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Social Distancing is The Best Way for Indonesia

Nowadays, the world surprised by coronavirus pandemic which spread quickly

around the world. According to on March, 28th 2020, the number of
coronavirus cases is more than five hundred thousand cases around the world.
Coronavirus can quickly spread through small droplets that are inhaled by someone
when close together. Here are some reasons why social distancing is the right solution
to reduce the spread of the coronavirus in Indonesia.

Coronavirus spreads easily through small droplets that we accidentally breathe.

WHO recommends keeping a distance of 1 meter or more to prevent the spread of the
coronavirus which can be easily transmitted. If we limit our social interactions in daily
life, of course, the spread of coronavirus can be suppressed. Therefore, we need to
limit our social interactions and keep our distance to reduce the spread of

If Indonesia applies lockdown, the economy in Indonesia is threatened to die.

According to CNBC Indonesia, Indonesia’s economy that dies will cause many
companies in Indonesia will suffer losses and be threatened out of business. With
these conditions, many office workers will be fired from their work. This condition
makes national security worse, especially in the economic field.

Social distancing makes our time with family increased. With an appeal to limit
social interaction, the government recommends working and studying at home.
Indirectly, this makes our time with family increased. So, our family will be more

From all the above, it can be concluded that the steps chosen by the
government are very appropriate. With social distancing, the national security that the
government wants can be achieved. Therefore, let’s help the government to fight the
spread of coronavirus by staying at home and maintaining our physical contact with
those around us. #dirumahaja

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