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Jon sadaba Larraona writing 3

Dear tommy

Sorry for not writing earlier, but I have been really busy
because I have been organizing my diary life. I am very

On one hand with you, so I think that I have met a

especial friend to the rest of my life. On the other hand
with your family especially for your mother Elisa, she
teached me cooking a lot of new meals. Besides give
thanks to your father Pedro. Finally tell your brother
Harry that if he ever learns to play tennis,he can call me
to beat him again.

You can come to my house whenever you want

I hope to see you soon.

Take care.


The bus was late so I decided to walk.I needed to
get to school early first because I had an exam to first hour.I
decided to walk because they told us that the bus would still
take half an hour to arrive because the bus had a

It had been 15 min and I still had more than half the
way, I started running to see if I could get there at start of the

When I was halfway there, I looked at my watch and

I saw that I only had 10 minutes left to start the test. I was
not going to get it. suddenly i began to hear beeps from a
car.I looked and was my father.

Finally he took me to school. I told him that he had

saved my day and the exam I had.
Most people think that developers shouldn’t be
allowed to build big hotels and tourist complexes anywhere
they like. However, much people like to lodge as close as
possible to the beach when they go on holidays.

First, I’d like to put the arguments in favour of

developers can build in anywhere they like. Developers can
choose the most beautiful place to build theirs hotels and
then offer his customers those places for them to enjoy. ,
Besides, sometimes developers are the only one who have
enough money to build in inaccessible places.

On the other hand, Developers shouldn’t build

anywhere they like because don’t respect the natural
landscapes. Also, animals that live in this area can be suffer
alterations in theirs ecosystems for human activities.
Moreover, developers will always try to privatize public areas
such as beaches.

In my opinion we must respect all natural places

since once destroyed can be never recovered.

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