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Theme II: Family Engagement

4.6.1- Describe the advantages and importance of family or caregiver involvement in

learner development

Family involvement in the classroom provides multiple advantages assisting all student’s

education and development. Research shows that “positive effects of parent involvement on

children, families, and school when schools and parents continuously support and encourage the

children's learning and development” (2.1.1 The Benefits of Parent Involvement). Parental

involvement reflects positively on a students academic success. There are many steps that

teachers, schools, and districts need to take in order to communicate and build relationships with


Established relationships between families, schools, and teachers promote a healthy, safe,

and welcoming learning environment for all students. When teachers form relationships with

families they can acquire a better understanding of the student's culture and background making

it easier to differentiate (2.1.2 Article Notes). Furthermore, close relationships allow teachers to

receive more volunteer help around the classroom when reaching out to parents. This ultimately

assists teachers because there are a variety of ways parents can support students through

volunteer work.

Not only does family involvement assist teachers, but it also helps parents. When

teachers reach out to parents they begin to feel informed, gain a better understanding of teaching

strategies and feel included in their child's education. Parental involvement increases their

interaction and discussion with their children making them more responsive to “their children's
social, emotional and intellectual development needs” (2.1.1 The Benefits of Parent


Additionally, parental involvement in their child’s education positively impacts their

child. Family engagement allows children to have better self- esteem, are more self- disciplined

and show higher aspirations and motivation towards school (2.1.2 Article Notes). Ultimately

with more motivation shown towards school, students earn better grades, attendance and

complete their homework.

There are a variety of methods teachers, the school and the school district use to

communicate with families. One way teachers can connect to parents is by sending out a weekly

newsletter, either on paper or electronically. The newsletter could include assignments,

announcements, acknowledgements, and volunteer opportunities. This method of communication

can be used among different grade levels, but I have created a newsletter for a first grade

classroom as an example (2.1.3 Weekly Newsletter). Another way to keep parents involved is for

teachers to utilize social media or other communication apps such as Remind. This allows

teachers to share important messages, announcements, and upcoming events quickly to parents.

Additionally, teachers can build relationships with parents and students by hosting student-led

conferences. Unlike the traditional conference between parents and teachers, student-led

conferences allow children to share their accomplishments and areas of improvement with their

parents. This allows students to set goals and restores parental confidence in their child's

education. I have created an outline on a student-led conference that includes a parent letter,

student assignment, planning packet, a rubric and conference reflection sheets (2.1.4 Student Led

Conference Plan). Although it would be helpful if all parents were involved in their child's
education, it's not always practical. Teachers must use effective ways of communication in order

to involve all parents.

Along with the importance of communication methods teachers implement, school

buildings and districts communicate in several ways as well. The majority of individual school

buildings send out weekly emails, newsletters and volunteer opportunities to parents. On the

district level, the administration and communications team controls all the ways information is

spread throughout the district. Krista Davis, who is a part of the communications team in

Olentangy, explains that the communications team shares information through emails, websites,

social media and letters sent in the mail (2.1.5 Speaker Notes). In order to reach all families

districts craft messages that are easy to understand and ensure they are delivered on the right


Parents must be consistently involved in their child's education. There are multiple ways

teachers, schools, and districts can involve and communicate with parents. Family engagement

reflects positively on the student’s well-being and academic achievements which is pivotal to

their education.

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