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Sample Donation Request Letters

Sample Non Profit Donation Letter

Example request for donation letter, seeking assistance to fund a youth program for boys.

Number One Non Profit

123 Anywhere Street
Best Town, Best State 88889


Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Francom

456 Somewhere Road
Best Town, Best State 88889

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Francom,

In 2009 Number One Nonprofit helped over 350 underprivileged boys participated in Boy Scout activities in our
community. They had a chance to learn to swim, learn basic survival and first-aid skills and learn how to work with
other boys. More importantly, they were given the chance to develop confidence, to feel wanted and to develop
dreams for their future, dreams that have included becoming engineers, accountants, doctors and politicians.

Here is what some of our alumni our have to say about the impact Scouts had on their lives:

"I don’t know where I would be without Scouts. My dream of becoming an Engineer really started with my first model
rocket built in Scouts." - Bill
"Scouts gave me somewhere to go after school and kept me from getting into other trouble. Frightens me to think of
where I would be without the help of my leaders and friends from scouts." - Tom

Our goal for 2010 is to help 420 boys participate in scouting activities including a full week at summer camp. Thanks to
generous sponsors, we are well on our way to reaching our goal, but we still need help supporting the final 150 boys.
Will you help us meet our goal to provide these wonderful boys with worthwhile activities by supporting a boy? Your
donation will have a dramatic impact on the life of a young man.

Here is how your gift will impact them:

 $100 – Your boy will receive a uniform and be able to participate in weekly activities for one year

 $150 – Your boy will have a spot at a week long summer camp with activities such as horseback riding, crafts,
swimming, canoeing and archery.

 $250 – Your boy will receive a uniform, a week at scout camp and participate for 1 year in weekly activities.
Send your gift directly to us using the included return envelop or, if you wish, you may use our online donation website

All donations to Number One Non-Profit go directly to the boys we have been helping since 1985. Your gift will have
tremendous impact on the life of a boy and help him to have the skills, vision and motivation to change his life. Thank
you for partnering with us to help our boys.


Bill Stevenson

P.S. – Since activities start the first week in January, our deadline for raising funds is 12/15/2009.

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