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CORONADO, Gleniece Angeline L.


D. 5. Your mom tells you to take money for your lunch today from her purse.
Lunch costs P100.00, but your mom’s purse has 5 one-hundred peso bills. You
would love to treat yourself to ice cream at lunch, too. You are most likely to:
A. Take P200.00 from her purse. Ice cream only cot P50.00, and you’ll have
enough left over to buy chips, too!
B. Take P500.00 so you don’t have to ask for lunch and ice cream money again
C. Take P500.00 so you can buy lunch and extra ice cream for yourself and
several friends.
D. Take P100.00 and ask if you can have an extra one hundred for ice cream.

B. 6. You got in trouble for not answering your cellphone last weekend when
you were chatting with your friends. You and your friends were just too loud
and didn’t hear the phone, but your parents freaked out anyway and took your
phone away for two weeks. This morning, your parents have already left for
work, and your phone is sitting on your dad’s nightstand. You get home from
school before your parents, so they’ll never know if you take it for the day. You:
A. Take the phone and put it back in the nightstand as soon as you get home.
B. Leave the phone it the nightstand. You don’t want to make things with your
parents worse.
C. Check the phone for messages, send a few texts, and then put it back in the
D. Take the phone with you and decide you’ll hide it from them when you get
home. Your parents should not have left it out where you could get to it so

A. 7. Your parents asked you to walk the dog when you got home today. You:
A. Take the dog on a long walk so you can both get some fresh air and exercise.
B. Let the dog run around the back yard. You’ve been at school all day and are
C. Walk the dog just to your front gate and back; a short walk is enough.
D. Let the dog out the front door. He’ll come back on his own.

B. 8. You find a note on the floor at school. It has someone else’s name on the
outside fold. You:
A. Open the letter and read it.
B. Don’t read it and deliver it to the person whose name is on the front.
C. Throw it in the trash.
D. Leave it on the floor. It’s none of your business.

A. 9. While chasing your little cousin around the house, you break a vase in
your aunt’s bedroom. No one but you knows what happened. You are most
likely to:
A. Tell your aunt that you broke the vase and that you are sorry.
B. Convince your little cousin that he did it, that it was an accident, and that
he needs to tell his mom.
C. Leave the broken vase on the floor and pretend nothing happened.
D. Tell your mom you saw a broken vase in your aunt’s room.

D. 10. Last night, your mom made a delicious cake for dessert. Your little sister
fell asleep before she got to eat her cake, so your mom put it in the refrigerator
for her to eat later. You are starving when you get home from school, and that
cake just looks so yummy. Your sister won’t be home for another hour. You:
A. Eat all of the cake. If she doesn’t see it, she probably won’t remember it was
B. Eat just a few bites and leave the rest for your sister. She’ll never notice a
few missing bites.
C. Eat half of the cake and hope she doesn’t notice.
D. Leave the cake for your sister and find something else to eat.
Questions for Discussion
1. Differentiate a human act from an act of man.
Human Acts. An act is done when the doer acts by his own initiative and choice without
being forced to do so by another person or situation. ... Acts of man are instinctive, such
as physiological in nature. These are actions done under the circumstances of ignorance,
passion, fear, violence, and habits.
2. Why is the concept of voluntariness important in determining the
morality or immorality of the human conduct?
The concept of voluntariness is important in determining the morality or immorality of
the human conduct because voluntariness is a choice being made of a person's free will.
Meaning if a person voluntarily did an act without any questions and complaints then
we can say that the action is based on his/her morality.

3. What are the characteristics of the human act?

The act must be deliberate. The agent does it consciously; he know that he is doing the
act and. ...
The act must be free. The person who is doing the act must be free from external
force. ...
The act must be voluntary. The act is done out of the will and decision of the agent.
4. What is the difference between natural involuntary actions and natural
voluntary actions?
A voluntary action is basically an action which you yourself initiate by your own
conscious. Involuntary actions as their name suggest, are total opposites of voluntary
actions, a reflex action is not under the control of the will.
5. Why is the end of the act considered as the primary determinant of
The end is meant the purpose for which the act is willed, which may be the act itself.
The end is the motive or the reason why an action is performed. In here we can
determine the morality of the actor based on the end result, may it be positive or
6. Why are the circumstances of the act important in determining the
culpability of the actor in the absence of prima facie evidence?
A circumstance is something that, while existing outside the substance of an act,
touches on the act in some way. There are three ways in which this happens: (a) the
circumstance touches on the act itself; (b) it touches on a cause of the act; or (c) it
touches on an effect of the act.

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