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1. Read the definition and match.

a. This is where minerals exist. Earth’s crust

b. This rock is made of feldspar, quartz and mica. Granite
c. All minerals have different kinds of these. Properties
d. This is the hardest substance on Earth. Diamond
e. Chalk and silver are this type of rock. Soft

2. Complete the spaces.

a. We use gold, silver and diamonds for jewellery.

b. We use gypsum to make cement and plaster.
c. We use copper to make cables and coins.
d. We use malachite to make paint.
e. We use aluminium to make cans, cars and areoplanes.

3. Write what minerals we need to make these things.

a. Electric cable: copper.

b. Cement: gypsum.
c. Car: aluminium.
d: Aeroplane: aluminium.
e: Paint: malachite.

4. Read and circle the correct word.

a. Some minerals can be hard and soft.

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