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School: Bert Church High School

Teacher Name:  Tony Lucas

Homeroom/Grade/Course:  English 20-2
Week of: March 30—April 3, 2020
General Comments: 
Hello English 20-2 class! I hope this finds you well. I am definitely missing seeing you. I think I
mostly miss joking around with the students. I even miss the students who were “fake-coughing” to
make light of the serious virus situation that has forced us to stay mostly at home. Anyhow, I look
forward to working with you in the upcoming weeks, even if it’s not face to face like we’re used to.

Learning Outcomes Being Addressed This Week: 
This week, we will start on our novel study—Of Mice and Men.

Activity/Task #1: Read PowerPoint Presentation “Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck”
Description of Activity or Task: 
1. Please look at the “Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck” PowerPoint presentation. This describes the author’s
background, which in turn explains, to a certain extent, what the book is about.

Estimate of Time Required: 20 minutes

Attached, and also available at
Activity/Task #2: Read Chapter 1
Estimate of Time Required: 1 hour 


Chapter 1 (pages 1-8)—available at
Also available at

Activity/Task #3: Chapter 1 questions

Description of Activity or Task: 
Answer questions 1-20. These are all relatively simple, straight-forward questions, except for
#20, which asks for a paragraph that describes the main characters, Lennie and George.
Estimate of Time Required: 1 hour
Refer to the text (
Demonstration of Learning (remove if not required for this activity/task) 
See Chapter 1 questions—attached, and also available at

Summative Assessments This Week: None

Summary Comments: 
Please send me your completed work, or any questions you might have, to

I look forward to “hearing” from you. Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions; I’ll do my best to be
helpful. My job is to be here for you, and I look forward to doing that. Usually, I read this novel aloud
to the class, which gives us plenty of opportunities to discuss details. I understand that you reading
on your own will be more difficult. As a result, I encourage you to ask as many questions as you can
to help with your comprehension of the book.

I will reply to any emails within 24 hours, but there’s a better chance of a quick response regarding
English 20-2 questions from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

This approach to school might be difficult and challenging, especially at the beginning, but let’s work
together to make it work.

Take care,


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