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Submitted to fulfill one of the English tasks

Arranged by :
Ayu Rizki Herayati ( 140710180016 )
Yayat Ruhiyat ( 130110180024 )
Maria E Maliana Anggal ( 141010180028 )
Aisa Salsabil Melati ( 140410180063 )
Raqeesha Azhrila D A ( 210210180075 )

Universitas Padjadjaran

A video that shows a middle-aged male teacher being the target of bullying or
abuse of his students is circulating. This inappropriate action occurred in a vocational
school in Kendal, Central Java.


Based on that case we decide to show our mini drama include Sustainable
Development Goals program about “Quality Education”.


There is a video that shows a teacher being the target of bullying by his students, it
becomes a controversy and gets strong criticism from the public. Central Java education
office, KPAI Commissioner for Education (Retno Listyarti) with a School’s Principal and a
parent who deputed theirself are discussing about this.

Retno Listyarti : “ Based on the video that went viral days ago, I would like to
hear the explanation to this case. So we can find a solution as soon as possible.”

Principal : “ Yesterday, I already called the students who involved in the

incident, we asked the reason of why they did that.”

Education officer : “ And what is the real reason behind of it?”

Principal : “ In fact there were no physical beatings or violence, actually

the students and teachers were just jokes.”

Retno Listyarti : “ Whatever purpose and reason, the actions of these students
as seen in the video are inappropriate and unjustified.”

Parent : “ As a parent I apologize for the mistakes our children made.

We all realized how it was very disrespectful toward the teacher.”
Education officer : “ So far, Education Authorities provides guidance to
Principals and teachers in these private Vocational Schools, the students were also asked to
write a statement that would not repeat the joke as in the viral video.”

Parent : “ We also made a commitment to advise our children change

their behavior to be better and to respect their teachers more.”

Retno Listyarti : “ That’s good. I hope they will be a better person now and
in the future.”

Education Officer : “ We need education not only in academics but also in

morals. We would like for this school to be more strict in rules of moral so the students’
behavior will be better.”

Principal : “We really sorry about this kind of thing happened in our
school. All the school staffs and I will immediately fix it. We will be very strict in this.”

Education Officer : “ Not only for this school, we will announce about the
importance of moral education to other school. Education Authorities will make sure every
school has rules about morality. All of us can also participate on teaching the morality itself.”

In conclusion, the importance of quality education need to be aware from all people.
Not only for teachers and the students, but also everyone. They all should be aware that
beside academics education, moral education is very important to improve the quality of
education. Commitment also needed in applying this moral education.

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