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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Batangas


I. Direction:
Identify the figurative words used in each sentence. Write S for Simile, M for
metaphor, P for Personification

______1. The kettle sings as its sits on the stove.

______2. The flower swayed happily in the wind.
______3. The grass dances with the wind.
______4. The sun is a ball of fire.
______5. The dictionary is like the bankbook that guides us in use of the words and their
______6. The clouds are as white as the cotton.
______7. Her brother was a tower of strength during those hard times.
______8. The airplane was swallowed by the thick clouds.
______9. An army of fleas attacked the dogs.
______10. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls.
______11. The leaves whisper their words to each other as the wind passes by.
______12. We waited centuries before we are attended to

Complete the sentences with the appropriate idiom in the box.

raining cats and dogs well to do family

call on keep an eye. come to light
rubbed elbows black sheep

13. The truth will always _________. Nothing is hidden in darkness.

14. The streets are flooded, it’s ________. Many people are evacuating.
15. She was born to a _________. She never had any problem with money.
16. My sister is the ____________in the family. She always brings trouble.
17. Please ____________on the baby. She might get hurt.

III. Direction

Choose the correct expressions used in participation in club meetings.

______18. Jeoffrey was appointed acting chairman. What would he say
a. The meeting is adjourned b. The meeting will please come to order c. I
______19. The Secretary reads the minutes.
a. The agenda of the last meeting were_________ b. I suggest that... c. I move
______20. When somebody wants to be recognized.
a. I second the motion b. The meeting is adjourned c. Mr. Chairman, may I have the

IV. Following Directions ( Listening)

I. Direction: Box the descriptive word /modifier in each sentence. In the blank before each
number, write ADJ for adjective and ADV for adverb.
____1. The king was a just ruler.
____2. I have just started this assignment.
____3. Everyone worked hard on the projects for the science fair.
____4. The toast had become hard and cold.
____5. We have less homework than usual tonight.
____6. I enjoyed the stage play less than the movie.
____7. Jess skates better than Tony.
____8. This book seems better than that one.
____9. Peggy can swim faster than Carol.
____10. The jockey wanted a faster horse.
____11. The explorers climbed a high mountain.
____12. The plane flew high overhead.
____13. Linda took a long drink of water.
____14. How long have you waited here?
____15. Come close, and I’ll tell you a secret.

II.. Write the correct degree of adverb called for the following sentences.

16. He reads well, but you read ( well )

17.Cabbage grows ( abundantly ) in Baguio than in Nueva Ecija.
18.Of all the children in the class, Dina can read the ( fast )
19.The ground shook ( hard ) than any of the earthquakes we had experienced.
20.Healthy children often finish their works ( early ) than the sickly ones.

III.Directions: Read each story and complete the sentences that follow it. Choose the phrase or
that best completes each sentence. Write the only the letter of your best choice.
21. Bo-bo smelled something unlike any odor that had ever reached his nostril before. His mouth
began to water. He did not know what to think of this new experience. He smelled something ____
a. sweet b. foul c. delicious
22. The ears of Ho-ti tingled with horror that he should have a son who ate burnt pig instead of pig
in its natural state. During those time _______
a. people knew how to use fire b. it was a sin to eat roasted pig c. people ate raw meat
23. The members of the jury all licked their fingers and without a word. They brought in a verdict
of “not guilty”. The members of the jury ___________
a. liked the taste of the roast pig b. took pity on Ho-ti and Bo-bo
c. believed that father and son deserved to be pardoned for committing sin for the first time

IV. Direction; Give opinion on the following situations. Choose your answer from the choices
24.Everyone was told to follow directions. You missed some because you were not paying
attention. How will you so solve your problem?
A. Request my teacher to repeat the directions
B. Ask my seatmate
C. Don’t do anything
25.Christian is a trouble maker in the class. The teacher often scolds him. If you were his friend
what would you do?
A. I will request the teacher not to scold him
B. I will tell and help him to change his character
C. I will avoid him for I may also become a troublemaker
Honesty is the best Policy.

Summative Test in ENGLISH

I. Use for or since to complete the meaning of the following sentences On your
paper, write correctly the word in the parenthesis using the present perfect
1.They _______ ( send ) a lot of invitation letters ________ last week.
2. She ________( work ) very well _________ almost a year.
3. She _______ ( save ) money _______ the last two months.
4. My sister _________ ( gain ) more friends _______ she attended school.
5. They _______ ( display ) their exhibits _________ last week.
6. They _______ ( be ) in the conference room ______ almost an hour.
7. They _______ ( choose ) the topic _________ yesterday.
8. Mother _________ ( learn ) to bake ________ she was ten years old.
9. She ________ ( earn ) a lot of money _______ she was four years old.
10. The journalist ________ ( publish ) a lot of stories ________ she was in high school.
II. Complete the forms of the verb
Bite _______ bitten or bit
______ broke broken
choose ________ chosen
drive drove _________
_______ ate eaten
fall ______ fallen
give gave _________
_______ rode ridden
rise ______ risen
_______ saw seen
speak spoke __________
steal ________ stolen
_______ took taken
_______ wrote written
III. Underline the verb. in parentheses that best completes each sentence.
1. Everyone (likes, like) the pizza in the cafeteria.
2. One of the answers (is, are) correct.
3. Everybody (crowds, crowd) around the stage.
4. (Is, Are) anyone allowed to borrow books from the library?
5. No one (lives, live) in the middle of the desert.
6. All of the frightened sheep (tries, try) to run away from the snarling wolf.
7. Most of the neighbors (was, were) enjoying the cool summer breeze.
8. Either of the songs (seems, seem) perfect for the party.
9. Both of the girls (plays, play) soccer well.
10. Several of the club members (meets, meet) in the library each week.
I. Directions: Use too + adjective + nominal phrase to fill the blanks. Choose your answer
the box.

too slow too big too young

too small too old too close
too large too tiny too many
too light too close too few

1. That umbrella is ______________ for the four of you to use.

2. This apartment is ____________ for a family of twelve members.
3. Shally Mar is ____________ to go to school alone.
4. Nancy, a 4-year old child is ________________ to go to school alone.
5. The carabao is _______________ to chase a rat.
6. Liberty is ___________ to get zero in the test.
7. These books are __________ to read for one day.
8. The people voting are __________ so we cannot push through with the election.
9. This bag is ______________ for two weeks travel.
10. These lines in the notebooks that mother has given me are_____________ to each other
that my
penmanship has to be very small.

II. Directions: Match and join the sentences A and B using the expression + adjective
+enough + to +
simple form of the verb.

1. Marimar is very slim and tall a. it can attract many tourists.
2. The athletes are enthusiastic b. he can go to school
3. Jessie James is big c. she can pass the interview
4. Guimaras Island is beautiful d. she can win many friends
5. Cryztal Joy is smart e. he can earn lots of money
6. Mrs. Legita is amiable f. she can introduce lots of innovations
7. My very best friend is responsible. g. she can handle her work well
8. Mang Aniano is old . h. she can work as a model
9. Mrs. Carillo is very intelligent i. they can maintain their good
10. Uncle Rufino is industrious j. he can shoot a distant
k. he can manage his family well
l. they can visit now

Honesty is the Best Policy.


I.Directions: Read the selection carefully and give other possible causes to a given effect
and other effects
to a given cause by completing the table below.

Pia was swimming by herself in the little cove near her house. She saw –or
thought she saw – a girl about her age warming herself on the rocks. But the sun was in
Pia’s eyes, so she blinked. And in a flash, just before she closed her eyes, she saw a
silver fish-tail.
“Pia!” the mermaid called, “Don’t be afraid, Pia.” Pia felt a cold stream of water
but she didn’t move because she was so curious. “My name is Lia,” the mermaid said,
popping up beside her in the
water. “Do you want to explore with me?” “Yes,” Pia said. “Can you take me with you?”
“Wear this necklace so you can breathe underwater,” Lia said. “Ready? Let’s go!
” They spent a morning exploring the coral reef. There were fishes of all
colors, and shells, and seahorses. There were beautiful coral formations, but Pia did not
touch anything, because her father had always told her that some sea animals had a way
of protecting themselves with poison.
When it was time to go home, they swam back to the beach and Pia returned
the necklace. “Thank you, Lia!” she said. “That was beautiful!” “It was fun for me, too,”
said Lia. “Bye!”

1.) The sun was in Pia’s eyes 1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
1. _________________________________ 2.) Pia did not move
2. _________________________________

3.) Pia wore necklace 1. _________________________________

2. _________________________________

4.) Pia’s father had warned her that some 1.

sea creatures are poisonous 2. _________________________________

1. _________________________________ 5.) They swam back to the beach.

2. _________________________________

Directions: Read the following situations and give other events that could
happen next by writing your
answer on the space provided. (2 pts for each situation)

1. Sara got on her bike. She waved goodbye to Mother then rode out of the gate. As she
went down the
hill, the bike went faster and faster.

2. Anna was in a hurry. She had waited for her first flute lesson all week, and she didn’t
want to be late.
She threw her music bag over her shoulder and started down the walk. Gusts of
cold wind blew
around her. She was adjusting the straps of her bag and didn’t see the tree limb that had
fallen in the
middle of the walk.

3. Anna tripped over the limb, fell to the walk, and skinned her knees. She picked herself
right up and
went back into the house to wash the scrapes. Anna’s mother checked to make sure she
was all right.
Then she asked, “Do you still want to go to your flute lesson, Anna?”

4. Anna told her mother that she was perfectly OK and didn’t want to miss her lesson.
“It will take
more than just a few scratches to keep me from this adventure!” she said as she left the
house again.

5. People in Barangay Malipayon are busy preparing for something. Some are cooking
different kinds
of food. Others are entertaining their friends and relatives. While Banderitas are hanging
along the
streets and a column of people are walking towards the church to attend the mass.

Honesty is the Best Policy.


1. Global warming is the ______ (bad) problem the people of world are facing.
2. Planting of trees are the _______ (good) remedy they have found to at least lessen its
3. Practicing Proper Garbage Disposal is ______ (good) than disseminating information to
number of people.
4. Analiza has __________ (good) idea than Pamposa.
5. The Gobi Dessert has ______ (little) rainful than Sahara Dessert.
6. Living in a rural area is the _________ (good) decision I have ever made.
7. Rufing is the _________ (bad) typhoon that hit the country for ten years.
8. Moro Ami Fishing is the ______ (bad) way of catching fish.
9. Composition Writing is the _______ (little) learned skills among Elementary School Pupils.
10. They Test Item Analysis showed that Mathematics got the ________ (many) number of
A. Rewrite the adjectives in a series to complete each sentence correctly.
11. My mom bought(Canadian, red, fresh, three) in the market.
12. (English, business, an) expert will meet the salesmen next week
13. four, small, the, dark, African) children render us a song number.
14. My dad bought (Nokia, a, new, handy) cellphone at Virra Mall.
15. Carlo gave his mom (pink, fragrant, sweet, five) roses on her barthday.
B. Arrange the adjectives correctly to describe each given noun.Use in your own
16. national, a, wide -- park
17.long, an , easy -- Science test
18. Korean, that, hot --- dish
19. rectangular, colorful, red, cotton -- cloth
20. black, five, fat, hardworking --- carabaos
C. Write the correct adjective form of the words in the parentheses to complete the
( wise ) 21. My dad is ___________than my brother.
( good ) 22. Carlosis a _______man.
( interesting ) 23. Mountain hiking is_______ than biking.
(big ) 24. Of all continents in the world, Asia is the__________.
(thick ) 25. Your book is _______than my book.
(important ) 26. Health is______ in our life.
(. delicious ) 27 A hamburger is_______ than a chicken sandwich
(easy) 28. Our test in Math is ______than Science.
(smart ) 29. Among the three applicants, Sam is the_________
(expensive ) 30. Education is_______ nowadays.

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