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A: Perfect work you did thorough this semester,

keep going on your perfect work, and study hard.

A-: Excellent work you did thorough this semester,

keep going and try to work harder in next semester.

B+: Great work you did thorough this semester, but

you must study harder to improve your GPA.

B: Very Good work you did thorough this semester,

but you should study harder.

B-: Good work you did thorough this semester, I wish

you could work better next semester.

C+: Fair-Good but you should study harder next semester

to get higher GPA.

C: Fair you have to focus and study harder in such as these

courses to get higher marks.

C-: Poor-Fair your work in this semester should be

improved, study harder.

D+: Poor work almost your grades are not acceptable, try
best what you can do next semester.
D: Very-Poor work have you provide it, approximately
you were getting fail, study hard in the next semester.

F: Fail you are completely not acceptable, you must talk to

your advisor, ‘Moataz’ about your studies before
registering for the next semester.

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