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Stress is a normal part of life. You can experience stress from your environment, your body,

and your thoughts. You can’t completely eliminate stress from your life, but you can control

how much it affects you. However, not all stress are bad. It can motivate people to prepare or

perform, like when they need to take a test or interview for a new job. Stress is associated

with depression and anxiety. The example of stress are include to our daily routine such as

pressures of work, school, family and other daily responsibilities. We all have it, and how we

handle it can make all the difference. So here, how we can reduce stress ?

There is a few ways to reduce stress. First thing, try to avoid all the unnecessary

stress. Slip away once in a while for some private time. These quiet moments may

give you a fresh perspective on your problems. It is important to avoid stressful people.

For example, if you don’t get along with your friend, but you

don’t want to make an issue of it, u can avoid yourself from meeting them. If someone

consistently causes stress in your life and you can’t turn the relationship around, limit the

amount of time you spend with. Having other positive people around you will absorb some of

the pressure that you normally feel before. How awesome our life would be if we live in this

kind of surrounding.

Next, if you can’t avoid a stressful situation, try to alter it. Take your time, pamper

yourself. So, you can manage your time better. Poor time management can cause a lot of

stress. it’s hard to stay calm and focused to our work when we tend to be stress all time. In

our daily life, we can practice healthy lifestyles to relax and recharge our mind. Do

something that you enjoy every day. Make time for leisure activities that bring you joy,

whether it be stargazing, jogging, gardening and go for a walk in the morning to start our day.

I bet you have many other favorite ways to relax, things you enjoy doing, right ?. Lastly, start
your day with breakfast, and keep your energy up and your mind clear with balanced,

nutritious meals throughout the day. By reducing the amount of coffee, soft drinks, chocolate,

and sugar snacks in your diet, you will feel more relaxed and you will sleep better.

Apart from this, when your mind carry too much tension, it can lead to muscle pain.

But what you might not realize is, it can lead to headaches, stomach problems, and difficulty

of sleeping. During times of high stress, do you ever find yourself feeling anxious or

depressed? Take a time to do a massage because massage is the perfect way to lift your

mood. As well as that, massage is a powerful tool to help you reach your fitness goals.

In conclusion, as we can see, stress comes in many forms and affects people of all

ages. We know that chronic or uninterrupted stress is very harmful. It is important to be

careful from the beginning before it's too late. I really hope that some of stress management

tips can help you drastically reduce your stress levels. Last but not least, learn to recognize

and respond to your stress signals. Thank You.

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