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On the basis of what I’ve read with regards to its entire set-up
consisting of procedures, methods, equipment, and facilities,
designed and interconnected to facilitate and monitor the flow of
goods or services from the source to the end user, or simply what we
called its distribution system, its major components are their:
Information system (where downloaded stores’ orders are fulfilled)
and their Methods ( the methods used in replenishing store’s
inventories; helps in terms of saving the company storage and
handling cost). However, the conveyor/conveyer belt as well can be
classified as part of the said matter because it plays an important role
as to tranportation and communication with the items handled. And
also, through the combination or the Company’s good empolyees,
market research, trial and error, and its way to listening to its
customers can be considered as one of its major components. 

It’s more like Wegmans has it all already base from coutroom
observation site, since they mentioned that for decades, a major
component of the economic employment and nutritional situation in
western New York state has been Wegmans supermarkets. So
honestly speaking, as I go over the case, I did find it hard to look and
have for an alternative. Since the said company has performed and
currently performing very well in its distribution system and to its over
all aspect, yet as I did more readings...

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