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Because people have many things to do, little time and things to pay for.

Taking time to do what you like or go for a walk and distract yourself.

RELAXING: Relaxing helps us to be calm with ourselves, think calmly about the problems and to
relieve stress.

WORKING OUT: Working out helps us improve mental health and helps us to distract ourselves
from daily routines.

EATING HEALTHILY: Eating healthy makes us feel good with our body and makes us feel better,
this relieves stress for some people who worry about their weight.

GOING ON HOLIDAY: Going on holiday allows us to disconnect from our lives, forget about
schedules and routines and focus on ourselves.

SPENDING TIME WITH FRIENDS: Spending time with our friends benefits us in that we can tell
them our problems and and we can have fun.
I think that SPENDING TIME WITH FRIENDS is very effective in combating stress because we
can tell them our problems and this reduces stress, also we can go out with them to distract
ourselves and have fun.

Equally efective is GOING ON HOLIDAY bescause helps us forget about the things we do in the
day and those boring routines. In addition, in this vacations we can meet new places and
people to calm stress.

Being more informed helps prevent these health problems.

It would be necessary students know this because students know could save lives if an
accident were to happen in the classrooms.

Ideally, a free medical system would make it possible for people who don't have a lot of money
to take medication.

I think that each person is responsible for their care and the environment.

I feel I do because I try to exercise when I can and eat healthy most of the time.

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