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8th English Language and Literature Making Meaning (page 383)

Mrs. Romero- Blanco Story: “Miss Awful” by Arthur Cavanaugh

Name: _______________________________ Section: ______ Date: _____________ Score:

Directions: Read the questions carefully and answer to the best of your abilities.
Be mindful of your spelling and grammar usage as too many mistakes may deduct
points from your overall score.
Reading Check

a) What is the class´s first clue that things are going to be different while Miss
Wilson is away? What other changes does Miss Orville Make?
b) How does Roger´s behavior change while Miss Orville is in charge?
c) What do you learn about Mrs. Orville´s life?
d) What does Roger say to Miss Orville when he stays after class?

First Thoughts
1. Do you think Miss Orville is really “Miss Awful”? Would you like to be in her
class? Share your personal opinion.

Shaping interpretation
2. Miss Orville compares children to plants. What details in the story show that
she cares a great deal about plants? What does this say about her feelings
towards children? (Analyze and discuss.)

3. Think about what you know about Miss Orville´s life, and try to explain why
she demands so much of her class. (Analyze/ infer.)

4. What does Miss Orville discover about the children? What does the phrase
“brimming eyes” (page 380) suggest about her feelings? (Use context/

5. The story suggests that Roger has discovered something important in the
end. What has he discovered, in your opinion? Why do you think he spells the
words for Miss Orville? (Analyze/ infer.)

6. How would you explain the children´s cruelty in this story? What do you think
of what they did? (Explain.)

7. Dismiss this question.

Connecting to text (disregard questions 8 & 9)

8th English Language and Literature Making Meaning (page 383)
Mrs. Romero- Blanco Story: “Miss Awful” by Arthur Cavanaugh

10. What was your opinion of Miss Awful when you first met her? Did you change
your opinion as the story went on? Did talking about the story (in class or at home)
affect your opinion? Trace your responses (connect) to Miss Awful´s story.

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