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Milind Tapodhan, Passionate learner of the Vedic Astrology

Answered 22h ago

8th house is called Randhra Sthana and it is more linked with the secret and
hidden wisdom and knowledge. It is also related with death and self
transformation. Emergencies and sudden ups and downs are also shown by
8th house.

Rahu is a planet that likes to break taboos and climb the social ladder of
fame and recognition in a speedy manner. In the 8th house. it wants to
achieve the admiration and recognition by his secret and hidden

However, Rahu feels little frustrated in 8th house too. As the admiration or
recognition received doesn’t get much publicity due to secrecy. i.e. Spy a...


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Pradeep Ahirwar, Senior Administrator, at Mahanagar Gas Limited (2017-

Answered Jan 5

Rahu in the 8th house can give you fame based on conditions as mentioned below:

1. If the lord of the 8th house is placed in 10th or 11th house.

2. If the nakshatra lord of Rahu sign is placed in kendra house, in its own or friendly
sign, or in conjunction with friendly planet.

For example: If Scorpio rules the 8th house and Rahu is in Anuradha nakshatra
which is ruled by Saturn and that Saturn is placed in 10th or 11th house in its own
house OR in conjunct with Venus.

3. If most of the planets in the chart are placed in the nakshatra of Rahu.

For example: If Scorpio rules the 8th house, and Nak...(more)

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Ram Trivedi, studied Astrology & Jyotish at Sanskrit College,kolkata

Answered Jan 6

Rahu does not give fame when it is placed in the 8th house.

Rahu in the 8th house gives demotion & fall.

Rahu in the 8th house also exhibits certain behaviors such as theft, robbery,
smuggling, kidnapping, etc.

Rahu in the 8th house may also give inclination towards other crimes as

If there is Rahu & moon conjunction in the 8th house, then there can also
be instances of mental illnesses.

Various attributes linked with Rahu in the 8th house are mental disorders,
worry, disturbances, insanity, etc.

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Can Rahu in the 8th house give fame? - Quora

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