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Hemodynamics of cardiac arrest

Michael. P. Frenneaux and Stig Steen

Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Birmingham, UK
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University Hospital of Lund, Sweden

Stroke volume and cardiac output resistance. Systemic vascular resistance is a static resist-
ance, principally determined by the tone of arterioles. This
Each ventricle normally ejects approximately 70–75 ml tone is controlled by humoral and neural factors (particu-
with each heart beat (the stroke volume) at a rate of larly sympathetic tone)1 and by paracrine factors (including
approximately 70 beats per minute, resulting in a cardiac nitric oxide, prostaglandins, endothelium-derived hyper-
output of approximately 5 litres per minute. polarizing factor, and endothelin).2 Systemic vascular
Stroke volume is determined by: resistance represents the global resistance produced by
1. the intrinsic contractile properties of the heart (which small artery and arteriolar tone. At a local level, changes in
are modified by the effects of ischemia, by circulating resistance vessel tone modulate tissue perfusion.
hormones, and by autonomic stimulation);
2. the degree of stretch of the left ventricle during diastole,
Large arteries
i.e., its “preload” (the Frank–Starling phenomenon).
This in turn is dependent on: The large arteries are more than simply passive conduits.
(a) total blood volume, The fixed and dynamic properties of the large arteries pro-
(b) venous tone, which determines the distribution foundly affect blood pressure and left ventricular perform-
of blood volume between the venous and central ance. In healthy young subjects the large arteries (such as
compartments the aorta, and iliac vessels) are very compliant and exert a
(c) left ventricular compliance – determined by intrin- damping effect on pulsatile left ventricular outflow, result-
sic left ventricular myocardial compliance, and in ing in a relatively lower systolic pressure and a higher dias-
some circumstances by external constraint from the tolic pressure. Aging of the large arteries renders them less
right ventricle, pericardium, and mediastinal struc- compliant, impairing this damping function and resulting
tures (see later) in relatively higher systolic and lower diastolic blood pres-
3. The “Afterload” against which the heart contracts. When sures for any given mean blood pressure. Furthermore, in
the heart contracts against a high afterload, stroke the elderly, central aortic pressure is augmented by pres-
volume tends to fall. sure wave reflection from the periphery. Following left ven-
tricular ejection there is a forward travelling pressure wave
which is then reflected back from branch sites (where there
Arterial physiology and hemodynamics is impedance mismatch). In healthy young arteries the
pressure wave travels relatively slowly and returns to the
aorta in diastole, where it helps to maintain diastolic pres-
Small arteries and arterioles
sure and flow, whereas in stiffer elderly arteries it travels
Mean arterial blood pressure (2⁄3 diastolic BP  1⁄3 systolic more rapidly, returning to the central aorta in systole, aug-
BP) is the product of cardiac output and systemic vascular menting the systolic pressure.3

Cardiac Arrest: The Science and Practice of Resuscitation Medicine. 2nd edn., ed. Norman Paradis, Henry Halperin, Karl Kern, Volker Wenzel, Douglas
Chamberlain. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press, 2007.


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348 M.P. Frenneaux and S. Steen

In summary, whereas the arterioles modulate static Hemodynamic changes occurring following
resistance, the properties of the large arteries determine cardiac arrest
dynamic impedance, which is analogous to resistance but
relates to pulsatile rather than to steady flow. Most of the experimental studies published have examined
the hemodynamic changes occurring after the onset
of ventricular fibrillation (VF). VF results in totally incoor-
Venous capacitance dinate ventricular activity, with effective cessation of ven-
tricular contraction. Interestingly, as first described by
The capacitance vessels serve a reservoir function. Over William Harvey,6 atrial contractions may continue for a
70% of total blood volume is located in the venous com- considerable period after the onset of cardiac arrest. The
partment. Of this, the vast majority is in the small veins effects of these atrial contractions may be evident in the
and venules, with the minority in the medium sized and aortic pressure tracing (Fig. 17.1).
large veins. Because of the large volume of blood within At the instant of cardiac arrest, a large pressure gradient
the venous compartment, relatively small changes in exists between the central aorta (mean arterial pressure)
venous tone markedly alter the distribution of blood and the right side of the heart. Despite cessation of ven-
volume. An increase in venous tone shifts blood from the tricular contraction, this pressure gradient drives ante-
venous compartment to the heart, increasing intracardiac grade blood flow which will continue until the pressure
pressures, whereas a reduction in venous tone has the gradient has been completely dissipated. Direct visual
opposite effect. In patients with heart failure, for example, inspection and cardiac MRI studies have shown a rapid
diuretic treatment may reduce total blood volume yet increase in right ventricular volume following cardiac
central blood volume (and jugular venous pressure) may arrest, as blood is translocated from the systemic circula-
remain high because of venoconstriction. Unlike the tion to the right side of the heart along its pressure gradi-
arteries, the venous system exerts only a modest resist- ent (Fig. 17.2).7,8 There is also a pressure gradient between
ance to blood flow. pulmonary artery and left atrium, and flow therefore con-
tinues through the pulmonary circulation to dissipate this
gradient. When these pressures equalise, this flow ceases
Coronary blood flow and the pulmonary vasculature including the extraperi-
cardial component of the pulmonary veins is distended
Whereas flow in most organs occurs predominantly in with blood (Fig. 17.3). The theoretical pressure at which
systole, flow in the coronary arteries occurs mainly during the pressures converge throughout the circulation was
diastole.4 The high pressures generated in the left ventricle termed “Statischer Fullungsdruck” by Weber in 1851,9 or
during systole impede flow through the intramural micro- “Static Blood Pressure” by Starr in 1940.10 Guyton pro-
vessels (i.e., coronary vascular resistance rises markedly posed that arterial and systemic venous pressure would
during systole) by generating a backward travelling com- almost reach equilibrium (at a pressure he called “Mean
pression wave, and forward flow in the coronary arteries Circulatory Filling Pressure”) 30–50 seconds after the
during the latter part of isovolumic relaxation is mainly a heart stopped beating.11 This equilibrium pressure is
“suction” phenomenon due to rapid relaxation of the left determined by total blood volume and by total vascular
ventricle, with an associated rapid reduction in the pres- “capacitance” (of which venous capacitance provides the
sure within the intramural coronary microvessels.5 largest contribution). Consequently, this concept has
Compared with other tissues, the perfusion gradient been used by physiologists to assess the effects of inter-
across the heart is smaller. Because flow occurs in diastole, ventions on venous capacitance in animal models. Mean
the upstream pressure is aortic diastolic rather than mean circulatory filling pressure is estimated during brief
pressure. Furthermore, although the coronary sinus drains induced ventricular fibrillation. As blood pressure falls
into the right atrium, coronary microvascular pressure is however, baroreflex inactivation may be expected to
markedly influenced by left ventricular diastolic pressure, increase sympathetic outflow, increasing venous tone
which is usually substantially higher than right atrial pres- and leading to an equilibrium pressure which overesti-
sure. The perfusion of the heart may be compromised by a mates the venous tone that existed prior to cardiac arrest.
reduction in aortic diastolic pressure, the presence of Consequently, some groups have calculated a theoretical
stenoses in the epicardial coronary arteries, an increase in equilibrium pressure on the basis of the pressure changes
coronary microvascular resistance, or an increase in left in the arteries and veins occurring during the first few
ventricular end diastolic pressure. seconds after onset of VF.12 Postmortem studies have

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Hemodynamics of cardiac arrest 349

Ascending aorta
Blood pressure (mmHg)




Right atrium

–5 0 5 10 15 20 95 100
Time (S)
Fig. 17.1. Example of aortic pressure and RA pressure in the pig model following the onset of VF cardiac
arrest. Phasic changes in both pressures are seen due to continuing atrial contraction. (Figure provided
by S. Steen.)

shown an equilibrium pressure in human corpses (well 2.9 seconds – which would have predicted a plateau at
after death) of approximately 6 mmHg.10 approximately 14.5 seconds, yet this was not seen. The
Studies in animals and in man have shown that the reason is that the time constraint of the exponential decay
decay in arterial pressure and the increase in venous pres- progressively lengthened. Why might this be so? First,
sure does not conform to a single mono-exponential func- hypotension-induced baroreflex withdrawal would be
tion.8,13 Schipke and colleagues recently studied patients expected to increase sympathetic outflow, and indeed
with heart failure who had undergone implantation of an a marked increase in sympathetic circulating cate-
automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator (AICD).13 cholamines of adrenal, and to a lesser extent neural, origin
Ventricular fibrillation was induced in order to assess the has been reported after cardiac arrest.14–16 This would be
defibrillation threshold. Haemodynamic changes were expected to increase arteriolar tone and also to increase
assessed during an average of 13 seconds of VF. In a sub- venous tone. Secondly, it may be due to “waterfall” phe-
group, the duration of VF was over 20 seconds. The aver- nomena. As arterial pressure falls, some microvascular
aged data for this subgroup is shown in Fig. 17.4. As beds may close down, resulting in a net increase in vascu-
expected, LV and aortic pressure were almost identical, and lar resistance. In anesthetised dogs a “waterfall” has also
both decayed rapidly. Right atrial pressure increased been demonstrated in the inferior vena cava at the level of
rapidly. Nevertheless, even at 20 seconds an arteriovenous the diaphragm.17 However, no significant inferior vena
pressure gradient of almost 10 mmHg persisted. It is clear cava waterfall was demonstrated at the level of the
from the data that Guyton’s prediction that an equilibrium diaphragm before or during VF in humans.12
pressure would exist throughout the circulation in 30–50 Steen and colleagues studied the hemodynamic changes
seconds is not correct. This study showed that the decay in occurring in anesthetised pigs during much longer periods
arterial pressure and the increase in right arterial pressures of VF.8 A typical example of the changes in arterial and right
both conformed best to exponential curves. Exponential atrial pressures occurring after the onset of VF in non-
curves should approach an equilibrium at five times the ventilated pigs is shown in Fig. 17.5. The first 20 seconds of
time constant of the curve. During the first few seconds this recording are very similar to the human data reported
the time constant of the arterial pressure decay was by Schipke et al.13 There is an early progressive reduction of

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350 M.P. Frenneaux and S. Steen

Fig. 17.2. External appearance of the heart following VF Cardiac Arrest in Pig Model. The right
ventricular volume rapidly increases as blood flows from the aorta to the right heart. (Reproduced with
permission from Resuscitation.8)

aortic pressure, reaching a minimum of 20 mmHg after Carotid blood flow changes following
about 30 seconds. Aortic pressure then increases slightly to VF cardiac arrest
about 25 mmHg at 2 minutes, thereafter gradually decreas-
ing over the next 5 minutes to approximately 10 mmHg. Figure 17.6 shows the changes in carotid blood flow
Right atrial pressure increases gradually after induction of following VF cardiac arrest in the anesthetised non-
VF, reaching a peak of about 18 mmHg after 2 min, decreas- ventilated pig. Carotid blood flow declines exponentially
ing thereafter to approximate aortic pressure by about after the onset of VF, but measurable carotid blood flow
7 min. Mean circulatory filling pressure at this point is continues for approximately 4 minutes.
approximately 9 mmHg.
These findings cannot be explained purely by a “water-
fall” effect. The increase in arterial pressure between Coronary blood flow changes following
30 seconds and 2 minutes is probably related to transient VF cardiac arrest
sympathetically mediated vascular constriction. As the
brainstem becomes more ischemic this sympathetic The gradient between aorta and right atrium is often
outflow is presumably reduced again, resulting in a fall in referred to as the “coronary perfusion pressure,” i.e., the
both arteriolar resistance and venous tone and a decline in gradient during coronary blood flow during cardiac arrest.
both aortic and right atrial pressures. A “coronary perfusion pressure” of less than 15 mmHg

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Hemodynamics of cardiac arrest 351

Fig. 17.3. MRI of pig heart following VF cardiac arrest. The extrapericardial component of the pulmonary vein becomes distended.
(S. Steen – unpublished data.)


Part (mmHg)



20 Aortic pressure
Right atrial
0 pressure
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
Time (S)
Fig. 17.4. Pressure changes in a subgroup of patients following VF arrest in which ventricular
fibrillation lasted at least 20 s (n
14). There is progressive decrease in arterial pressure and an increase
in right atrial pressure. These changes do not conform to single monoexponential functions. Note that,
at 20 seconds, a significant arterio-venous pressure gradient (9.6 mmHg) persists. (Reproduced with
permission from the American Journal of Physiology11.)

during the release phase of CPR has been shown to be a recovery of myocardial function after restoration of electri-
good predictor that recovery of spontaneous circula- cal activity.
tion (ROSC) is unlikely in both humans and in animal In fact, the changes in coronary blood flow and of carotid
models.18,19 It has been assumed in the past that this blood flow following VF cardiac arrest without CPR do not
was because, below this “coronary perfusion pressure,” parallel each other in the anesthetised non-ventilated pig
myocardial perfusion was totally inadequate to support model. As shown in Fig. 17.7, coronary blood flow rapidly

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352 M.P. Frenneaux and S. Steen

Intrathoracic aortic pressure
Right atrial pressure
Coronary perfusion pressure


Pressure (mmHg)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3
VF cardiac arrest CPR begun
Time (min)

Fig. 17.5. Changes in aortic pressure, right atrial pressure and calculated coronary perfusion pressure in the pig model following VF
cardiac arrest. (Reproduced with permission from Resuscitation.8)

declines to zero by 1 minute. For the next 2 minutes, coro- responsible for this forward blood flow. According to the
nary blood flow is retrograde before declining again to zero. “cardiac compression theory,” direct compression of the
These observations, suggest that the term “coronary per- left and right ventricles between the sternum and vertebral
fusion pressure” may be misleading, because “coronary column creates a pressure gradient between the ventricle
perfusion pressure” is positive during this period when and the aorta (or pulmonary artery in the case of the right
coronary flow is retrograde. Although the coronary sinus ventricle). This pressure gradient closes the mitral (and tri-
drains into the right atrium and therefore the aortic minus cuspid) valve and ejects blood forward out of the ventricle.
right atrial pressure gradient might be expected to deter- According to this paradigm, the ventricle then refills during
mine coronary blood flow, the intramural coronary the decompression phase. The theory was proposed by
microvascular pressure is also profoundly influenced by Kouwenhoven and colleagues.20 This view was essentially
the left ventricular intracavity pressure. The conventional unchallenged until the 1970s. In 1976, Criley and colleagues
“coronary perfusion pressure” therefore provides an over- described the phenomenon of “cough cardiopulmonary
estimate of the actual pressure gradient driving coronary resuscitation” and ascribed the forward flow generated by
blood flow – explaining the observations above. coughing to the increased intrathoracic pressure generated
during coughing.21 In the 1980s, studies in dogs22 and in
man23 led to the proposal of the “thoracic pump” theory for
Hemodynamics during cardiopulmonary antegrade flow during CPR. According to the thoracic pump
resuscitation theory, external chest decompression increases intrathor-
acic pressure, forcing blood to flow from the thoracic to the
systemic circulation. Retrograde flow from the right side of
How does CPR eject blood into the aorta?
the heart to the systemic veins is prevented by the venous
Closed chest CPR results in phasic blood flow. There has valves. According to this paradigm, the heart acts merely
been considerable controversy regarding the mechanisms as a passive conduit without having a pump function.

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Hemodynamics of cardiac arrest 353


Left carotid artery flow


Flow (l/min)



VF cardiac arrest DC cardioversion

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3

Time (min)
Fig. 17.6. Changes in carotid artery flow in the pig model following VF cardiac arrest. (Modified from Steen et al. Resuscitation 2003;
58: 249–258. Reproduced with permission from Resuscitation.8)

Flow (mL/min)

LAD Left carotid artery
–1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (min)
Fig. 17.7. Changes in left anterior descending coronary artery and left carotid artery flow following VF cardiac arrest do not parallel each
other. (With permission from Professor S. Steen, University of Lund.)

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354 M.P. Frenneaux and S. Steen

This theory requires the AV valves to be open during the flow, consistent with the cardiac pump theory. In the
compression phase of CPR. Two transthoracic echocardio- remaining 12 patients the mitral valve remained open
graphic studies reported in the early 1980s during CPR in during both the compression and decompression phases of
man supported the thoracic pump theory.24,25 Guerci and CPR, and peak forward mitral flow also occurred during the
colleagues also concluded, on the basis of observations of compression phase in this group. In 8 of these 12 patients,
the aortic pressure-flow relation during CPR in dogs, that forward mitral flow during the compression phase was
aortic flow was due to fluctuations in intrathoracic pres- accompanied by forward pulmonary vein flow, consistent
sure.26 Other studies performed in dogs and in pigs, with the classic “thoracic pump” mechanism. In the remain-
however, supported the cardiac pump hypothesis.27–29 ing 4 patients, forward mitral flow during the compression
The availability of transesophageal echocardiography has phase was accompanied by backwards pulmonary vein flow,
provided the opportunity to study the mechanisms involved which the authors suggested implied a “left atrial pump”
during CPR in man in much greater detail. Transesophageal mechanism, in which the left atrium rather than the left ven-
echocardiography can be performed without interrupting tricle was the major target of chest compression. Downtime
cardiac massage and the quality and stability of the imaging was much shorter in the 5 patients in whom the cardiac
is generally superior to transthoracic echocardiography. pump mechanism was thought to be operating than in the
Several studies concluded that the mechanism of antegrade remaining 12 patients.
flow during CPR was consistent with the cardiac pump These three mechanisms are summarized schematically
theory.30,31 This conclusion was based on the observations in Fig. 17.8. Whatever the mechanism, it is clear that ante-
that the mitral valve closed during the compression phase grade flow occurs in both the thoracic aorta and the pul-
and opened during the decompression phase, and that the monary artery during the compression phase of CPR and
size of both left and right ventricular cavities fell during the retrograde flow occurs in these vessels during the release or
compression phase. In contrast, another study performed in decompression phases.
17 patients undergoing CPR suggests that the physiological
mechanisms responsible for antegrade flow may differ from
Changes in aortic and pulmonary artery pressures
patient to patient.32 In this study both pulmonary venous
during CPR
and trans-mitral flow were assessed. In 5 of the 17 patients
the mitral valve closed during the compression phase of Steen and colleagues reported the hemodynamic effects of
CPR, with associated mitral regurgitation and forward aortic CPR using the LUCAS (Lund University Cardiac Arrest

Blood flow during chest compression





LV pump chest pump LA pump
Fig. 17.8. Schematic representation of the three mechanisms by which CPR ejects blood into the aorta.
LA – left atrium, LV – left ventricle, PV – pulmonary vein, Ao – aorta, MV – mitral valve. (Reproduced
with permission from Circulation.32)

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Hemodynamics of cardiac arrest 355

System) device in anesthetised pigs.33 The LUCAS device approximately 80–90 mmHg, mean pulmonary artery
provides automatic mechanical chest compression; active pressure was approximately 40 mmHg, and mean left atrial
“physiological” decompression.33 CPR was instituted for pressure approximately 3–4 mmHg lower than this.37
3–5 minutes after 6.5 minutes of VF (when the “coronary
perfusion pressure” has reached zero). The hemodynamic
Cardiac output during CPR
effects in a typical animal are shown on the right of
Fig. 17.5. Here, the compression phase is akin to “systole” Studies in dogs and in pigs have suggested that during
and the decompression phase is akin to “diastole.” During optimal CPR, cardiac output is between 25% and 40% of
the entire 31⁄2 minutes of CPR the compression pressure in pre-arrest values.27,37–39
the right atrium (top pressure trace) exceeded the pressure
in the intrathoracic aorta (the second highest pressure
Carotid and cerebral blood flow during CPR
trace). This reveals a negative “coronary perfusion pres-
sure” during the compression phase. There was also a In the pig model, Steen and colleagues showed that
negative “coronary perfusion pressure” during the decom- appreciable common carotid blood flow is apparent
pression phase for 1 minute after instituting CPR, but the within seconds of initiating compression/decompression
“coronary perfusion pressure” during decompression then CPR using the LUCAS device. Values of approximately
became positive, reaching a peak of 18 mmHg at 11⁄2 300 ml/ min were obtained when CPR was sustained, but
minutes before declining slightly. Intrathoracic aortic pres- even brief interruptions of CPR dramatically reduced
sure reached approximately 40 mmHg during CPR. carotid blood flow Fig. 17.9.33 Cerebral blood flow is
Observations in man during CPR have shown peak systolic determined by the gradient between carotid artery and
arterial pressures of between 60 and 80 mmHg.34–36 intracranial pressure. Assuming an ischemic threshold
A study in pigs has shown that during closed chest level of cerebral tissue oxygen content of 8 mmHg, a
CPR, compression phase pulmonary artery pressure was recent report suggested that, during standard CPR in

Fig. 17.9. The blood flow in the left internal carotid artery during 3.5 minutes of mechanical compressions followed
by defibrillation attempts with (II) and (III) interrupting the chest compressions. Mean value  S.E.M., n
5 in each
group. (Reproduced with permission from Resuscitation.8)

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356 M.P. Frenneaux and S. Steen

man, cerebral tissue oxygen content may be lower than 100 per minute each interrupted by 2 rescue breaths. The
this value much of the time. However, optimally per- integrated coronary perfusion pressure over each cycle
formed CPR that maintained coronary perfusion pressure was substantially reduced in the rescue breathing group
at least 25 mmHg was associated with cerebral tissue because of a reduction in aortic pressure during the
oxygen content greater than 8 mmHg.40 A study in dogs rescue breathing phase, and because the number of chest
demonstrated that if CPR is started immediately and compressions was also lower in this group.47 Furthermore,
“coronary perfusion pressures” are maintained above Steen and colleagues showed in the pig model that
25 mmHg, cerebral blood flow (measured by using periods of 30 seconds of CPR between defibrillation
microspheres) and cerebral ATP were both maintained at attempts were insufficient to generate an adequate “coro-
approximately 60% of pre-cardiac arrest values. In con- nary perfusion pressure” (i.e., at least 15 mmHg) and, on
trast, when CPR was delayed for 6 minutes after cardiac the basis of these observations, the authors recom-
arrest, a coronary perfusion pressure of 35 mmHg was mended at least 90 seconds of CPR between each defibril-
required to produce similar cerebral blood flow and cere- lation attempt.8
bral ATP content. Furthermore, when CPR was delayed
for 12 minutes, even this level of coronary perfusion pres-
Coronary perfusion pressure and recovery of
sure failed to restore cerebral blood flow.41 Lindner and
spontaneous circulation (ROSC)
colleagues demonstrated that active compression–
decompression CPR produced greater cerebral perfusion In 1940, Wiggers noted that 3 to 5 minutes after the onset of
pressures and greater cerebral oxygen delivery than did VF (appreciably earlier than the “irretrievable failure of the
standard CPR in a pig model.42 central nervous system”), the heart enters an “atonic
phase” in which “anoxia causes depression of contractile
force and slows conduction.”48
Coronary blood flow during CPR
The impact of “coronary perfusion pressure” on the like-
Studies in animal models have shown that coronary flow is lihood of ROSC has been described in animals and in
retrograde during the compression phase of CPR and ante- man.18,19,49,50 The probability of ROSC is low when coronary
grade during the release or decompression phase.37,43,44 The perfusion gradient is  15–20 mmHg. Fig. 17.10 shows
retrograde flow during the compression phase continued human data relating likelihood of ROSC to coronary perfu-
even when the “coronary perfusion pressure” was raised sion pressure during CPR.19
throughout the CPR cycle by more effective CPR.44 This pre- There are two potential reasons why this might be so.
sumably is related to the importance of left ventricular 1. At lower coronary perfusion pressures, profound
intra-cavity pressure in determining coronary blood flow. In myocardial ischemia may prevent ROSC. Ralston and col-
the pig model, assessing CPR by using a mechanical device, leagues have shown in a dog model that a mean myocardial
even at 2.5-inch thumper strokes, coronary blood flow was blood flow less than 0.13 ml/min per g tissue was associated
less than 50% of pre-arrest values, and with thumper strokes with no survival, whereas a flow of  0.16 ml/min per g tissue
of 1.5 inches, coronary flow was approximately 15% of base- was associated with survival.51 Although this is likely to be a
line pre-arrest values.43 Changes in coronary blood flow contributory factor, cardiac contractile function recovers
during CPR in dogs were related to changes in “coronary after even relatively long periods of total ischemia. In the iso-
perfusion pressure.”45 Wolfe and colleagues observed that in lated perfused dog heart, postischemic contractile function
dogs coronary blood flow fell at very high compression rates was markedly depressed after 25 and 30 minutes of nor-
because of a reduction in “diastolic perfusion time” (i.e., the mothermic global ischemia, but the reduction in left ven-
time spent in the relaxation phase during which antegrade tricular contractile function after 15 to 20 minutes of global
coronary flow occurs). Optimal coronary flow occurred at a ischemia was only mild.52 This threshold of 20 minutes is
compression rate of 120/min.46 consistent with observations in other species.53–55 In the
swine model, even at 20 minutes of VF (without CPR), 89% of
animals had myocardial ATP levels  20% of control and
Effects of interruption of CPR on hemodynamics
adenylate charge ratio  0.60 – values known to be associ-
Interrupting CPR for rescue breathing adversely affects ated with reversibility of myocyte injury.56
hemodynamics. Berg and colleagues compared the effects 2. “Coronary perfusion pressure” is defined as the pres-
of CPR at 100 compressions per minute with a brief rest sure difference between aorta and right atrium during the
period every minute for the rescuer to take 2 deep breaths decompression phase. During VF aortic pressure is almost
vs. a protocol involving cycles of 15 compressions at identical to LV pressure and right atrial pressure is almost

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Hemodynamics of cardiac arrest 357

(n = 2)
% of patients with ROSC

80% 80%
(n = 5) (n = 5)

40 (n = 14)
(n = 2)

20 (n = 14)
0% 0% 0%
(n = 9) (n = 16) (n = 19)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Maximal coronary perfusion pressure, (mmHg)
Fig. 17.10. Percentage of patients with return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) as a function of the
maximal coronary perfusion pressure.

identical to RV pressure. Accordingly, coronary perfusion spans the sarcomere, acts like a molecular “spring,” storing
pressure provides a measure of the pressure gradient across potential energy when it is stretched and it may also play a
the interventricular septum during cardiac arrest. This is a role in development of stretch-dependent passive
measure of the true “preload” acting on the left ventricle. As tension.58 As a result of the length dependency of the
discussed below, this may be an important determinant of actin–myosin interaction and of titin tension develop-
ROSC, because it determines the degree of myocyte stretch ment, below a certain “slack length,” myocytes do not gen-
and therefore, according to the Frank–Starling mechanism, erate tension. Patterson and Starling observed that the
the force of myocyte contraction when it is activated by output of the left ventricle was related to changes in the
electrical depolarization. venous pressure.59 In clinical practice it has been
assumed that changes in left atrial pressure (or LV end
diastole pressure or pulmonary capillary wedge pressure)
The concept of left ventricular preload and the parallel those of LV diastole stretch (“preload”) and that
Effect of Constraint from the Pericardium and changes in pressure can be used as a surrogate for changes
Right Ventricle in stretch. Indeed, the literature commonly refers to the
Frank-Starling relationship, as if Frank and Starling had
Frank57 first described the importance of the degree of described the same phenomenon. Within the physiologi-
cardiac muscle stretch during diastole (preload) in deter- cal range, the use of change in LVEDP to predict changes in
mining its subsequent force of contraction. The mech- preload is generally valid, but in certain pathophysiologi-
anism of this observation is related predominantly to the cal states it is not. The effective distending pressure acting
nature of the actin-myosin interaction in the sarcomere. on the left ventricle at end diastole is the left ventricular
The force generated by a single sarcomere is proportional end diastolic pressure minus external pressures acting on
to the number of actin-myosin bonds and the available the left ventricle from the pericardium, and from the right
energy from ATP hydrolysis. Generation of optimal force ventricle via the interventricular septum. In health, both
is achieved when the sarcomere length is approximately RV end diastolic pressure and pericardial pressure are
2.2 to 2.3 microns, which corresponds to the maximum close to zero; therefore, changes in LVEDP generally paral-
number of actin–myosin interactions. At sarcomere lel those of LV end diastolic volume. As the pericardium is
lengths less than approximately 1.5 microns, there are stretched, however, there is an exponential increase in
no actin–myosin interactions and force generation is pericardial pressure (Fig. 17.11).60 In most situations,
more or less eliminated. In addition to the actin–myosin RVEDP and pericardial pressure are almost identical,
interaction, the giant filamentous protein Titin which because the RV is thin walled and therefore maintains only

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358 M.P. Frenneaux and S. Steen



Pressure (mmHg)


150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Volume (mL)



RV vol/pressure overload
Fig. 17.11. The pericardium has a J-shaped stress–strain relation. When it is stretched (e.g., by right ventricular volume overload)
pericardial pressure and RV end-diastolic pressure become elevated. The filling of the LV is then impeded by external constraint
from the pericardium and RV, despite a high LVEDP. The interventricular septum is shifted to the left. From Frenneaux,
M. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation: some physiological considerations. Resuscitation 2003; 58: 259–265. Reproduced with
permission from Resuscitation.

a small pressure gradient across it.61 In experimental situ- tion have been well described in animal experimental
ations in which the pericardium is stretched by acute models of acute right ventricular pressure and volume
enlargement of the right ventricle (e.g., experimental pul- overload.63 Important diastolic ventricular interaction is
monary embolism), the pericardial and right ventricular also seen in many patients with chronic heart failure.64,65
end diastolic pressures may be substantially more than Reducing central blood volume in these patients (using a
zero. In this situation the filling of the left ventricle is lower body “suction” device) resulted in a fall in RV volume,
impeded by the external constraint from the pericardium and of right atrial and pulmonary capillary wedge pres-
(pericardial constraint) and from the right ventricle (dias- sures, but despite this, left ventricular diastolic volume
tolic ventricular interaction). The measured intracavity increased (Fig. 17.12). The explanation was confirmed in a
LVEDP overestimates the true LV preload. The interven- canine rapid pacing heart failure model. While central
tricular septum, normally convex to the right at end dias- blood volume unloading reduced LV end diastolic pressure,
tole, becomes flattened, and the position of the septum at it reduced pericardial pressure and RV end diastolic pres-
end diastole has been shown to be very closely related to sure even more; therefore, the effective distending pres-
the trans-septal pressure gradient, i.e., it reflects the sure increased, resulting in an increase in LV diastolic
degree of ventricular interaction.62 volume and stroke volume.66 These observations are shown
Pericardial constraint and diastolic ventricular interac- in Fig. 17.13.

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Hemodynamics of cardiac arrest 359

Rest Lower-body suction
Lower-body suction




Fig. 17.12. Schematic representation of changes in ventricular volumes that occur during acute volume unloading such as that
produced by application of lower body suction. (a) – Normal individuals, (b) – direct diastolic ventricular interaction in heart failure
patients with pericardial constraint, RV – right ventricle, LV – left ventricle. (Reproduced with permission from The Lancet.64)

Steen’s observations in the pig model suggest that “waterfall” phenomena, then aortic pressure starts to
important pericardially mediated ventricular interaction decline again, presumably because of a reduction in sym-
may occur following cardiac arrest.8 As noted previously, pathetic outflow.
Steen and colleagues observed that as blood flowed along If we make the reasonable assumptions that intrathor-
its pressure gradient from the aorta to the right side of the acic aortic pressure approximates the left ventricular
heart, the right ventricle became markedly distended. pressure and that right atrial pressure approximates the
Furthermore, there was a progressive increase in right right ventricular pressure during cardiac arrest, then we
atrial pressure (and, by implication right ventricular pres- can calculate the serial changes in left ventricular trans-
sure) during the first 2 minutes or so after cardiac arrest, mural pressure gradient (LV minus pericardial pressure)
before this slowly declined again. Pericardial pressure also and trans-septal pressure gradient (left ventricular minus
rose progressively during the first 2 minutes after cardiac right ventricular pressure gradient). Changes in septal
arrest before gradually declining. As expected, right atrial position and left ventricular volume would be expected to
pressure and pericardial pressure changes paralleled each parallel changes in these gradients, which are in effect the
other almost exactly, with pericardial pressure marginally distending pressures acting on the left ventricle. We have
lower than right atrial pressure. These changes are shown applied these calculations to a typical recording of aortic,
in Fig. 17.14. These observations, performed in open chest RA, and pericardial pressures reported by Steen and col-
pigs, clearly show that the pericardium was stretched suf- leagues.8 A rapid initial fall in trans-septal and transmural
ficiently to raise pericardial pressure substantially. In the gradients is followed by a slight increase, until approxi-
closed chest situation, this effect would be expected to be mately 4 minutes (corresponding to the period during
greater. Right ventricular volume fell slightly when right which aortic pressures increase), followed by a subsequent
atrial and pericardial pressures started to decline. As dis- decline to about zero. Berg and colleagues recently
cussed earlier, this decline in right atrial and pericardial reported the changes in left and right ventricular volume
pressures and right ventricular volume after about 3–4 after VF arrest in the pig.7 Typical short axis MRI appear-
minutes presumably reflects the withdrawal of sympa- ances are shown in Fig. 17.15. During the first 30 seconds
thetic tone, as the brainstem vasomotor centers become after cardiac arrest there is a dramatic increase in right ven-
profoundly ischemic. tricular volume, with a shift of the interventricular septum
As noted previously, there is also a temporary increase in to the left and a marked reduction in left ventricular
aortic pressure between approximately 1 and 3 minutes volume. Between approximately 1 and 5 minutes, left
after the onset of VF (Fig. 17.5), presumably due to the ventricular volume increases modestly (but not back to
combined effects of increased sympathetic outflow and baseline), although the interventricular septum remains

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360 M.P. Frenneaux and S. Steen

Volume load Volume removal
Pressure (mmHg)

LVEDP – left ventricular end diastolic pressure

20 RVEDP (º) LVEDP PerP – Pericardial pressure
PerP (•)
TSG (º) TLVEDP – Transmural LV pressure gradient
20 800

SW (mmHg ◊ ml)
SV – Stroke volume
SV (ml)

10 400 SW – Stroke work


0 0

SLVFW – Septum to LV free wall dimension
SRVFW – Septum to RV free wall dimension

0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (S)
Fig. 17.13. Example of a study in the canine rapid pacing heart failure model. Volume unloading reduced pericardial pressure more than
it reduced LV diastolic pressure, therefore true filling pressure increased and stroke volume increased. (Reproduced with permission from
the American Journal of Physiology.66)



Pressure (mmHg)


Intrapericardial pressure

⫺2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (min)
Fig. 17.14. Changes in aortic pressure (AP), right atrial pressure (RAP) and pericardial pressure
following VF cardiac arrest in the pig Model. (Reproduced with permission from Resuscitation.8)

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Hemodynamics of cardiac arrest 361




Fig. 17.15. Short-axis views of RV and LV through same mid-ventricular slice in 1 animal during 30 minutes of untreated VF. Time 0 refers
to time VF was induced, and next 8 views were at respectively labeled duration of untreated VF. (Reproduced with permission from

dramatically flattened. Subsequently, left ventricular This may have important implications for our under-
volume starts to decline again. These changes imply the standing of the mechanism of ROSC. When ventricular
rapid development of very marked ventricular interaction interaction is marked, the degree of myocyte stretch may
with some amelioration of this interaction between 1 and 5 be so small that return of electrical activity generates only
minutes, and are entirely to be anticipated on the basis of a minimal force of contraction, especially if the myocytes
the changes in the pressure gradient calculated form the are also profoundly ischemic.
data of Steen et al. In Fig. 17.16, the right and left ventricu-
lar volume changes reported by Berg and colleagues are
plotted above the calculated changes in transmural gradi- Effects of ventilation on hemodynamics during
ent in the data reported by Steen and colleagues. As cardiac arrest
expected, the left ventricular volume changes closely
mirror the changes in the transmural and trans-septal It is common practice to ventilate patients during cardiac
pressure gradients. Because, during cardiac arrest, aortic arrest, on the assumption that this will improve oxygen
pressure is approximately LV pressure and since RA pres- delivery to the tissues, particularly the brain. Recent
sure is approximately RV pressure, AO-RA pressure is a observations have called into question the validity of this
close approximation to the pressure gradient between LV assumption. Jellinek et al. reported the hemodynamic
and RV (the “trans-septal” gradient). effects of positive airways pressure in patients undergoing

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362 M.P. Frenneaux and S. Steen

RV volume

LV volume




Aortic pressure
10 RA pressure

0 ‘Coronary perfusion































Fig. 17.16. The MRI calculated LV and RV volumes reported in the swine model by Berg et al.63 are plotted against the changes in aortic,
RA and coronary perfusion pressures reported by Steen et al.8 There are no MRI data points between 1 and 5 minutes, but the changes in
LV volume are predictable on the basis of changes in “coronary perfusion pressure.”

AICD threshold testing. Before VF occurred, positive An alternative approach to ventilation is the use of
airway pressure increased right atrial pressure and the so-called “inspiratory impedance threshold Device”
reduced aortic pressure and left ventricular stroke volume. (ITV). During the inflow phase, this provides a respiratory
During VF arrest, positive airway pressure modestly resistance which increases the negative intrathoracic
reduced the coronary perfusion pressure. There was no pressure, analogous to the Müller maneuver. The hemo-
evidence of collapse of the inferior vena cava, but in some dynamic effects of adding the device to the respiratory
patients there was a marked reduction in the diameter of circuit in pigs was assessed during VF cardiac arrest.
the superior vena cava.12 In the dog, positive airway pres- There was a non-significant increase in the coronary per-
sure has been shown to cause collapse of the inferior vena fusion pressure (from 12.5.  1.5 to 14.8  1.3 mmHg
cava resulting in a “waterfall effect.”17 averaged during 28 minutes of CPR) associated with sig-
In addition to the direct effect of positive airways pres- nificant increases in left ventricular and cerebral blood
sure on coronary perfusion pressure, ventilation is asso- flows.68 Pilot studies in humans suggest that use of the ITV
ciated with substantial interruptions in compressions, during CPR is associated with improved short term sur-
and, as discussed above, this may cause substantial and vival.69,70
prolonged reductions in coronary perfusion pressure. The combination of positive end expiratory pressure
Woollard and colleagues reported on a randomized trial ventilation (PEEP) with the inspiratory threshold device
comparing compression-only vs. standard telephone CPR was reported to have particularly beneficial hemody-
instructions in simulated cardiac arrest. Two and a half namic effects during active compression-decompression
times more compressions were delivered during a stand- CPR in the pig. The addition of PEEP did not alter diastolic
ard ambulance response time in compression-only CPR in coronary perfusion pressure, but may nevertheless
the compression-only group.67 Furthermore, in pigs, CPR increase myocardial perfusion because the gradient of
with rescue breathing was shown by Berg and colleagues to the diastolic aorta to left ventricular pressure was aug-
be associated with substantially lower “integrated mented, probably because PEEP reduces alveolar col-
coronary perfusion pressure” and left ventricular blood lapse, leading to an increase in indirect myocardial
flow than compression-only CPR.7 compression.71

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Hemodynamics of cardiac arrest 363

Hemodynamic effects of spontaneous gasping second minute after the onset of cardiac arrest if no CPR
during cardiac arrest is given. It begins weakly, increasing to a maximum, and
then disappears typically by about 5 minutes, but some-
Gasping was first described by Legallois in 1812, in a variety times longer. If effective cardiac compressions are given to
of animal species including man.72 It is very common in the gasping pigs they continue to gasp as long as the chest com-
human newborn and is also frequently observed after pressions create a minimum blood flow to the brainstem.
cardiac arrest. In this setting it appears to be triggered by Gasping produces gas exchange, and a sharp increase in
ischemia of the brainstem and persists until the respiratory arterial oxygen saturation, and a fall in arterial carbon
center in the caudal medulla is completely disabled. In the dioxide tension typically follows the gasp.73,74 As shown in
pig model it is typically observed between the first and Fig. 17.17, during the expiratory phase of a gasp there is

Fig. 17.17. The effects of a gasp on aortic pressure, central venous pressure, tracheal and pleural pressures and carotid flow in the swine
VF model are shown. Note the effects of persistent atrial contractions following VF arrest. During the expiratory phase of the gasp there is
an increase in carotid flow. (S. Steen, unpublished observations.)

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364 M.P. Frenneaux and S. Steen

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Perfusion pressures

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