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Teacher Panel Notes: 

Teaching and Educational Skills 

List at least 5 things you learned today: 
1) Through the school district teachers can go through “reimbursement” 
programs to receive money 
2) Many teachers have other jobs before they first started teaching 
3) You don’t always have to start in education to become a teacher 
4) Experience with children of all ages is extremely important 
5) Having several certifications can give you additional opportunities 
What information surprised you? 
- Many teachers had other jobs before they started teaching 
- Takes a concept verbally explained 5 times for regular students, 15 for 
students with IEPs and 2 times for gifted kids to fully understand a topic 
Questions you still have? 
While choosing/ applying for colleges, did you choose one based on an 
education major? 
How is this information going to help you as a teacher? 
It's going to help me become a well rounded teacher with several unique 
characteristics. This information will assist me in choosing the proper career 
path I can take in order to become a teacher.  
Teacher Questions (across multiple teachers): 
How did you decide on a career in education? 
Past teachers and mentors they had in school inspired them to be teachers 
What is your certification area/s? 
- Kindergarten- Third grade 
- Kindergarten- Twelfth grade 
Share your teaching experience/ your career path. 
- Went to college and received undergrad 
- ​Went back to school and received masters degree after being placed in 
teaching position  
What have you done other than teaching? 
- Accounting 
- Engineering 
- Business management 
- Marketing and sales  
What advice do you have as we pursue a career in teaching? 
- Set your expectations for your classroom 
- Don't treat kids equally, treat them with fairness 
- Build relationships 
- Understand their stories 
- You are always being observed 
What do you think are the most important characteristics a teacher 
should possess? 
- Patience 
- Ability to have communication 
- Being understanding 
- Teach in creative ways/ have creative lessons prepared 

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