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A. Theoretical Framework

1. The nature of vocabulary

In English language exists four skill such listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

In order to know those skills, students need to master basic skill, that skill is

vocabulary, Richard and Renandya are in line with Wilkens as they argued, ‘’

vocabulary is a core component of language and it provides much of the basis for

how well learners are able to speak, listen, read, and write. Without basis vocabulary

that students have they cannot get new vocabulary in their daily life. Thus without

vocabulary students often get less than their potential and may be depressed in

understanding kinds of information from language learning opportunities.

Considering vocabulary is important toward four skill, vocabulary should be built

seriously, vocabulary is central to the learning of a foreign language, For the time

being, vocabulary teaching and learning seems very crucial in English class. Richard

and Renandya, “recently there has been a renewed interest in the nature of vocabulary

and its role in learning and teaching”.

An important thing that vocabulary is one of the component of language without

word language cannot exist, words are sign or symbol for ideas, with word in

language people can exchange their thoughts each other then the more ideas that they

have, thus they can communicate the ideas more effectively. Rivers in Nunan (1991:

103) has argued that the acquisition of vocabulary is essential for successful to second

language learner because without an extensive vocabulary, they will unable to use the

structures and functions of language Allan (1977: 18) states that vocabulary is the
words continually be learning as they learn structure and as they practice second

language, thus Vocabulary is one of the most important aspects in mastering English,

because with vocabulary students are able to comprehend the subject relatively with

their vocabulary. Wilkins in Thornbury [2002,p.13] states that without vocabulary

nothing can be conveyed. Vocabulary refers to all word in the whole language used in

a particular variety.

One of the important thing of having the ability to communicate in English is by

having vocabulary., according to Prasarntong and Dennis (2015: 1), Vocabulary is a

central of a language. Without vocabulary, the process of language learning cannot go

well, and then students are unable to express their ideas effectively. Thus, vocabulary

is considered valuable to learn as it gives contribution to the students to perform or

practice their language skills well. It helps them easier in listening to what speakers

say, comprehending the text, constructing the paragraphs and communicating to each

other. The word vocabulary has long connected word list, and vocabulary learning

have technique that help students. Most research on vocabulary strategies has

therefore explored various methods of vocabulary presentation and their

corresponding effectiveness in retention [meera, 1980].

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