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The Ambassador School of Global Leadership first began the school year by understanding the

accountability,Time Management,Making connections and Synthesizing.The Global

Performance Outcomes are Investigate the World,Recognize Perspectives,Take Action and
Communicate Ideas.The purpose of the Performance Outcomes is to evaluate the connection of
ideas being connected to lessons we analyze in the classroom while also exploring new concepts
outside the classroom environment.The implementation becomes evident once the understanding
of these concepts add further actions that change the future of the world and the social groups
around us .I began ASGL not realizing the connections would impact the environment but also
peers around me who didn’t quite comprehend the insightfulness each performance outcome has.
I would review assignments by various classes and assess each Performance Outcome to the
Assignment purpose to know more about a subject by connecting it to real world
applications.The assignments held me accountable towards making new ideas into fruition.Using
this system of Performance Outcomes have changed my work habits and perception of the world
in a positive aspect as my academic career and my personal life intertwine.

Investigate the world was an important performance outcome to me because it was a skill i built
as the environment which i lived in everyday was changing faster before i entered ASGL.I Found
connections towards diverse people’s ideas and opinions while maintaining my own thoughts
and ideas.The people i”ve met in ASGL had an experience to find new traditions similar or
contradictory to my own heritage and traditions as well as social and economic differences in
students who lived their lives in other countries around the entire earth.Which i found thought
provoking.An experience i can remember while investigating the world was when i met my
filipino best friend Meo Cantiller.His demeanor and habits were amazing to see as he maintained
his goals and aspirations all throughout his life.His perception of me were different from 9th
grade and progressed until our last year in ASGL.I investigated his culture once he discoursed to
me he was from the philippines and had moved to various other states within the U.S before he
attended ASGL.I found out a huge amount of his culture was similar to my heritage as a Mexican
American.The numbers were pronounced almost identical to Mexican language.Their commerce
and Food culture was similar to Mexican culture as well.I also investigated the region of the
philippines and found many beautiful beaches and land regions that were also evident in
Mexican Culture. There were also many differences within the countries were similar to the
hardships which i realized was the education system.Meo had commented to me that their school
system is very different from American and Mexican culture as Meo was in school from
kindergarten to the 8th grade which he felt changed once he moved into the American public
School system.
I found Communicating Ideas at a younger age as explaining to other people how you feel and
how you perceive information.Until i came to ASGL and analyzed truly what communicating
ideas can have a severe impact either in a positive outcome or a negative outcome.Social human
beings fund comfort in communicating ideas but loose complete consciousness once
interpretation of an idea is needed to satisfy their intentions.I found at ASGL that new ideas for
the world made me appericate a new community as i understood the work habits my peer used to
further his success and profound love and apperication for my own culture while also having
respect for the both of our different experiences and also our skills we can present to one
another.It’s a useful enviroment once we can truly discover and unravel the layers of every social
human being once wecan all understand the key principles of global leadership and speak for
people who are similar to my ideals and also those who don’t share the same values as me.

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