nil to tactical skills help his side score a winning in-
the server nings
50-meter arc (Australian Rules) a semicircular line finishing line (general) the line marking the end of
around the goal at each end of the pitch a race
fight-off ( fencing) a contest to decide a tie finishing post (horse racing) the post marking the
fighting weight (boxing) the specified weight or end of a race
weight range within which a boxer must come Finn (sailing) a class of single-handed dinghy
to be eligible to fight in a particular class [originated in Helsinki, Finland, in 1952]
figure (ice skating) a movement or set of movements fins (surfing) small vertical projections on the un-
that follow a prescribed pattern and that often derside of the surfboard that aid stability; (water
begin and end at the same point skiing) small projections located on the underside
55 fire • flag

of some skis that aid stability and help the skier fishing tackle (angling) the equipment such as
make sharp turns rods, lines, and nets used for catching fish
fire (bowls) to make a fast direct shot aimed sim- fistiana (boxing) colloquial term for anecdotes
ply to displace the bowls of one’s opponent; about boxers and the sport in general
(cricket) the tendency of a bowled ball to fly up fisticuffs (boxing) facetious term for the sport
erratically fitness walker (athletics) a person who walks for
firing line (shooting) the line from which competi- exercise or pleasure (or both)
tors shoot five (basketball) a team of five players
firm (association football ) a group of militant sup- five-a-side (association football ) a form of the game
porters, especially of a team in a derby; (horse played, usually indoors and with a smaller pitch
racing) a category of going than usual, between teams of five players on each
first base (baseball ) the first of the bases to which side [created in Uruguay in 1930 and now more
a batter must run, situated on the right side of popular than the traditional 11-a-side game]
the infield as viewed from home plate five-eighth (rugby league) alternate term in
first baseman (baseball ) the fielder positioned near Australia and New Zealand for a standoff [po-
first base sitioned between the scrum half (as if “four-
first change (cricket) the third bowler brought on eighth”) and the center three-quarter (as if “six-
in an innings after one of the original two is eighth”)]
changed five-fer (cricket) the taking of five wickets by a
first-class (cricket) played between county cricket bowler for a given number of runs [respelling of
teams five for (so many runs), based punningly on the
first cut ( golf ) the area of rough with quite short name of the U.S. movie actress Michelle Pfeif-
grass bordering the fairway fer (1958–)]
first down (American football ) the first in a series five-love (tennis) colloquial shortening of fifteen-
of four downs which a team must make to retain love
possession of the ball five-meter line (rugby union) the line five meters in
first eleven (cricket) the best eleven to represent a from the touchline behind which the lineout
school, college, or the like forms
first half ( general ) the half of a game or match be- Five Nations (rugby union) name of the Six Na-
fore half time tions until 2000, when Italy joined
first home (lacrosse) the first of the three homes 501 (darts) a popular form of the game in which
positioned near the goal of the opposing team players start at this figure and deduct all scores
and usually acting as the main goalscorer from it, aiming to reduce the starting score to
first pitch (baseball ) a ceremonial opening pitch exactly zero
made at the start of a season or game and often 5,000 meters (athletics) a long-distance race of
thrown by an honored guest, as traditionally by the stated length run over 12.5 laps
the U.S. president currently in office. five-yard line (rugby union) another term for the
first service (tennis) the first service of the two al- five-meter line
lowed at the start of a game fives (sport) a game similar to squash played with
first slip (cricket) the nearest of the slips to the a gloved hand in a walled court [said to refer to
wicketkeeper the five fingers of the hand but really of uncer-
first touch (association football ) a player’s initial tain origin]
contact with a pass or cross fivesome ( golf ) a game for five players
fish and globe (darts) a score of 45 [said to derive fixed odds (horse racing) a bet with odds that are
from a fairground game in which a score of 45 predetermined, as distinct from the starting
would win the player a goldfish in a jar] price
fish the water (angling) to place a fly in a likely fixed rope (mountaineering) a rope anchored to a
spot for a bite or catch rather than make a cast route by the lead climber and left for those fol-
to a particular fish lowing
fisherman (angling) an everyday term for an angler fixed-wheel (cycling) (of ) a rear wheel with no free-
fishing (sport) the everyday term for angling wheel so that the wheel and pedals turn together
fishing line (angling) the fine strong nylon filament fixture ( general ) a date fixed for a sporting event
used in a fishing rod such as a match or race
fishing net (angling) a net used for catching fish or fizzer (cricket) a fast and possibly wayward ball de-
lifting them out of the water when caught livered by the bowler
fishing rod (angling) a long slender rod to which flag (American football ) a marker thrown by a
a line is fastened for catching fish member of the officiating team to denote the oc-
flagman • floor 56

currence of an infringement; ( general ) a flag de- jumps, over which flat races are run; (2) short-
ployed by an official to convey immediate infor- ening of flat racing [in this sense often spelled
mation, as the start of a race, an offside in as- with a capital letter, as “the Flat”]
sociation football, or a shot in shooting; (golf ) flat race (horse racing) a race over the flat
a flag marking the location of a hole flat racing (horse racing) racing over the flat
flagman (polo) an official who signals a goal by flatwater (canoeing) calm water, as on a lake
waving a flag flea flicker (American football ) a deceptive play in
flagstick ( golf ) another term for a flag which a runner or receiver pitches the ball back
flair ( g ymnastics) a move performed on the pom- to a teammate who then attempts to advance it
mel horse or floor in which the gymnast swings flèche ( fencing) a running attack [French flèche,
his open legs in front of or behind his arms, with “arrow”]
only his hands touching the horse or floor Flèche Wallonne (cycling) a race from Liège to
Flames (ice hockey) short name of the Calgary Charleroi, Belgium [French Flèche Wallonne,
Flames team “Walloon Arrow,” for its location in Wallonia,
flamingo (swimming) in synchronized swimming, southern Belgium]
a position in which one leg is extended perpen- fleet race (sailing) a race for several single boats
dicular to the surface while the other is drawn up over the same course
to the chest fletching (archery) the feathers of an arrow [French
flamme rouge (cycling) a red flag marking the flèche, “arrow”]
point 1km from the finish of a road race or stage flic-flac ( g ymnastics) another term for a back
[French flamme rouge, “red flame”] handspring [French flic-flac, imitating the
flanconade ( fencing) a thrust in the side [French sounds of the hands and feet as they make con-
flanconade, from flanc, “side”] tact with the floor or apparatus]
flank ( general ) another term for the wing flick (field hockey) another term for a scoop; ( gen-
flank back (rugby union) another term for a flanker eral ) a stroke made with a quick turn of the
flank forward (rugby union) another term for a wrist, as when throwing or playing a ball
flanker flick-on (association football ) a light forward header
flanker (American football ) a player who lines up of the ball to a teammate
in a position on the end; (rugby union) one of flier (cricket, golf ) an alternate spelling of flyer
the two players loosely bound on either side of flight (archery) the feathered or plastic attachment
the scrum at the end of an arrow that stabilizes its trajec-
flannels (cricket) the white (properly flannel) tory; (athletics, horse racing) a series of hurdles on
trousers traditionally worn by cricketers a racetrack; (badminton) one of the feathered or
flapping (greyhound racing) a form of racing not plastic attachments that stabilize the trajectory of
registered under the National Greyhound Rac- a shuttlecock; (darts) the feathered or plastic at-
ing Club; (horse racing) a form of racing not tachment at the end of a dart that stabilizes its
subject to Jockey Club or National Hunt reg- trajectory; ( general ) the trajectory of a ball
ulations through the air
flapping meeting (greyhound racing, horse racing) flip ( g ymnastics) another term for a somersault
a meeting for flapping flip-flop ( g ymnastics) a backward somersault
flapping track (greyhound racing) a racetrack for flip jump (ice skating) another term for a toe jump
flapping flipper (cricket) a ball delivered with a backward
flaptrack (greyhound racing) another term for a spin by a leg-spin bowler with an extra flip of
flapping track the fingers, causing it to skid off the pitch
flare (American football ) shortening of flare float (angling) a buoyant object made of cork or
pass other material on the end of a fishing line that
flare pass (American football ) a quick pass out to by its movement indicates a bite
a back float-fishing (angling) fishing while floating down
flash the leather (baseball ) to make a good defen- a river
sive play [with the leather] floatboard (windsurfing) a simple sailboard some-
flashcard ( general ) one of a set of large colored times used by beginners in the sport
cards held up by a spectator in a stadium and floater (surfing) a maneuver in which the surfer
with other such cards forming a picture or mes- rides the very top of the wave
sage floor ( g ymnastics) the matted ground area in an
flasher (cricket) a batsman who plays forcefully at arena where exercises and routines are per-
balls delivered outside the off stump formed
flat (horse racing) (1) the level ground, without floor exercises ( g ymnastics) a routine of exercises
57 floorman • follow

such as acrobatics and tumbling performed on flying camel (ice skating) a combination of a jump
the floor, as distinct from on apparatus and a spin that ends in a camel spin
floorman (horse racing) an assistant to a tick-tack flying change (equestrianism) a move in which the
man leading leg in the canter position is changed
flop ( golf ) shortening of flop shot while the horse is in the air
flop shot (golf ) a short pitch shot with a very high Flying Dutchman (sailing) a class of double-
trajectory handed dinghy [named for the ghostly Dutch
flopper (skittles) a throw that knocks down all nine ship condemned to sweep the seas around the
skittles Cape of Good Hope for ever]
flub ( golf ) another term for a fluff flying finish (auto racing) in rally driving, the
fluff ( general ) a misplayed shot or stroke crossing of the finishing line at speed at the end
fluke (snooker) a fortuitous pot, typically resulting of a stage
from an unintended collision of balls or a ran- Flying Finn (auto racing) in rally driving, a nick-
dom rebound from a cushion name for a fast Finnish rally driver [Finns are
flushgate (skiing) a series of three or more slalom famed for their speed and the nickname was cur-
gates on a slope rent for the long-distance runner Paavo Nurmi
Flushing Meadows (tennis) the site in Queens, (1897–1973) before it was applied to the cham-
New York, of the U.S. Open pion rally driver Hannu Mikkola (1942–)]
flutter kick (swimming) an element of a stroke flying horse (wrestling) a throw similar to a flying
such as the crawl in which the legs are held mare
straight and moved alternately up and down flying machine (horse racing) colloquial term for a
fly (American football ) a specific pass pattern in fast racehorse
which the receiver runs straight down the field; flying mare (wrestling) a throw in which one
(angling) a hook dressed to look like a fly for use wrestler heaves another over his back using his
as bait; (swimming) shortening of butterfly opponent’s arm as a lever
fly ball (baseball ) a ball hit high in the air, as dis- flying rings ( g ymnastics) an apparatus consisting
tinct from a ground ball of rings suspended in pairs from wire cables
fly fishing (angling) the catching of fish with flies flying sit spin (ice skating) a combination of jump
as bait and spin that ends in a sit spin
fly hack (rugby union) a kick of a ball lying loose flying start ( general ) a start in which the contest-
on the ground ants pass the starting line at full speed
fly half (rugby union) another term for a standoff flying tackle (association football, rugby league,
half rugby union) a tackle made while running or
fly hook (angling) a hook baited with a fly jumping
fly kick (rugby union) a kick of the ball while it is flyweight (boxing) the professional weight cate-
in the air gory of maximum 51kg (112lb)
fly line (angling) a fishing line with an artificial fly foal (horse racing) a young horse up to the age of 12
fly out (baseball ) to be put out by a fielder catch- months
ing a fly ball foible ( fencing) the part of a foil blade between
fly rod (angling) a rod with an artificial fly the middle and the point [Old French foible,
fly slip (cricket) a fielding position between the “weak”]
slips and the boundary foil ( fencing) a light blunt-edge sword with a but-
fly-tying (angling) the art or act of dressing a hook ton; (wrestling) an incomplete fall
to represent a fly and serve as bait Folkestone (horse racing) a flat racecourse at West-
flyaway (gymnastics) a move on the horizontal bar enhanger, near Folkestone, Kent, England
and asymmetric bars in which the gymnast follow ( general ) to support a team or an individ-
swings down, releases his hold, and lands, usu- ual in a particular sport; (horse racing) to back a
ally via a backflip particular horse whenever it runs in a race
flybook (angling) a case like a book for holding follow on (cricket) to start a second innings imme-
flies diately after the first after failing to reach a score
flybox (angling) a small compartmented box for a predetermined number of runs fewer than that
holding flies of the opposing team’s first innings
flyer (cricket) a ball pitched short that flies up from follow through (cricket) (1) to complete the action
the pitch; (golf ) a mishit ball that travels further of a stroke after the ball has been struck by the
than intended batsman; (2) to complete the action of a deliv-
Flyers (ice hockey) short name of the Philadelphia ery after the ball has been released by the
Flyers team bowler; (golf ) to complete the action of a stroke
following • Forest 58

after the ball has been struck by the player; footballer (association football ) a professional or
(snooker) to continue to move the cue forward amateur player of football
after the cue ball has been struck footer (bowls) a round mat on which a player of
following stroke (billiards) a stroke designed to crown bowls stands when delivering the bowl;
spin the ball forward by striking it above the (sport) colloquial term for association football
center footfault (tennis) a fault committed by stepping
following wind (athletics) a tail wind that assists an over the baseline when serving
athlete to run or jump further foothold (mountaineering) a place to fix one’s foot
Fontwell Park (horse racing) a National Hunt in while climbing
racecourse at Fontwell, near Arundel, West Sus- footie (sport) colloquial term for association foot-
sex, England ball
foot (motorcycle racing) to touch the ground with footwork (association football ) skillful use of the
one’s foot in a trial and so incur a penalty feet in maneuvering the ball
foot-o (orienteering) the basic form of orienteering footy (sport) another spelling of footie
on foot foozle ( golf ) another term for a mishit [German
foot-over-foot (ice hockey) fast forward movement dialect fuseln, “to work badly”]
on a direct but narrow path force (billiards) a stroke in which the cue ball is
foot race (athletics) a race run on foot struck off-center so that it stops or goes off at an
foot spot (pool) in nine-ball pool, the spot on angle; (real tennis) a powerful shot aimed at the
the table on which the number 1 ball is posi- dedans; (tennis) a powerful stroke played with
tioned the aim of forcing an error from one’s opponent
footbag (general) the ball used in Hacky Sack and force the game (cricket) to take risks in order to
similar sports, typically having a crocheted exte- increase the rate of scoring
rior and filled with sand or plastic beads force the pace ( general ) to adopt a fast pace in a
football (American football ) (1) the large inflated race in order to tire one’s rival or rivals
ball with which the game is played; (2) the com- forceout (baseball ) the putting out of a baserun-
mon name of the game in the U.S.; (association ner by obliging him to advance to the next base
football ) (1) the large inflated ball with which when it is not safe to do so
the game is played; (2) the common name of the fore! ( golf ) a warning cry to anyone in danger of
game in the U.K. being hit by the ball [probably from before]
football academy (association football ) a training fore-and-aft (sailing) lengthwise [of any sail not set
center for student players of the game on yards]
Football Association (association football ) the rul- fore-and-after (sailing) a ship with a fore-and-aft
ing body of the game in the U.K., formed in rig
London in 1863 fore caddie ( golf ) a caddie formerly posted ahead
football club (association football ) a club for pro- to see where the ball went
fessional players of the game forearm pass (volleyball) another term for a dig
football coupon (association football ) a coupon forecheck (ice hockey) a check made to an opponent
used for an entry in the football pools in his own defensive area
football ground (association football ) a pitch where forecourt (tennis) the part of the court between
the game is played, with accommodation for the service line and the net
spectators forehand (badminton, table tennis, tennis) a stroke
Football League (association football ) a competition made with the arm extended away from the body
in the game on a points system, inaugurated in and the palm of the hand facing one’s opponent;
1888 for professional clubs (bowls) the right side of the rink (for a right-
Football League Cup (association football ) former handed bowler), where the bowl is delivered to
name of the Carling Cup the right and curves back to the left; (polo) a
football match (association football ) a match be- stroke of the ball forward or sideways to a team-
tween rival teams mate
football pitch (association football ) a pitch or forehand chop (table tennis) a chop made as a
ground where the game is played forehand
football pools (association football ) a commercially forehand drive (table tennis) a drive made as a
organized competition, introduced in England in forehand
1923, in which bets are placed on the results of foremast (sailing) the mast nearest to the bow of a
weekly football matches boat
football special (association football ) a specially Forest (association football ) short name of the En-
chartered train taking supporters to matches glish club Nottingham Forest
59 forkball • four-minute

forkball (baseball ) a pitch in which the ball is de- forward pass (rugby league, rugby union) an illegal
livered with the thumb, forefinger, and middle pass in which the ball is thrown forward
finger spread apart, so that it falls down sharply forward pocket (Australian Rules) a player operat-
or is otherwise unpredictable ing in the 50-meter arc near the goal
form ( general ) (1) the condition of training and Fosbury (athletics) shortening of Fosbury flop
physical fitness of a competitor, especially a race- Fosbury flop (athletics) a style of high jump in
horse or athlete; (2) a record of a competitor’s which the athlete clears the bar headfirst with
past performance body extended face-up and lands on his back
form book (horse racing) a record of a horse’s form [introduced at the 1968 Olympic Games by the
form horse (horse racing) another term for the fa- U.S. athlete Dick Fosbury (1947–)]
vorite foul ( general ) an infringement of the rules, result-
form sheet (horse racing) another term for a form ing in a penalty such as the award of a direct
book free kick to the opposing team in association
formation (association football ) the arrangement of football
the players (aside from the goalkeeper) into a foul ball (baseball ) a ball struck behind the base-
particular disposition on the field, such as 4–4- lines that counts as a strike unless there are al-
2, denoting four defenders, four midfielders, ready two strikes against the batter
and two attackers foul circle (basketball) the circular area marked be-
formation lap (auto racing) a lap made before the hind the foul line, inside which a player taking
race so the cars can warm up their tires a free throw stands
formula (general) a numerically ranked set of tech- foul lane (basketball) the area between the basket
nical specifications for racing vehicles, especially and the foul line, outside which other players
in auto racing and motorcycle racing must stand when a free throw is attempted
Formula One ( general ) the top-ranking formula foul line (basketball) a line 15ft (4.6m) from the
for vehicles entered in Grand Prix racing [so backboard, from which free throws are taken
named as built according to an evolving formula foul out (basketball) to be dismissed from the game
established after World War I by the Fédération for committing more than the permitted num-
Internationale de l’Automobile] ber of personal fouls
forte ( fencing) the thicker, stronger half of a foil foul play ( general ) a foul of any kind, whether pe-
blade [French fort, “strong”] nalized or not
forty-fifteen (tennis) a score to the server of three foul pole (baseball ) one of the two structures
points to one marking the division between the edge of the
forty-five (tennis) colloquial term for forty-fifteen outfield and foul territory
45-meter kick (Gaelic football ) a free kick foul territory (baseball ) any part of the ground
awarded to an attacking team when the ball goes that is outside the field of play
out of play beyond the goal line off a defender foul throw (association football ) an improperly
forty-love (tennis) a score to the server of three made throw-in
points to nil foul tip (baseball ) a ball barely deflected by the bat
40-meter line (rugby league) a line marked across four (cricket) a score of four runs gained by hitting
the pitch 40 meters from the try line at each end the ball over the boundary; (rowing) a boat with
49er (sailing) a class of double-handed dinghy four oars worked by four rowers
[named for its length of 4.99m] four-cross (cycling) downhill BMX for four riders
49ers (American football ) short name of the San on mountain bikes
Francisco 49ers team four-figure form (horse racing) the four-digit code
40–20 rule (rugby league) a rule stating that if a in a racing form that denotes a horse’s perform-
player kicks the ball from inside his own 40- ance in the previous four races, so that 1320
meter line, and it goes on the bounce into touch means won, third, second, unplaced
between the 20-meter line of the opposition 400 meters (athletics) a sprint or hurdle race of the
and the try line, his side are awarded the put-in stated distance
at the scrum four-meter line (handball ) a mark 4 meters in
forward (basketball) a player who operates mainly front of the goal where the goalkeeper stands
in the area around the basket, unlike a guard; during a seven-meter throw but which he can-
( general ) in field games such as association not cross
football, an attacking player such as a center four-minute mile (athletics) a foot race over a mile
forward or a winger; (rugby league, rugby union) run in four minutes or less, long an unbroken
any of the players in the scrum; (sailing) at or record [first broken in 1954 by the British ath-
toward the front of a boat lete Roger Bannister]
Four • freestyle skiing 60

Four Nations Championship (rugby league) an free flying (parachuting) the adoption of different
annual championship contested by the national positions while making a descent
teams of England, Australia, New Zealand, and free-for-all ( general ) a contest open to anyone
France, founded in 1999 as the Tri-Series and free gate (canoeing) a gate that can be entered from
known until 2009, when France was included, as either direction
the Tri-Nations Series free hit (field hockey) a shot taken when an offense
four-point landing (skiing) a landing from a jump has been committed outside the shooting circle
with both poles planted in the snow or by an attacker inside the 23-meter line of
470 (sailing) a class of double-handed dinghy the opposition
[named for its length of 4.70m] free kick (association football ) a kick, awarded after
fourball (cricket) a poorly bowled ball with which a foul or offside, which the opposing side is not
the batsman can easily score a four; ( golf ) a allowed to hinder or block
match between two pairs of players, in which free pass (netball ) a pass awarded after an infringe-
only the lower score of each pair for the hole is ment
counted free pistol (shooting) a pistol shooting competition
foursome ( golf ) a match between two pairs of in which the pistol does not have to conform to
players, in which each pair plays only one ball, the specifications required for other competition
players taking alternate strokes pistols
fourth official (association football ) an official who free program (ice skating) a routine in which the
assists the referee and assistant referees from skaters perform movements of their own choos-
the technical area ing, as distinct from a short program
fourth umpire (cricket) an official who assists in free running (sport) an extreme sport in which
international matches and who takes the place of participants use techniques from gymnastics,
the third umpire if the latter has to stand in for martial arts, and climbing to negotiate obsta-
one of the regular umpires cles in an urban setting
Foxes (association football ) nickname of the En- free shot (netball ) another term for a penalty shot
glish club Leicester City [from the reputation of free skating (ice skating) a form of competitive
Leicestershire for fox hunting] figure skating in which the skater selects items
foxtrot (equestrianism) a horse’s pace with short from an officially approved list of moves and ma-
steps, as in changing from trotting to walking neuvers such as jumps and spins
frame (snooker) (1) the triangular form in which free throw (basketball) an unrestricted throw to
the balls are grouped for the break; (2) the balls the basket, awarded as a penalty against the op-
themselves so grouped; (3) a single game posing side after an infringement; (handball ) a
franchise (American football ) an organization that throw awarded for various types of foul
operates a team in the National Football League free-throw lane (basketball) another name for the
franchise player (American football ) a player paid foul lane
at a premium rate and not eligible to be signed free-throw line (basketball) another name for the
by other teams foul line; (handball ) another name for the nine-
free (Australian Rules) shortening of free kick meter line
free agent ( general ) a player not under contract to freediver (aquatics) another term for a skindiver
any professional team or club [the term gained freediving (aquatics) another term for skindiving
currency in 1976, when a U.S. Court of Appeals freeride (skiing) shortening of freeride skiing;
ruled against the “reserve clause” that bound a (snowboarding) a type of board which can be
professional baseball player to a particular team] used both on and off piste
free ball (snooker) (1) the nomination of any ball as freeride skiing (skiing) an extreme form of the sport
the object ball as a right granted after being in which participants attempt difficult jumps and
snookered by a foul; (2) the ball itself so nom- turns
inated freeriding (cycling) a type of competition in moun-
free bounce (trampolining) a straight bounce with tain biking in which riders negotiate a track
no movement made while in the air with demanding obstacles
free climbing (mountaineering) climbing with the freeski (skiing) shortening of freestyle skiing
use of ropes but without any other aids freestyle (general) a style or method of performance
free drop (golf ) a rule allowing a player to lift a ball that the competitor is free to choose; (swimming)
from its resting place and drop it elsewhere with- another term for the front crawl [popularly cho-
out penalty sen as the fastest stroke]; (wrestling) another
free fall (parachuting) the part of a descent before term for all-in wrestling
the parachute opens, especially in skydiving freestyle skiing (skiing) a form of the sport in
61 freewheel • fullback

which competitors choose their events, the most front row (rugby league, rugby union) the three for-
popular being aerials and moguls wards, comprising the two props and the
freewheel (cycling) the mechanism that can tem- hooker, in the front row of the scrum
porarily disconnect the rear wheel from the driv- front-row union (rugby league, rugby union) in-
ing gear so that it continues to turn freely when formal name for the front row [as a union of
the rider is not pedaling players of similar physique and temperament]
freeze (curling) a draw in which a stone stops near front walkover ( g ymnastics) a handstand per-
another stone; (ice hockey) to try to regain con- formed with the legs split and then one foot
trol of the puck by holding it against an area of brought over to be followed by the other foot
the boards or even by falling on it, in the process into an upright position
stopping play frontenis (sport) a Latin-American ball game sim-
French billiards (billiards) another term for carom ilar to handball and essentially consisting of jai
billiards alai or pelota played with tennis rackets [blend
French blinkers (horse racing) colloquial term for of fronton and Spanish tenis, “tennis”]
cheekpieces frontman ( general ) another term for a forward
French cricket (cricket) a simplified form of the fronton (pelota) the wall against which the game is
game, popular among children, in which the played [Spanish frontón]
batsman is out if struck by the ball on the legs frontrunner (general) (1) a (human or animal) con-
below the knee testant who runs best when in the lead or who
French drive (cricket) a fortuitous snick off the bat can set a fast pace; (2) a leading contestant
through the slips frontside air (snowboarding) an air performed off
French Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula One the frontside wall
international Grand Prix held on the Magny frontside wall (snowboarding) the wall of the half-
Cours circuit at Dijon, France pipe in front of the boarder
French Open (tennis) the international champi- frosh ( general ) colloquial term for a member of a
onship tournament held annually since 1891 on freshman sports team [perhaps from German
the clay courts of the Stade Roland-Garros, Paris Frosch, “grammar-school pupil”]
fresh (horse racing) not having raced recently frozen rope (baseball ) colloquial term for a ball
fried egg ( golf ) colloquial term for the hollow cre- that travels on a fast, level trajectory
ated by a ball that has landed in soft sand in a fuel load (auto racing) the amount of fuel on board
bunker a car
friendly (association football ) a match arranged full (trampolining) a full twist executed in a som-
outside normal competition ersault
fringe ( golf ) the area bordering the green, where full ball (snooker) a stroke that sends the cue ball
the grass is slightly longer against the full face of the object ball
fringe sports ( general ) sports regarded as less im- full-bore (shooting) (of ) a larger caliber than small-
portant or popular bore
Frisbee golf (sport) a game similar to golf but played full count (baseball ) a situation in which the
with a Frisbee instead of a golf ball and clubs pitcher has thrown three balls and two strikes
frog hair (golf ) the well-cut grass between the fair- to the batter
way and the green, in length somewhere be- full-court press (basketball) a tactic in which the
tween the two defensive team challenges opponents in all areas
front (trampolining) a forward somersault of the court, not just in their own area
front crawl (swimming) the crawl performed face full forward (Australian Rules) an attacking player
down operating near the opponents’ goal
front five (rugby union) another term for the tight full-in, back-out ( g ymnastics) a double salto with
five a full twist in the first salto
front foot (general) the left foot (of a right-handed full nelson (wrestling) fuller term for a nelson
person), as the one nearer the target full pitch (cricket) another term for a full toss
front four (American football ) the two ends and full roll (croquet) the distance traveled by a struck
two tackles in a team’s defensive line ball when equal to that of the ball that struck it
front giant (gymnastics) a giant in which the gym- full time ( general ) the end of a match, when the
nast swings counterclockwise, his palms facing time allotted for it has expired
in the same direction as his back full toss (cricket) a ball delivered by the bowler
front handspring ( g ymnastics) a handspring that that does not pitch before reaching the batsman
starts with a forward flip full twist ( g ymnastics) a complete twist
front nine ( golf ) the first nine holes on a course fullback (American football ) an offensive player
fumble • gamesmanship 62

who lines up behind the quarterback and half- may take the ball; (rugby union) an imaginary
back and who is used primarily for line plunges line on which a set piece, ruck, or maul has
and blocks; (association football, field hockey) a taken place, as a defining point beyond which a
defensive player positioned near the goal; (rugby player or team may take the ball
league, rugby union) the player who normally gait (equestrianism) the rhythm and sequence of
stands furthest back on the pitch in a defensive leg movements in which a horse moves
position galáctico (association football ) a top-ranking signed
fumble (American football ) to lose hold of the ball footballer [Spanish galáctico, “superstar,” a term
when in possession of it originally used for a player signed for Real
fun run (athletics) a long-distance race usually less Madrid]
than a marathon in length staged either for gallery (golf ) the spectators at a tournament; (real
amusement or to raise funds for charity rather tennis) one of the eight openings in the side
than as a serious athletic competition penthouses of the court, shots into which count
funboard (windsurfing) a board specially designed as chases
to give greater speed gallery hit (cricket) a good shot appreciated and
fungo (baseball ) a ball struck high in the air for applauded by the spectators
fielders to practice catching [origin uncertain] gallop (equestrianism) a horse’s fastest gait, at each
fungo bat (baseball ) a special lightweight bat for stride of which all four feet are off the ground;
striking fungos (horse racing) a track where horses are exercised
funny car (auto racing) in drag racing, a car with at a gallop
a fiberglass body built to resemble an ordinary car Galway (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt
furlong (horse racing) a standard distance equal to racecourse in Co. Galway, Ireland
one-eighth of a mile game ( general ) (1) a competitive sport with estab-
furlong marker (horse racing) a post by a race- lished rules; (2) an episode or period of play, at
course showing the number of furlongs to the the end of which there is usually a result or
winning post [the word “furlong” may be omit- score; (sport) a byname of association football
ted in reports, as “Notre Pere fell five out when (as “the game”)
returning to action at Down Royal” (The Times, game ball (general) another term for a game point
November 21, 2009)] game breaker (American football ) a player who de-
futsal (association football ) an indoor version of the termines the outcome of a game
game between teams of five players. [blend of game fish (angling) any freshwater fish of the salmon
Spanish fútbol, “football,” and sala, “room”] family except the grayling, as distinct from a
futurity race (horse racing) a race for two-year- coarse fish
olds nominated even before they are foaled game of two halves (association football ) a match
Gable Endies (association football ) nickname of in which the second half noticeably differs from
the Scottish club Montrose [local people are so the first half, for example in the style of play
nicknamed for the Flemish architecture of some game on! (darts) traditional call of the announcer
town houses with gable ends] to signal the beginning of a game
Gaelic football (sport) a game somewhat similar game plan (American football ) a winning strategy
to rugby union played in Ireland by teams of worked out in advance
15 a side with a round ball that can be kicked, game point (general) a stage in a game at which the
bounced, or punched but not thrown or run next point wins
with, the aim being to score goals and points game, set, and match (tennis) a complete and de-
gaff (angling) a hook used to catch large fish; (sail- cisive victory, achieved by a player who has won
ing) a spar to which the head of a fore-and-aft a game, then a set, and finally the match
sail is fastened game shot (darts) the shot that wins a leg of the
gaffer ( general ) colloquial term for a manager or game
coach games ( general ) a session of competitive games
gag (angling) a device for keeping the jaws of a Games (Olympics) shortening of Olympic Games
newly caught fish open while the hook is ex- [often preceded by the name of an Olympic city
tracted to refer to a specific contest, as London Games,
gain (trampolining) a movement along the bed in Moscow Games]
the opposite direction to that of the element gamesmanship (general) the art of defeating an op-
being performed ponent by purely psychological means [from the
gain line (rugby league) an imaginary line on which title of a humorous book by Stephen Potter, The
a play-the-ball or scrum has taken place, as a Theory and Practice of Gamesmanship, or the Art of
defining point beyond which a player or team Winning Games Without Actually Cheating (1947)]
63 gap • gillie

gap (baseball ) another term for an alley genoa (sailing) a large jib that overlaps the main-
gaper (cricket) colloquial term for an easy catch sail
[anything that “gapes” offers easy access] gentle (angling) a soft maggot used as bait
gapper (baseball ) a ball hit into an alley gentle art (sport) another term for angling
garbage ( general ) colloquial term for an easy shot Gentlemen v. Players (cricket) an annual match
or scoring opportunity between a team of amateurs (“Gentlemen”) and
gardening (cricket) colloquial term for the tamp- a team of professionals (“Players”), first staged
ing down of a loose area of turf on the pitch, as at Lord’s in 1906 but discontinued from 1962,
carried out by a batsman with his bat when amateur status was abolished
garland (skiing) alternate left and right turns across genuine (greyhound racing, horse racing) relied on
a slope to perform well in a race
garryowen (rugby union) another term for an up- German Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula
and-under [popularized by the Garryowen club One international Grand Prix held on the Nür-
in Limerick, Ireland] burgring circuit near Bonn, Germany
gate (canoeing) an obstacle in the form of two free- Gers (association football ) short name of the Scot-
hanging poles on a slalom course, which partic- tish club Rangers
ipants must pass between without touching get (squash, tennis) colloquial term for a difficult
them; (cricket) the gap between the pad and bat shot successfully reached and returned
of a batsman as he plays a ball; (equestrianism) get down ( golf ) to manage to get the ball in the
a high, narrow fence; (general) collective term for hole
the people who pay to see a game or match [they get the trip (horse racing) to stay the distance of a
pay at the gate]; (horse racing, motorcycle racing, race
skiing) shortening of starting gate; (rowing) the get up (horse racing) to win a race by a close mar-
U-shaped attachment at the outer end of the gin
outrigger that holds the oar at the point where ghillie (angling) another spelling of gillie
it pivots; (skiing) the two flagged poles between ghost goal (association football ) (1) a goal generally
which a skier must pass in a slalom event judged to be fair but disallowed by the referee;
gate money ( general ) payment collected from a (2) a goal judged to be fair by the referee but in
gate reality not valid
gather (baseball, rugby football ) to catch a ball as gi (martial arts) another spelling of gie
it moves through the air; (cricket) to pick up a giant (gymnastics) a move on the asymmetric bars,
rolling ball rings, parallel bars, or horizontal bar in which
Gatorade (athletics) proprietary name of a soft drink the gymnast, from a handstand position, de-
containing ingredients that include glucose, cit- scribes a 360-degree circle by swinging down past
ric acid, sodium bicarbonate, and potassium the ground then right up into a handstand again
chloride, drunk by athletes instead of water to re- giant slalom (skiing, snowboarding) an event sim-
plenish rapidly lost body fluids and salts [so ilar to the slalom, but over a longer course and
named as an “aid to the Gators,” nickname of the with greater intervals between the gates
University of Florida college football team] giantkiller (general) an individual or team that de-
Gaylord flip ( g ymnastics) a routine on the hori- feats a far superior opponent
zontal bar comprising a front giant and a one- Giants (American football ) short name of the New
and-a-half front salto over the bar followed by York Giants team; (baseball ) short name of the
a regrasp of the bar [introduced in 1978 by the San Francisco Giants team; (rugby league) short
U.S. gymnast Mitch Gaylord (1961 –)] name of the English club Huddersfield Giants
gazunder (cricket) colloquial term for a low ball gie (martial arts) a judo or karate costume [Japa-
[which goes under] nese ki, “clothing”]
GB&I (golf ) abbreviation of Great Britain and Ire- Gienger ( g ymnastics) a routine on the horizontal
land as a professional or amateur team in an bar and asymmetric bars comprising a flyaway
international contest with a half-twist followed by a regrasp of the
gee-gees (horse racing) colloquial term for the bar [introduced in 1978 by the German gym-
horses in a race as the object of a bet [from gee- nast Eberhard Gienger (1951 –)]
gee, a child’s word for a horse] gill net (angling) a type of fishing net in which
gelding (horse racing) a castrated male horse fish are caught by their gills
general classification (cycling) the positions of rid- Gillette Cup (cricket) original name of the Chel-
ers in a race based on overall time tenham & Gloucester Trophy
general impression (equestrianism) an aspect of gillie (angling) a hired guide and adviser to an an-
dressage for which points are awarded gler, mainly in Scotland and Ireland, perform-
Gills • goal celebration 64

ing much the same role as a caddie to a golfer Glorious Goodwood (horse racing) traditional ep-
[Gaelic gille, “lad”] ithet for the annual races at Goodwood
Gills (association football ) nickname of the English glove (baseball ) a player regarded in terms of his
club Gillingham ability, like a bat in cricket; (cricket) to strike
gimme ( golf ) a short putt that an opponent is ex- the ball, as a batsman, with one’s glove rather
cused from playing as it is virtually unmissable than the bat
[respelling of give me] gloveman (cricket) colloquial term for a wicket-
gimp (angling) a fishing line bound with wire keeper [who wears large gloves]
girls (rugby union) a nickname used by forwards for Glovers (association football ) nickname for the En-
backs glish club Yeovil Town [from the local glove-
Giro d’Italia (cycling) an annual stage race held in making industry]
Italy since 1909 and modeled on the Tour de gloves (boxing) shortening of boxing gloves; ( gen-
France [Italian Giro d’Italia, “Tour of Italy”] eral ) the special gloves worn in various ball
give a horse its head (horse racing) to let a horse go games, as by the goalkeeper in association foot-
freely ball or the wicketkeeper in cricket
give a miss (billiards) to allow an opponent to score glovework (cricket) colloquial term for the skills of
by deliberately failing to hit the object ball the gloveman
give a ten (rowing) to row flat out for ten strokes go about (sailing) to change course
give-and-go (association football ) another term for go close (horse racing) to finish in second or third
a one-two [the player passes the ball (“gives”) place [a term often used as a prediction of a
then runs (“goes”)] horse’s chances in a race]
give way! (rowing) the spoken instruction to begin go down ( general ) to be defeated in a contest;
rowing (horse racing) to go from the paddock to the
glance (cricket) a stroke by the batsman that de- start of a race
viates the ball only slightly from its line of flight go in (cricket) to begin an innings
as delivered by the bowler go-kart (auto racing) a low racing vehicle consist-
glass (basketball) colloquial term for the backboard ing basically of a frame with wheels, engine, and
[it deflects the ball as a mirror reflects an image] steering gear but now often closer in design and
glass arm (baseball ) colloquial term for a sore arm form to a light racecar
resulting from tendons damaged by throwing or go on (cricket) to begin bowling
pitching balls go one better (horse racing) to finish a race in a
Glaziers (association football ) former nickname for higher position than previously, especially when
the English club Crystal Palace, now known as this was a place
the Eagles [from the club’s original location at the go the distance (boxing) to complete the sched-
Crystal Palace, London, a huge glass conservatory uled duration of a fight
built for the 1851 Great Exhibition] go the route (baseball ) to pitch for the entire
Gleneagles ( golf ) a noted golf course in the game
grounds of a hotel near Perth, Scotland go yard (baseball ) to hit a home run
Gli Azzurri (association football ) nickname for the goal (general) (1) in association football and many
Italian national team [Italian gli azzurri, “the other games, the pair of posts with a crossbar
blues,” from the color of their strip] into or over which the ball is kicked, hit, or car-
glide (cricket) another term for a glance; (skiing) a ried to make a score; (2) a corresponding struc-
smooth downhill run ture in other sports, as a basket in basketball
glide wax (skiing) a substance applied to skis in or a net in netball; (3) the score itself
order to decrease their friction against the snow goal area ( general ) the area in front of the goal
glider (gliding) the engineless aircraft used in glid- goal-area line ( general ) a line parallel to the goal
ing; (hang-gliding) shortening of hang-glider line
gliding (sport) the competitive sport of flying in goal attack (netball ) an attacking player restricted
gliders, which are towed to a high altitude by a to the shooting circle, attacking third, and cen-
powered aircraft then released, leaving the pilot ter third
to use thermals to maintain altitude or soar even goal average (association football ) a method, re-
higher placed in 1976 by the goal difference, of decid-
glissade (mountaineering) the act of sliding down ing the league position of two or more clubs
a slope in a standing or squatting position, often with the same total of points, in which the num-
using an ice ax for braking ber of goals scored by a club was divided by the
Globetrotters (basketball) short name of the number scored against them
Harlem Globetrotters team goal celebration (association football ) an exuberant
65 goal circle • Goldie

or extravagant display of triumph by a player hole it would have gone far beyond it [the hole
who has just scored a goal “gobbled” it up]
goal circle (field hockey, netball) another name for goer (horse racing) a horse that runs fast
the shooting circle gofer (baseball ) a pitch that can be hit for a run,
goal crease (lacrosse) the circle around the goal especially a home run [the batter can go for it]
which only defensive players may enter goff ( golf ) an archaic spelling of golf, reflecting
goal defense (netball ) a defensive player restricted the word’s old-fashioned pronunciation
to the shooting circle, defending third, and going (horse racing) the condition of the ground
center third at a racecourse in terms of its moisture and
goal difference (association football ) a method, re- “give,” conventionally divided into heavy (very
placing the goal average in 1976, of deciding wet and soft), yielding, soft, good-to-soft, good,
the league position of two or more clubs with good-to-firm, firm, standard, and hard [parts of
the same total of points, in which the number the course may be placed in a subsidiary cate-
of goals scored against a club is deducted from gory, giving a formula such as “good (good-to-
the number it has itself scored firm in places)”]
goal hit (shinty) the method of bringing the ball gold (Olympics) shortening of gold medal
back into play after it has gone over the goal line Gold Cup (horse racing) shortening of Ascot Gold
goal kick (association football ) a free kick awarded Cup, Cheltenham Gold Cup, Hennessy Gold
to the defending team in the six-yard area of Cup, or any similarly named trophy
the penalty box when the opposing team puts gold glove (baseball ) an annual award made to the
the ball behind the goal line (but not between outstanding fielder in the league at each posi-
the goalposts to score a goal) tion
goal line (American football, association foot- gold medal (Olympics) the medal awarded as first
ball; field hockey, ice hockey) the line marking the prize [gold is a more valuable metal than silver
end of the pitch, on which the goals stand; or bronze]
(rugby league, rugby union) another term for the Golden Boot (association football ) the name until
try line 1991 of the Golden Shoe
goal shooter (netball ) an attacking player restricted golden duck (cricket) a duck scored by a batsman
to the shooting circle and attacking third who is out first ball [from gold as the first
goal square (Australian Rules) a square marked in award]
front of the goal golden girl (Olympics) journalistic epithet for a
goalball (sport) a game designed specifically for the female winner, or potential winner, of a gold
blind, played on an indoor court with a ball medal, especially if fair-haired and good-looking
containing a bell, the aim being to roll the ball Golden Globe Race (sailing) a quadrennial single-
past the opposing team into their goal handed round-the-world race first held in 1968
goalhanger (association football ) a player who [name of the trophy awarded]
spends much of the game lurking near the goal Golden Gloves (boxing) an amateur competition
of the opponents for an opportunity to score originating in 1927 as a U.S. intercities tourna-
goalie (association football ) colloquial shortening ment, the winner receiving a gold medal and a
of goalkeeper pair of miniature golden gloves
goalkeeper ( general ) the player who defends the golden goal (association football ) the first goal
goal in a game such as association football scored in extra time, as a method of settling a
goalless draw ( general ) a draw with a score of draw [introduced in 1996 but abandoned in
0–0, no goals having been scored by either team 2004, like the silver goal, in favor of the penalty
goalminder (ice hockey) another term for the goal- shoot-out]
tender Golden Shoe (association football ) an annual award
goalmouth (association football ) the area immedi- made to the player scoring the most goals in
ately in front of the goal league matches from the top division of every
goalposts ( general ) the posts that form the goal European national league [formerly known,
goalscorer ( general ) a player who regularly or re- under different and less stringent rules, as the
liably scores goals Golden Boot]
goaltender (ice hockey) a player whose role is to golden sombrero (baseball ) a notional award given
stop the puck from entering the net to a batter who strikes out four times in a game
goaltending (basketball) the illegal touching of the [a feat cynically regarded as greater than a hat
ball as it comes down toward the basket trick]
gobble ( golf ) colloquial term for a putt played so Goldie (rowing) the reserve eight of Cambridge
powerfully that if the ball had not gone into the University, who race their Oxford counterpart,
golf • grand slam 66

Isis, immediately before the Boat Race [named goon squad (ice hockey) a group of specially se-
for a Cambridge boatman] lected players whose role is to intimidate the op-
golf (sport) a game played with a club used to pro- position
pel a ball into each hole on a course [perhaps Gooners (association football) another spelling of
from Dutch kolf, “club”] Gunners
golf bag ( golf ) a bag for carrying golf clubs goose egg ( general ) a zero score [from the egg-
golf ball ( golf ) the small rubber-cored ball with shaped figure 0 for zero]
which golf is played goose step (rugby union) a hitch-kick action per-
golf cart ( golf ) a small motorized vehicle used to formed by a player while running so that he
drive around a golf course seems to be slowing down although is really
golf club ( golf ) (1) a long-handled metal-faced speeding up [from the military march step]
(formerly wooden-faced) club with which the gopher (baseball ) another spelling of gofer
ball is struck; (2) an association of players with gore (parachuting) the sector-like section of a
its own golf course and clubhouse canopy
golf course ( golf ) the area of specially prepared gorge (angling) a bait intended to be swallowed by
ground with fairways and hazards on which the fish
golf is played GP (auto racing) abbreviation of Grand Prix
golf croquet (croquet) a shorter and faster form of Grace Road (cricket) the home ground of Leices-
the game in which each turn consists of a single tershire county cricket club, Leicester
stroke grade cricket (cricket) a form of the game in Aus-
golf links ( golf ) another term for a golf course, tralia in which clubs compete in grades
properly one on low ground by the sea [not from graduation race (horse racing) a race designed to
link, “ring in a chain,” but an Old English word develop inexperienced horses
meaning “bank”] Graham (mountaineering) a Scottish mountain
golf widow (golf ) a woman whose husband spends peak between 2,000 and 2,400 feet in height
a good deal of time playing golf with a reascent of 500 feet on all sides [named for
golfer ( golf ) a player of golf Fiona Torbet, née Graham, who published a list
golfiana ( golf ) a collector’s term for items of of them in 1992]
golfing interest grand amplitude (wrestling) a throw in which the
golfing ( golf ) the sport of playing golf combatant’s center of gravity is lower than that
good ( golf, tennis) (of ) a shot made accurately; of his opponent
(horse racing) a category of going; (wrestling) (of ) Grand Challenge Cup (rowing) the cup awarded
a lift approved by the majority of the three to the winner of a race for eights at Henley
judges Royal Regatta, inaugurated in 1839
good areas (cricket) colloquial term for those parts Grand Final (rugby league) a system of play-offs in-
of a pitch where a ball delivered by the bowler troduced to the Super League in 1996 to replace
makes it difficult for the batsman to score eas- the earlier premiership system
ily Grand National (horse racing) Britain’s most fa-
good ball (rugby union) a ball whose possession has mous steeplechase, run annually at Aintree
potential for scoring a try or at least a good run since 1839
up the field Grand Prix (auto racing) an international race for
Goodwood (horse racing) a flat racecourse at Good- Formula One cars first held in France in 1906
wood Park, near Chichester, West Sussex, En- and now staged on a number of circuits around
gland, the picturesque setting of Glorious the world [name originally used for the Grand
Goodwood Prix de Paris]; ( general ) a title for any major
Goodwood Revival (auto racing) an annual race contest or championship, as the MotoGP
of classic (period) cars held from 1998 on the Grand Prix de Paris (horse racing) an international
former Formula One racetrack at Goodwood race for three-year-olds run annually at Long-
goofy footer (snowboarding) a boarder who rides champ since 1863 [French Grand Prix de Paris,
with the right foot in front of the left, as distinct “chief prize of Paris”]
from a regular footer; (surfing) a surfer who grand prix freestyle (equestrianism) the final
rides with the right foot in front of the left, as dis- round of a grand prix dressage competition, in
tinct from a natural footer which horse and rider perform a series of maneu-
googly (cricket) an off break bowled with an ap- vers to music
parent leg-break action by a right-arm bowler grand salami (baseball ) colloquial alteration of
to a right-handed batsman (or the converse) grand slam
[origin uncertain] grand slam (association football ) the winning of
67 Grande • Grey

the domestic league, all domestic cups, and the Great South Run (athletics) an annual half mara-
European Champions’ Cup; (baseball ) a home thon run in and around Portsmouth, Hamp-
run hit when there is a baserunner at each base; shire, as the southern equivalent of the Great
(cycling) the winning of the Tour de France, North Run
Giro d’Italia, and Vuelta d’España in the same Grecians (association football ) nickname of the En-
season; (equestrianism) the winning of the Ken- glish club Exeter City [said to derive from a local
tucky Three-Day Event and the equivalent reenactment of the Trojan War, in which the
contests in England at Badminton and Burgh- Greeks besieged the city of Troy]
ley; ( golf ) the winning of the four Majors; Greco-Roman (wrestling) a type of wrestling in
(rugby union) the winning of all matches in the which only the upper body and arms, not the
Six Nations; (tennis) the winning of the Aus- legs, may be used for moves and holds [from the
tralian Open, French Open, Wimbledon, and supposed classical form of the sport]
the U.S. Open [a term from card playing, as the green (bowls) the area of closely mown grass on
winning of every trick in a game, with slam of which the game is played; ( golf ) the area of
unknown origin but popularly associated with closely mown grass around the hole where put-
the sense “bang”] ting takes place; (snooker) the green ball, worth
Grande Boucle (cycling) (1) an annual stage race for three points
female cyclists equating to the Tour de France; green card (field hockey) a card shown by the ref-
(2) a nickname for the Tour de France [French eree as a warning to a player after a relatively
Grande Boucle, “Great Loop”] minor infringement
grandstand ( general ) an elevated structure for green cloth (billiards, snooker) a term for the bil-
spectators at a racecourse or other venue liard table [shortening of board of green cloth,
grandstand finish ( general ) a close and exciting for its baize covering]
finish to a race or other contest green flag (auto racing) a flag shown to a driver to
granny gear (cycling) colloquial term for a very low indicate that a hazard has been cleared and that
gear cars can return to normal racing speed
grapevine (ice skating) a figure in which the skates green horse (equestrianism, horse racing) a horse
trace interlacing lines on the ice; (wrestling) a that has not yet been trained, or that has only
hold in all-in wrestling in which a combatant just begun training
uses his legs to turn his opponent green jacket (golf ) the jacket presented to the win-
grass (angling) to bring a fish to the bank; (cricket), ner of the Masters by the winner from the pre-
to drop a catch; (rugby league, rugby union) to vious year
knock an opponent to the ground green jersey (cycling) (1) the jersey worn by the
grass court (tennis) a court with a grass surface, as winner of the points competition in the Tour de
distinct from a hard court France [French maillot vert, “green jersey”]; (2)
grass hockey (sport) another name for field hockey the jersey awarded to the King of the Moun-
grass skis (skiing) skis similar to roller skates that tains in the Giro d’Italia [Italian maglia verde,
are used for skiing down grassy slopes “green jersey”]
grass-track racing (motorcycle racing) a form of green spot (snooker) the spot on the billiard table
speedway over grass tracks where the green is positioned, in the left corner
grasshopper (angling) the live insect used as bait of the D as viewed from the balk end
Grasstex (tennis) proprietary name of an artificial greenback (surfing) a wave before it breaks
surface for tennis courts consisting of a com- greenie (surfing) another term for a greenback
position base with a top layer of natural fibers greenkeeper (bowls) the person who has the care of
reinforced by emulsified asphalt [blend of grass the green; ( golf ) the person who has the care of
and texture] the course
gravel trap (auto racing) an area of gravel near a greensome ( golf ) a type of fourball play in which
corner, used to slow cars down if they run off all players drive, then each pair selects the ball
the track with which they aim to complete the hole [blend
gray race (horse racing) an annual race at Newmar- of green and foursome]
ket for gray horses only gremlin (surfing) (1) colloquial term for a young
great game (sport) an epithet for golf surfer; (2) colloquial term for a troublemaker
Great North Run (athletics) an annual half who frequents the beach but is not a surfer
marathon run through Newcastle and Gates- [probably alteration of goblin]
head, northeastern England [name perhaps sug- gremmy (surfing) colloquial shortening of grem-
gested by the Great North Road, a historic high- lin
way running north to this region from London] Grey Cup (Canadian football ) the cup awarded
Greyhound • guard 68

annually to the champion team of the Canadian ground out (baseball ) to hit a ground ball and be
Football League [donated in 1909 by Earl Grey put out by not reaching first base before the
(1851 –1917), governor general of Canada] throw from a fielder
Greyhound Derby (greyhound racing) the sport’s ground shot (tennis) another term for a ground
top race in Britain, first held in 1927 [named stroke
after the Derby] ground staff (cricket) a paid staff of promising
greyhound racing (sport) a sport in which (usu- young players kept by a club; ( general ) a group
ally) six greyhounds pursue a lure around a cir- of people who look after a sports ground or
cular or oval track, the first dog to finish being playing field
the winner ground stroke (tennis) a stroke played after the
grid (American football ) shortening of gridiron; ball has bounced, especially one made from the
(auto racing) a pattern of lines painted on the baseline
racetrack to indicate the positions of the cars at ground under repair ( golf ) an area of the course
the start that is being repaired and therefore not valid for
gridder (American football ) a player of the game play
gridiron (American football ) the field on which the groundbait (angling) bait dropped to the bottom
game is played, with lines marked across every of a stream or river to attract fish there
five yards; (sport) a byname of American foot- grounder (baseball, cricket) a batted ball that rolls
ball along the ground instead of flying through the air
grille (real tennis) a square opening in a corner of the groundhopper (association football ) a supporter
end wall of the court, a shot into which scores a who travels to different grounds to see as many
point matches as possible
grind (skateboarding) a move in which one of the groundman (general) another spelling of grounds-
trucks is scraped along the grind rail or other man
surface groundsman ( general ) a person who takes care of
grind rail (skateboarding) a long narrow bar on a sports ground or playing field
which stunts can be performed group (horse racing) one of the categories of pattern
grip ( general ) the manner in which a player holds races, group 1 including the English classics and
a cricket bat, golf club, tennis racket, or the other important international races; group 2 the
like less important international races, and group 3
griptape (skateboarding) a tough adhesive tape used mainly domestic races; (shooting) a cluster of
on the board to provide extra grip for the feet hits on a target
gripwax (skiing) a substance applied to skis to in- group race (horse racing) another term for a pattern
crease friction and thus also traction race
Grizzlies (basketball) short name of the Vancou- grovet (wrestling) a hold in which a combatant
ver Grizzlies team grips his opponent’s head between his chest and
grommet ( general ) colloquial term for any sort of forearm, forcing his rival’s shoulders to the mat
young boarder [perhaps from grummet, “ship’s with his other arm [origin uncertain]
boy,” influenced by gremlin] grub (cricket) a ball that runs flat along the ground
groom (equestrianism) an assistant and adviser to after leaving the hand of the bowler
the driver in carriage driving grub kick (rugby league, rugby union) a ball dropped
gross (horse racing) (of ) a horse that is naturally from the hand and kicked along the ground
large-girthed, as distinct from overweight grubber (cricket) another term for a grub; (rugby
ground (cricket) the area behind the popping league, rugby union) shortening of grub kick
crease with which the batsman must be physi- grudgeby (rugby union) colloquial term for the
cally in contact to avoid being stumped or run keenly contested annual varsity match between
out; ( general ) the area on which a game is reg- Oxford and Cambridge universities, first held in
ular played 1872 [blend of grudge match, “contest aiming to
ground angling (angling) fishing without a float, settle longstanding rivalry,” and rugby]
with a weight placed close to the hook grummet ( general ) another spelling of grommet
ground ball (baseball ) a ball hit along the ground, gruppetto (cycling) another term for an autobus
as distinct from a fly ball [Italian gruppetto, “little group”]
ground fielding (cricket) catching or stopping a guard (American football ) a lineman positioned
ball near the ground immediately to the left or right of the center;
ground line (equestrianism) in show jumping, the (basketball) a player who mainly operates away
line along the base of a fence, used to judge the from the basket, unlike a forward; (bowls) a de-
point of a horse’s takeoff livery of the bowl that blocks an opponent’s
69 guernsey • half century

path to the jack or to another bowl; (boxing) a performed on the floor or on apparatus, either
defensive stance, with the gloves raised to pro- competitively or to tone the body and improve
tect the face; (cricket) the position of the bat agility and coordination
taken by the batsman in front of the wicket gyoji (sumo) the referee [Japanese g yoji, “referee”]
when he is ready to receive a ball; (curling) a hack (curling) footholds of metal or rubber at each
stone played into a position where it can protect end of the rink from which players can push off;
another stone from being hit; ( fencing) the metal ( general ) to kick the shins of another player (il-
cup at the end of the hilt that protects the hand legally); (rugby union) shortening of fly hack
from being hit hacker ( golf, tennis) colloquial term for a poor
guernsey (Australian Rules) a type of sleeveless shirt player [who hacks at the ball]
worn by team players hacking (sport) the riding of a horse in the coun-
guide runner (athletics) a person who accompa- tryside for recreation
nies a visually impaired track athlete hackle (angling) an artificial fly made of a cock’s
Guineas (horse racing) shortening of One Thou- hackle or neck feather
sand Guineas or Two Thousand Guineas Hacky Sack (sport) proprietary name of a game of
gulley (octopush) the long tray that serves as a goal U.S. origin in which players attempt to kick a
Gulls (association football ) nickname of the En- footbag without letting it touch the ground
glish club Torquay United [from the seagulls [from hack, “kick,” and sack]
that frequent the coastal town] hail (shinty) (1) a goal; (2) a score [apparently from
gully (cricket) a fielding position on the off side, hail!, the shout with which the player scored a
between point and slips [from gully in its basic goal]
sense “channel,” referring to the gap between the hail Mary (American football ) colloquial term for
named positions] a high pass thrown into the end zone at the very
gumshield (boxing) another term for a mouthpiece end of a game [a desperate move for which a
gun (surfing) a large heavy surfboard used for rid- prayer is needed]
ing big waves hailkeeper (shinty) a goalkeeper
Gunners (association football ) nickname of the En- hairdryer treatment (association football ) a berat-
glish club Arsenal [from the workers at the Royal ing by a manager of his team for their poor play
Arsenal, London, who founded the club in 1886] [his scolding hits them like a blast of hot air]
gunwale (rowing) the top section on the sides of a hairpin (auto racing) a sharp double bend on the
shell, to which the outriggers are fixed track [shaped like a hairgrip or bobby pin]; (ski-
gutters (tenpin bowling) the gulleys that run the ing) two successive vertical gates on a slalom
length of the lane and to either side of it course
gut wrench (wrestling) a move in which a combat- hairy Mary (angling) a kind of artificial fly [from
ant rolls his opponent onto his back while in a its appearance]
bridge position hajime ( judo) the command with which the ref-
gutty ( golf ) an old-fashioned type of golf ball eree starts a bout [Japanese hajime, “beginning”]
[made from gutta percha] haka (rugby union) the Maori war dance performed
gybe (sailing) to swing a sail from one side of the by the All Blacks before the start of a match
boat to the other in order to alter course [Maori haka, “dance”]
gybe mark (sailing) a mark showing where yachts half (American football ) shortening of half time;
must gybe in an ocean race ( general ) (1) one of the two periods of equal
gym ( g ymnastics) familiar shortening of gymna- length into which a game is divided; (2) one of
sium or gymnastics the two parts of the field of play either side of
gym rat ( general ) a person who regularly attends a the half way line; (3) shortening of center half,
gym left half, right half, or halfback
gymkhana (auto racing) an autocross contest; half ball (snooker) a stroke that sends the cue ball
(equestrianism) a contest between amateur or against the edge of the object ball
young riders in various equestrian sports [Hindi half bisque (croquet) a restricted bisque in which
gend khana, “ball house,” influenced by gym] no point can be scored
gymnasium ( general ) a place, hall, or building for half blue ( general ) a person who is second choice
gymnastics or indoor sports [originally, in an- for a blue or who is chosen to play in a minor
cient Greece, a public place where youths exer- sport such as badminton or lacrosse
cised, from Greek g ymnos, “naked”] half butt (snooker) a cue longer than the standard
gymnast ( general ) a person who performs or prac- cue, usually used with a rest
tices gymnastics half century (cricket) a score of 50 runs; (snooker)
gymnastics (sport) a range of moves or exercises a break of 50 points
half cock • handball 70

half cock (cricket) a stroke made by a batsman players scrum half and fly half, providing a link
that plays the ball neither forward nor back between the forwards and the three quarters
half-court line (squash) a line on the floor of the halfback flank (Australian Rules) a running de-
court that divides the back of the court into two fender who plays on the flank
half-forward flank (Australian Rules) an attacking half way line (association football, rugby league,
player who plays on the flank near the 50-meter rugby union) the line that separates the two equal
arc halves of the pitch
half gainer (swimming) a dive in which a backflip halieutics (angling) a formal term for the art of
is followed by a head-first plunge into the water fishing, especially as the title of a treatise [Greek
facing the board halieutes, “fisher,” from hals, “sea”]
half-in, half-out ( g ymnastics) a move compris- Hall of Fame ( general ) an institution that honors
ing a double salto with a half twist on each outstanding figures in the history of a particular
salto sport, as the Baseball Hall of Fame, Cooper-
half marathon (athletics) a foot race just over half stown, New York, the Golf Hall of Fame, St.
the length of a marathon (13 miles 352 yards, Augustine, Florida, and the Pro Football Hall of
21.243km) Fame, Canton, Ohio
half mile (athletics) the former equivalent of the halt! ( fencing) a command to stop fencing
800 meters halve ( golf ) to play a hole or match in the same
half miler (athletics) a runner specializing in the number of strokes as one’s opponent
former half mile or present 800 meters halyard (sailing) a rope used for raising or lower-
half nelson (wrestling) a nelson applied on one side ing a sail
only, with one of the combatant’s arms under ham (boxing) an incompetent boxer
one of his opponent’s arms Hambletonian (horse racing) an annual harness
half-one ( golf ) a handicap of one stroke every race for trotters, first held in 1926 at Syracuse,
second hole New York, but now at the Meadowlands race-
half pass (equestrianism) in dressage, a sideways track, New Jersey [named for Hambletonian
and forward movement in which the horse (foaled 1849), the ancestor of most harness rac-
crosses its legs ers]
half-pipe (skateboarding) a U-shaped structure Hamilton Park (horse racing) a flat racecourse at
made of concrete from which boarders launch Hamilton, central Scotland
the board to perform aerial maneuvers; (snow- hammer (athletics) (1) a heavy metal ball attached
boarding) a U-shaped channel cut into the snow to a long flexible wire which is thrown by being
from which boarders launch the board to per- swung around the thrower’s head and then re-
form aerial maneuvers leased; (2) the field event in which it is thrown
half pirouette (equestrianism) a half-circle turn by hammerlock (wrestling) a hold in which the oppo-
the horse with its inside hind foot as a pivot nent’s arm is twisted up behind his back
half roll (croquet) a croquet in which the oppos- Hammers (association football ) nickname of the
ing ball, when struck, travels two or three times English club West Ham United [not directly
as far as the striker’s ball from the placename but from the shipbuilding
half shot ( golf ) a shot played with about half the department of the Thames Ironworks, London,
usual swing where workers formed the club in 1895]
half strike (tenpin bowling) alternate term for a Hampden Park (association football ) the home
spare ground in Glasgow, Scotland, of both the Scot-
half time ( general ) the interval between the first tish club Queens Park and the national team
half of a game and the second Hampden roar (association football ) traditional
half twist ( g ymnastics) a half-rotation of the body term describing the vociferous support for the
around the spine home or national team at matches at Hampden
half volley (association football ) a kick in which Park
the player’s boot makes contact with the ball as hand ( general ) a round or innings
it begins to bounce up off the ground; (cricket) hand line (angling) a fishing line without a rod
a stroke by the batsman of a ball as it starts to handbags (association football, rugby union) collo-
rise after pitching; (tennis) a shot of the ball im- quial term used by radio and TV commentators
mediately after it bounces for a confrontation between players [from the
halfback (American football ) a running back po- concept of a woman’s handbag used to belabor
sitioned between the quarterback and fullback; a rival or opponent]
(rugby league) either of the players scrum half handball (association football ) the offense of touch-
and standoff half; (rugby union) either of the ing or striking the ball with one’s hand; (Aus-
71 handcycle • Har-Tru

tralian Rules) the act of passing the ball by hold- handover (athletics) the passing of the baton from
ing it in one hand and striking it with the fist of one runner to another in a relay race; (rugby
the other; (sport) (1) a game with seven players league) the change in possession after the sixth
a side played on an indoor court between goals tackle
in which the ball is struck with the palm of the handpass (Australian Rules) another term for a
hand; (2) a game similar to fives in which a ball handball
is struck with the gloved hand against a wall handplant (snowboarding) a move in which a
handcycle (cycling) a hand-cranked tricycle used boarder plants one or both hands on the rim of
in races by disabled riders the halfpipe to pivot into a turn
handhold (mountaineering) a projection or other hands (association football ) alternate term for
feature that one can grasp while climbing handball
handicap (general) a race or competition in which hands and heels (horse racing) riding without the
an inferior competitor’s chances are improved by use of a whip [using the hands and heels only to
some means, as being given a head start; ( golf ) direct and encourage the horse]
the number of strokes by which a player’s aver- handsling (cycling) a method used to change places
age score exceeds par for the course, this num- in the madison, by which teammates grip hands,
ber being subtracted from the player’s score in then release the grip, so that one rider can pro-
strokeplay competitions; (horse racing) a race in pel the other forward
which each horse carries a weight determined by handspring (g ymnastics) a movement in which the
its handicap mark in order to equalize its chances gymnast moves forward or backward onto his
against other runners; (polo) a value assigned to hands from a standing position, then completes
each player based on previous performances [ap- a somersault, landing on his feet.
parently from hand i’ cap (“hand in the cap”), handstand ( g ymnastics) a move in which the gym-
from a game of chance in which a hand drawn nast supports his body vertically on his hands
out of a cap holds either something or nothing] in an upside-down position
handicap mark (horse racing) the assessment of a handy (horse racing) in a prominent position in a
horse’s form, expressed as a figure between 0 and race
140 and used as the basis for calculating the hang (horse racing) to veer to one side while run-
weight it carries in a handicap ning
handicap race (horse racing) a race run as a hand- hang a left (skiing) to turn to the left
icap hang a right (skiing) to turn to the right
handicapper (horse racing) (1) an official who assigns hang five (surfing) to have the five toes of one foot
a handicap to a horse; (2) a horse running in a projecting over the nose of the board, usually to
handicap race gain speed
handin (badminton, real tennis, squash) the player hang-glider (hang-gliding) the light engineless air-
whose side has the service craft used in hang-gliding
handle (association football ) to commit the offense hang-gliding (sport) a sport in which the partici-
of handball; (horse racing) the total takings from pant glides from a height such as a clifftop hang-
bets placed on a race ing in a harness from a hang-glider, which he
handled the ball (cricket) the offense committed controls by shifting his body weight in opposi-
by a batsman who deliberately touches the ball tion to the control frame
with a hand not holding the bat, as a result of hang ten (surfing) to have the ten toes of both feet
which he is out projecting over the nose of the board, usually to
handler (boxing) a person who trains and acts as a gain speed
second to a boxer; (horse racing) another term for hang up one’s boots (association football ) to retire
a trainer from the sport
handling game (rugby union) play in which the hang up one’s gloves (boxing) to retire from the
ball is primarily advanced by being handled, as sport
against a kicking game hanging lie ( golf ) the position of the ball when it
handoff (American football ) the passing of the ball is resting on a slope
from the quarterback to a running back; (rugby hangtime (American football ) the time that a
league, rugby union) a {legal) move in which a kicked ball remains in the air; (basketball) the
player with the ball pushes away an opponent time a player is able to remain in the air when
handout (badminton, real tennis, squash) (1) the shooting or jumping for the ball
player whose side is receiving the service; (2) the Har-Tru (tennis) proprietary name of an artificial
situation when the first player on the serving side surface for tennis courts, made from crushed
loses his service greenstone [combination of hard and true]
harbor • head start 72

harbor race (sailing) a race around a course marked any kind in any sport [so called as deserving the
out by buoys, often in several laps award of a new hat]
hard (horse racing) a category of going Hatters (association football ) nicknames of the En-
hard court (tennis) a court laid with clay, cement, glish clubs Luton Town and Stockport County
or the like, as distinct from a grass court [from the hat-manufacturing industry in each
hardball (sport) another term for baseball [as town]
against softball] haul (cricket) a good number of wickets taken by
hare (athletics) another term for a pacemaker [he a bowler in a match [as if loot in a robbery]
sets the pace, like the artificial hare or lure in haute école (equestrianism) a group term for the
greyhound racing] more difficult feats of horsemanship [French
hare and hounds ( general ) a race in which a haute école, “high school”]
runner with a head start (the hare) leaves a trail have the mount (horse racing) to ride a particular
for the others (the hounds) to follow; (motor- horse in a race
cycle racing) a form of enduro with no check- Hawk-Eye ( general ) proprietary name of a com-
points puter program that uses high-speed video cam-
harl (angling) a type of artificial fly [made from a eras around a tennis court or cricket ground
harl, the barb of a feather] to create a 3D image of the ball as it moves and
Harmsworth Cup (powerboat racing) the cup calculate the path it would have taken [invented
awarded to the winner of an international race by Paul Hawkins as an aid to radio and TV com-
for boats under 40ft (12m) in length [presented mentators]
in 1903 by Sir Alfred Harmsworth (1865–1922), Hawks (Australian Rules) short name of the
later Lord Northcliffe] Hawthorn Hawks team; (basketball) short name
harness race (horse racing) a race between trotters of the Atlanta Hawks team; (rugby league) short
or pacers harnessed to sulkies name of the English club Hunslet Hawks
harness racing (horse racing) the staging of har- Haydock Park (horse racing) a flat and National
ness races as a sporting contest Hunt racecourse near Ashton-in-Makerfield,
harriers (athletics) in cross-country running, a northwestern England
group or club of participants in the sport [with haymaker (boxing) colloquial term for a wild
Harriers often part of their name] swinging punch; (cricket) colloquial term for a
Harriers (association football ) short name of the sweeping stroke with the bat [suggestive of a
English club Kidderminster Harriers sweeping scythe in haymaking]
Harrow drive (cricket) another term for a Chinese hazard (billiards, snooker) a stroke in which one
cut [presumably from Harrow School] of the balls goes into a pocket as either a win-
Harry Sunderland Trophy (rugby league) the tro- ning hazard or a lozing hazard; (fives) a feature
phy awarded since 1965 to the man of the match of a court that affects the behavior of a ball
in the Super League Grand Final [named in played on to it, as the pepperbox in Eton fives;
commemoration of Australian tour manager ( golf ) an obstacle in the form of a bunker or
Harry Sunderland (1890–1964)] water hazard; (real tennis) any of the openings
Harry Wraggs (association football ) nickname of or galleries around the court that are not win-
the Scottish club Partick Thistle [rhyming slang ning openings
for the more common nickname Jags, from the hazard side (real tennis) the half of the court into
English jockey Harry Wragg (1902–1985)] which the ball is served
Hart Memorial Trophy (ice hockey) the trophy head (bowls) the grouping of bowls around the
awarded annually to the Most Valuable Player jack; (greyhound racing) the length of a grey-
[named for Cecil Hart, manager of the Mon- hound’s head, used to describe the distance be-
treal Canadiens 1926–39] tween two dogs at the finish; (horse racing) the
hash marks (American football ) the marks at inter- length of a horse’s head, used to describe the dis-
vals of one yard that run the length of the field, tance between two runners at the finish
the two sets of such marks on the gridiron Head of the River (rowing) the title given the crew
marking the furthest distance from the center of finishing first in the bumping races at Oxford
the field at which the ball can be placed to restart and Cambridge
play [so called from their resemblance to hash Head of the River Race (rowing) an annual race for
marks, “military service stripes”] eights over the reverse Boat Race course, first
hat trick (association football ) the scoring of three held in 1926
goals by the same player in a single match; head pin (tenpin bowling) the frontmost pin in the
(cricket) the feat of taking three wickets with triangular arrangement
consecutive balls; ( general ) three successes of head start ( general ) an advantage given to a con-
73 head string • high dive

testant at the start of a race [in horse racing helicopter (skiing) an upright aerial spin of 360
that of a horse in front of others by the length of degrees
a head] heliskiing (sport) an extreme sport in which a
head string (pool) a line a quarter the length of the skier is dropped by helicopter at the top of a
table from the top, behind which a player must mountain, then skis down to the treeline
make any break Hell of the North (cycling) nickname of the Paris-
header (association football ) a pass or shot at goal Roubaix race [French l’enfer du nord, “hell of
made by directing the ball with the head the north,” from the devastated World War I
headhunter (baseball ) colloquial term for a pitcher landscape through which the course formerly
who throws bean balls; (ice hockey) a player who ran]
by physical means in this contact sport aims helmsman (sailing) the steersman
with others to remove star opposition players Henley (rowing) short name of Henley Royal Re-
from the game gatta
Headingley (cricket) the home ground of York- Henley Royal Regatta (rowing) Britain’s oldest re-
shire county cricket club, Leeds gatta, with many prestigious trophies, held an-
headless spin (ice skating) a spin like the upright nually at Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, since
spin but with the head tilted away 1839
headlock (wrestling) a hold in which a combatant Hennessy (horse racing) short name of the Hen-
puts his arms around his opponent’s head and nessy Gold Cup
tightens his grip by interlocking the fingers of Hennessy Gold Cup (horse racing) the cup
both hands awarded to the winner of an annual race at New-
Headquarters (horse racing) another term for New- bury, first contested in 1957 [name of sponsor]
market as the center of English racing heptathlete (Olympics) a competitor in a hep-
headwork (association football ) the directing of the tathlon
ball by means of headers; (cycling) smart tacti- heptathlon (Olympics) a women’s event consisting
cal riding at the start of a sprint race of seven separate contests held on two consecu-
Hearts (association football ) short name of the Scot- tive days: 100-meter hurdles, shot put, high
tish club Heart of Midlothian jump, and 200 meters on day one, long jump,
heat ( general ) (1) a single eliminating round in a javelin, and 800 meters on day two [Greek
race; (2) a division of a contest in which the win- hepta, “seven,” and athlon, “contest”]
ner goes on to a final test [so called because it is Hereford (archery) a round of 72 arrows at 80yds
intense or “burning”] (73m), 48 at 60 (55m), and 24 at 50 (46m);
Heat (basketball) short name of the Miami Heat (horse racing) a National Hunt racecourse near
team Hereford, Herefordshire, England
heater (baseball ) colloquial term for a fast ball herringboning (skiing) a technique for climbing a
heavy (horse racing) a category of going slope in cross-country skiing by which the tips
heavy artillery (golf ) colloquial term for the driver of the skis are angled outward [they make a
heavyweight (boxing) the professional weight cat- herringbone-like pattern in the snow]
egory of maximum 91kg (201lb) hesitation dribble (basketball) a dribble in which
hecht ( g ymnastics) a dismount from the horizon- a player feints to stop before continuing to take
tal bar or asymmetric bars in which the gym- the ball forward [based on hesitation dance,
nast releases the bar at the height of a back which has pauses at intervals]
swing, sails forward with arms outstretched, and Hexham (horse racing) a National Hunt race-
lands upright on the feet [presumably introduced course at Hexham, Northumberland, England
by a gymnast named Hecht] Hibees (association football ) nickname of the Scot-
heel ( golf ) the lowest part of the clubhead; (rugby tish club Hibernian
league, rugby union) to send the ball out at the Hibs (association football ) short name of the Scot-
back of the scrum with the heel tish club Hibernian
Heineken Cup (rugby union) the cup awarded an- Hickstead (equestrianism) the location in West
nually since 1996 to the winner of a competition Sussex, England, of many showjumping events
for major European clubs and provincial teams high bar ( g ymnastics) (1) the higher of the two
[name of sponsor] asymmetric bars; (2) another term for the hor-
Heisman Trophy (American football ) the trophy izontal bar
awarded annually since 1935 to the outstanding high cheese (baseball ) colloquial term for a fastball
player in college football [named in honor of thrown at the top of or above the strike zone
U.S. collegiate football coach John Heisman high dive (swimming) a dive from a high diving
(1869–1936)] board
high house • hold 74

high house (shooting) the higher trap in skeet sent over the goal line (without a goal being
high hurdles (athletics) a race in which the hurdles scored) by the attacking team
are 107cm (42in) high hit the ball twice (cricket) a (possibly inadvertent)
high jump (athletics) a field event consisting of a stroke by the batsman in which he hits the ball
jump over a high bar twice and so is out
high post (basketball) an offensive position on the hit the post (association football ) to kick or head the
court near the foul circle ball against one of the goalposts
high-sticking (ice hockey) an offense in which a hit the wall (athletics) to lose energy suddenly in
player touches an opponent with the stick above long-distance running, such as a marathon, so
shoulder level that it is a physical and psychological struggle to
high tackle (association football ) a tackle in which complete the course
the player’s foot is dangerously high, resulting hit wicket (cricket) a stroke by a batsman in which
in a foul he hits the wicket with his bat or a part of his
high-toss serve (table tennis) a serve in which the body and dislodges the bails, so that he is out
ball is tossed high in the air hitch and kick (athletics) another term for a hitch
highboard (swimming) (of ) a high diving board kick
Highland games ( general ) an annual contest held hitch kick (athletics) a style of long jump in which
in the Scottish Highlands with competitions in the jumper makes two or more strides in the air
sports (including tossing the caber and tug of before landing feet together
war), piping, and traditional dancing Hitler’s Games (Olympics) a byname for the 1936
hiking (sailing) a maneuver to keep the boat flat Olympic Games, held in Berlin, Germany,
in the water by which the helmsman balances where they were turned to advantage by Hitler as
between the middle of the boat and the side or a showcase to demonstrate his theory of the su-
sits on the edge of the boat, sometimes leaning periority of the Arian races
far out hitter (baseball ) another term for the batter
hilt ( fencing) the handle of the sword, including hockey (sport) general name in British use for field
the guard hockey or in North American use for ice hockey
Hindenburg (kitesurfing) an accident in which the hockey ball (field hockey) the hard white ball with
kite stalls and crashes into an onshore structure which the game is played
[after the disastrous crash in 1937 of the Ger- hockey mom (ice hockey) colloquial term for a
man dirigible Hindenburg] mother who dedicates many hours to driving her
hip circle ( g ymnastics) a move on the horizontal children to organized sports activities, especially
bar or asymmetric bars in which the gymnast hockey games, and to supporting their partici-
executes a circle with his hips touching the bar pation in these, often with a greater degree of
hiplock (wrestling) a form of cross-buttock commitment than a soccer mom
hit (baseball ) a stroke that sends the ball into the hockey stick (field hockey) the long wooden stick
field of play, allowing the batter to reach first with a curved end with which the ball is struck;
base safely; ( fencing) an accurate contact of the (ice hockey) the long (formerly wooden) stick
sword with the target; (general) a stroke or shot with an angled blade with which the puck is
that sends a ball or other missile (as an arrow struck
in archery or a round in shooting) to a target Hockeyroos (field hockey) nickname for the Aus-
or simply through the air; (rugby union) another tralian national women’s team [blend of hockey
term for a tackle and Kangaroos]
hit and giggle (cricket) derisory name for one-day hodad (surfing) colloquial term for a person who
cricket [pun on slap and tickle, a euphemism for hangs around surfing beaches but does not surf
amorous frolicking, by comparison with a ded- [origin uncertain]
icated five-day test match] hog (curling) a stone that fails to reach the hog
hit-and-run (baseball ) a maneuver in which the line
baserunner at first base begins to run as soon as hog line (curling) a line drawn across each end of
the pitcher begins to throw the ball, expecting the rink, 10m (33ft) from the hack and 6.4m
the batter to put the ball into play, thus giving (21ft) from the tee, which a stone must cross to
the baserunner more time to advance safely and count
force the infielders to move out of position hog score (curling) another term for the hog line
hit-in (polo) the hitting of the ball into the field of hoist (ice hockey) an illegal trapping of an oppo-
play nent by two players
hit-out (field hockey) a pass awarded to a defend- hold (boxing) a grip of the opponent that prevents
ing team to restart play after the ball has been him from throwing punches; (judo, wrestling) a
75 hold-down • Hoops

particular manner of gripping and immobiliz- pitcher aims the ball and to which the batter
ing the opponent; (mountaineering) shortening must return to score a run
of handhold or foothold home run (baseball ) a hit that goes far enough to
hold-down (judo) a grip in which the opponent is enable the batter to make a complete circuit of
held down on the ground all four bases
hold serve (tennis) to win one’s own service game home straight (horse racing) the final stretch of a
hold service (tennis) alternate form of hold serve racecourse, leading to the finish
hold the throw (darts) to win a leg in which one home stretch (horse racing) another term for the
threw first home straight
hold up (horse racing) the keep a horse toward the home thrust ( fencing) a thrust that reaches the
rear of the field in a race point where it is aimed
holding (American football ) the act of illegally homer (baseball ) colloquial term for a home run
grasping an opponent with the hands; (ice hockey) Honest Men (association football ) nickname of the
the act of illegally grasping an opponent with the Scottish club Ayr United [from Robert Burns’s
hands or stick description of the town in “Tam o’ Shanter”:
hole (association football ) colloquial term for the “Auld Ayr, wham ne’er a town surpasses / For
space between the midfielders and the attack- honest men and bonnie lasses”]
ers where the attacking midfielders play; (base- honest player (ice hockey) colloquial term for a
ball ) colloquial term for the area of the infield player who is equally effective as attacker and
between shortstop and third base; (golf ) (1) the defender
cylindrical hollow 41 ⁄4 inches in diameter in honk (cycling) to pedal while standing up out of
the center of the green into which the ball the saddle, as a way to gain greater power or to
is played; (2) the distance, or the part of the rest the legs while making an ascent [perhaps
game, between the tee and the hole; (3) the from honk, “to sound a horn,” as of a driver seek-
score for playing a ball into the hole in the fewest ing to power ahead]
strokes honor ( golf ) the right to play first from the tee
hole in one ( golf ) a shot from the tee that sends hook (angling) the barbed piece of wire that is at-
the ball straight into the hole tached to the fishing line to carry the bait; (as-
hole out (cricket) to be caught by a fielder and so sociation football ) a kick of the ball from the
out; ( golf ) to play the ball into the hole angle of the ankle and boot; (boxing) a swinging
home (association football ) in football pools, a blow with the elbow bent; (cricket) a stroke
match won by a team playing on their home played with a horizontal or rising bat that sweeps
ground; (baseball ) shortening of home plate; the ball to the leg side behind the wicket; ( gen-
( general ) (1) an area where a player is free from eral ) the curve of a ball in flight; ( golf ) a mishit
attack; (2) another term for the goal; (3) arrived of the ball that sends it through the air from
at the finish of a race; ( golf ) on the second nine right to left (for a right-handed player) or the
holes of the course; (lacrosse) one of the three converse; (rugby league, rugby union) to obtain
players first home, second home, and third possession of the ball in the scrum by using the
home foot to kick it backward; (surfing) the top part of
home advantage ( general ) the means used by the a wave
hosts of a sporting contest to gain a tactical ad- hook shot (basketball) a shot made by a player
vantage over the visitors, as by giving athletes side-on to the basket by curving up the arm far-
advance access to venues, arranging competi- ther away from it
tion schedules to suit domestic participants, and hooker (rugby league, rugby union) the forward
block-booking seats near the finish line to cre- who binds between the two props in a scrum
ate a vociferous concentration of supporters and who hooks the ball back
home base (baseball ) another term for the home hooking (ice hockey) the offense of using a stick
plate as a hook to hinder an opponent
home brew (Canadian football ) a player who is a hoop (basketball) the hard circular part of the bas-
native of the city for which his team is named ket from which a net is suspended; (croquet) one
home game ( general ) a game played on a team’s of the metal arches through which the ball must
home ground pass; (horse racing) one of the bands in contrast-
home ground ( general ) the ground where a team ing colors on the silks of a jockey
is normally based hoops (sport) colloquial term for basketball
home gym ( g ymnastics) an installation of gymnas- Hoops (association football ) nickname of the En-
tic equipment in a person’s private home glish club Queens Park Rangers [from the team’s
home plate (baseball ) the plate over which the blue and white hooped shirts]
hop • I-formation 76

hop (athletics) the first stage of the triple jump hotpot (horse racing) colloquial term for a horse
hop, skip, and jump (athletics) a former term for that has been heavily backed
the triple jump hotshot (baseball ) a player renowned for making
hop, step, and jump (athletics) a former term for accurate shots at the basket
the triple jump house (curling) the target for the stones, as a set of
horizontal bar ( g ymnastics) a steel bar, suspended three concentric rings on the ice with the tee in
on a frame above the ground, used in men’s com- the center
petition for the rhythmic execution of various how’s that? (cricket) the appeal of the fielding side
swinging and turning movements to the umpire to declare that the batsman is out
Hornets (association football ) nickname of the En- howzat? (cricket) an alternate spelling of how’s
glish club Watford [from the team’s black shirts that? [a representation of the spoken form]
with yellow and red trim]; (basketball) short huddle (American football ) the gathering together
name of the Charlotte Hornets team; (rugby of a team behind their line of scrimmage to re-
league) short name of the English club Rochdale ceive instructions before the next play
Hornets hull (sailing) the frame or body of a boat
horse (gymnastics) a leather-covered wooden block Hull KR (rugby league) short name of the English
used for vaulting (lengthwise by men, width- club Hull Kingston Rovers
wise by women) [its use suggests the feat of hundred (cricket) a score of 100 runs
mounting a horse by leaping onto it] Hungarian Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula
Horse of the Year Show (equestrianism) an annual One international Grand Prix held on the Hun-
competitive event presented by the British Show garoring circuit near Budapest, Hungary
Jumping Association, first held in 1949 and cur- Huns (association football ) a (derogatory) nickname
rently staged at the National Exhibition Centre, for the Scottish club Rangers
Birmingham hunter (horse racing) a horse used for hunting
horse race (horse racing) a race between horses with hunter chase (horse racing) a steeplechase for am-
(usually professional) riders, especially as a spec- ateur riders on hunters
tator sport intimately associated with money Huntingdon (horse racing) a National Hunt race-
and the placing of bets course at Brampton, near Huntingdon, Cam-
horse racing (sport) the conducting of horse races bridgeshire, England
as a competitive sport hurdle (athletics) one of the barriers which con-
horse trials (equestrianism) a general term for a testants jump in hurdling; (horse racing) (1) one
three-day event of the barriers (lighter and lower than a fence)
horsebox (horse racing) a road trailer or railcar de- which horses jump in a steeplechase; (2) a race
signed to transport one or more horses with these
horseman (equestrianism) a person skilled in horse- hurdler (athletics) an athlete good at hurdles;
manship (horse racing) a racehorse good at hurdles
horsemanship (equestrianism) the art of riding, hurdles (athletics, horse racing) a race over hurdles
training, and managing horses hurley (hurling) the wooden broad-bladed stick
horsewoman (equestrianism) a woman who rides used both to hit and to carry the ball
horses and is knowledgeable about them hurling (sport) an Irish game similar to field
hosel ( golf ) the socket for the shaft in the club- hockey played between teams of 15 using hur-
head leys and a hide-covered cork ball [from hurl,
hospital ball (association football) colloquial term “fling violently”]
for a poorly executed pass, so placing the recip- Hurlingham Club (polo) the organization respon-
ient (typically a defender or the goalkeeper) in sible for governing polo, first played at this Lon-
a risky situation don sporting club in 1874
hosts ( general ) the team who arrange and manage Hurricanes (ice hockey) short name of the Carolina
a match with rivals on their home ground Hurricanes team
hot corner (baseball ) colloquial term for third hurry-up offense (American football ) an offensive
base, where the fielder has little time to react to strategy in which the minimum time is taken to
balls hit in his direction huddle and line up between plays
hot dog (surfing) (1) a surfboard of above-average hutch (cricket) colloquial term for the pavilion [as
size; (2) a surfer who performs showy maneuvers the place where the players eat and drink, with
on such a board an implied pun on rabbit]
hot-rod racing (auto racing) the racing of hot rods, hybrid ( golf ) another term for a utility club
as cars specially modified to give added power I-formation (American football ) an offensive for-
and speed mation in which two backs line up behind the
77 ICC • indoor target

quarterback [the formation is I-shaped, perpen- in-off (billiards, snooker) a stroke, also known as a
dicular to the line of scrimmage] losing hazard, in which a player’s own ball goes
ICC (cricket) abbreviation of International Cricket into a pocket after striking another ball
Council in the hole (baseball ) (of ) a batter due to bat in
ice ax (mountaineering) an ax used by climbers to two places after the current batter
cut footholds in ice or compacted snow in the money (horse racing) among the winners,
ice dance (ice skating) an alternate term for ice whether as runners or bettors
dancing Ina Bauer (ice skating) a move similar to a spread
ice dancing (ice skating) a form of ice skating eagle but executed with one knee bent and the
based on the movements of ballroom dancing other leg stretched out behind [invented by the
ice diving (aquatics) scuba diving below the sur- German skater Ina Bauer (1941 –)]
face of frozen water inbounds ( general ) the central, usually marked-
ice hockey (sport) an evolution of field hockey, out area of a field or court
played between teams of six on a rink, in which incomplete (American football ) (of ) a pass that is
players equipped with skates and sticks try to not caught by a receiver
send a puck into the goal of their opponents Indian dribble (field hockey) a dribble technique
ice rink (ice hockey, ice skating) a rink with a pre- in which a player drives the ball repeatedly from
pared layer of ice right to left and left to right while moving over
ice skates (ice hockey, ice skating) skates mounted the pitch [introduced by the national team of
on blades for moving over ice India at the 1956 Olympics]
ice skating (sport) a sport in which competitors, Indian wrestling (wrestling) (1) a form of the sport
either singly or in pairs, execute figures on a rink in which opponents lie on their backs side by
ice the puck (ice hockey) to shoot the puck from a side, head to toe, interlock one arm and leg, and
team’s own side of the red line to beyond the attempt to force each other’s leg down; (2) a
opposing team’s goal line, as a result of which form of the sport in which opponents stand face
play is stopped and a face-off takes place in the to face, interlock one arm, brace the outsides of
offending team’s zone on the face-off spot near- corresponding feet against each other, and at-
est to where they last touched the puck tempt to unbalance each other; (3) another term
ice track (ice skating) a frozen track used in speed for arm wrestling
skating Indianapolis 500 (auto racing) a race of 500 miles
ice yacht (sailing) a lightly built boat with runners (200 laps) held annually since 1911 at the Indi-
and a sail, used in ice yachting anapolis Motor Speedway, Indiana
ice yachting (sailing) the sport of traveling over ice Indians (baseball ) short name of the Cleveland In-
in an ice yacht dians team
icing (ice hockey) the action of a player who ices indicator board (association football ) the electronic
the puck number board held up by the fourth official to
Iditarod Race (sled dog racing) an annual dogsled indicate the amount of added time to be played
race run from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska or the identity of a substitute
[named for the village on the historic trail fol- indirect free kick (association football ) a free kick,
lowed by the race] awarded after a foul, from which a goal cannot
IM (swimming) abbreviation of individual medley be scored unless the ball is touched by another
impost (horse racing) the weight carried by a horse player first (as distinct from a direct free kick)
in a handicap individual medley (swimming) a medley raced be-
Imps (association football ) nickname of the English tween individual swimmers
club Lincoln City [from the “Lincoln Imp,” a individual pursuit (cycling) a track race ridden by
grotesque carving of a gnome-like figure in the two riders head-to-head
city’s cathedral] indoor bowls (bowls) a form of the game played in-
in chancery (boxing, wrestling) (of ) a combatant’s doors on a carpet with a single rink
head held under his opponent’s arm indoor cricket (cricket) a form of the sport adapted
in front ( general ) ahead in scoring for play indoors
in-goal (rugby league, rugby union) the area be- indoor football (association football ) a form of the
tween the goal line and the dead-ball line, in game played indoors, usually as five-a-side
which a try may be scored indoor hockey (field hockey) a form of the game
in hand (billiards) (of ) a ball that has to be played adapted for play indoors, with up to seven play-
from the D; (croquet) (of ) a ball after a roquet ers a side
has been made and until croquet has been taken indoor target archery (archery) a form of target
in-lap (auto racing) the lap made before a pit stop archery staged indoors
indoor volleyball • inward 78

indoor volleyball (volleyball ) the original indoor inswinger (association football ) a ball kicked so as
form of the sport, as distinct from beach vol- to swing in toward the goal or the center of the
leyball pitch; (cricket) a ball bowled so as to swerve
Indy car (auto racing) the low-slung, fenderless from off to leg
(open-wheel) racecar that competes in the Indi- intentional grounding (American football ) the of-
anapolis 500 fense of deliberately throwing the ball to a place
Indy 500 (auto racing) colloquial name of the In- where it cannot be caught in order to avoid being
dianapolis 500 sacked
infield (auto racing, horse racing) the area enclosed Inter (association football ) short name of the Ital-
by the racetrack; (baseball ) the area enclosed ian club Inter Milan
within the baselines; (cricket) the part of the Intercalated Games (Olympics) the special
field near the wicket Olympic Games held in Athens in 1906 to com-
infielder (baseball ) any player positioned around memorate the 10th anniversary of the birth of
the infield the modern Games [they were intercalated, or
infighting (boxing) engaging at very close quarters, inserted in the calendar, between the quadren-
so that it is impossible to throw full-length nial 1904 and 1908 Games]
punches interception (American football ) a pass thrown by
injury time (association football ) stoppage time the quarterback that is caught by a member of
that is added on to the regulation 90 minutes of the defense
a match to make up for time lost because of in- interchange (Australian Rules, rugby league) an-
juries other term for a substitute
inline skates (roller skating) another term for intercollegiate football (American football ) an-
rollerblades other term for college football
inner (archery, shooting) the part of the target next intermediates (auto racing) tires used in changeable
to the bull weather, having more grooves and tread than
inning (baseball ) a turn at batting for each team dry-weather tires but fewer than wets
innings (cricket) a turn at batting for a batsman or international ( general ) (1) (of ) a contest between
for a whole team teams of different countries; (2) a participant in
inquiry (horse racing) shortening of stewards’ in- such a contest
quiry International Cricket Council (cricket) the gov-
inrun (skiing) the portion of a ski jump during erning body of the world game, with headquar-
which the skier travels down the ramp ters at Lord’s, founded in 1909 as the Imperial
inside center (rugby union) the center who plays Cricket Conference and until 1993 administered
between the fly half and the outside center by the MCC
inside edge (cricket) a deflection of the ball from International Olympic Committee (Olympics) the
the inner edge of the bat; (ice skating) the inner body that administers the modern Olympic
of the two edges of the blade of a skate Games, set up in 1894 and comprising represen-
inside left (association football, field hockey) an at- tatives of national Olympic associations from all
tacking position on the left side toward the cen- of the member countries
ter of the field interstate (baseball ) a batting average below 100
inside right (association football, field hockey) an at- [all U.S. interstate highways have two-digit
tacking position on the right side toward the numbers]
center of the field interval running (athletics) another term for in-
inside-the-park home run (baseball ) a home run terval training
scored without the ball going beyond the field of interval training (athletics) alternate fast and slow
play running at timed intervals in a single session,
inside track ( general ) the inner track of a race- carried out as training for marathons and other
track or racecourse, which is shorter because of long-distance races
a curve and therefore advantageous intervarsity ( general ) (of ) a game or match be-
inspection (horse racing) an examination of the tween universities, especially Oxford and Cam-
course by stewards before a race or meeting bridge
when racing is in doubt because of bad weather inverted cross ( g ymnastics) a holding move on the
instant replay ( general ) another term for an ac- rings in a handstand position, with the arms
tion reply stretched out perpendicular to the body
insurance ( general ) a tactical or strategic form of invitational (general) a match or contest open only
play that enables a team to build up an unbeat- to those invited
able or unmatchable lead inward (swimming) a dive in which the diver starts
79 inwick • James

with his back to the water and continues with a Isthmian Games ( general ) a festival of sporting
rotation toward the board contests similar to the Olympic Games held in
inwick (curling) a wick in which the stone slides ancient Greece on the Isthmus of Corinth
close to the tee Italian Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula One
IOC (Olympics) abbreviation of International international Grand Prix held on the circuit at
Olympic Committee Monza, Italy
ippon (judo, karate) a winning score of one full Ivy League (American football ) a conference of
point, awarded for a perfectly executed throw or colleges and universities in the northeastern
hold [Japanese ip (from ichi), “one,” and pon, a United States whose teams largely founded and
numerical counter for something long, as a staff developed college football in the late 19th cen-
or sword] tury [from the nickname of the colleges them-
Irish (rugby union) short name of the English club selves]
London Irish jab (boxing) a short straight punch
Irish Derby (horse racing) an annual race run at jack (bowls) the small white (occasionally yellow)
the Curragh since 1866 [named for the English object ball, which in crown green bowls has a
Derby] bias
Irish Grand National (horse racing) an annual race Jack Adams Award (ice hockey) the trophy awarded
run at Fairyhouse since 1870 [named for the annually to the coach of the year [named after
English Grand National] Jack Adams, manager of the Detroit Red Wings
Irish whip (wrestling) a one-handed throw in which in the late 1940s and early 1950s]
the arm is whipped back and forth forcing the jack high (bowls) a bowl that is level with the jack
opponent to execute an aerial somersault [a term now officially obsolete]
iron ( golf ) a club with a thin metal head, used for jacket (horse racing) the loose-fitting silk or satin
shorter shots than a wood blouse (formerly jacket) worn by a jockey in
Iron (association football ) nickname of the English the distinctive colors of the owner of the race-
club Scunthorpe United [from the town’s iron horse
and steel industry] jackknife (swimming) a dive in which the swim-
iron man (athletics) a powerful athlete mer bends his body in two, grasps or touches
Ironman ( general ) a test of endurance in the form his ankles, then straightens his body out again on
of a triathlon at a surf carnival, held in Hawaii entering the water
since 1978 and comprising a swim in the sea of 2.4 jackpot ( general ) a cash prize won on certain con-
miles (3.9km), a cycle race of 112 miles (180km) ditions, especially one that accumulates
around the island of Oahu, and a marathon jaffa (cricket) a well-bowled ball that is likely to
ironmongery (mountaineering) colloquial term for take a wicket [said to be so called because
all the metal tools and equipment used for climb- “sweeter” than the other balls in a bowler’s spell,
ing, such as ice axes, crampons, and pitons as a Jaffa orange is sweeter than others]
irons (horse racing) colloquial term for stirrups Jags (association football ) colloquial name of the
Irons (association football ) occasional nickname of Scottish clubs Inverness Caledonian Thistle and
the English club West Ham United [of the same Partick Thistle [local term for the jagged leaves
origin as the better-known nickname Hammers] of a thistle, the Scottish national emblem]
Ironwoman ( general ) the semi-official title of a fe- Jaguars (American football ) short name of the Jack-
male winner of an Ironman sonville Jaguars team
Iroquois Cup (lacrosse) the cup awarded since 1890 jai alai (sport) a type of pelota resembling hand-
to the winners of the annual English club cham- ball, played with a long curved basket strapped
pionship [named for the Iroquois people of to the wrist [Spanish, from Basque jai, “festival,”
Canada from whom the game was adopted] and alai, “merry”]
Isis (rowing) the reserve eight of Oxford University, jam (mountaineering) the act of twisting a hand or
who race their Cambridge counterpart, Goldie, foot in a crack to secure a hold
immediately before the Boat Race [name of the Jam Tarts (association football ) nickname of the
Thames River at Oxford] Scottish club Heart of Midlothian [rhyming
Island Games (general) a biennial festival of sport- slang for Hearts, with an additional reference to
ing contests similar to the regional games of the the maroon color of the team’s shirts]
Olympics held since 1985 for competitors from Jambos (association football ) nickname for sup-
an island community, the venue varying but al- porters of the Scottish club Heart of Midloth-
ways on an island ian [variant form of Jam Tarts]
Islanders (ice hockey) short name of the New York James Norris Memorial Trophy (ice hockey) the
Islanders team trophy awarded to the outstanding defenseman
jamming • judo 80

throughout a season [named for James Norris, jink (rugby union) a quick deceptive turn, as made
owner of the Detroit Red Wings from 1932 to on getting the ball out from a ruck
1952] jock ( general ) (1) colloquial term for a jockstrap;
jamming (baseball ) a pitch aimed at the body of (2) colloquial term for a sportsman
the batter so as to cramp his swing and rob him Jock Scott (angling) a type of artificial fly [named
of power to hit the ball for Jock Scott, the Scottish fisherman who de-
Japanese Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula signed it in the mid-19th century]
One international Grand Prix held on the cir- jockey (association football ) to move backward, for-
cuit at Suzuka, Japan ward, or sideways in order to cover changes in di-
jar (horse racing) another term for firm going, es- rection by opposition players; (horse racing) a
pecially as adversely affecting horses who per- (usually professional) rider in a horse race [pet
form better on softer ground form of the male name Jock, applied to a young
javelin (athletics) (1) a light spear for throwing; (2) male, as jockeys were originally boys]
the field event in which it is thrown jockey cap (horse racing) a reinforced cap with a
jaws (snooker) the corners of the cushion either long peak, worn by jockeys
side of a pocket Jockey Club (horse racing) the organization founded
Jazz (basketball) short name of the Utah Jazz team at Newmarket in about 1750 to promote and
jenny (billiards, snooker) an in-off into one of the regulate the sport and subsequently becoming
middle pockets made with the object ball close the controlling authority for flat racing [in 2007
to a cushion its regulatory powers passed to the British
jerk (weightlifting) the second phase of the clean Horseracing Authority]
and jerk movement in which the weightlifter jockstrap ( general ) a genital support worn by
lifts the barbell from shoulder height to above his sportsmen [from jock, slang term for the geni-
head with straightened arms and legs tals, and strap]
Jesters Cup (fives) the trophy awarded annually to jodhpur boots (equestrianism) ankle-high boots
the winner of the Rugby fives national champi- worn with jodhpurs
onship [named for the Jesters Club, founded in jodhpurs (equestrianism) riding breeches that are
1928 as a cricket club but now mostly associ- loose around the hip but tight-fitting from the
ated with court games] knee to the ankle [originally worn in Jodhpur,
jet ski (aquatics) a jet-propelled craft, comparable northwestern India]
to a motorcycle, used to skim across the surface jods (equestrianism) colloquial shortening of jodh-
of the water on a keel resembling a ski purs
jet skiing (aquatics) the riding of a jet ski in a com- Joeys (field hockey) nickname of the Australian na-
petition or as a form of recreation tional junior men’s team [from joey, a young
Jets (American football ) short name of the New kangaroo, the national animal]
York Jets team jog (athletics) to run at a slow, steady pace, especially
jeu de paume (sport) a former name for real ten- for exercise
nis [French, jeu de paume, “game of the palm (of jogging (athletics) running at a slow, steady pace,
the hand)”] especially for exercise
jeu provençal (sport) a game similar to boules John Player League (cricket) a former equivalent
played in Provence, France [French jeu provençal, of the Pro40 League [name of sponsor]
“Provençal game”] join the dots (cricket) to bowl a maiden over [a de-
jib (sailing) a triangular sail stretched in front of livery which scores no run is a dot ball, so that
the foremast the six dots (in two columns of three) conven-
jibe (sailing) another spelling of gybe tionally entered by the scorer for a maiden over
jigger ( golf ) a former type of iron used for ap- can be joined up to form a capital “M” for
proach shots “maiden”]
Jillaroos (field hockey) nickname of the Australian judge (angling) a type of artificial fly; (boxing) one
national under-21 women’s team [from jillaroos, of the three ringside officials who keep a record
female novices on a sheep or cattle station, as an of the scoring hits in a bout; (greyhound racing,
equivalent of the male jackaroos, from Jack and horse racing) the official who determines the
kangaroo, the national animal] finishing order in a race; (weightlifting) one of the
Jim Thorpe Trophy (American football ) the trophy three officials who decide whether a lift is valid
awarded annually since 1955 to the Most Valu- or not; (wrestling) one of the three officials in
able Player in the National Football League charge of a bout, the others being the chairman
[named for the all-around athlete and talented and the referee
football player Jim Thorpe (1888–1953)] judo (sport) a Japanese martial art that evolved
81 judogi • kabaddi

from jujitsu as a physical discipline based on jump shot (basketball, handball) a shot made when
unarmed self-defense techniques involving prin- the player’s feet are off the ground; (billiards,
ciples of movement and balance [Japanese ju, snooker) a shot that makes the cue ball jump
“gentleness,” and do, “way”] over another ball
judogi (judo) the costume of loose-fitting jacket jump the gun (athletics) to make a false start [by
and pants secured by a belt worn by a judoka leaving before the starting gun]
judoka (judo) a practitioner of or expert in judo jump turn (skiing) a turn made while jumping
Jug, The (horse racing) colloquial name of the Lit- jumper (basketball) colloquial term for a jump
tle Brown Jug harness race shot; ( general ) a person or animal, such as a
juggle (baseball ) to fumble a hit ball without drop- horse, that jumps; (rugby union) a player who
ping it, thus failing to prevent a runner from jumps to gain the ball in a lineout
reaching a base jumping jack (athletics) a jumping exercise in
jujitsu (sport) a Japanese martial art that evolved which the legs are spread apart then brought to-
as system of unarmed combat, now often prac- gether while the arms are swung above the head
ticed in physical training, in which the aim is to then back down to the sides
turn an opponent’s strength and weight to their jumping pole (athletics) the pole used in the pole
disadvantage [Japanese ju, “gentle,” and jutsu, vault
“skill”] jumpmaster (parachuting) a person in charge of
juke (American football ) to trick an opposing player parachutists
by pretending to make one move but actually jungle (golf ) colloquial term for tall rough, bushes,
making another or trees
jukskei (sport) a South African sport similar to junior (boxing) lighter than the standard for a par-
quoits, in which bottle-shaped pegs (originally ticular weight
yoke pins) are thrown at stakes fixed in the junior bantamweight (boxing) the professional
ground [Afrikaans yuk, “yoke,” and skei, “pin”] weight category of maximum 52kg (115lb)
Jules Rimet Trophy (association football ) the tro- junior circuit (baseball ) colloquial term for the
phy awarded from 1930 to 1970 that preceded the American League [so called as formed after the
World Cup [donated by French FIFA president National League]
Jules Rimet (1871 –1956)] junior featherweight (boxing) the professional
jumar (mountaineering) (1) a clamp which grips the weight category of maximum 55kg (122lb)
rope when a weight is applied but which runs junior flyweight (boxing) the professional weight
freely when it is removed; (2) a climb using such category of maximum 49kg (108lb)
clamps [of Swiss origin] junior lightweight (boxing) the professional
jump (athletics) (1) a jump made as the main part of weight category of maximum 59kg (130lb)
a movement or exercise, as a high jump or long junior middleweight (boxing) the professional
jump; (2) a jump as a the third and final phase of weight category of maximum 70kg (154lb)
the triple jump; (general) (1) a natural or man- Junior TT (motorcycle racing) the lesser annual TT
made obstacle that has to be jumped over or race [for smaller bikes than in the Senior TT]
across, as a fence in horse racing; (2) a leap in the junior welterweight (boxing) the professional
air as part of a routine, as in ice skating; (3) a leap weight category of maximum 63.5kg (140lb)
to catch, hit, or throw a ball, as in basketball; juvenile (horse racing) a two-year-old horse
(4) a place from which a jump is made, as for a K (baseball ) colloquial abbreviation for a strike-
ski jump; (parachuting) a descent by parachute out
jump ball (basketball) a ball thrown up by the ref- k point (skiing) the point at which the hill flattens
eree between opposing players to restart the out in a ski jump, expressed as so many meters
game from the takeoff and for a normal hill rated as
jump cue (pool) a cue used to make the cue ball around 90 meters [part-translation of German K-
jump Punkt, shortening of kritischer Punkt, “critical
jump hook (basketball) a hook shot made while point”]
the player’s feet are off the ground kabaddi (sport) a sport of Indian origin played be-
jump jockey (horse racing) a jockey who rides in tween two teams of 7 players, in which players
steeplechases in turn make “raids” into the opposing teams’
jump-off (equestrianism) in showjumping, an court in which they try to touch one of their
extra round to decide the winner if two or more opponents while chanting “kabbadi” to show
riders tie for first place that they are holding their breath as the rules re-
jump racing (horse racing) racing over jumps, as quire [said to derive from a word related to Kan-
distinct from flat racing nada kabalisu, “to gulp”]
kaboom • kick 82

kaboom (trampolining) a type of somersault in peatedly flicking it up with the feet, knees, or
which one part of the body lands on the bed im- chest
mediately after another, such as the heels after the kegler ( general ) a person who plays tenpin bowl-
back [imitative of the action] ing, skittles, or any related game [German
kahuna (surfing) a fictitious “god” of the sport Kegel, “skittle”]
[Hawaiian kahuna, “priest,” “wise man”] keirin (cycling) a track event over 8 laps in which
kamikaze (surfing) a deliberate wipeout [from the the riders follow a motorcyle pacer for the first
Japanese suicide pilots in World War II] 51/2 laps then sprint the remaining 21/2 laps after
Kangaroos (Australian Rules) short name of the the motorcycle leaves the track [Japanese keirin,
North Melbourne Kangaroos team; (rugby league) “bicycle race”]
nickname of the Australian national team [from Kelso (horse racing) a National Hunt racecourse
the Australian national animal] at Kelso, southeastern Scotland
karabiner (mountaineering) another spelling of Kempton (horse racing) short name of Kempton
carabiner Park
karate (sport) a Japanese martial art as a form of Kempton Park (horse racing) a flat and National
self-defense using blows of the hands and kicks Hunt racecourse at Sunbury, near London, En-
of the feet, together with special breathing and gland
shouts [Japanese kara, “empty,” and te, “hand,” kendo (sport) a Japanese martial art that uses cuts
denoting a weaponless sport] or thrusts from a bamboo sword to score blows
karate chop (karate) a sharp, slanting blow of the on one’s opponent [Japanese ken, “sword,” and
hand do, “way”]
karateka (karate) a practitioner of or expert in kendoka (kendo) a practitioner of or expert in
karate kendo
kart (auto racing) shortening of go-kart kennel (greyhound racing) a business that owns and
karting (auto racing) the sport of racing in go-karts races greyhounds
kata (karate) a formal series of practice exercises Kentucky Derby (horse racing) a race for three-
and movements year-old horses, run annually at Churchill
kayak (canoeing) a type of small canoe based on Downs, Louisville, Kentucky, since 1875
an Inuit (Eskimo) original and propelled by a Kentucky Futurity (horse racing) a harness race
paddle with a blade on each end (or on one end for three-year-old trotters, run annually at the
only) Red Mile, Lexington, Kentucky, since 1893
kayaker (canoeing) a person who paddles in a Kentucky Three-Day Event (equestrianism) the
kayak nation’s prime three-day event, held annually
kayaking (canoeing) the sport or recreation of pad- at the Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington, Ken-
dling in a kayak tucky, since 1978
kayo (boxing) a knockout [phonetic spelling of kermesse (cycling) a criterium raced around a short
KO] town-center circuit, especially in Belgium
keel (rowing) the structure of the bottom of the [Flemish kermesse, “kermis” (an annual fair, lit-
boat that runs from bow to stern; (sailing) the erally “church mass”)]
fixed, fin-like structure on the bottom of the hull KERS (auto racing) acronym of kinetic energy re-
that stabilizes the boat covery system, used by drivers to increase speed
keelboat (sailing) a boat with a heavy keel that on a lap, as when overtaking [the system was
provides weight to offset the sails abandoned in 2010]
keep goal (association football ) to act as goalkeeper key (basketball) the (usually painted) area on the
keep one’s end up (cricket) to be content to keep court that includes the foul lane and the foul
one’s wicket standing without trying to score circle [so called because in shape it resembles a
keep wicket (cricket) to act as wicketkeeper keyhole]
keeper (American football ) an offensive play in kick (athletics) a sudden increase in speed, as in the
which the quarterback keeps the ball and runs final lap of a long-distance race; (shooting) the
with it instead of attempting a pass to his re- recoil of a gun when fired; (snooker) a bad con-
ceiver; (association football ) shortening of goal- tact between the cue ball and the object ball,
keeper; (cricket) shortening of wicketkeeper caused by dust or chalk on the billiard table
keepnet (angling) a cone-shaped net in which fish kick-and-rush (association football ) (of ) a type of
that have been caught are kept in the water until play that is more energetic than skillful
they can be weighed kick from the hand (rugby league, rugby union) a
keepy-uppy (association football ) the feat of keep- kick of the ball as it is let fall from the hand of
ing the ball from touching the ground by re- the kicker
83 kick-in • kitesurfing

kick-in (association football ) a practice in goal ing) the act of absorbing the recoil from the bed
shooting before the start of a match by flexing the body at the hips, knees, and ankles;
kick-nose (skateboarding) the curved front end of (volleyball) another term for a spike
the skateboard kill-devil (angling) an artificial fly that spins in
kick out (basketball) to pass the ball from inside the the water like a wounded fish
foul lane to a player outside it Killarney (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt
kick shot (pool) a shot in which the cue ball racecourse at Killarney, Co. Kerry, Ireland
bounces off one or more cushions before hitting Killies (association football ) short name of the Scot-
the object ball tish club Kilmarnock
kick-tail (skateboarding) the curved back end of kilo (cycling) colloquial term for a 1km time trial
the skateboard King George (horse racing) short name of the King
kick turn (skateboarding) a 180-degree turn on the George VI and Queen Elizabeth Diamond
skateboard made by pressing down and pivot- Stakes
ing on the back wheels; (skiing) a turn in which King George V Gold Cup (equestrianism) the
one ski is raised so that its tail touches the trophy awarded for an international men’s
ground and then pivoted to point in the desired showjumping competition held at Hickstead
direction since 1934 [named for George V (1865–1936)]
kickabout (association football ) an informal game King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Diamond
kickback (horse racing) loose material thrown up Stakes (horse racing) an annual race at Ascot
from the track by a galloping horse founded in 1951 to mark the Festival of Britain
kickball (baseball ) a simple form of the game using [named for George VI (1895–1952) and his wife
a larger ball which is kicked, not batted Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mother) (1900–
kickboxing (sport) a martial art of American ori- 2002)]
gin similar to karate in which combatants kick King George VI Chase (horse racing) an annual
with bare feet and punch with gloved fists race run traditionally on Boxing Day (Decem-
kicker (cricket) a ball that rebounds sharply from ber 26) at Kempton Park since 1947 [named for
the pitch; ( general ) a player whose job is to take George VI (1895–1952)]
special kicks, as in set pieces; (skiing, snowboard- King of the Mountains (cycling) the title given to
ing) a steep ramp used to propel performers into the leader in the competition for points gained
the air on climbs in the Tour de France or Giro d’Italia
kickflip (skateboarding, snowboarding) a jump into king pair (cricket) a golden duck in both innings
the air that makes the board rotate before the of a match
jumper lands on it King Willow (sport) a personification of cricket
kicking coach (rugby union) a coach in kicking [from the willow from which the bat is tradi-
skills, and especially place kicks tionally made]
kicking game (rugby union) play in which the ball Kings (basketball) short name of the Sacramento
is primarily advanced by being kicked, as against Kings team; (ice hockey) short name of the Los
a handling game Angeles Kings team
kicking tee (rugby union) a plastic device used to Kinnaird Cup (fives) the cup awarded since 1926
hold the ball stationary for a place kick to the winner of an annual contest in Eton fives
kickoff (American football ) a kick from the 35- [donated by Lord Kinnaird (1880–1972)]
yard line made at the start of each half; (associ- kip ( g ymnastics) a movement in which the body is
ation football ) a kick to a teammate from the rapidly straightened from an inverted pike po-
center spot made at the start or resumption of sition by pushing the hips forward and the legs
a game back [origin uncertain, but perhaps related to
kickout (surfing) a maneuver executed by pressing Low German Kippe, “point”]
down on the rear of the surf board and then kiss (billiards, snooker) a light contact between two
turning it so as to ride up and over the crest of balls in motion
a wave kiss the mistress (bowls) to lightly graze the jack
kickwax (skiing) another term for gripwax [mistress in former sense “jack”]
Kilbeggan (horse racing) a National Hunt race- kit ( general ) a set of sports clothes or equipment
course at Kilbeggan, Co. Westmeath, Ireland kite ( general ) a type of specially designed para-
kilian (ice skating) a fast ice dance performed by a chute on which a person is suspended when
pair of skaters side by side [origin uncertain] being towed in a sport such as kitesurfing or
kill (association football, field hockey) to stop a ball parakiting
dead; (badminton, tennis) a smash that cannot kiteboarding (sport) another term for kitesurfing
be returned; (boxing) a knockout; (trampolin- kitesurfing (sport) a sport similar to windsurfing
kitty • Ladies’ Plate 84

in which a person is towed on a board like a Kookaburras (field hockey) colloquial name of the
wakeboard behind a steerable kite Australian national men’s team [from the bird
kitty (bowls) another term for the jack associated with Australia]
Kiwis ( general ) a New Zealand sports team [from kop (association football ) a high bank of terraces for
the country’s national bird] standing spectators at a match, especially that
knee drop (trampolining) a landing position on the originally at Anfield [from the hill Spion Kop,
knees and shins with the rest of the body verti- near Ladysmith, South Africa, the site of a
cal British defeat during the Boer War]
kneeboard (water skiing) a short board like a surf- korfball (sport) a game of Dutch origin resembling
board on which the rider kneels while sitting basketball played between two teams of eight,
on his heels the aim being to score goals in suspended bas-
Knickerbockers (basketball) short name of the kets made of woven rattan or wicker [Dutch
New York Knickerbockers team korf, “basket,” and bal, “ball”]
Knicks (basketball) short colloquial name for the Kovacs ( g ymnastics) a flyaway on the horizontal
Knickerbockers bar and asymmetric bars in which the gym-
Knights (rugby league) short name of the English nast, after swinging around the bar, releases the
club City Knights bar, performs a back somersault in the air, then
knock (cricket) the score achieved by a batsman regrasps the bar [introduced in 1979 by the Hun-
in a single innings; (cycling) another term for garian gymnast Peter Kovacs]
bonk krav maga (sport) a form of self-defense using mar-
knock-back (association football ) a downward tial art techniques that was originally developed
header for a nearby teammate to take on for Israeli defense forces as a system of unarmed
knock-down (association football ) a downward combat [Hebrew krav maga, “contact fighting”]
header for a teammate to run to kumite (karate) a form of sparring similar to that
knock in (polo) to put the ball back into play from in boxing except that attacks are stopped short
one’s own backline of contact with the target [Japanese kumi, “set,”
knock-on (rugby league, rugby union) a contraven- and te, “hand”]
tion of the rules in which the ball is knocked Kumuls (rugby league) nickname of the Papua New
forward with the hand or arm Guinea national team [from the bird of paradise
knock out ( general ) to defeat in a knockout com- native to the islands]
petition kung fu (sport) a martial art of Chinese origin cov-
knock the balls about (billiards) to play an infor- ering both armed and unarmed combat tech-
mal game niques and self-defense [Chinese kung, “merit,”
knock up (cricket) to score runs rapidly and fu, “master”]
knock-up (squash, tennis) a practice game before kyu (judo, karate) one of the novice grades of
a match proficiency [Japanese kyu, “class”]
knockout (boxing) a blow that renders the oppo- kyudo (archery) a form of the sport designed to de-
nent unconscious or incapable of recovering be- velop concentration and coordination [Japanese
fore the end of the count kyu, “bow,” and do, “way”]
knockout competition ( general ) a contest in lacks (sport) colloquial term for lacrosse
which the losers in each round are eliminated lacrosse (sport) a field game of French-Canadian
knots (surfing) the cuts and bruises sustained by a origin played by men and women (with differ-
surfer that serve as a status symbol ent rules for each) in which a crosse is used to
knuckleball (baseball ) a slow pitch with an un- throw, catch, and cradle the ball and drive it
predictable trajectory, effected by gripping the into the opponents’ goal [Canadian French (le jeu
ball with the fingertips de) la crosse, “(the game of ) the hooked stick”]
knuckler (baseball ) colloquial term for a knuck- lad (horse racing) shortening of stable lad
leball ladder tournament ( general ) a tournament in
knur and spell (sport) a game resembling trapball which players are ranked according to perform-
played chiefly in northern England in which a ance and can move up only by defeating a
knur (ball) is thrown up by a spell (trap) to be higher-ranked player
hit with a stick or bat Ladies’ Day (horse racing) colloquial name of the
KO (boxing) abbreviation of knockout day when the Ascot Gold Cup is run at Royal
koka (judo) the lowest score awarded for a throw Ascot or the Cheltenham Gold Cup at Chel-
or hold, worth three points [Japanese koka, “re- tenham, the emphasis being on fashion rather
sult”] than racing
kook (surfing) a novice or incompetent surfer Ladies’ Plate (rowing) the trophy awarded to the
85 Lady • lay-up

winner of a race for men’s eights at Henley lapped (cycling) more than one lap behind the
Royal Regatta [first offered as a prize in 1845 leader in a track race
by the local ladies of Henley] lappery (sport) colloquial term for auto racing [in
Lady Byng Memorial Trophy (ice hockey) the tro- which contestants complete laps of the race-
phy awarded annually to the player best com- track]
bining clean play with a high standard of skill large hill (skiing) the larger of the two ski-jump
[presented in 1925 by Lady Byng, née Marie hills in the Winter Olympics, usually measur-
Evelyn Moreton (1870–1925), wife of Lord Byng ing 120m
(1862–1935), governor general of Canada Laser (sailing) a class of single-handed dinghy in-
(1921 –26)] troduced in 1971 [apparently random name]
lag (billiards) another term for string last man (association football ) a sole defender be-
lag a putt ( golf ) to play a putt with the aim of tween an attacker and the goal, who commits a
getting the ball near the hole but not necessar- foul if he prevents the attacker from taking a
ily in it clear opportunity to score a goal; (cricket) the
Lake Placid (Olympics) a noted bobsled course in last batsman of his side to go in
New York State that was the venue of the Win- late cut (cricket) a cut with a stroke played later
ter Olympics in 1932 and 1980 and remains so than usual
for world championships late tackle (association football ) a mistimed tackle
Lakers (basketball) short name of the Los Angeles made after the ball has been played and making
Lakers team contact with the player rather than with the ball,
lamé ( fencing) the metal mesh that covers the tar- so resulting in a foul
get area of a fencer, used with electronic record- lateral (American football ) a sideways or backward
ing equipment [French] pass
Lance Todd Trophy (rugby league) the trophy lateral water hazard ( golf ) a water hazard that
awarded to the man of the match in the Chal- runs parallel to the hole
lenge Cup final [named in memory of the lath (equestrianism) a thin white strip marking the
British player Lance Todd (1883–1942)] boundary of a water jump, used to indicate if a
land ( general ) to win a race or a prize horse fails to clear the jump.
land yacht (sailing) a wheeled boat with sails for Latics (association football ) colloquial name of the
running on land, usually along beaches English clubs Oldham Athletic and Wigan Ath-
landing mat (gymnastics) the mat on which a gym- letic [apparently a form of athletic]
nast lands on completing a routine on appara- laugher (baseball ) an easily won match [it was so
tus easy to win it was laughable]
landing net (angling) a special net in which fish law 29 (rugby union) an imaginary law relating to
are landed after being caught. conduct on the field that effectively equates to a
lane (athletics) a marked division of the track law of common sense
within which an athlete must stay when run- lawn bowls (bowls) the outdoor game, as distinct
ning a sprint race; (cycling) a marked division from indoor bowls
of the track in a velodrome; (swimming) a lawn tennis (sport) the formal name of tennis, as
marked channel of a swimming pool in which distinct from real tennis
a swimmer must stay when competing in a lay (angling) to lower a weight or shot into the
race; (tenpin bowling) the smooth wooden water until it rests on the bottom with the hook
runway along which the balls are bowled to the and bait; (horse racing) to place a bet on a horse
pins in a race
langlauf (skiing) another term for cross-country lay-in (basketball) a shot made at the top of a
skiing [German lang, “long,” and Lauf, “run”] jump, usually by bouncing the ball off the back-
lanterne rouge (cycling) the rider in last place in the board into the basket
general classification in a stage race [French lay off (association football, field hockey) to pass the
lanterne rouge, “red light,” from the red light on ball to a teammate who is in a better position
the rear of a train] to make progress with it
lap ( general ) a completed circuit of a track or lay on (association football, field hockey) to pass the
course ball acurately so that a teammate can make the
lap of honor ( general ) a celebratory circuit of a next move
field or track made by a team or individual lay-up (basketball) a shot made at the top of a
competitor after a victory jump in which the ball enters the basket after
lap shot (cricket) a hit by a batsman that goes being gently tipped onto the backboard; (cro-
straight into the lap of the wicketkeeper quet) a shot that leaves the balls in a position
layback • left half 86

that favors the player but puts his opponent at a names and scores of the current leaders in a
disadvantage; ( golf ) a shot played deliberately competition
short of a hazard or green league ( general ) a group of clubs or teams who
layback (mountaineering) a method of climbing a compete with one another for a championship
crack by leaning back with the feet against the League Cup (association football ) the former name
rock face; (surfing) an extreme maneuver in of the Carling Cup
which the surfer lies back on a wave league football (Australian Rules, rugby league) the
layback spin (ice skating) an upright spin made game as played in leagues
with the back arched league match ( general ) a match between two
layout ( g ymnastics) a position in which the body is clubs in the same league
fully extended, either straight or slightly arched; league table ( general ) a table in which clubs in a
(swimming) a dive in which the body and legs are league are listed according to their results
straight, with the feet together and the toes Leander (rowing) Britain’s oldest and most presti-
pointed gious rowing club, founded in London in 1818
Laytown (horse racing) a flat racecourse at Lay- but now based at Henley, the site of the Henley
town, Co. Meath, Ireland Royal Regatta [name of the rowboat from
lb (cricket) abbreviation of leg before which it evolved]
lbw (cricket) abbreviation of leg before wicket leash (surfing) the rubber cord used to attach the
lead [“first place”] (bowls) the first bowler in a surfboard to the surfer’s ankle
team, who has the advantage of bowling the leather ( general ) colloquial term for the ball in
jack; (boxing) the first punch of two or more sports such as association football, baseball,
from the same fist; (curling) the member of the and cricket [from the leather covering (or for-
rink who plays first; (equestrianism) the leg that merly covering) the ball]
the horse puts first in a canter; ( general ) (1) the leather on willow (sport) a byname for cricket
position of a competitor ahead of others in a race; [from the leather struck by the willow]
(2) the distance by which a competitor is ahead leave (billiards) the position of the balls at the end
of others; (mountaineering) the climber who goes of a player’s stroke or break; (tenpin bowling)
first, attaching safety aids such as belays the pins that remain standing after the first ball
lead [“metal”] (angling) the lead weight or piece of ledger (angling) short name for ledger bait, ledger
shot used at the end of a fishing line line, or ledger tackle
lead change (equestrianism) a maneuver in dres- ledger bait (angling) bait that is anchored to the
sage in which the horse’s lead changes bottom [from a word related to lay or lie]
lead dog (sled dog racing) the dog in the front place ledger line (angling) a fishing line fixed in one
in the team formation place
lead-off hitter (baseball ) the player who bats first ledger tackle (angling) the tackle used to keep the
for the batting side ledger bait on the bottom
lead-out (cycling) the tactic whereby a rider allows lee-oh! (sailing) the warning called by the helms-
a teammate to slipstream behind him as he rides man when the boat is about to come about
at high speed in order to give him an advantage leech (sailing) the outside edge of a sail
as he prepares to go into a sprint; (greyhound leeward (sailing) toward the direction in which the
racing) the official who parades the dogs before wind is blowing, as distinct from windward
a race and who retrieves them after it left (boxing) a punch with the left fist
lead pass (association football ) a pass into the left arm (cricket) a player who bowls with the left arm
space in which a teammate has run forward, left back (field games) a back who plays primarily
so creating a potential opportunity to score a on the left side of the pitch
goal left center (field games) a player who plays prima-
lead through (mountaineering) to act as an alter- rily to the left of the center of the pitch
nate leader over a particular stretch of rock left cross (boxing) a punch delivered from the left
lead with one’s chin (boxing) to adopt an awkward side
stance that makes one vulnerable to punches [a left defender (field games) a left half who plays
boxer normally leads with his fists] deep
leader (angling) a translucent connection between left field (baseball ) the part of the outfield to the
the end of a fishing line and the hook or fly; left of second base as viewed from home plate
( general ) (1) the player or animal (as a horse or left fielder (baseball ) a fielder positioned in left
dog) in the front place in a team; (2) the player field
or team ahead of others in a race or match left half (field games) a halfback who plays prima-
leaderboard ( golf ) the scoreboard that lists the rily on the left side of the pitch
87 left-hander • let-off

left-hander (boxing) a punch delivered with the racecourse at South Knighton, near Leicester,
left hand; ( general ) a player whose left hand is Leicesterhire, England
dominant, as against the more common right- Le Mans (auto racing) short name of the Le Mans
hander; (surfing) a wave breaking to the left, as 24-Hour race
seen by a surfer facing the beach Le Mans 24-Hour race (auto racing) an annual
left midfield (field games) the midfield players who 24-hour race for sports cars held since 1923 on
play primarily on the left side of the pitch an 8.3 miles (13.4km) circuit near Le Mans,
left wing (field games) the part of the pitch to the northwestern France
left of its center length (cricket) a suitable distance for pitching a
left winger (field games) an attacking player on the ball, a “good length” being one that the bats-
left wing man finds hard to play; (greyhound racing) the
leftie ( general ) colloquial term for a left-hander length of a greyhound’s body, used to indicate the
leg (athletics) (1) a stage of a race; (2) a single run- distance between two dogs finishing a race;
ner’s section of a relay; (cricket) shortening of (horse racing) the length of a horse, used to in-
leg side; ( general ) a distinct part of a contest or dicate the distance between two horses at the
competition; (sailing) the distance covered on a finishing post; (rowing) the length of a boat,
single tack used to judge the distance between two boats in
leg bail (cricket) the bail nearest the batsman a race; (swimming) the length of a swimming
leg before (cricket) shortening of leg before wicket pool, as a measure of distance covered by a
leg before wicket (cricket) an infringement in which swimmer; (tennis) the consistent ability of a
the lower part of the leg of the batsman prevents player to make shots to the back of the court
the ball bowled by the bowler from hitting the Lents (rowing) the boat races held in the Lent
wicket, as a result of which the batsman is out (spring) term between colleges at Cambridge
leg break (cricket) a ball bowled by a slow bowler University
that deviates from the leg side to the off side on Leonard Trophy (bowls) the trophy awarded to the
bouncing country with the best overall performances in the
leg bye (cricket) a bye scored after the ball bowled men’s world championship [donated in 1966 by
by the bowler has touched any part of the bats- W.M. Leonard, managing director of the Aus-
man’s person except his hands or the bat tralian company that originally sponsored it]
leg circle ( g ymnastics) a move on the pommel Leopardstown (horse racing) a flat and National
horse in which the legs are kept together and Hunt racecourse near Dublin, Ireland
swung in complete circles around the horse, the leotard ( g ymnastics) a close-fitting one-piece gar-
hands being lifted to allow the legs to pass ment worn by gymnasts [first worn by the
leg cutter (cricket) a a ball bowled by a fast bowler French trapeze artist Jules Léotard (1830–1870)]
that deviates from the leg side to the off side on les autres (Olympics) the term used for competi-
bouncing tors in the Paralympic Games whose disability
leg drive (cricket) a drive to the leg side does not fit into any of the other defined groups
leg glance (cricket) a glance to the leg side [French les autres, “the others”]
leg rope (surfing) another name for a leash Les Bleus (rugby union) nickname of the French
leg side (cricket) the side of the pitch on which the national team [French les bleus, “the blues,” for
batsman stands when waiting to receive a ball the color of their strip]
from the bowler [his legs are on that side] Lester B. Pearson Award (ice hockey) the trophy
leg slip (cricket) a fielder positioned slightly be- awarded to the outstanding player of the year
hind the batsman on the leg side [named in honor of the Canadian prime minis-
leg spin (cricket) the spin given to the ball by the ter Lester B. Pearson (1897–1972)]
bowler so that it causes a leg break Lester Patrick Trophy (ice hockey) the trophy
leg spinner (cricket) a bowler who bowls leg spins awarded since 1966 for outstanding service to
leg stump (cricket) the stump nearest the batsman the sport in the United States [named for Lester
leg theory (cricket) the theory that favors body- Patrick (1883–1960), manager and coach of the
line bowling, with a large number of fielders New York Rangers]
on the leg side close to the wicket let (squash) a replayed point following uninten-
leg trap (cricket) a group of fielders positioned for tional obstruction; (table tennis) a replayed
catches on the leg side close to the wicket point; (tennis) (1) a serve that hits the net cord
Leger (horse racing) short name of the St. Leger before landing, and is accordingly replayed;
leggie (cricket) another spelling of leggy (2) a replayed point [not let, “permit,” but let,
leggy (cricket) colloquial term for a leg spinner “hinder”]
Leicester (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt let-off (cricket) the reprieve of a batsman because
letter • lineout 88

a fielder has missed an opportunity of getting Lightning (ice hockey) short name of the Tampa
him out Bay Lightning team
letter ( general ) an award to a player for achieve- lightweight (boxing) the professional weight cat-
ment in sport made by a school or college in the egory of maximum 61kg (135lb)
form of a monogram (letter) representing the lightweight rowing (rowing) a contest for rowers
name of the awarding establishment weighing less than 70kg (154lb)
letter jacket ( general ) a blouson-style jacket in Lilienthal Medal (gliding) the sport’s highest
school or college colors bearing an embroidered award, instituted in 1928 [named in memory of
or sewn-on letter (originally as a sporting award the German aeronautical pioneer Otto Lilien-
but now more generally) thal (1848–1896)]
letterbox (mountaineering) a rectangular opening in Lilywhites (association football ) nickname of the
a narrow rock ridge English club Preston North End [so called from
levade (equestrianism) a movement in dressage in the color of the team’s strip]
which the horse rears up to balance on its limb (archery) the upper or lower half of a bow
hindlegs with its forelegs drawn up [French lev- Limerick (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt
ade, “a raising”] racecourse in Co. Limerick, Ireland
leveller (association football ) another term for an limited-over (cricket) (of ) a match in which the
equalizer number of overs is restricted
libero (association football ) another term for a Lincoln Handicap (horse racing) a flat race
sweeper; (volleyball) a player who can be brought run annually at Doncaster [until 1965 run at
on at any time to play in a defensive position Lincoln and known as the Lincolnshire Handi-
[short for Italian battitore libero, literally “free cap]
beater” (i.e. “defender”)] line (American football ) (1) the odds set by book-
lido (swimming) an open-air swimming pool makers; (2) the players who line up on or near the
[originally the name of a bathing beach near line of scrimmage; (angling) shortening of
Venice, Italy] fishing line; (cricket) the direction of flight of a
lie ( golf ) the position from which the ball has to ball bowled by the bowler; ( general) (1) a mark
be played that limits an area of play or that must be crossed
Liège-Bastogne-Liège (cycling) an annual road to score or to win a race; (2) a strategic formation
race in Belgium from Liège to Bastogne and of players in a row in a team game such as Amer-
back (via a different route), first held in 1892 ican football or ice hockey; (golf ) the direction
Liffey Descent (canoeing) an annual long-distance of the hole from the position of a player’s ball
race in Ireland down the Liffey River, first held line call (tennis) a call on the status of a shot, made
in 1959 by an umpire or line judge
lift (ice skating) in pair skating, a movement in line drive (baseball ) a hard-hit ball with a flat tra-
which the man lifts the woman in the air, as in jectory
an axel lift; (weightlifting) the movement by line-fishing (angling) fishing with a line rather
which a weightlifter lifts the barbell; (wrestling) than a net
the movement by which a wrestler lifts an op- line judge (American football ) the member of the
ponent officiating team who monitors the line of scrim-
lifter (cricket) a ball, especially one bowled fast, mage; (tennis) an official who watches a line to
that rises sharply after striking the pitch judge whether a shot is in or out
liftoff ( general ) another term for a takeoff line of scrimmage (American football ) an imagi-
ligger (angling) a fishing line with a float and bait nary line across the field behind which the line-
which is left in the water, especially as a night- men of a team position themselves at the start of
line for pike fishing [related to lie] play
Light Blues (association football ) a nickname of line orienteering (orienteering) the following of a
the Scottish club Rangers [the team’s shirts are set route marked on a master map
lighter in color than those of the Dark Blues] line player (handball ) another term for a pivot
light flyweight (boxing) another term for junior linebacker (American football ) a defensive player
flyweight positioned just behind the line of scrimmage
light heavyweight (boxing) the professional weight lineman (American football ) any player who lines
category of maximum 79kg (175lb) up on the line of scrimmage
light middleweight (boxing) another term for jun- lineout (rugby union) the means of restarting play
ior middleweight after the ball has gone into touch, in which the
light welterweight (boxing) the professional two sets of forwards form a line facing the
weight category of maximum 63.5kg (140lb) touchline and a player from the opposing team
89 liner • London

throws the ball in, upon which the jumpers at- teams of Canisius College, Niagara University,
tempt to gain possession and St. Bonaventure College
liner (baseball ) a ball which when struck flies live bait (angling) a living worm or small fish used
through the air in a nearly straight line not far as bait
from the ground Livi Lions (association football ) nickname of the
linesman (American football, tennis) another term Scottish club Livingston
for a line judge; (association football ) the former load (horse racing) to ride or lead a horse into the
name of an assistant referee; (ice hockey) an starting stalls before a race
official responsible for calling any infraction re- load the bases (baseball ) to place baserunners at
garding the blue line or red line first base, second base, and third base
lineup (billiards) the positioning of three balls in loan (association football ) the temporary transfer of
a direct line, with one’s opponent’s ball between a player from one club to another with no trans-
the cue ball and the red; ( general ) a list of pro- fer fee involved
posed or actual members of a team, entrants for lob (cricket) a low underhand ball bowled by the
a race, or the like; (surfing) the place where bowler; ( general ) a hit or kick that sends the
surfers wait for waves to break, lining them- ball in a high arc, usually for strategic reasons,
selves up with a particular point on the shore for example to score a goal
Lingfield Park (horse racing) a flat and National lob wedge ( golf ) a wedge with a high degree of
Hunt racecourse near Lingfield, Surrey, England loft, used to play pitch shots and flop shots
linkman (association football, field hockey) a player local derby (association football ) a match between
who acts as a link between the center forwards rival teams from the same area [after the Derby]
and the backs lock (rugby league, rugby union) one of the two
links ( golf ) shortening of golf links players in the second row of the scrum, behind
lino (association football ) colloquial name for a the hooker; (wrestling) a hold that prevents an
linesman opponent from moving the part held
Lions (American football ) short name of the Detroit lock forward (rugby league, rugby union) an alter-
Lions team; (association football ) nickname of nate name for the forward who is a lock
the English club Millwall [from their self- locker room ( general ) (1) a room for changing
acclaimed prowess]; (Australian Rules) short clothes and storing belongings in a locker, as in
name of the Brisbane Lions team; (Canadian a pavilion, gymnasium, or sports center or at
football ) short name of the British Columbia a swimming pool; (2) the equivalent of a
Lions team; (rugby league) short name of the En- changing room as a place where individual par-
glish club Swinton Lions; (rugby union) popu- ticipants and team members can discuss tactics
lar name of the British and Irish Lions, a tour- or fellow players, be addressed by their captain,
ing team made up of players from the British manager, or coach, and the like
Isles [named from the lion on the team’s official loft ( general ) a stroke or hit that sends a ball up
necktie] high; ( golf ) the degree of angle at which a club-
lip ( golf ) the edge or rim of the hole head is set
lip out ( golf ) to hit the lip of the hole but not fall lofter (golf ) a golf club, especially an 8-iron, used
in for a loft
liptrick (snowboarding) a trick performed on or log (surfing) a large, cumbersome surfboard
near the lip of the wall of the half-pipe lollipop (association football ) colloquial term for
listed race (horse racing) a flat race that is less im- a stepover; (auto racing) colloquial term for
portant than a pattern race but still highly the sign on a stick used to give instructions
prized to a driver during a pit stop; (bowls) collo-
Listowel (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt quial term for one of the small colored lollipop-
racecourse at Listowel, Co. Kerry, Ireland shaped pieces of plastic held up by the marker
Little Brown Jug (horse racing) an annual harness to indicate the number of shots gained in an
race for three-year-old pacers, run at Delaware, end
Ohio, since 1946 [named by newspaper vote lolly (cricket) colloquial term for an easy catch
after the popular song of 1869] [shortening of lollipop, with a suggestion of
Little League (baseball ) an international organi- dolly]
zation for children and young people, founded London Marathon (athletics) an annual marathon
in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, in 1939 run since 1981 over a course in London, England,
Little Three (American football ) the college foot- to raise money for charity
ball teams of Amherst College, Wesleyan Uni- London to Brighton Walk (athletics) an annual
versity, and Williams College; (basketball) the 53-mile (85km) race walking event between
long • Lord’s 90

London and Brighton, England, first held in 1919 forms gymnastic maneuvers [French longeur,
but discontinued in 2003 “person who walks alongside”]
long ball ( general ) a ball hit, kicked, or thrown a longstop (cricket) a now rarely used fielding posi-
long way tion directly behind the wicket to stop balls
long bomb (American football ) a play in which a missed by the wicketkeeper
quarterback throws a long ball to a receiver po- Lonsdale Belt (boxing) the trophy in the form of
sitioned near the end zone to score a touchdown a belt awarded for winning the same title three
long corner (field hockey) a free hit taken from the times in succession [presented in 1909 by Lord
corner of the goal line Lonsdale (1857–1944), president of the National
long-distance race (general) a race over a long dis- Sporting Club]
tance, as in long-distance running look for runs (cricket) to take every opportunity,
long-distance runner (athletics) a runner in a long- as a batsman, to score a run
distance race look-in (American football ) a quick pass made to
long-distance running (athletics) a blanket term a receiver running diagonally across the center of
for the 5,000 meters and 10,000 meters foot the field
races loom (rowing) the long section of the oar between
long field (cricket) a fielding position near the the handle and the blade
boundary on the bowler’s side, or more Loons (association football ) nickname of the Scot-
specifically long off or long on tish club Forfar Athletic [Scots loon, “boy,” “lad”]
long game ( golf ) the various kinds of play needed loop (ice skating) shortening of loop jump; (table
to reach the green tennis) a shot that places heavy topspin on the
long hop (cricket) a ball bowled so that it makes a ball
long flight after pitching or bouncing loop jump (ice skating) a jump in which the skater
long iron ( golf ) an iron used to play long shots takes off from the back outside edge, makes a full
long jump (athletics) a field event in which an ath- turn in the air, then lands on the same edge
lete sprints down a runway then leaps as far as loose (rugby union) (of ) forward play that does not
possible off the board to land in the pit involve scrums or lineouts
long leg (cricket) a fielding position on the bound- loose ball (association football ) a ball not in the
ary behind the batsman on the leg side possession of either team
long odds (horse racing) odds in a bet that are un- loose box (horse racing) a part of a stable where
favorable in terms of risk but favorable in terms horses are kept untied [“loose” because they can
of potential gain move about]
long off (cricket) a fielding position on the bound- loose forward (rugby league) the forward who
ary behind the bowler on the off side binds at the back of the scrum behind the two
long on (cricket) a fielding position on the bound- second-row forwards; (rugby union) (1) either
ary behind the bowler on the leg side of the two wing forwards; (2) the forward who
long reliever (baseball ) a relief pitcher used to binds at the back of the scrum
pitch several innings if the starting pitcher has loose head (rugby league, rugby union) the forward
to be removed from the game in the front row of the scrum closest to the
Long Room (cricket) a large room in the pavilion scrum half as he puts the ball in
at Lord’s which every player must pass through loose-head prop (rugby league, rugby union) the
before going out to the field of play prop forward on the left of the front row in the
long throw (association football ) a throw-in that scrum
sends the ball into or near the goal area of the loose scrum (rugby league, rugby union) a scrum
opposing team, thus giving an opportunity for formed by the players around the ball during
a teammate to score play, as distinct from one ordered by the referee
long-track racing (motorcycle racing) a form of loosen up ( general ) to exercise gently in prepara-
speedway over 1,000-meter tracks tion for a full effort, as in athletics
Long Western (archery) a round of 48 arrows for loosener (cricket) an indifferent ball bowled by the
men and women respectively at 80 and 60yds bowler before he is fully warmed up
(73m and 55m) Lord’s (cricket) the home ground of Middlesex
longboard (surfing) an extra long surfboard, such county cricket club, London, that is the head-
as a Malibu quarters of the Marylebone Cricket Club and
Longchamp (horse racing) a noted racecourse near a regular venue for test matches [founded in
Paris, France Marylebone in 1787 by Thomas Lord (1755–
longeur (equestrianism) in vaulting, the person 1832) but in 1814 moved to St. John’s Wood, to
who leads round the horse while the rider per- the northwest]
91 loser • magic

loser (billiards, snooker) colloquial term for a los- club AS Roma [Italian lupi, “wolves,” from the
ing hazard legend that Rome was founded by Romulus and
losing hazard (billiards, snooker) a stroke in which Remus, who were suckled by a she-wolf ]
a player’s own ball goes into a pocket after con- lure (angling) a type of brightly-colored artificial
tact with another ball fly; (greyhound racing) the object resembling a
lost ball (cricket) a situation in which the ball can- hare that is chased by the dogs in a race as it is
not be found or recovered, as a result of which electrically driven around the inside of the track
it is declared dead lutz (ice skating) a jump from the back outside
lot (horse racing) a batch of horses grouped for daily edge of one skate to the same edge of the other
exercise, as in a gallop skate, with a complete rotation while in the air
love (tennis) a zero score [probably from love in the [said to have been invented by the Swiss skater
sense “nothing,” as in “labor of love”] Gustave Lussi (1898–1993)]
love-all (tennis) a score of no points on either side Luzhniki ( general ) a sports complex in Moscow,
love-fifteen (tennis) a score of no points to the Russia, that was one of the main arenas for the
server and one point to the opponent 1980 Olympic Games
love-five (tennis) colloquial term for a score of Lynx (rugby league) short name of the English club
love-fifteen Chorley Lynx
love-forty (tennis) a score of no points to the m (horse racing) abbreviation of mile (or miles) in
server and three points to the opponent racing reports
love game (tennis) a game in which a player fails to M (cricket) abbreviation of maiden over in scoring
score a point mace (cricket) the trophy in the form of an orb atop
love set (tennis) a set in which a player fails to score a stump awarded since 2001 to the top-ranked
a point world team [official title ICC Test Champi-
love-thirty (tennis) a score of no points to the onship Mace]
server and two points to the opponent machine (auto racing) colloquial term for a racecar
low bar ( g ymnastics) the lower of the two asym- MacRobertson International Shield (croquet) the
metric bars trophy awarded to the winner of a tournament
low house (shooting) the lower trap in skeet played between Britain, Australia, New Zealand,
low post (basketball) the part of the court just out- and the United States [donated in 1925 by the
side the foul lane and under the basket Australian philanthropist Sir MacPherson
low side ( golf ) an underestimate of the borrow Robertson (1860–1945)]
required when making a putt made pony (polo) an experienced pony
lowball (baseball ) a ball pitched in such a way that madhouse (darts) the score of a double one [from
it passes over the plate below the level of the the frustration felt by a player struggling to finish
batter the game with this difficult double]
Ludlow (horse racing) a National Hunt racecourse madison (cycling) a 50km track race with two
at Bromfield, near Ludlow, Shropshire, England teams of two riders competing for points dur-
luff (sailing) to turn a boat toward the wind ing intermittent sprints [first ridden at Madi-
lug (sailing) to carry too much sail son Square Garden in 1892]
Lugano Trophy (athletics) the trophy awarded to Madison Square Garden ( general ) a major indoor
the winner of the world championship in race sporting and entertainment center in New York
walking [first won in 1961 in Lugano, Switzer- City, successively rebuilt and renewed since its
land] original opening in 1879
luge (sport) a race on the specially designed light to- Magic (basketball) short name of the Orlando
boggan so named [Swiss French luge] Magic team
lugworm (angling) a sluggish worm found in the magic ball (cricket) an unplayable ball which will
sand on the seashore, used for bait invariably dismiss the batsman
lunch (cricket) the first meal break of the day dur- magic minute ( general ) a time of one minute in a
ing a match, regarded as a time point for the race or other contest, regarded as a challenge for
number of runs scored a new record in a shorter time [as in the 1964
lunge ( fencing) a sudden attack with the sword, Olympic Games by the Australian swimmer
made with the back leg straightened and the Dawn Fraser in the women’s 100 meters freestyle
body and front leg thrust forward; ( g ymnastics) with a time of 59.5 seconds]
a sudden movement forward or sideways, made magic sponge (association football ) colloquial term
with one leg bent at the knee and the other for the damp sponge at one time traditionally
stretched out behind applied by the trainer to a sprain or muscular
Lupi (association football ) nickname of the Italian injury sustained by a player
magpie • marathon 92

magpie (shooting) the penultimate outermost di- Malibu (surfing) a long narrow surfboard [origi-
vision of a target, a hit on which is signaled by nally used at Malibu, California]
a black and white flag mallet (croquet, polo) the long-handled hammer
Magpies (association football ) nickname of the with which the ball is struck
English club Newcastle United [from the play- Man City (association football ) short name of the
ers’ black and white striped shirts]; (Australian English club Manchester City
Rules) short name of the Collingwood Magpies man coverage (American football ) the strategy of
team assigning a defender to each eligible receiver
maiden (cricket) shortening of maiden over; (grey- man in black (association football ) colloquial term
hound racing) a dog that has not run an official for a referee [who traditionally wears black to
race; (horse racing) (1) a horse that has never won be differentiated from the colors of the two
a race; (2) shortening of maiden race teams]
maiden century (cricket) a batsman’s first century man in motion (American football ) an offensive
maiden over (cricket) an over in which no runs back allowed to move during a scrimmage be-
are scored by the batsmen fore the ball is put into play
maiden race (horse racing) a race for horses that man in white (Australian Rules) colloquial term
have never won a race for an umpire [who wears white for distinction
maiden stakes (horse racing) the prize in a maiden from the colors of the two teams]
race man marking (association football ) a defensive
maiden test (cricket) the first test match for which strategy in which a player is assigned an oppos-
a batsman is selected ing player to mark throughout the game
main course (sailing) the mainsail on a square- Man of Steel (rugby league) the award made from
rigged boat 1977 by the Super League to the outstanding
main wall (real tennis) the long wall of the court player of the season
without a penthouse man of the match ( general ) a semiofficial title
mainmast (sailing) the principal mast on a boat granted to a player judged to have played best
mainsail (sailing) the principal sail on a boat, usu- in a particular match, typically in association
ally attached to the mainmast football or cricket
maître d’armes ( fencing) an instructor in the sport man-on-man ( general ) (of ) a position in a team
[French maître d’armes, “master of arms”] game in which one defenseman is assigned to
major (angling) a type of artificial fly used for one offensive player
salmon fishing; ( golf ) one of the four majors Man U (association football ) short name of the En-
major league (baseball ) either of the two majors glish club Manchester United
majors (baseball ) the two most prestigious leagues, man who beat the man (boxing) a way of defining
as the National League and the American a champion, as the man who beat the previous
League; ( golf ) the four most important cham- champion
pionships: the British Open, U.S. Open, U.S. manager ( general ) the person who controls, coun-
PGA, and U.S. Masters sels, and promotes a sportsperson or sports team
make all (horse racing) to lead all the way in a race manege (equestrianism) the art of training horses
make the cut ( golf ) to equal or better a stated [French manège, “training of a horse,” from Ital-
score, so avoiding elimination from the last two ian manegiarre, “to manage,” from Latin manus,
rounds of a four-round tournament “hand”]
make-up game (baseball ) a previously postponed manhattan (cricket) a bar chart showing the num-
game which is played to complete the number of ber of runs scored in each over of a game [the
scheduled league matches bars supposedly resemble the Manhattan sky-
makiwara (karate) an object designed to be struck line]
during training to toughen the skin of the hands mankad (cricket) a way of causing a batsman to
and feet [Japanese maki, “roll,” and wara, be run out, in which the bowler removes the
“straw,” referring to the original post or board bails instead of bowling if the batsman at the
covered with straw used for this purpose] non-striker’s end backs up too far [popular-
makunouchi (sumo) the highest division in the ized by the Indian player Mulvantrai Mankad]
sport [Japanese] Maple Leafs (ice hockey) short name of the Toronto
Malaysian Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula Maple Leafs team
One international Grand Prix held on the cir- marathon (athletics) (1) a long-distance foot race,
cuit at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia properly of 26 miles 385 yards (42.195km); (2)
malhini (surfing) a novice or beginner [Hawaiian a city race run by professionals or amateurs, as
malhini, “stranger”] the Boston Marathon, London Marathon, or
93 Marathon • massé

New York Marathon; (equestrianism) a cross- market leader (horse racing) another term for the
country time trial in carriage driving; ( gen- favorite [the market being the betting on a race]
eral ) any demanding race or contest [originally Market Rasen (horse racing) a National Hunt
so named from the tradition that a Greek mes- racecourse at Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, En-
senger ran from Marathon to Athens with news gland
of victory in a battle of 490 BC] marksman (shooting) a person who shoots well
Marathon des Sables (athletics) an annual ultrama- marksmanship (shooting) the skill or art of a
rathon run over six days through the Sahara marksman
desert, North Africa [French marathon des sables, markswoman (shooting) a woman who shoots well
“marathon of the sands”] Marlins (baseball ) short name of the Florida Mar-
Marcel Corbillon Cup (table tennis) the cup lins team
awarded to the winner of the women’s world maroon jersey (cycling) the jersey worn by the
team championship [presented in 1934 by Mar- points leader in the Giro d’Italia [Italian maglia
cel Corbillon (1890–1958), president of the ciciamina, “maroon jersey”]
French Table Tennis Association] marquee player ( general ) an outstanding player
March Madness (baseball ) the postseason tourna- in a professional sports team [his name is as
ment for colleges held in March prominent as that of an entertainer billed on a
mare (horse racing) a female horse over the age of marquee]
four married man’s side (darts) the lefthand side of the
margin fishing (angling) a technique for catching dartboard [where a player is less likely to make
carp at night, in which a rod is set up on the an expensive mishit, a married man being one
side of a lake with its bait floating on the water who should aim to “play safe”]
Marilyn (mountaineering) any British hill with a marshal (auto racing) one of the officials posted
reascent of 500 feet on all sides [named for U.S. around the racetrack to ensure the safety of
movie actress Marilyn Monroe (1926–1962), drivers and spectators; ( general ) an official at a
punning on Munro] sporting event who supervises arrangements for
marina (sailing) a specially-equipped berthing area competitors, controls spectators, and generally
for yachts and smaller craft monitors proceedings
Mariners (association football ) nickname of the En- martial artist ( general ) a practitioner of the mar-
glish club Grimsby Town [from the town’s sea- tial arts
side location]; (baseball ) short name of the Seat- martial arts (sport) a range of (mainly Japanese)
tle Mariners team combative sports and methods of self-defense
mark (athletics) (1) a measured achievement, as the such as judo, karate, and kendo
distance of a throw or height of a jump, espe- Marylebone Cricket Club (cricket) the club
cially when a record or personal best; (2) the founded in 1787, with its headquarters at Lord’s,
starting line in a race; (Australian Rules) a catch that was formerly the governing body of the
of the ball from a kick of at least 10 meters; sport in England, is still responsible for making
(bowls) another term for the jack; (boxing) the pit its laws, and is the official title of English teams
of the stomach; ( general ) in field games, to stay when on tour
close to an opposing player in order to prevent mascot (association football ) a child supporter who
him from obtaining or passing the ball; (horse with others accompanies the team on to the
racing) shortening of handicap mark; (rugby pitch at the start of a match, dressed in a scaled-
union) a catch of the ball from a kick or knock- down version of the team’s strip; ( general ) a
on or throw-forward by an opponent, formerly symbol of luck, often in the form of an animal
claimed by calling “mark!” and digging one’s heel or insect, representing a team or club and visi-
in the ground bly present (as an outsize toy or a costumed per-
mark someone’s card (horse racing) to tip a possi- son) at a match or meeting
ble winner at a race meeting [the card is the mashie (golf ) the former name of a 5-iron [perhaps
racecard] from French massue, “club”]
marker (billiards) the person who records the mashie iron ( golf ) the former name of a 4-iron
score; (bowls) a person who generally assists the mashie niblick (golf ) the former name of a 7-iron
players; (darts) (1) a dart just outside the required [combining the features of a mashie and a nib-
double that helps the aiming of subsequent lick]
darts; (2) the person who records the score; (gen- mass start ( general ) a start to a race in which all
eral ) in field games, a player assigned to mark of the competitors set off together
an opponent; (real tennis) another term for the massé (billiards, snooker) a stroke made with the
umpire cue held vertically or nearly so, causing the cue
mast • Mediterranean draw 94

ball to swerve sharply [French, from masse, matchup ( general ) a game or contest between two
“mace”] players
mast (sailing) a long upright pole that carries the Matildas (association football ) nickname of the
sail of a boat Australian national women’s team [from the col-
mast foot (windsurfing) the part of the sailboard loquial phrase waltz Matilda, “carry one’s swag”]
whose top fits into the lower end of the mast matman (wrestling) colloquial term for a wrestler
Masters ( golf ) shortening of U.S. Masters; [who performs on the mat]
(snooker) an invitational tournament played at maul (rugby union) a loose scrum formed by a
Wembley since 1979; (tennis) shortening of teams’ forwards around the player who holds
Masters Cup the ball after a lineout and who has not been
Masters Club ( golf ) an annual dinner held since brought down by an attempted tackle
1952 at the Augusta National Golf Club dur- Mavericks (basketball) short name of the Dallas
ing the U.S. Masters for all previous winners of Mavericks team
the tournament, hosted by the defending cham- maxi (sailing) a class of large yacht 15 to 20 meters
pion in length
Masters Cup (tennis) the trophy awarded to the maximum (darts) a score of 180 with three darts,
winner of an annual men’s championship featur- achieved through three treble 20s; (snooker) a
ing the top eight world players for the particu- break of 147 points, comprising 15 reds and 15
lar year blacks followed by all six colors
mat (bowls) the small piece of rubber on which May Week (rowing) the week in late May or early
players place their back foot when delivering a June when boat races are held between colleges
bowl; (g ymnastics, wrestling) the area of padded at Cambridge University
material or canvas on which participants per- mayfly (angling) (1) a natural fly of the genus
form and which absorbs the shock when they Ephemera; (2) an artificial fly imitating it
land or fall Mays (rowing) the boat races held in May Week
match ( general ) a formal contest or game MCC (cricket) abbreviation of Marylebone
match angler (angling) an angler who takes part in Cricket Club
match fishing McCarthy Cup (hurling) the trophy awarded to
match ball (cricket) a ball that in its physical com- the winner of the All-Ireland senior champi-
position meets the standard of the sport; (ten- onship [donated in 1921 by the player Liam Mc-
nis) a ball that could decide a match Carthy]
match book (cricket) a book containing the scores McHawk (skateboarding) a 720-degree rotational
of a club or particular team; (horse racing) a book flip [introduced by the U.S. skateboarder Tony
containing the dates and venues of races Hawk, with Mc- added from the McTwist]
match card (cricket) a card that summarizes the McTwist (skateboarding) a 540-degree rotational
score and lists the players in batting order flip [from the name of U.S. skateboarder Mike
match fishing (angling) in central and northern McGill, who introduced it, and the motion of the
England, a contest between teams at fixed loca- flip]
tions to win the greatest weight of fish caught measure (bowls) the use of measuring instruments
during a particular period of time on completion of an end to determine which
match-fixing (general) the fraudulent manipulation bowl is closer to the jack when this cannot be
of a match result by a gambling syndicate done with the naked eye
match point (tennis) the stage in a match at which measuring line (cycling) another term for pole line
only one point is needed to win meat (cricket) the center of the blade of the bat
match race (sailing) a one-design race between medal ( general ) an award, usually in the form of a
two boats coin with an inscription, for a sporting achieve-
match rifle (shooting) a rifle used in official com- ment
petitions medal round ( golf ) a round of medalplay
match winner ( general ) a team player whose skill medalist ( general ) a competitor who has been
or performance helps win a match awarded a medal
matchday doctor ( general ) a physician who at- medalplay ( golf ) another term for strokeplay
tends a match to give treatment if needed medicine ball ( general ) a heavy ball thrown and
matchmaker (boxing) a person who arranges caught for exercise [it acts as a “medicine”]
matches Mediterranean draw (archery) a method of draw-
matchplay ( golf ) a score based on the number of ing and loosing an arrow in which the string is
holes won by each side rather than the overall pulled back with three fingers, one above the
total of strokes taken arrow, the other two below
95 Mediterranean Games • midwicket

Mediterranean Games (Olympics) regional games [popularized during the 1986 association foot-
held since 1951 for competitors from Mediter- ball World Cup in Mexico]
ranean countries (in northern Africa or south- Michelle (cricket) alternate term for a five-fer
ern Europe) mid-off (cricket) a fielding position behind the
medium bowler (cricket) a bowler who bowls at a bowler on the off side
medium pace, between a fast bowler and a slow mid-on (cricket) a fielding position behind the
bowler bowler on the on side
medley (athletics) a relay race in which each par- midcourt (tennis) the area at the center of the court
ticipant runs a different distance; (swimming) a middle (cricket) (1) shortening of middle guard;
relay race in which the four main strokes (2) to hit the ball with the middle of the bat
(backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and middle and leg (cricket) a guard taken by the bats-
freestyle ) are used man in front of his middle stump and leg
meet (general) a gathering of athletes or cyclists for stump
a competition or race middle and off (cricket) a guard taken by the bats-
meeting ( general ) a gathering for a sports event or man in front of his middle stump and off
program, as typically in athletics; (horse racing) stump
shortening of race meeting middle-distance race ( general ) a race over a
Melbourne Cup (horse racing) a race for three- medium distance, as in middle-distance run-
year-olds run at Flemington Park, Melbourne, ning
Australia, since 1861 middle-distance running (athletics) a blanket term
member’s bounce (golf ) a favorable bounce of the for the 800 meters and 1,500 meters foot races
ball on to the fairway or green [so called be- middle for diddle (darts) colloquial term for a
cause it is often a club member rather than a vis- method of starting a game, in which both play-
itor who benefits] ers throw a single dart and the player who
Members’ Enclosure (horse racing) an enclosure at throws nearer the bull begins
a racecourse reserved for members of the race- middle guard (American football ) a defensive line-
course club man who plays between the defensive tackles;
Memorial Coliseum (American football ) the home (cricket) a guard taken by the batsman in front
ground of the Los Angeles Rams team, Los An- of his middle stump
geles, California middle linebacker (American football ) a defensive
Mendoza line (baseball ) a batting average of .200, player positioned behind the middle of the line
regarded as the lower limit of respectability for of scrimmage
a professional hitter [named for the weak-hitting middle order (cricket) the batsmen who come in
player Mario Mendoza] the middle of the batting order
Merry Millers (association football ) nickname of middle reliever (baseball ) any relief pitcher other
the English club Rotherham United [from their than the closer
home ground at Millmoor Ground] middle stump (cricket) the middle stump of the
Messenger Stake (horse racing) an annual harness wicket
race held since 1957 for three-year-old pacers middleman (mountaineering) the middle member
at Yonkers, New York [named for the English of a climbing or descending team
thoroughbred Messenger (foaled 1780), the Middleton Cup (bowls) the cup awarded since
great-grandfather of Hambletonian] 1922 to the winner of an intercounty champi-
metric mile (athletics) colloquial name for the onship [presented by P.C. Middleton to replace
1,500 meters race an original award of 1911]
metronome (cricket) colloquial term for a consis- middleweight (boxing) the professional weight cat-
tently reliable bowler, especially a seam bowler egory of maximum 73kg (160lb)
[he will repeatedly “hit the spot” just as a midfield (association football ) (1) the area in the
metronome regularly ticks out the time] center of the pitch; (2) the players who play be-
Mets (baseball ) short name of the New York Mets tween the defense and the attack
team midfielder (association football ) any of the players
Mexican Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula who play in midfield
One international Grand Prix held on the cir- midiron ( golf ) (1) a 5-, 6-, or 7-iron, used to play
cuit at Mexico City, Mexico medium-range shots; (2) the former name of a
Mexican wave ( general ) the effect produced when 2-iron
adjacent groups of spectators stand up in turn Midsummer Classic (baseball ) another name for
with hands raised then sit down again to create the All-Star game
an undulating movement around a stadium midwicket (cricket) a fielding position on the leg
Milan-San • mohawk 96

side about midway between mid-on and square minor league (baseball ) any of the less prestigious
leg professional leagues, often used to groom
Milan-San Remo (cycling) an annual road race younger players for the major leagues
from Milan to San Remo, northwestern Italy, minors (baseball ) short name for the minor
first held in 1907 leagues
mile (athletics) the predecessor of the 1,500 me- Minstermen (association football ) nickname of the
ters; (horse racing) a standard unit of distance [1 English club York City [from York Minster, the
mile = 1.61km], together with the furlong city’s medieval cathedral]
miler (athletics) an athlete running the mile; (horse miscall ( general ) a bad or inaccurate call
racing) a horse running in a race of a mile or miscue (billiards, snooker) a faulty stroke that re-
more sults from a poor contact between the cue tip
militaire (equestrianism) a continental European and the cue ball
term for a three-day event [French militaire, misfield (cricket) a mistake made by a fielder, as
“military,” as originally a cavalry test for officers’ when a catch is dropped
horses] mishit ( general ) a faulty hit
military medium (cricket) straight, regular, miskick ( general) a kick made with the wrong part
medium-paced bowling of the foot, as in association football
Milk Race (cycling) the former popular name of misplay ( general ) an incorrect or faulty move or
the Tour of Britain [sponsored by the Milk play
Marketing Board from 1958] miss (billiards, snooker) a (sometimes deliberate)
Mille Miglia (auto racing) an Italian road race failure to hit the object ball, as a result of which
from Brescia to Verona, Ferrara, Pesaro, Pescara, the player is penalized; ( general ) a failure to hit
Rieti, Rome, Florence, Bologna, Cremona, and the object aimed at, as in shooting
back to Brescia, a distance of around 1,600km, miss move (rugby union) a maneuver in which the
held from 1927 to 1957 [Italian mille miglia, attacking three-quarters miss out a back in
“thousand miles”] order to move the ball more quickly to a player
Millennium Dome ( general ) original name of the in a wider position
O2 miss the break (horse racing) to start after the other
Millennium Stadium ( general ) a stadium built in horses in a race
Cardiff, Wales, in 1999 as the home of Welsh miss the cut ( golf ) to fail to qualify for the final
rugby football round of a tournament
miller (trampolining) a triple-twisting double back miss the water (rowing) to start the drive before the
[named for its originator] catch has been completed
mini flyweight (boxing) the professional weight mittens (boxing) colloquial term for boxing gloves
category of under 48kg (105lb) mitts (baseball ) the special padded leather gloves
miniature golf ( golf ) a simple, scaled-down ver- used to catch the ball
sion of the game in which a club is used to putt mix zone ( general ) an area at a sporting contest
a small ball into a series of holes on a green where reporters can interview players or per-
minibasketball (basketball) a simplified form of formers immediately after their appearance
the game designed for young players mixed doubles (tennis) a match with male and fe-
minibreak (tennis) a point against the serve in a male players on the same side
tie-break mixed martial arts (sport) a combat sport that in-
minigolf ( golf ) shortening of miniature golf corporates boxing, wrestling, jujitsu, and other
minilacrosse (lacrosse) a simplified form of the disciplines
game designed for young players MK Dons (association football ) short name of the
minimal (surfing) a shorter version of a Malibu, English club Milton Keynes Dons
popular with beginners mod-pen (Olympics) colloquial abbreviation of
minirugby (rugby union) a simplified form of the modern pentathlon
game designed for young players modern pentathlon (Olympics) a contest in swim-
miniskis (skiing) short, slightly thick skis worn by ming, riding, cross-country running, fencing,
beginners or in skibobbing and pistol shooting, introduced in 1912 as a
minitennis (tennis) a simplified form of the game variant of the original pentathlon
designed for young players mogul (skiing) a mound of hard snow forming
minivolley (volleyball) a simplified form of the an obstacle on a ski slope [probably from a
game designed for young players Norwegian dialect word meaning “heap,”
minor county (cricket) a British county not having “mound”]
first-class status but with its own team. mohawk (ice skating) a turn from either edge of
97 Monaco • multigym

the skate to the same edge on the other foot in usually categorized by modification or engine
the opposite direction [as distinct from a size, around a specially-built track or over a
choctaw] cross-country circuit
Monaco Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula motorcyclist (motorcycle racing) the rider of a mo-
One international Grand Prix held on the cir- torcycle
cuit at Monte Carlo, Monaco motorsport (sport) any sport that involves motor-
Monday morning quarterback (American foot- powered vehicles, as cars or motorcycles
ball ) a person (not just a quarterback) who ex- mound (baseball ) the raised area a short distance
presses opinions about strategic decisions after from home plate from which the pitcher throws
the outcome of a game is known [the big games the ball to the batter
are played on Sunday afternoons] mount (equestrianism, horse racing) the horse that
Monkeyhangers (association football ) nickname of a person is riding
the English club Hartlepool United [from a local mountain bike (cycling) a bicycle with strong heavy
legend about the hanging of a monkey for spy- tires designed for cross-country use, whether in
ing, represented by the team’s mascot, H-Angus, competition or for recreation
depicted by a man in a monkey costme] mountain biking (cycling) the sport or recreation
monocoque (auto racing) a one-piece structure of riding a mountain bike
housing the cockpit of a race car; (cycling) a mountainboard (general) a narrow board mounted
one-piece construction method for bicycle on wheels and fitted with a steering mechanism,
frames and wheels [French monocoque, literally ridden down mountain tracks or other hilly ter-
“single shell”] rain
monofil (angling) a fishing line made of a single mountaineer (mountaineering) a person who
strand of synthetic fiber climbs mountains
monohull (sailing) a boat with a single hull, as dis- mountaineering (sport) the climbing of rocks or
tinct from a catamaran or trimaran mountains, either in competition or as a self-
monoski (skiing) a ski on which both feet are imposed physical challenge
placed mousetrap (American football ) a play in which a
moonball (cricket) colloquial term for a high, loop- defensive player crosses the line of scrimmage
ing ball delivered by the bowler; (tennis) collo- and is then blocked from the side while the ball
quial term for a very high lob carrier advances through the gap he has left
moonshot (baseball ) another term for a tape- mouth guard (rugby league, rugby union) a guard
measure shot worn to protect the mouth
morning glory (horse racing) a horse that runs mouthpiece (boxing) the piece of plastic placed in
faster in morning training than in the actual race a boxer’s mouth to protect his teeth and prevent
Mosconi Cup (pool) the trophy awarded since him from biting his tongue
1994 to the winner of an annual competition in movement (equestrianism) a single maneuver in
nine-ball pool between the United States and dressage
Europe [named commemoratively for the U.S. mow (cricket) another term for a haymaker
champion player Willie Mosconi (1913–1993)] mud wrestling (wrestling) a form of the sport in
Most Valuable Player (baseball ) the annual award an arena with a floor of wet mud
made to the player judged the most valuable to mudder (horse racing) colloquial term for a horse
his team in each of the major leagues; (basket- that performs well in muddy conditions
ball) the annual award made to the outstanding mudlark (horse racing) another term for a mudder
player in the NBA; ( general ) a similar award in muff ( general ) (1) a bungling or inapt player or
other sports competitor; (2) a failure in a move or maneu-
moto (cycling) colloquial name of BMX [from the ver, as a dropped catch in cricket or a slip from
full form of the name]; (motorcycle racing) (1) a piece of apparatus in gymnastics
shortening of motocross; (2) a heat in this sport Muirfield ( golf ) a championship golf course east
motocross (motorcycle racing) a form of the sport on of Edinburgh, Scotland
solo motorcycles, motorcycles with sidecars, or mulligan ( golf ) a free extra shot allowed to a
quad bikes on a cross-country circuit with nat- player who has made a bad shot [perhaps from
ural obstacles such as jumps the Canadian player David Mulligan, who
MotoGP (motorcycle racing) an annual race for played a “correction shot” after a bad shot]
500cc motorcycles, first held in 1949 [from mo- multigym (gymnastics) (1) a piece of exercise equip-
torcycle and GP] ment that can be used in several ways or by sev-
motor racing (sport) another term for auto racing eral people simultaneously; (2) a room with such
motorcycle racing (sport) the racing of motorcycles, equipment
multihull • nelson 98

multihull (sailing) a boat with two or more hulls, National Football League (American football ) the
as a catamaran or trimaran major professional organization of the sport,
multiplier (angling) a geared reel on a fishing rod, founded in 1920 and merging (under its own
used to draw the line in quickly [one turn of the name) with the American Football League in
handle makes the spool rotate several times] 1970
Munro (mountaineering) a Scottish (now also En- National Hockey League (ice hockey) the major
glish, Welsh, or Irish) mountain peak over 3,000 professional organization of the sport, formed
feet in height [named for the Scottish moun- by five Canadian teams in 1917
taineer Sir Hugh Thomas Munro (1856–1919), National Hunt (horse racing) the term used in
who published his original list in 1891] Britain for racing over jumps, as distinct from
Munro-bagger (mountaineering) a person who at- flat racing [short name of National Hunt Com-
tempts to climb every (Scottish) Munro mittee, the body that regulates the sport,
Murrayfield (rugby union) the sport’s Scottish founded in 1866 to fulfill a function similar to
home ground, in Edinburgh that of the Jockey Club in flat racing]
musette (cycling) a small shoulder bag containing National League (baseball ) one of the two most
food handed to riders at feeding stations prestigious North American professional
[French musette, “horse’s nosebag”] leagues, founded in 1876, the other being the
mush (surfing) the foam produced when a wave American League
breaks natural aid (equestrianism) a signal given to a horse
mush! (sled dog racing) the command to the dogs by its rider, whether as a spoken command or by
to start moving or to move faster [probably from movement of the hands or legs
French marcher, “to walk”] natural break (cycling) a euphemism for relieving
musher (sled dog racing) the driver of a dog team [he oneself while continuing to ride, as in a long
calls mush!] road race
Musselburgh (horse racing) a flat and National natural fly (angling) a real insect such as a mayfly
Hunt racecourse at Musselburgh, central Scot- used as bait, as distinct from an artificial fly
land natural footer (surfing) a surfer who rides with the
muzzle (greyhound racing) the guard fitted over a left foot in front of the right
greyhound’s mouth to protect other dogs while Navan (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt
racing and to serve as an aid in a photo finish racecourse near Navan, Co. Meath, Ireland
MVP ( general ) abbreviation of Most Valuable navigator (auto racing) in rally driving, a term
Player used for the codriver in a road rally, as the per-
Naas (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt race- son who describes the route and directs the
course at Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland driver
nail (baseball ) to put a runner out by throwing; nb (cricket) abbreviation of no-ball in scoring
( general ) to defeat near post (association football ) the post nearest to
naked bootleg (American football ) a bootleg in where the ball is
which no players attempt to block in front of neck (horse racing) the length of a horse’s head and
the quarterback neck, used to measure its lead in a race [a scale
nap (horse racing) a horse that a tipster reckons has exists whereby four noses equal one head, two
the best chance of winning [abbreviation of heads equal one neck, and two necks equal half
napoleon, a card game in which a player may try a length]
to win all five tricks] neck and neck ( general ) running level in a race
NASCAR (auto racing) a form of stock car racing neck roll ( g ymnastics) a swing of the body back-
in specially modified cars [acronym of National ward to rest on the back of the neck
Association for Stock Car Auto Racing] neck shot (polo) a hit of the ball made under the
nassau (golf ) (1) a match in which a point is scored horse’s neck
for winning the front nine, another for the back neck spring ( g ymnastics) a vault in which the
nine, and a third for the complete round; (2) a weight of the body is initially borne by the neck
bet on these three results [from Nassau Country and hands
Club, New York, where it originated] needle match ( general ) a keenly competitive and
National (horse racing) shortening of Grand Na- critical match
tional negative split (swimming) a strategy whereby a
National Football Conference (American football ) swimmer completes the second half of a race
one of two conferences into which the National faster than the first
Football League was divided in 1969, the other nelson (cricket) a score of 111 runs, held to be un-
being the American Football Conference lucky because the figure resembles the three
99 Nemean • night

stumps of the wicket with the bails missing [so tack; (ice hockey) the area between the attacking
called from the popular belief that Admiral and defending zones in the middle of the rink
Nelson had one eye, one arm, and one leg]; never up, never in ( golf ) a comment made to a
(wrestling) a hold in which a combatant passes putter who has hit the ball too gently
his arms under both of his opponent’s arms new ball (cricket) the new ball that a captain of
from behind and joins his hands so that he can either side (batting or fielding) may demand at
exert pressure with his palms on the back of the start of each innings or, in a match of more
the other’s neck [apparently from Nelson, Lan- than a day’s duration, that the captain of the fiel-
cashire, England, a town noted for its wrestling ding side may demand after a prescribed num-
matches] ber of overs
Nemean Games (Olympics) the games held in New Den (association football ) the home ground
Nemea, near Argos, Greece, in the second and of Millwall football club, London
fourth years of each Olympiad New Road (cricket) the home ground of Worces-
Nerazzurri (association football ) nickname of the tershire county cricket club, Worcester
Italian club Inter Milan [Italian nero, “black,” New York Marathon (athletics) a marathon run
and azzurro, “blue,” the colors of the team’s blue annually through all five boroughs of New York
and black striped shirts] City since 1970
net (angling) shortening of fishing net; (associa- Newbury (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt
tion football ) (1) the wide mesh attached to the racecourse at Newbury, Berkshire, England
goalposts and crossbar that stops the ball when Newcastle (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt
a goal is scored; (2) the entire structure form- racecourse at Newcastle upon Tyne, northeast-
ing the goal; (badminton, real tennis, tennis, vol- ern England
leyball) the length of netting that divides the Newmarket (horse racing) the town in Suffolk, En-
court; (field hockey, ice hockey) the mesh across gland, that is the historic center of English
the goal that serves the same function as in as- racing, with a flat racecourse where the One
sociation football; (netball ) the net, hanging Thousand Guineas and Two Thousand
from a horizontal ring attached to a high pole, Guineas are held as well as the Cambridgeshire
into which the ball is thrown; (tennis) another and Cesarewitch
term for a let Newton Abbot (horse racing) a National Hunt
net cord (tennis) the string or tape that runs across racecourse at Newton Abbot, Devon, England
the top of the net and supports it NFC (American football ) abbreviation of National
net fishing (angling) fishing with a net as distinct Football Conference
from a rod and line NFL (American football ) abbreviation of National
net judge (tennis) an official who formerly sat with Football League
one hand resting on the net cord to feel if a serve NHL (ice hockey) abbreviation of National Hockey
was a let League
net play (badminton, tennis) play near the net nibble (cricket) to play indecisively at a ball bowled
net practice (cricket) a practice session in the nets outside the off stump
netball (sport) a game between two teams of seven niblick ( golf ) the former name of an 8- or 9-iron,
in which goals are scored by throwing the ball used for playing out of a bunker [origin uncer-
into a net tain]
netminder (ice hockey) another term for the goal- nick (cricket) a slight touch of the ball made by
tender the batsman with the edge of the bat; (real ten-
nets (cricket) (1) a practice pitch surrounded by nis, squash) (1) the angle between two walls or
nets to stop the ball from traveling too far; (2) between the wall and the floor in a court; (2) a
a practice session in such nets shot that hits this angle
Nets (basketball) short name of the New Jersey Nets nickel defense (American football ) a defensive for-
team mation involving five defensive backs rather
neutral corner (boxing) one of the two corners in than the usual four [so called because a nickel is
the ring where neither boxer sits worth five cents]
neutral support (cycling) a mechanic who follows nickelback (American football ) an additional de-
the riders in a race to give mechanical assistance fensive back brought into the game when the of-
where necessary fensive team is likely to pass the ball
neutral zone (American football ) the area between night crawler (angling) a large earthworm that
the two lines of scrimmage; (cycling) the sec- comes to the surface at night, used as bait
tion of a road race where the riders must ride be- night fishery (angling) a method or place of fishing
hind a leading vehicle and cannot make an at- at night
nightcap • nose 100

nightcap (baseball ) the second of the two games in sive strategy in which players line up for a play
a double header; (horse racing) the last race of without a huddle
the day no-jump (athletics) a foul in the long jump or
nightline (angling) a fishing line set at night triple jump
nightwatchman (cricket) a relatively unskilled no-lift (weightlifting) a lift deemed unsuccessful
batsman sent in to bat after the fall of a wicket by the majority of the three judges
near the end of a day’s play so that a better bats- no man’s land (tennis) the area of the court be-
man does not have to go in and risk being out tween the baseline and the service line [an area
in unfavorable conditions [the player remains where effective action is difficult, as that between
“in” overnight] enemy trenches in World War I]
nil ( general ) a score of zero no-score draw (association football ) a match in
nine (baseball ) a team of nine players which neither side manages to score
nine-ball pool (pool) the game played with nine no side (rugby union) the official end of a match
colored object balls, numbered 1 to 9 no-throw ( general ) a throw that is disallowed be-
nine-dart finish (darts) a game of 501 won with cause it does not comply with the rules
nine darts, the fewest number with which the noble art (sport) another term for boxing [short
feat is possible for “the noble art of self-defense”]
nine-hole ( golf ) a course with only nine holes, as noble science (sport) another term for boxing
against the standard 18 [short for “the noble science of self-defense”]
nine-meter line (handball ) an arcing dotted line nock (archery) the notch at the rear of an arrow
parallel to the six-meter line, extending 9m that holds it in place on the bowstring
from the goal, marking the area where offensive nod in (association football ) to head the ball into the
players resume play after a foul by a defender in- goal
side it nollie (skateboarding) an aerial maneuver in which
nine, ten, jack (cricket) colloquial term for the last the front foot pushes down on the kick-nose
three batsmen in a team [numbers 9, 10, and 11, and then the feet stay close to the board in flight
compared to playing cards] before the back foot guides the board back to
ninepins (sport) a game in which nine pins are set the ground [the opposite of an ollie]
up and bowled at to be knocked down non-combativity (judo) the failure of a judoka to
nineteenth hole ( golf ) a jocular name for the make an attack
clubhouse, to which players usually repair after non-contact ( general ) (of } a sport such as hand-
the 18th green [they can “sink” a drink in the ball or netball in which no personal contact
bar there rather than sink a putt] with the opponent is allowed
nineteenth man (Australian Rules) the first sub- non-runner (horse racing) another term for a non-
stitute player in a team (of 18) starter
ninjitsu (sport) a Japanese martial art originating non-starter (horse racing) a horse that was origi-
in feudal times as a form of espionage and teach- nally entered for a race but that was pulled out
ing stealth and camouflage [Japanese nin, shortly before it
“stealth,” and jutsu, “art”] non-striker (cricket) the batsman who is not fac-
niramiai (sumo) a method of intimidating an ing the bowling
opponent before a fight by stamping, slapping Nordic skiing (skiing) the form of the sport that in-
one’s thighs, and glaring [Japanese niramu, “to cludes cross-country skiing and ski jumps
glare”] [originating in Nordic countries such as Norway
no (cricket) abbreviation of not out in scoring and Finland]
no-ball (cricket) a ball bowled in a way that is dis- Nordic walking (general) walking as a form of ex-
allowed by the rules and so counts one run to ercise using poles like ski sticks to aid propul-
the batting side, as when the front foot of the sion and strengthen the upper body
bowler is over the popping crease normal hill (skiing) the smaller of the two ski-
no-cut contract (American football ) a contract jump hills in the Winter Olympics, usually
guaranteeing that a professional player will not measuring 90 or 95m
be subject to a cut during either the pre-season North End (association football ) short name of the
practice or the subsequent season English club Preston North End
no-hitter (baseball ) a game in which a pitcher North Stars (ice hockey) short name of the Min-
does not allow an opponent to score a hit nesota North Stars team
no-hoper (horse racing) a horse not good enough northpaw (baseball ) a right-handed player [as dis-
to stand a chance of winning tinct from a southpaw]
no-huddle offense (American football ) an offen- nose (greyhound racing) the smallest distance be-
101 nose guard • ocean

tween two greyhounds finishing a race [as if by haps blend of nudge or nurse and a word denot-
the length of a dog’s nose]; (horse racing) the nar- ing a gentle movement, as dandle]
rowest winning margin in a race [as if by the nurse (billiards) to keep the balls together for a se-
length of a horse’s nose]; (snowboarding) the front ries of cannons
edge of the snowboard; (surfing) the front of the nursery (billiards) shortening of nursery cannon;
surfboard (cricket) a club devoted to the promotion and
nose guard (American football ) another term for a training of talented young players; (horse racing)
nose tackle shortening of nursery stakes
nose riding (surfing) a maneuver that involves nursery cannon (billiards) a cannon with the three
standing on the very front of the board balls kept together and moved as little as possible
nose tackle (American football ) a defensive line- nursery slopes (skiing) slopes set apart for novices
man lined up opposite the offensive center nursery stakes (horse racing) a race for two-year-
not (cricket) abbreviation of not out in scoring old horses [as young colts]
not out (cricket) of a batsman at the end of an in- nutmeg (association football ) a kick of the ball
nings, not having been dismissed through the legs of an opposing player and its
not out! (cricket) the response of an umpire to subsequent retrieval [perhaps from the path of
an appeal when giving his decision that the the ball beneath the player’s “nuts”]
batsman has not been dismissed and so is not nymph (angling) an artificial fly resembling the
out aquatic larva (nymph) of the mayfly
not up! (squash) the call made when the ball is not oakfly (angling) an artificial fly imitating the long-
successfully retrieved legged fly Rhagio scolopacea
notch up ( general ) to score, as a run (or total of Oaks (horse racing) an annual race for three-year-
runs) in cricket old fillies run at Epsom since 1779 [named for
Notre Dame shift (American football ) a former of- the estate of Lord Derby at Epsom]
fensive maneuver in which the backs move just oar (rowing) (1) the long pole, flattened at one end
before the snap of the ball from their T- into a blade, used singly or in pairs for propul-
formation [popularized in the 1920s by Knute sion in water; (2) shortening of oarsman
Rockne as college football coach at the Univer- oarsman (rowing) a rower
sity of Notre Dame, Indiana] oarsmanship (rowing) the art of rowing
Nottingham (horse racing) a flat racecourse at obi (judo) a belt worn by a judoka [Japanese obi,
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England “belt”]
Nottingham Road (cricket) the home ground of object ball (snooker) the ball that the player in-
Derbyshire county cricket club, Derby tends to strike with the cue ball
novice (horse racing) a horse that has not won a objection ( general ) a statement made in protest to
race in a season before the current one a situation or action, especially as a transgres-
nudge (association football ) a gentle header; sion of the rules or laws of play or behavior
(cricket) a slight tap of the ball with the bat O’Brien shift (athletics) a special gliding or “step-
Nuggets (basketball) short name of the Denver back” technique in the shot put [introduced by
Nuggets team the U.S. shot putter Parry O’Brien (1932–2007)]
number eight (rugby union) the loose forward, who obstacle (equestrianism) any fence, gate, or water
binds in the back row of the scrum [the position jump that must be cleared in showjumping or
has no other name, although all other team play- a three-day event
ers have alternate numerical designations, as fol- obstructing the field (cricket) the offence by a
lows: 1 loose-head prop, 2 hooker, 3 tight-head batsman of deliberately hindering a fielder or
prop, 4, 5 second-row forwards, 6 blind-side interfering with the ball in order to avoid being
flanker, 7 openside-flanker, 9 scrum half, 10 given out
standoff half, 11, left winger, 12 inside center, 13 obstruction (association football ) a foul committed
outside center, 14 right winger, 15 fullback] by a player who, when not in possession the
nunchaku ( general ) a Japanese martial arts ball, uses his body to hinder his opponent; (field
weapon consisting of two short sticks joined by hockey) a penalty given when a player turns in
a length of chain [Japanese nunchaku, from Ok- front of the opposition or uses his stick to bar
inawa dialect] an opponent’s passage; (netball ) an infringement
Nürburgring (auto racing, motorcycle racing) the by which an opposing player blocks or hinders
circuit near Bonn, Germany, where the German a pass or shot, as a result of which the obstructed
Grand Prix is held team is awarded a penalty pass or penalty shot
nurdle (cricket) to score runs by gently pushing ocean race (sailing) another term for an offshore
the ball with the bat rather than hitting it [per- race
oche • Olympiad 102

oche (darts) the line behind which a player must ing the fielders on the off side and bowling the
stand when throwing darts [origin uncertain, ball at the off stump
but perhaps related to notch] off track (auto racing) away from the racetrack
octave ( fencing) the eighth of eight basic parrying off-track betting (horse racing) a system for plac-
positions, used to protect the lower outside of ing bets away from the racecourse
the body [French octave, “eighth”] offense (American football ) the team that has pos-
octopush (sport) a kind of underwater field hockey session of the ball at the start of a play; (general)
played in a swimming pool, in which a squid is a breach of the rules
used in place of a ball and pushers in place of office manager (auto racing) colloquial term for
sticks [devised in southern England in 1954 by the codriver
subaqua divers and named as blend of octopus, offload (rugby league) a very short pass made to a
both for the creature and punningly for the eight teammate running past; (rugby union) a very
(now ten) team members, and push] short pass made by a player taking a tackle to a
odd ( golf ) a stroke that makes a player’s total for teammate running past
a hole one more than that of his opponent offshore race (sailing) a race in which competing
odds (horse racing) the chances that a horse has of boats sail at some distance from the shore, often
winning a race, as determined by the amount from one port to another
staked on it in a bet offside (American football ) a situation in which a
odds-on (horse racing) odds in a bet that are bet- player is in front of the line of scrimmage at the
ter than those in evens, so that the winnings are time of the snap; (association football ) a situa-
less than double the amount staked tion in which a player is nearer the goal line
ODI (cricket) abbreviation of one-day interna- than one or both of the last two defenders when
tional the ball is played toward him by a member of
off (auto racing) colloquial term for an accident in his own team; (ice hockey) a situation in which a
which the car leaves the track; (cricket) shorten- player precedes the puck over the blue line of the
ing of off side; (horse racing) the start of a race opposition
off base (baseball ) in between one base and the offside trap (association football ) a strategy in
next, and so liable to be tagged which defensive players move together toward
off break (cricket) a ball bowled by a slow bowler the half way line in order to catch attacking
that breaks from the off side toward the leg side players offside when a forward pass is being
on pitching made
off course (horse racing) away from the racecourse Oilers (ice hockey) short name of the Edmonton
off cutter (cricket) a cutter from a fast bowler that Oilers team
moves from the off side to the leg side on pitch- Old Firm (association football ) joint nickname for
ing the Scottish clubs Celtic and Rangers, long tra-
off drive (cricket) a drive to the off side ditional rivals
off piste (skiing) away from a prepared ski run Old Trafford (cricket) the home ground of Lan-
off-roading (auto racing) the sport or recreation of cashire county cricket club, Manchester
driving over rough terrain in specially designed olive (angling) an artificial fly imitating a mayfly
vehicles, often as a race with an olive-colored body, especially Ephemerella
off side (cricket) the half of the field on the oppo- ignita
site side to that on which the batsman stands ollie (skateboarding) an aerial maneuver in which
when waiting to receive the ball from the bowler the rider presses his back foot down on the
off spin (cricket) the spin imparted to a ball to turn kick-tail then keeps his feet close to the board
it into an off break in flight before guiding the board back to the
off spinner (cricket) a bowler who bowls off ground with his front foot [said to be invented
breaks by U.S. skateboarder Alan “Ollie” Gelfand
off stump (cricket) the stump furthest from the (1963–)]
batsman Olympia (Olympics) the plain in southern Greece
off the ball (association football ) (of ) a dispute or where the ancient Olympic Games were held
fight between players away from the point where [not to be confused with Mt. Olympus, the
the ball is being played home of the gods in northeastern Greece]
off the bridle (horse racing) not running freely and Olympiad ( general ) alternate term for Olympics
having to be urged on by the jockey in its nonathletic application; (Olympics) (1)
off the pace (horse racing) lagging behind other a period of four years between the ancient
runners in a race Olympic Games; (2) a celebration of either the
off theory (cricket) a theory that favors concentrat- ancient or the modern Olympic Games
103 Olympian • one-old-cat

Olympian (Olympics) a competitor in the Olympic on base (baseball ) having safely reached a base
Games on board (equestrianism, horse racing) mounted on
Olympian Games (Olympics) an alternate term for a horse
the ancient Olympic Games on deck (baseball ) scheduled to bat after the next
Olympic city (Olympics) a city where the Olympic batter
Games have been or will be held, among them on-deck circle (baseball ) a circular area in foul
Athens, Beijing, London, Los Angeles, Moscow, territory where the next player to bat waits
Munich, Paris, Rome, and Sydney on-drive (cricket) a drive to the leg side
Olympic flame (Olympics) the flame lit by the on guard! ( fencing) the equivalent of en garde!
Olympic torch that burns throughout the mod- on points (boxing) reckoned by the number of
ern Olympic Games points scored rather than by a knockout
Olympic Games (Olympics) (1) the festival in on side (cricket) another term for the leg side
honor of Zeus held first held in ancient Greece on strike (cricket) facing the bowling
in 776 B.C. and comprising athletic, literary, on the clock ( golf ) subject to time constraints as
and musical competitions; (2) the modern in- a result of playing too slowly
ternational athletic contests inspired by this, first on the hill (pool) with one more game to win to
held in Athens, Greece, in 1896 and subse- gain victory
quently in different Olympic cities, sometimes on the line (horse racing) at the finishing post
more than once on the mark (horse racing) likely to win a bet
Olympic motto (Olympics) the Latin slogan that on the nose (horse racing) a bet to win only, not to
has formed an integral part of the Olympic come second or third
Games since 1920: “Citius, altius, fortius” on the rails (horse racing) on the track of a race-
(“Swifter, higher, stronger”) course nearest the rails
Olympic oath (Olympics) the pledge instituted in on the rivet (cycling) riding as fast as possible [from
1920 that is traditionally pronounced by a rep- the rivet formerly at the front of a leather saddle]
resentative of the host country at the opening on the rope (mountaineering) roped together
ceremony of the Olympic Games: “In the name on the ropes (boxing) forced against the ropes by
of all competitors, I promise that we shall take an opponent’s attack, and thus in danger of de-
part in these Olympic Games, respecting and feat
abiding by the rules which govern them, in the on the up (cricket) (of ) a stroke played as the ball
true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of rises from a bounce
sport and the honor of our teams” on your marks! (athletics) the command given by
Olympic sport (Olympics) a sport officially recog- the starter of a foot race to prepare the runners
nized by the International Olympics Commit- for the starting signal [the mark being the
tee starting line]
Olympic torch (Olympics) the lighted torch one-base (baseball ) (of ) a hit that enables the bat-
brought from Olympia since 1936 to kindle the ter to reach first base
Olympic flame one-day cricket (cricket) a match lasting only one
Olympic village (Olympics) a specially designed day, with a limited number of overs
residential and commercial center for partici- one-day international (cricket) an international
pants and officials in the modern Olympic one-dayer
Games one-dayer (cricket) colloquial term for one-day
Olympics ( general ) (1) a commonly used designa- cricket
tion of the modern Olympic Games; (2) an in- one-design (sailing) a class of boat with identical
ternational contest in a nonathletic sport or pas- specifications
time, as chess or bridge one down ( general ) one point behind in a game
Olympism (Olympics) the spirit and ideals of the one-horse race ( general ) a race with a single likely
modern Olympic Games winner
Olyroos (association football ) nickname of the Aus- 100-meter hurdles (athletics) a race over high hur-
tralian national under-23 men’s team, who rep- dles for women over the stated distance
resent Australia at the Olympics [blend of 100 meters (athletics) a sprint of the stated dis-
Olympic and kangaroos, the national animal] tance
omnium (cycling) a series of contests in which com- 110-meter hurdles (athletics) a race over high hur-
petitors are awarded points on the basis of their dles for men over the stated distance
performance in each [Latin omnium, “of all”] one-old-cat (baseball ) a form of the sport in which
on (baseball ) shortening of on base; (cricket) an- a batter runs to one base and home again, re-
other term for leg maining as batter until put out
one • orienteering 104

one short (cricket) a run in which the batsman, in open one’s account (cricket) (1) as a batsman, to
turning to make another run, touches the begin scoring runs; (2) as a bowler, to take one’s
ground with the bat short of the popping crease first wicket; (horse racing) as a horse or jockey,
One Thousand Guineas (horse racing) an annual to achieve a first win in a race
race for three-year-old fillies run over the Row- open one’s shoulders (cricket) to hit a drive [from
ley Mile at Newmarket since 1814 [original value the stance assumed by the batsman]
of prize, a guinea being 21 shillings] open side (rugby league) the side of the pitch with
one-timer (ice hockey) a move in which the puck more space between the scrum or play-the-ball
is hit toward the goal at the moment it is re- and the touchline than the blind side; (rugby
ceived in a pass union) the side of the pitch with more space be-
one-touch (association football ) (of ) a fast-mov- tween the scrum, ruck, or maul and the touch-
ing play in which each player controls or passes line than the blind side
the ball with a single touch of the foot open-side flanker (rugby union) the flanker bind-
one-two (association football ) a move in which a ing on the open side
player makes a pass to a teammate, runs past an open table (pool) a situation in eight-ball pool in
opponent, then receives the ball back; (boxing) which a player can hit either the solid ball or
a jab with the leading hand followed by a cross the stripe ball
with the other hand; (horse racing) a double vic- open-top bus ( general ) a double-decker bus with
tory for a trainer whose horses finished first and a roofless top deck on which a victorious team
second in a race traditionally ride through their home town and
one-two-three (horse racing) a triple victory for a parade their trophy as an equivalent of a lap of
trainer whose horses were the first three to finish honor
in a race open-water (swimming) (of ) an event held in open
one up (general) ahead of an opponent by one point water rather than in a swimming pool
onion bag (association football ) colloquial term for opener (cricket) one of the two batsmen who start
the net behind the goal the side’s innings; (horse racing) the first race of
onside (association football ) not offside the day in a meeting
onside kick (American football ) a kickoff that trav- opening ( general ) (1) an initial move in a game;
els only a short distance forward, enabling the (2) an enterprising move during a game, that
kicking team to regain possession of the ball could lead to the advantage of one’s team or one-
Opals (basketball) nickname of the Australian na- self
tional women’s team [the opal is the national opening batsman (cricket) one of the two openers
gemstone] opening bowler (cricket) the bowler who bowls
open ( general ) (1) a sporting contest or tourna- first
ment that anyone can enter; (2) (of ) a game or opposition ( general ) the team against which a
play that is spread out over the field; (3) (of ) a given team is playing
player who is unmarked by a member of the op- Opposition (basketball) the team (who never wins)
posing team against which the Harlem Globetrotters play
Open ( golf ) (1) shortening of Open Champi- their exhibition games
onship; (2) shortening of U.S. Open; (tennis) option play (American football ) a play in which
shortening of U.S. Open an offensive player runs with the ball and, de-
open! (wrestling) the command of the referee to a pending on the defensive formation, may either
wrestler to alter his position and use more open continue running or make a pass
tactics Orange Bowl (American football ) the intersectional
open championship ( general ) a championship college football game played annually since
that is open to both professional and amateur 1935 at the Orange Bowl stadium, Miami,
entrants Florida
Open Championship ( golf ) (1) the world’s lead- order (cricket) shortening of batting order
ing championship in the sport, first held in order off (association football ) alternate term for
Scotland in 1860 [formally the British Open]; send off
(2) a similar championship elsewhere, as the U.S. Orient (association football ) short name of the En-
Open, Open de España, Open de France, or Eu- glish club Leyton Orient
ropean Open orienteering (sport) a form of cross-country run-
open date ( general ) a future available date for ning in which individuals or teams use a map
which no fixture has yet been arranged and compass to reach their destination via a
open goal (association football ) (1) an undefended number of specified control points [Swedish
goal; (2) a goal scored into it orientering, literally “orientating”]
105 Orioles • over

Orioles (baseball ) short name of the Baltimore outing (general) an appearance in a match or race;
Orioles team (horse racing) another term for a race
O’s (association football ) short name of the English outjump the hill (skiing) in ski jumping, to jump
club Leyton Orient beyond the k point
osaekomi waza (judo) the technique of holding outlet receiver (American football ) a receiver near
down one’s opponent [Japanese osae, “to press on,” the line of scrimmage who can catch a pass if
komi, “to be packed up,” and waza, “technique”] players further downfield are covered
otter (angling) shortening of otterboard outrigger (canoeing) a projecting device on a float,
otterboard (angling) a board manipulated to carry fixed to the side of a canoe to give extra stabil-
the end of a fishing line, or several hooked and ity; (rowing) a projecting rowlock that gives
baited lines, when fishing in a lake [from otter, extra stability to the oar; (sailing) a projecting
the aquatic animal] spar used to extend the sails
O2 ( general ) an entertainment and exhibition cen- outrun (skiing) in a ski jump, the flat area at the
ter with a concert and sports arena in London, bottom of the hill where skiers slow down and
England, originally opened in 1999 as the Mil- stop
lennium Dome [name of sponsors] outshot (darts) another term for a checkout
out ( general ) (1) dismissed from a game, as a bats- outside ( general ) a player nearer the edge of the
man who has been bowled in cricket; (2) the field than a center; (surfing) the expanse of sea
dismissal itself, as in baseball, in which an in- outside the breakers
ning ends when three outs are recorded outside center (rugby union) the center who plays
out cricket (cricket) bowling and fielding, as dis- between the inside center and the winger
tinct from batting outside edge (cricket) a deflection of the ball from
out for the count (boxing) failing to beat the count the outer edge of the bat; (ice skating) the outer
of the referee when down on the canvas of the two edges of the blade of a skate
out lap (auto racing) (1) the lap covered by a driver outside half (rugby union) another term for the fly
after a pit stop; (2) in qualifying, the lap cov- half
ered after leaving the pits and before doing the outside lane (athletics, cycling) the outermost lane
measured lap of the track, which is longest because of the
out of (horse racing) born to a named dam [often curve
coupled with by to name the sire] outside left (association football, field hockey) an at-
out of bounds ( golf ) an area of the course desig- tacking position on the left side away from the
nated as not to be played on, obliging a player center of the field
whose ball enters it to play again and incur a outside right (association football, field hockey) an
penalty attacking position on the right side away from the
out of the screws ( golf ) (of ) a perfect drive [from center of the field
the screws formerly surrounding the middle of outsider (horse racing) a horse not regarded as a fa-
the clubface of a wooden driver, an area now vorite to win a race and therefore at long odds
known as the sweet spot] as a bet
outbrake (auto racing) to brake later than another outswinger (association football ) a pass that swerves
driver at a corner and so overtake him away from the goal or from the center of the
outclassed (boxing) judged by the referee to be pitch; (cricket) a ball bowled so as to swing from
taking undue punishment from an opponent, leg to off
in consequence of which the bout is stopped outwick (curling) to strike the outside of another
outdoor bowls (bowls) the sport played on a green, stone and so send it within a circle [from
as distinct from indoor bowls wick]
outer (archery, shooting) the outermost ring of the oval (Australian Rules) a ground where the game is
target; (darts) the green circle around the bull on played; (auto racing) in Indy car and NASCAR
a dartboard racing, an oval-shaped circuit with gentle bends
outfield (baseball ) the part of the playing area be- that can be taken at high speed
yond the baselines; (cricket) the outer part of Oval (cricket) the home ground of Surrey county
the field, near the boundary cricket club, London, where test matches are
outfield player (association football ) any player played [so named from the oval road built
other than the goalkeeper around the original area of land, which became
outfielder (baseball, cricket) a fielder in the a sports ground in 1845]
outfield oval-ball game (sport) colloquial name for rugby
outhalf (rugby league) another term for a standoff union, as distinct from the round-ball game
half over (cricket) a series of six balls bowled by the
over rate • Pacific 106

bowler, after which a change is made from one overtime (American football ) an extra period of 15
end of the wicket to the other minutes played at the end of a tied game
over rate (cricket) the rate at which overs are Owls (association football ) nickname of the English
bowled club Sheffield Wednesday [from the district of
over the sticks (horse racing) colloquial term for a Owlerton, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, where the
steeplechase club is based]
over the top (association football ) (of ) a tackle in own goal (association football ) a goal scored inad-
which a player goes over the ball vertently against one’s own team
over the wicket (cricket) (of ) a ball bowled with the owner (horse racing) the person who owns a
arm of the bowler near the wicket, as against particular racehorse and who, in consultation
round the wicket with the trainer, decides which races it should
overarm (cricket) (of ) a delivery by the bowler run
made with the hand raised above the shoulder; oxer (equestrianism) in showjumping, a jump con-
(swimming) (of ) a stroke in which one or both sisting of a brush fence with a guardrail on one
arms are lifted out of the water and brought for- or both sides [short form of ox fence]
ward and down to their original position; (ten- ozeki (sumo) a champion wrestler [Japanese]
nis) (of ) a serve made with the hand raised p (basketball) abbreviation of personal foul
above the shoulder p point (skiing) the expected landing point in a ski
overbump (rowing) a bump in a bumping race in jump
which the bumping boat goes up more than one pa-kua (sport) a Chinese martial art in which
place because the boat it bumps has also just fighters are arranged around a circle in positions
bumped they must defend [Chinese pa, “eight,” and kua,
overclub ( golf ) to use a club with too little loft, “trigrams”]
thus sending the ball too far Pac Ten (American football ) colloquial shortening
overhand (swimming) an overarm stroke of Pacific Ten
overhead (tennis) a shot played with the racket pace (cricket) the speed of a bowled ball; (eques-
above the head trianism, horse racing) (1) the gait of a horse, as
overhead kick (association football ) another term walk, trot, canter, gallop; (2) a mode of step-
for a bicycle kick ping in horses in which the legs on the same side
overhit ( golf ) a putt that sends the ball further are lifted together
than intended pace bowler (cricket) a fast bowler
overlap (association football ) a situation in which a pace car (auto racing) a car that sets the pace in the
player moves up to overtake the player in pos- formation lap of a race but does not take part
session, usually to take a pass; (rugby league, in the race
rugby union) a situation in which the team in pace lap (auto racing) another term for formation
possession has more players in an attack than lap
can be marked by the defenders; (sailing) a sit- pace notes (auto racing) in rally driving, notes
uation in a race in which the stern of one boat used by the codriver to alert the driver to bends
is ahead of the bow of another, obliging the and hazards ahead and to recommend a suitable
overtaking boat, if not yet clear, to give way speed for each section
overpitch (cricket) to bowl a ball that pitches close paceline (cycling) a group of riders who each slip-
enough to the batsman to be easily hit by him stream behind the one in front, taking turns to
overplay ( golf ) to hit the ball beyond the green ride at the front to set the pace
overrreach (horse racing) an injury caused when a pacemaker ( general ) a competitor who sets the
horse’s hindfoot strikes against the correspon- pace in a race; (horse racing) a horse entered in
ding forefoot, typically on landing after jump- a race to set the pace in such a way that it
ing a fence benefits a stablemate
overrule (tennis) a call by the umpire to overturn paceman (cricket) another term for a pace bowler
the call of a line judge pacer (equestrianism, horse racing) a horse whose
overswing ( golf ) to swing the club too hard and usual gait is a pace, especially one bred to take
so follow through more than is necessary part in harness racing
overthrow (baseball ) a throw from a fielder that Pacers (basketball) short name of the Indiana Pac-
sends the ball beyond a baseman; (cricket) a re- ers team
turn throw of the ball by a fielder to the wicket Pacific Ten (American football ) a conference of ten
that not only misses it but is missed by the college football teams, comprising the univer-
bowler or wicketkeeper, enabling the batsmen sities of California at Berkeley, California at Los
to run again and score another run Angeles, Southern California, Oregon, Oregon
107 pacing • parajetting

State, Stanford, Washington, Washington State, ecutes a backward flip, then catches the low bar
Arizona, and Arizona State [introduced by the North Korean gymnast
pacing (cycling) a technique of increasing speed by Gyong Sil Pak]
riding in the slipstream of a vehicle; (horse rac- Palace (association football ) short name of the En-
ing) harness racing for pacers glish club Crystal Palace
pack ( general ) the largest group of competitors in pallone (sport) an Italian game on the lines of ten-
a race, especially when bunched together; (para- nis, in which a large ball is struck with an arm-
chuting) the parachute when folded in its con- guard [Italian pallone, “big ball”]
tainer; (rugby league, rugby union) the forwards palm ball (baseball ) a pitch with the ball gripped
in a team; (snooker) the reds when grouped to- by the thumb and palm rather than with the
gether between the black spot and pink spot fingers
pack down (rugby league, rugby union) to form a palmer (angling) a type of bristly artificial fly im-
scrum itating a hairy caterpillar
pack leader (rugby union) the forward assigned to palooka (boxing) an inexperienced or incompetent
organize the pack boxer [from the comic strip Joe Palooka by the
Packers (American football ) short name of the U.S. artist Ham Fisher, first published in 1930]
Green Bay Packers team Pan-African Games (Olympics) regional games
pad (cricket) the protective covering for the front of held since 1965 for contestants from African
the legs worn by batsmen and wicketkeepers; countries
( general ) a guard shaped to protect a particular Pan-American Games (Olympics) regional games
part of the body held since 1951 for contestants from North,
pad up (cricket) to put on one’s pads before a game Central, and South America, Canada, and the
paddle (canoeing) the short, broad oar used to pro- Caribbean
pel a canoe; (paddleball, paddle tennis) the Panthers (ice hockey) short name of the Florida
wooden or plastic bat used to strike the ball; Panthers team
(rowing) to row at less than full speed; (table ten- par ( golf ) the number of strokes that a good av-
nis) another term for a bat erage player should take for a particular hole or
paddle sweep (cricket) a gentle sweep played with course, two putts being allowed on each green
a short stroke [Latin par, “equal”]
paddle tennis (sport) a variant of tennis played on parachute (parachuting) the large, umbrella-like
a small court with a deadened (deflated) tennis sheet of fabric with wires or ropes attached to
ball and a paddle a harness worn by a person jumping from
paddleball (sport) a variant of handball played be- an aircraft to slow his descent or, in modified
tween two or four players in a four-walled court form, to generate lift in a sport such as paraglid-
with a light ball and a paddle ing
paddler (canoeing) a competitor in a canoe or parachuting (sport) the activity of descending from
kayak an aircraft by parachute, in competition involv-
paddock (auto racing) the enclosed area behind the ing the disciplines of style and accuracy jump-
pits where teams park their transporters and mo- ing
torhomes; (greyhound racing) the area on a track parade ( fencing) a general term for a parry; (grey-
where the dogs are kept before the start of the hound racing) the display of the dogs to specta-
race; (horse racing) the area where the horses are tors before the start of a race; (horse racing) the
displayed to spectators before the start of a race display of the horses to spectators before the start
Padres (baseball ) short name of the San Diego of a race; (motorcycle racing) in speedway, the
Padres team introduction of the riders to the public
paint (basketball) another term for the key parade lap (auto racing) another term for a for-
pair (cricket) a score of no runs in each innings of mation lap
a match; (rowing) a boat rowed by two people parade ring (horse racing) a circuit at a racecourse
pair of spectacles (cricket) another term for a pair around which horses can be walked to warm up
[from the two zeros on the scoreboard] before a race
pair skating (ice skating) a coordinated performance paraglider (paragliding) a type of modified para-
by a male and a female skater chute in the form of a flexible wing
pajama cricket (cricket) jocular term for one-day paragliding (sport) the activity of drifting through
cricket [from the brightly-colored clothes often the air to the ground on a paraglider after being
worn instead of whites] towed up by an aircraft or jumping from it
Pak ( g ymnastics) a move on the asymmetric bars parajetting (sport) another term for paramotor-
in which the gymnast releases the high bar, ex- ing
parajump • passbook 108

parajump (parachuting) a descent made by jump- area into which cars are driven after each day’s
ing from an aircraft with a parachute rallying [French parc fermé, “closed park”]
parakiting (sport) the activity of soaring on a kite pari-mutuel (horse racing) a form of totalizator in
while being towed by a motorboat, car, or other which those who backed the winner share the
fast-moving vehicle total stakes [French pari mutuel, “mutual stake”]
parallel bars ( g ymnastics) a pair of horizontal bars Paris-Dakar rally (auto racing) a periodical race
arranged side by side and supported on posts for cars, motorcycles, and trucks from Paris,
used in men’s competition for routines that in- France, to Dakar, Senegal, first held in 1979
clude giant swings, releasing and regrasping Paris-Roubaix race (cycling) an annual road race
movements, and handstands from Paris to Roubaix, France, first held in 1896
parallel slalom (skiing, snowboarding) a slalom park (association football ) colloquial term for the
event in which two competitors race head-to- pitch; ( general ) another term for a stadium
head down identical courses parkour (sport) another term for free running
parallel turn (skiing) a turn made by shifting the [from French parcours, “route,” “course”]
body while keeping the skis parallel parry (association football ) a save in which the
Paralympian (Olympics) a competitor in the Par- goalkeeper pushes the ball away with his hands
alympic Games without actually catching it; ( fencing) the block-
Paralympic Games (Olympics) a series of sporting ing of an opponent’s thrust
contests, run on the lines of the traditional Pars (association football ) nickname of the Scottish
Olympic Games since 1948, for competitors in club Dunfermline Athletic [of disputed origin,
six disability groups, each group subdivided into but perhaps from a mocking alteration of “Ath-
classes based on the type and extent of their dis- letic” to “Paralytic”]
abilities [blend of parallel and Olympic but also partner ( general ) one of two people who play on
suggesting paraplegic] the same side in a game
Paralympics (Olympics) popular name of the Par- partnership (cricket) (1) the length of time for
alympic Games which two batsmen bat together; (2) the num-
paramotor (paramotoring) a two-stroke engine that ber of runs scored during such a time
powers a propeller pass ( fencing) another term for a thrust; ( general )
paramotoring (sport) an adventure sport similar a hit, kick, throw, or header of the ball (or its
to paragliding, in which the participant flies equivalent) to a teammate; (real tennis) a serv-
suspended from a wing while propelled by a ice which drops in the pass court; (tennis) a shot
paramotor worn on the back, where there is also that goes beyond the reach of an opponent
a packed parachute pass court (real tennis) the area in front of the grille
parapenting (sport) an activity blending hang- on the hazard side of the court, enclosed by the
gliding and parachuting, in which the partici- end wall, the main wall, the service line, and the
pant jumps from a height wearing a modified pass line
type of parachute, which is then used as a hang- pass interference (American football ) illegal con-
glider [blend of parachute and French pente, tact with an opponent made in order to stop a
“slope”] catch
Paraplegic Games (Olympics) a former name for pass line (real tennis) another term for the fault
the Paralympic Games line
parasailing (sport) the activity of soaring on a pass play (American football ) a sequence of passes
modified parachute while being towed by a mo- between members of the same team
torboat, car, or other fast-moving vehicle pass roll (croquet) a shot that rolls a player’s ball
parascending (sport) an activity similar to further than the one from which croquet is
paragliding, in which the participant is towed being taken
into the wind by a motor vehicle pass rush (American football ) an attempt to tackle
paraskiing (skiing) an activity in which partici- the quarterback before he can pass the ball
pants ski from a place to which they have been pass rusher (American football ) a player who makes
dropped by parachute a pass rush
Parc des Princes (rugby union) the stadium in passage (equestrianism) a slow trot in which the
Paris where France have played most of their in- horse raises its feet high before bringing them
ternational matches since 1973 down
parc fermé (auto racing) (1) the cordoned-off area passback (American football ) another term for a
into which cars are driven after qualifying and snapback; (association football ) a pass back to a
the race itself and where teams can carry out teammate, often the goalkeeper
servicing; (2) in rally driving, the cordoned-off passbook (boxing) the record of a boxer’s matches,
109 passed • penalty killer

including injuries sustained, medical procedures peel (croquet) to send another player’s ball through
applied, and the like the next hoop [from the British player Walter
passed ball (baseball ) a correctly thrown pitch that H. Peel (fl.1868)]; (curling) a takeout in which
the catcher fails to gather in time to prevent a both the stone played and the stone hit leave the
baserunner from advancing house
passing game (association football ) a style of play peel off (general ) to leave a set formation or group,
in which a player retains possession of the ball as a scrum in rugby union or a peloton in cy-
until an opportunity to score a goal arises cling
passing shot (tennis) a shot beyond the reach of peg (angling) a stretch of a river or lake allocated to
one’s opponent a single angler in match fishing; (baseball ) a
passive play (handball ) a team’s undue delay with long, low throw at a base; (cricket) colloquial
the ball, resulting in a foul term for a stump; (croquet) the short wooden
passivity (judo) another term for non-combativ- post in the center of the lawn; (mountaineering)
ity; (wrestling) stalling tactics in which moves another term for a piton
are avoided peg back ( general ) to reduce the lead of another
passivity zone (wrestling) the outer circle of the mat contestant in a race
patball (general) any simple or gentle ball game in peg out (croquet) to finish a game by hitting the
which the ball is hit back and forth between two ball against the peg
players; (sport) derisory nickname for tennis, es- pelota (sport) a game played in Spain, southern
pecially when played lazily or deliberately slowly France, and Latin America in which two players
for tactical reasons hurl a ball against a marked wall using a basket-
paternoster (angling) a fishing line similar to a like wicker racket attached to a glove [Spanish
ledger [its many hooks are like the beads in a pelota, “ball”]
rosary that mark the saying of the paternoster peloton (cycling) the main group of riders in a
(Lord’s Prayer)] stage race [French peloton, “small ball”]
Patriots (American football ) short name of the New pen (association football ) abbreviation of penalty in
England Patriots team sports reports
pattern (general) a fixed sequence of tactical move- penalty (association football ) shortening of penalty
ments; (shooting) the arrangement of shot marks kick; ( general ) a punishment for a foul, usually
on a target involving the imposition of some sort of disad-
pattern race (horse racing) a flat race open to all vantage or the award of an advantage to an op-
comers in a particular category, as of age or ponent or opponents; (horse racing) an additional
weight, the aim being to find the best among the weight carried by a horse as a result of previous
top-rank horses entered [so called for the organ- wins in a handicap; (ice hockey) suspension from
ization of such races by groups] play for a violation of the rules, especially for
pav (cricket) shortening of pavilion unruly behavior
pavé (cycling) the cobbled roads that form part of penalty area (association football ) the area in front
certain road races in France and Belgium of the goal in which a foul by the defending
[French pavé, “paved (way)”] team may result in the award of a direct free
pavilion (cricket) a building for players and (certain) kick to the attacking team as a penalty kick
spectators at the side of a pitch penalty bench (ice hockey) the enclosed area at the
pay-as-you-play (association football ) a contract side of the rink where players who have violated
that pays players for their appearances in a the rules must stay for the penalty period
match, often with a bonus for goals scored or a penalty box (association football ) another term for
team win the penalty area; (ice hockey) another term for the
PB ( general ) abbreviation of personal best penalty bench
pearling (surfing) the dipping of the nose of the penalty corner (field hockey) a shot taken on the
surfboard under the waves back line for an offense committed within the
Pebble Beach ( golf ) a championship golf course shooting circle or twenty-three-meter line
near Monterey, California penalty goal (general) a goal scored as the result of
pedigree (horse racing) (1) the ancestry of a race- a penalty
horse, especially with regard to the identity of its penalty kick (association football ) a direct free kick
progenitors and the purity of its stock; (2) the at goal taken from the penalty spot
record of a horse’s performance [apparently from penalty killer (ice hockey) a player responsible for
French pied de grue, “crane’s foot,” from the ar- preventing a member of the opposing side from
rowhead mark used to denote succession in a ge- scoring when his own team is reduced in num-
nealogical tree] ber as a result of penalties
penalty line • pick 110

penalty line (handball ) another term for the period (ice hockey) one of the three time divisions
seven-meter line that make up a game, each of 20 minutes
penalty pass (netball ) a free pass awarded when a personal best (athletics) the best time or distance
team has committed a foul achieved by a particular athlete
penalty shoot-out (association football ) a method personal foul (basketball) a foul by individual
of settling a tied match by having each team take player in the form of physical contact that re-
a series of penalty kicks sulted in an unfair advantage
penalty shot (netball ) a shot awarded after an in- Perth (horse racing) a National Hunt racecourse at
fringement in the shooting circle Perth, eastern Scotland
penalty spot (association football ) the spot in the pesade (equestrianism) a former maneuver in dres-
penalty area from which a penalty kick is sage in which a horse rears up on its hind legs
taken; (field hockey) the spot in front of the goal without moving forward [French pesade, from
from which a penalty stroke is taken Italian posata, “pause”]
penalty stroke (field hockey) a shot at goal awarded pesäpallo (sport) a Finnish form of baseball
after an infringement [Finnish pesä, “home,” and pallo, “ball”]
penalty try (rugby league, rugby union) a try awarded pétanque (sport) a French game similar to boules
by the referee if a foul has prevented the oppos- in which steel bowls are rolled or hurled toward
ing team from scoring a try a wooden marker ball [French pétanque, from
pendulum (mountaineering) a move in which a Provençal pèd tanco, “feet fixed,” describing the
climber uses momentum to swing to a new po- throwing position]
sition petit final (canoeing) a race that determines the
Penguins (ice hockey) short name of the Pittsburgh placing of paddlers who did not reach the final
Penguins team [French petit final, “little final”]
penholder (table tennis) a grip in which the bat is petticoat (archery) the part of a target outside the
held between thumb and forefinger, like a pen scoring area
pennant (baseball ) a flag awarded to the winners of phantom (angling) an artificial bait that closely
a league championship resembles live bait
Pensioners (association football ) former nickname phantom goal (association football ) another term
of the English club Chelsea [from the Chelsea for a ghost goal
pensioners, or veteran soldiers resident at the Philadelphia Gold Cup (Olympics) the cup
Royal Hospital, Chelsea] awarded to the winner of the men’s single scull
pentathlete (Olympics) a competitor in the mod- championship [presented in 1920 by Philadel-
ern pentathlon phia rowing men in honor of John B. Kelly, Sr.,
pentathlon (Olympics) (1) in ancient Greece, an that year’s winner]
athletic contest in leaping, running, discus- Phillies (baseball ) short name of the Philadelphia
throwing, spear-throwing, and wrestling; (2) Phillies team
shortening of modern pentathlon [Greek pente, photo finish ( general ) (1) a finish in a race that is
“five,” and athlon, “contest”] so close that a special type of photography is
penthouse (real tennis) the roofed corridor that needed to determine the winner; (2) any close
runs around three sides of the court finish
pepperbox (fives) in Eton fives, an irregular but- photograph ( general ) another term for a photo
tress that protrudes into the court and that serves finish
as a hazard physio ( general ) colloquial shortening of physio-
percher (cricket) a bouncer that seems to hang in therapist or physiotherapay
the air for a long time physiotherapist ( general ) a person who treats an
perfect game (baseball ) a game in which a pitcher injured player or sports participant by physical
does not allow any batter to reach base means such as massage, infrared heat treatment,
perfect ten ( general ) a full score, achieved in ideal exercise, and the like, rather than by drugs
circumstances physiotherapy ( general ) treatment administered
perfecta (horse racing) a bet on which two horses by a physiotherapist
will come first and second in a race [American piaffe (equestrianism) in dressage, a type of slow
Spanish quiniela perfecta, “perfect quinella”] trot in which the horse’s neck is raised and
perfume ball (cricket) a bouncer on or just out- arched [French piaffer, “to strut”]
side the off stump that narrowly misses the bats- pick (basketball) a (legitimate) maneuver in which
man’s face [it is so close that he can smell it] an attacker who does not have the ball obstructs
perimeter (basketball) the area of the court beyond a defender from challenging the player who has
the key the ball; ( general ) (1) a game, or a team, for
111 pick-and-roll • pirouette

which the captains select their players alternately pin ( golf ) (1) the rod of a flag; (2) another term
from a single group or squad; (2) a player who for the flag itself; (ninepins, tenpin bowling) one
is selected to play in such a team; (horse racing) of the wooden pieces used as a target; (wrestling)
a horse fancied as a likely winner another term for a throw
pick-and-roll (basketball) a maneuver in which an pin high ( golf ) (of ) an approach shot or chip
attacker frees a teammate holding the ball by that finishes near the pin
using a pick on a defender then moves toward pin hole (archery) the exact center of the bullseye
the basket for a pass pin position ( golf ) the position of the flag on the
pick off (baseball ) to put out a runner who has green
strayed off base by throwing the ball to a fielder pin splitter (golf ) a shot that lands dead on the pin
who tags the runner before he is able to return pin spotter (tenpin bowling) the device that re-
to the base places the pins in position after each player’s
pick up (horse racing) to take hold of the bit and turn
run faster pinch (horse racing) to overurge a horse
pick-up (angling) the loop of metal that pays back pinch hitter (baseball ) a batter who bats in place
the line onto the spool as it is reeled in; (athlet- of a teammate at a critical point in a game, as
ics) the process of increasing speed at the begin- through injury or for tactical reasons; (cricket) a
ning of a race; ( general ) a game or team for batsman in a game of limited overs who bats
which captains select players alternately from a higher up the batting order than usual with the
single group aim of scoring quick runs
pick up the bridle (horse racing) fuller term for pinch runner (baseball ) a substitute baserunner
pick up who runs in place of a batter who has reached
picnic race (horse racing) in Australia and New base, especially toward the end of a close game
Zealand, a rural race for amateurs Pine Valley ( golf ) a golf course at Clementon,
pie chucker (cricket) colloquial term for an inex- New Jersey
pert bowler ping (horse racing) (1) to jump a fence well; (2) to
pig board (surfing) a surfboard with a wide tail leave the starting stalls quickly
and a narrow nose ping-pong (sport) another name for table tennis
pigskin (American football ) colloquial term for the [properly a trademark, Ping-Pong, with ping as
football [originally made of leather from the the sound of the bat striking the ball, pong as
skin of a pig] that of the ball hitting the table]
pike ( g ymnastics) a position of the body in which pink (snooker) the pink ball, worth six points
the legs are kept straight but the torso bent at pink jersey (cycling) the jersey worn by the overall
the hips; (swimming) a position for a dive in leader of the Giro d’Italia [Italian maglia rosa,
which the body is bent at the waist with the legs “pink jersey”]
straight and toes pointed [not related to other pink spot (snooker) the spot on the billiard table
senses of pike, as “fish” or “weapon”] where the pink is positioned, in the center of
pile-up (auto racing) a large-scale collision of cars the bottom half of the table, at the apex of the tri-
on the track; (horse racing) a tangled heap of angle of reds
fallen horses and jockeys on the course, usually pintail (surfing) a surfboard with a tapering tail
the other side of a jump piolet (mountaineering) a two-headed ice ax
piledriver ( general ) a strong blow or kick; [French piolet, from Piedmontese dialect]
(wrestling) the act of slamming down one’s op- pioneer (croquet) a ball sent to the hoop after the
ponent’s head so that it hits the mat one next in turn, so as to be ready for when that
Pilgrims (association football ) (1) nickname of the hoop is attempted
English club Boston United; (2) nickname of pipe-opener (general) a practice game or trial run;
the English club Plymouth Argyle [for the Pil- (horse racing) a gallop or first race that gets a
grim Fathers who came to America from the En- horse fit for subsequent races [it “opens the
glish towns of Boston, Lincolnshire, and Ply- pipes” or clears the wind]
mouth, Devon] pipeline (surfing) the hollow formed by the break-
pill ( general ) colloquial term for a ball, as a bas- ing of a large wave
ketball, football, golf ball, or tennis ball Pirates (association football ) nickname of the En-
pills (billiards) colloquial term for the balls in a glish club Bristol Rovers [from the port city’s
game connection with shipping]; (baseball ) short name
pilot (croquet) the ball off which a player will run of the Pittsburgh Pirates team
a hoop in a break in which the pioneer and the pirouette (equestrianism) in dressage, a full turn
pivot have already been set up made by pivoting on a hind leg; ( g ymnastics) a
piste • plane 112

turn made by swiveling the foot through 180 de- pitch-and-putt ( golf ) a type of miniature golf,
grees while standing erect or by moving the hand in which the green can be reached in a single
similarly when in a handstand position [French stroke
pirouette, “spinning top”] pitch-and-run ( golf ) a pitch shot played so that
piste ( fencing) the dueling area; (skiing) a prepared the ball runs some distance on landing
downhill trail [French piste, “track”] pitch invasion (association football ) the incursion
piste-basher (skiing) (1) a machine that compacts of spectators onto the pitch during or at the end
and levels the snow on a piste; (2) colloquial of a match, either in celebration or in protest
term for a person who enjoys skiing on pistes pitch mark (golf ) a dent or small depression left by
pisteur (skiing) a person who prepares the snow on a ball when it lands on the green
a piste [French pisteur, from piste] pitch-out (baseball ) a tactic by which the pitcher
pistol (shooting) the small, hand-held gun used in deliberately throws the ball wide of the plate in
competitive shooting order to make it easier for the catcher to throw
Pistons (basketball) short name of the Detroit Pis- out a baserunner regarded as likely to attempt
tons team to steal a base
pit (American football ) the center of the line, where pitch shot ( golf ) a shot that sends the ball in a
opposing players battle to attack or defend the high arc so that it runs only a short distance on
quarterback [from pit as an enclosure where an- hitting the ground
imals fight]; (athletics) the sanded landing area in pitch the wickets (cricket) to fix the stumps in the
the long jump and triple jump; (auto racing) ground and place the bails on them
an area (in early days below ground level) close pitcher (baseball ) the player who throws the ball
to the circuit where cars can be serviced or re- to the batter
paired during a race pitching wedge ( golf ) a club giving good loft for
pit area (auto racing) fuller term for the pit playing pitch shots
pit babe (auto racing) colloquial term for an at- piton (mountaineering) an iron peg that can be
tractive young woman engaged by a team to hammered into the rock and have a rope at-
grace its pit area tached to it [French piton, “eyebolt”]
pit board (auto racing) a board held out from the pits (auto racing) the area close to the circuit where
pit wall to tell a driver his position, the time gap each team is assigned its pit
to the car ahead or behind, and the number of pivot (basketball) a move in which the player with
laps remaining the ball takes a step while keeping the other foot
pit lane (auto racing) the lane that leads to the pits on the floor; (croquet) a ball positioned between
from the circuit the pioneer and the hoop being attempted, in
pit lizard (auto racing) colloquial term for a female order to allow the striker’s ball to change direc-
fan or follower of the sport tion
pit road (auto racing) the road that leads to the pits place (horse racing) the positions of second and
from the circuit third (and sometimes fourth) in a race
pit stop (auto racing) a stop made by a driver in place bet (horse racing) a bet on a horse to finish
the pits to refuel or repair his car second or third (or sometimes fourth) in a race
pit wall (auto racing) the wall that separates the pit place horse (horse racing) a horse that finishes sec-
area from the start straight and finish straight ond or third (or sometimes fourth) in a race
pitch (angling) the place in a river assigned to a place kick (rugby league, rugby union) a kick taken
particular angler; (association football ) the area, with the ball placed on the ground, as for a
bounded by the goal lines and touchlines, on penalty kick or conversion
which a match is played; (baseball ) (1) to throw placepot (horse racing) a bet staked on a place
the ball to the batter; (2) the ball so thrown; horse in the first six races on the racecard
(cricket) (1) the area of ground between the wick- plain ball (billiards) the all-white cue ball, as dis-
ets; (2) the manner of bowling the ball so that tinct from the spot white; (snooker) a stroke in
it lands at a particular point or from a particu- the center of the cue ball, as distinct from a top-
lar direction; (3) the point where the ball spin
bounces; ( general ) the area of play in a field planche ( g ymnastics) a position in which the body
game; (golf ) shortening of pitch shot; (horse rac- is supported by the arms parallel to the ground,
ing) an area at a racecourse assigned to a book- as on the parallel bars or the rings [French
maker; (mountaineering) (1) a section of rock or planche, “plank”]
ice between two belay points; (2) a steep descent; plane (surfing) to ride a wave with the hands form-
(rowing) the angle at which the blade of the oar ing a spear shape to protect the face and cut
enters the water through the water
113 plank • poach

plank (auto racing) a wooden board fitted to the play-off ( general ) (1) an additional game or match
underside of Formula One cars as a check that played to decide a draw or tie; (2) a series of
they are not too close to the ground games or matches played to decide a champi-
plant (snooker) a stroke in which the cue ball onship or promotion
strikes the object ball which then (intention- play on (cricket) to play the ball onto one’s own
ally) strikes a another ball into a pocket wicket, thus putting oneself out; ( general ) to
plasticine (athletics) the soft rubber section of the continue playing after a particular incident or
board in the long jump and triple jump that is temporary stoppage
imprinted by the jumper’s spikes on takeoff and play pepper (baseball ) to warm up by catching and
so determines whether the jump was a foul or returning balls
not [from Plasticine, the proprietary name of a play-the-ball (rugby league) a means of restarting
kind of soft modeling material] play after a tackle, in which the tackled player
plastron ( fencing) a padded protective garment rolls the ball behind him with his foot
worn under the fencing jacket [French plastron, play the percentages ( general ) to play safe shots
from Italian plastrone, from plastra, “breastplate”] or moves rather than risky ones on the basis that
plate (baseball ) the five-sided white slab over which this is more likely to bring eventual success
the pitcher must throw the ball; ( general ) a cup play through(golf ) to continue to play, overtaking
or other prize awarded to the winner of a race; other players who have temporarily ceased play-
(horse racing) a light racing horseshoe ing to allow this
plater (horse racing) a moderate horse entered for a player-manager (general) a person who both plays
selling race in a team and manages it
platform (swimming) a rigid diving board, as dis- playfield (Australian Rules) the area of the pitch
tinct from a springboard marked by the boundary lines within which the
platinum duck (cricket) a duck scored by a bats- game is played
man who is out on the first ball of the season [it playing field ( general ) a field where a sport is reg-
ranks as the rarest kind, above a golden duck] ularly played
platoon (American football ) a group of players playmaker ( general ) a member of a team who is
trained to act as a single unit of attackers or de- skilled at initiating plays that might lead to a
fenders, and sent into a game (or taken out of score
it) as a body; (general) a group of players who al- pleasure angler (angling) an angler who fishes
ternate in the same position in a team alone, as distinct from a competing match angler
play (American football ) a single period of activ- plug (angling) a type of lure with one or more
ity, beginning with the snap, in which players hooks attached; ( golf ) to become stuck in a
follow prearranged actions; (angling) to allow a hazard
fish to exhaust itself by its struggles to get away; plumb (cricket) indisputably leg before wicket [as
( general ) a particular move or maneuver a ruling on a batsman]
play! (cricket) the call of the umpire at the bowler’s plummet (angling) a weight attached to a fishing
end at the start of a match and on resumption line, used with a float to gauge the depth of the
of play after any interval swim or to keep the float upright
play across the line (cricket) as a batsman, to play Plumpton (horse racing) a National Hunt race-
a strong but potentially risky shot of the ball course at Plumpton Green, East Sussex, En-
that sends it far off its course on a line between gland
the wickets plunge (American football ) a quick thrust into the
play action (American football ) an attempt to dis- line, as often made by a fullback
guise a passing play as a running play plunging back (American football ) another term
play away ( general ) to play a game on an oppo- for a fullback
nent’s ground plus fours ( golf ) a type of baggy knickerbockers
play back (cricket) to step back to play a stroke formerly worn by golfers [so named from the
play-by-play ( general ) a running commentary on four extra inches of cloth required to create the
a sporting event overhang at the knee]
play forward (cricket) to step forward to play a full plus twos ( golf ) a shorter and less baggy form of
toss plus fours [from the two extra inches of cloth]
play line (real tennis) the line running around the poach (association football ) to lurk around the
walls of the court above which the ball must not penalty area of the opposing team on the chance
be hit of scoring an opportunist goal; (tennis) to take
play off ( golf ) (1) to play the ball from the tee; (2) a ball that should have been left to one’s partner
to have as a handicap in doubles
pocket • pools 114

pocket (American football ) the area behind the of- bend; ( general ) the most advantageous position
fensive linemen, usually affording protection to in any race or competition
the quarterback when attempting a pass; (bil- pole-sitter (auto racing) a driver who stays in pole
liards, snooker) one of the six open-mouthed bags position
or pouches at the corners and sides of the bil- pole vault (athletics) a field event in which the
liard table into which the balls are struck; ( gen- competitor uses a pole to clear a high bar
eral ) a position in a race in which a competitor poleman (auto racing) a driver in pole position
is hemmed in by others and so has no chance of policeman (ice hockey) a hefty player whose main
winning; (lacrosse) the strung part of the head of role is to protect his own goalscorers
the stick which holds the ball polka-dot jersey (cycling) the red polka-dot jersey
pocket billiards (sport) an alternate name for pool won by the King of the Mountains in the Tour
podium (general) the raised platform on which the de France [French maillot à pois rouge, “polka-
winners of a race or other contest stand dot jersey”]
podium finish (auto racing, motorcycle racing) a polo (sport) a game of Eastern origin similar to
finish in first, second, or third place, giving the field hockey played on horseback between teams
winner a stand on the podium of four, using mallets to propel a small hard ball
point (cricket) a fielding position on the off side into the opponent’s goal [Tibetan pulu, “ball”]
fairly near the batsman on a line with the pop- polo ground (polo) the dedicated area where the
ping crease [so called as originally close to the game is played, as a grass field with marked white
point of the bat]; ( general ) a unit of count in lines and goalposts at either end
scoring or judging; (lacrosse) a defensive player polo pony (polo) fuller term for a pony
positioned a short distance in front of the goal- polo stick (polo) the mallet used in playing polo
keeper and behind the cover point, with the polocrosse (sport) a game similar to polo played on
role of marking the opposing team’s first home horseback with sticks having a head resembling
point after (American football ) another term for the crosse used in lacrosse
an extra point Polytrack (horse racing) proprietary name of a type
point guard (basketball) a player positioned away of synthetic surface on a racecourse
from the basket who directs attacking play pommel ( g ymnastics) one of the two handrails
point-to-point (horse racing) an amateur steeple- fitted to a pommel horse
chase for hunters over a cross-country course pommel horse ( g ymnastics) a piece of apparatus
[from one point to another] similar to a vaulting horse having a stuffed
point-to-pointer (horse racing) a horse entered in leather body with pommels and used in men’s
a point-to-point competition for a variety of routines, including
pointbreak (surfing) the place where a wave breaks swings, scissors, splits, and handstands
around an exposed pointed rock Pompey (association football ) nickname of the En-
pointer (horse racing) shortening of point-to- glish club Portsmouth [of disputed but almost
pointer certainly naval origin]
pointing (horse racing) competing in a point-to- Pontefract (horse racing) a flat racecourse at Pon-
point tefract, West Yorkshire, England
points competition (cycling) a subsidiary compe- pony (polo) a horse used in the game
tition in a stage race, won by the rider who has pony goal (polo) a goal that results from the ball
accumulated the most points from his finishing making contact with a horse
positions in stages and from primes pooch kick (American football ) a short high kick
points race (cycling) a track race in which riders made with the aim of making the receiving team
gain points for their position at the end of each restart behind its own 20-yard line
lap and in individual sprints throughout the Pool (association football ) short name of the En-
race glish clubs Hartlepool United and Liverpool
poke (cricket) a stroke made by jabbing at the ball pool (sport) a form of billiards played with a cue
pole (athletics) the long rod used in the pole vault; and balls on a table similar to (but smaller than)
(auto racing) shortening of pole position; (horse a billiard table and having the three main types
racing) the starting position closest to the inside nine-ball pool, eight-ball pool, and straight
fence surrounding a racecourse; (skiing) short- pool [from the collective bet formerly placed by
ening of ski pole players]; (swimming) shortening of swimming
pole line (cycling) the innermost line painted pool
around the track in a velodrome pools (association football ) popular name of the
pole position (auto racing) the position on the grid football pools
in the front row and on the inside of the first pools panel (association football ) a specially con-
115 pop • prayer

vened group of advisers who decide the results of post up (basketball) to establish possession out-
football matches that have been postponed side the key with one’s back to the basket
through bad weather, enabling bets to be placed post weight (greyhound racing) a greyhound’s
as usual on the football pools weight as determined by officials before it has
pop (baseball ) shortening of pop-up left its post to enter the track
pop lacrosse (lacrosse) a simplified form of the postman’s knock (boxing) colloquial term for two
game designed for young players successive punches
pop-up (baseball ) a ball hit high in the air by the postseason ( general ) taking place after the end of
batter and giving an easy catch the regular season
Pop Warner football (American football ) a junior pot (billiards, snooker) to send a ball into a pocket;
league program for young boys, founded in ( general ) (1) colloquial term for a cup; (2) a
Philadelphia in 1929 [named for college football group of teams or individuals awaiting a draw;
coach Glenn Scobey (“Pop”) Warner (1871 – (horse racing) (1) a large bet; (2) a horse on which
1954)] such a bet has been placed; (rugby league, rugby
popinjay (archery) a target consisting of bunches union) to score a drop goal
of plumage arranged atop a pole pot bunker ( golf ) an artificially constructed small
popout (surfing) a poorly made surfboard deep bunker
popping crease (cricket) a horizontal line marked pot-lid (curling) a stone played in such a way that
across the pitch in front of the bowling crease, it rests exactly on the tee
behind which the batsman must have a foot or potholing (sport) the exploration of potholes, as
the bat in order not to be run out or stumped deep holes and caves in limestone country
and which the bowler must not overstep when re- pothunter ( general ) colloquial term for a person
leasing the ball in order to avoid delivering a no- who competes purely to win pots or prizes
ball [the crease was originally a depression into Potters (association football ) nickname of the En-
which the batsman had to “pop” the bat on com- glish club Stoke City [from the local pottery in-
pleting a run] dustry]
port (bowls) a passage remaining open between two powder skiing (skiing) the art of skiing on pow-
bowls; (curling) a passage remaining open be- dered snow, like that found off piste
tween two stones; (sailing) the left side of a boat Power (Australian Rules) short name of the Port
when facing forward Adelaide Power team
Portuguese Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula power forward (basketball) the taller of a team’s
One international Grand Prix held on the cir- two forwards, who specializes in catching re-
cuit at Estoril, Portugal bounds
Posh (association football ) nickname of the English power slide (motorcycle racing) a method used in
club Peterborough United [said to derive from speedway for rounding a corner in which the
a “posh” (smart) team that originally played rider slides the back wheel out in a controlled
on the ground before the club was founded in skid while maintaining acceleration
1934] powerboat racing (sport) the sport of navigating
position (field games) the desired location of a a motor-powered boat, either at sea or inland on
player or the ball a lake or river
position player (baseball ) any player other than a powerlifting (weightlifting) a contest of strength
pitcher involving a bench press, a squat, and a two-
possession ( general ) (1) the state of having control handed dead lift
of the ball in a game such as association foot- powerplay (cricket) a period in a limited-over
ball; (2) the length of time that a team has such match during which there are special restrictions
control during a match on the positions where fielders may be stationed;
post (association football ) one of the two pillars that ( general ) a strong attacking play designed to put
support the crossbar and net of the goal; ( gen- pressure on the defense by concentrating play-
eral) shortening of starting post, finishing post ers in one small area; (ice hockey) a formation
or winning post; (greyhound racing) a grey- adopted when the opposing team has one or two
hound’s box or position number at the start of players on the penalty bench; (tennis) tactics
a race that involve hitting the ball with maximum
post and rail (horse racing) (of ) a fence consisting speed and strength
of posts and one or more rails practice swing ( golf ) a trial swing made without
post pattern (American football ) a route taken by contacting the ball as a preliminary to the ac-
a receiver that involves running straight up the tual stroke
field then turning in toward the goalposts prayer (American football ) colloquial term for a
pre-season • professional 116

desperate pass, especially when there is no obvi- points competition; ( fencing) the first of eight
ous receiver to catch it basic parry positions, used to protect the upper
pre-season ( general ) (of ) a period of games be- inside of the body [French prime, “first”]
fore the regular season begins primitive bow (archery) a competitive bow made
Preakness Stakes (horse racing) an annual race for of wood
three-year-old thoroughbreds held at Pimlico, Princess Elizabeth Cup (rowing) the trophy
Baltimore, Maryland, since 1873 [named for the awarded to the winner of a race for school eights
colt Preakness] at Henley [presented in 1946 by Princess Eliza-
Predators (ice hockey) short name of the Nashville beth, later Queen Elizabeth II (1926–)]
Predators team Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe (horse racing) a presti-
Premier League (association football ) the division gious race for colts and fillies held annually at
of 20 English clubs formed in 1992 from the old Longchamp since 1920 [named for the Arc de
Division 1 of the Football League Triomphe, Paris, a noted commemorative mon-
premiership ( general ) a competition between the ument]
top clubs in a sport prize ( general ) a reward or symbol of success, such
Premiership (association football ) another name as a sum of money or a trophy, won in a sport-
for the Premier League ing contest
prep (horse racing) shortening of prep race prize ring (boxing) a ring where prizefights are held
prep race (horse racing) a minor race that tests a prizefight (boxing) a boxing match fought for a
horse’s capabilities before the major one [short- prize in the form of money
ening of preparatory race] prizefighter (boxing) a contestant in a prizefight
prep run (horse racing) another term for a prep race prizewinner ( general ) the winner of a prize
present (horse racing) a sum of money paid by the pro ( general ) shortening of professional
owner of a horse to the winning jockey pro-am ( golf ) a tournament for both profession-
President’s Cup (equestrianism) the trophy awarded als and amateurs
since 1965 to the winner, based on the results of Pro Bowl (American football ) a game played in
earlier competitions, of a team showjumping Hawaii at the end of the season between teams
championship selected from the best players in the AFC and
press (basketball) any kind of close guarding by the NFC
defending team; ( golf ) to send the ball in the pro-celebrity ( golf ) (of ) a tournament involving
wrong direction by trying to hit it too hard; professionals and celebrities
( g ymnastics) the raising of the body by contin- pro football (American football ) shortening of pro-
uous muscular effort; (weightlifting) the raising fessional football
of a weight to shoulder level, then its gradual Pro-Ride (horse racing) proprietary name of a type
extension above the head of synthetic surface on a racecourse
press-out (weightlifting) an illegal move in which pro shop ( golf ) a shop run by a resident profes-
the arms are not straight when a lift is attempted sional at a golf club
but are then straightened when it is completed Probables v. Possibles ( general ) a trial match to
press-up ( g ymnastics) an exercise performed face select a team in a sport such as association foot-
down in which the body is raised and lowered on ball [“Probables” being more likely to be selected
the arms while the trunk and legs are kept than “Possibles”]
straight procession (cricket) the rapid loss of a number of
pressure hold (mountaineering) a hold made by wickets [the outgoing and incoming batsmen
applying pressure downward or sideways form something of a procession across the
prevent defense (American football ) a defensive pitch]; (general) a race in which the winner is so
strategy in which the offense is allowed to ad- far ahead that the rest of the field trails in a long
vance the ball by small degrees but denied the line behind him
opportunity to advance and score quickly proette ( golf ) a female professional [combination
priest (angling) a club or mallet for killing fish [by of pro and the feminine suffix -ette, designed to
administering the “last rites”] avoid the undesirable sense of pro]
primary receiver (American football ) the offensive professional (general) a person who regularly takes
receiver ear-marked to catch the ball part in sport for payment, as distinct from an
Primavera (cycling) an alternate name for the amateur
Milan-San Remo road race [Italian primavera, professional football (American football ) the
“spring,” the season when it is held] sport as played by professionals, introduced in
prime (cycling) the place in a road race or stage of 1895
a stage race at which points are assigned in the professional foul (association football ) an inten-
117 professional’s • punch

tional foul made to prevent the opposing team of scrimmage and cross behind it in order to
from scoring block opposing players and clear the way for a
professional’s side ( golf ) colloquial term for the runner; (cricket) short for pull the ball; ( gen-
high side [a player who misses a putt on this eral ) to withdraw a player from a game; ( golf )
side has not underestimated the borrow, as an short for pull a shot; (horse racing) (1) to hold
amateur might do] back a horse in order to prevent it from winning;
profit foul (basketball) the equivalent of a profes- (2) an advantage in weight over another horse;
sional foul (rowing) short for pull the oars
Pro40 League (cricket) a league of county cricket pull! (shooting) the command given in trapshoot-
teams who play 40 overs a side ing to release the clay pigeon
promoter ( general ) the organizer of a sporting pull a punch (boxing) to hold back the full force of
event such as a boxing match a punch
promotion (association football ) the elevation of a pull a shot ( golf ) to play a shot that sends the ball
club from a lower division to a higher following too much to the left (for a right-handed player)
a season in which the club has finished in a high or to the right (for a left-handed player)
position in the league; ( general ) the staging for pull back (association football ) to score a goal that
profit of a sporting event such as a boxing match brings a losing team level with the opposing side
prone (shooting) a position lying face down in a pull drive (cricket) a drive that brings the ball from
small-bore rifle competition the off side to the leg side
prop (boxing) the extended arm of a boxer; (horse pull hitter (baseball ) a hitter who consistently
racing) to stop suddenly [the horse’s rigid forelegs pulls the ball
are like a prop]; (rugby league, rugby union) one pull-out (surfing) the ending of a ride by steering
of the two outside front-row forwards who sup- the surf board over or through the back of a
port the hooker in a scrum wave
prop forward (rugby league, rugby union) fuller pull stroke (cricket) a stroke that brings the ball
term for a prop from the off side to the leg side
propeller (angling) a type of artificial bait with pull the ball (baseball ) to hit the ball into left field
blades that rotate when drawn through the water from a right-handed stance (or into right field
protection (mountaineering) the running belays from a left-handed stance); (cricket) to hit the
necessary to safeguard a pitch ball with a horizontal bat at waist height round
protection area (wrestling) the border of the mat to the leg side
beyond the passivity zone pull the goalie (ice hockey) to replace the goal-
proximity flying (sport) an extreme form of base keeper during a game with an additional attack-
jumping in which the participant, deploying a ing player
parachute and sometimes wearing a special pull the oars (rowing) to row [by pulling the oars
“wingsuit,” keeps deliberately close to the surface through the water]
of the structure from which he jumps pull the string (baseball ) to throw a slow ball
prusik (mountaineering) a type of rope sling that pull up (equestrianism, horse racing) to come to a
enables a climber to ascend or descend a climb- halt
ing rope [devised by the Austrian climber Karl pull-up (gymnastics) an exercise in which the gym-
Prusik (1895–1961)] nast hangs from a bar by his hands then pulls
puck (hurling) a stroke of the ball; (ice hockey) the himself up so that his chin is level with the bar
hard thick rubber disk used instead of a ball [ori- Pumas (rugby union) nickname of the Argentine
gin unknown] national team [so dubbed as a rival to the
puck carrier (ice hockey) the player in possession Springboks by a journalist who mistook the
of the puck during play jaguar on the team’s crest for a puma]
puck-chaser (ice hockey) colloquial term for a pump (sailing) to increase the speed of a boat by
player of the game rapidly pulling the sails in and out
puddle (rowing) the whirlpool effect when the oar pump iron ( general ) to exercise with weights as a
comes out of the water at the end of a stroke form of bodybuilding
pugilism (sport) a formal alternate name for box- punch (boxing) a blow with the fist; ( golf ) a shot
ing [Latin pugil, “boxer”] that sends the ball in a low trajectory
pugilist (boxing) an alternate term for a boxer Punch-and-Judy hitter (baseball ) a batter who
puissance (equestrianism) a showjumping compe- hits the ball softly [as if merely a puppet like
tition that tests a horse’s power to jump large Punch beating his wife Judy]
obstacles [French puissance, “power”] punch and retreat (boxing) a strategy of gradually
pull (American football ) to withdraw from the line wearing down an opponent by delivering a series
punch drunk • putting 118

of individual punches while otherwise avoiding relay race in which the incoming runner pushes
any direct engagement or action the baton into the palm of the outgoing runner;
punch drunk (boxing) suffering from cerebral con- ( general ) a pass made by pushing rather than
cussion inflicted by past blows in the sport [the hitting or kicking the ball
sufferer moves as if drunk] push shot ( general ) a shot in which the ball is
punch out (baseball ) colloquial equivalent of pushed instead of being hit; (snooker) another
strike out term for a push stroke
punchbag (boxing) a large stuffed bag for boxers to push stroke (snooker) an illegal stroke in which
practice punching the cue is still in contact (or comes into contact
punchball (boxing) a suspended ball for boxers to again) with the cue ball when the latter touches
practice punching; (sport) a game similar to the object ball
baseball in which a rubber ball is punched with push the ball (field hockey) to propel the ball in a
the fist or head continuous movement with the stick across the
Punchestown (horse racing) a flat and National pitch in such a way that the ball does not leave
Hunt racecourse at Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland the ground
punching bag (boxing) another term for a punch- push-up ( g ymnastics) (1) another term for a press-
bag up; (2) an exercise on the parallel bars in which
punishment ( general ) damaging treatment, as in the body is supported on bent arms and raised
the repeated punches of a boxer on his opponent when they are straightened
or, in cricket, in the ready runs scored by a bats- pushball (sport) a simple game for two teams in
man from the balls of a bowler which one team tries to push a very large ball
punt (American football ) the kick of a ball dropped toward and into the opponent’s goal
from the hands before it touches the ground, and pusher (octopush) the stick used to propel the squid
specifically such a kick upfield into the oppos- pushout (pool) a shot allowed after the break in
ing team’s territory, usually on the fourth down, which a player can hit the ball anywhere on the
so that the opposing team have to move the ball table and the opponent can either take the next
a greater distance when they gain possession; shot from where it finishes or ask the first player
( general ) a kick made by dropping the ball from to begin again; (wrestling) the act of pushing an
the hands and kicking it before it touches the opponent out of the ring
ground, as in rugby league pushover (rugby union) shortening of pushover
punter (American football ) a player who special- try
izes in punts; (horse racing) a person who bets pushover try (rugby union) a try scored after a
on the results of races maul or scrum close to the try line has been
Pura Cup (cricket) the cup awarded to the winner pushed over the line and enabled a touchdown
of an annual Australian interstate competition, put down (cricket) to drop a catch
first held in 1893 [name of sponsor] put-in (rugby league, rugby union) the throwing of
pursuit (cycling) shortening of pursuit race the ball into the scrum
pursuit race (cycling) a race in which two riders put on ( general ) to add a particular number of
start at opposite sides of a track and try to over- points or runs to a score
take each other put out ( general ) to cause a player in a game or
push (cricket) a stroke by the batsman that merely match to be out
eases the ball away; (snooker) shortening of push put up (cricket) to score a particular number of
stroke; (table tennis) a defensive shot played runs
with backspin putt ( golf ) (1) to hit the ball gently so that it goes
push a shot ( golf ) to play a shot that sends the across the green and, ideally, into the hole; (2)
ball too much to the right (of a right-handed a stroke that sends the ball thus [a Scottish form
player) or to the left (of a left-handed player) of put]
push and run (association football ) a style of play putt out (golf ) to finish a game by putting into the
in which players pass the ball quickly then run hole
to receive a return pass putter ( golf ) (1) a short-handled club with an up-
push hold (mountaineering) another term for a right striking face, used for hitting a putt; (2) a
pressure hold player hitting a putt; (putting) a player engaged
push-in (field hockey) the act of pushing the ball in the sport
into play from the sideline putting ( golf ) the act of hitting a putt; (sport) a
push-off (swimming) the act of pushing oneself off game similar to miniature golf, played with
the end of the pool in turning putters and golf balls on a small course with
push pass (athletics) a method of handover in a several holes
119 putting cleek • rabbit

putting cleek ( golf ) an old-fashioned putter sim- quarter-pipe (skateboarding) half of a half-pipe,
ilar to a cleek, with a long narrow blade run- as a curved ramp
ning direct from the shaft quarter-race (horse racing) a race over a quarter of
putting green ( golf ) (1) a formal term for the a mile
green; (2) a small golf course with several holes quarter stretch (horse racing) a part of a racecourse
used for practice or for the sport of putting that is a quarter of a mile long
putting the shot (athletics) another term for the quarterback (American football ) the player be-
shot put tween the linemen and the running backs, who
pyramid (snooker) the triangle of 15 reds set up at directs his team’s attacking play
the start of the game in the top half of the bil- quarterback club (American football ) an associa-
liard table tion of supporters who actively promote their
pyramid rest (billiards, snooker) another term for team
a spider quarterback sack (American football ) an attack on
pyramid spot (billiards) the spot on the table mid- a quarterback before he can make a pass
way between the center spot and the top cush- quarterback sneak (American football ) a play in
ion, corresponding to the pink spot in snooker which a quarterback carries the ball instead of
pyramids (snooker) a variant of the game played passing it to another back
with 15 reds arranged into a pyramid and one quasimodo (surfing) a crouched position adopted
white cue ball (but no colors) when riding a surfboard [from the name of the
Q school (golf ) abbreviation of qualifying school “Hunchback of Notre Dame,” the deformed
QPR (association football ) short name of the English bellringer in Victor Hugo’s 1831 novel Notre
club Queen’s Park Rangers Dame de Paris]
quad (rowing) shortening of quadruple scull Queens (association football ) short name of the
quad bike (motorcycle racing) a four-wheeled mo- Scottish club Queen of the South
torcycle Queen’s Prize (shooting) the leading award for rifle
quadrella (horse racing) a bet on the winners of a shooting [founded in 1860 by Queen Victoria
group of four races in a meeting [Latin quadr-, (reigned 1837–1901)]
“four” with diminutive suffix -ella] Queensberry Rules (boxing) the standard rules of
quadruple scull (rowing) a four-manned boat in the modern form of the sport [introduced in
which each rower has a pair of sculls 1867 under the patronage of the 8th Marquis of
Quakers (association football ) nickname of the Queensberry (1844–1900)]
English club Darlington [from the town’s long quickie (cricket) colloquial term for a fast bowler
association with the Quakers (Society of quickstick (lacrosse) a shot made by a player with-
Friends)] out using a cradle between receiving the ball
qualifier (general) shortening of qualifying round and sending it on
qualifying round (general) a preliminary round of quinella (horse racing) a bet on the horses that will
a competition, designed to limit the number of finish first and second in a race (but not on their
entrants order of finishing) [American Spanish quiniela]
qualifying school ( golf ) a six-round competition Quins (rugby union) short name of the English
held annually for players seeking one of 35 places club Harlequins
on the European Tour quinte ( fencing) the fifth of eight basic parry po-
quarte ( fencing) the fourth of eight basic parry po- sitions, used to protect the lower inside of the
sitions, used to protect the upper inside of the left body [French quinte, “fifth”]
of the body [French quarte, “fourth”] quiver (archery) a long narrow case for holding ar-
quarter (American football ) (1) one of the periods rows
of 15 minutes into which a game is divided; (2) quoit (quoits) a ring made of rubber, rope, or the
shortening of quarterback; (Australian Rules) like (originally iron), used for throwing in the
one of the periods of 20 minutes into which a game named for it
match is divided quoits (sport) a game in which a quoit is thrown
quarter court (squash) one half of the back part of to encircle or land as near as possible to a peg or
the court small post [origin uncertain]
quarter-final ( general ) the round before the R&A ( golf ) abbreviation of the Royal and An-
semifinal in a knockout competition cient Golf Club of St. Andrews
quarter-line (rugby union) another term for the rabbit (athletics) colloquial term for a pacemaker;
twenty-two (cricket) (1) colloquial term for a poor batsman;
quarter-miler (athletics) an expert in running the (2) colloquial term for a batsman often dis-
quarter-mile (now 400 meters) missed by the same bowler; ( golf ) colloquial
rabbit ball • raincheck 120

term for a poor player [from the characteristic racing flag (sailing) a private flag flown on a boat
timidity of a rabbit] or yacht when racing
rabbit ball (baseball ) a ball that is lively in action racing form (horse racing) a record of a horse’s per-
[it springs like a rabbit] formance in previous races
rabbit punch (boxing) an illegal punch to the back racing line (auto racing) the optimum line on a
of the neck [like that used by hunters and farm- track on which to drive between one corner and
ers to kill a rabbit] the next
Rabbitohs (rugby league) short name of the Aus- rack (equestrianism) a horse’s gait in which the legs
tralian team South Sydney Rabbitohs on the same side move almost simultaneously;
rabbitry ( general ) (1) a poor player; (2) poor per- (pool) (1) the arrangement of the balls at the be-
formance in a game [like that of a rabbit] ginning of the game; (2) a single game
race ( general ) a competitive trial of speed, as in racket ( general ) a bat with a round or oval frame
auto racing, cycling, greyhound racing, horse strung with catgut or nylon, used in sports such
racing, rowing, sailing, and swimming as tennis and squash
race-fixing ( general ) the fraudulent manipulation racket abuse (tennis) an impetuous act in which a
of the result of a race player hurls his racket to the ground or smashes
race meeting (horse racing) a series of races on a it against something
particular day at a racecourse racketball (sport) a British version of racquetball,
race walking (athletics) a form of racing in which played on a smaller court with a slower ball
the competitors walk as fast as possible, with one rackets (sport) a game similar to squash, in which
or other of the feet always in contact with the two or four people alternately strike a hard white
ground ball with a racket against one of the walls of a
raceball (horse racing) a ball held in connection four-walled court
with a race meeting racquet ( general ) another spelling of racket
racecar (auto racing) a specially constructed or racquetball (sport) a game of U.S. origin blending
modified automobile used for the sport elements of handball and squash, played between
racecard (horse racing) the program of a day of two or four players with a short-handled racket
races at a race meeting and a small rubber ball in a four-walled court
racecourse (horse racing) a delimited area or track, racquets (sport) alternate spelling of rackets
with or without obstacles, that is specially pre- rafting (sport) the sport of traveling down a river,
pared for racing especially over rapids, on a raft
raceday (horse racing) the day when a particular ragworm (angling) the burrowing marine worm
race or meeting is held Nereis diversicolor used as bait
racegoer (horse racing) a person who regularly vis- raider (horse racing) a horse brought over from
its race meetings, usually to place bets abroad to run in a particular race
racehorse (horse racing) a horse specially bred and Raiders (American football ) short name of the
trained to take part in racing Oakland Raiders team; (rugby league) short name
racemare (horse racing) a female racehorse of the English club Barrow Raiders
racer ( general ) a person or vehicle that takes part rail (equestrianism) a wooden bar in an obstacle;
in a race (pool, snooker) another term for the cushion;
races (horse racing) another term for a race meeting (squash) a shot hit close to the side walls of the
racetrack ( general ) an area marked out as the lo- court; (surfing) the edge of the surfboard
cation of a race; (horse racing) another term for rail turn (surfing) a trick turn in which the rail of
a racecourse the surfboard is submerged
racewalk (athletics) a contest in race walking rails (horse racing) the fence forming the inside
raceway (horse racing) a track or circuit for running boundary of a racecourse
horses in harness racing Railwaymen (association football ) nickname of the
racing ( general ) the act of taking part in a race; English club Crewe Alexandra [from the town’s
(sport) shortening of (especially) horse racing or historic importance as a railroad center]
of any sport specified by the first word, as auto rainbow jersey (cycling) the multicolored jersey
racing, greyhound racing awarded to the winner of the World Road Race
racing car (auto racing) another term for a racecar Championships
racing colors (horse racing) the distinctive colors rainbow shot (basketball) a shot that curves from
worn by a jockey to identify the owner of the the player’s hand down into the basket
horse raincheck ( general ) a ticket for future use given to
racing dive (swimming) a dive approached by a a spectator if a game or sports meeting is rained
run-up off
121 rained • recreation

rained off (general) cancelled or prematurely ended rate (horse racing) to ride at a moderate pace so as
because of rain to save the horse’s energy for the finish
raise (curling) a draw that knocks another stone rating (rowing) the total of strokes rowed per
into the house or into a better position within it minute, used to advise a crew of its work rate
rally (auto racing) (1) formerly, a race as both a test rattle (association football ) a wooden instrument
of endurance and speed and a method of record- with a ratchet wheel which when whirled around
ing the performance of automobiles; (2) today, makes a loud clacking noise, formerly sounded
a competition to test skill in driving over long by a team’s supporters at a match
distances, sometimes over an unknown route, as Ravens (American football ) short name of the Bal-
either a road rally or a stage rally; (badminton, timore Ravens team
squash, table tennis, tennis) a vigorous or ex- RBI (baseball ) abbreviation of run batted in
tended exchange of shots, especially to decide a reach (boxing) the distance between the fingertips
point; (boxing) a sustained exchange of blows of the outstretched arms of a boxer; (cricket) the
[French rallier, “re-ally,” “bring together again”] extent to which a batsman can play forward
rally driver (auto racing) a driver in a rally without moving his back foot
rally driving (auto racing) the sport of driving in reaction time (athletics) the fraction of time be-
a rally tween the firing of the starting pistol and the
rallycross (auto racing) a form of the sport that departure of the athlete from the starting block
combines elements of rally driving and au- read the green (golf ) to assess the physical features
tocross, with a circuit that consists partly of of the green on making an approach shot
paved road and partly of rough ground ready golf ( golf ) a mode of playing in which play-
rallye (auto racing) alternate spelling of rally ers aim to keep up with those playing in front of
rallying (auto racing) shortening of rally driving them, as by selecting a club while walking to the
Rams (American football ) short name of the St. Louis ball rather than when stationary
Rams team; (association football ) nickname of the Real (association football ) short name of the Span-
English club Derby County [from a local legend ish club Real Madrid
about the mythical Derby Ram]; (rugby league) real tennis (sport) the original form of tennis,
short name of the English club Dewsbury Rams played between two or four players, who hit a
randolph (trampolining) a forward somersault hard ball with a racket back and forth across a
with two and a half twists [named from its sim- net in a court reminiscent of medieval cloisters
ilarity to a rudolph] with a penthouse along three of its sides [so
randy (trampolining) colloquial name for a ran- named by contrast with lawn tennis]
dolph rebound (basketball) an instance of catching the
Ranfurly Shield (rugby union) the trophy awarded ball after a missed shot has bounced off the
to the winner of a New Zealand interprovincial backboard or the edge of the basket
competition [presented in 1902 by the 5th Earl rec ( general ) colloquial abbreviation of recreation
of Ranfurly (1856–1933), governor of New ground
Zealand] recce (auto racing) in rally driving, inspection of
range ( golf ) shortening of driving range; (shoot- the course by the driver and codriver in advance
ing) shortening of rifle range or shooting range of the rally in order to draw up the pace notes
ranger ( golf ) an official who monitors the rate of receiver (American football ) an offensive player el-
play on a course, encouraging slow players to igible to catch a pass from the quarterback;
speed up or to allow others to play through (table tennis, tennis) the player to whom the
Rangers (association football ) short name of the server serves the ball
English club Queen’s Park Rangers [not to be record ( general ) an unsurpassed achievement or
confused with either of the Scottish clubs performance in a competitive sport
Queen’s Park or Rangers]; (baseball ) short name recordbreaker (general) a person who has set a new
of the Texas Rangers team; (ice hockey) short record
name of the New York Rangers team recordholder ( general ) a person whose record has
rappel (mountaineering) another term for abseil not been beaten
[French rappel, “recall”] recovery ( golf ) a stroke that brings the ball out
Raptors (basketball) short name of the Toronto of a hazard; (rowing) the phase in the stroke
Raptors team cycle in which the rower swings forward to take
rapture of the deep (aquatics) colloquial term for the next catch
nitrogen narcosis, the intoxicating and anesthetic recreation ground ( general ) a public open area for
effect of too much nitrogen in the brain, expe- sports and games, often including tennis courts
rienced by divers at considerable depths and a park
recumbent • registered 122

recumbent (cycling) a low-slung bicycle in an aero- national men’s team [name of a type of poison-
dynamic bodyshell in which the rider is in a re- ous spider]
cumbent position Redcar (horse racing) a flat racecourse at Redcar,
recurve (archery) a bow with limbs curving away northeastern England
from the archer Reds (association football ) nickname of the English
recycle (rugby union) to keep possession of the clubs Barnsley, Liverpool, and Nottingham For-
ball after a breakdown est [the color of the teams’ shirts]; (rugby league)
red (billiards) the red ball, worth three points; short name of the English club Salford City
(snooker) the red ball, worth one point Reds
red-ball game (sport) byname of cricket when redshirt (American football ) in college football, a
played with a traditional red ball, as distinct player whose course is extended by one year,
from the modern white-ball game usually the sophomore year, during which he is
red belt (judo, karate) a belt worn to indicate attain- not selected for a representative team in order to
ment of the dan rank develop his skills and extend his period of eligi-
red card (association football ) a red-colored card bility [the color of his shirt, worn for distinc-
shown by the referee to a player who is being tion from members of the varsity]
sent off, either because he has committed a se- Redskins (American football ) short name of the
rious foul or because he has already been shown Washington Redskins team
two yellow cards reefbreak (surfing) the point where a wave breaks
Red Devils (association football ) nickname of the over a shallow underwater reef
English club Manchester United [from the color reel (angling) a cylindrical device attached to a
of the team’s shirts] fishing rod, used to wind the line
red dog (American football ) a play in which one reel in (angling) to draw in a hooked fish by wind-
of the defensive team rushes the passer of the ing in the line onto the reel
ball re-entry (surfing) a trick that resembles “skating” on
red flag (athletics) a flag waved to an athlete who a surfboard along the top curl of a wave [the
commits a foul in a jump or throw; (auto rac- board leaves the wave, then comes back down to
ing) a flag waved to show that a race has been re-enter it]
stopped, as for bad weather conditions ref ( general ) colloquial shortening of referee
Red Imps (association football ) nickname of the referee (American football ) the person in overall
English club Lincoln City [as for Imps with the charge of the officiating team; (association foot-
color of the team’s shirts] ball ) the official in charge of a game, who up-
Red Lichties (association football ) nickname of the holds the rules with the aid of two assistant ref-
Scottish club Arbroath [from Scots red licht, “red erees on the touchlines and a fourth official off
light,” from the red light cast by the Bell Rock the pitch; (boxing) the official stationed in the
lighthouse off the coast here] ring with the boxers who regulates the bout,
red line (cycling) another term for the sprinters’ intervening if necessary to stop a fight and ad-
line; (ice hockey) the line that divides the play- ministering the count to a boxer down on the
ing area into two canvas; (cricket) an official who deals with dis-
red rose (general) the emblem of a Yorkshire sports ciplinary matters in a test match; ( fencing) the
team, as opposed to the white rose [from the controller of a bout; (wrestling) one of the three
Wars of the Roses, the 15th-century dynastic officials in charge of a bout, adjudicating from
struggle between the English houses of Lancaster the mat
and York, whose respective emblems were a referral (cricket) a referral to the third umpire of
white rose and a red rose] a disputed decision by the umpire
Red Sox (baseball ) short name of the Boston Red refusal (equestrianism, horse racing) the pulling up
Sox team or running aside of a horse at a fence
red spinner (angling) an artificial fly imitating the regatta (rowing, sailing) an organized program of
olive dun mayfly races [Venetian Italian regata, “contest”]
Red Stockings (baseball ) short name of the regional games (Olympics) a festival of Olympic
Cincinnati Red Stockings team Games held within a particular geographical re-
Red Wings (ice hockey) short name of the Detroit gion, as the African Games or Pan-American
Red Wings team Games
red zone (American football ) the area between the registered player (tennis) an independent profes-
goal line and the 20-yard line, within which the sional registered with the International Tennis
offensive team concentrate their attack strategy Federation who is eligible to play for prize
Redbacks (water polo) nickname of the Australian money in open tournaments
123 regular • reverse cut

regular footer (snowboarding) a boarder who rides replay umpire (cricket) another term for a third
with the left foot in front of the right umpire
reining (equestrianism) a discipline in which the reserve ( general ) a substitute kept in readiness
rider uses the reins to perform a routine of resistance (equestrianism) movements by a horse
figures, including turns and stops at different that indicate an imminent refusal
speeds rest (billiards, snooker) a long wooden pole with a
relative work (parachuting) a free fall in which bridge at one end on which a player rests his cue
competitors execute maneuvers relative to each when he cannot form a bridge with his hand;
other before opening the parachute (bowls) a shot in which a bowl is delivered to
relay (athletics) shortening of relay race; (baseball ) push an opponent’s bowl through and take its
a throw to the infield by a cut-off man after he place [the opposing bowl is given a “rest”]; (real
has intercepted a throw from the outfield tennis) a series of strokes concluding with the
relay race (athletics) a race run by a team of four dead ball
athletes over the same distance, each passing a rest day ( general ) a day free of activity in an ex-
baton to the next member of the team on com- tended contest such as a cycle race
pleting a stage rest on one’s oars (rowing) to stop rowing without
release ( g ymnastics) the action of letting go one’s removing the oars from the rowlocks
hold of a piece of apparatus during or on com- restart (rugby union) a drop kick from the halfway
pleting a routine line to recommence play after the scoring of
relegation (association football ) the demotion of a points by the opposing team
club from a higher division to a lower following result ( general ) a satisfactory outcome against an
a season in which they finished at or near the opponent
bottom of their division retain (association football ) to keep a player on in
relegation zone (association football ) the positions a club although his actual contract has expired
at the bottom of a league which will result in retire ( fencing) to give ground before one’s adver-
relegation at the end of the season sary
reliability test (auto racing) former name for a rally retired hurt (cricket) (of ) a batsman who has left
reliability trial (auto racing) alternate term for a the pitch because of injury
reliability test retired shirt (association football ) the symbolic re-
relief ( golf ) the option of moving one’s ball if a moval of a former player’s squad number in
normal stroke is obstructed recognition of his value to the club
relief pitcher (baseball ) a pitcher who enters the retrieve (angling) to reel in a line; (association foot-
game as a substitute ball ) to obtain possession of a shot or pass that
reliever (baseball ) another term for a relief pitcher is difficult to reach; (tennis) to make a shot that
reload ( golf ) to take a second tee shot because the returns the ball successfully into the court when
first ball is lost or out of bounds it seemed that it would land outside it
rematch ( general ) (1) a second match, especially return ( general ) a shot that sends a ball back to
when the first had a questionable result; (2) a re- an opponent, as in tennis
turn match return crease (cricket) a line marked at right angles
remise ( fencing) a second thrust made after the to the bowling crease and popping crease on ei-
first one has missed [French remise, “put back”] ther side of the wicket, inside which the bowler
remove (cricket) to dismiss a batsman must bowl the ball
rep (general) abbreviation of replacement in sports return match ( general ) a second match played at
reports a different venue by the same teams
repechage (canoeing, cycling, fencing, rowing) an returner (American football ) a player who collects
extra contest in which competitors who lost in an the ball from a kick downfield and carries it
earlier heat have a second chance to go on to the back toward the opposing team
final [French repêchage, “fishing out again”] reversal (wrestling) a maneuver enabling a wrestler
repetition training (athletics) a training exercise in to escape from the hold of his opponent and
which an athlete alternately runs and rests over move into a dominant position
set distances reverse (American football ) a play in which a player
replacement ( general ) a player who replaces an- passes the ball to a teammate moving in the op-
other, especially in a field game posite direction, thus reversing the direction of at-
replay ( general ) (1) a game or match that is played tack; (swimming) a dive in which the diver starts
again, as when the original did not result in a facing forward then turns back to face the board
winning score or was for some reason aban- reverse cut (lacrosse) another term for a backdoor
doned; (2) shortening of action replay play
reverse pass • ringette 124

reverse pass (association football ) a pass made when right arm (cricket) a bowler who bowls with the
a player runs in one direction but passes in an- right arm
other direction right back (field games) a back who plays prima-
reverse sticks (field hockey) a move in which a rily on the right side of the pitch
player turns the stick so that the flat blade faces right center (field games) a player who plays prima-
to the right, enabling a shot to be made in the rily to the right of the center of the pitch
opposite direction right cross (boxing) a punch delivered from the
reverse sweep (cricket) a sweep played on the off right side
side, made by reversing the grip on the bat right defender (field games) a right half who plays
reverse swing (cricket) the observed swing in a dif- deep
ferent direction to a new ball of a used ball that right field (baseball ) the part of the outfield to the
has been roughened on one side right of second base as viewed from home plate
revirginization (ice skating) the process by which right fielder (baseball ) a fielder positioned in right
professional skaters were declared “amateurs” so field
that they could compete in the 1994 Olympics right half (field games) a halfback who plays pri-
Rhinos (rugby league) short name of the English marily on the right side of the pitch
club Leeds Rhinos right-hander (boxing) a punch delivered with the
rhubarb (baseball ) an argument on the field of play right hand; ( general ) a player whose right hand
between players or between the umpire and is dominant, as against the less common left-
managers [from the use of the word to denote hander; (surfing) a wave breaking to the right, as
the indistinct sound of voices] seen by a surfer facing the beach
rhythmic gymnastics ( g ymnastics) a combination right midfield (field games) the midfield players
of traditional floor exercises and classical ballet who play primarily on the right side of the pitch
in which female gymnasts perform with a ball, right wing (field games) the part of the pitch to the
hoop, rope, ribbon, or the like right of its center
ride (horse racing) to urge a horse at an excessive right winger (field games) an attacking player on
speed the right wing
ride off (polo) to bump against an opponent’s horse rightie ( general ) colloquial term for a right-
moving in the same direction hander
ride-off (equestrianism) an extra round to resolve rikishi (sumo) a wrestler [Japanese riki, “strength,”
a tie in a competition and shi, “warrior”]
ride out (horse racing) to exercise a horse by riding rim out (basketball) to hit the edge of the basket
it and bounce away
rider (cycling) a cyclist in a race; (equestrianism) a ring (boxing, wrestling) the roped rectangular area
person riding a horse in a contest; ( general ) a on a raised platform in which a match takes
person riding a board in a sport such as skate- place [originally the space for a match sur-
boarding or surfing; (horse racing) a person rid- rounded by a circle of spectators]; (2) the sport
ing a horse in a race, as a jockey; (motorcycle rac- itself as a profession; (horse racing) (1) an enclo-
ing) a person riding a motorcycle in a race sure for bookmakers at a racecourse; (2) book-
riding ( general ) the riding of horses for exercise or making itself as a profession; (3) shortening of
pleasure; (Olympics) another term for show- parade ring; (sumo) the circular area within
jumping in the modern pentathlon which a match takes place
riding school (equestrianism) a school or establish- ring rust (boxing) staleness of performance shown
ment for teaching skills in the sport by a boxer who has been out of the ring
rifle (shooting) (1) a firearm with a spirally grooved ring tennis (sport) a combination of tennis and
(rifled) barrel; (2) shortening of air rifle; (3) quoits similar to deck tennis [played with rub-
shortening of small-bore rifle ber rings]
rifle range (shooting) a special enclosed area with ring the bell (American football ) to hit another
targets for practice or competition in rifle player so hard on his helmeted head that he is dis-
shooting orientated and may even suffer slight concussion
rifle shooting (shooting) the discipline of shooting ringer (athletics) an athlete competing under a false
with a rifle name; (curling) a stone inside the circle drawn
rig (sailing) the disposition of the sails, masts, and around the tee; (horse racing) a horse raced under
spars in a boat or yacht that define its type the name of another horse
rigger (rowing) shortening of outrigger ringette (sport) a sport similar to ice hockey,
rigging (sailing) the wires and ropes that support played mainly by women and girls, in which a
a boat’s masts and control or set the sails rubber ring is used instead of a puck
125 ringman • roll-out

ringman ( general ) colloquial term for a book- roads and tracks (equestrianism) a phase of the
maker cross-country section of the three-day event,
rings ( g ymnastics) two cylindrical handles sus- involving riding on the flat
pended from wire cables on which, in men’s roadwork ( general ) running on roads as a method
competition, the gymnast executes swings and of training for marathon runners, boxers, and
handstands the like
ringside (boxing) the area immediately surround- roar (curling) to send a stone with great speed [in
ing the ring the roaring game]
ringside physician (boxing) the doctor who checks roaring game (sport) another name for curling
the physical condition of a boxer before the start [from the sound made by the stones as they
of a bout and who determines whether a dazed travel over the ice]
boxer is fit enough to continue Robin Hood (archery) the feat of splitting the shaft
ringside seat (boxing) a seat immediately next to the of an arrow already in the target with another
ring arrow [from the legendary English outlaw, who
ringsider (boxing) a spectator at a prizefight was skilled in archery]
rink (bowls) (1) one of the playing areas into which Robins (association football ) nickname of the
a green is divided; (2) a team of four players; English clubs Bristol City, Charlton Athletic,
(curling) (1) the playing area of prepared ice; (2) Cheltenham Town, and Swindon Town, and
a team in this sport; (ice hockey, ice skating) the Welsh club Wrexham [from the teams’ red
shortening of ice rink; (roller skating) a smooth shirts]
floor or area, usually of wood or asphalt, pre- rock climbing (mountaineering) the climbing of
pared for skating on roller skates rock faces
rip (swimming) a dive with an ideal entry [from rocker (ice skating) a figure in which the skater
the sound as the diver enters the water] makes a 180-degree turn and continues to travel
ripcord (parachuting) a cord pulled to inflate a backward in the same direction; (surfing) the up-
parachute by opening the pack in which it is ward curve on a surfboard
folded Rockets (basketball) short name of the Houston
Ripon (horse racing) a flat racecourse at Ripon, Rockets team
North Yorkshire, England Rockies (baseball ) short name of the Colorado
riposte ( fencing) a quick thrust given after a parry Rockies team
[French riposte, from Italian risposta, “reply”] rod (angling) (1) shortening of fishing rod; (2) an-
rise (angling) the movement of a fish to the surface other term for an angler; (3) a permit to fish a
of the water to take food or a bait; (cricket) the particular stretch of river
upward course of a bowled ball after pitching rodeo (sport) a competitive display of riding and
riverboarding (sport) the riding of a bodyboard other skills among cowboys
down rapids rodman (angling) another term for an angler
Riverside (cricket) the home ground of Durham Roehampton ( general ) a fashionable London
county cricket club, Chester-le-Street, Co. sports club, founded in 1901, with polo
Durham grounds, croquet lawns, tennis courts, a golf
ro (cricket) abbreviation of run out in scoring course, and a clubhouse
road bike (cycling) a bicycle designed for road Rokerites (association football ) former nickname
races, with dropped handlebars and several gears of the English club Sunderland [from Roker
road book (auto racing) in rally driving, a book of Park, their home ground until 1997, when they
instructions, information, and maps issued to moved to the Stadium of Light]
drivers by the organizers of a rally role player (basketball) a player who performs a
road game ( general ) (1) a game played by a team specific function and is brought on only when
on a tour; (2) another term for an away game required
road race (cycling) a race ridden on roads, as dis- roll (g ymnastics, swimming) a move in which the
tinct from a track race body, in a tuck position, rolls forward or back-
road rash (cycling, skateboarding) colloquial term for ward
skin abrasions caused by sliding across the road roll cast (angling) a cast in which the tip of the
or other hard surface after a fall or crash rod is rolled so that the line is picked off the
Road World Championships (cycling) an annual water without being thrown behind the angler,
road race held in various countries since 1927 as is more usual
roadeo (sport) a contest and display of driving skills roll-off (tenpin bowling) an extra game played to re-
among truck drivers [blend of road and rodeo] solve a tie
roadman (cycling) a competitor in a road race roll-out (American football ) a play in which a
roll with • rouleur 126

quarterback moves out from the blockers before roper (horse racing) a jockey who pulls on the reins
attempting a pass to slow his horse down and so lose a race, usu-
roll with the punches (boxing) to move the body ally for financial reasons
away to lessen the impact of an opponent’s blows ropes (boxing) the cords around the ring; (cricket)
roller (baseball ) a ball that rolls along the ground the cords marking the boundary of the field
after being hit; (cricket) a ball apparently bowled roque (croquet) a version of the game with nine
with a spin but actually running straight along hoops played on a walled, hard-surface court
the ground after pitching [from croquet]
roller arena (roller skating) another term for a rink roquet (croquet) a stroke in which the striker’s
roller derby (roller skating) a speed skating race on ball is played against another ball, whereupon
roller skates [as a derby] the striker can play a croquet shot [probably
roller hockey (sport) a game resembling ice hockey from croquet]
played on a rink by teams on roller skates with Roscommon (horse racing) a flat and National
a short hockey stick and a hard ball instead of a Hunt racecourse at Roscommon, Co. Roscom-
puck mon, Ireland
roller seat drop (trampolining) a full twist to a seat Rose Bowl (American football ) (1) a postseason
drop college football contest held annually (from
roller skates (roller skating) skates with four wheels 1916) in Pasadena, California, where it was first
instead of blades, the wheels set either at the organized in 1902 as part of the festival inaugu-
corners of the shoe or in a single line to make rated in 1890 as the Battle of the Flowers; (2) the
rollerblades stadium opened in 1922 for this game; (cricket)
roller skating (sport) the sport or competitive dis- the home ground of Hampshire county cricket
play of skating on roller skates, either on a rink club, Southampton
or on a public street or other hard-surface area rosette ( general ) (1) a rose-shaped badge of col-
roller sports ( general ) sports played on roller ored ribbons worn by a sports participant or an-
skates, as roller hockey imal (such as a horse) as a symbol of a prize; (2)
rollerblades (roller skating) roller skates in which a similar badge worn by a supporter
the wheels are fixed in a single line akin to the Rossoneri (association football ) nickname of the
blades of ice skates Italian club AC Milan [Italian rosso, “red,” and
rollerblading (roller skating) skating on nero, “black,” the colors of the team’s red and
rollerblades black striped shirts]
rollerdrome (roller skating) another term for a rink rot (cricket) a rapid loss of wickets in an innings
rolling maul (rugby union) a maul that is rolled or rotation (baseball ) the order of play assigned to
wheeled by its members with the aim of prevent- pitchers for the matches of a particular series;
ing the opposition from obtaining the ball ( g ymnastics) the period during which a team of
romp ( general ) an easily won game or race gymnasts work on a particular piece of appa-
romp home ( general ) to win by a substantial mar- ratus; (volleyball) the clockwise movement of
gin, as in a race players when the service changes
rookie ( general ) a person new to a sport or inex- rouge (Canadian football ) a single point awarded
perienced in it when the ball is played into the opponents’ goal
rooster tail (surfing) the curved plume of water area and becomes dead; (Eton field game) a score
thrown up by a surfboard awarded when a attacker touches a ball that has
rope (baseball ) shortening of frozen rope; (horse been sent over the goal line by a defender [ori-
racing) to hold back a horse in order to lose a gin obscure, apparently not French rouge, “red”]
race intentionally; (mountaineering) (1) shorten- rough ( golf ) an area of rough ground, especially
ing of climbing rope; (2) a climbing party roped uncut grass, around a fairway or green; (tennis)
together; (rodeo) to lasso, as in calf-roping and the side of a racket from which the loops of
team roping twisted string project, used as a call (opposed to
rope-a-dope (boxing) a tactic in which a boxer smooth) when the racket is spun to decide on the
pretends to be trapped on the ropes in order to server or choose an end
incite his opponent to tire himself out with Rough Riders (Canadian football ) short name of
punches [an expression popularized in the 1970s the Ottawa Rough Riders team
by heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali, a Roughriders (Canadian football ) short name of
noted employer of the tactic, the “dope” being the Saskatchewan Roughriders team
the baited opponent] Roughyeds (rugby league) short name of the English
rope down (mountaineering) another term for ab- club Oldham Roughyeds
seil rouleur (cycling) a cyclist who specializes in rid-
127 round • Royal Melbourne

ing long flat stages or races [French rouleur, routegoer (baseball ) a pitcher who goes the
“roller”] route
round (archery) a specified number of arrows shot routine (general) a series of movements in a display,
over different distances; (boxing) a subdivision of as in gymnastics or ice skating
a bout in the form of a period of action over a rover (American football ) a defensive linebacker
given number of minutes, separated from the next assigned to anticipate the moves of the opposing
period by a rest; (general ) a specified stage in a team; (archery) a competitor in field archery;
competition; ( golf ) a complete series of played (Australian Rules) a (usually small and fast) player
holes; (shooting) a single shot fired from a rifle who forms part of the ruck and is skillful at re-
round-arm (cricket) (of ) a ball bowled with an al- ceiving the ball; (croquet) a ball that has passed
most horizontal swing of the arm through all the hoops and is now ready to peg
round-ball game (sport) colloquial name for as- out
sociation football [played with a round ball, as rover hoop (croquet) the last hoop through which
against the oval-ball game] a ball must pass before it can peg out
round heels (boxing) colloquial term for a poor Rovers (association football ) short name of the En-
boxer [who might easily fall] glish clubs Blackburn Rovers, Bristol Rovers,
round-off ( g ymnastics) a move in which the gym- Doncaster Rovers, and Tranmere Rovers, and
nast begins a cartwheel but lands on both feet the Scottish club Raith Rovers; (rugby league)
instead of one, facing the opposite direction short name of the English clubs Featherstone
round robin ( general ) a tournament in which Rovers and Hull Kingston Rovers
each competitor competes once with each of the row (rowing) to propel a boat through water by
others; (horse racing) a form of multiple bet on making strokes with one or more oars
three horses that adds up to ten bets row over (rowing) to win a heat in a race by row-
round-the-cans (sailing) colloquial term for a har- ing the course unopposed
bor race [the cans being the buoys] rower (rowing) a person who rows or is a member
round-the-clock shooting (shooting) colloquial of a rowing club
term for skeet rowing (sport) the sport or recreation of using oars
round-the-houses (auto racing) colloquial term to propel a boat through water
for a street race rowing club (rowing) a club for people who row,
Round-the-Island Race (sailing) an annual 50- especially competitively in a race
mile race around the Isle of Wight, southern Rowley Mile (horse racing) a racecourse at New-
England, starting from and returning to Cowes, market, on which the One Thousand Guineas
the location of Cowes Week and Two Thousand Guineas are run [from
round the wicket (cricket) bowled from the hand of “Old Rowley,” nickname (from a favorite horse)
the bowler that is further away from the wicket of Charles II, who proclaimed Newmarket as the
round trip (baseball ) to score a home run and so headquarters of racing]
make a complete circuit of all four bases rowlocks (rowing) U-shaped swivels that hold the
rounder (rounders) a complete circuit of the bases oars in place [originally oarlock]
run by the batter Royal and Ancient (golf ) short name of the Royal
rounders (sport) a game similar to baseball in and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews
which players hit the ball with a bat and run to Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews
a base or if possible around all four bases (scor- ( golf ) a golf club in St. Andrews, eastern Scot-
ing a rounder) before the ball is thrown back to land, dating back to 1754 and today the accepted
the bowler international authority on the game [“Royal”
roundhouse (baseball ) a pitch made with a sweep- from 1834, when William IV agreed to be its pa-
ing swing of the arm; (boxing) a wild swinging tron]
punch Royal Ascot (horse racing) an annual race and so-
route (horse racing) a long race of more than a mile ciety occasion at Ascot attended by the monarch
Route du Rhum (sailing) a solo transatlantic race [founded in 1711 by Queen Anne]
held every four years from St. Malo, France, to Royal Birkdale ( golf ) a golf course near South-
Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe [French route du port, Lancashire, northwestern England
rhum, “rum route”] royal duck (cricket) a duck scored by a opening
route one (association football ) (of ) a style of play batsman on the first ball of the innings
in which long high passes are made upfield Royal Lytham ( golf ) a golf course at Lytham St.
route orienteering (orienteering) a form of the Annes, Lancashire, northwestern England
sport in which the route is marked on the Royal Melbourne ( golf ) a golf course at Black
ground but not on the map Rock, near Melbourne, Australia
Royal Portrush • run 128

Royal Portrush ( golf ) a golf course at Portrush, distinguished from Eton fives in that the court
northeastern Northern Ireland is four-walled and the hazards different [origi-
Royal St. George’s ( golf ) a golf course at Sand- nally played at Rugby School]
wich, Kent, England rugby football (sport) another term for rugby
royal tennis (sport) another spelling of real tennis union
[despite the historically attested association of rugby league (sport) a field game based on rugby
royalty with the sport, the derivation of the union, played with an oval ball between teams
name is in real, not royal] of 13 players, each side having six attempts or
Royal Troon ( golf ) a golf course at Troon, south- tackles to move the ball upfield and score a try
western Scotland by grounding the ball in the in-goal area [mostly
Royals (association football ) nickname of the En- played in northern England, where an association
glish club Reading [from the royal blue of the of clubs was formed in 1922 as the Rugby
team’s strip]; (baseball ) short name of the Kansas League (originally Northern Union)]
City Royals team rugby tackle (rugby league, rugby union) fuller term
Rozelle rule ( general ) the provision in a contract for a tackle
between a free agent and a professional team rugby union (sport) a field game played with an
which requires the team to give the free agent’s oval ball between teams of 15 players, with han-
former team an agreed compensation [estab- dling of the ball permitted and each side aim-
lished by Alvin Ray Rozelle (1927–1996) com- ing to amass more points than the other [named
missioner of the National Football League from for the Rugby Union, an association of clubs
1960] formed in 1871 to regularize the original form of
Rs (association football ) colloquial abbreviation for rugby]
the English club Queens Park Rangers rugger (sport) colloquial term for rugby football
rub (bowls) an interference to the course of a rolling rugger bugger (rugby football ) colloquial term for
bowl caused by a snag on the green a player or fan, especially if burly or boisterous
rub of the green ( golf ) an accidental interference Rules (horse racing) (1) shortening of the National
with the course of the ball Hunt Rules of Racing; (sport) shortening of Aus-
rubber (baseball ) colloquial term for the mound, tralian Rules
and formerly for the home plate; ( general ) a se- run (baseball ) a point scored by the batter after
ries of games, as in cricket or tennis completing a circuit of the bases and returned to
ruck (Australian Rules) the three players (a rover home plate; (cricket) (1) the basic unit of scor-
and two ruckmen) who follow the ball closely ing; (2) a point scored by a batsman after run-
but do not have fixed positions; (rugby union) a ning from one popping crease to the other;
loose scrum formed by the players around the ( general ) a spell of forward movement, as by an
ball on the ground with the aim of pushing back athlete in a foot race or a player with the ball
their opponents in American football; (horse racing) another
ruckman (Australian Rules) one of the three play- term for a race; (skiing) (1) a snow slope prepared
ers in a ruck whose function is to knock the ball for skiers; (2) a descent on such a slope
to the rover run a cracker (horse racing) to perform excellently
ruckrover (Australian Rules) fuller term for a rover in a race
rudolph (trampolining) a forward somersault with run a hoop (croquet) to hit the ball through a hoop
one and a half twists [performed in the music run-and-gun (basketball) (of ) a style of fast free-
hall of the 1920s by Dave Rudolph] flowing play with few set plays
rudy ( g ymnastics) a vault consisting of a hand- run-and-shoot (American football ) (of ) a style of
spring off the springboard followed by a for- play in which a fast-paced quarterback makes
ward salto with one and a half twists off the quick short passes while evading tacklers
horse; (trampolining) shortening of rudolph run batted in (baseball ) a credit awarded to a bat-
rugby (sport) short name of either rugby league ter for every run scored as a result of his action,
or rugby union [the basic sport evolved from as a hit, sacrifice, or walk
football in the early 19th century at Rugby Run for the Daisies (horse racing) colloquial name
School, Warwickshire, England] of the Preakness Stakes [from the chain of
rugby academy (rugby union) a national or regional daisies hung around the winner’s neck]
organization set up with the support of En- Run for the Roses (horse racing) colloquial name
gland’s Rugby Football Union to recruit good of the Kentucky Derby [from the chain of roses
players hung around the winner’s neck]
Rugby fives (fives) the most common variant of the run green (horse racing) to be distracted during a
game, played between singles or doubles and race through lack of experience
129 run-in • saddle

run-in (horse racing) another term for the home running mate (horse racing) a horse entered in a
straight; (rugby league, rugby union) the act of race to set the pace for another horse from the
running over the touchline of the opposite side same stable which is intended to win
with the ball running rugby (rugby union) play in which the
run interference ( general ) in team games, the of- ball is primarily advanced by being carried, as
fense of hindering opposing players while a against a kicking game
teammate is in possession of the ball or puck running shot (handball ) a shot made while run-
run-off (auto racing) an area of gravel or other ma- ning
terial near a corner, designed to slow down cars running side (snooker) a side that causes the cue
if they run off the track; ( general ) an additional ball to rebound off the cushion at a greater angle
contest such as a race to decide a winner in the than in a normally struck shot
event of a dead heat or tie running target (shooting) a target that moves
run out (cricket) to dismiss a batsman by dislodg- across a track to simulate a moving animal or
ing the bails of the wicket while he is still run- another target
ning and so out of his ground runway (athletics) the section of track along which
run-out (mountaineering) the length of rope re- an athlete approaches a jump or throw; ( g ym-
quired to climb a particular pitch nastics) the approach on which a gymnast makes
run rate (cricket) a statistic in which a team’s total his run-up to the vaulting horse
number of runs scored is divided by the num- rush (American football ) (1) to run with the ball
ber of overs faced or gain ground by doing so; (2) a move to push
run the line (association football ) to act as assis- through a line of defenders while in possession
tant referee [on the touchline] of the ball; (croquet) a form of roquet in which
run up ( golf ) to send the ball rolling or low in the the ball is struck with a strong swing of the mal-
air toward the hole let; (rugby league, rugby union) an attempt by
run-up ( general ) a running approach to a key one or more players to force the ball through a
physical action such as a jump or throw in ath- line of defenders
letics or a bowl in cricket rush line (American football ) a line of defenders,
runback (American football ) a forward run made prepared for a rush
after catching a kick or intercepting a pass; (ten- rusher (American football ) a player, such as a for-
nis) the area behind the baseline at either end ward, who specializes in rushing
of the court [in which the receiver can run back rushing (American football ) attempting to advance
to make a return] the ball by means of a rush
rundown (baseball ) a play in which defending Ryder Cup ( golf ) the trophy awarded to the win-
players attempt to tag out a runner caught be- ners of a biennial tournament for male profes-
tween two bases; (horse racing) a list of entries sionals, held since 1927 between teams from the
and odds for the horses in a race United States and Europe (until 1979 USA and
runner (American football ) a player who runs with Britain) [donated by British seed merchant
the ball in an attacking play; (baseball ) shorten- Samuel A. Ryder (1859–1936)]
ing of baserunner; (cricket) a player who runs saber ( fencing) a light sword with a flattened trian-
on behalf of an injured batsman; (general) a per- gular blade and a blunt point
son who runs in a foot race such as a marathon; sabermetrics (baseball ) the measurement and
(horse racing) a horse entered in a race analysis of statistics for the sport [from SABR,
runner-up ( general ) a competitor taking second abbreviation of Society for American Baseball
place in a race Research¸ and -metrics, as in biometrics]
runner’s high (athletics) the sense of euphoria that sabre ( fencing) another spelling of saber
can be experienced by a runner at a particular Sabres (ice hockey) short name of the Buffalo Sabres
stage in a long-distance race such as a marathon team
running ( general ) fast forward motion on foot, ei- sack (American football ) to tackle a quarterback
ther for exercise or as a race; (Olympics) another behind the line of scrimmage before he can pass
term for cross-country running in the modern the ball; (baseball ) another term for a base; (gen-
pentathlon eral ) another term for a footbag
running back (American football ) a back whose sacker (baseball ) a fielder who guards a base
main function is to run with the ball from the sacrifice (baseball ) a play in which a batter delib-
line of scrimmage erately makes an out in order to enable a
running belay (mountaineering) a device attached baserunner to score or advance to another base
to the rock face through which the rope runs saddle (general) a seat for a rider, as on a horse, bi-
freely, acting as a pulley if the climber falls cycle, or motorcycle; (horse racing) (1) to put a
Saddlers • sand save 130

saddle on a horse; (2) to be responsible, as a St. George’s (archery) a round of 36 arrows each
trainer, for preparing and entering a horse in a for men at 100, 80, and 60yds (91m, 73m, and
race 55m)
Saddlers (association football ) nickname of the En- St. Leger (horse racing) an annual race for three-
glish club Walsall [from the town’s saddle- year-old colts and fillies run at Doncaster since
making industry] 1778 [founded by Colonel Barry St. Leger
safe (baseball ) having reached base before being (1737–1789)]
thrown out by the fielding side St. Moritz (bobsledding) a town in eastern Switzer-
safety (American football ) (1) one of two defensive land with a run constructed in 1902
players positioned behind the other defenders; Saints (American football ) short name of the New
(2) a play in which the offense carries the ball Orleans Saints team; (association football ) (1)
over their own goal line rather than back into the nickname of the English club Southampton
field of play, an act that scores two points for [from the club’s original name, Southampton St.
the defense; (snooker) a period of play in which Mary’s]; (2) short name of the Scottish club St.
each player tries to prevent his opponent from Johnstone; (Australian Rules) short name of the
scoring points by keeping the cue ball in posi- St. Kilda Saints team; (rugby league) short name
tions where he will find it hard to pot it of the English club St. Helens; (rugby union)
safety bindings (skiing) devices that hold the feet short name of the English club Northampton
to the skis and that release automatically to pre- Saints
vent injury if the wearer falls Salchow (ice skating) a jump in which the skater
safety car (auto racing) a saloon car that comes out takes off from the back inside edge of one skate,
on to the track after an accident and that sets spins in the air, then lands on the back outside
the speed of the race cars that follow it, especially edge of the other skate [first performed by the
if there are marshals on the track Swedish figure skater Ulrich Salchow (1877–
safety lane (cycling) a lane in a velodrome between 1949)]
the pole line and the center of the track sales race (horse racing) a race of horses purchased
safety play (snooker) fuller term for a safety at a sale in which they were grouped by age or sex
safety shot (snooker) a defensive shot designed to (as yearlings, colts, or fillies)
make it hard for one’s opponent to pot the cue Salisbury (horse racing) a flat racecourse at
ball, as in a safety Netherhampton, near Salisbury, Wiltshire, En-
safety squeeze (baseball ) a tactical maneuver in gland
which a baserunner at third base begins to run Sally Gunnell ( golf ) colloquial name for a shot
toward home plate as soon as the batter makes that travels a long distance along the fairway
contact with the ball [after the English champion athlete Sally Gun-
safetyman (American football ) fuller term for a nell (1966–)]
safety salto ( g ymnastics) an aerial somersault in which
sag wagon (cycling) colloquial term for a vehicle that the gymnast’s feet come up over his head and
follows the cyclists in a road race to give me- his body rotates around his waist [Italian salto,
chanical assistance or pick up exhausted riders “leap”]
sail (sailing) a sheet of material spread to catch the Saltoun (angling) a type of artificial fly [probably
wind and so propel a boat through the water after the 18th Lord Saltoun (died 1886)]
sail-off (sailing) an additional contest held in case salute ( fencing) the formal performance of certain
of a tie movements before engaging
sailboard (windsurfing) a craft consisting of a sambo (wrestling) a variant of the sport resembling
board like a surfboard with a mast that has a judo [Russian acronym of samozashchita bez
single sail oruzhiya, “self-defense without weapons”]
sailboarding (sport) another term for windsurfing San Marino Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula
sailer (baseball ) a pitched fastball that takes off [it One international Grand Prix held on the cir-
“sails”] cuit at Imola, northern Italy, there being no cir-
sailing (sport) the sport or recreation of traveling cuit in San Marino itself
across water in a boat or yacht propelled by one San Siro (association football ) a stadium in Milan,
or more sails, as a competitive sport alternately Italy, that shared as a home ground by the clubs
known as yachting until 2000 AC Milan and Inter Milan
sailplane (gliding) a glider that can rise with an sand iron ( golf ) another term for a sand wedge
upward current and remain long in the air sand save ( golf ) a shot with a wedge from a
St. Andrews ( golf ) the golf course of the Royal bunker followed by a single putt that sends the
and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews ball into the hole
131 sand trap • scorpion

sand trap ( golf ) another term for a bunker of scissors kick; (wrestling) a hold in which a
sand wedge ( golf ) a club giving a good loft that contestant uses his legs to grip his opponent’s
is specially adapted to lift the ball out of a head and then locks them at the instep or an-
bunker kles to apply pressure
sandbag (motorcycle racing) to let the rest of the scissors hold (wrestling) fuller term for scissors
field go on ahead in the confidence that one can scissors kick (swimming) a kick used in the side-
regain the lead and win the race stroke in which the legs are parted slowly then
Sandown Park (horse racing) a flat and National brought suddenly together
Hunt racecourse at Esher, Surrey, England, the scissors pass (rugby league, rugby union) a move in
location of the Eclipse Stakes which the ball is passed by a player running di-
sandwich boat (rowing) the crew that finishes top agonally across the pitch to a teammate running
of a division in a bumping race, when they have behind him at a different angle
the option of starting again at the bottom of the sclaff ( golf ) a stroke in which the sole of the club
next higher division on the chance of making scrapes the ground before striking the ball
another bump and remaining in that higher di- [probably alteration of scruff]
vision scoop (general) a sweeping shot that sends the ball
Sanzar (rugby union) an acronymic name for the up into the air, as with the bat in cricket or the
competitive union of South Africa, New stick in field hockey; (surfing) the upturned
Zealand, and Australia, who individually con- nose of the surfboard
test the Tri-Nations Championship scope (horse racing) the potential of a horse to im-
Sarries (rugby union) short name of the English prove with age
club Saracens scorcher (general) a fast or powerful shot or stroke
sausage board (surfing) a surfboard rounded at score ( general ) a total or record of points won in
both ends a game, either by an individual or a team
savate (boxing) a form of the sport in which both score draw (association football ) a drawn game in
feet and fists are used [French savate, originally which both teams have scored at least once
a type of shoe] score orienteering (orienteering) a form of the sport
save (association football ) a goalkeeper’s success- in which the competitors must visit as many
ful attempt at stopping the ball from entering control points as they can, each point having a
the net; (baseball ) the credit given a relief different score value
pitcher for successfully preserving a team’s nar- scoreboard (general) a large board for publicly dis-
row lead to the end of a game playing the current score in a game, as in cricket
SBX (snowboarding) abbreviation of snowboard or tennis
cross scorebook (cricket) a book specially prepared for
Scarlets (rugby union) short name of the Welsh entering the score
club Llanelli Scarlets scorebox (cricket) a hut or other structure in which
scatback (American football ) colloquial term for a the scorers work
fast-running backfield player scorecard (general) a card specially prepared for en-
scatter (baseball ) to keep the score down as a tering the score, as in baseball, cricket, or golf
pitcher with a play that yields few hits scoreline ( general ) a line in a newspaper or other
school (equestrianism, horse racing) to train a horse publication giving the score in a contest
schuss (skiing) a straight slope on which a fast scorer (association football ) a player who scores
downhill run can be made [German Schuss, goals; ( general ) an official who keeps a record
“shot”] of the score in a game or contest
schussboom (skiing) to ski at high speed [combi- scoresheet ( general ) a sheet specially prepared for
nation of schuss and boom, “to sail fast”] entering the score, as in association football,
scissor kick (association football ) a kick in which the baseball, or cricket
player jumps in the air with one leg outstretched scoring hit (boxing) a fair hit which, if the judges
then brings forward the other leg to kick the ball agree, earns the boxer one point
scissors (association football ) shortening of scissor scoring space (association football ) the part of the
kick; (athletics) a high jump in which the ath- pitch in which most of the goals are scored
lete crosses the bar in a seated position, bring- scorpion kick (association football ) an unconven-
ing his trailing leg up as his leading leg goes tional save by a goalkeeper in which he places
down on the other side of the bar; ( g ymnastics) his hands on the ground and then, in a near
any movement involving the opening and clos- handstand, raises his legs to kick the ball away
ing of the legs; (rugby league, rugby union) short- with his heels [his body assumes the shape of a
ening of scissors pass; (swimming) shortening scorpion with raised tail]
Scottish • seam 132

Scottish FA Cup (association football) the trophy scrub ( general ) (1) an inferior player; (2) a team
awarded to the winners of the final in a compe- made up of such players; (horse racing) a back-
tition held by the Scottish Football Association and-forth movement of the arms and legs made
since 1874 by a jockey on the neck and flanks of a horse to
Scottish Football League (association football ) a urge it forward, especially near the end of a race
league of 3 divisions founded in 1890 scrubber ( general ) an inferior player
Scottish League (association football ) shortening scruff ( golf ) alternate form of sclaff
of Scottish Football League scrum (rugby league, rugby union) a formation to
Scottish Premier League (association football ) a restart play in which the forwards of both teams
league formed in 1998 by the top teams in the close in, in three rows, then with arms inter-
Scottish Football League locked and heads down push against each other,
scout ( general ) a person who searches for new tal- whereupon the ball is thrown in between them
ent among the players of a team or club other and they attempt to kick it out to their own team
than his own [shortening of scrummage]
scramble (American football ) a series of movements scrum down (rugby league, rugby union) to form a
made by a quarterback to evade tacklers; (auto scrum
racing, motorcycle racing) a race with a course scrum half (rugby league, rugby union) the half-
over rough or hilly terrain; ( golf ) to play errat- back who puts the ball into the scrum and at-
ically but with the odd good stroke and even a tempts to secure it as soon as it emerges and send
chance of winning a match it to the backs
scramble leg (skiing) the first leg of a relay race in scrummage (rugby league, rugby union) formal term
cross-country skiing [so called from its for a scrum [variant of scrimmage]
bunched mass start] scrutineering (auto racing) the inspection of cars by
scrambler ( golf ) a player who scrambles; (motor- the officials before a race to ensure compliance
cycle racing) a modified motorcycle of the type with technical regulations; (motorcycle racing)
used in a scramble the inspection of bikes before a race by the
scrambling (auto racing, motorcycle racing) dedi- officials to ensure compliance with technical reg-
cated participation in scrambles ulations
scratch ( golf ) having a handicap of zero; (horse scuba (aquatics) an apparatus used by skindivers,
racing) to remove a horse from a race after en- consisting in a breathing tube attached to a
tering it; (snooker) to hit the cue ball into a cylinder of compressed air [acronym of self-
pocket, thereby incurring a penalty contained underwater breathing apparatus]
scratch hit (baseball ) a poor hit that even so al- Scuderia (auto racing) a name used to refer to the
lows the batter to reach first base Ferrari Formula One team [Italian scuderia, “sta-
scratch race (cycling) a straightforward track race ble”]
over a distance of 15km (10km for women) Scudetto (association football ) informal name of
scratch sheet (horse racing) a publication listing the Italian Serie A championship [Italian
horses scratched from races and giving their scudetto, “shield,” from the shield that the
odds winners wear on their shirts for the following
screamer ( general ) a powerful shot or kick, as in season]
tennis or association football scull (rowing) (1) a short, spoon-bladed oar used in
screen (American football, basketball) a maneuver in pairs by a single rower; (2) a light boat propelled
which an attacking player is protected by a group by such oars; (swimming) a movement of the
of teammates; (cricket) shortening of sight screen hands against the water in synchronized swim-
screw (billiards, snooker) a stroke that imparts ming
backspin or sidespin to the cue ball by striking sculling race (rowing) a race between rowers who
it below its center so that it recoils backward or are each in a scull
sideways after striking the object ball sculls (rowing) another term for a sculling race
screw shot (billiards, snooker) fuller term for a scurry (equestrianism) a short race in show-
screw jumping and carriage-driving, a contest in
screwball (baseball ) a pitch that breaks in the op- which a fault is counted as a time penalty
posite direction to a conventional curveball or Seagulls (association football ) nickname of the En-
slider glish club Brighton and Hove Albion [for the
scrimmage (American football ) (1) a sequence of birds that frequent the coastal city]
play beginning with the snap and ending when Seahawks (American football ) short name of the
the ball is dead; (2) a practice session of this se- Seattle Seahawks team
quence seam (cricket) the raised stitching on a cricket ball
133 seam bowler • sepak

seam bowler (cricket) a bowler who uses the seam seed (tennis) a good player who as the result of a
of the ball to make it deviate on pitching draw has been assigned a place in the order of
seam bowling (cricket) the fast or medium-paced playing that will avoid an encounter with an-
bowling of a seam bowler other good player early in a tournament [the
seamer (cricket) (1) shortening of seam bowler; (2) player is listed numerically in programs, for ex-
a ball bowled by a seam bowler ample No. 6 seed]
Seasiders (association football ) nickname of the En- selection (horse racing) a horse selected by a bettor
glish club Blackpool [from the town’s fame as a as likely to win a race
seaside resort] selector (cricket) an official who selects a team cap-
season ( general ) (1) the natural period of the year tain
appropriate for a particular sport, as traditionally self-defense ( general ) the principle of physically
(in Britain) the summer for cricket and the win- protecting oneself that applies in most of the
ter for association football; (2) the calendar pe- martial arts and that originally applied to box-
riod of the year usually devoted to a particular ing, regarded as the art of self-defense
sport; (3) the period during which an individual sell a dummy (association football, rugby league,
or team has played a particular sport rugby union) to deceive an opponent by means of
season’s best (athletics) the best time or distance a dummy
achieved by an athlete in a season seller (horse racing) shortening of selling race
seat drop (trampolining) a basic landing in a seated selling race (horse racing) a race whose winner
position with the legs fully extended must be put up for auction at a previously fixed
second (boxing) an assistant who helps a boxer be- price
fore a bout and during the rests between rounds; selling plate (horse racing) another term for a sell-
(mountaineering) the second climber of a team, ing race
who follows the leader semi ( general ) colloquial shortening of semifinal
second base (baseball ) the second of the bases to semiamateur ( general ) not playing for payment,
which a player must run, located on the far side like a professional, but partly supported by a
of the mound from home plate sponsor
second baseman (baseball ) the fielder stationed semifinal ( general ) a match or round held imme-
near second base, on the side nearer first base diately before the final
second eleven (cricket) the second-best eleven to semipro ( general ) shortening of semiprofessional
represent a school, college, or the like semiprofessional ( general ) a part-time profes-
second five-eighth (rugby league) a player posi- sional player, receiving payment for his partic-
tioned on the outside of a five eighth [a term ipation but not relying on it for a living
used in Australia and New Zealand] Senators (ice hockey) short name of the Ottawa
second half ( general ) the half of a game or match Senators team
after half time send back (cricket) to dismiss a batsman [he is
second home (lacrosse) the attacking player who is sent back to the pavilion]
the second of the three homes send down (cricket) to bowl a ball [the bowler
second row (rugby league, rugby union) the two sends it down the pitch]
forwards who make up the second row of the send in (cricket) (1) to send a batsman into the
scrum field to bat; (2) to nominate the opposing side
second service (tennis) the second of a player’s two to bat first after winning the toss
permitted serves send off (association football ) to order a player to
second slip (cricket) the second of the three field- leave the pitch following an offense that merited
ers positioned in the slips a red card or two offenses that merited two yel-
secondary (American football ) the defensive low cards
backfield, behind the linebackers senior circuit (baseball ) colloquial term for the
seconde ( fencing) the second of eight basic parry National League [so called as formed before the
positions, used to protect the lower outside of American League]
the right of the body [French seconde, “second”] Senior TT (motorcycle racing) the principal annual
sedge (angling) an artificial fly resembling a sedge TT race [for larger bikes than in the Junior TT]
fly sensei (karate) an instructor in the sport [Japanese
Sedgefield (horse racing) a National Hunt race- sen, “previous,” and sei, “birth”]
course at Sedgefield, Co. Durham, England seoi nage (judo) a shoulder throw [Japanese seoi,
see off the new ball (cricket) to bat until the shine “to bear on the back,” and nage, “throw”]
has been removed from the new ball at the start sepak takraw (sport) a game of Asian origin re-
of an innings sembling a cross between badminton and vol-
septime • shake 134

leyball played with a rattan ball on a badminton set play ( general ) a prearranged maneuver carried
court [Malay sepak, “kick,” and Thai takran, out after a restart by the team then in the lead
“rattan ball”] set point (tennis) a point that wins a set
septime ( fencing) the seventh of eight basic parry set scrum (rugby league, rugby union) an organized
positions, used to protect the lower inside of the scrum, as ordered by the referee
body [French septime, “seventh”] set shot (basketball) a shot at the basket made by
Serie A (association football ) the premier division a stationary player
in the Italian national league set-to (boxing) a renewed attack
serve (tennis) the opening shot of a point, in which set two (squash) a winning score of ten points
the player throws the ball up into the air then hits set up ( general ) (1) to prepare the way for a move
it diagonally across the net to his opponent; or maneuver, as a shot at goal in association
( general ) the opening shot in a game such as football; (2 to contrive to place a player or team
badminton or squash in a vulnerable position
serve and volley (tennis) a style of play in which a set-up (billiards, snooker) a position of the balls
player runs up to the net after a serve in order from which it is easy to score; (boxing) a boxer
to take up a position for a volley who can be easily defeated by a particular op-
server ( general ) the player making a serve ponent and who is selected for this very reason
service (tennis) another term for a serve set-up man (baseball ) a relief pitcher who usu-
service box (squash) the square area in each quar- ally enters the game in the seventh or eight in-
ter court within which the server serves ning with the aim of preserving a lead for the
service court (badminton) one of the two boxes closer
into which the rear part of the court is divided setter (volleyball) a player who plays the ball in a
and from which the server serves; (tennis) the volley for a teammate to spike
box on the other side of the net into which the seven-a-side (rugby union) a form of the game
server must place the ball when serving played by seven players on each side instead of 15,
service game (tennis) a game in which it is a par- the emphasis being on speed and ball skills
ticular player’s turn to serve seven-meter line (handball ) the line, seven me-
service line (badminton, tennis) the boundary of ters from the goal, from where a seven-meter
the service court throw is taken
service park (auto racing) in rally driving, the area seven-meter throw (handball ) a penalty throw
where a crew carries out any running repairs to taken as a direct shot on goal from the seven-
a car meter line, which the player must not cross be-
service side (real tennis) the half of the court from fore the ball leaves his hand
which the ball is served sevens (rugby union) shortening of seven-a-side
service winner (tennis) a shot by the receiver that seventh-inning stretch (baseball ) a break after the
sends the ball out of court [it is a winner be- top half of the seventh inning, during which
cause the serve was an ace] spectators can stand up and walk about before
session (cricket) one of the three periods of play in settling again to watch the climax
a full day’s play, the first being from the start of 76ers (basketball) short name of the Philadelphia
play to lunch, the second from lunch to tea, and 76ers team
the third from tea to the close of play sex test ( general ) popular name for a gender
set (badminton, squash) to extend a game by a verification test, a medical procedure that deter-
specified number of points; ( general ) a group of mines the sex of a female competitor suspected
games counting as a unit, as in volleyball; of being wholly or partly male
(snooker) another term for a plant; (tennis) a se- shadow boxing (boxing) sparring practice with an
ries of games in which the winner is the first to imaginary opponent
win at least six games and at least two games shadow skating (ice skating) a routine in pair
more than his opponent skating in which the skaters perform with coor-
set! ( general ) the command given by the starter of dinated movements but not in physical contact
a race to prepare competitors for the starting with each other
signal [short for “get set!”] shaft (darts) the part of the dart that screws into
set blow (shinty) the equivalent of a free hit the barrel and holds the flight; ( golf ) the long
set one (squash) a winning score of nine points handle of the club, on which the clubhead is
set piece (association football ) a carefully planned set
and executed play from a corner kick or free shag (baseball ) to chase after fly balls as part of
kick near the penalty area; (rugby union) a fielding practice
scrum or a lineout shake ’n’ bake (basketball) colloquial term for
135 shakedown • short-handed

showy play, with rapid changes of direction and Shire (association football ) short name of the Scot-
neat handling of the ball tish club East Stirlingshire
shakedown (auto racing) in rally driving, the test- shirt swapping (association football ) a traditional
ing of cars by their drivers on roads similar to exchange of shirts between a player and his
those used in a rally, usually carried out the day marker at the end of a match
before the rally itself shirtfront (cricket) (of ) a smooth and even pitch
shakehands (table tennis) a grip of the bat that re- shodan (judo, karate) a degree of proficiency equiv-
sembles “shaking hands” with it alent to first dan or first degree black belt [Japa-
Shakers (association football ) nickname of the En- nese sho, “primary,” and dan, “grade”]
glish club Bury [from the religious sect of “Shak- shoo-in (horse racing) a horse allowed to win a race
ing Quakers” (not the American Shakers), histor- fraudulently [the jockeys decide which horse is to
ically connected with the town] win and everyone else “shoos it in” past the post]
shamateur ( general ) rather dated term for a shoot (association football ) to take a shot at goal;
sportsperson who retains amateur status while (shooting) a match or contest
receiving payment (like a professional) for play- shoot-off (shooting) an additional contest to resolve
ing or competing [a “sham amateur”] a tie
shanghai (darts) colloquial term for the feat of shoot-out (American football ) a method of resolv-
scoring a single, double, and treble of the same ing a tie in which five players from both teams
number with a set of three darts [from a form of are given five seconds each to score against the
the game in which players failing to score were goalkeeper, the team with the most goals re-
eliminated or “shanghaied”] ceiving one point to break the tie; (association
shank ( golf ) a mishit close to the heel of the club football ) shortening of penalty shoot-out; (gen-
in which the ball makes contact with the hosel, eral ) a keen and decisive contest
causing it to fly to the right (for a right-handed shoot set (volleyball) a volley in the form of a pass
player) that travels fast and low over the net
Sharks (ice hockey) short name of the San Jose shooter (cricket) colloquial term for a bowled ball
Sharks team; (rugby union) short name of the that stays low after pitching
English club Sale Sharks shooting (sport) the competitive sport of firing at
sharpshooter ( general ) a player having very good a target with a pistol or rifle
aim shooting circle (field hockey, netball) the D-shaped
Shaymen (association football ) nickname of the En- area in front of the goal from which a shot at
glish club Halifax Town [from the Shay, the goal must be taken
team’s home ground] shooting glove (archery) a glove worn to protect
sheet (curling) the strip of ice on which the game the hand when drawing a bow
is played; (sailing) a rope attached to the lower shooting guard (basketball) a guard who special-
corner of a sail izes in taking long-range shots
Sheffield Shield (cricket) name until 1999 of the shooting range (shooting) a specially prepared area
Pura Cup [from the 3d Lord Sheffield, who took with targets for practice or competition in the
an English team to Australia in 1891 and donated sport
£150 for a trophy] shop (billiards) to pot one’s opponent’s ball [as
shell (rowing) a light narrow racing boat when one “shops” (betrays) an accomplice to the
shell out (baseball ) to score heavily against an op- police]
posing team short (cricket) (1) a fielding position closer than
shepherding (Australian Rules) the (legitimate) normal to the batsman; (2) (of ) a bowled ball
blocking of an opponent from tackling a team- that bounces at some distance from the batsman;
mate in possession of the ball (horse racing) not on top form
shield ( general ) a trophy in the form or shape of short ball (cricket) a ball that pitches with a short
a shield, awarded to the winner of a contest length
shift (American football ) the movement of two or short corner (field hockey) another term for a
more offensive players into different starting po- penalty corner
sitions before the snap short field (baseball ) the part of the field in which
shime-waza (judo) a stranglehold [Japanese the shortstop plays
shimeru, “to tighten,” and waza, “technique”] short fielder (baseball ) another term for a short-
shinty (sport) a game of Scottish origin similar to stop
field hockey, played between teams of 12 with short game ( golf ) play on and around the green
a caman and a leather-covered cork ball [said short-handed (ice hockey) having one or more play-
to derive from shin ye!, a cry used in the game] ers on the penalty bench
short • shuto 136

short head (greyhound racing, horse racing) a nar- shot put (athletics) a field event in which an ath-
row win that is shorter than a head but longer lete throws a shot as far as possible
than a nose shot to nothing (snooker) an attempt to pot a ball
short iron ( golf ) an iron (usually an 8- or 9-iron in such a way that if the shot is missed the
or a wedge) used to play shots from close to the player’s opponent will not be left with an easy
green opportunity
short leg (cricket) a fielding position very near (and shotgun (American football ) an offensive forma-
in line with) the batsman on the leg side tion to facilitate passing in which the quarter-
short line (squash) a line extending the full width back stands some way behind the center and
of the court 18ft (5.44m) from the front wall the other backs are stationed to act as pass re-
short odds (horse racing) odds in a bet that are fa- ceivers or blockers
vorable in terms of risk but unfavorable in terms shotmaker (basketball, golf, tennis) a player noted
of potential gain for making skillful shots
short program (ice skating) a routine in which the shotokan (karate) one of the five main forms of
skaters have to perform preset movements, un- the sport [Japanese sho, “true,” to, “way,” and
like a free program kan, “mansion”]
short run (cricket) a run not properly completed by shoulder (cricket) the curved upper edge of the
the batsman blade, near to where it joins the handle; (surfing)
short slip (cricket) another term for first slip the calm portion of a wave breaking on the beach
short square leg (cricket) a fielder at a square leg shoulder arms (cricket) to hold the bat over one’s
position close to the wicket shoulder in order to allow the ball to pass with-
short stuff ( golf ) colloquial term for the fairway out attempting a stroke
[where the grass is short by contrast with the shoulder stand ( g ymnastics) a movement in which
rough] the gymnast holds his body and legs up in the
short tennis (tennis) a form of the game for chil- air, supporting them on his shoulders
dren, played on a small court with a small racket shovel pass (American football ) a pass in which a
and a soft ball player flicks the ball out of his hand without ex-
short-track (speed skating) a form of the sport in tending his arm
which contestants race in packs around an oval show (horse racing) the third place in a race
track over distances varying from 500m to show eyes (bowls) to roll with a wobble so that the
5,000m side disk of the bowl continually “winks”
shortarm (boxing) (of ) a punch delivered with a show the bowler the maker’s name (cricket) to
bent arm rather than an extended one bat defensively with a straight bat [so that the
shortboard (surfing) a board shorter than the bowler can read the name of the bat’s manufac-
norm, ridden mainly by experienced surfers turer]
shorten up (rowing) to row too fast at too high a showjumper (equestrianism) a horse or rider who
rating, with the oar not pulled its full length takes part in showjumping
through the water showjumping (equestrianism) a discipline in
shortstop (baseball ) the fielder positioned between which horse and rider clear a number of obsta-
second base and third base cles on a fixed course, usually within a time
shot (angling) a cast of the net; (archery) (1) a dis- limit, earning penalty points for faults
charged arrow; (2) the point where it strikes the shredding (snowboarding) to travel fast downhill
target; (association football ) a kick of the ball at while moving one’s body from one side of the
goal; (athletics) the heavy metal ball resembling board to the other
a cannonball thrown in the shot put; (bowls) (1) Shrews (association football ) short name of the En-
the point gained for placing one’s bowl nearer glish club Shrewsbury Town
the jack than the nearest bowl of one’s oppo- Shrimpers (association football ) nickname of the
nent; (2) the position closest to the jack; ( gen- English club Southend United [from the shrimps
eral) a stroke, throw, or hit; (rowing) an attempt gathered in the sands of this seaside resort]
to overtake and touch the boat in front in a shunt (auto racing) an accident in which one car
bumping race; (shooting) (1) a discharged bullet; crashes into another
(2) the point where it strikes the target shuriken (martial arts) a missile in the form of a star
shot bowl (bowls) the bowl nearest the jack with projecting blades or points [Japanese shu,
shot clock (basketball) the clock that records the “hand,” ri, “inside,” and ken, “blade”]
length of time a team retains possession of the shut the door (auto racing) to steer across the track
ball before attempting a shot, an excess of the in order to prevent a rival from passing
prescribed time being an offense shuto (judo, karate) a movement of the hand in the
137 shutout • simple

manner of a sword [Japanese shu, “hand,” and glish club Macclesfield Town [from the local
to, “sword”] silk-manufacturing industry]
shutout ( general ) a game in which the opposition silks (horse racing) the shirt and cap worn by a
fails to score jockey, made in the racing colors of the horse’s
shuttle (badminton) shortening of shuttlecock owner
shuttlecock (badminton) the object hit back and silly (cricket) (of ) a fielding position very close to
forth in the game, as a lightweight cone in the the batsman [where one risks being struck by
form of a rounded cork stuck with flights the ball]
side (billiards, snooker) a spin given to a ball by silly mid-off (cricket) a fielder positioned in front
striking it to left or right of its center, causing it of the bowler on the off side, close to the bats-
to swerve and alter its angle of rebound man
side charge (Gaelic football ) a shoulder charge on silly mid-on (cricket) a fielder positioned in front
an opponent who is in possession of the ball or of the bowler on the on side, close to the bats-
about to play it man
side judge (American football ) a member of the silly point (cricket) a fielder positioned on the off
officiating team whose duties are similar to those side very close to the batsman on a line with
of the back judge the popping crease
sideboards (polo) the short boards along the side of silver (Olympics) shortening of sliver medal
the field which help to keep the ball in play silver duck (cricket) a duck scored by a batsman on
sidecar (motorcycle racing) a small passenger car at- his second ball [from silver as a second award]
tached to a motorcycle Silver Ferns (netball ) nickname of the New
sidefoot (American football, association football ) to Zealand national team [from the tall tree fern
kick with the inside of the foot native to New Zealand]
sideline ( general ) to remove a player from a team silver goal (association football ) the first goal scored
because of injury; (table tennis) a white line along in a period of 15 minutes extra time, as a
each side of the table method of settling a draw, with a further 15
sideline kick (Gaelic football ) a kick taken from minutes if still a draw, at the end of which, if
the side of the pitch after the ball has gone out still a draw, a penalty shoot-out was held [a sys-
of play tem in force from 2002 to 2004, when it was
sidelines ( general ) in field games, the lines mark- withdrawn, like the golden goal]
ing either side of the playing area Silver Goblets and Nickalls Challenge Cup (row-
sideslip (skiing) a sideways downward slide ing) the trophy awarded to the winner of a race
sidespin (table tennis) spin imparted to the ball for coxless pairs at Henley Royal Regatta [in-
by striking it sideways with the bat augurated in 1845 with the Goblets introduced
sidestep (rugby league, rugby union) a sudden as presentation prizes in 1850 and the Nickalls
change of direction made in order to avoid a Challenge Cup donated in 1895 by Tom Nick-
tackle from an opponent alls in commemoration of his sons, Guy Nickalls
sidestroke (swimming) a stroke performed by a (1866–1935) and Vivian Nickalls (1870–1947),
swimmer lying on one side who between them won 11 Goblets]
sidewinder (boxing) a blow struck from the side silver medal (Olympics) the medal awarded as sec-
sight (archery) a guide to the eye on a bow; (shoot- ond prize [silver is a less valuable metal than
ing) a guide to the eye on a rifle gold but more valuable than bronze]
sight screen (cricket) a white board on wheels silver ring (horse racing) an enclosure at a race-
placed outside the boundary behind the bowler, course where smaller bets are laid [the bets were
used to help the batsman pick out the approach- originally laid in silver coins rather than ban-
ing ball knotes]
sighter (archery, shooting) a practice shot fired at silver slugger (baseball ) an annual award made to
the beginning of a match to check the adjust- the outstanding batter in the league at each po-
ments of the sights sition
signal ( general ) a sound or gesture made by an Silverstone (auto racing) a circuit at the village of
official to convey a particular point of informa- Silverstone, Northamptonshire, England, the
tion during play, as of a referee in association regular location of the British Grand Prix
football or an umpire in cricket silverware ( general ) sporting trophies made from
signal caller (American football ) a player who sig- (or coated with) silver
nals the next move or formation to his team- simple grip (weightlifting) a grip for holding the
mates barbell that has four fingers on one side bal-
Silkmen (association football ) nickname of the En- anced by the thumb on the other side
sin • skeg 138

sin bin ( general ) colloquial term for the enclosure by a skier falling backward [German sitzen, “to
to which a player is sent for a given period of sit,” and English mark]
time when suspended from a game for unruly six (cricket) a score of six runs gained by hitting
behavior; (ice hockey) colloquial term for the the ball over the boundary without its touching
penalty bench the ground
Singapore Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula six-day race (cycling) a track race held on six suc-
One international Grand Prix held on the Ma- cessive evenings
rina Bay street circuit in Singapore six-meter line (handball ) the curving line six me-
single (baseball ) a hit that allows the batter to ters from the goal that marks the goal area
reach first base; (cricket) a hit for one run; (ten- Six Nations (rugby union) an annual champi-
nis) a game played with one player on each side onship in which teams from England, Ireland,
single-foot (equestrianism) in dressage, a brisk Scotland, Wales, France, and Italy compete
walking pace with one foot on the ground at a against one another [until 2000, when Italy
time joined, known as the Five Nations]
single leg tackle (wrestling) a move in which a six-yard area (association football ) another term
wrestler brings his opponent down by using an for the six-yard box
armhold on one of his legs six-yard box (association football ) the rectangular
single scull (rowing) a one-manned boat in which area in front of the goal from which a goal kick
the rower has a pair of sculls can be taken
single-wicket (cricket) a form of the game in which six-yard line (association football ) the line marking
individual players take it in turns to bat for a the limit of the six-yard box
limited number of overs six-zero defense (handball ) a defensive formation
sink (billiards, snooker) colloquial term for pot in which all of the players (except the goal-
sink a putt ( golf ) to send a putt into the hole keeper) line up along the six-meter line to
sink-and-draw (angling) a method of taking fish by block the attackers
weighting a deadbait with lead, arming it with sixte ( fencing) the sixth of eight basic parry posi-
hooks, and allowing it to sink to the bottom, tions, used to protect the upper right-hand side
after which it is drawn up in a motion that causes of the body [French sixte, “sixth”]
it to dive and swoop sixth man (basketball) the best substitute player
sinker (angling) a weight used to sink a fishing line; in a team
(baseball ) a fastball with a downward movement; sixth tackle (rugby league) the last of the six allow-
(windsurfing) a short board used by experienced able tackles in the set, leading to a handover
surfers for sailing in high winds skateboard (skateboarding) a narrow board, simi-
sire (greyhound racing) the father of a greyhound; lar to a small surf board, that is mounted on
(horse racing) the father of a foal trucks that bear small wheels
sit down ( golf ) to land on the green and not roll skateboarding (sport) the sport of riding on a
any further skateboard, on which the rider stands and
sit in (cycling) to ride close to the rider in front in coasts along, turning it by shifting his weight
order to slipstream and occasionally pushing one foot against the
sit on the splice (cricket) to bat defensively [as if sit- ground, in the manner of a scooter, in order to
ting on the splice of the bat] maintain forward progress
sit out (sailing) to keep the boat flat in the water by skatepark (skateboarding) a park or area for riding
hiking a skateboard
sit spin (ice skating) a spin performed in a seated skates (ice hockey, ice skating) shortening of ice
position close to the ice, with one leg bent and skates; (roller skating) shortening of roller skates
the other fully extended [originated by the U.S. skating (sport) (1) shortening of ice skating; (2)
skater Jackson Haines (1840–1879)] shortening of roller skating
sit-ups ( general ) a series of exercise movements, skating rink (ice hockey, ice skating) alternate term
typically carried out in a gymnasium, in which for an ice rink; (roller skating) fuller term for a
the head and torso are raised from a lying posi- rink
tion while the legs remain still skeet (shooting) a form of clay-pigeon shooting
sitter ( general ) (1) an easy catch, as in baseball or in which the targets are thrown from traps and
cricket; (2) an easy shot the shooter moves in a semicircle to different sta-
sitting sports ( general ) sports in which the partic- tions [apparently alteration of shoot]
ipant is seated, as cycling, equestrianism, row- skeg (rowing) a stabilizing fin attached to the stern
ing or sailing section of the hull; (sailboarding) a stabilizing
sitzmark (skiing) an impression in the snow made fin on the underside of a sailboard; (surfing) a
139 skeleton • skyboard

stabilizing fin on the underside of a surfboard wegian skikjøring, from ski, “ski,” and kjøring,
[Dutch scheg, “cutwater”] “driving”]
skeleton (bobsledding) shortening of skeleton bob skimboard (surfing) a type of thin surfboard with-
skeleton bob (bobsledding) a form of bobsled with out a skeg used for riding shallow water
no brakes or steering mechanism on which a per- skimmer (cricket) a ball from the bowler that trav-
son races head-first down an ice-covered course els with a low trajectory
[“skeleton” because basic] skin the cat ( g ymnastics) to execute a move in
ski archery (sport) a combination of archery and which the gymnast passes his feet and legs be-
cross-country skiing tween his arms while hanging by his hands from
ski blades (skiing) a type of very short skis, al- the horizontal bar, so drawing his body up and
though often wider than regular skis, resembling over the bar
a cross between a ski and a snowboard skindiver (aquatics) a person who engages in skin-
ski boat (water skiing) a type of small powerboat, diving
used to tow water skiers skindiving (aquatics) the recreation of diving and
ski bum (skiing) a devotee of the sport, especially swimming underwater, with breathing equip-
one who travels widely in search of snowy con- ment (usually a scuba or aqualung) carried on
ditions the back
ski-flying (skiing) jumping from a high takeoff skins ( golf ) a type of matchplay in which each
point, so that a greater time is spent in the air hole is worth a particular number of points;
ski jump (skiing) (1) a steeply-sloping, snow- (skiing) strips of fabric (originally sealskin) at-
covered track ending in an elevated platform tached to the underside of skis to prevent a skier
from which a skier jumps; (2) the jump itself from slipping backward when climbing
ski-kiting (water skiing) a form of the sport in skinsuit (cycling) an aerodynamic garment like a
which the skier holds on to a bar attached to a swimsuit worn by racing cyclists
kitelike device skip (athletics) another term for step; (bowls, cy-
ski lift (skiing) a mechanism for carrying skiers up- cling) colloquial abbreviation of skipper
hill, consisting of seats suspended from an over- skipper (bowls, cycling) the captain of a team
head cable skipping (golf ) the technique of hitting a ball over
ski mountaineering (sport) a combination of ski- water so that it skips the surface
ing and mountaineering, using light skis skis (skiing) long narrow runners (originally of
ski-o (orienteering) a form of orienteering on skis wood), usually pointed and turned up at the
ski pole (skiing) another term for a ski stick front, fastened under the feet to enable travel
ski run (skiing) a snow slope prepared for skiing over snow downhill or on the level; (water skiing)
on shortening of water skis [a Norwegian word]
ski slope (skiing) a snowy slope prepared for skiers skish (angling) a contest in which fishing tackle is
to descend used to cast on dry land [origin uncertain but
ski stick (skiing) one of a pair of pointed sticks, perhaps a blend of skill and fish]
with a disk near the tip, used by skiers for bal- skitter (angling) to fish by drawing the bait over the
ance, propulsion, or braking surface of the water
ski touring (skiing) the sport or recreation of trav- skittle (skittles) one of the pins used in the game
eling across country on skis skittle alley (skittles) fuller term for an alley
ski tow (skiing) a type of ski lift in the form of an skittle out (cricket) to dismiss a team for a low
endless moving chain of bars or seats, suspended score [their wickets fall like skittles]
from an overhead cable; (water skiing) a tow rope skittles (sport) (1) a game in which nine skittles are
for water skiers set up at the end of an alley to be bowled at and
skibob (skiing) a vehicle resembling a bicycle with knocked down in as few attempts as possible
skis, used for descending a snow slope Skolars (rugby league) short name of the English
skibobbing (skiing) the sport of riding on a ski- club London Skolars
bob skull ( golf ) another term for thin
skid lid (cycling) colloquial term for a helmet skurfing (skateboarding) colloquial term for the
skier (cricket) a ball hit high in the air by the bats- sport [blend of skating and surfing]
man Sky Blues (association football ) (1) nickname of the
skiff (rowing) a type of small light boat English club Coventry City; (2) nickname of
skiing (sport) the recreation or competitive sport the Scottish club Forfar Athletic [from the color
of descending a snowy slope on skis of the teams’ shirts]
skijoring (skiing) a form of the sport in which the skyboard (parachuting) a board similar to a skate-
skier is towed by a horse or motor vehicle [Nor- board, used by skysurfers
skybox • slot 140

skybox ( general ) a luxurious high seated area in a sleigh (sled dog racing) another term for a sled
stadium slice (association football ) a miskick that sends the
skydiver (parachuting) a participant in skydiving ball in an unintended direction; ( golf ) a mishit
skydiving (parachuting) the carrying out of acro- that sends the ball from left to right in the air (for
batic maneuvers while in free fall a right-handed player) or from right to left (for
skyer (cricket) another spelling of skier a left-handed player); (tennis) a shot played with
skyhook (basketball) a variant of the jump hook in a slicing action that imparts backspin to the ball
which the ball is released from a point high slicks (auto racing) untreaded tires, used in dry-
above the shooter’s head; (mountaineering) a type weather conditions [following a Formula One
of grappling-iron in the form of a small flattened ruling, slicks had grooves from 1998 through
hook with an eye for attaching a rope, fixed tem- 2009]
porarily into a rock face slide (baseball ) a sliding approach along the ground
skyscraper (baseball, cricket) a ball hit high in the air to a base; (rowing) shortening of sliding seat;
skysurfer (parachuting) a participant in skysurfing (surfing) a ride across the face of a wave
skysurfing (parachuting) a form of skydiving in slider (baseball ) a fast pitch that deviates from its
which participants are attached to skyboards original path; (bobsledding) colloquial term for a
slab (mountaineering) a smooth body of rock lying participant in the sport; (cricket) a ball to which
at an angle to the horizontal the bowler has imparted backspin, so that it
slalom (canoeing) a type of race in whitewater in bounces less than the batsman expects
which paddlers have to pass through gates; (ski- sliding seat (rowing) a seat that slides back and
ing) a downhill race on a zigzag course between forth with the movement of the rower
artificial obstacles such as flags [Norwegian sliding tackle (rugby league, rugby union) a tackle
slalåm, from sla, “sloping,” and låm, “track”] made by a player in a sliding approach
slam ( general ) to score a goal with a forceful hit or Sligo (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt race-
kick course in Co. Sligo, Ireland
slam dunk (basketball) a forceful (and usually dra- sling (mountaineering) a short length of rope that
matic) dunk provides extra support for the body in abseiling
slam-dunk smash (tennis) a smash suggestive of a sliotar (hurling) the leather-covered ball [Irish slio-
slam dunk in which a player jumps above the tar]
ball to strike it down as forcefully as possible slip (cricket) one of the three fielders (first slip,
[popularized in the 1990s by the U.S. player Pete second slip, third slip) positioned next to the
Sampras (1971 –)] wicketkeeper on the off side
slamball (sport) a game resembling basketball with slips (cricket) the positions of the three slips
eight trampolines slipstream (auto racing) to drive close behind an-
slant (American football ) a play in which the player other car in order to benefit from the vacuum
in possession of the ball enters or leaves the line created and so attempt to pass; (cycling) to ride
of scrimmage diagonally close behind another rider or riders in order to
slant pattern (American football ) the route of a re- benefit from the decreased wind resistance and
ceiver running diagonally from the outside of so save energy
the field toward the middle slob (angling) a large soft worm, used as bait
slap skates (speed skating) another term for clap slog (cricket) a forceful and often unrefined hit of
skates the ball
slapshot (ice hockey) a fast powerful shot made slog overs (cricket) in limited-over games, the
with the stick taken above the player’s head overs at the end of an innings, when batsmen
sled (sled dog racing) a low conveyance on runners attempt to score a large number of runs
drawn over snow by horses or dogs slog sweep (cricket) a sweep in which the ball is hit
sled dog racing (sport) races between teams of dogs hard and in the air
harnessed to sleds, especially as organized in slope soaring (gliding) increasing altitude in a
Alaska sailplane by using the moving air forced up by
sledge (sled dog racing) alternate form of sled a ridge
sledging (cricket) the barracking of a batsman by slopes (skiing) the snowy areas on a hill or moun-
fielders in order to upset his concentration [from tain down which skiers make their descent
sledge in the sense “sledgehammer”] slot (American football ) a gap in the defense line,
sleeper (tenpin bowling) a pin that is not easily seen usually between the end and the tackle; (auto
because it is hidden behind another pin; (horse racing) in rally driving, a turning or opening
racing) an apparently indifferent runner that marked for the driver to take; (ice hockey) an (un-
suddenly livens up and wins a race marked) area in front of the goal where an at-
141 slot receiver • soccer field

tacking player would be well placed to take a snick (cricket) a slight deflection of the ball off the
successful shot at goal edge of the bat
slot receiver (American football ) a receiver who sniggle (angling) to catch a fish by hooking it with
lines up further infield than a wide receiver a slight turn of the wrist
slotback (American football ) a back positioned be- snooker (sport) (1) a game played on a standard
hind the slot billiard table by two players with 21 colored
sloucher (horse racing) a jockey who deliberately balls (15 of them red) and one white cue ball, the
rides slowly in the early stages of a race aim being to pot the colored balls in a certain
slow back! ( golf ) a direction to a new player when order and gain more points than one’s opponent
the club is swung back from the ball in making in doing so; (2) a situation in which the path
a stroke between the cue ball and the object ball is
slow bowler (cricket) a bowler who bowls the ball blocked, obliging the player to take an indirect
at a slow speed shot [said to derive from army slang for a raw
slow bowling (cricket) bowling by a slow bowler recruit, a term adopted for the game among
slow side (association football ) the longest distance, British troops in India, where it originated in
as the goalkeeper sees it, for the ball to travel 1875]
from a player toward or into the net snorkel (aquatics) a short breathing tube used by
slug nutty (boxing) colloquial term for punch submerged swimmers [German Schnorchel]
drunk snorter (cricket) a dangerously fast ball delivered by
slugfest (baseball, boxing) colloquial term for a the bowler
hard-hitting contest snow bunny (skiing) an inexperienced skier, espe-
slugger (baseball ) a batter who specializes in hit- cially if female
ting home runs snow sports ( general ) sports that take place on
smack (cricket) a hard hit with the bat snow, such as skiing and snowboarding
small-bore rifle (shooting) a rifle with a narrow snowblading (skiing) a form of the sport using
bore, usually of .22in caliber short skis and no poles
small forward (basketball) the smaller of a team’s snowboard (snowboarding) a board similar to a
two forwards, the other being the power for- skateboard but without wheels, guided by the
ward user with movements of the feet and body
smash (badminton, tennis) a powerful overhead snowboard cross (snowboarding) an event in which
stroke hit downward; (table tennis) a hard flat groups of competitors race down a course fea-
attacking stroke turing jumps, turns, and moguls
smashball (sport) a game similar to tennis but snowboarding (sport) a sport similar to skiing or
without a net in which two or more players skateboarding in which participants travel
smash a ball back and forth with rackets down snow-covered slopes with their feet
smooth (tennis) the side of a racket opposite to the strapped to a snowboard rather than skis
rough side, used as a call when the racket is spun snowcross (motorcycle racing) races between snow-
to decide on the server or choose an end mobiles over a motocross circuit
smother (rugby league, rugby union) a high tackle snowdome ( general ) an indoor arena where win-
in which a player overwhelms an opponent ter sports can take place around the year
Snakeboard (skateboarding) proprietary name of a snowmobile (motorcycle racing) a motorized sled
form of skateboard consisting of two footplates or tractorlike vehicle for traveling over snow
joined by a bar, allowing greater maneuverabil- snowplow (skiing) the act of turning the front
ity than a standard board points of the skis inward to slow down
snap (American football ) the action of starting a snowsurfing (skiing) the sport of traveling down-
play, as a pass of the ball from the line of hill on a large single ski like a surfboard
scrimmage back to the quarterback; (surfing) a snurfing (skiing) colloquial name for snowsurfing
sharp turn back into the face of a wave [blend of snow and surfing]
snapback (American football ) fuller term for a snap soaring (general) the act of flying high in a glider
snatch (weightlifting) a type of lift in which the or while being towed when suspended from a kite
barbell is raised in one continuous movement soccer (sport) colloquial term for association foot-
from the floor to above the head with the arms ball, originally used to distinguish it from rugby
straight football [from assoc., abbreviation of association]
sneak (American football ) an attempt to advance soccer fan (association football ) a keen supporter
the ball a short distance by diving forward of the sport
straight after receiving the snap; (cricket) an- soccer field (association football ) a field where the
other term for a daisycutter sport is played
soccer match • spear 142

soccer match (association football ) another term soup (surfing) another term for mush
for a football match souple (wrestling) a hold in which a wrestler holds
soccer mom (association football ) colloquial term his opponent from behind and throws him in a
for a mother who spends many hours driving sweeping movement
her children to organized sports activities, such southpaw (baseball ) a left-handed pitcher; (box-
as soccer, and to supporting them in their par- ing) a left-handed boxer, who leads with his
ticipation right hand [when right-handed batters faced
Socceroos (association football ) nickname of the east to avoid the afternoon sun in their eyes,
Australian national team [blend of soccer and pitchers faced west, but if left-handed would
kangaroo, the Australian national animal] throw with their south-side hand]
socket ( golf ) the part of the clubhead that houses Southwell (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt
the shaft of the club racecourse at Rolleston, Nottinghamshire, En-
soft (horse racing) a category of going gland.
soft wicket (cricket) a wicket with damp, yielding SP (horse racing) abbreviation of starting price
turf Spa (auto racing) a town in eastern Belgium, whose
softball (sport) a game similar to baseball played Spa-Francorchamps circuit is the venue for the
between teams of nine with a large soft ball Belgian Grand Prix
pitched underarm, the aim being to gain runs by spaceball (sport) a game of American origin played
hitting the ball with the bat and running past by two or four players on a trampoline divided
all three bases before returning to home plate into two courts by a gantry holding a funneled
soigneur (cycling) an official who is responsible for basket, each court having a backstop below a
a team’s food, drink, and kit and who provides rebound net, the aim being to throw the ball
massage for riders after a race or stage [French through the basket so that it scores by hitting
soigneur, “carer”] the court or the backstop
soldier palmer (angling) a type of artificial fly spade mashie ( golf ) the former name of a 6-iron
sole ( golf ) the undersurface of a clubhead spaghetti-legs routine (association football ) a stagy
Solheim Cup (golf ) the cup awarded to the winner wobbling of the legs performed by a supposedly
of a biennial tournament played between pro- fearful goalkeeper as a ruse to distract the taker
fessional women’s teams from the United States of a penalty kick
and Europe [founded in 1990 by Karsten Solheim, Spanish Grand Prix (auto racing) the Formula
owner of Karsten Manufacturing Corporation] One international Grand Prix held on the cir-
solid ball (pool) a colored ball bearing a number in cuit at Barcelona, Spain
a small white circle Spanish walk (equestrianism) another term for the
soling (bowls) the action of delivering a bowl to piaffe
run evenly spanker (sailing) a fore-and-aft sail on the mast
Soling (sailing) a class of keelboat with a crew of nearest the stern of a boat
three [named from the initials of the boat’s spon- spar (boxing) to exchange light blows by way of
sor, Sverre Olsen, and the surname of its 1950s practice or demonstration; (sailing) a general
designer, Jan Herman Linge] term for a boom, gaff, mast, or yard
solo (Gaelic football ) to drop the ball from hand to spare (skittles, tenpin bowling) knocking down all
foot and then kick it back into the hands; (mo- the pins with one’s first two balls [so that one has
torcycle racing) a single-seater motorcycle (as op- a ball to spare]
posed to one with a sidecar) spare ride (horse racing) a ride by a jockey on a
somersault ( general ) a complete turn of the body horse for which he has not been booked
head over heels on the ground or in the air; (gym- sparring partner (boxing) a boxer chosen to spar
nastics) another term for a salto [Old French som- with another
bresaut, from Provençal sobre, “over,” and saut, spartakiad (general) a sporting competition with a
“leap”] great number of participants in a wide range of
Sons (association football ) nickname of the Scot- events [Russian spartakiada, after Spartacus, 1st-
tish club Dumbarton [from “Sons of the Rock,” century B.C. leader of a slave revolt against Rome]
nickname of the inhabitants of Dumbarton, a spear (American football ) to butt an opponent with
town dominated by a hill of basalt] one’s helmet; (athletics) colloquial term for a
soop (curling) to assist the passage of a stone by javelin; (ice hockey) to use one’s stick as a spear
sweeping the ice in front of it as it travels over the to attack opponents
ice [Scots soop, “sweep”] spear chucker (athletics) colloquial term for a
sophomore (horse racing) another term for a three- javelin thrower
year-old spear tackle (rugby league, rugby union) an illegal
143 Special • splits

tackle in which a player is lifted up and thrown spikes (athletics) running shoes with spiked soles
down head first [like a spear] spin ( general ) (1) a twisting motion imparted to a
Special Olympics (Olympics) a series of motiva- ball, as by a spin bowler in cricket; (2) a rapid
tional games for the physically and mentally dis- rotation of the body, as in ice skating; (horse rac-
abled, first held in the United States in 1968 ing) another term for a race
special stage (auto racing) in rally driving, a timed spin bowler (cricket) a slow bowler who imparts
competitive section of the rally spin to a ball by means of his wrist or fingers, so
special team (American football ) a group of play- that it deviates after pitching
ers used for kickoffs, punts, and other special spinach ( golf ) alternate term for cabbage
plays, as distinct from the regular offense and spinnaker (sailing) a three-cornered lightweight
defense sail, set forward of or opposite the mainmast
spectator sport ( general ) a sport that is exciting to increase sail area when running before the
and entertaining to watch as well as to play, such wind
as American football or hurling spinner (angling) an artificial fly that revolves
speed and endurance (equestrianism) the second when pulled through the water; (cricket) (1) an-
day of a three-day event, consisting of a steeple- other term for a spin bowler (2) a ball that has
chase, a cross-country obstacle course, and had spin imparted to it
roads and tracks spinning (angling) fishing with a spinner
speed bag (boxing) a small punchbag used for spinout (auto racing) a spinning skid that throws a
practicing quick punches car off the road or track
speed riding (skiing) an extreme sport in which the spiral (American football ) a kick or pass that causes
skier skis downhill until the wind inflates a wing a ball to spin around its long axis
on his back, allowing him to fly over obstacles Spireites (association football) nickname of the En-
speed skating (ice skating) a form of the sport in glish club Chesterfield [from the unusual twisted
which two or more skaters race on an oval track spire of the town’s parish church]
speed walking (athletics) another term for race spitball (baseball ) the swerving pitch of a ball
walking moistened with saliva or spit
speedball (boxing) a type of small fast punchball; SPL (association football ) abbreviation of Scottish
(sport) a field game, played between teams of 11 Premier League
players, that grew out of association football splice (cricket) the wedge-shaped part of the han-
and that resembles Gaelic football in that the dle of a bat that fits into the blade
ball can be handled split (croquet) shortening of split shot; (general) the
speedway (motorcycle racing) a form of the sport time taken to complete a particular part of a
in which riders on bikes with fixed gears and race; (horse racing) the widening gap between
no brakes race several laps around an oval shale two horses running side by side in a race that is
track in a stadium entered by a following rider; (tenpin bowling) a
speleology (sport) a formal term for caving leave situation in which the remaining pins are
spell (cricket) a number of overs bowled succes- widely spaced; (weightlifting) the action of
sively by a particular bowler thrusting forward with one foot and back with
spelunker (caving) colloquial term for a caver the other during a lift
[whose sport or pastime is speleology] split decision (boxing) a decision made by a major-
sphairistike (sport) the name under which lawn ity of the judges but not by all of them
tennis was patented in 1874 and by which it was split end (American football ) an offensive player
quite widely known for a time [Greek sphairis- lined up a few yards from the end of the line of
tike tekhne, “the art of playing ball”] scrimmage so that he can immediately run
spider (billiards, snooker) a rest with wide arches downfield to catch passes
that can be placed over a ball without touching split-finger pitch (baseball ) another term for a
it; (darts) the wire grid fixed to the front of a splitter
dartboard that shows the score numbers split jump (ice skating) a jump in which the legs are
Spiders (association football ) nickname of the Scot- briefly kicked out into the splits position
tish club Queen’s Park [from the black and white split roll (croquet) another term for a split shot
hoops on the team’s shirts, which suggest a spi- split shot (croquet) a stroke that drives two touch-
der’s web] ing balls in different directions
spike (American football ) to throw the ball force- splits ( g ymnastics) the action of lowering the body
fully to the ground, as when celebrating a touch- to the floor or a piece of apparatus with the legs
down; (volleyball) a forceful downward hit of the extended to either side or one forward and one
ball into the opposing team’s court back
splitter • sprinters’ lane 144

splitter (baseball ) a fastball thrown with fingers spot kick (association football ) a kick made from the
apart, giving it a late downward movement penalty spot
spoon (angling) an artificial bait in the form of the spot stroke (billiards) a stroke by which a player
bowl of a spoon, used in spinning or trolling; pots the red from the spot, leaving his own ball
(cricket) a weak hit which sends the ball high in in place to repeat the stroke
the air; ( golf ) an old-fashioned club with a spot white (billiards) the white cue ball that has
slightly hollowed face, corresponding to a 3- two small black spots on it to differentiate it from
wood; (surfing) the slight upward slope of a surf- the plain ball
board spotter (archery) a person appointed to identify the
spoonbait (angling) formal term for a spoon score of an archer; (g ymnastics, trampolining) a
sport fishing (angling) a name for the sport that person stationed to prevent a possible accident
distinguishes it from commercial fishing spray deck (canoeing) a waterproof cockpit cover
sport of kings (sport) a byname for horse racing worn around the waist by a kayaker and at-
[a sport long patronized by royalty] tached to the coaming to prevent water entering
sportfish (angling) a fish caught for sport rather the kayak
than as food spray skirt (canoeing) another term for a spray
sports car (auto racing) a specially designed high- deck
performance car built for highway driving spread ( general ) a term used in betting for the
sports day ( general ) a meeting at a school or col- number of points or goals by which a stronger
lege for contests in various sports team may be expected to beat a weaker team in
sports ground ( general ) an area with equipment a match
and facilities for sports spread a plate (horse racing) to lose a shoe or plate
sports injury ( general ) an injury suffered as a re- during (or before) a race
sult of participation in a sport spreadeagle (ice skating) a maneuver performed on
sports medicine ( general ) the branch of medicine the outside edges or inside edges of both skates
concerned with the treatment of sports injuries in which the skates point in opposite directions;
and the assessment and improvement of the (skiing) an aerial maneuver in which the skier
health of those involved in sport extends his arms and legs to the side while keep-
sports writer ( general ) a person such as a reporter ing the skis parallel and perpendicular to his
or columnist who writes regularly on sport body
sportscast ( general ) a broadcast about sport spring double (horse racing) a bet on the Lincoln
sportscaster ( general ) (1) a presenter of sports pro- Handicap and Grand National, both races run
grams on radio or television; (2) a sports com- in the spring
mentator springboard ( g ymnastics) a flexible board used by
sportsman ( general ) a person who practices or is a gymnast to take off when executing a vault;
skilled in sport (swimming) a flexible diving board
sportsmanship (general ) the performance or prac- Springboks (rugby union) nickname of the South
tice of a sportsman, especially one showing fair- African national team [from the agile antelope
ness and good humor native to South Africa that is the team’s emblem]
sportsperson ( general ) a person of either sex who springer (horse racing) a horse on which the betting
practices or is skilled in sport odds suddenly shorten
sportswoman ( general ) a woman who practices or sprint (athletics) a 100 meters, 200 meters, or 400
is skilled in sport meters race; (cycling) a track race ridden over
spot (billiards) (1) one of the three marked points on 1km by individuals against one or two oppo-
the billiard table (billiard spot, center spot, nents; ( general ) (1) a short spell or burst of for-
pyramid spot) on which the balls are placed at ward motion, as in running, rowing, or cycling;
certain stages in the game; (2) shortening of spot (2) a short race; (horse racing) a short race of five
white; (greyhound racing) one hundredth of a sec- or six furlongs on the flat
ond as a timing unit; (snooker) one of the six sprint car (auto racing) a fast racecar used for rac-
marked points on the billiard table on which the ing over short distances
colors are placed at the start of a frame and to sprint hurdles (athletics) the 100-meter hurdles
which they are returned (so long as there are still or 110-meter hurdles
reds on the table) after being sent into a pocket sprinter (cycling) a cyclist whose specialty is the
spot ball (billiards) another term for the spot white sprint
spot-barred (billiards) bound to the rule that the sprinters’ lane (cycling) the inner lane of a track in
spot stroke may not be played more than twice a velodrome, between the pole line and the
consecutively sprinters’ line
145 sprinters’ line • stage race

sprinters’ line (cycling) the red line on a track in a squeeze play (baseball ) a tactic in which a batter
velodrome, between the stayers’ line and the uses a bunt so that a runner at third base can
pole line, used by riders to overtake the lead attempt to reach home plate safely
rider squib (American football ) a kickoff with a short
sprit (sailing) a spar set diagonally to extend a fore- kick
and-aft sail squid (octopush) the circular lead disk used as a
Spurs (association football ) short name of the En- puck in the game
glish club Tottenham Hotspur; (basketball) short st (cricket) abbreviation of stumped in scoring
name of the San Antonio Spurs team stab (billiards, snooker) a short sharp stroke that
spurt (general) a sudden increase of speed or energy, makes the ball stop dead or travel slowly after
as in a sprint making contact with the object ball
squad ( general ) (1) a group of players trained in stab stroke (billiards, snooker) fuller term for a stab
readiness to form a team; (2) the team itself stabilizer (archery) a device attached to the bow to
squad number (association football ) the number increase stability during a shot
on a player’s shirt that identifies him and that stable (horse racing) (1) an establishment where
originally indicated his playing position racehorses are kept and trained; (2) the horses
square (association football ) in a line across the belonging to a single trainer; (sumo) an establish-
pitch at right angles to the direction of play; ment in which a group of wrestlers live and re-
(cricket) (1) the close-cut, rectangular area in the ceive training
center of the ground on which the wickets are stable lad (horse racing) a man or boy employed to
prepared; (2) at right angles to the wicket look after horses at a stable, one of his jobs at the
square cut (cricket) a cut hit square on the off side racecourse being to lead a horse around the pa-
square drive (cricket) a drive hit square on the off rade ring
side stable lass (horse racing) a woman or girl employed
square hit (cricket) a hit to square leg to look after horses at a stable
square leg (cricket) a fielding position on the leg Stableford (golf ) a competition in which points are
side in a line with the popping crease awarded for scores achieved on each hole, the
square leg umpire (cricket) the umpire at square player’s handicap and the stroke index being
leg, who answers appeals for run out and used to help calculate the points [named for its
stumped, as against the umpire who stands be- inventor in 1931, English physician Frank Sta-
hind the wicket of the bowler bleford (1870–1959)]
square-rigged (sailing) with square sails placed at stablemate (horse racing) a horse from the same
right angles to the length of the boat stable as another
square-rigger (sailing) a square-rigged boat Stade (rugby union) short name of the French club
squash (sport) a game played by two or four play- Stade Français [French stade, “stadium”]
ers with a small rubber ball that is struck with a stadium ( general ) a sports ground or arena with
racket against the walls of an enclosed court [the rows of seats or stands for spectators [Latin sta-
ball squashes on impact] dium, “racecourse,” from Greek stadion, “run-
squash rackets (sport) the formal name of squash ning track for foot races,” originally a unit of
squash tennis (sport) a game for two players sim- length in ancient Greece equivalent to 6063/4ft
ilar to squash but played with an inflated ball (184m), the most noted track or course at
and larger rackets Olympia being of this length]
squat ( g ymnastics) shortening of squat thrust; Stadium of Light (association football ) (1) the sta-
(weightlifting) a lift in which the competitor dium of the English club Sunderland, built in
squats with a barbell across his shoulders then 1997 [named from the lamps formerly worn by
rises again local miners]; (2) English name of the Estádio da
squat rack (weightlifting) a pair of posts with a Luz, the stadium of the Portuguese club Benfica,
support that holds a barbell at a convenient Lisbon, built in 1954 [translated as if “stadium of
height for a squat light” but really named for its location in the
squat thrust ( g ymnastics) a move in which the suburb of Luz]
gymnast thrusts his legs back to their full extent stag leap (ice skating) a leaping jump performed
from a squatting position while supporting his with the leading leg tucked under the body and
weight on his hands the trailing leg kicked out straight behind
squatter (cricket) another term for a shooter stage (general) one of the timed sections into which
squeaker (general) colloquial term for a game won a long-distance race or rally is divided
by a very narrow margin stage race (cycling) a race in stages, usually as a se-
squeeze (baseball ) shortening of squeeze play ries of road races ridden on successive days
stage rally • starting gate 146

stage rally (auto racing) in rally driving, a rally standing count (boxing) a count of eight taken by
in stages, usually ridden over several days a boxer who although not knocked down ap-
staggered start (athletics) the start to a race in pears unable to continue fighting
which the athletes are spaced at intervals along standing shot (handball ) a shot taken from a sta-
the track to compensate for the curve of the tionary position
bend; ( general ) a race in which competitors standoff (rugby league, rugby union) shortening of
leave the start at timed intervals standoff half; (rugby union) another term for a
Stags (association football ) nickname of the English fly half
club Mansfield Town [apparently from the ani- standoff half (rugby league, rugby union) a back
mal on the town’s former coat of arms, denoting who stands next to the scrum half and links play
its proximity to Sherwood Forest] with the three-quarters
stake (horse racing) the money wagered on a bet stands ( general ) another term for a stand, espe-
stake and rider fence (horse racing) a fence made cially where extensive or arranged in sections
of stakes with a top bar Stanley Cup (ice hockey) the cup awarded annu-
stake boat (rowing, sailing) a boat anchored to ally since 1893 to the winner of the world pro-
mark the start or course of a race fessional championships [donated by Frederick
stakes (greyhound racing, horse racing) (1) money Arthur Stanley, Lord Stanley of Preston
staked or contributed as a prize in a race; (2) (1841 –1908), governor general of Canada]
the race itself stanza ( general ) a half or other period of a game
Stalder ( g ymnastics) in the horizontal bar and Star (sailing) a class of double-handed keelboat
asymmetric bars, a 360-degree swing around star drag (angling) an adjustable tension device in
the bar in a straddle pike position [first per- a reel [so called for its star-shaped nut]
formed by the Swiss gymnast Josef Stalder] star jump ( g ymnastics) a jump in which the arms
stallion (horse racing) a male horse kept for breed- and legs are thrust out to give a star shape
ing starboard (sailing) the right side of a boat when
Stallions (Canadian football ) short name of the facing forward
Baltimore Stallions team Stars (ice hockey) short name of the Dallas Stars
stalls (horse racing) shortening of starting stalls team
Stamford Bridge (association football ) the home start ( general ) (1) the beginning of a sporting con-
ground of Chelsea football club, London test; (2) the point where a race begins
Stampeders (Canadian football ) short name of the start hut (skiing) the small building from which
Calgary Stampeders team skiers start in a downhill race or slalom
stance (boxing) the position adopted by a boxer in start straight (auto racing) the straight section of
readiness to land or receive punches; (cricket) track where the grid is and where races start
the position adopted by a batsman in front of the starter (baseball ) shortening of starting pitcher;
wicket as he holds his bat in readiness for a ball ( general ) (1) the official who gives the signal for
from the bowler; (golf ) the position of a player’s the start of a race or other contest; (2) one of
feet when making a stroke the competitors assembled for the start of a race;
stand (cricket) another term for a partnership; ( golf ) a member of the pro shop staff who mar-
(general) a raised structure with sitting or stand- shals the players starting the first hole; (horse rac-
ing accommodation for spectators at a match or ing) one of the horses assembled for the start of
on a racecourse a race
stand down ( general ) to withdraw from a game, starting block (athletics) a device for helping a
match, or race sprinter make a quick start to a race, in the
stand still (cycling) to stop altogether in a sprint as form of a framework with wood or metal blocks
a tactical maneuver to avoid taking the lead be- attached, on which the sprinter braces his feet;
fore the climax of the race (cycling) a device that holds the rear wheel of a
stand-up (boxing) a fight in which the contestants bicycle at the start of track race, releasing the
stand up fairly to each other without any spe- wheel when the start is signaled
cial moves or maneuvers starting box (greyhound racing) the boxlike stall
standard (horse racing) a category of going from which a greyhound is released at the be-
standardbred (horse racing) a breed of horse de- ginning of a race
veloped as trotters and pacers in harness racing starting gate (horse racing) the mechanical barrier
[they are bred to attain a minimum standard behind which the horses are held in their stalls
speed] before the start of a race and which opens to re-
standing ( general ) a current ranking in a grade lease them simultaneously; (motorcycle racing) in
scale motocross, the board across the starting area
147 starting grid • Stewards’

that drops down to start the race; (skiing) the rapidly because a large sum of money has been
point from which skiers start their run in down- unexpectedly staked on it
hill racing steamy ( golf ) a short shot or putt that passes over
starting grid (auto racing) fuller term for a grid or through the green
starting gun ( general ) another term for a starting Steelers (American football ) short name of the
pistol Pittsburgh Steelers team
starting line ( general ) a line marking the start of Steelmen (association football ) nickname of the
a race Scottish club Motherwell [from the town’s for-
starting pistol ( general ) a small pistol used to give mer noted steel industry]
the signal for the start of a race steeplechase (athletics) (1) another term for cross-
starting pitcher (baseball ) the pitcher who initi- country running; (2) a 3,000-meter track race
ates play in a game with obstacles in the form of hurdles and water
starting post ( general ) a post marking the start- jumps; (equestrianism) a phase of the speed and
ing point of a race endurance section of the three-day event in
starting price (horse racing) the odds on a horse at which riders clear low fences along a turf track;
the start of a race (horse racing) a race with obstacles to be jumped
starting signal ( general ) the signal given to com- [originally a race on horseback across country
petitors to begin a race with a visible church steeple as the goal]
starting stalls (horse racing) the stalls with starting steeplechaser (horse racing) a horse trained for stee-
gates in which the horses are held before the plechases
start of a race steepler (cricket) a lofty hit by the batsman, often
startline ( general ) another term for a starting line providing an easy catch
State of Origin series (rugby league) a series of an- steer-wrestling (rodeo) an event in which a com-
nual matches played since 1980 between the petitor drops from horseback onto the horns of
Australian states of Queensland and New South a galloping steer and throws it to the ground
Wales stem (darts) another term for the shaft; (sailing)
station (rowing) the position on one or other side the curved timber at the bow of a boat
of a river occupied by the crew of an eight at the stem turn (skiing) a turn performed by stemming
start of a boat race [the crews in the Boat Race with one ski and then placing the other parallel
start from the Middlesex station and Surrey sta- with it
tion, named for their historic counties on the re- stemming (skiing) the act of moving the tail of one
spective north and south banks of the Thames or both skis outward in order to turn
River] step (athletics) the second phase of the triple jump;
Statue of Liberty (American football ) a play in (fives) in Eton fives, the shallow step that divides
which the quarterback holds the ball up as if the court into an inner and outer part
to throw it while a back circles behind to take it step up (horse racing) a “promotion” to a race with
from him and then attempt to advance it by a greater distance
rushing stepover (association football ) a move in which a
stay all day (horse racing) to consistently maintain player aims to throw an opponent off balance by
speed and stamina in a race stepping over the ball without actually kicking
stay on (horse racing) of a racehorse, to give of its it
best toward the end of a race stepover turn (water skiing) a maneuver executed
stayer (horse racing) a horse that does not tire as on one or two skis in which the skier lifts a ski
quickly as others in a race over the tow rope while executing a 180-degree
stayers’ line (cycling) the blue outermost line on turn
a track in a velodrome used by riders in a stern (rowing, sailing) the rear part of a boat
madison to ease up and ride slowly between ef- steward (auto racing) a senior official who makes
forts decisions about the running of a race, including
steady (cricket) (of ) a batsman who is reliable and the awarding of penalties; (horse racing) an
does not take risks official who supervises arrangements on a race-
steal (baseball ) to gain a base without the help of course and sees that the rules of the sport are
a hit or error by running to it without being upheld
tagged out; (basketball) to take possession of Stewards’ Challenge Cup (rowing) the cup
the ball from an opponent; ( golf ) to play a long awarded to the winner of a race for coxless fours
putt with a delicate stroke that sends the ball at Henley Royal Regatta, inaugurated in 1841
into the hole Stewards’ Cup (horse racing) a famous annual
steamer (horse racing) a horse whose odds shorten sprint at Goodwood
stewards’ inquiry • stopper 148

stewards’ inquiry (horse racing) an investigation stock bowler (cricket) a dependable but unenter-
by stewards into the conduct of a race in cases prising bowler
where a contravention of the rules is suspected, stockcar (auto racing) a car with a basically standard
the result being signaled by the hoisting of flags chassis that has been specially modified and
on the racecourse strengthened for use in stockcar racing
stick (athletics) colloquial term for the baton in a stockcar racing (auto racing) a race between stock-
relay race; ( general ) (1) the implement with cars in which the cars are often damaged and
which the ball is struck in field hockey, ice even destroyed in collisions
hockey, and rounders; (2) the implement with stocker (auto racing) colloquial term for a stock-
which the ball is struck in some regional or im- car or its driver
provised games such as trapball and knur and stomach roll (athletics) a form of high jump in
spell; ( g ymnastics) to make a perfect landing, which the athlete clears the bar stomach down
without any movement of the feet; (polo) an- stone (curling) the heavy smooth stone with a han-
other term for a mallet; (skiing) shortening of dle at the top that players send over the ice
ski stick; (surfing) colloquial term for a surf- stone dead ( golf ) (of ) a ball that is so near the
board hole that a putt seems a mere formality
stick up (cricket) to put a batsman on the defen- stonewall (cricket) to bat extremely defensively
sive stonewaller (cricket) a batsman who stonewalls
stickball (sport) a form of baseball or lacrosse stoolball (sport) a game resembling cricket, now
adapted to playing in a small area, often with a played mainly by children, in which a hard ball
makeshift stick and nonstandard ball is bowled underarm at a wicket defended by a
sticker (cricket) a batsman who plays slowly and player with a bat
carefully and who is hard to dismiss Stoop (rugby union) the home ground of the game
stickhandling ( general ) the controlling of a ball at Twickenham [in full Stoop Memorial
or puck in a game played with a stick Ground, named commemoratively for Adrian
stickout ( general ) colloquial term for an excellent Stoop, an England back]
sports player or performer stoopball (sport) a game resembling baseball, in
sticks (association football ) colloquial term for the which the ball is thrown against a stoop (a set of
goalposts; (cricket) colloquial term for the steps leading to the front door of a house) in-
wicket (with its three stumps); (field hockey) a stead of to a batter
foul committed by raising the stick above the stop (boxing) (1) a guard or attack that prevents a
shoulder when swinging it back to play the ball; punch from landing on its mark; (2) to defeat an
(horse racing) the hurdles in a steeplechase opponent with a knockout; (cricket) shortening
stickwork ( general ) another term for stickhan- of longstop; (horse racing) to slow down (but
dling not actually stop) in a race
sticky dog (cricket) another term for a sticky stop-go penalty (auto racing) a penalty imposed
wicket for exceeding the speed limit in the pit lane,
sticky wicket (cricket) a wicket made soft and obliging the driver to return to the lane and re-
sticky by rain [a condition less common than main stationary for a stated period of time (10
formerly thanks to the use of covers] seconds in Formula One) before rejoining the
stiff ( general ) a competitor who is sure to fail; race
( golf ) another term for stone dead; (horse rac- stop hit ( fencing) a thrust made at the precise mo-
ing) a horse that is certain not to win ment the opponent prepares for his own thrust
stiff-arm (American football, rugby league, rugby stop shot (croquet) a croquet shot that sends the
union) to fend off an opponent with the arm croqueted ball as far as possible in relation to
straight the striker’s ball
stiff track (horse racing) a physically demanding stop thrust ( fencing) another term for a stop hit
course, as one with a long home straight or an stop volley (tennis) a blocked volley, played close
uphill finish, as at Cheltenham to the net, causing the ball to drop dead on the
still-ball game ( general ) a game such as golf or other side
snooker in which the ball is always still when stoppage time (association football ) time added on
being played to the regulation time (90 minutes) for a game
stimpmeter (golf ) a device that measures the speed to make up for time lost through injury or other
of a green by rolling a golf ball down a ramp at interruptions
a standard initial velocity and measuring how stopper (association football ) a defender noted for
far it travels [named for its U.S. inventor, Ed- his ability to block attacks on goal; (baseball )
ward Stimpson (died 1985)] (1) a pitching ace relied on to win a game or re-
149 Stow • strip fitter

verse a losing streak; (2) a relief pitcher who cia, Spain, or the Singapore Grand Prix in Sin-
prevents the opposing team from scoring highly gapore
Stow (association football ) short name of the English stretch (baseball ) a pitching stance that is more
club Walthamstow upright than a wind-up, used when a baserun-
straddle (archery, shooting) a combination of one ner is likely to steal a base; ( general ) another
shot beyond the mark and one short of it; (ath- term for a straight [the words straight and stretch
letics) a style of high jump in which the athlete are related in origin]
clears the bar horizontally and face down, with stretcher (rowing) an adjustable support for the
his legs straddled either side; ( g ymnastics) a po- feet of the rowers; (wrestling) a bout with no
sition with the legs spread far apart to the side, rounds, timeouts, or breaks for injury [it ends
as assumed in a vault or when dismounting from when one of the contestants leaves the ring on a
apparatus stretcher]
straight ( general ) a straight section of a track or stride (horse racing) (1) an act of forward move-
course ment by a horse, completed when its feet have re-
straight-arm (rugby league, rugby union) (of ) a turned to their original position; (2) a horse’s
tackle with the arms extended straight regular movement in a race
straight bat (cricket) a bat held so as not to devi- strike (American football ) a forward pass straight
ate to either side to a receiver; (angling) a sudden jerk of the line
straight bet (horse racing) a bet that backs a horse to impale the hook in the mouth of a fish; (as-
to win sociation football ) another term for a shot; (base-
straight drive (cricket) a drive in which the bats- ball ) (1) a ball thrown by the pitcher into the
man hits the ball back down the pitch toward strike zone; (2) a ball at which the batter swings
(or past) the bowler and misses; (cricket) the position of a batsman
straight games (tennis) a series of games won in ready to receive the next ball from the bowler;
succession (rugby league, rugby union) an attempt to hook
straight pool (pool) a variant of eight-ball pool in the ball from the scrum; (tenpin bowling) the
which any object ball can be pocketed in any knocking down of all of the pins with the first
order ball bowled
straight red (association football ) a red card shown strike out (baseball ) to dismiss or be dismissed
to a player for a serious offense, entitling the ref- from a game by means of three strikes
eree to send off the offender immediately strike zone (baseball ) the area above home plate
straight sets (tennis) a run of sets won in succes- extending from the knees of the batter to the
sion middle of his torso, as a target for the pitcher
straight tip (horse racing) a tip for a bet that comes to aim at
straight from an owner or trainer striker (association football ) an attacking player
straightaway (auto racing, horse racing) another whose main role is to score goals; (cricket) the
term for a straight batsman facing the bowling; ( general ) a player
strangle (horse racing) to hold back a horse from who hits the ball
winning by pulling hard on the reins striker’s ball (croquet) the ball played at the start
stranglehold (judo, wrestling) another term for a of a turn
choke hold striking circle (field hockey) another term for the
Stratford-on-Avon (horse racing) a National Hunt shooting circle
racecourse at Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, string (archery) the cord of a bow; (billiards) (1)
England the beads hung on a wire that serve to keep the
strawweight (boxing) the professional weight cat- score; (2) to decide the order of play by striking
egory of under 48kg (105lb) the cue ball from balk to rebound off the top
streaker ( general ) a spectator who runs naked cushion, the first stroke going to the player
across the pitch during a match whose ball comes to rest nearer the bottom cush-
streamer (angling) an artificial fly with feathers ion; (horse racing) (1) the horses belonging to a
attached, resembling a small fish particular yard or stable; (2) a single file of
street circuit (auto racing) a circuit laid out with horses led out for morning exercise
temporary walls for a street race strip (cricket) colloquial term for the pitch; ( gen-
street hockey (roller skating) a type of field hockey eral ) (1) to take off one’s normal clothing in
played on roller skates, originally in the street preparation for a contest; (2) the distinctive
street race (auto racing) a race with a circuit over clothing worn by members of a sports team, typ-
the streets of a city, rather than on a special ically in the colors of their club
track, as for the European Grand Prix in Valen- strip fitter (horse racing) to be revealed as a horse
stripe ball • Summer 150

in good physical shape when its blankets are style jumping (parachuting) a jump in which a se-
taken off just before a race ries of predetermined maneuvers are carried out
stripe ball (pool) a ball with a broad colored stripe while in free fall
and a number on it stymie ( golf ) a situation on the green in which an
stroke ( general ) to hit or kick the ball smoothly opponent’s ball blocks the way to the hole (an
and carefully; ( golf ) a hit of the ball that serves impasse overcome by a rule of 1951 which al-
as a unit of scoring; (rowing) (1) the complete lowed the obstructed ball to be lifted and its po-
single movement of the oars in and out of the sition marked) [origin obscure]
water; (2) the rower who sits nearest the stern sub ( general ) colloquial shortening of substitute
of the boat and whose stroke sets the time for subaqua (aquatics) the sport or recreation of under-
the rest of the rowers; (squash) a point awarded water swimming or diving using an aqualung
to a player who has been deliberately obstructed; or similar apparatus
(swimming) a particular set of movements of the submission (wrestling) the surrender of a competi-
arms and legs, appropriate for the position of the tor to a hold
body, that propel a swimmer through the water subsidiary goal (polo) a goal scored by sending the
stroke index ( golf ) a measure of the relative ball into a space to the side of each goalpost
difficulty of the holes on a course substitute ( general ) a player who replaces a team-
stroke oar (rowing) fuller term for the stroke mate during a match, either as a tactical move or
strokeless (cricket) unable to play strokes freely as the result of injury or sickness
because of the style of bowling subway alumni (American football ) city-dwelling
strokemaker (cricket) a batsman who plays well- supporters of a college football team who are
executed, attacking strokes not graduates (alumni) of the college in ques-
strokeplay (cricket, tennis) the playing of a range of tion
well-executed strokes; ( golf ) a method of scor- sucker ( golf ) a ball embedded in mud which can
ing by counting the number of strokes played be lifted without penalty
rather than the number of holes won sucker punch (boxing) a punch that takes advan-
strokeside (rowing) the right side of the boat as tage of an opponent’s momentary lack of con-
viewed by the rowers centration
stroll (baseball ) another term for a base on balls; sudden death ( general ) (1) an extra period of play
( general ) another term for a walkover to settle a tie, ending when one of the competi-
strong safety (American football ) a defensive back tors scores; (2) a game or match shortened from
positioned opposite the strong side that usually its usual duration by a time limit
covers the tight end Sugar Bowl (American football ) a postseason col-
strong side (American football ) the side of a stan- lege football contest held annually (from 1935)
dard offensive formation on which the tight end at New Orleans, Louisiana, where it was con-
lines up ceived in 1927
stud (horse racing) (1) a male horse used for breed- sugarbag (wrestling) to toss an opponent onto the
ing; (2) a horse-breeding establishment canvas [as if he were a bag of sugar]
studbook (horse racing) a record of horses’ pedi- suicide squad (American football ) the team who
grees defend the player who took the kickoff [so called
stuff (basketball) to throw or slam the ball down as subjecting themselves to a continuing on-
through the basket slaught from their opponents]
stump (cricket) (1) one of the three small posts suicide squeeze (baseball ) a tactical maneuver in
which, together with the bails, form the wicket; which a baserunner at third base begins to run
(2) as a wicketkeeper, to dismiss a batsman who toward home plate as soon as the pitcher be-
is out of his ground by dislodging a bail or by gins to throw the ball
knocking down a stump while holding the ball sulky (horse racing) a light two-wheeled vehicle
stumped (cricket) dismissed from a game because used in harness racing
stumped by the wicketkeeper sumi-gaeshi (judo) a move in which one of the
stumps (cricket) (1) another term for the wicket; contestants falls to the mat and throws his oppo-
(2) the end of a game, when it is time to draw nent over his left shoulder [Japanese sumi, “cor-
stumps ner,” and kaeshi, “overturning”]
stun (snooker) to check the forward momentum of Summer Eights (rowing) another name for Eights
the cue ball by imparting a small amount of Week
backspin to it Summer Olympics (Olympics) a name sometimes
stun and be gone (boxing) another term for punch used for the main Olympic Games to distin-
and retreat guish them from the Winter Olympics
151 sumo • swan

sumo (sport) a Japanese form of wrestling in which tocross bikes in a stadium on a temporary dirt
the aim is to force an opponent out of the ring or sand track with obstacles such as jumps
or force him to touch the ground within it with superfecta (horse racing) a bet in which the bettor
any part of the body other than the soles of the must select the first four horses to finish in the
feet [Japanese sumo] correct order [blend of super- and perfecta]
sumo wrestling (sport) fuller name of sumo supermoto (motorcycle racing) the racing of solo
sumotori (sumo) another term for a rikishi [com- motorcycles or quad bikes on a part surfaced,
bination of sumo and tori] part natural circuit with obstacles such as jumps
Sunday League (cricket) the name of the Pro40 superpipe (snowboarding) a large half-pipe
League until 2007 Supersonics (basketball) short name of the Seattle
Suns (basketball) short name of the Phoenix Suns Supersonics team
team superspeedway (auto racing) in NASCAR and
super bantamweight (boxing) the professional Indy racing, a track over a mile long
weight category of maximum 55kg (122lb) supersub (association football ) a player who often
Super Bowl (American football ) the annual cham- scores as a substitute [shortening of supersubsti-
pionship of the National Football League, tute]
played since 1976 between the respective cham- suplex (wrestling) a hold in which the opponent is
pions of the National Football Conference and grasped around the waist from behind and
American Football Conference thrown [apparently Latin supplex, “supplicant”]
super featherweight (boxing) the professional supplement (horse racing) to pay a supplementary
weight category of maximum 69kg (130lb) fee
super flyweight (boxing) the professional weight supplementary fee (horse racing) a (high) fee paid on
category of maximum 52kg (115lb) top of an entry fee to enter a horse late in a race
Super 14 (rugby union) a competition established in supporter (general) a person who maintains a loyal
1996 for the 14 (originally 12) leading state and interest in the fortunes of a club and who regu-
provincial teams in Australia, New Zealand, and larly attends their matches, in many cases wear-
South Africa ing their colors
super G (skiing) an event combining downhill and surf (surfing) shortening of surf riding
giant slalom [G for giant (slalom)] surf bum (surfing) an enthusiast who frequents
super heavyweight (boxing) the amateur weight beaches suitable for the sport
category of above 91kg (201lb) surf canoe (surfing) a canoe or kayak used for the
Super League (rugby league) an annual competi- sport
tion held since 1996 between the top six teams in surf riding (sport) an older term for surfing
the league surface fishing (angling) a method of fishing that
super lightweight (boxing) the professional weight involves a cast of bait (rather than an artificial
category of maximum 63.5kg (140lb) fly) that floats on the surface of the water
super middleweight (boxing) the professional surfboard (surfing) the long narrow board used in
weight category of maximum 76kg (168lb) the sport
super over (cricket) an extra over added to settle surfer (surfing) (1) a person who participates in the
the score after a match ends in a tie sport; (2) shortening of windsurfer
Super Saturday ( general ) nickname for a key con- surfie (surfing) a young unemployed person who
test held on a Saturday, as the men’s semifinals spends a lot of time engaged in the sport
in the U.S. Open on Saturday, September 12, surfing (sport) the sport or recreation of riding
2009, the day before the finals breaking waves on a surfboard
super special stage (auto racing) in rally driving, Surlyn ( golf ) proprietary name of a tough ther-
a short special stage with two parallel tracks moplastic resin used to cover golf balls
Super Sunday ( general ) nickname for a key con- suspension ( general ) the temporary barring of a
test held on a Sunday, as on Sunday, November player from a game
29, 2009, when in association football there sutemi-waza (judo) the technique of throwing
was a double header in two Premier League from a lying position [Japanese sute-mi, “self-
derbies: Arsenal v. Chelsea and Everton v. Liv- abandonment,” and waza, “art,” referring to the
erpool thrower’s sacrifice of an upright posture]
super welterweight (boxing) the professional swallow dive (swimming) a dive made with the
weight category of maximum 70kg (154lb) arms outstretched to the sides [like the wings of
superbike (motorcycle racing) a 750cc four-cylin- a swallow]
der or 1,000cc twin-cylinder motorcycle swan dive (swimming) another term for a swallow
supercross (motorcycle racing) the racing of mo- dive [with arms like the wings of a swan]
Swans • synchronized 152

Swans (association football ) short name of the swimmer (swimming) a person who takes part in
Welsh club Swansea City; (Australian Rules) swimming or diving
short name of the Sydney Swans team swimming (sport) the competitive sport or leisure
Swaythling Cup (table tennis) the cup awarded activity of propelling one’s body through the
since 1926 to the winner of the world men’s team water, which may be entered by a dive
championship [presented by Lady Swaythling, swimming pool (swimming) an indoor or outdoor
later president of the English Table Tennis Asso- pool designed for swimming
ciation] swimpool (swimming) another term for a swim-
sweat (horse racing) a training run given to a horse ming pool
before a race swing (boxing) a punch made with a sweep of the
sweat serve (table tennis) an illegal serve in which arm; (cricket) a curving deviation of the ball in
the ball has been deliberately coated in sweat by its path through the air after its delivery by the
the server, making it difficult to return bowler; (golf ) the curving path of a golf club as
sweatband (tennis) an absorbent wristlet worn to a player makes a stroke, first moving up and
prevent sweat running down to a player’s hands back from the ball then down and through to
Swedish fall (gymnastics) a move in floor exercises strike it; ( g ymnastics) a rotation of the body on
in which the gymnast drops straight to the a piece of apparatus such as the asymmetric
ground, his hands shooting out for support at bars, horizontal bar, parallel bars, pommel
the last moment horse, or rings
sweep (cricket) a stroke in which the batsman goes swing bowler (cricket) a bowler who imparts a
down on one knee to play the ball to the leg swing to the ball
side with a horizontal bat; (general) victory in all swing pass (American football ) a short pass to a
of the games in a contest by a team or competi- back running to the outside
tor swinger (cricket) a ball from the bowler that trav-
sweep rowing (rowing) rowing with only one oar, els with a swing
worked with both hands swingman ( general ) a versatile player, who can
sweeper (association football ) a player who plays play in different positions
behind the defenders but who does not mark swingtime (trampolining) a movement performed
any opponent [he “sweeps up” any problems if immediately after another, with no free bounce
the line of defenders is breached]; (cricket) a in between
fielder positioned on the boundary in front of swish (basketball) a shot that drops the ball cleanly
square to stop balls hit through the infield; (cy- into the basket; (cricket) colloquial term for a
cling, motorcycle racing) the negotiation of a bend careless attacking stroke
or turn with a controlled sideways skid of the Swiss ball ( general ) a large inflatable plastic ball
rear wheel used in fitness exercises
sweepstake (horse racing) a race in which the com- switch (horse racing) to race a horse under the name
petitors’ stakes are taken by the winner or win- of another horse
ners switch hitter (baseball, cricket) a player who can
sweet science (sport) a byname for boxing bat equally well right-handed or left-handed
sweet spot (cricket) the area on the face of the bat switchfoot (surfing) a surfer who can ride the
where the ball bowled by the bowler should ide- board with either foot forward
ally make contact for a good stroke; ( golf ) the swivel (angling) a device that prevents rotary ac-
spot on the clubface where the ball should ide- tion of the bait in the water from twisting or
ally make contact for best effect and control; kinking of the line
(tennis) the point on the face of a racket where swivel hips (trampolining) a seat drop followed by
the ball should ideally make contact for a good a half twist into another seat drop
return SW19 (tennis) a byname of the courts at Wimble-
swerve (baseball ) a ball that deviates in flight from don [the local London postcode]
the spin imparted to it by the pitcher; (cricket) swordplay (sport) another term for fencing
a ball that deviates in flight from the spin im- synchro (swimming) shortening of synchronized
parted to it by the bowler swimming
swim (angling) a stretch of river fished by a partic- synchronized diving (swimming) an event in
ular angler which divers perform side by side
swim the stream (angling) to send bait along the synchronized skating (ice skating) a discipline in
course of a swim by means of float tackle which teams of skaters perform routines in for-
swimathon (swimming) a long-distance swimming mation
race synchronized swimming (swimming) a form of
153 syndicate • takeoff

the sport in which groups of swimmers carry karate but differing from it in its wide range of
out gymnastic and balletic routines to music kicking techniques and the importance it at-
syndicate (horse racing) a group of people who own taches to different methods of breaking objects
a racehorse [Korean tae, “kick,” kwon, “fist,” and do, “way”]
T (basketball) abbreviation of technical foul; tag (angling) a piece of brightly-colored wire or
(squash) the T-shaped configuration formed by fabric tied to the tail of an artificial fly; (baseball )
the juncture of the half-court line and the short to put out a baserunner by touching him with
line the ball or with the hand holding the ball
T-car (auto racing) a team’s reserve car [originally tag team (wrestling) a team of wrestlers engaged in
known as the training car] tag wrestling
T-formation (American football ) a T-shaped forma- tag wrestling (wrestling) a contest between two
tion of offensive players, with the left halfback, teams of two wrestlers in which only one
fullback, and right half back lined up parallel to wrestler from each team is in the ring at any one
the line of scrimmage and the quarterback in time and may be replaced by the wrestler outside
front of them directly behind the center the ring after touching (“tagging”) the latter’s
table (billiards, snooker) shortening of billiard hand
table; ( general ) shortening of league table tagout (baseball ) fuller term for a tag
table tennis (sport) a game like tennis played on a t’ai chi (sport) a Chinese martial art centering on
table, with players using a small rubber-coated sequences of very slow controlled movements
bat to propel a hollow celluloid ball over a net [Chinese tài, “greatest,” and jí, “limit”]
strung across the table t’ai chi ch’uan (sport) fuller form of t’ai chi [Chi-
tabletop (skiing) (1) a large jump constructed with nese quán, “fist”]
a flat surface before it and a big drop after it; (2) tai-otoshi (judo) another term for a body drop
a freestyle event using this jump [Japanese tai, “body,” and otoshi, “drop”]
tac-au-tac ( fencing) a combination of a parry and tail (cricket) the weaker batsmen at the end of a
a riposte [French tac-au-tac, “clash for clash”] team’s batting order
tack (horse racing) a general term (from tackle) for tail fly (angling) the fly at the end of the leader
riding harness, saddles, bridles, and the like; tail shot (polo) the hitting of the ball behind and
(sailing) (1) the course of a boat with respect to under the pony’s rump
the side of the sail against which the wind is tailback (American football ) a running back who
blowing; (2) one of the port or starboard sec- lines up behind a fullback
tions of a zigzag course made when sailing to tailer (angling) a device with a metal loop for land-
windward ing large fish such as salmon by the tail
tack room (horse racing) a room in or near a stable tailgate ( general ) to picnic around the trunk of
where tack is kept one’s car outside a stadium before a match
tackle (American football ) (1) an offensive player take (cricket) (1) to catch the ball after it has been
positioned outside a guard on the line of scrim- struck by the batsman (before it touches the
mage; (2) a defensive player positioned on the in- ground); (2) to dismiss a batsman by catching
side of the line of scrimmage; (3) the act of forc- the ball thus; (3) to dismiss a batsman by bowl-
ing the player with the ball to the ground; ing a ball that hits his wicket; (rugby league,
(angling) shortening of fishing tackle; (associa- rugby union) an act of catching the ball
tion football ) an attempt to win the ball from take a dive (boxing) to feign a knockout [by a dive
an opponent by using the leg or foot; (Australian to the canvas]
Rules) an attempt to stop an opponent; (field take a toss (equestrianism, horse racing) to fall from
hockey) an attempt to take the ball from an op- a horse
ponent by using the stick; (rugby league) one of take a wicket (cricket) to dismiss a batsman with
six attempts to move the ball up the field by a bowled ball
running, passing, and kicking; (rugby union) the take off (cricket) to replace a bowler after a spell
stopping of an opponent by using one’s arms to take strike (cricket) to prepare, as a batsman, to
bring him down face the bowling
tackler ( general ) a player who executes a tackle takeaway ( golf ) the initial movement of the club
tackling bag (American football, rugby league, rugby at the beginning of a backswing
union) a suspended stuffed bag used for practic- takedown (wrestling) a move in which a standing
ing tackles wrestler throws his opponent to the ground
tackling dummy (American football ) another term takeoff (croquet) a stroke in a croquet in which
for a tackling bag the striker’s ball goes further than the croqueted
tae kwon do (sport) a Korean martial art similar to one; ( general ) (1) the moment when a person,
takeoff area • tchoukball 154

animal, or vehicle leaves the ground, water, or tape-measure shot (baseball ) a home run that
other surface in a jump, dive, or flight; (2) the travels far beyond the field of play
point where this happens, as the end of the Targa Florio (auto racing) the trophy awarded to
inrun in a ski jump the winner of an annual time trial held in Sicily,
takeoff area (cricket) the area by the wicket where Italy [Italian Targa Florio, “Florio Shield”]
the bowler ends his run-up and releases the ball target (archery, shooting) a mark to shoot at for
takeout (bowls) a shot that knocks an opponent’s practice or competition; (boxing, fencing) the part
bowl away from the jack; (curling) a shot that of an opponent’s body to which an attack is di-
hits an opponent’s stone and removes it from rected
play target archery (archery) a form of the sport in
takeover zone (athletics) the section of track in which competitors shoot at circular targets
which the baton must be passed in a relay race target man (association football ) a tall forward in
Talbot Handicap (bowls) an annual competition a central position to whom a high pass can be
in crown green bowls [first held in 1873 at the made
Talbot Hotel, Blackpool, Lancashire] target pin (archery) a mark on a bow used as a
Tall Blacks (basketball) nickname of the New sight
Zealand national men’s team [referring to the tariff (gymnastics) the degree of difficulty of a vault
players’ height and strip color and punning on tartan (angling) an artificial fly used in salmon
the name of the All Blacks] fishing
Tall Ships Race (sailing) an international biennial Tartan (athletics) proprietary name of a synthetic
race for high-masted square-riggers and fore- resin material used to lay all-weather running
and-afters crewed partly by trainees and held tracks
over different courses since 1956 Tartan Army (association football ) nickname of the
tally (baseball ) a single run supporters of Scotland’s national team, espe-
tambour (real tennis) a projecting part of the main cially when playing abroad
wall of the court on the hazard side [French Tartans (association football ) nickname of a Protes-
tambour, “drum”] tant youth gang in Northern Ireland, the tradi-
tandem (cycling) a bicycle for two riders, one be- tional supporters of the Scottish club Glasgow
hind the other [punning use of Latin tandem, Rangers
“at length”] tatami (judo) the rectangular vinyl-coated foam
Tangerines (association football ) nickname of the mat on which contests take place [Japanese
Scottish club Dundee United [from the orange tatami]
color of the players’ strip] Tattersalls (horse racing) (1) a leading auction house
tank (tennis) to lose or fail to finish a match delib- for thoroughbreds, based in Newmarket
erately [founded in 1766 by Richard Tattersall (1724–
tap (bowls) a shot in which a bowl makes light 1795)]; (2) an enclosure at a racecourse, with
contact with another bowl that is touching the cheaper admission than the Members’ Enclo-
jack sure
tap-in (association football ) a simple shot from a tattoo (greyhound racing) an identification number
short distance into an undefended goal; (basket- on the inside of a registered greyhound’s ear
ball) an act of striking the ball in the air with Tatts (horse racing) colloquial abbreviation of Tat-
the hand so that it goes into the basket, typi- tersalls
cally following an unsuccessful shot Taunton (horse racing) a National Hunt race-
tap kick (rugby union) a light kick of the ball to course at Taunton, Somerset, England
restart play from a penalty, the same team retain- taxi squad (American football ) players who train
ing possession of the ball with a team but are not selected for matches
tap penalty (rugby union) a penalty taken with a [originally a nickname for a group of extra play-
tap kick ers which Arthur McBride, owner of the Cleve-
tap tackle (rugby union) a tackle made by diving land Browns in the 1940s, kept on in the team by
and touching the ankle of the player with the employing them in a taxi company which he
ball, so that he falls over owned]
tap up (association football ) to approach a player tchoukball (sport) a game in which one team
under contract to a club with the aim of per- throws the ball against a highly sprung net and
suading him to leave that club and move to an- the other team tries to prevent it from landing
other when it rebounds, physical contact with other
tape (athletics) a strip of material stretched across players being against the rules [from the sound
the track at the finishing line of a foot race of the ball hitting the net]
155 tea • ten-man

tea (cricket) the second meal break of the day dur- eree that one of the combatants, although not
ing a match, regarded as a time point for the losing to a physical knockout, is too badly beaten
number of runs scored to continue the fight, so that his opponent is the
team foul (basketball) a personal foul that counts winner
toward a team’s permitted number of fouls in a technical points (wrestling) points scored from
period of play moves other than falls
team game ( general ) a (usually outdoor) game technical superiority (wrestling) a lead of ten
played by two teams in opposition points by one wrestler over the other, resulting
team handball (sport) the formal name for hand- in a win
ball Teddy Bears (association football ) nickname of the
team orders (auto racing) an agreement that ap- Scottish club Rangers [rhyming slang for Gers
plies when teams have more than one driver in in a local pronunciation]
a race, whereby drivers can allow another mem- tee (curling) the spot aimed at in the center of the
ber of their team to win if they are leading them- house; ( golf ) (1) a small support for the ball,
selves and their teammate is in second place with a concave top, used when it is first played
team pursuit (cycling) a track race ridden on the at each hole; (2) the place where this is done;
same principle as a pursuit race, but by teams of (rugby union) shortening of kicking tee
four instead of two individual riders tee box (golf ) a box containing sand for filling div-
team race (sailing) a race in which two or more ots made on the tee
teams of evenly matched boats compete against tee marker ( golf ) a colored marker on the ground
one another showing the forward limit of the tee
team roping (rodeo) a form of calf-roping involv- tee off ( golf ) to start play with a shot from the
ing two mounted competitors, one of whom tee
heads off the calf, then throws and ties it after tee-off ( golf ) the strip of ground where tees are
the other has lassoed it placed and where play begins at each hole
team sport (general) another term for a team game tee shot ( golf ) the first shot at a hole
team sprint (cycling) a track race ridden in teams tee time ( golf ) the moment when a golfer moves
of three over three laps, with competing teams to tee off
starting on opposite sides of the track tee up (golf ) to place a ball on a tee ready for a shot
team tactics (horse racing) a prearranged agreement teeing ground ( golf ) a fuller term for the tee
on a maneuver to favor a particular rider, as teeline (curling) the line that passes through the
when one rider moves off the rails to let another tee across the width of the sheet
through teesra (cricket) a ball similar to a doosra but with
team time trial (cycling) a time trial ridden by a an extra bounce from the topspin imparted by
team of riders the bowler [Hindi tisra, “third”]
Team 2012 (Olympics) a collective name for all telegraph (general) a large board displaying scores,
competitors in the 2012 Olympic Games and results, or other information at a cricket match,
Paralympic Games race meeting, or the like
teamsheet (cricket) a final list of the members of a telemark (canoeing) a sudden turn made with the
team, exchanged with that of the opposing side paddle; (skiing) a sudden turn on the outer of the
before a match two skis [first practiced by skiers in the Tele-
teapot (cricket) colloquial term for a fielder who mark region of southern Norway]
stands with hands on hips and fails to stop the telemark position (skiing) the position adopted by
ball [from the pose, suggesting the handle and a skier on landing in a ski jump, with one of the
spout of a teapot] skis in front of the other
teaser (cricket) a ball that is difficult for the bats- telemetry (auto racing) the system used to relay in-
man to play formation on a car’s performance back to the
technical area (association football ) an area marked technical crew in the pit area
by white lines at the side of the pitch to which telltale (squash) another term for the tin
managers, trainers, and substitutes are re- 1080 (wakeboarding) a triple spin [in which the
stricted during play body turns through 1080 degrees]
technical crew (auto racing) the team of mechan- ten-foot rule (ice hockey) a rule that prohibits a
ics and engineers who service and repair cars in player from standing within 10 feet of the two
the pit area during a race players engaged in a face-off
technical foul (basketball) a foul awarded for a ten-man rugby (rugby union) a style of play in
non-contact offense such as unsporting conduct which the eight forwards and scrum half or fly
technical knockout (boxing) a decision by the ref- half are dominant
ten • thirty-five 156

ten strike (tenpin bowling) a throw that knocks from off the green [from the shots made on the
down all ten pins dry, hard fairways of some Texas golf courses]
10,000 meters (athletics) a long-distance race of Thai boxing (boxing) a form of the sport practiced
the stated distance run over 25 laps in Thailand, using not only gloved fists but feet,
tenikoit (tennis) another name for deck tennis knees, and elbows
[blend of respelled tennis and quoits] Thames Cup (rowing) the cup awarded since 1868
tennis (sport) a game for two or four players played to the winner of a race for eights at Henley
with racket and ball on a court, the aim being Royal Regatta [from the river on which Henley
to gain points by hitting the ball over a net stands]
dividing the court in such a way that the thermal (gliding) an ascending current of warm air,
opposing player or players cannot return it used by gliders to gain height
[probably from French tenez!, “take (it)!,” “here thermaling (gliding) the exploitation of thermals
you are!,” as the call of the server to his oppo- to gain altitude
nent] thin ( golf ) to hit the ball too near the top so that
tenpin (tenpin bowling) one of the pins aimed at in it travels parallel to the ground but only just
the game above it
tenpin bowling (sport) an indoor game for individ- third (curling) the member of the rink who plays
uals and teams similar to skittles, in which the third; (netball ) one of the three equal areas (at-
aim is to knock down as many pins as possible tacking third, center third, and defending third)
by rolling a heavy ball down a lane at them into which the court is divided
tenpins (sport) shortening of tenpin bowling third-ball attack (table tennis) a strategy intended
terminal speed (auto racing) in drag racing, the to win the point on the third shot of the rally,
speed that is recorded as the racer crosses the with the server attempting a loop or smash as
finishing line the return
terraces (association football ) the open areas rising third base (baseball ) the third of the bases to which
in tiers around a stadium, where spectators stand a player must run, located on the left-hand side
Terriers (association football ) nickname of the En- of the infield as viewed from home plate
glish club Huddersfield Town third baseman (baseball ) the fielder stationed near
Terrors (association football ) nickname of the Scot- third base
tish club Dundee United third half (rugby union) colloquial term for the in-
test (cricket) shortening of test match; (croquet, variable drinking session after a game [following
rugby league) an international match the first half and second half]
test match (cricket) a five-day match played as one third home (lacrosse) the attacking player who is
of a series between international teams, the first the third of the three homes
taking place between England and Australia in third man (boxing) colloquial term for the referee;
1877 [so called as a test of which is the better (cricket) a fielder positioned near the boundary
team] on the off side behind the slips; (lacrosse) a de-
tester (cycling) a time trial specialist fensive player whose role is to mark the third
testimonial ( general ) shortening of testimonial home of the opposing team; (polo) an official
match who sits on the sidelines and makes a final deci-
testimonial match ( general ) a match played to sion when the two mounted umpires are in dis-
raise money for a player nearing retirement agreement
tetrathlon ( general ) a scaled-down version of the third slip (cricket) the third of the three fielders
modern pentathlon for younger competitors, positioned in the slips
comprising swimming, riding, running, and third umpire (cricket) an official who does not ap-
shooting [Greek tetra, “four,” and athlon, “con- pear on the field of play but who adjudicates on
test”] disputed decisions by the umpire by means of
Texans (American football ) short name of the TV replays or the record of special cameras such
Houston Texans team as Hawk-Eye [he is third after the umpire behind
Texas leaguer (baseball ) a blooper that drops be- the bowler and the square leg umpire]
tween an infielder and an outfielder, resulting Thirsk (horse racing) a flat racecourse at Thirsk,
in a base hit North Yorkshire, England
Texas scramble ( golf ) an informal version of the thirty-all (tennis) a level score of two points each
game in which all of the players hit each shot thirty-fifteen (tennis) a score of two points to one
from the same place, the best ball fixing the lo- to the server
cation of the next shot thirty-five (tennis) colloquial shortening of thirty-
Texas wedge ( golf ) a putter when used to putt fifteen
157 thirty-forty • throwaway

thirty-forty (tennis) a score of two points to three three-quarter back (rugby league, rugby union)
against the server fuller term for a three-quarter
thirty-love (tennis) a score of two points to nil to three-year-old (horse racing) the prime age cate-
the server gory for racehorses, as the colts and fillies en-
Thomas Cup (badminton) the cup awarded to the tered in the English classics
winner of an international championship for threepeat ( general ) the winning of a trophy or
men, first held in 1949 [donated in 1939 by other award on three consecutive occasions
Sir George Thomas (1881 –1972), winner of [blend of three and repeat]
many national and international championship threesome ( golf ) a match in which one person,
titles] playing his own ball, plays against two oppo-
thoroughbred (horse racing) a racehorse bred from nents, who play one ball alternately
a dam and a sire of the best blood [all thorough- Throstles (association football ) nickname of the
breds descend from three Arab stallions that English club West Bromwich Albion [from local
were mated with English mares] throstle, “song thrush,” a bird formerly seen and
thrash (auto racing) colloquial term for a fast and heard in large numbers in the hawthorn bushes
exciting race that gave the name of The Hawthorns, the team’s
Thrashers (ice hockey) short name of the Atlanta home ground]
Thrashers team through ball (association football ) a ball passed for-
thread the needle (American football ) to pass the ward between defenders
ball into a small gap between defenders through pass (association football ) another term
three (bowls) the third bowler in a rink, who for a through ball
assists the skipper and measures disputed shots through the green (golf ) a term for the whole area
three-ball ( golf ) a match between three players, of the golf course except the teeing ground, the
each with their own ball putting green of the hole being played, and all
three-cushion (billiards) (of ) a form of the game hazards
in which the cue ball must contact a cushion at throw (boxing) to deliver a punch; (cricket) to bowl
least three times, as well as both object balls, in the ball illegally by bending and then suddenly
order to score straightening the elbow; ( general ) to cast an
three-day event (equestrianism) a contest in dres- object such as a ball, bowl, discus, or javelin
sage, showjumping, and cross-country, held through the air or along the ground; (judo,
over three days wrestling) to cast one’s opponent to the ground
three-letter man ( general ) a competitor awarded a throw-down (cricket) a throw of a ball from a
mark of distinction in three different sports short distance to a batsman as practice
Three Peaks Challenge (mountaineering) the chal- throw down (cricket) to knock down a wicket with
lenge to climb the three mountains Ben Nevis a throw-in and so run out the batsman
(Scotland), Scafell Pike (England), and Snow- throw forward (rugby league, rugby union) another
don (Wales) within 24 hours. term for a forward pass
Three Peaks Race (cyclo-cross) an annual race with throw-in (association football ) the act of throwing
a course over the summits of Pen-y-ghent, Wh- the ball back into play from behind the touch-
ernside, and Ingleborough, all in Yorkshire, En- line when it has been put out by an opposing
gland player; (cricket) the act of throwing in the ball
three-point goal (basketball) a field goal worth from the outfield, either to the bowler or in
three points, scored from beyond the three- order to throw out the batsman; (polo) the start
point line or resumption of a match in which an umpire
three-point line (basketball) an arc painted on the rolls the ball down the center of a line-up of
court at a specified distance from the basket, a players
line beyond which a field goal scores three throw-off (handball ) a throw of the ball from the
points rather than two center line of the court at the beginning of a
three-pointer (basketball) shortening of three- game or after a goal
point goal throw out (baseball ) to put out the batter by
three positions (shooting) the standing, kneeling, throwing the ball to a fielder to prevent the bat-
and prone positions taken by competitors in a ter from reaching a base; (cricket) to dismiss a
small-bore rifle contest batsman who is out of his ground by throwing
three-quarter (rugby league, rugby union) one of the ball at (and hitting) his wicket
the four backs, between the halfbacks and the throwaway (athletics) the pushing away of the pole
full backs, who aim to run with the ball and by a competitor as he clears the bar in the pole
prevent their opposites from doing so vault
thrown • timekeeper 158

thrown in (horse racing) given a lenient weight in league) short name of the English club Castleford
a handicap Tigers; (rugby union) short name of the English
thrust ( fencing) a sudden attack with the sword, club Leicester Tigers
but without the body moves of a lunge tight (rugby union) (of ) forward play in set pieces,
thruster (surfing, windurfing) a sailboard or surf- and especially scrums; (squash) (of ) a shot
board with one or more additional fins and a played so that the second bounce lands so close
more streamlined shape than usual, giving in- to a side wall that it is unreturnable
creased speed and maneuverability tight end (American football ) an eligible receiver
thumb ring (archery) a ring for the thumb to help lined up next to a tackle at the end of the line
draw the bow of scrimmage
Thunder (rugby league) short name of the English tight five (rugby union) the front row and second
club Gateshead Thunder row of the scrum
Thurles (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt tight head (rugby union) shortening of tight-head
racecourse at Thurles, Co. Tipperary, Ireland prop
tic-tac (horse racing) another spelling of tick-tack tight-head prop (rugby union) the prop forward
tice (croquet) a ball played as a decoy to tempt one’s on the right of the front row of the scrum [with
opponent (in the hope that they will miss it) his head right inside the scrum]
[shortening of entice] timbers (cricket) colloquial term for the stumps
tick-tack (horse racing) a system of communica- Timberwolves (basketball) short name of the Min-
tion by hand signals used by bookmakers on a nesota Timberwolves team
racecourse to exchange information on current time ( general ) the end of a contest or match, as of
odds [imitation of semaphore arms] a round in boxing
tick-tack man (horse racing) a man who uses tick- time control (auto racing) in rally driving, the lo-
tack to communicate the current odds cation where cars must stop to have their time
ticket tout ( general ) a person who buys up num- recorded by officials
bers of tickets for a sporting event and sells them time fault (equestrianism) a penalty for exceeding
at a profit, often in the vicinity of the event itself the time limit in a round of jumps
tickle (cricket) another term for feather time hit ( fencing) a hit made on a time thrust
tie ( general ) an equal score in a game or match time on (Australian Rules) time added on for in-
tie break (tennis) a further game played when the juries or for when the ball was out of play
score in a set is six games all, a situation in which time thrust ( fencing) a former term for a stop hit
a player must go on to be two games ahead of time trial (cycling) an event in which competitors
his opponent to win the set set off individually or in small teams and attempt
tie game ( general ) a game that ends in a tie to achieve the fastest time over a set distance (or
tie-off (equestrianism) another term for a jump-off the furthest distance in a set time)
tierce ( fencing) the third of eight basic parry po- time-trial bike (cycling) a road bike specially de-
sitions, used to protect the upper sword-arm signed for a time trial, usually with closer ratio
portion of the body [Old French tierce, “third”] gears, aero bars, and more aerodynamic wheels
tiercé (horse racing) (1) the French equivalent of a and frame
tricast or trifecta, as a bet in which the first three time wasting (association football ) a tactic of pro-
horses to finish a race must be named in the cor- longing the time taken for throw-ins, corner
rect order; (2) a race at which this method pre- kicks, goal kicks, and the like by a team in a
vails [as tierce] winning position, a ruse punishable by the ref-
tifosi (auto racing) followers of the Scuderia [Ital- eree in the form of stoppage time added at the
ian tifosi, “fans”] end of the match
tiger ( general ) an outstanding sportsman; (moun- timed out (cricket) failing to take guard at the
taineering) a skillful and confident climber wicket within three minutes of the fall of the
Tiger Cats (Canadian football ) short name of the previous wicket, as a result of which the incom-
Hamilton Tiger Cats team ing batsman is out
tiger country ( golf ) colloquial alternate term for Timeform (horse racing) proprietary name of a rat-
jungle ing in pounds based on the past performance of
tiger line ( golf ) the most direct line for a drive or racehorses as recorded by the periodical Time-
approach shot [so called from its risk] form, with horses in flat races given different rat-
Tigers (association football ) nickname of the En- ings to those in steeplechases
glish club Hull City; (Australian Rules) short timekeeper ( general ) a person who records the
name of the Richmond Tigers team; (baseball ) time (as of a start or finish) or the time taken (as
short name of the Detroit Tigers team; (rugby in a race) in a sporting contest
159 timeless • top

timeless test (cricket) a former type of test match, toe rake (ice skating) another term for a toe pick
the last being that of 1938 between South Africa toe spin (ice skating) a spin made on the toe or toes
and England, in which there was no restriction of the skates
on the length of the game toe-tap (Gaelic football ) another term for solo
timeout (general) a brief break in a game or match toe the line (athletics) to line up before a race with
in order to rest, discuss tactics, substitute a one’s toes touching the starting line
player, or the like toeboard (athletics) the board marking the limit of
tin (cricket) a metal rectangle with a number the thrower’s run in the shot put
painted on it, set on a scoreboard to show the toeclips (cycling) devices on the pedals that hold
score during a match; (squash) a strip of tin the foot firm, now generally superseded by clip-
along the lower boundary of the playable area of less pedals
the front wall of the court, serving to rule out of toehold (mountaineering) a small foothold used in
play any ball heard to strike it climbing; (wrestling) a hold in which the
tip (angling) the topmost joint of a fishing rod; wrestler grasps his opponent’s toes and twists
(archery) the pointed end of an arrow; (basketball) his foot or bends it back
to send the ball into the net with a light touch; Toffeemen (association football ) nickname of the
(cricket) to hit the ball lightly with the edge of the English club Everton [from the local manufac-
bat; (horse racing) a horse selected as a likely win- ture of toffee]
ner of a race; (ice hockey) to send the puck into Toffees (association football ) colloquial shortening
the net with a light touch; (snooker) the small of Toffeemen
circular area made of leather at the narrow end of tombstoning (swimming) a hazardous form of div-
the cue, as the part that strikes the cue ball ing in which the participant jumps into the sea
tip-and-run (sport) an informal type of cricket in from a height [his descent is vertical and upright,
which the batsman must run if he hits the ball like a tombstone]
tip-in (basketball) a score made by tipping the ball ton (cricket) colloquial term for a century [origi-
into the basket nally a measure of 100 cubic feet]
tip-off (basketball) the opening jump ball in a Ton (association football ) short name of the Scot-
game tish club Greenock Morton
tipster (horse racing) a person who offers tips to tonguestrap (horse racing) a band that prevents the
punters, often making a living by doing so horse’s tongue from going over the bit, making
Titans (American football ) short name of the Ten- it easier for the rider to control him
nessee Titans team tonk (cricket) a powerful stroke with the bat
title ( general ) another term for a championship tonker (cricket) a batsman with a hard-hitting style
title fight (boxing) a match held to decide a cham- [of tonks]
pionship tools of ignorance (baseball ) colloquial term for the
Tkatchev ( g ymnastics) a form of release on the protective equipment worn by the catcher
horizontal bar or asymmetric bars in which Toon Army (association football ) nickname for the
the gymnast swings up in an arched position as supporters of the English club Newcastle
in a back giant, sails over the bar with his back United [from local dialect toon, “town”]
to it, then sits up and catches the bar again [in- top (baseball ) the first part of an inning, during
troduced in 1977 by the Soviet gymnast Alek- which the visiting team bats; ( golf ) to hit the
sandr Vasilyevich Tkachyov (1957–)] ball (usually inadvertently) on its upper part, so
TKO (boxing) abbreviation of technical knock- that it travels only a short distance along the
out ground
toe (field hockey) the tip of the curved end of a top and tail (rugby league, rugby union) an illegal
hockey stick; ( golf ) the part of the clubhead tackle in which one player grasps an opponent
furthest from the player by the knees and another by the chest, so
toe jump (ice skating) a jump in which the skater wrenching him to the ground
pushes off with his free foot top edge (cricket) (1) the upper edge of a bat as
toe loop (ice skating) a jump in which the skater held by the batsman; (2) a (usually inadvertent)
takes off and lands on the same back outside stroke off this part
edge top order (cricket) the batsmen who come first in
toe pick (ice skating) the serrated teeth at the front the batting order
of the blade of a skate, used in certain jumps top out (mountaineering) to reach the top of the
and spins route
toe poke (association football ) a powerful shot top pocket (billiards, snooker) one of the two pock-
struck with the end of the foot ets at the far end of the billiard table
top-score • Tour of Britain 160

top-score (cricket) to score the greatest number of touch in (swimming) to touch the end of the swim-
runs in an innings ming pool on winning a race, as the equivalent
top shelf (ice hockey) the roof of the net, into which of breasting the tape in a foot race
the puck is sometimes hit touch-in-goal (rugby league, rugby union) the areas
top weight (horse racing) the heaviest weight car- at each end of the pitch behind the try lines and
ried by a horse in a handicap outside the touchlines
topo (mountaineering) a diagram showing the route touch judge (rugby league, rugby union) an official
of a rock climb [short for topographical map] who marks with a flag when and where the ball
toprope (mountaineering) a rope fixed at the top goes into touch, corresponding to the assistant
of a route referee (formerly linesman) in association foot-
topspin ( general ) a forward-spinning motion im- ball
parted to a ball as it is struck or thrown, mak- touch kick (rugby union) a kick of the ball into
ing it travel higher, further, or faster touch
topspinner (cricket) (1) a bowler who imparts a touch rugby (rugby union) a form of the game in
topspin to the ball; (2) a ball given such a spin which touching takes the place of tackling
tori (judo) the active partner in carrying out a hold touch rugger (rugby union) another name for
or throw [Japanese tori, “taking”] touch rugby
Tornado (sailing) a class of double-handed multi- touch shot (tennis) a gentle stroke of the ball with
hull the racket
Torpids (rowing) an annual bumping race between touchback (American football ) a play in which the
college eights at Oxford University [originally ball is made dead by a player on or behind his
held for second eights, regarded as unenthusias- own goal line after it has been sent over the line
tic or lethargic] by the opposing team
toss ( general ) the tossing of a coin before a match touchball (rugby union) another name for touch
to give one of the sides the choice of play, such rugby
as whether to bat or field in cricket or which touchdown (American football ) possession of the
end to take in association football ball by a player behind the goal line of the op-
toss the oars (rowing) to raise the oars vertically posing team; (rugby league, rugby union) the
in a victory salute touching of the ball to the ground by a player be-
tossing the caber (sport) in Highland games, an hind the try line
event in which the contestant holds a caber up- touché! ( fencing) an acknowledgment of a hit
right in both hands against one side of his neck, [French touché!, “touched!”]
moves slowly forward while balancing it, then toucher (bowls) a bowl that touches the jack before
brings his hands up to up-end it, so that it de- coming to rest when first bowled on the green
scribes a loop in the air before falling touching ball (snooker) a situation in which the
total football (association football ) a style of the cue ball is touching another ball and must be
game in which all of the players, including de- played away from it without moving it
fenders, can be involved in attack touchline (association football ) the line around the
totalizator (horse racing) (1) a ticketed betting sys- pitch within which play takes place; (rugby
tem in which the total amount staked is divided union) the line marking the edge of the pitch,
among the winners in proportion to the size of from which lineouts are taken
their stake; (2) a machine that shows the num- touchline ban (association football ) a ban on a seat
ber and amount of bets placed on each horse in the dugout imposed for a stated period on a
under this system player or official as a penalty for improper con-
tote (horse racing) abbreviation of totalizator duct or other offense
Tote (horse racing) proprietary name of the Horser- tour (auto racing) (1) a circuit or lap of the track;
ace Totalisator Board, established in 1963 to op- (2) to travel very slowly; ( general ) a visit abroad
erate totalizators on British racecourses (and by a sports team to play a series of matches
subsequently offering bets on any sporting event) Tour de France (cycling) an annual stage race over
touch (association football, rugby league, rugby union) the roads of France and adjoining countries to
the area outside the field of play; (general) short- finish in Paris, first held in 1903 [French Tour de
ening of touch football or touch rugby France, “Tour of France”]
touch-finder (rugby union) (1) a player who kicks Tour de l’Avenir (cycling) an annual stage race
the ball into touch; (2) the kick itself similar to the Tour de France for riders under the
touch football (American football ) a form of the age of 23, first held in 1963 [French Tour de
game in which touching takes the place of tack- l’Avenir, “Tour of the Future”]
ling Tour of Britain (cycling) an annual stage race over
161 Tour of Spain • trampoline

the roads of England and Wales (but rarely Scot- track shoes (athletics) lightweight spiked running
land) on the pattern of the Tour de France, first shoes worn by participants in track events
held in 1952 trackman (athletics) another term for a track ath-
Tour of Spain (cycling) a frequently used English lete
name for the Vuelta a España trackwork (athletics) practice or performance on a
touring car (auto racing) a large automobile with track
room for passengers, entered in races on the Tractor Boys (association football ) nickname of the
same circuits as purpose-built racecars [properly English club Ipswich Town [from the local agri-
a car designed for touring] cultural industry]
tourist ( general ) a member of a sports team mak- traffic (auto racing) cars that are further back in the
ing a tour field and going more slowly than the leaders;
Tourist Trophy (motorcycle racing) the trophy ( general ) the bunching together of players in a
awarded to the winner of an annual race held on team of runners or riders in a race
the roads of the Isle of Man since 1907 but discon- traffic problems ( general ) problems experienced
tinued as a world championship in 1976 because by participants in a race when caught up in
of the high incidence of injuries [originally open traffic
to motorcycles known as “touring machines”] trail ( general ) to be losing in a game or contest
tournament ( general ) a series of games to deter- trail the jack (bowls) to send down a bowl that
mine a winner (or winning team) by process of strikes the jack flush and moves it along in the
elimination same direction as that of the bowl itself [which
Tournament of the Roses (American football ) al- thus trails the jack or follows behind it]
ternate name for the Rose Bowl Trailblazers (basketball) short name of the Port-
tourney ( general ) alternate form of tournament land Trailblazers team
tout (general) shortening of ticket tout; (horse rac- trailing (bowls) a form of the game in which the ob-
ing) a person who lurks around stables to report ject is to send down a bowl that will trail the
on the movements and condition of racehorses jack into a semicircle marked beyond two bowls
tow (athletics) to spur on competitors by setting a three feet apart
fast pace on the track trails (cycling) a variant of dirt jumping in BMX
Towcester (horse racing) a National Hunt race- in which riders ride over a series of dirt jumps
course at Towcester, Northamptonshire, En- train ( general ) (1) to instruct and rehearse a person
gland or team (or animal) in a sport; (2) to prepare
Town (association football ) short name of the En- oneself by practice and discipline for participa-
glish clubs Ipswich Town and Shrewsbury Town tion in a sport
towplane (gliding) an aircraft that tows gliders train down (general) to reduce one’s weight by diet
toxophily (sport) a formal term for archery and exercise in order to be fit for a particular
trace (angling) a short piece of wire or nylon that sport or sporting event
connects the hook to the fishing line trainer ( general ) a person whose profession is to
track (cricket) another term for the pitch between train others in a sport; (horse racing) a person
the wickets; (general) the prepared course, often who schools racehorses and prepares them for
oval-shaped, on which races are held between races
people (as in athletics), animals (as in grey- training camp (general) a training center or venue
hound racing), or machines (as in auto racing); for sports participants
(horse racing) shortening of racetrack Tralee (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt
track and field (athletics) a collective term for track racecourse at Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland
events and field events tramlines (tennis) a pair of parallel lines either side
track athlete (athletics) an athlete specializing in of the court, the inner line in each case marking
track events the boundary of the court for singles and the
track bike (cycling) a bicycle with a fixed rear wheel outer marking the boundary for doubles [the lines
and no brakes, designed for track races suggest those along which trams (streetcars) run]
track event (athletics) any form of foot race, as Tramore (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt
the middle-distance race, long-distance race, racecourse at Tramore, Co. Waterford, Ireland
sprint, hurdles, relay, and steeplechase [all run trampet ( g ymnastics) a small trampoline used in
on a track, unlike field events] place of a springboard in vaulting
track race (cycling) a race that takes place in a velo- trampoline (trampolining) an apparatus in the
drome form of a strong fabric sheet connected by
track record ( general ) a record of past perform- springs to a horizontal frame, on which various
ance, especially of an athlete bouncing routines can be performed
trampolining • triathlon 162

trampolining (sport) the performance in competi- treadmill ( general ) a machine in a gymnasium

tion or for recreation of routines on a trampo- used for exercising, having a continuously mov-
line ing surface of adjustable speed on which the user
transfer (association football ) the move of a pro- can run or walk
fessional player from one club to another, usu- treble (association football ) the winning of three
ally for a transfer fee trophies in a single season; (darts) a score of
transfer fee (association football ) the sum of money three times the normal amount, gained by hit-
paid by one club to another in exchange for the ting the inner bed of the dartboard; (horse rac-
acquisition of a professional player ing) (1) a bet on three races, in which the win-
transfer list (association football ) a list of players nings and stake from the first race are transferred
available for transfer to another club to the second, and those from the second, if suc-
transfer window (association football ) the time cessful, to the third; (2) a total of three races won
limit within which a transfer must be made by the same horse; (3) a total of three races won
transition (basketball) the period of play immedi- by the same jockey in a meeting
ately following a change of possession treble chance (association football ) a form of bet-
transition phase (Olympics) the phase in the ting in football pools, in which three points are
triathlon between the disciplines of swimming awarded for a score draw, two points for a no-
and cycling or cycling and running, during score draw, and one point for a home win or
which competitors exchange one form of dress for away win
another treble hook (angling) a hook with three points
transverse lines (netball ) the lines dividing the trebles for show, doubles for dough (darts) big
court into thirds scorers do not always win matches, as although
trap (American football ) a tactic in which an at- trebles give a high score, it is the doubles that
tacking team allows a defender to cross the line often bring in the money (dough)
of scrimmage and blocks him from the side, en- trench (shooting) a concrete structure in front of a
abling the player in possession of the ball to firing line from which clay pigeons are thrown
pass unopposed through the gap created; (asso- up by traps
ciation football ) to control the ball with the feet trenches (American football ) the offensive and de-
and stop it dead; (basketball) to guard the player fensive lines, as a scene of strenuous effort
in possession of the ball with two defenders so Trent Bridge (cricket) the home ground of
that he has little or no opportunity to make a Nottinghamshire county cricket club, Notting-
pass; (golf ) shortening of sand trap (as an alter- ham
nate term for a bunker); (greyhound racing) an- trey (basketball) a three-point field goal
other name for the starting box; (shooting) a me- tri (sailing) colloquial abbreviation of trimaran
chanical device that releases the clay pigeons at Tri-Nations Championship (rugby union) an an-
a particular speed and trajectory; (trapball) a nual championship contested by the national
shoe-shaped wooden device with a pivoted bar teams of Australia, New Zealand, and South
used to send the ball into the air Africa since 1996
trap play (American football ) fuller term for a trap Tri-Nations Series (rugby league) former name of
trapball (sport) a game in which a ball placed on the Four Nations Championship
one end of a trap is sent up into the air and trial ( general ) a match or competition to select
struck with a stick members of a major team
trapshooting (shooting) the sport of shooting at trial of strength ( general ) a contest such as
clay pigeons catapulted into the air by a trap wrestling in which two or more opponents strive
trash sports ( general ) competitive sports featur- to determine who has the greater strength
ing celebrities and shown on television as pop- trialist (general ) a competitor or player under con-
ular entertainment sideration for a place in a major team
travel (horse racing) to run (in a specified manner) trials (motorcycle racing) an event held over a cross-
along a racetrack country circuit with a series of sections in which
traveling (basketball) the offense of carrying the competitors have to negotiate obstacles
ball for too many steps without dribbling; (net- triangle (angling) a set of three hooks fastened to-
ball ) the offense of carrying the ball gether so that the barbs form a triangle; (snooker)
traverse (mountaineering) a sideways progression a triangular wooden frame in which the red balls
across a rock face or slope from one conventional are positioned before the start of a game
line of ascent (or descent) to another; (skiing) (1) triathlete (Olympics) a competitor in a triathlon
a zigzag course down a slope; (2) one of the di- triathlon (Olympics) a race in which athletes com-
agonal runs made in such a descent pete in swimming, cycling, and long-distance
163 tricast • Tsukahara

running [Greek tri-, “three,” and athlon, “con- triple header ( general ) an event at which three
test”] consecutive matches are held
tricast (horse racing) a bet on the first three horses triple jump (athletics) an event in which an ath-
in a race in the correct order [blend of tri-, lete sprints down a runway then performs a
“three,” and forecast] hop, step, and jump into a pit; (ice skating) a
trick skiing (water skiing) the execution of differ- jump incorporating three aerial turns
ent maneuvers, such as somersaults triple play (baseball ) a defensive play that puts
trickle (golf ) to strike a ball so that it travels slowly out three runners in a row
over the ground triples (bowls) a game in which three play against
Tricolores (rugby union) nickname of the French three, each playing three bowls
national team [French tricolores, “tricolors,” the troll (angling) to fish by drawing a revolving or
blue, white, and red colors of the team’s strip, otherwise moving bait through the water
those of the national flag] trophy ( general ) a cup or other decorative object
trifecta (horse racing) a bet on the first three horses awarded to the winner of a sporting contest
to finish in a race in the correct order [blend of trot (angling) shortening of trotline; (equestrianism)
tri-, “three,” and perfecta] a slowish gait in which the horse’s legs move in
triffis (trampolining) a triple somersault with a diagonal pairs; (horse racing) colloquial term for
twist a trotting race
trimaran (sailing) a boat with three hulls [blend trotline (angling) a long line across a stream or
of tri-, “three,” and catamaran] river to which shorter lines with baited hooks are
trimmer (angling) a float with a reel attached to attached
a line with a baited hook, used in fishing for trotter (horse racing) a horse bred or trained for
pike trotting in a harness race
trip (horse racing) the distance of a race Trotters (association football ) nickname of the En-
triple (baseball ) a hit that allows the batter to reach glish club Bolton Wanderers [so named from
third base; (horse racing) another term for a tri- the team’s early home ground next to a piggery]
fecta; (trampolining) a triple somersault trotting (horse racing) the action of moving or rac-
triple bogey (golf ) a score of three strokes over par ing at a trot
for a hole, three times that of a bogey trotting race (horse racing) a harness race in which
triple century (cricket) a score of 300 runs by a trotters compete
batsman, the equivalent of three centuries trout rod (angling) a fishing rod for trout
triple crown (auto racing) the (unofficial) feat of trout spoon (angling) a small revolving spoon used
winning the Indianapolis 500, Le Mans 24- as a lure for trout
Hour race, and Monaco Grand Prix; (baseball ) truck (skateboarding) the steerable axle on a skate-
the feat of leading the league in home runs, bat- board
ting average, and runs batted in in a single sea- truck and trailer (rugby union) an illegal move in
son; (cycling) a collective name for the Giro d’I- which the player carrying the ball (the “trailer”)
talia, Tour de France, and World Road Race moves forward in loose play behind a teammate
Championship; (horse racing) (1) a collective (the “truck”) who shields him
name for the Two Thousand Guineas, Derby, trudgen (swimming) a stroke similar to the crawl
and St. Leger or (in modern times) Prix de l’Arc in which each hand in turn is raised above the
de Triomphe; (2) a collective name for the Ken- surface, thrust forward, and pulled back through
tucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, and Belmont the water [first demonstrated in 1873 by the En-
Stakes; (3) a collective name for the Hambleton- glish swimmer John Trudgen (1852–1902)]
ian, Yonkers Futurity, and Kentucky Futurity; trudgeon (swimming) an alternate (but incorrect)
(4) a collective name for the William H. Cane spelling of trudgen
Futurity, Messenger Stake, and Little Brown try (American football ) an attempt to score an extra
Jug; (rugby union) the victory by England, Scot- point after a touchdown; (rugby league, rugby
land, Wales, or Ireland in all three matches union) the act of placing the ball down in the
against the other British Isles teams in the Six in-goal area, scoring points and entitling the
Nations championship scoring side to a kick at goal
triple double (basketball) the feat of recording dou- try a fall (wrestling) to take a bout
ble figures in points, rebounds, and assists in a try line (rugby league, rugby union) the line on
single game which the goalposts stand and over which a
triple event (horse racing) another name for the touchdown is made
triple crown, as three of the five English Clas- Tsukahara ( g ymnastics) a vault consisting of a
sics quarter-turn or half-turn onto the horse fol-
tsuikomi • twenty-five 164

lowed by one and half somersaults off it [intro- powered weather system used at racecourses to
duced by the Japanese gymnast Mitsuo Tsuka- give readings for atmospheric conditions and
hara (1947–)] ground and soil temperatures
tsurikomi (judo) the technique of lifting and turkey (tenpin bowling) colloquial term for three
pulling one’s opponent off balance during a successive strikes
throw [Japanese tsuri, “lifting,” and komi, turkey brown (angling) the mayfly Paralep-
“pushing in”] tophlebia submarginata as an artificial fly
TT (motorcycle racing) abbreviation of Tourist Tro- Turkish grand prix (auto racing) the Formula One
phy international Grand Prix held on the circuit at
tube (surfing) another term for a barrel Istanbul, Turkey
tubing (sport) the activity of floating down a stream turn (cricket) the deviation of a ball on a turner;
or sliding downhill on snow on the inflated inner ( golf ) the half way point on a golf course, at
tube of an automobile tire which the players turn to begin the return nine
tuck ( g ymnastics) a position in which the gymnast holes
folds his body at the waist with his knees turn of foot (horse racing) a horse’s speed
and hips bent and pulled up into his chest; (ski- turn one’s arm over (cricket) to bowl, especially
ing) a squatting position adopted by some when not a regular bowler
downhill skiers, with the poles tucked under turnaround ( general ) the point in a team game at
their arms; (swimming) a position in diving in which the two teams change ends
which the diver pulls his thighs up to his chest, turnaround jump shot (basketball) a jump shot in
bends his knees, and clasps his hands around his which the player turns his back to the basket
shins and twists in midair
tuck position (g ymnastics, skiing, swimming) fuller Turnberry ( golf ) a golf course at the village of the
term for a tuck same name on the east coast of Scotland
tucked up (cricket) forced as a batsman to play turner (cricket) a pitch on which the ball spins a
back and so make a cramped stroke long way after landing
tug (gliding) the aircraft that tows the glider into turnover ( general ) the loss of possession of the
the air ball to the opposing team, due to error or breach
tug of war (sport) a contest, formerly included in of a rule
the Olympics, in which opposing teams tug at turntable (trampolining) a front drop with a lateral
either end of a rope and endeavor to pull one rotation of 360 degrees as a side somersault per-
another over a central line formed in the horizontal plane
tumble run (gymnastics) a run incorporating a roll turnverein (gymnastics) a club on the lines of those
in floor exercises founded for German immigrants to the United
tumble turn (swimming) an underwater roll at the States by Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (1778–1852)
end of a length in which the swimmer pushes off [German turnen, “to do gymnastic exercises,”
from the end of the pool with his feet and Verein, “club”]
tunnel ( general ) a covered way by which players TV umpire (cricket) an official who has access to TV
enter or leave the field of play in a sport such as replays and who may be consulted by a fielder
association football in cases of a questionable decision by the um-
turbo tennis (tennis) a sudden death match with pire in response to an appeal
a 30-minute time limit imposed [from turbo- in tweaker (cricket) colloquial term for a spin bowler
its implied sense of “boosted”] Tweddle ( g ymnastics) a release on the horizontal
turf (horse racing) (1) the grass surface of a race- bar or asymmetric bars in the form of a
course, as distinct from an all-weather one; (2) Tkatchev with a late half twist [pioneered by
a synonym for the sport itself and its world [in the British gymnast Beth Tweddle (1985–)]
this sense often spelled with a capital letter, as twelfth man (association football ) colloquial term
“the Turf ”] for the supporters of a team or club (cricket) a
turf accountant (horse racing) another term for a player selected beyond the regular eleven as a
bookmaker reserve
turf season (horse racing) the traditional flat-rac- twelve men (association football ) colloquial phrase
ing season, from March to November implying that a regular team of eleven had been
turfite (horse racing) colloquial term for a person de- unfairly advantaged in a match by an erroneous
voted to the sport decision of the referee
turfman (horse racing) alternate term for a tur- twenty-five (field hockey, rugby league, rugby union)
fite shortening of twenty-five-yard line
TurfTrax (horse racing) proprietary name of a solar- twenty-five-yard line (field hockey) former name
165 24 Hours • UEFA Champions

of the twenty-three-meter line; (rugby league) a the ball by the bat; (tennis) a lateral spin im-
line formerly marked 25 yards from the try line, parted to the ball by the racket
replaced by the twenty-meter line; (rugby union) twizzle (ice skating) a rapid rotation of the body
a line formerly marked 25 yards from the try two (bowls) the second bowler in a rink, who usu-
line, replaced by the twenty-two-meter line ally updates the scorecard; (cricket) (1) a hit for
24 Hours of Le Mans (auto racing) another name two runs; (2) a guard of middle and leg [short-
for the Le Mans 24-Hour race [translation of ening of two leg]
French name les vingt-quatre heures du Mans] two and six (darts) a score of 26, gained by hitting
twenty-meter line (rugby league) a line marked 20 20, 5, and 1 when aiming for a treble 20
meters from the try line two-bagger (baseball ) another term for a double
twenty-three-meter line (field hockey) a line two-eyed stance (cricket) the stance of a batsman
marked 23 meters from the backline in which he turns his head to face the oncoming
twenty20 (cricket) a fast-paced form of the game ball as far as possible, keeping his left shoulder
introduced in 2002 in which each side can bat for on the line of the ball
a maximum of 20 overs two-fisted (tennis) holding the racket with both
Twenty20 Cup (cricket) the cup awarded to the hands
winner of the annual competition in the two-footed (association football ) able to kick the
twenty20 form of the game between first-class ball equally well with either foot
counties, first held in 2003 and superseding the 200 meters (athletics) a sprint of the stated dis-
Benson & Hedges Cup tance
Twenty20 World Championship (cricket) an an- two-minute suspension (handball ) a suspension
nual international championship in the of two minutes awarded by the referee to a
twenty20 form of the game, first held in 2007 player who has received a second warning or
twenty-two (rugby union) shortening of twenty- shown faulty or unsportsmanlike conduct
two-meter line two-minute warning (American football ) a
twenty-two-meter line (rugby union) a line mandatory timeout occurring when two minutes
marked 22 meters from the try line, showing remain in the second and fourth quarters of a
the limit of the area within which marks can be game
made and from which kicks direct to touch can two-platoon system (American football ) the system
gain ground of training and playing two separate platoons
twi-night (baseball ) a set of two games played on Two Thousand Guineas (horse racing) an annual
the same day, the first by daylight in the after- race for three-year-old colts and fillies run over
noon, the second by artificial light in the eve- the Rowley Mile at Newmarket since 1809 [orig-
ning [blend of twilight and night] inal value of prize, a guinea being 21 shillings]
Twickenham (rugby union) the home ground of two-wheeler (cycling) colloquial term for a cyclist
the England national team, in the London dis- twosome ( golf ) a game between two players
trict of this name Tykes (association football ) nickname of the En-
Twickers (rugby union) colloquial name of Twick- glish club Barnsley [from tyke, local term for a
enham Yorkshireman]
twiddler (table tennis) colloquial term for a player Uber Cup (badminton) the cup awarded to the
using a combination bat, who turns it between winner of a biennial international team compe-
shots to confuse his opponent tition for women first held in 1957 [named for the
twin double (horse racing) a bet on the winners of English player Betty Uber (c.1905–1983)]
four successive races uchimata (judo) an inner thigh throw made with
twin killing (baseball ) colloquial term for a dou- the thrower’s leg braced between the legs of his
ble play opponent [Japanese uchi, “inside,” and mata,
twinbill (baseball ) another term for a double “thigh”]
header ude-garami (judo) an armlock applied to the arm
Twins (baseball ) short name of the Minnesota of an opponent when bent at the elbow [Japanese
Twins team ude, “arm,” and karami, “lock”]
twirler (cricket) colloquial term for a spin bowler ude-gatame (judo) an armlock applied to the arm
twist (cricket) a lateral spin imparted to the ball of an opponent when straight [Japanese ude,
by a bowler or the batsman; ( g ymnastics) a ro- “arm,” and katame, “hold”]
tation of the body around the spine in the lon- UEFA (association football ) abbreviation of Union
gitudinal axis; (swimming) a lateral rotation of of European Football Associations
the body by a diver, often in addition to a som- UEFA Champions League (association football )
ersault; (table tennis) a lateral spin imparted to formal name of the European Champions’ Cup
UEFA Cup • United 166

UEFA Cup (association football ) the cup awarded undercard (boxing) a contest placed second on the
from 1958 to 2009 (when renamed the Europa billing
League) to the winners of a contest between clubs underclub (golf ) to use a club with too much loft,
finishing near the top of their domestic league so that the ball is not sent far enough
uglies (rugby union) colloquial term applied to a undercut ( golf ) to strike a ball below the center,
team’s forwards by the backs causing it to rise high; (mountaineering) to cut
uke (judo) general term for the combatant who is a handhold from below in order to maintain
in a hold or the object of a throw [Japanese the climber’s balance; (tennis) to slice down on a
ukeru, “to receive”] ball below the center so that backspin is im-
ukemi (judo) the art of falling safely [uke and Japa- parted
nese mi, “body”] underedge (cricket) the inside or bottom edge of a
uki-gatame (judo) a ground hold applied after an bat
opponent has been thrown [Japanese uki, “float- undergrip ( g ymnastics) a hold on the horizon-
ing,” and katame, “to lock”] tal bar made by passing the hands beneath it,
uki-otoshi (judo) a throw made with the hand rather than over it, so that the palms face the
alone [Japanese uki, “floating,” and otoshi, gymnast
“dropping”] underhold (mountaineering) a hold in which the
ultimate fighting (sport) a combat sport in which climber grasps a downturned edge or point from
two opponents fight each other without protec- beneath with his palm turned upward in order
tive gear and with only minimal rules as to the to maintain his balance
type of blow permitted underpitched (cricket) not pitched far enough by
ultimate Frisbee (sport) another name for airborne the bowler, so that the ball falls short
soccer underspin ( general ) a backward spin imparted to
ultra (athletics) colloquial shortening of ultrama- a ball so that it stops quickly or bounces back-
rathon ward on making contact with the ground or
ultramarathon (athletics) a long-distance race some other surface
greater than a marathon, especially a foot race undertie (angling) to tie the wings of a fly so that
of 36 miles or more they cover the point of the hook
ump ( general ) colloquial abbreviation of umpire underwater sports (aquatics) sports played below
umpire ( general ) an official in sports such as base- the surface of the water, some being submerged
ball, cricket, and tennis, in many ways corre- versions of field games such as field hockey or
sponding to a referee, who supervises a game or rugby union
match, enforces the rules, and decides disputes underwater swimming (aquatics) a former term
uncapped (cricket) not having been awarded the for sports such as skin diving or subaqua
cap given to regular members of a county cricket underwear cricket (cricket) mocking term for
team; ( general ) not having been selected to play twenty20 cricket [as punningly compared to
for a national team pajama cricket, both being shortened forms of
Uncle Charlie (baseball ) colloquial term for a the game]
curveball unearned run (baseball ) a run conceded because
under ( golf ) under par [in this adverbial usage, of an error by the fielding side
under is invariably preceded by the number of uneven bars ( g ymnastics) another term for the
strokes involved, as “three under”] asymmetric bars
under orders (horse racing) shortening of under unexposed (horse racing) having an unknown or
starter’s orders uncertain racing form, like a dark horse
under starter’s orders (horse racing) ready to begin Union of European Football Associations (asso-
a race and awaiting the starting signal ciation football ) the sport’s international associ-
under way (sailing) having begun to move in the ation for Europe, founded in 1954 and affiliated
water to FIFA
under wraps (horse racing) (of ) a horse restrained United (association football ) short name of a British
from running at its best in order to disguise its club with “United” in its name, as Leeds United
true form before an important race or Manchester United
underarm (cricket) (of ) a delivery made with the United States Grand Prix (auto racing) the For-
hand lower than the level of the shoulders, now mula One international Grand Prix held on
not generally permitted; (swimming) (of ) a various circuits, such as those at Detroit (Michi-
stroke made with the arm below the level of the gan), Long Beach (California), the Indianapolis
body; (tennis) (of ) a serve made with the hand Motor Speedway (site of the Indianapolis 500),
lower than the level of the shoulders Caesars Palace, Las Vegas (California), Riverside
167 University • vault

(California), Phoenix (Arizona), and Watkins U’s (association football ) short name of a club with
Glen (New York) “United” in its name, as Cambridge United,
University Boat Race (rowing) formal name of the Colchester United, Oxford United
Boat Race US Masters ( golf ) an annual invitational contest
unload (boxing) to deliver a forceful punch held at the Augusta National Club since 1934
unpaced (general) without the assistance of a pace- US Open ( golf ) an annual tournament first held
maker in 1895; (tennis) an annual tournament first held
unplaced (horse racing) not among the first thee in 1881 and since 1978 played at Flushing Mead-
horses to win a race ows [so named as open to both amateur and
unplayable (golf ) in a position where the ball can- professional players]
not be struck US PGA ( golf ) a U.S. championship first held in
unseated (equestrianism, horse racing) thrown from 1916 and a matchplay event until 1958 [abbre-
a horse viation of Professional Golfers’ Association]
unseeded (tennis) not placed in the draw of top useful ( general ) playing or performing compe-
players tently, if not outstandingly well
unshipped (equestrianism, horse racing) another utility club (golf ) a club, often used for long shots
term for unseated from difficult rough, that combines the favor-
unsuited (horse racing) disadvantaged in a race by able characteristics of an iron with those of a
factors adversely affecting a horse’s best perform- wood
ance, as by the state of going utility player (association football ) a player capable
up (baseball ) another term for at bat; (equestrian- of playing in different positions
ism, horse racing) mounted on a horse; ( general ) Uttoxeter (horse racing) a National Hunt race-
ahead in scoring course at Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, England
up-and-down ( golf ) an act of completing a hole v ( general ) abbreviation of versus (“against”), used
from a point close to the green with a single to name the two teams or individuals in a game
pitch shot or chip shot (“up”) and a single putt or match, as “France v New Zealand,” “Rangers
(“down”) v Celtic”
up-and-under (rugby league, rugby union) a very V (cricket) the area on the field between mid-off
high kick (“up”) that gives the kicker and his and mid-on, used to describe the path of a ball
teammates time to rush forward to the point hit by the batsman
(“under”) where the ball will come down V-position (skiing) the position of the skis adopted
up the jumper (rugby union) a style of play in by most skiers during a ski jump, touching at the
which a team advances the ball down the pitch tail and spread apart at the tips to form a “V”
through the forwards, with little passing and Valderrama ( golf ) a golf course at San Roque,
much use of the drive [the ball in such a move southwestern Spain
is difficult to locate, as if one of the players had Vale (association football ) short name of the En-
put it “up his jumper”] glish club Port Vale
upfield ( general ) in or toward the farther end of a Valentine’s Brook (horse racing) a difficult jump
playing field on the Grand National course at Aintree
uppercut (boxing) an upward punch that comes [named for a horse that spectacularly cleared it]
from underneath the opponent’s guard valet (horse racing) the person responsible for look-
upright (association football ) another term for a ing after a jockey’s equipment
goalpost Valiants (association football ) nickname of the En-
upright spin (ice skating) a spin in which the skater glish clubs Charlton Athletic and Port Vale
stands and rotates on one foot van (tennis) abbreviation of advantage
upset (general) an unexpected defeat of the favorite Vardon grip ( golf ) a common grip of the club, in
upshot (archery) the final shot of a contest which the pinkie of the right hand overlaps the
upstart ( g ymnastics) a series of movements on the forefinger of the left [popularized by the English
parallel bars or asymmetric bars, especially at champion Harry Vardon (1870–1937)]
the start of a routine, by which a gymnast varsity (general) a team representing a university or
swings to a position in which he supports his college
body by his arms above the bars varsity match ( general ) an annual match between
upstream gate (canoeing) on a slalom course, a the teams of Oxford and Cambridge universi-
gate to be negotiated against the direction of the ties, notably in association football and rugby
current union
urn (cricket) the trophy awarded to the winner of vault (athletics) shortening of pole vault; ( g ym-
the Ashes nastics) a leap from a springboard onto and over
vaulting • vorlaufer 168

a vaulting horse, on which the hands are briefly who may be consulted by the referee in cases of
rested to gain height during the flight; (eques- a doubtful try
trianism) a gymnastic leap or routine made by video review ( general ) the video replay of an in-
a rider on horseback cident during a match in order to determine
vaulting (g ymnastics, equestrianism) the execution whether an offense had been committed
of a vault as a distinctive event or discipline vigoro (sport) a team game played mainly by
vaulting horse ( g ymnastics) a piece of apparatus women that combines elements of cricket and
in the form of a wooden block used for vaulting baseball [abbreviation of vigorous]
[it represents a horse to be mounted by a vault] VIII (rowing) conventional designation of an eight
veer (American football ) an offensive play in which in sports reports [Roman numerals]
a modified T-formation with a split backfield Vikings (American football ) short name of the
gives the quarterback the option of either pass- Minnesota Vikings team; (rugby league) short
ing to the fullback, pitching to a running back, name of the English club Widnes Vikings
or running with the ball himself; (sailing) to Villa (association football ) short name of the En-
change course away from the wind glish club Aston Villa
velodrome (cycling) an indoor or outdoor stadium village cricket (cricket) an informal game or
with a banked track for races [borrowing of match, as played between local village teams
French vélodrome, from vélo, “bicycle,” and - Villans (association football ) short name of the En-
drome as in hippodrome] glish club Aston Villa [pun on villains]
Vendée Globe (sailing) a solo, non-stop round- Vince Lombardi Trophy (American football ) the
the-world race held every four years, sailing trophy awarded since 1967 to the winners of the
westward from and back to Les Sables d’Olonne Super Bowl [named for Vince Lombardi
on the west coast of France [from Vendée, the (1913–1970), coach and manager of the Green
French department where the race begins and Bay Packers team]
ends] violation (basketball) a breach of the rules not con-
vent (parachuting) the opening in a canopy sidered to be a foul, such as traveling
through which air escapes at a controlled rate visitors ( general ) a team that comes to play a
venue ( general ) the chosen location for a match match on the home ground of their rivals
or other sporting contest visor (horse racing) a headpiece worn by a horse to
verbal abuse (general) the offense by a player of be- concentrate its attention on the course ahead in
rating a referee or other official for an apparent the manner of blinkers but unlike them having
misjudgment, such as an alleged miscall by a slits that allow some side vision
line judge in tennis (where it may be accom- voiture balai (cycling) alternate French term for
panied by racket abuse) the broom wagon
vert (skateboarding, snowboarding) a vertical exten- volley (association football ) a shot or pass in which
sion to a ramp, from which stunts are performed the ball is struck before it hits the ground;
[abbreviation of vertical] (squash, tennis) a shot played before the ball
vertical (equestrianism) a high obstacle bounces; (volleyball) a shot of the ball over the
vertical gate (skiing) a gate on a slalom course with net with the fingers, fist, or forearm
poles placed vertically rather than horizontally volleyball (sport) a game for two teams of six play-
Vezina Trophy (ice hockey) the trophy awarded an- ers played with a large ball on a court, the aim
nually since 1927 to the goalkeeper voted the best being to gain points by hitting the ball by a vol-
at his position [named in commemoration of the ley over a high net dividing the court in such a
Canadian player Georges Vézina (1887–1926)] way that the opposing team cannot return it
victor ludorum ( general ) a title awarded in some volte (equestrianism) the gait of a horse moving
schools and colleges to the overall champion in sideways around the center of a circle [French
a sports competition [Latin victor ludorum, “win- volte, from Italian volta, “turn”]
ner of the games”] Volvo Ocean Race (sailing) a round-the-world
Victorian Football League (Australian Rules) for- race for one-design boats, first held in 1973
mer name of the Australian Football League [name of sponsors]
victory lane (auto racing) in NASCAR, the place vorlage (skiing) a position in which the skier leans
on the infield of the racetrack where the win- forward without lifting his heels from the skis
ner parks for the prize-giving [German Vorlage, “presentation”]
victory lap (athletics) a celebratory lap run by an vorlaufer (skiing) a skier who travels a course be-
athlete after winning a race fore a race to check that it is within the capac-
video referee (rugby league, rugby union) an official ity of the competitors [German, Vorläufer, “run-
in the stands who has access to TV replays and ner ahead”]
169 vs • warn

vs (general) another form of v as an abbreviation of walk, undertaken to raise funds for charity
versus (“against”), as in “Barbarians vs All Blacks” [blend of walk and marathon]
Vuelta a España (cycling) an annual stage race over walkaway ( general ) a race in which the winner
the roads of Spain, first held in 1935 [Spanish leaves the other competitors far behind
Vuelta a España, “Tour of Spain”] Walker Cup ( golf ) the cup awarded to the winner
w (cricket) abbreviation of wide in scoring of a biennial competition between amateur
waders (angling) high waterproof boots, used by men’s teams from the United States and the
anglers for standing in streams or rivers British Isles, first held in 1922 [named for George
wager (horse racing) another term for a bet H. Walker, president of the United States Golf
waggle (golf ) an act of waggling the clubhead over Association in the 1920s]
the ball before playing a shot walking (athletics) shortening of race walking
waggler (angling) a type of long float that indi- walkover ( general ) (1) a race in which there is only
cates the slightest movement of the bait one competitor, who has merely to walk over the
wagonwheel (cricket) a graphic representation or finishing line to win; (2) an easy victory
“map” of the paths of the balls hit by a particu- wall (association football ) a formation of defensive
lar batsman [the lines resemble the spokes of a players lined up to defend their goal against a
wagonwheel] free kick; (athletics) the onset of extreme fatigue
WAGS (association football ) acronym of “wives and encountered by runners in a long-distance race
girlfriends,” referring to the glamorous, free- or marathon as a physical and psychological bar-
spending partners of celebrity footballers, as de- rier to be overcome; (baseball ) the barrier mark-
picted in the British TV drama series Footballers’ ing the outer limit of the outfield; (equestrian-
Wives (2002–06) ism) a high jump built to look like a wall; (Eton
wahine (surfing) colloquial term for a young fe- wall game) each of the players who form the
male surfer [Maori wahine, “woman”] bully against the wall; (mountaineering) a steep
wait out (baseball ) to force a pitcher to throw a smooth rock face; (surfing) the steep face of a
maximum number of pitches by deliberately not wave before it breaks
striking at them wall bars ( g ymnastics) a set of horizontal bars ex-
waiting blocks (karate) an area where nonplaying tending up the wall of a gymnasium
members of a team wait as reserves or where wall game (sport) short name of the Eton wall
players go when out game
waiting race (horse racing) a race in which a horse wall pass (association football ) another term for a
is kept a little way behind the leaders until the one-two
final stages Wallabies (rugby union) nickname of the Australian
waive (association football ) to refrain from using national team [from the animal, a member of
the right to buy or sign a player from a club in the kangaroo family, that is native to Australia]
the same league before he is offered to a club in walley (ice skating) a jump that starts from a back
another league inside edge and lands on the back outside edge
wake (water skiing) the V-shaped track of water of the same blade [origin disputed]
behind a boat as it moves forward wallyball (volleyball) a form of the game played in
wakeboard (water skiing) the short wide board a walled court [bland of wall and volleyball]
similar to a snowboard used in wakeboarding Walthamstow (greyhound racing) the stadium in
wakeboarding (water skiing) the sport of riding the district of this name in London, England,
and performing acrobatic maneuvers on a wake- that until its closure in 2008 was the country’s
board while it is towed behind a motorboat leading venue for the sport
walk (baseball ) another term for base on balls; waltz (ice skating) a jump in the form of a takeoff
(cricket) to leave the pitch when dismissed with- from a front outside edge of one blade, a half-
out waiting for the umpire to adjudicate on an revolution, and a landing on the back outside
appeal; (equestrianism) a horse’s slowest gait, in edge of the other blade
which the legs move individually in a diagonal ward ( fencing) a defensive posture or movement
pattern warm-down ( general ) a period of gentle exercise
walk-on ( general ) a member of a team who has no after keen physical exertion
regular status warm-up (general) a practice exercise before a con-
walk-up ( general ) (of ) spectators who attend a test
sporting contest without buying tickets in ad- warm-up lap (auto racing) another term for a for-
vance; (horse racing) the walking of a horse up to mation lap
the starting line warn off (horse racing) to ban a person from all race
walkathon (athletics) a long-distance competitive meetings or from a particular course
warning • weight 170

warning (boxing) an official admonition from the which participants attempt to become airborne
referee, three of which lead to a disqualification and perform stunts on the edges of waves
from the bout wave soaring (gliding) the gaining of altitude by
warning track (baseball ) a grass-free strip around riding vertical waves of wind, as on the lee side
the outside of the outfield, warning approach- of a mountain
ing fielders that they are near a wall Waysiders (association football ) nickname of the
Warriors (association football ) nickname of the Scottish club Airdrie United
Scottish club Stenhousemuir; (basketball) short waza-ari (judo) a score of half a point, or half an
name of the Golden State Warriors team; (rugby ippon, awarded to a contestant for an incom-
league) short name of the English clubs White- pletely executed throw or hold [Japanese waza,
haven Warriors and Wigan Warriors; (rugby “act,” and ari, from aru, “to be”]
union) short name of the English club Worces- weak side (American football ) the side of a standard
ter Warriors offensive formation on which there is no tight end
Warwick (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt weasel (cricket) a very poor batsman [as one “sent
racecourse at Warwick, Warwickshire, England in after a rabbit”]
wash (rowing) (1) the rough water behind a mov- weave (boxing) to dodge punches by making twist-
ing boat that can affect the progress of compet- ing and turning movements
ing boats in a race; (2) the water disturbed by an wedeln (skiing) a style of traveling downhill in
oar which the skis, kept parallel and close together,
washboard (motorcycle racing) in motocross, a se- are swiveled rapidly from side to side [German
ries of hillocks [suggesting the corrugations on a wedeln, “to wag the tail”]
washboard] wedge ( golf ) a club, especially a 10-iron, with
Wasps (association football ) nickname of the Scot- a broad low-angled face and a high degree of loft
tish club Alloa Athletic [from the yellow and Wednesday (association football ) short name of the
black colors of the team strip]; (rugby union) English club Sheffield Wednesday
short name of the English club London Wasps Wee Rangers (association football ) nickname of the
watchet (angling) an artificial fly imitating a pale Scottish club Berwick Rangers [they are “wee”
blue mayfly [name of color] (small) as less successful and prosperous than
water ballet (swimming) another term for synchro- Rangers]
nized swimming Wee Rovers (association football ) nickname of the
water hazard (golf ) a hazard in the form of a lake, Scottish club Albion Rovers [they are “wee”
river, stream, ditch, or other body of water, (small) as less successful and prosperous than
defined by stakes or lines painted on the ground Raith Rovers]
water jump (athletics) an obstacle in the steeple- weigh in (boxing) to be weighed as a boxer before
chase, in which athletes land in a shallow pool a match; (horse racing) to be weighed as a jockey
of water; (equestrianism, horse racing) an obsta- after a race
cle in the form of a fence or hedge followed by weigh-in (angling) the weighing of a catch after a
a stretch of water competition; (boxing) the weighing of a boxer
water polo (sport) a game played in a pool between before a match; (horse racing) the weighing of a
two teams of seven swimmers, the aim being to jockey after a race
throw a large ball into the netted goal of the op- weigh out (horse racing) to be weighed as a jockey
posing side [the game has no connection with before a race
or resemblance to polo but merely borrowed its weigh-out (horse racing) the weighing of a jockey
name] before a race
water skiing (sport) the sport of being towed at weigh sling (angling) a bag attached to a sling, used
speed on one or two skis behind a motorboat for weighing a catch
water skis (water skiing) lightweight runners made weighing room (horse racing) the room in which
of fiberglass, in some versions fitted with fins, the jockeys and their saddles are weighed be-
that enable the skier to skim the surface of the fore and after a race
water weight (athletics) another term for the shot; (bowls)
water sports (sport) another term for aquatics the force given a delivery of a bowl; (boxing) the
Waterloo Cup (bowls) the cup awarded to the win- standard amount that a boxer should weigh [cat-
ner of a contest in crown green bowls first held egorized by a defining prefix, as flyweight,
at the Waterloo Hotel, Liverpool, in 1907 heavyweight]; (horse racing) the weight that a
watery grave ( golf ) colloquial term for a stretch handicapper assigns to a horse to carry, based
of water into which a ball has been hit on its form; (weightlifting) shortening of disk
wave sailing (windsurfing) a form of the sport in weight
171 weight cloth • whip

weight cloth (horse racing) a cloth under a horse’s which the athlete takes off from the inside foot,
saddle that contains lead weights to bring the swings up the other leg, and rolls over the bar
horse’s weight up to the required amount face downward
weight training (weightlifting) the sport as a form wet bob (rowing) a boy at Eton College who rows
of physical exercise or training during the summer term, as distinct from a dry
weightlifter (weightlifting) a person who takes part bob
in the sport wet fly (angling) an artificial fly that sinks below
weightlifting (sport) a sport in which competitors the surface of the water
strive to lift and hold above their heads a barbell Wetherby (horse racing) a National Hunt race-
which becomes increasingly heavy (by the addition course at Wetherby, West Yorkshire, England
of disk weights) as the competition progresses [the name has no connection with Weatherbys,
weights (weightlifting) (1) shortening of weightlift- the firm founded in 1773 that now performs
ing or weight training; (2) the barbell or other major administrative duties in British racing]
heavy object of a particular weight used in these wets (auto racing) tires with a full tread designed to
Well (association football ) short name of the Scot- disperse surface water in wet conditions [collo-
tish club Motherwell quial shortening of wet-weather tires]
Wellydrome (cycling) nickname of the roofless wetsuit ( general ) a close-fitting waterproof gar-
Meadowbank velodrome, Edinburgh, Scotland ment worn mainly by skin divers and surfers
[pun on welly, short form of wellington boot, for protection against the cold
worn in wet conditions] Wexford (horse racing) a flat and National Hunt
welsh (horse racing) to run off from a racecourse racecourse at Wexford, Co. Wexford, Ireland
without settling one’s bets [of uncertain origin, wheel (rugby union) to push the scrum unevenly,
not related to Welsh] so that it rotates
welter (horse racing) an unusually heavy weight, Wheelchair Games (Olympics) an early name for
carried mostly in steeplechases and hurdle races the Paralympic Games
[origin uncertain] Wheelchair Olympics (Olympics) alternate name
welter race (horse racing) a race in which a welter for the Wheelchair Games
is carried wheelchair sports ( general ) sports played by peo-
welterweight (boxing) the professional weight cat- ple with physical disabilities (not just wheelchair
egory of maximum 67kg (147lb) users), with wheelchair prefixed to the name of
Wembley ( general ) shortening of Wembley Sta- the sport, as wheelchair tennis
dium wheeler (cycling) colloquial term for a cyclist [some
Wembley Arena ( general ) a former sports venue clubs use the word in their name, as the Man-
near Wembley Stadium, London, that is now chester Wheelers]
used for rock concerts, comedy acts, and musi- wheelhouse (baseball ) the area immediately sur-
cal shows rounding a batter, especially when favoring a
Wembley Stadium ( general ) a stadium in Wem- good swing at a pitch
bley, London, England, that opened in the 1920s wheelie ( general ) a stunt in which a cyclist or mo-
as a general sports center but was rebuilt in 2007 torcyclist travels a short distance with the front
primarily as a covered association football sta- wheel of the machine off the ground, or in which
dium with facilities for staging concerts and ath- a boarder travels on a skateboard with one pair
letics events of wheels off the ground
Wentworth ( golf ) a golf course and tennis club wheelsucking (cycling) colloquial term for the
at Virginia Water, Surrey, England technique of riding close to the rider in front in
West Brom (association football ) short name of the order to slipstream
English club West Bromwich Albion whereabouts rule (general) a requirement whereby
Westchester Cup (polo) the cup awarded to the athletes must give advance notice of the loca-
winner of a contest inaugurated in 1886 between tion where they can be reached by dope control
England and the United States [named for the officers at any time
Westchester Polo Club, Westchester County, whiff (baseball ) to cause a batter to strike out;
New York] ( general ) to aim at a ball but miss it; ( golf ) an-
Western (archery) a round of 48 arrows for men other term for an air shot
and women respectively at 60yds and 50yds whiffleball (baseball ) a light, hollow, plastic ball
(55m and 46m) used in a form of the game as played by young
western grip (table tennis) anther term for the children [from whiffle, “puff of air”]
shakehands whip (cricket) a springy action of the wrist in hit-
western roll (athletics) a style of high jump in ting or bowling a ball; (equestrianism) the driver
whipback • William 172

in carriage driving; (horse racing) the flexible whitewash ( general ) a total defeat in a game or se-
switch with which a jockey urges on his horse; ries of games
(wrestling) a technique by which an opponent is whitewater (canoeing) the type of foaming water
forced into a somersault by a sudden wrench of created by rapids, as found in slalom
his forearm whoop ( general ) a bump on a track or course in
whipback ( g ymnastics) a back handspring in off-roading or rally driving
which the hands do not touch the floor wick (curling) to strike another stone and move it
whipper-in (horse racing) colloquial term for the last wicket (cricket) (1) the upright arrangement of three
horse in a race at any given moment [a term bor- stumps with two bails atop which the batsman
rowed from hunting, in which the whipper-in defends against the bowling; (2) a batsman’s
keeps the hounds from straying by driving them turn at this; (3) a batsman’s innings; (4) another
back into the main body of the pack with a whip] term for the pitch, especially with regard to its
whippet (greyhound racing) a racing dog developed condition (as a soft wicket)
from a cross between a greyhound and a spaniel wicket-taker (cricket) a bowler regularly able to
or terrier take a wicket
whistle ( general ) a blast on a whistle by a referee, wicketkeeper (cricket) the fielder who stands im-
typically in association football, to signal a halt mediately behind the wicket defended by the
in play, either because a foul has occurred or be- batsman and whose main aim is stop any balls
cause it is half time or full time that the latter misses
Whitbread Round the World Race (sailing) name wide (cricket) a delivery of the ball by the bowler
of the Volvo Ocean Race to 2001 [name of judged by the umpire to be beyond the reach of
sponsor] the batsman and so counting one run to the
white (snooker) the white cue ball batsman’s side; (horse racing) running on a course
white-ball game (sport) byname of cricket when that deviates from the most direct, as a horse
played with a white ball, as against the tradi- may be obliged to do when starting from an un-
tional red-ball game favorable draw
White City ( general ) a former stadium and cen- wide receiver (American football ) a receiver who
ter of greyhound racing in west London [orig- stands to the side of the rest of the team, his
inally an exhibition center of white-stuccoed prime task being to catch passes and run quickly
buildings laid out in 1908] downfield with the ball
white flag (athletics) a flag waved to an athlete to wideout (American football ) another term for a
indicate a fair jump or throw; (auto racing) a wide receiver
flag waved to show that a slow-moving vehicle wiffleball (baseball ) another spelling of whiffleball
such as the safety car is on the track Wightman Cup (tennis) the cup awarded to the
White Hart Lane (association football ) the home winner of an annual championship played be-
ground of Tottenham Hotspur football club, tween British and American women’s teams from
London 1923 to 1989 [donated in 1923 by the U.S. player
white jersey (cycling) the jersey awarded to the Hazel Hotchkiss Wightman (1886–1974)]
best-placed rider aged 25 or under [French Wild (ice hockey) short name of the Minnesota
maillot blanc, “white jersey”] Wild team
white rose ( general ) the emblem of a Lancashire wild card ( general ) a player or team allowed to
sports team, as opposed to the red rose [from enter a sporting contest although lacking the
the Wars of the Roses, the 15th-century dynas- usual qualifications or not meeting the official
tic struggle between the English houses of Lan- requirements [from the term for a playing card
caster and York, whose respective emblems were having any value its player chooses to give it]
a white rose and a red rose] wild pitch (baseball ) a pitch thrown so inaccu-
White Sox (baseball ) short name of the Chicago rately that it is not hit by the batter or stopped
White Sox team by the catcher, thus enabling a baserunner to
Whitechapel (billiards) a shot that unintention- advance
ally sends an opponent’s ball into a pocket [from Wildcats (rugby league) short name of the English
Whitechapel, a formerly poor district of Lon- club Wakefield Wildcats
don, where the game was popular] William H. Cane Futurity (horse racing) an an-
whites (cricket, tennis) the white clothes tradition- nual harness race for three-year-old pacers run
ally worn by players at Yonkers, New York, since 1955 [named for
Whites (association football ) nickname of the En- breeder William H. Cane (1874–1956), who in
glish club Leeds United [the color of the team 1950 converted the former Empire City race-
strip] track to the Yonkers Raceway]
173 willow • wishbone

willow (cricket) byname for a cricket bat [tradi- wingback (association football ) a player on the
tionally made of willow] wing with a greater attacking role than a conven-
Wimbledon (tennis) short name of the All England tional fullback
Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club at Wimbledon, winger ( general ) in field games, a player on the
London, England, founded in 1869 and since right or left wing, who in association football
1877 the site of the annual men’s and women’s has the prime task of sending crosses into the
singles and doubles championships penalty box and in rugby league and rugby
win ( general ) a victory in a contest union tries to run fast with the ball down the
Wincanton (horse racing) a National Hunt race- side of the pitch
course at Wincanton, Somerset, England Wingfield Sculls (rowing) the trophy awarded to
Winchester fives (fives) a variant of Rugby fives the winner of an annual sculls race over the Boat
played between doubles in a four-walled court, Race course in London [inaugurated in 1830 by
in which a buttress on a side wall makes one end Henry C. Wingfield, a lawyer]
of the court slightly narrower than the other winner (tennis) the stroke that ends a rally, so win-
[originally played at Winchester College, Hamp- ning a point
shire] winning gallery (real tennis) the last gallery on the
Winchester football (sport) a form of rugby union hazard side of the court, a shot into which wins
played exclusively at Winchester College, a point
Hampshire, with a round ball as in association winning hazard (billiards, snooker) a stroke in
football which the object ball goes into a pocket
wind (boxing) a point on the body covering the winning line (general) another term for the finish-
stomach, a blow on which causes winding ing line
wind-assisted (athletics) enhanced as a distance or winning opening (real tennis) each of the three
time by a following wind, and therefore ineli- openings around the court into which the ball
gible for official records may be struck from the far side of the net, these
wind-up (baseball ) a coiled position assumed by a being the dedans, the grille, and the winning
pitcher before throwing the ball gallery
windcheater ( golf ) a ball struck low with strong winning post (horse racing) the post marking the
backspin into the wind finishing line on a racecourse
Windies (cricket) colloquial name of the West In- winter book (horse racing) the estimate made by a
dies team bookmaker of the odds for races in the coming
window (angling) the area of upward vision of a season
fish, taken into account when fly fishing, espe- winter football (sport) alternate name for bandy
cially for trout Winter Olympics (Olympics) an international fes-
window jump (skiing) a stunt in which the skier tival of winter sports introduced in 1924 as an
supports himself on his sticks, swings the skis independent extension of the Olympic Games
between them, then turns the skis in the air winter sports ( general ) open-air sports practiced
Windsor (horse racing) a flat racecourse at Wind- mainly (but not exclusively) in winter on snow
sor, Berkshire, England and ice, such as ice hockey, ice skating, and
windsurfer (windsurfing) a person who takes part skiing
in windsurfing wipeout ( general ) a fall from a surfboard, skate-
windsurfing (sport) a blend of surfing and sailing, board, skis, or the like, especially when spec-
consisting in riding the waves on a sailboard tacular
windward (sailing) toward the direction from wire (croquet) (1) the part of the hoop above the
which the wind is blowing, as distinct from lee- ground; (2) to play a shot in such a way that a
ward ball is hampered by a hoop; (greyhound racing,
wing ( general ) (1) another term for a winger; (2) horse racing) another term for the finishing line
the part of the field in which he plays; (paraglid- [formerly marked by a wire stretched across the
ing, paramotoring) an equivalent to the para- racetrack]
chute in the form of an inflatable elliptical wired (croquet) prevented from making an intended
canopy with small air pockets shot because a ball, or a proper swing of the
wing attack (netball ) an attacking player restricted mallet, is hampered by a hoop
to the attacking third and center third Wisden (cricket) short title of Wisden Cricketers’
wing defense (netball ) a defensive player restricted Almanack, an annual comprehensive and defini-
to the defending third and center third tive record of the sport [first published in 1864
wing forward (rugby union) another term for a by John Wisden (1826–1884)]
flanker wishbone (American football ) a variant of the T-
with • X Games 174

formation, in which the two halfbacks are set ular sport, the best-known being that first held
back from the fullback to form an inverted “V” in 1930 in association football, formerly known
or “wishbone” as the Jules Rimet Trophy [other sports with
with the darts (darts) winning a leg with the ad- World Cup contests are (with year of inaugura-
vantage of throwing first tion) athletics (1977), baseball (1938), cricket
Wizards (basketball) short name of the Washing- (1975), field hockey (1971), golf (1953), lacrosse
ton Wizards team (1982), polo (1987), rugby league (1954), rugby
WM (association football ) a formation of five de- union (1987), skiing (1967), table tennis
fenders (three backs and two halves) in the (1980), volleyball (1965), water polo (1979)]
shape of a “W” and five attackers (five for- World Matchplay Championship ( golf ) an in-
wards) in the shape of an “M” ternational championship with a valuable prize
wobbler (angling) a lure that wobbles and does not inaugurated in 1964 and until 2008 played at
spin Wentworth
wobbly duck (American football ) colloquial term world record ( general ) an internationally unsur-
for a badly-thrown pass [it wobbles instead of passed record
going straight] World Road Race Championship (cycling) an an-
Wolverhampton (horse racing) a flat and National nual international road race competition first
Hunt racecourse at Wolverhampton, near held in 1927
Birmingham, England World Series (baseball ) a series of games contested
Wolves (association football ) nickname of the En- annually since 1903 between the champions of
glish club Wolverhampton Wanderers; (rugby the National League and the American League
league) short name of the English club Warring- world title ( general ) another term for a world
ton Wolves championship
wood (bowls) another term for a bowl [originally worm (angling) the earthworm used as bait
made of wood, but now of a composite mate- wormer (angling) a person who collects worms for
rial]; ( golf ) a club with a bulky head [tradition- bait
ally made of wood, but now usually of metal] wrap ( g ymnastics) a twining around of the body
wood shot (tennis) a shot inadvertently played off during a routine on the asymmetric bars
the rim of the racket [formerly made of wood] wrestle down (wrestling) to bring an opponent to
wooden spoon (general ) the last place in a compe- the ground
tition [originally a spoon made of wood pre- wrestler (wrestling) a person who participates in
sented to the candidate coming last in the math- the main sport or in sumo
ematical tripos at Cambridge] wrestling (sport) a combat sport in which two con-
woodwork (association football ) colloquial term for testants grapple, each trying to throw his oppo-
the goalposts and crossbar nent to the ground and pinion him there
Worcester (horse racing) a National Hunt race- wrestling match (wrestling) a contest between two
course at Worcester, Worcestershire, England wrestlers
work (cricket) the manipulation of the ball by the Wrigley Field (American football ) the home
bowler to give it a swing or spin; (horse racing) ground of the Chicago Bears team in Chicago
exercise in preparation for a race wrist play (cricket) a technique in which a bats-
work out (boxing) to fight a practice bout man scores runs by tipping the ball with a turn
worker ( golf ) colloquial term for a shot, especially of the wrist rather than by wielding a full-on
a putt, that runs a long way stroke with the bat
workout (boxing) a practice bout wrist wrestling (wrestling) a variant of arm
world ( general ) shortening of world champi- wrestling in which the contenders lock right
onship thumbs instead of hands in an attempt to force
World Bowl (American football ) an annual contest down each other’s arm
first held in 1991 as the championship game of wrong-foot ( general ) to destabilize an opponent
the World League of American Football but by means of a deceptive move or shot
from 1995 that of NFL Europe wrong ’un (cricket) another term for a googly;
world champion ( general ) the champion of a (horse racing) a horse dishonestly held back so as
sport in an international contest to lose a race
world championship ( general ) an international wushu ( general ) a term for the Chinese martial
sports contest whose winner will become world arts [Chinese wu, “military,” and shu, “art”]
champion X Games (Olympics) an alternate form of Olympic
World Cup ( general ) the cup awarded to the win- Games devoted to extreme sports, held since
ner of an international tournament in a partic- 1995 in the United States, where they are con-
175 XI • Yurchenko

trolled and arranged by the sports broadcaster an infringement and sending him to the sin
ESPN [so named as designed for “Generation bin
X,” who became adults in the early 1990s] yellow flag (auto racing) a flag waved to show that
XI (cricket) conventional designation of an eleven, there is danger ahead and that there must be no
especially in fixtures [Roman numerals] overtaking
Xs and Os (American football ) a formula adopted yellow jersey (cycling) (1) the jersey worn by the
by coaches when explaining tactical maneuvers leader in the general classification at the end of
to players by means of diagrams, “X” being an at- particular day in the Tour de France [French
tacker and “O” a defender maillot jaune, “yellow jersey”]; (2) a similar jer-
XV (rugby union) conventional designation of a sey in the Tour of Britain
fifteen, especially in fixtures [Roman numerals] yellow spot (snooker) the spot on the billiard table
yacht (sailing) a sailing vessel equipped for racing where the yellow is positioned, in the right cor-
[Dutch jacht, formerly jagt, from jagen, “to ner of the D (viewed from the balk end)
chase”] yielding (horse racing) a category of going
yacht club (sailing) a club for yacht owners or par- yipper ( golf ) a golfer suffering from the yips
ticipants in yacht races yips ( golf ) nervous twitching caused by tension
yacht race (sailing) a race among yachts before playing a putt [a word coined by Scot-
yacht racing (sailing) the competitive racing of tish professional Tommy Armour in the
yachts 1920s]
yachting (sport) a former alternate term for sail- Yngling (sailing) a class of keelboat sailed by a crew
ing, officially dropped for competitions in 2000 of three [Norwegian yngling, “youngster”]
yachtsman (sailing) a person who owns or sails a yoko-shiho-gatame (judo) a hold from the side in
yacht which a combatant pins his opponent’s shoul-
yachtswoman (sailing) a woman who sails in a ders and hips to the ground [Japanese yoko,
yacht “side,” “across,” shiho (from shi, “four,” and ho,
yahoo (cricket) an exuberant (but not always suc- “direction”), and katame, “to lock”]
cessful) attempt to hit the ball hard yokozuna (sumo) a grand champion, as the high-
yakker (baseball ) colloquial term for a curveball est rank of wrestler [Japanese yoko, “across,” and
Yankee (horse racing) a multiple bet on four horses tsuna, “rope,” from the garland originally pre-
in four races, consisting of six doubles. four tre- sented to a champion]
bles, and an accumulator Yonkers Futurity (horse racing) an annual harness
Yankee Stadium (baseball ) the home ground of race for three-year-old trotters, first held in 1958
the New York Yankees team in the Bronx, New at Yonkers, New York
York City york (cricket) to dismiss a batsman by bowling a
Yankees (baseball ) short name of the New York yorker
Yankees team York (archery) a round of 72 arrows for men at
yard (horse racing) the stables, grounds, and facil- 100yds (91m), 48 at 80yds (73m), and 24 at
ities owned by a trainer; (sailing) a long beam on 60yds (55m); (horse racing) a flat racecourse at
a mast for spreading sails York, North Yorkshire, England
yard-on (bowls) a heavy shot to break up or disturb yorker (cricket) a delivery of the ball that pitches
the head on the popping crease and passes under the bat
yardage (American football, golf) a distance meas- of the batsman [said to have been introduced
ured in yards by Yorkshire players]
Yarmouth (horse racing) a flat racecourse near Yoyos (association football ) nickname for the Scot-
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England tish club Stirling Albion [from the team’s alter-
yaw (sailing) to deviate temporarily from a course nating promotions and relegations, sending
yearling (horse racing) a racehorse that is officially them up and down like a yoyo]
one year old, as calculated from January 1 in its yuko (judo) a score of five points, awarded for a
year of foaling throw or hold not worthy of a waza-ari [Japa-
yell (general) a rhythmic cheer or chant, often con- nese]
taining nonsense words or syllables, used to en- yump (auto racing) in rally driving, to leave the
courage sports teams, as in college football ground when going over a ridge or crest [Nor-
yellow (snooker) the yellow ball, worth two points wegian jump, “jump”]
yellow card (association football ) a card shown to Yurchenko ( g ymnastics) a routine in the vault
a player by the referee as an official warning after consisting of a round-off onto the springboard,
an infringement; (rugby league, rugby union) a then a flic-flac onto the vault, then a dismount
card shown to a player by the referee following by way of a backflip [first performed in com-
Zamboni • zorbing 176

petion in 1982 by the Soviet gymnast Natalya playing area, as the center or neutral zone, at-
Yurchenko (1965–)] tacking zone, and defending zone
Zamboni (ice hockey) proprietary name of a ma- zone defense (American football, association foot-
chine used to clean, resurface, and smooth the ice ball ) a method of defense in which a player pa-
on a rink [invented in 1949 by Frank J. Zam- trols a particular area of the field rather than
boni (1901 –1988)] mark a specific opponent; (basketball) a method
zebra (American football ) colloquial term for a of defense in which a player patrols a particular
member of the officiating team [from their area of the court rather than mark a specific op-
black-and-white striped shirts] ponent; (ice hockey) a method of defense in
Zebras (association football ) nickname of the Ital- which a player patrols a particular area of the
ian club Juventus [from the team’s black-and- rink rather than mark a specific opponent
white striped shirts] zoo (surfing) colloquial term for a crowded line-
zero tackle (rugby league) an additional tackle up
awarded at the beginning of the standard set of zooter (cricket) a ball bowled by a leg spinner that
six, awarded after a knock-on or a forward pass does not spin but dips late in flight to the bats-
zip (general) to beat a team without allowing them man [apparently a random word]
to score zorb ( general ) a large transparent ball containing
zippers (American football ) the permanent scars a smaller ball within which a person is secured
that disfigure the bodies of many players as a re- and then rolled along the ground, down hills,
sult of tough contact play and the like [apparently a random word, perhaps
zonal marking ( general ) another term for zone meant to evoke a science-fiction creation]
defense zorbing ( general ) the extreme sport of traveling
zone (ice hockey) one of the three equal parts of the in a zorb
Abbreviations of Ruling Bodies
and Administrative Organizations

Below are some of the many abbreviations Bobsleigh et Toboganning (International Bob-
used for the various sports ruling bodies and sleigh and Toboganning Federation)
administrative organizations, whether interna- FIE (fencing) Fédération Internationale d’Escrime
tional or national. Abbreviations with their own (International Fencing Federation)
entries in the book are printed in bold (e.g. FIG ( g ymnastics, trampolining) Fédération Inter-
AFL). Translations of foreign titles are pro- nationale de Gymnastique (International Gym-
vided. nastics Federation)
FILA (wrestling) Fédération Internationale de Lutte
AAA Amateur (International Wrestling Federation)
AFC FIM (motorcycle racing) Fédération Internationale
AFL de Motocyclisme (International Motorcycling
AIBA (boxing) Association Internationale de Boxe Federation)
Amateur (International Amateur Boxing Associ- FINA (swimming, water polo) Fédération Interna-
ation) tionale de Natation (International Swimming
ATP (tennis) Association of Tennis Professionals Federation)
BHA FIP (polo) Federation of International Polo
BWF (badminton) Badminton World Federation FIPV (pelota) Federación Internacional de Pelota
CFU (Canadian football ) Canadian Football League Vasca (International Pelota Federation)
CIPS (angling) Confédération Internationale de FIQ (tenpin bowling) Fédération Internationale des
Pêche Sportive (International Sport Fishing Con- Quilleurs (International Skittles Federation)
federation) FIRS (roller hockey, roller skating) Fédération In-
CMSB (boules) Confédération Mondiale de Sports ternationale de Roller Sports (International
Boules (World Boules Confederation) Roller Sports Federation)
ECB FIS (skiing, snowboarding) Fédération Interna-
FA tionale de Ski (International Ski Federation)
FAI (ballooning, gliding, parachuting) Fédération FISA (rowing) Fédération Internationale des So-
Aéronautique Internationale (International Aero- ciétés d’Aviron (International Rowing Federa-
nautical Association) tion)
FEI (equestrianism) Fédération Équestre Interna- FITA (archery) Fédération Internationale de Tir à
tionale (International Equestrian Federation) l’Arc (International Archery Federation)
FFPB (pelota) Fédération Française de la Pelote FIVB (volleyball ) Fédération Internationale de Vol-
Basque (International Pelota Federation) ley-ball (International Volleyball Federation)
FIA (auto racing) Fédération Internationale de l’Au- GHA (hurling) Gaelic Athletic Association
tomobile (International Automobile Federation) IAAF (athletics) International Association of Ath-
FIB (bandy) Federation of International Bandy letics Associations
FIBA (basketball ) Fédération Internationale de Bas- IAF (aikido) International Aikido Federation
ketball (International Basketball Federation) IBAF (baseball ) International Baseball Federation
FIBT (bobsledding) Fédération Internationale de IBF (boxing) International Boxing Federation

Appendix 178

IBSF (snooker) International Billiards and Snooker NFC

Federation NFL
ICF (canoeing) International Canoe Federation NPA (paddleball ) National Paddleball Association
IFNA (netball ) International Federation of Net- NRA (rounders) Natinal Rounders Association
ball Associations PBA (bowls) Professional Bowls Association
IFWLA (lacrosse) International Federation of R&A
Women’s Lacrosse Associations RFL (rugby league) Rugby Football League
IHF (1) (field hockey) International Hockey Feder- RFU (rugby union) Rugby Football Union
ation; (2) (handball ) International Handball RORC (sailing) Royal Ocean Racing Club
Federation RYA (powerboat racing) Royal Yachting Associa-
IIHF (ice hockey) International Ice Hockey Feder- tion
ation T&RA (rackets, real tennis) Tennis and Rackets As-
IJF (judo) International Judo Federation sociation
IKF (1) (kendo) International Kendo Federation; UCI (cycling) Union Cycliste Internationale (In-
(2) (korf ball ) International Korf ball Federation ternational Cycling Union)
ILF (lacrosse) International Lacrosse Federation UEFA
IOC UIAA (mountaineering) Union Internationale des
IOF (orienteering) International Orienteering Fed- Associations d’Alpinisme (International Union
eration of Mountaineering Associations)
IRB (rugby union) International Rugby Board UMB (billiards) Union Mondiale de Billard (World
IRF (racquetball ) International Racquetball Fed- Billiards Union)
eration USGA ( golf ) United States Golf Association
ISA (surfing) International Surfing Association USPTA (paddle tennis) United States Paddle Ten-
ISAF (sailing, windsurfing) International Sailing nis Association
Federation WAKO (kickboxing) World Association of Kick-
ISDRA (sled dog racing) International Sled Dog boxing Associations
Racing Association WBA (boxing) World Boxing Association
ISF (1) (skateboarding) International Skateboard- WBC (boxing) World Boxing Council
ing Federation; (2) (softball ) International Soft- WBO (boxing) World Boxing Organization
ball Federation WCBS (billiards) World Confederation of Billiard
ISJA (ju-jitsu) International Sport Ju-jitsu Associ- Sports
ation WCF (1) (croquet) World Croquet Federation; (2)
ISSF (shooting) International Shooting Sport Fed- (curling) World Curling Federation
eration WDF (darts) World Darts Federation
ISU (ice skating) International Skating Union WGRF (greyhound racing) World Greyhound Rac-
ITTF (table tennis) International Table Tennis Fed- ing Federation
eration WIBC (bowls) World Indoor Bowls Council
IWF (weightlifting) International Weightlifting WKF (1) (kabaddi) World Kabaddi Federation; (2)
Federation (karate) World Karate Federation
IWUF (kung fu) International Wushu Federation WPA (billiards, pool ) World Pool-Billiards Asso-
JJIF (ju-jitsu) Ju-jitsu International Federation ciation
JSA (sumo) Japan Sumo Association WPBSA (snooker) World Professional Billiards and
MCC Snooker Association
MLB (baseball ) Major League Baseball WSF (1) (snooker) World Snooker Federation;
NBA (basketball ) National Basketball Association (squash) World Squash Federation
NCAA (American football ) National Collegiate WTF (tae kwon do) World Taekwondo Federation
Athletic Association
Select Bibliography

Arlott, John, ed. The Oxford Companion to Sports and ments, units, and playing positions of most sports,
Games. London: Oxford University Press, 1975. as well as plans of the area of play in American foot-
[Comprehensive coverage of the rules and termi- ball, archery, association football, badminton,
nology of sports worldwide, including bullfight- bandy, baseball, basketball, billiards, cricket, curl-
ing, but omitting blood sports (and fishing) and ing, field hockey, Gaelic football, ice hockey,
board and table games.] lacrosse, polo, pool, rugby league, rugby union,
The Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes. [A set table tennis, and tennis.]
of 23 volumes by various authors published in Lon- Davies, Christopher. Divided by a Common Language:
don from 1887 and originally planned in 1882 by A British/American Dictionary Plus. Rev ed. Sarasota,
Henry Somerset Beaufort, 8th duke of Beaufort FL: Mayflower, 1998. [Includes a small but inter-
(whose family estate is at Badminton) and Alfred esting selection of baseball terms that have taken
Watson as “a series of books that would attempt to on a metaphorical sense.]
highlight, examine and explain all of the many great Encyclopædia Britannica. 15th ed. Chicago: Ency-
sports that this nation enjoys.” Coverage includes clopædia Britannica, 2002. [Vol. 28, pp. 100–166,
not only hunting, “a subject always very close to has a good section “Major Team and Individual
my family’s heart,” but “Fishing; Racing and Sports,” the former comprising association foot-
Steeplechasing; Lawn Tennis; Shooting; Driving; ball, U.S. football, Canadian football, rugby,
Athletics; Football, and even Cycling and Motor cricket, basketball, and ice hockey; the latter com-
Driving” (11th duke of Beaufort, Introductory Note prising tennis, golf, athletics, and surfing.]
to 1985 reprint of Hunting, 7th ed., 1894).] Foley, Keith. A Dictionary of Cricketing Terminolog y.
Ballard, John, and Paul Suff. The Dictionary of Foot- Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 1998. [A timely key
ball. London: Boxtree, 1999. [An innovatory guide to many of the sometimes baffling terms, formal
to the world of Association Football.] and informal, encountered in the game, with exam-
Bloodgood, Lida Fleitmann, and Piero Santini. The ples of usage.]
Horseman’s Dictionary. London: Pelham, 1963. [“In- Galitsky, Aleksey, and Leonid Pereplyotchikov. Putesh-
cluding over 3,500 words used on the Turf, in the estviye v strany igr (“A journey into the land of
Hunting field, Show-ring, Manège, on the Road, [sports and] games”). Moscow: Fizkul’tura i sport,
Trotting-track, Polo field, Ranch, and in the Stable 1971. [For Russian readers, an informative and en-
or Stud.”] tertaining insight into the history and rules of a
Brasch, Rudolph. How Did Sports Begin? New York: range of sports and games, from internationally
David McKay, 1970. [A readable account of the ori- known baseball, cricket, American football, associ-
gins of well-known sports and their distinctive vo- ation football, golf, lacrosse, and pelota to the more
cabulary.] esoteric national games of Russia and the countries
Brooks, Katie, ed. Chambers Sports Factfinder. 2d ed. of the former Soviet Union, such as lapta, lelo,
Edinburgh: Chambers, 2008. [Covers results and tskhenburti, and aymtskachare.]
key figures in over 100 sports with selective glos- Green, Jonathon. Dictionary of Jargon. London: Rout-
saries of their jargon.] ledge and Kegan Paul, 1987. [A collection of some
Dale, Rodney, and Steve Puttick. The Wordsworth 21,000 words and phrases including several from
Dictionary of Abbreviations and Acronyms. 2d ed. the world of sport.]
Ware: Wordsworth, 1999. [Contains general and Hammond, Gerald. Horse Racing: A Book of Words.
special categories of abbreviations including sports, Manchester: Carcanet, 1992. [A useful guide to the
with ball games individually represented.] sometimes arcane jargon of the sport.]
Darton, Mike, and John O.E. Clark. The Dent Dic- Heatley, Michael. Football Club Origins and Nicknames.
tionary of Measurement. London: J.M. Dent, 1994. Hershey: Ian Allan, 2008. [An informed study of
[Contains detailed information on the measure- the history and names of British football clubs.]

Select Bibliography 180

Lewin, Esther, and Albert E. Lewin. The Thesaurus Pavlov, S.P., ed.-in-chief. Olimpiyskaya entsiklopediya
of Slang. New York: Facts on File, 1994. [An Amer- (“Olympic encyclopedia”). Moscow: Sovetskaya
ican-oriented reference that includes terms and Entsikopediya, 1980. [A Russian reference guide to
definitions relating to sports such as baseball, bas- the Olympic Games, their history, results, and per-
ketball, (American) football, (ice) hockey, and rac- formers, including descriptions of the Olympic
ing, but omits all major British sports, including sports themselves.]
cricket, (association) football, rugby, and (field) Pick, J.B., comp. The Phoenix Dictionary of Games.
hockey.] London: Phoenix House, 1952. [Divided into five
Meadows, Chris, with Allen F. Richardson. The En- sections: Full-Dress Outdoor Games, Informal
cyclopedia of Golf. Bath: Parragon, 2007. [A prac- Outdoor Games, Covered Court Games, Gymna-
tical guide to the game, with a brief summary of sium Games, and Indoor Games.]
the rules and a short glossary.] Visual Dictionary. rev. ed. London: Dorling Kinder-
Montague, Trevor, comp. A to Z of Everything. 4th sley, 2002. [A valuable resource that includes (pp.
ed. London: Little, Brown, 2007. [A regularly re- 522–563) pictures of sports equipment and play-
vised general knowledge compendium first pub- ing areas, including those of football, rugby, basket-
lished in 2001, with a major section Sport and ball, volleyball, baseball, cricket, hockey, athletics,
Leisure, pp. 1256–1340.] tennis, golf, archery, judo, skiing, equestrianism,
_____. A to Z of Sport: The Compendium of Sporting fencing, swimming, rowing, sailing, and fishing.]
Knowledge. London: Little, Brown, 2004. [Main Willock, Colin. The Angler’s Encyclopaedia. London:
emphasis is on sports results, awards, and person- Odhams, 1960. [A popular alphabetical guide to
alities, but includes selective definitions of sport- coarse, sea, and game fishing, Achill to zander.]
ing terms.] _____, ed. The New ABC of Fishing: A Revised Guide
The New Encyclopædia Britannica. 30 vols. 15th ed. to Angling for Coarse, Sea and Game Fish. Rev. ed.
Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2002. [The London: Andre Deutsch, 2003. [A new edition of
main entry “Sports” (vol. 28, pp. 100–166) is de- a book first published in 1992 and itself a revised
voted to the history and sociology of sports, with edition of The ABC of Fishing, published in 1964.]
accounts of major team and individual sports (as- Wilson, Bob. Bob Wilson’s Ultimate Collection of Pecu-
sociation, American, and Canadian football, rugby, liar Sporting Lingo. Cambridge: Icon, 2008. [Gives
cricket, basketball, ice hockey; tennis, golf, athlet- origins and meanings of 335 sporting terms, from
ics, surfing), while separate articles on other sports Addicks to zooter.]
and games appear elsewhere.] Woo, Suzanne. On Course for Business: Women and
Norridge, Julian. Can We Have Our Balls Back, Please? Golf. New York: John Wiley, 2002. [Has a useful
How the British Invented Sport. London: Allen Lane, glossary of golfing terms, pp. 209–223.]
2008. [An account of the sports professedly in-
vented by the British. The 15 chapters are titled: 1. As well as the titles listed above, the following general
Boxing, 2. Horse Racing, 3. Cricket, 4. Golf, 5. dictionaries were also consulted:
Sailing or Yacht Racing, 6. Football (Soccer), 7. Brookes, Ian, ed.-in-chief. The Chambers Dictionary.
Rugby (and Rugby League, Australian Rules and 11th ed. Edinburgh: Chambers Harrap, 2008.
American Football), 8. Rowing, 9. Baseball, 10. Brown, Lesley, ed.-in-chief. Shorter Oxford English
Lawn Tennis (and assorted games), 11. Hockey (and Dictionary. 5th ed. Oxford: Oxford University
maybe even Ice Hockey), 12. Athletics (and the Press, 2002. 2 vols.
Modern Olympics), 13. Swimming, 14. Pub Games, Gove, Philip Babcock, ed.-in-chief. Webster’s Third
15. The Ones That Got Away. The final chapter in- New International Dictionary of the English Lan-
cludes motor racing, basketball, fencing, gymnas- guage. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, 1961.
tics, shooting, weightlifting, wrestling, equestrian The Sunday Times Sport Calendar 2009 was used for
sports, winter sports (skiing, ice skating, bobsleigh, the names, dates, and venues of scheduled world
curling), and cycling.] sporting events.

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