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Dr. Dwiharso Nugroho
Hendra Saputra, M. T.
Dicko Rizky Febriansanu, M. Eng.
Physical properties of fluids (Boggs, 2006):
• The density of a fluid (ρ), the mass of fluid per unit
volume of fluid (1 g/cm3)
• The viscosity of a fluid (μ), a measure of fluids to
Dasar Aliran Fluida
Gaya Penyebab Pergerakan Fluida
The force of gravity

Forces drive fluid motions:

The force of gravity. In a flow down a sloping
channel, the weight of an element of fluid has
a downslope component

Pressure gradients

Pressure gradients. In a flow in a

horizontal pipe or conduit, the fluid
moves only if there's a downstream
decrease in fluid pressure.
Laminar and Turbulent Velocity

Nichols, 2009

Re (Reynolds number)
Re low (<500) : Laminar
Re high (>2000) : Turbulent
• u = the velocity of flow
• v = the fluid kinematic viscosity
• l = the diameter of a pipe or depth of flow in an open channel
Laminar dan Turbulent Flow

(Boggs, 2006)
Turbulent Flow
• In turbulent flow the velocity distribution is much
more uniform over most of the thickness of the
flow, but changes much more sharply very close to
the boundary.
• layer next to the boundary, where viscous shearing
is more important than turbulence, could be called
the viscosity-dominated layer
Dynamic Flow
Forces on Particles
The forces on the smooth surface of the hemisphere:
• Viscous forces → are exerted tangential to the solid surface. Because
the fluid is undergoing shear next to the solid surface
• Pressure forces → fluids exert pressure within themselves and also on
all solid boundaries (force per unit area) acting perpendicular to the
Particle Entrainment by Current

(Boggs, 2006)
Bernoulli equation

Nichols, 2009
Particle Entrainment: Hjulström’s Diagram
Flow and Forces
Viscosity – dominated layer
Flow and Forces
High above the viscous sublayer
Pattern of Flow
Mekanisme Tranportasi Sedimen
➢By fluid flow
• Traction : grain rolling/sliding along substrate
• Saltation : grain hopping along substrate
• Suspension : ‘permanent’ grain entrainment

➢By gravity flow

• Grain flow : cohesionless sediment movement
• Debris flow : viscous sediment movement
• Liquefied flow : over-pressured interstitial fluid
• Density flow : slurry movement driven by differential
Mekanisme Tranportasi Sedimen

By fluid flow

Nichols, 2009
The Sediment Load
• bed load → travels in direct contact with the bed or
so close to the bed as not to be substantially
affected by the fluid turbulence.
• suspended load → maintained in temporary
suspension above the bed by the action of upwardly
moving turbulent eddies.
Beban Sedimen dan Jalur Transportasi

(Boggs, 2006)
Sediment Movement
Transported Grains
Bed Load
Traction Carpet
Suspended Load
Suspended Load
Verical turbulent > fall Verical turbulent >> fall
Velocities sediment particles Velocities sediment particles
Mixed – Sized Sediments

A. Larger particles tend to be exposed to the force of the flow

B. Smaller particles tend to be shielded from the force of the flow
Mixed – Sized Sediments

A. Larger particles roll easily on bed of small particles

B. Smaller particles roll with difficulty on a bed of larger particles
Endapan Fluid Flow

(Boggs, 2006)
Mekanisme Tranportasi Sedimen
By gravity flow
Transportasi Partikel oleh Aliran
Gravity Sedimen

(Boggs, 2006):
Transportasi Partikel oleh Aliran
Gravity Sedimen

(Boggs, 2006)
Kecepatan Aliran Arus Turbidit
The head of the surge is about twice as
thick as the rest of the flow and is
characterized by intense turbulence.
Flow within the body of a surge-type
turbidity current is nearly steady and
uniform and the flow is almost
uniform in thickness.
The tail of the flow thins abruptly
away from the body and becomes
more dilute.

(Boggs, 2006)
Endapan Arus Turbidit
Oscillatory Flows (Forming wave ripples)
• unidirectional flow: a current that moves in one
direction only
• oscillatory flow: a current that reverses its direction
periodically with time.

Nichols, 2009
Graph of Oscillatory – Unidirectional Velocity
Generation of Wave Ripples

Water movement during generation of wave ripples. Note that the orbital movement of water is
flattening close to sediment surface and well developed symmetrical shapes form at this surface
Separated Flow Over a Ripple or a Dune

Nichols, 2009 • Rolling grain ripples produced when the oscillatory motion is
capable only of moving the grains on the bed surface.
• Vortex ripples are formed by higher energy waves relative to the
grain size of the sediment
Bedforms & Unidirectional Currents

(Boggs, 2006)

The terminology used to describe asymmetric ripples.

Bedforms & Unidirectional Currents
Bedforms & Unidirectional Currents

Internal character of ripples. Note dominance of forset over single bottom set
laminae and a stoss side laminae
Sequence of Bedforms
The succession of bedforms that develops
during unidirectional flow of sandy sediment in
shallow water as flow velocity increases.

(Boggs, 2006)

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