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School: Learning Area: English


DAILY LESSON PLAN Teaching Dates and
Time: November 29, 2019 Week/Day: 1/3

The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literatures and other text types serve as vehicles of
CONTENT STANDARDS expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals or groups; also how to use strategies in critical reading, ANNOTATIONS
listening, and viewing, and affirmation and negation markers to deliver impromptu and extemporaneous speeches.
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner proficiently delivers an argumentative speech emphasizing how to resolve conflicts among individuals or
LEARNING COMPETENCIES/ EN10SS-IId-1.5.2: Scan for needed information
OBJECTIVES EN10VC-IIe-26: Detect bias and prejudice in the material viewed
EN10V-IIa-13.9: Give technical and operational definitions
LEARNING RESOURCES Copy of the text, Power point presentation, laptop, video clip
A. Reviewing Previous Lessons or Presenting Post pictures showing bias/prejudice. KRA 2: OBJECTIVE # 5
new lesson Ask: What do the pictures try to show us? - Exhibited effective and constructive behavior management skills by applying
positive and non-violent discipline to ensure learning focused-environment..
MOV – Use the following strategies like providing motivation, praising learners’ giving
positive feedback, allowing learners to express their ideas and giving equal opportunities to

Post the second set of pictures.

1. What does the second set of pictures try to tell us?
2. What do these sets of pictures reveal about men and women?

B. Establishing a Purpose for the lesson Ask: KRA 1: OBJECTIVE # 3

Should woman always be pictured as weak or doing household chores and men as strong like warriors and boss at home?
- Develops and applies effective teaching strategies to promote
Explain your answer. critical and creative thinking as well as other high-order
thinking skills (HOTS)
Pair work:
Directions: Find out the message conveyed by the comic strip and be ready to share your ideas in class. MOV – Performance task highlighting the use of HOTS

Processing Questions:
1. .What is the character in the comic strip prejudiced or biased for? Against?
2. What could be the reason for bias/prejudice?
3. Is it right to have bias or prejudice?
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the Lesson Ask:
Can you think of words that you could associate with prejudices/ bias? Use the word web in writing the

__ __

__ BIAS ___ __ PREJUDICE ___

___ ___

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Discussion:

BIAS - is disproportionate weight in favor of or against an idea or thing, usually in a way that is closed-
minded, prejudicial, or unfair. 
Example: Female teachers give more attention to girls.
PREJUDICE - is an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought
or reason. It simply means to pre-judge others.
Example: It is sometimes assumed that someone who is physically disabled is also mentally disabled.

The seven forms of bias in instructional materials are:

1. INVISIBILITY: What you don’t see makes  a lasting impression.  This is the most fundamental
and oldest form of bias where a character is relatively excluded in a group.
2. STEREOTYPING: Shortcuts to bigotry. This is the most familiar form of bias, where it assigns
the most rigid set of characteristics to all members of a group.  It can be positive, but
characters are often portrayed negatively.
3. IMBALANCE AND SELECTIVITY: A tale half told.  This is a one-sided interpretation or
presentation of an issue, situation or group of people.
4. UNREALITY: Rose-colored glasses.  This is the tendency of researchers to “gloss over”
unpleasant facts and events in our history while ignoring the true situation that exists like
prejudice,  racism, discrimination, oppression and many others.
5. FRAGMENTATION AND ISOLATION: The parts are less than a whole.  Please see this link
for further explanation:
6. LINGUISTIC BIAS: Words count.  This is the blatant and subtle use of words or forms but has
impact on race, gender, accents, and many others.
7. COSMETIC BIAS: “Shiny” covers.  This is the “illusion” strategy to suggest that a text is bias
free where, in fact, bias persists. 
E. Developing Mastery Task 3 WATCH THAT LABEL
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Here’s a video featuring a Filipina actress who claims that it’s not right to put a label on anyone.
Watch it and find out the label attached to her."
1. What is the “label” attached to the woman in the video?"
2. Do you agree with what the woman said" Why"
3. When you put a “label” on someone, are you also being biased" Explain
4. What advice would you give to the woman in the video"

F. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and  Group Activity: 4 groups with 9-10 members, each group will have a leader. KRA 2: OBJECTIVE # 5
Skills in Daily Living  Guidelines - Manages learners behavior constructively by
a. Give sensible feedback applying positive and non-violent discipline to
b. Respect each other ensure learning-focused environment..
c. Focus on task given MOV – to minimize and prevent misbehavior, guidelines are
d. Use soft voice and participate actively
e. Stay with your group.
 Rubrics MOV – Learners are given positive feedback after each
CRITERIA POINTS group presentation.
Content 10 points
Presentation 5 points
Teamwork 5 points - Works with colleagues to model and share effective
TOTAL POINTS 20 points techniques in the management of classroom structure to
engage learners individually or in groups in meaningful
Group 1: Think of at least professions which show biases / prejudices in terms of sex. Write it on MOV -- The learners are given differentiated activities according to
a ¼ sheet of manila paper. their strengths and interests.
MOV – By applying differentiated activities with rubrics, students
Group 2: Create a mini dialogue showing your personal experience of prejudice or bias. For are ensured of their active participation. And by giving clear
instructions before doing the activity
Group 3: Compose a short verse encouraging people not to practice prejudice / bias
Group 4: Think of other commercials which show biases / prejudices and explain the prejudice /
bias shown.
Group Presentation
Not to exceed 3minutes for each presentation.
(Students are given recognition in the task presented.)

G. Making Generalizations and Abstractions Ask:

about the Lesson 1. Do you think it is right to have bias and prejudice? Why?
2. Can bias/prejudice be avoided? How?
H. Evaluating Learning Direction: Choose the correct answer on the following questions. KRA 4: OBJECTIVE # 10
- Designs, selects diagnostic, formative and
1. The company’s homepage opens with an eye-catching animation of employees (from summative assessment strategies consistent with
numerous racial and ethnic groups) yet the Web developers on the credit line are all male the curriculum requirements.
names. What form of bias is reflected on the scenario?
A. Stereotyping
MOV – The use of formative assessment consistent with
B. Cosmetic bias curriculum requirements is followed in order to interpret the
C. Linguistic bias result of the learners’ progress.
D. Invisibility
2. . Religious factors related to the terrorist attacks on September 1, 2001 were not included in - Monitors and evaluate learners’ progress and
the unit’s readings. What form of bias is shown in the statement? achievement using learners’ attainment data.
A. Imbalance and Selectivity MOV – Results of evaluation are monitored and reflected
B. Fragmentation and Isolation on the Learners’ Data in order to support and assess
C. Unreality
D. Linguistic Bias
learners’ progress and achievement.

3. A Web site suggests strategies for identifying learning disabilities by describing four boys with
reading and speaking problems. What form of bias is depicted?
A. Cosmetic Bias
B. Unreality
C. Imbalance and Selectivity
D. Stereotyping
4. . Which of the following images shows gender bias?

5. Study the given images below then answer the questions that follow.

What form of bias does the image focused on?

A. Fragmentation and Isolation
B. Invisibility
C. Stereotyping
D. Unreality

Checking of answer sheets, monitoring the scores and

submission of papers for recording is done right away after the
test to interpret the result of the learners’ progress.
I. Additional Activities for Application or Directions: Have you heard and seen examples of bias around you?
Remediation 1. Fill out the table below for more examples of bias and prejudice you have experienced
around you.
2. Work on it with your group the second column write examples of advertisements and in
the last column write the bias found in each example.
3. Choose one among the advertisements and role play it.

Examples Biased on«

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