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DIY 3-in-1 WOOD PLYO BOX for $35!


I have been wanting to post about this DIY for FORRRREVVVVVERRRRR…but life happens and I
could never bribe Jeff enough to get him to write down the tutorial for this amazing PLYO BOX!…
until the other day!! (the bribe included chocolate milk shakes and other things not appropriate to blog
about…so we will just keep it at that! mmmkay)
Without further ado…in the words of my amazingly hot and talented husband, here is the step by step
tutorial for your 3-in-1 wood plyo box!
Of all the DIY projects that I’ve done this has to be one of the hardest projects! It was worth it though
because it serves a purpose and I saved over $100 by making me own.What makes this style of box
different than simply cutting pieces of wood and building a box is that the pieces interlock with each
other creating a nice strong box that doesn’t require any interior bracing or framework.So let’s begin
(hopefully everything makes sense).  What makes this box special is that you have 3 different height
options 20”, 24”, & 30”.
You’ll notice in the pictures that I made 5 boxes.  I actually made them for my brother in-law to use in
his CrossFit gym.CrossFit Edify
Tools Needed
1.     Table Saw & or Skill Saw
2.     Nail Gun (16 gauge @ 2” long)
3.     Drill
4.     Jig Saw
5.     Wood Glue
6.     Tape Measure/Framing Square
Detailed Step List
1.     Purchase a sheet of 4’x8’ ¾” Plywood.  I got mine from Home Depot for around $35.  1 Sheet will
make 1 Ply Box
2.     You’ll need the following pieces cut at the different dimensions. 
a.     2 – 20”x24”
b.     2 – 20”x30”
c.      2 – 24”x30”
3.     Once you’ve got your pieces cut you’ll need to cut out the notches so the sections can interlock
with each other.  When you cut out the notches make sure you cut back the same thickness as the
plywood.  Don’t just cut back the ¾”, you need to measure.  As for how long your notches should be,
measure 8” from the theoretical edge of the wood then cut out the section with a jig saw.  Follow the
picture of the three different sized pieces to get your pattern and an idea of what each piece needs to

look like.  Disclaimer: this is the hardest part so take your time with the measurements and the cutting. 
Following the pattern from the picture and it will work. 
4.     Once the pieces are cut and notches are ready you can now assemble. Start by laying one 24”x30”
on a flat surface.  Then apply some glue along the edges where the other pieces will join.  Now start
putting the puzzle together by starting with the sides then finishing with the top.  I would put only 1 or
2 nails in each section until I have all the pieces together.  You’ll have a few gaps and need to put your
muscle into it to get it to squeeze and fit together just right.  Once your satisfied you can then finish
nailing the box together.
5.     Once my box was finished I took my router to all the edges to give a nice rounded edge.
6.     One convenience I put on the boxes were openings on the side for you hands.  To do these I drew
out the size I wanted, drilled a hole for the jig saw blade to fit in and then cut out the section.  You can
do this step at any time.  Just make sure you do it on the 20”x24” piece. I then sanded out the inside of
the hand holds and sanded all the edges one more time to ensure they were rounded and smooth! You
don’t want abrupt edges when you are using these puppies! That just calls from some serious shin



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