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Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 19 (2014) 54e59

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Neonatal hypotension: Dopamine or dobutamine?

Samir Gupta a, *, Steven M. Donn b
Department of Paediatrics, University Hospital of North Tees and University of Durham, Stockton-on-Tees, UK
Department of Pediatrics, Division of NeonatalePerinatal Medicine, C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI,

s u m m a r y
Keywords: Controversy surrounds the assessment of perfusion and the methods currently utilised to define hypo-
Circulation tension, especially blood pressure. There is growing agreement to assess heart function when selecting
inotropic therapy and use bedside tools such as echocardiography for assessing at-risk infants. Both
dopamine and dobutamine have comparative efficacy, and in certain disease states with immature
Inotrope myocardium there could be potential advantages in using dobutamine. The concomitant use of hydro-
Newborn cortisone has been shown to be beneficial when escalating doses of first-line inotropes are used. Other
inotropes require further study through randomised trials for their safety and efficacy to be established.
Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction the above utilizing the same approach, and hence the selection of
specific inotrope requires more information than just a blood
Neonatal hypotension is defined as a clinical condition of pressure reading to target the therapy to the underlying problem.
abnormally low arterial blood pressure affecting perfusion. There is With availability of bedside assessment tools such as echocardi-
little disagreement that inadequate perfusion or poor circulation ography, it is becoming clear that we need to modify our approach
should be treated. However, disagreement abounds as to what and utilise more objective information before instituting treatment.
standards or thresholds should be utilised to trigger treatment of However, because of the limited techniques and skills for this
such infants, and which agent or agents should be used [1]. bedside assessment, blood pressure still remains the gold standard
The definition of hypotension in newborn has a number of to initiate or titrate the drugs used for managing poor perfusion.
limitations. Unlike adults, newborn babies are delivered at different In this review we limit the discussion to the controversy of
gestational ages and there is no single accepted value that defines blood pressure, tools and techniques for non-invasive haemody-
low blood pressure. ‘What to measure’ has been a subject of debate namic assessments, and the current evidence regarding the use of
and clinicians have used either systolic or mean blood pressure inotropes for managing neonatal hypotension. We suggest an
values in newborn infants to define hypotension [2]. For such a approach to manage poor perfusion. The recommendations should
common problem, with an absence of a single standard, clinicians be integrated with the advanced life support scheme (Neonatal Life
have adopted different approaches for managing hypotension in Support/Neonatal Resuscitation Program) and be amalgamated
newborn infants. A wide gestational age range, different patho- with the stepwise approach of managing airway, breathing and
physiologic states underlying poor perfusion, and the transition circulation [4].
from fetal to adult circulation further complicate the question, and
clinicians often find it difficult to utilise the available data to make 2. The blood pressure controversy
informed choices for selecting the most appropriate inotrope [3].
Poor perfusion can result from persistence of fetal channels such Blood pressure is given great attention, as hypotension in the
as the ductus arteriosus, loss of blood, immature myocardium, or newborn has been associated with impaired cerebral perfusion
ischaemic damage after hypoxic injury, and as a manifestation of and ischaemic damage [5]. The arterial pressure is determined
sepsis or underlying heart disease. It is not possible to treat all of by two factors: the propulsion of blood from the heart (cardiac
output) and the resistance to the flow of this blood through the
blood vessels (arteriolar tone or vascular resistance). Thus
* Corresponding author. Address: Department of Paediatrics and Neonatal
Medicine, University Hospital of North Tees, Hardwick Road, Stockton-on-Tees TS19
flow ¼ pressure O resistance, or pressure ¼ flow  resistance [6].
8PE, UK. Tel.: þ44 (0) 1642 624232. Low blood pressure could thus be caused by a decrease in flow
E-mail address: (S. Gupta). (cardiac output), a fall in resistance, or both. Measurement of flow,

1744-165X/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
S. Gupta, S.M. Donn / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 19 (2014) 54e59 55

however, requires advanced assessment techniques, and despite Table 1

advances in technology, this tool is still not widely available. The Methods for haemodynamic assessment.

resistance can only be calculated e not measured e but clinicians Clinical Non-invasive Invasive
routinely rely on blood pressure determinations to gauge the ad- Heart Heart rate Echocardiogram Intracardiac
equacy of cardiac output and systemic perfusion. There could be (pump) Electrocardiogram catheterization
increase in resistance with a drop in cardiac output or vice versa Non-invasive cardiac
with minimal changes in blood pressure but considerable impair- output monitoring
Artery Pulse volume Non-invasive blood Intra-arterial
ment of tissue perfusion. The issue becomes even more compli-
(after-load) pressure blood pressure
cated when the fetal channels remain open during transitional Capillary Capillary refill Pulse-oximetry e
circulation. Transcutaneous
The ‘gold standard’ for determination of blood pressure is intra- oximetry
End-organ Urine output Near infra-red Arterial blood gas
arterial measurement using an umbilical arterial catheter or pe-
(perfusion) Skin colour spectroscopy Mixed venous
ripheral arterial line. However, in many situations the clinician has Coreeperipheral saturation
to rely on non-invasive blood pressure measurements. Often, too temperature
little attention is paid to the accuracy of these measurements. difference
Although oscillometric methods of measuring blood pressure are Lactate
Veins Jugular venous Echocardiography Central venous pressure
widely used, neonatal readings are of limited accuracy, and the
(pre-load) pressure
technique becomes least reliable when it needs to be most reliable
e in babies with clinically significant hypotension. Fortunately,
there is good agreement between intravascular and indirect
Doppler measurements of systolic pressure, and between intra- measured at the pulmonary valve equals the systemic flow, as it is
vascular and pulse oximetry technique measurements throughout comprised of blood returning from the superior and inferior venae
the blood pressure range [7,8]. cavae. However, in the presence of a patent foramen ovale (PFO), an
What should be measured: systolic or mean pressures? The inter-atrial shunt, this RVO is overestimated depending on the
systolic pressure is the amount of pressure that blood exerts on volume of shunt across the PFO [13]. These estimations of cardiac
arteries and vessels while the heart is beating, whereas the mean output in preterm infants with open fetal channels should thus be
pressure is the average arterial pressure during a single cardiac interpreted cautiously, keeping in mind the aforesaid physiologic
cycle. Mean blood pressure is derived using systolic and diastolic considerations.
pressure values [(diastolic pressure  2) þ (systolic pressure) O 3]. Clinicians have been interested in the estimations of superior
The measurement of mean blood pressure was suggested because it vena cava (SVC) flow over the last decade. Fetal channels do not
was thought to be free of the artefacts caused by resonance, affect SVC flow measurement and reflect the venous return from
thrombi, and air bubbles, when measured intravascularly, but this the upper body and brain [14]. The bedside measurements of SVC
may not always be true. The correlation between systolic pressure flow using echocardiography correlated well with intraventricular
measurements in nearly 400 preterm babies in the first 10 days and haemorrhage and poor outcome [14,15]. Clinicians adopted this
their long-term outcomes at age 2 years in non-disabled children approach and started estimating the ventricular function and the
suggest that values below the third percentile of systolic blood SVC flow to identify those babies who would benefit from inotropic
pressure in the first 4e24 h of life approximates the gestational age support. A cut-off value of 40 ml/kg/min was suggested as a
(in weeks), and that these are associated with impairment in long- threshold, and values below this in the first 24 h were interpreted
term outcome [7]. Zubrow et al. [9] also observed similar findings, as abnormal [14].
with the lower 95% confidence limits equal to gestational age, but When the SVC flow measurements and simultaneous recording
with a narrow range. Yet, the majority of clinicians target a mean of blood pressure were compared, the results pointed out the lim-
blood pressure greater than the gestational age. Dempsey and itations of blood pressure for making informed decisions for treat-
Barrington [10] criticised this notion, suggesting that the recom- ment of hypotension. There was a group of babies in whom the
mendation was made without supporting data. Other studies have blood pressure was reported to be normal (mean BP >30 mmHg)
reported a cut-off for acceptable mean blood pressure at 30 mmHg but their SVC flows were <40 ml/kg/min, suggesting poor cardiac
based on the findings that the lower limit of the cerebral blood flow output with normal or increased vascular tone [16,17]. Such babies
autoregulation was near 30 mmHg [11]. This hypothesis is, how- benefit from inotropic support early (rather than vasopressor sup-
ever, not supported by any substantial longitudinal long-term port), such as extreme preterm babies with poor myocardial re-
outcome data. Additionally, there is a progressive rise in blood serves and function. There was another group of babies with low
pressure during the first week of life in very preterm babies. This blood pressure but with normal SVC flow, suggesting normal or
uncertainty of ‘what to measure’ is presently weighted by the ease high cardiac output with poor vascular tone. These babies are
of use rather than the evidence, and a majority of clinicians still usually identified clinically using vital signs and they benefit from
seem to use the gestational age as the cut-off value of mean blood inotropic support that improves vascular tone. Thus, isolated
pressure for the reasons described above. assessment of blood pressure or measurement of SVC flow would
not help targeting the therapy to the underlying problem, but, when
3. Blood flow and systemic venous return combined, could help in selecting the appropriate drug and institute
the therapy directed to the pathology (problem-based therapy).
The adult cardiac physiology of systemic flow equals left ven- Recently, Groves et al. [17] challenged the measurement of SVC
tricular output does not hold true for newborn babies with open flow. They compared the SVC diameters computed using echocar-
fetal channels [12]. In these infants, the patent ductus arteriosus diography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It was suggested
(PDA), an extracardiac shunt, causes additional volume loading of that SVC flow is not reproducible as the vessel’s cross-sectional area
the left ventricle. Thus, left ventricular output (LVO) reflects the is not circular but crescentic, indented by the adjacent aorta. Thus,
volume of blood perfusing the lungs and is the summation of right the physics of measurement introduces error in calculation.
ventricular output and the volume of blood shunting across the How to assess perfusion to measure the effects of therapy is
PDA. In these situations the right ventricular output (RVO) another subject of debate. One can divide the methods for
56 S. Gupta, S.M. Donn / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 19 (2014) 54e59

haemodynamic assessment into clinical, non-invasive, and invasive Table 2

methods. The evaluation can be directed to assessment of the heart, Mechanisms of action of dopamine.

arteriolar tone, capillary oxygenation, end-organ perfusion, capac- Adrenergic, dopaminergic and vasopressin receptors
itance and flow in central veins (Table 1). Using this approach, a a1/a2 b2 a1 b1/b2 DA1/DA2 V1a
detailed assessment of perfusion can be undertaken. However, for Vascular Vascular Cardiac Cardiac Vascular/cardiac Vascular
routine bedside decision-making, the busy clinician requires
Phenylephrine þþþþ 0 þ 0 0 0
pragmatic and sensitive methods. Various methods have been Norepinephrine þþþþ 0/þ þþ þþþþ 0 0
evaluated as part of research, but there are limited data to adopt a Epinephrine þþþþ þþ þþ þþþþ 0 0
particular approach. Dopaminea þþþþ þþ þþ þþþ þþþþ 0
Dobutamineb þ/0 þþ þþ þþþþ 0 0
The clinical signs to assess end-organ perfusion are widely used.
Isoprenaline 0 þþþ þþþ þþþþ 0 0
However, the sensitivity and specificity of these is poor in diag- Vasopressin 0 0 0 0 0 þþþþ
nosing or excluding low perfusion states [18]. Near-infrared spec- PDE-III inhibitors 0 0 0 0 0 0
troscopy (NIRS) is another tool that is mainly used for research and PDE-V inhibitors 0 0 0 0 0 0
can be utilised with encouraging results to assess cerebral perfu- a
Dopamine also has serotoninergic actions.
sion and oxygen extraction [19]. Bedside echocardiography is now b
Dobutamine’s efficacy is independent of affinity for adrenergic receptors.
increasingly used for assessing the contractility and function of
heart, and in a recent survey 75% of tertiary neonatal units in regarding the vasodilator effects in the renal, coronary, and cerebral
Europe had at least one clinician with echocardiography skills [20]. vascular beds [23].
In Europe and Australasia functional echocardiography is routinely Dobutamine is a synthetic catecholamine with predominantly
used to evaluate filling of the heart, computing cardiac outputs, and beta-adrenergic actions [22]. It has been suggested to offer the
assessing pulmonary hypertension and haemodynamically signifi- same inotropic effects as dopamine without the tendency for pe-
cant PDA. The Targeted Neonatal Echocardiography consensus ripheral vasoconstriction (Fig. 2 and Table 2).
statement was published recently to develop standards of practice, The optimum doses of dopamine and dobutamine for treating
training, and accreditation [21]. Cardiac MRI for functional assess- hypotensive preterm infants are uncertain. Pharmacokinetic
ment of newborns is now being evaluated and initial reports seem studies demonstrate wide variations in plasma concentrations
promising. among individuals for a given dose of dopamine or dobutamine.
This is likely related to the differences in plasma clearance rates
4. Pharmacology of dopamine and dobutamine that are independent of birth weight and gestational age. In addi-
tion, there is poor correlation between plasma dopamine or
The two most widely used inotropes in the neonatal intensive dobutamine concentration and blood pressure responses [24]. Early
care unit are dopamine and dobutamine. Dopamine is a naturally studies of dopamine in infants and older children suggested that
occurring precursor of noradrenaline, and has specific dopami- high doses (>10 mg/kg/min) might be necessary to treat hypoten-
nergic actions in addition to well-recognised alpha- and beta- sion. Randomised controlled trials comparing dopamine with
adrenergic effects [22]. The inotropic and peripheral vasocon- either colloid infusion or corticosteroid therapy in hypotensive
strictor effects of dopamine predominate in the newborn period preterm infants demonstrated that successfully treated infants will
(Fig. 1 and Table 2). There is, however, considerable controversy respond at a median dose of 7.5e10 mg/kg/min [25]. However,

Fig. 1. Dose-dependent effects of dopamine in neonates. *Without adrenoreceptor downregulation. #Demonstrated effects in preterm neonates.
S. Gupta, S.M. Donn / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 19 (2014) 54e59 57

Fig. 2. Cardiovascular effects of dobutamine neonates. *Without adrenoreceptor downregulation. #Demonstrated effects in preterm neonates.

uncontrolled studies in preterm infants demonstrated that lower- evaluated long-term outcomes. The study by Osborn et al. [30]
dose therapy (2e8 mg/kg/min) may also be effective in some in- quantified SVC flow during first 24 h and randomised very pre-
dividuals [26]. There are few studies of dobutamine in neonates. A term babies to dobutamine or dopamine at 10 mg/kg/min after
positive effect on left ventricular performance was demonstrated at giving one fluid bolus of 10 ml/kg if SVC flow was <41 ml/kg/min.
doses of 5 and 10 mg/kg/min in term and preterm infants [27]. They reported greater increase in blood flow with dobutamine
compared with dopamine at 24 h (RVO 295 vs 167 ml/kg/min,
5. Which inotrope: dopamine or dobutamine? P < 0.001) in 42 study infants. Almost 40% of babies failed to in-
crease or maintain SVC flow in response to either inotrope, even at
There is considerable controversy as to whether dopamine or 20 mg/kg/min. Subsequently, this group of investigators followed
dobutamine should be the first-line pharmacological agent for the the babies with low SVC flow up to 3 years age and reported that
treatment of neonatal hypotension. Proponents of dopamine often early low SVC flow was associated with substantial rates of death,
argue that it brings about a faster and more effective increase in morbidity, and developmental impairments. In this small study,
blood pressure. This is not surprising, since it is a potent vasocon- they found no difference in the combined outcome of death and
strictor. However, proponents of dobutamine argue that because of disability for infants assigned to either dopamine or dobutamine
this intense vasoconstriction, tissue perfusion is further compro- [31]. In another study, Filippi et al. [32] compared endocrine effects
mised because of decreased blood flow. of dopamine and dobutamine in 35 hypotensive very-low-birth-
Dopamine and dobutamine have been compared in randomised weight babies. They reported dobutamine did not alter any hor-
controlled trials, but these hardly resolve the controversy. The re- mone concentrations (TSH, T4, prolactin and growth hormone), but
sults of Cochrane meta-analysis suggest the superiority of dopa- dopamine produced reversible reduction of all these. Robel-Tillig
mine over dobutamine [28]. The same conclusions are also et al. [33] studied the effect of dobutamine in neonates with
suggested in the European consensus guidelines for management myocardial dysfunction and reported that the drug improved car-
of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome [29]. The included diac functional parameters after 20 min and maintained the in-
studies found benefits of dopamine over dobutamine only for fluence on blood flow in the anterior cerebral artery and superior
short-term outcomes such as improvement in blood pressure. mesenteric artery 8e10 h after administration [33]. In refractory
However, there were no differences between the two drugs for hypotension and among infants requiring dopamine >10 mg/kg/
mortality by 28 days, severe intraventricular haemorrhage or per- min, Ng et al. [34] reported advantages to adding low-dose hy-
iventricular leucomalacia, and none of the studies reported any drocortisone early in management, as it led to significantly less
long-term outcomes. Additionally, the majority of studies were need for a second inotrope and also facilitated early weaning from
done in the early 1990s and the most recent published in 2000 [28]. inotropic support.
The conclusion from just 209 babies enrolled in five trials in this The effect of dobutamine on CBF in preterm babies has not been
review makes it difficult to draw any meaningful conclusions. studied. Using Xe clearance, Lundstrom et al. [35] showed that
Additionally, most of the studies were done prior to the widespread dopamine, although increasing LVO and MBP, did not increase CBF.
use of antenatal steroids and surfactant replacement therapy. In an open-label observational study, Munro et al. [11] used NIRS to
In the last decade studies have utilised assessment of flows in show an increase in mean CBF after dopamine had been given to a
addition to blood pressure measurements, and they have also cohort of 12 preterm babies with MBP <30 mmHg. A large
58 S. Gupta, S.M. Donn / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 19 (2014) 54e59

European-funded project (NEO-CIRC trial) is preparing to assess least three known receptor subtypes (V1, V2 and V3). AVP exerts a
safety and efficacy of dobutamine as a first-line inotrope for all direct vasoconstrictive effect by acting on the V1 receptors that are
gestational ages using assessment of SVC flow. Another European predominantly found on vascular smooth muscle cells and
FP7-funded HIP trial is currently in planning. This is a large prag- myocardium. Currently, AVP and its analogue, terlipressin, are
matic, multinational, randomised trial of two different strategies increasingly being used as a rescue therapy for hypotension re-
for the management of hypotension in extremely low-gestational- fractory to high-dose catecholamine and corticosteroids in neo-
age newborns comparing dopamine versus a restricted approach nates with sepsis [42], cardiogenic shock, necrotizing enterocolitis
using placebo ( The primary [43], non-septic shock with acute renal injury, and systemic in-
outcome of the trial is to determine whether there is any difference flammatory response syndrome following surgery [44].
in the approach to improve survival without significant brain injury
at 36 weeks of postmenstrual age (PMA) and survival without 7. Conclusion
moderate or severe neurodevelopmental disability at 2 years of
corrected age. A single centre trial (TOHOP) is currently recruiting The choice of inotropes in clinical practice is still largely guided
very preterm babies to assess routine management using inotropes by the clinician’s personal preference rather than by the evidence
versus a restrictive approach for treating hypotension. It is hoped base, and the parameters utilised for decision-making are currently
that the results of these trials will address whether the currently debated. The objective role of echocardiography and other assess-
practised proactive approach of treating blood pressure has any ment tools is now increasingly recognised when diagnosing
advantages over a more restrictive approach. whether the problem is primarily pump, pre-load, or after-load.
Close monitoring and titration of inotropes is required with
6. Other alternative inotropes objective bedside assessment with an aim to improve tissue
perfusion rather than chasing the numbers.
6.1. Adrenaline

Adrenaline infusions are frequently used in neonates for the

treatment of hypotension and pulmonary hypertension [36]. Practice points
Adrenaline has both alpha- and beta-receptor agonist effects. At
low dose it is a potent inotrope, chronotrope, and systemic and  Blood pressure, though easy to measure, is only one
pulmonary vasodilator. At higher doses it has differential effects on element of tissue perfusion and oxygen delivery.
 Controversy still exists over the threshold for
the systemic and pulmonary circulations, increasing systemic
pressure more than pulmonary pressure [37]. Animal studies
 The most widely used pharmaceutical agents are dopa-
demonstrate improvement in cardiac output, myocardial perfusion, mine and dobutamine. Their mechanisms of action are
and increased mesenteric vascular resistance [38]. Reported different, and sufficient comparative trials are lacking.
adverse effects of adrenaline infusion in the neonate include in-  Functional echocardiography and assessment of vena
creases in peripheral vascular resistance leading to decreased car- cava flow are under-utilised technologies.
diac output and tissue perfusion, hypertension, tachycardia, and
severe tissue necrosis with extravasation [39]. There is a paucity of
published studies regarding the circulatory effects of adrenaline
infusion in the neonate. Research directions

6.2. Milrinone  Establish the roles of functional echocardiography and

assessment of vena cava flow in the diagnosis and
Milrinone is a phosphodiesterase III inhibitor that increases the treatment of neonatal hypotension.
bioavailability of cyclic adenosine monophosphate and has been  Clinical trials of dopamine versus dobutamine to assess
shown to improve pulmonary haemodynamics in animal models. long-term outcomes.
 Evaluation of other vasoactive drugs, such as adrenaline,
The drug was compared with placebo to assess the effectiveness in
milrinone, vasopressin, and hydrocortisone to develop an
prevention of low systemic blood flow in high-risk preterm infants.
evidence base for the treatment of neonatal hypotension.
In this double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial 90 in-
fants born at <30 weeks of gestational age and age <6 h were
randomised to milrinone (loading dose 0.75 mg/kg/min for 3 h, then Conflict of interest statement
maintenance 0.2 mg/kg/min until 18 h after birth) or placebo. The
primary outcome was maintenance of SVC flow 45 mL/kg/min None declared.
through the first 24 h. The results showed no differences in pre-
venting low systemic blood flow [40]. However, in another small
pilot study in term infants with pulmonary hypertension, milrinone Funding sources
was reported to improve oxygenation and pulmonary and systemic
haemodynamics in patients with suboptimal response to inhaled None.
nitric oxide [41]. More data are required for this promising drug.
6.3. Vasopressin
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