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FAST NU |Business Strategy


The Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the National

Football League (NFL), the highest level of professional football in
the United States, culminating a season that begins in the late
summer of the previous calendar year.

The television broadcast of the Super Bowl – the championship

game of the National Football League (NFL) – features many high-
profile television commercials. The phenomenon is a result of the
game's extremely high viewership and wide demographics: Super
Bowl games have frequently been among the United States' most
watched television broadcasts.

The assignment is to gather information and understand what the Superbowl

(Superball) is and what is the viewership of the commercials played during the
event. You must also bring some commercials into the class on Monday which
will be played in the class and discussed, the commercials are to be put into 1
USB so kindly submit them to the CR as soon as possible. The price of playing a
commercial is also to be checked i.e. how much did is cost the company to play
the particular advertisement. Understand why companies pay that particular
amount and what their strategy behind it is. Also understand how to rank the
commercials as these are also evaluated and critiqued once they are played.


Information about Superbowl and the advertisements on the event

Bring and discuss Commercials in class

The commercials are to be submitted before class to the CR and into 1 USB

How much does it cost to play a commercial on the event?

Why did the company pay the amount?

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