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Grade 8-

The Universe

I. Answer the following questions

Q1. Distinguish between stars and planets

Ans- Stars give out their own light, are made up of gases (hydrogen and helium), are massive in size

Planets- do not give out their own light, are made up of rocks, are comparatively smaller in
size than the stars

Q2. What is the solar system made of? Name the planets in the solar system.

Ans) The solar system consists of the Sun , the 8 planets and all their moons and other celestial
bodies that revolve around the Sun. The eight planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Earth,
Uranus and Neptune.

Q3. What is the other name for the constellation called The Big Dipper?

Ans. Ursa Major or Great Bear

Q4. Differentiate between galaxies and constellations.

Ans) Galaxies consist of billions of stars, solar systems and other bodies while constellations
consist of a much smaller group of stars. Scientists arranged these stars in groups and drew
imaginary pictures around them in order to remember them easily.

Q5. Why is Venus the hottest planet even though Mercury is closest to the Sun?

Ans. Venus’ atmosphere contains high level of carbon dioxide which leads to the green house
effect. This makes it the hottest planet in the solar system.

Q6. Why is life possible only on Earth?

Ans. Earth is unique because it is the Only planet in the solar system where life exists. It is located
at the right distance from the sun which makes it neither too hot nor too cold for life to exist. The
earths atmosphere too contains oxygen and other important gases useful to sustain life.

Q7. Why cant we see stars during the day time?

Ans. The sun shines too brightly during the day time to enable us to see the other stars even though
they are present in the day sky.

Q8. What is the unit to measure distances in the Universe?

Ans. One light year (approx 9.5 trillion kilometers)

Q9. List out India’s space achievements in the last two decades.

Ans. Chandrayaan-1, Chandrayaan-2, Mangalyaan-1 (MOM)

Q10. How are artificial satellites useful to us?

Ans. They help in television and radio transmission. They help in telephone communication. They
help us to study and forecast the weather. They help scientists know more about the universe by
collecting information about space.




1. A galaxy contains
(a) few thousand stars (c) few million stars
(b) few billion stars (d) only a few thousand stars but millions of planets

2. The Pole Star is in the constellation

(a) Ursa Major (b) Ursa Minor (c) Orion (d) Scorpius

3. The large number of rocks between orbits of Mars and Jupiter are called:
(a) comets (b) asteroids (c) meteors (d) meteroites

4. Which of the following is the first Indian lunar probe:

(a) Chandrayaan-1 (b) Mangalyaan-1 (c) Chandrayaan-2 (d) Mars Orbiter Mission

5. When is India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission expected to launch?

(a) 2020 (b) 2021 (c) 2022 (d) 2023

6. The sun is located at:

(a) The centre of the solar system (c) centre of the universe
(c) centre of the milky way (d) none of the above

7. What are scientists who study the universe called?

8. Which galaxy do we live in?

9. Why is Venus the hottest planet in the solar system?

10. Name the following:

a. largest planet in our solar system
b. planet closest to the sun
c. planet farthest from the sun
d. hottest planet in the solar system
e. Star that is closest to Earth
f. Star (after the sun) that is next nearest to the Earth
g. Full form of ISRO
h. The theory used to explain origin of the Universe.

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