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Class 6- Geography
Chapter 1- The Earth in the Solar System
Question 1.
Answer the following questions briefly:
(a) How does a planet differ from a star?

a) Difference between a Planet and a Star

Planet Star

1. It receives heat and light from the Sun. 1. It has its own heat and light.

2. It has a spherical body. Planets only 2. It is a very big and hot ball of fire made of

reflect the light received from the Sun. gases. The Sun is also a Star.

3. Planets do not twinkle because they do 3. It gives out huge flames. It radiates a

not possess their own light. great amount of heat and light.

4. There are eight major planets. Our 4. Stars are very far from us. They are in

Earth is also one of them. millions of millions.

(b) What is meant by the ‘Solar System’?

The sun, the planets, and satellites together with other minor bodies make up the solar
system. The sun is at the center of the solar system. The planets revolve around the
sun in their fixed orbits. The satellites revolve around the planets.

(c) Name all the planets according to their distance from the sun.

(c) Planets according to their distance from the Sun

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

(d) Why is the Earth called a unique planet?

(d) The Earth is called a unique planet because of the following reasons:
Earth is called a unique planet because

1. Conditions favorable to support life are found only on the earth; it is neither too hot
nor too cold.
2. Earth has surface water, which is very necessary for our survival.
3. It has life-giving oxygen and the ozone layer, which protect us from the harmful
rays, of the sun.

(e) Why do we see only one side of the moon always?

(e) We see only one side of the moon always because of the following reasons:

 The moon revolves round the earth in 27 days.

 It spins on its axis exactly in 27 days.
 Hence the places on the moon correspond to the places on the earth always.
 Because of these reasons we see only one side of the moon always.

(f) What is the Universe?

(f) Universe

The universe is a collection of all planets, stars, galaxies, celestial bodies,

gases, dust clouds, light, etc. It is considered as an endless space. We all
belong to this universe.

Question 2.
Tick the correct answer:
(a) The planet is known as the “Earth’s Twin” is
(iii) Venus
(b) Which is the third nearest planet to the sun?
(ii) Earth

(c) All the planets move around the sun in a

(iii) Elliptical path

(d) The Pole Star indicates the direction to the

(ii) North

(e) Asteroids are found between the orbits of

(ii) Mars and Jupiter

Question 3.
Fill in the blanks:

(a) A group of stars forming various patterns is called a constellation.

(b) A huge system of stars is called a galaxy.
(c) Moon is the closest celestial body to our earth.
(d) Earth is the third nearest planet to the sun.
(e) Planets do not have their own heat and light.

Very Short Answer Type

1. Define Stars.
Celestial bodies which have their own heat and light arc called Stars.
2. Why is Venus considered as ‘Earth’s Twin’?
Venus is considered as ‘Earth’s Twin’ because its size and shape are very much similar
to that of the Earth.

Long Answer Type Questions

1. Write short notes on the following:

(a) The sun
(b) The moon
(c) Galaxy.  
(a) The sun is considered the “head” of the solar system. It is a star, although it is
smaller and less bright than most other stars. It is a huge celestial body made up of
extremely hot gases. It provides heat and light for the whole of the solar system. Life on
earth depends on many factors, and the sunlight is one of them. The sun is about 150
million kilometers away from the earth.

(b) The moon is the only natural satellite of our planet earth. Its diameter is just about a
quarter of the earth’s diameter. It is comparatively closer (3,84,400 kilometers away) to
earth than all other celestial bodies. It does not support life. It revolves around the earth
and rotates about its own axis in about the same time, due to which only one side of the
moon is visible to us.

(c) Galaxy is a term that refers to billions of stars, clouds of dust and gases, and other
celestial bodies considered as a single unit. The only bigger unit in the universe,
galaxies make up the universe. The galaxy we live in is called the Milky Way.

2. Describe asteroids and meteoroids.


 Besides Stars, Planets and Satellites there are also numerous tiny heavenly
 They also revolve round the Sun.
 They are called asteroids.
 They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
 The largest asteroid is Ceres.
 Asteroids are parts of a planet which exploded many years back.


 The small pieces of rocks which revolve round the Sun are called meteoroids.
 When they enter the earth’s atmosphere, they begin to burn.
 These burning rocks are called meteors.
 They cause a flash or sink of light.
 A meteor not destroyed fully, falls on the earth. It is called a meteorite. It creates a
hollow or depression in the ground.
 A very good example of such a meteorite depression is in Arizona, USA. India has
an example of such depression in Ramgarh in Rajasthan.


Draw a diagram showing the eight planets of the solar system in their orbits around the’

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