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Effect of Addition of Mill Scale on Sintering of Iron


Iron-rich (65 to 70 pct total Fe) mill scale generated during processing by steel mills can be
recycled by using it as a ferrous raw material in the sintering process. The effect of mill scale
addition on the phase formation of sintered specimens from an industrial sinter blend
containing 0 to 15 wt pct mill scale was examined, and the mineral phases formed during
sintering under various conditions (T = 1523 K to 1598 K [1250 C to 1325 C] and gas
compositions of pO2 = 0.5, 5 and 21 kPa) were quantitatively measured. For samples sintered
in air (pO2 = 21 kPa), there was negligible effect of mill scale addition on the phases formed.
The oxidation of the mill scale was complete, and phases such as Silico-Ferrite of Calcium and
Aluminum (SFCA), SFCA-I, and hematite dominated. Under lower oxygen partial pressures
(pO2 = 0.5 or 5 kPa), and throughout the temperature range examined, the mill scale was
converted to magnetite, with the extent of reaction controlled by the hematite-magnetite
conversion kinetics. When sintered in the gas mixture with pO2 = 5 kPa, an increase in the mill
scale content from 0 to 15 wt pct resulted in a decrease of hematite and total SFCA phases and
a corresponding increase in the amount of magnetite which formed. The oxidation of wustite in
mill scale to magnetite decreased the local partial pressure of O2 and increased sintering
temperature, which promoted the decomposition of hematite.

DOI: 10.1007/s11663-016-0738-2
 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2016

I. INTRODUCTION within the sinter bed during the heating stage. Once
peak temperatures are reached, the agglomerated, semi-
Mill scale is a waste product containing wustite molten material slowly cools under a relatively oxidizing
(FeO), magnetite (Fe3O4), and hematite (Fe2O3), which is atmosphere.[4,5] The final sinter predominantly consists
formed on the surface of steel as a result of oxidation of of primary and secondary hematite, magnetite, silico-
the metal that occurs during continuous casting, reheat- ferrites of calcium and aluminum (SFCA), and glassy
ing, and hot-rolling operations.[1] Mill scale is a valuable silicate phases. Their relative proportions depend on the
ferrous raw material, containing 65 to 70 pct iron[2] and is sintering conditions, such as temperature, raw sinter
often recycled through the sintering process.[3] mix composition, oxygen partial pressure, basicity
During iron ore sintering, iron ore fines are mixed (CaO/SiO2 mass ratio), and sintering time, which are
with limestone and coke breeze. The combustion of coke controlled by operating parameters such as sinter blend
breeze supplies the necessary heat to achieve partial composition, coke breeze rate, humidity, windbox
melting and reaction of the raw materials. It also pressure, and bed height.
produces a locally, relatively reducing atmosphere As mill scale contains a high amount of Fe and low
amounts of silica and alumina, recycling it through the
sintering process reduces the consumption of raw
materials like iron ore and limestone. A further advan-
tage with the use of mill scale is that assimilation during
ZHE WANG, formerly Ph.D. Student with the School of
Mechanical, Materials & Mechatronic Engineering, University of sintering can provide a reduction in the rate of coke
Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia, is now Lecturer with breeze addition due to the exothermic oxidation of
the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy, University of wustite and magnetite.[3] The oxidation of magnetite ore
Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, P.R. China. DAVID has been demonstrated to reduce coke consumption as
PINSON, Senior Research Engineer, and SHENG CHEW, Principal
Research Engineer, are with Steelmaking Technology and Planning,
observed by several investigators. Button and Lundh,[6]
BlueScope, P. O. Box 202, Port Kembla, NSW 2505, Australia. using an ore blend containing 30 wt pct magnetite in pot
BRIAN J. MONAGHAN, Professor, HAROLD ROGERS, Senior tests, found that compared to a 100 wt pct hematite ore
Research Fellow, and GUANGQING ZHANG, Senior Lecturer, are blend, the maximum sintering temperature at a given
with the School of Mechanical, Materials & Mechatronic Engineering, coke rate was about 60 K (60 C) higher, which was
University of Wollongong. Contact e-mail:
MARK I. POWNCEBY, Principal Research Scientist, and NATHAN equivalent to about 0.75 wt pct coke breeze. Similarly,
A.S. WEBSTER, Research Scientist, are with CSIRO Mineral Panigrahy et al.[7] studied the effect of blending 7 and
Resources, Private Bag 10, Clayton South, VIC 3169, Australia. 23 wt pct of magnetite (Carol Lake concentrate) on the
Manuscript submitted March 15, 2016.


sintering of a hematite ore in pilot-scale test. It was corresponding to that of BlueScope Ltd’s bulk sinter
found that 10 wt pct coke breeze saving was achieved by blend. To assess the effect of mill scale on sinter-phase
blending 23 wt pct of magnetite. formation, four separate sinter blends were prepared
Although there have been a number of sintering and with the mill scale contents that varied from 0 to
oxidation studies of magnetite ore,[8–11] there have not 15 wt pct. The resulting sinter blend compositions are
been many that focused on understanding the effect of given in Table II. These blends were pressed into ~0.3-g
mill scale addition on the sintering process largely due to cylindrical tablets of 5-mm diameter and ~5-mm height
the complexity of the raw materials and the variation of for the sintering experiments.
sintering conditions. Further, the large range in the A schematic diagram of the sintering apparatus and
reported offsets of coke breeze addition illustrates the the procedure used have been described in detail
need for a more comprehensive investigation of the elsewhere.[17] The setup is based on a vertical tube
effect on sintering behavior. furnace with a working tube of 55-mm internal diameter
JSW Steel Ltd[3] in India conducted pot grate sinter- through which a gas mixture of controlled composition
ing experiments to investigate the influence of mill scale was continuously passed. Experiments were conducted
addition on sintering. The mill scale in the sinter mix over a range of temperatures typical of iron ore sintering
was varied from 0 to 70 kg/t-sinter. It was shown that (1523 K, 1548 K, 1573 K, and 1598 K [1250 C,
the FeO content of the sinter increased with the increase 1275 C, 1300 C, and 1325 C]) and three gas compo-
in mill scale addition, and sinter productivity decreased sitions of pO2 0.5, 5, and 21 kPa, respectively. The
due to a decrease in sinter bed permeability. The sinter furnace was preheated to the designated temperature,
strength initially increased and reached a maximum at and then purged with the reactive gas mixture for at
mill scale addition of 40 to 50 kg/t-sinter but declined least 20 minutes prior to suspending a crucible contain-
thereafter. It was also found that the reduction degra- ing the sinter tablet in the hot zone of the furnace. After
dation index (RDI) and reducibility of the sinter sintering for 4 minutes, the samples were then cooled
decreased with the increasing mill scale addition which following one of two procedures: (1) rapid cooling,
was attributed to the increase in FeO content, although where the crucible was directly lifted to the cold top end
there were no details of what proportion of FeO increase of the furnace tube, while the gas mixture was kept
was produced in sintering compared to that already unchanged; and (2) slow cooling, where the crucible was
present in the raw materials. In their sinter pot inves- first lifted to a location in the furnace where the
tigation, El-Hussiny et al.[12] similarly found that temperature was 1433 K (1160 C), and held there for
replacement of the initial iron ore concentrate with 2.5 minutes before being lifted to the cold top end. The
5 wt pct mill scale increased the overall sinter strength, gas mixture was switched to purging air when the
but the productivity decreased. These discrepant con- sample was lifted to the 1433 K (1160 C) location. The
clusions on the productivity change are likely caused by second procedure was designed to simulate the less
the difference in the physical form of the mill scale used. rapid, more-oxidizing conditions which occur during
Sintering is a complex process and investigations to cooling in an industrial sinter strand.
further elucidate reaction mechanisms will continue into The small size of the tablets used in this study was
the future. Adding further to the complexity is the helpful in accurately controlling experimental conditions
introduction of mill scale as a component of the sinter and reducing the uncertainty in sintering, which benefits
blend. Although a number of patents[13–16] are present in the investigation of the fundamentals of the effects of
the literature on the mill scale being used as sintering sintering conditions on the mineralogy of sinter.
components, investigations on the fundamentals of the The sintered tablets were mounted in epoxy resin and
effect of its addition on the formation of mineral phases cut perpendicular to the top surface, and then polished
in the sinter was lacking. In this study, a mill scale sample for examination using optical microscopy (Leica
was characterized using optical microscope and quanti- DM6000) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM,
tative XRD techniques before being used in the labora- JEOL JSM-6490LV). The optical microscopic digital
tory-run sinter assimilation tests designed to understand images were obtained in reflected light and analyzed
the effects of various levels of mill scale addition on the using Leica Phase Expert software. Different phases
formation of mineral phases during iron ore sintering. (hematite, magnetite, and SFCA) as well as sample
porosity were identified on the basis of homogeneous
reflectivity. The principle of phase determination used
by Phase Expert and an error analysis for the determi-
II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE nation of phase composition of sinter samples are
discussed in detail elsewhere.[18] One point to note is
A. Sintering Experiments
that Phase Expert could not distinguish between the
The starting materials for the iron ore sintering silicate phase and sample pores due to their having
experiments were a bulk iron ore blend, limestone, similar reflectivity, because of which the presence of any
dolomite, manganese ore, cold return fines (CRF), and silicate phase was not included in the determination of
mill scale. All materials were supplied by BlueScope Ltd. the mineral phases within the sintered samples. Another
Table I presents the chemical compositions of the raw limitation of the software is that the image analysis
materials determined by XRF analysis. Each raw results only report data for total SFCA (i.e., SFCA and
material component was crushed and screened to less SFCA-I)—the distinction between SFCA and SFCA-I
than 200 lm. These were then mixed in the proportions can be made on a textural basis or by assessing powder


Table I. The Chemical Compositions of Raw Materials, Weight Percent

Raw Material Total Fe CaO SiO2 Al2O3 MgO Mn Loss on Ignition

Iron Ore Blend 56.6 2.63 5.31 1.44 0.81 0.14 8.30
Limestone 0.11 54.22 0.9 0.32 0.49 0.02 43.6
Dolomite 1.21 29.04 1.69 0.30 19.65 0.12 45.7
Manganese Ore 5.40 0.06 5.4 3.50 0.10 49.2 12.9
Mill Scale 71.0 0.16 0.88 0.07 0.15 0.61 —

Table II. Compositions of the Sinter Blends with Different Mill Scale Contents, Weight Percent

No. Iron Ore Blend Mill Scale CRF Limestone Dolomite Mn Ore
M0 66.8 0 20.1 8.2 1.4 0.4
M5 61.9 5 20.1 8.2 1.4 0.4
M10 57.0 10 20.1 8.2 1.4 0.4
M15 52.1 15 20.1 8.2 1.4 0.4

X-ray diffraction data (i.e., SFCA and SFCA-I have

distinct powder diffraction patterns),[19] but automated
identification is difficult using optical microscopy due to
a similarity in their compositions resulting in them
having similar reflectivity.

B. Interaction Experiments
To investigate the behavior of mill scale particles
during iron ore sintering, the mill scale was crushed and
screened to obtain a particle size ranging from 425 to
600 lm. The mill scale of this was mixed with sample
M0 (<200 lm) shown in Table II in a weight ratio of 1:9
and compressed into 5-mm diameter 9 5-mm high
tablets. The tablets were then sintered at different
temperatures in the vertical furnace in the gas mixture
containing 0.5 pct O2 and 99.5 pct argon (i.e.
pO2 = 0.5 kPa). After sintering for the required time,
Fig. 1—Cumulative size distribution of the mill scale sample prior to
the samples were then cooled following the same crushing.
procedures as used in the sintering experiments. The
sintered tablets were mounted in epoxy resin and
prepared for optical microscopic and SEM analysis.


A. Characterization of Mill Scale
As shown in Table I, the mill scale contained approx-
imately 91 wt pct FeO (total Fe content equivalent).
Major impurities included SiO2 (0.88 wt pct), CaO
(0.16 wt pct), MgO (0.15 wt pct), Al2O3 (0.07 wt pct),
and Mn (0.61 wt pct).
Figure 1 shows the size distribution of the mill scale
particles, which was obtained by screening prior to
crushing. This shows 100 pct of the mill scale was
smaller than 5 mm with approximately 80 wt pct being
less than 2 mm. These mill scale particles are too fine for
direct use in a blast furnace, and so incorporation into Fig. 2—Rietveld fit of XRD data collected (Co Ka radiation) for the
sinter provides an appropriate method for its utilization mill scale. Experimental data are shown as a scattered blue solid
line, the calculated pattern as the smooth red solid line, and the dif-
in ironmaking. Quantitative XRD analysis of the mill ference pattern as the black solid line below. The vertical lines are
scale sample was conducted, and Figure 2 shows the the Bragg reflection markers for (from top to bottom) hematite,
Rietveld fit of XRD data collected (Co Ka radiation). It magnetite, wustite, goethite, and green rust (Color figure online).


indicates that the mill scale consists of 53 wt pct wustite, grains resulting in the generation of sinuous pores;
35 wt pct magnetite, 10 wt pct hematite, 1 wt pct however, at this temperature, the assimilation of oxide
goethite, and 1 wt pct green rust (i.e., Fe2O3ÆH2O). materials was not complete, leaving a large proportion
Figure 3 presents a micrograph (reflected light) of a of only partially reacted iron ore and flux particles.
typical mill scale particle. The particle contains three When the sintering temperature was increased to
layers of iron oxide. The hematite layer (white) is very 1548 K (1275 C) (Figure 4(b)), the amount of SFCA
thin, and the middle layer displays the pinkish color formed reached a maximum (27.5 pct), and minor
characteristic of magnetite under reflected light. The primary relict hematite particles (7.0 pct) were encapsu-
thickest layer is wustite (uniform mild-gray). Hydrated lated inside magnetite (65.6 pct). Almost no discrete
iron oxide phases could not be observed in this image. iron ore particles remained due to the assimilation of the
The results agree well with those in the literature[1,20–22] fine iron ore particles through reaction with the flux
where it has been shown that at temperatures above components. The major phase present in the sample
843 K (570 C), the oxidation of iron in air leads to the sintered at 1573 K (1300 C) (Figure 4(c)) was mag-
formation of multilayered scales consisting of wustite, netite (94.6 pct) with only 5.4 pct hematite. The SFCA
magnetite, and hematite in that sequence, and with phase was rarely detected, and an interstitial silica-rich
wustite being adjacent to the original metal. The much phase was present. Further increasing the sintering
greater mobility of defects within wustite causes this temperature to 1598 K (1325 C) (Figure 4(d)) resulted
layer to be very thick compared with the magnetite and in the hematite and SFCA disappearing almost com-
hematite layers. Schwenk and Rahmel[21] found that the pletely accompanied by increases in the amounts of
relative thicknesses of wustite : magnetite : hematite are magnetite- and silica-rich phases. It is also noted that
in the ratio of roughly 95:4:1 at 1273 K (1000 C). At the larger pores were generated in the sample since
temperatures below 843 K (570 C), wustite does not higher sintering temperature resulted in the more
form, and magnetite is found adjacent to the metal. enhanced aggregation of fine particles.
Figure 5 shows the total SFCA contents in specimens
with 5 pct mill scale sintered at temperatures ranging
B. Formation of Mineral Phases during Sintering
from 1523 K to 1598 K (1250 C to 1325 C) in different
1. Effect of sintering temperature and gas atmosphere gas atmospheres for 4 minutes, followed by rapid
Figure 4 shows optical images from the samples with cooling. In general, at the same sintering temperature,
5 wt pct mill scale sintered at 25 K (25 C) intervals more SFCA was formed in specimens sintered in gases
between 1523 K to 1598 K (1250 C to 1325 C) for with a higher pO2 (5 and 21 kPa). At these pO2 values,
4 minutes at pO2 = 0.5 kPa, followed by rapid cooling. the amount of SFCA increased with the increasing
In general, the mill scale particles in sintered specimens sintering temperature from 1548 K to 1573 K (1275 C
were not discernible because the mill scale size was to 1300 C) but significantly decreased beyond 1573 K
similar to other components in the sinter blend. As (1300 C). In comparison, in less-oxidizing conditions
shown in Figure 4(a), in the sample sintered at 1523 K (0.5 pct O2), the total SFCA content reached a maxi-
(1250 C), most of the hematite was converted to mum at 1548 K (1275 C) before decreasing at higher
magnetite, and little unreacted hematite remained. temperatures. This trend is consistent with what was
SFCA was also formed. Image analysis showed that found in the previous work on sintering of iron ore with
the relative fractions of hematite, magnetite, and SFCA addition of ironsand.[18]
present were 15.7, 70, and 14.3 pct, respectively. There
was distinct aggregation and reaction of the finer ore 2. Effect of mill scale content
Air, 1573 K (1300 C) When sintered in air, the effect
of mill scale content on the sinter mineral phase
composition was negligible. Figure 6 compares the
microstructures of the M0 and M15 samples sintered
in air at 1573 K (1300 C) for 4 minutes followed by
rapid cooling. The mineralogy and microstructure of the
two samples were similar and dominated by hematite
and SFCA. This was typical for all mill scale additions
under these conditions. It was found that although the
content of mill scale in the samples was changed from 0
to 15 wt pct, the fractions of different phases, as
identified by Phase Expert, of the sintered samples were
all similar ranging from 30 to 38 pct hematite and 60 to
68 pct SFCA, with little contents of magnetite and
silicate. It is inferred that the magnetite and wustite
initially present in the mill scale were oxidized to
hematite that then reacted with flux and other compo-
nents of the blend to form SFCA
Fig. 3—Optical microscope image of a typical mill scale particle 5 pct O2, 1573 K (1300 C) Figure 7 presents the
showing the presence of the three iron oxides wustite, magnetite, and microstructures of samples with different mill scale
hematite. contents sintered at 1573 K (1300 C) in a gas mixture


Fig. 4—Optical-reflected light images of specimens with 5 wt pct mill scale sintered at different temperatures for 4 min in a gas mixture contain-
ing 0.5 pct O2 and 99.5 pct argon followed by rapid cooling. H: Hematite; M: Magnetite; SF: SFCA; S: Silicates; F: Relict flux. (a) 1523 K
(1250 C); (b) 1548 K (1275 C); (c) 1573 K (1300 C); (d) 1598 K (1325 C).

content of mill scale increased from 0 to 15 wt pct, the

content of magnetite increased, while the amounts of
SFCA and hematite decreased simultaneously. As seen
in Figure 7(a), in the sample sintered without mill scale
addition, a significant amount (41.4 pct) of SFCA was
formed. The fractions of hematite and magnetite were
19.2 and 39.5 pct, respectively. When 5 wt pct mill scale
was added into the sinter blend (Figure 7(b)), the
amount of SFCA remained unchanged, but the content
of hematite decreased to 7.7 pct and magnetite became
the major phase (50.9 pct). Further increasing the
content of mill scale between 10 and 15 wt pct resulted
in sharp increase in the amount of magnetite >85 pct,
while those of hematite and SFCA further decreased to
about 10 and 5 pct, respectively. It is inferred that the
wustite initially present in the mill scale was oxidized to
Fig. 5—Effects of sintering temperature and gas atmosphere on the Figure 8 shows the phase compositions in specimens
total SFCA content formed in specimens with 5 pct mill scale sin- with varying mill scale contents sintered at 1573 K
tered for 4 min followed by rapid cooling. (1300 C) at pO2 = 5 kPa for 4 minutes followed by
either slow or rapid cooling in air. Slow cooling in air
containing 5 pct O2 and 95 pct argon for 4 minutes converted magnetite, the dominant phase in the rapidly
followed by rapid cooling. The measured phase compo- cooled specimens, to additional SFCA and hematite
sitions are presented in Figure 8. In general, as the phases. The magnetite was almost totally eliminated


Fig. 6—Optical-reflected light images of specimens with different mill scale contents sintered at 1573 K (1300 C) in air for 4 min followed by ra-
pid cooling. (a) M0; (b) M15.

during slow cooling of the samples containing 0 and was offset by its consumption in the formation of
5 wt pct mill scale; while only 9.4 and 6.9 pct magnetite additional SFCA. The changes of the microstructure
was left in the sintered samples which had 10 and and mineral composition when switching from rapid
15 wt pct mill scale addition, respectively. cooling to slow cooling procedures were attributed to
0.5 pct O2, 1573 K (1300 C) Figure 9 compares the the oxidation of magnetite during the cooling stage
morphology of specimens with and without mill scale which was benefited by the high porosity in the
addition sintered at 1573 K (1300 C) for 4 minutes in a specimens with higher mill scale contents. Thus, the
less-oxidizing atmosphere (0.5 pct O2) followed by hematite and SFCA phases were mainly formed during
the two different cooling procedures. As shown in slow cooling in air when oxygen was readily able to
Figure 9(a), during the heating stage, the predominant diffuse into the interior of the specimen tablets. From
phases in the rapidly quenched sample without mill scale Figures 9(c) and (d), it can be seen that most of the
addition were magnetite and silicates. Small amounts of hematite and magnetite present were crystallized sec-
hematite were also present. The addition of 15 pct mill ondary phases identified by their euhedral crystal
scale resulted in almost complete elimination of shapes, showing that melting and crystallization
hematite, and more importantly, less aggregation (Fig- occurred along with the oxidation reactions during the
ure 9(b)). The fine-grained hematite particles were slow cooling stage.
converted to magnetite with little obvious sintering
effect. The effect of mill scale on the extent of sintering 3. Effect of oxidation during cooling
was also reflected by the change of the porosity of the The previous results illustrating the effects of mill
sintered specimens (Figure 10). After sintering at scale contents on the formation of mineral phases also
1573 K (1300 C) in pO2 = 0.5 kPa for 4 minutes indicated a pronounced effect caused by oxidation
followed by rapid cooling, the specimen without mill during cooling. The effect of oxidation was further
scale showed a porosity of 36 pct. The porosity examined by comparing the final-phase abundances of
increased gradually with the increasing content of mill specimens subject to both rapid and slow cooling
scale and reached a maximum of 62 pct. procedures. Figure 12 compares the phase compositions
As shown in Figures 9(c) and (d), the slow cooling in sinter specimens with 5 wt pct mill scale and sintered
procedure significantly changed the microstructures of under three different gas atmospheres at 1573 K
the sintered samples with 0 and 15 wt pct mill scale. (1300 C), followed by either a rapid or a slow cooling
Both specimens were well sintered with a dense solid procedure. The results indicate that for specimens
matrix and large pores, and with a large amount of sintered in air (21 pct O2), there was a negligible
SFCA phase being present. Figure 11 presents the difference between rapid and slow cooling, with nearly
mineral abundances in specimens over a range of the same phase proportions being present in both
mill scale contents sintered at 1573 K (1300 C) in samples. However, for samples sintered under less-ox-
pO2 = 0.5 kPa for 4 minutes, followed by slow cooling idizing gas atmospheres, there was a large difference in
in air. As the mill scale content was increased from 0 to phase proportions between samples cooled using the two
15 wt pct, the amount of SFCA formed increased, while different procedures. For the rapidly cooled samples, the
the magnetite content decreased in proportion. The content of magnetite increased with the decreasing
content of hematite increased up to 10 wt pct of mill oxygen potential in the sintering gas mixture. In
scale addition; however, beyond this range, the increase comparison, magnetite was almost totally eliminated


following the slow cooling procedure. At the same time,
the contents of SFCA and hematite increased to 50.2
and 17.1 pct, respectively.

C. Interaction Between Mill Scale and Other

Further experiments were carried out to examine the
assimilation behavior of mill scale during sintering using
larger mill scale particles (425 to 600 lm). Figure 13(a)
shows the optical-reflected light image of a typical mill
scale particle in a specimen sintered at 1548 K (1275 C)
for 4 minutes and then cooled rapidly. The fine iron ore
particles began to be assimilated through reaction with
the flux components resulting in almost no discrete iron
ore particles remaining, which is in agreement with the
results of a previous investigation with New Zealand
iron sand.[18] While showing some evidence of partial
assimilation, the original contour of the mill scale
particle remained clearly visible. Magnetite rims
formed around wustite particles were generally observed.
Figure 13(b) shows an image of a typical mill scale
particle sintered under the same conditions as
Figure 13(a) but cooled slowly in air. A large amount of
SFCA was produced during slow cooling in air and
intimately bound with mill scale particles. The wustite in
the mill scale was completely oxidized and partially
oxidized to hematite which grew as lumpy and needle-like
Figure 13(c) shows the optical-reflected light image of
a typical mill scale particle in specimens sintered at
1573 K (1300 C) for 4 minutes and then cooled rapidly.
The original morphology of the mill scale particle
remains clear with little assimilation evident, which is
consistent with that observed at 1548 K (1275 C)
(Figure 9(b)). After slow cooling in air (Figure 13(d)),
a large amount of hematite was present in the matrix
of mill scale particles. These were surrounded by
SFCA-bonding phase which increased in content during

As shown in Figure 13, the mill scale particles
consisting of mainly wustite had a strong tendency to
be oxidized to magnetite even in less-oxidizing atmo-
spheres, and further to hematite in highly oxidizing
atmospheres. The oxidation reactions of wustite in mill
scale are as follows:
Fig. 7—Optical-reflected light images of specimens with different mill
scale contents sintered at 1573 K (1300 C) in a gas mixture contain- 6FeO ðs) þ O2 ðgÞ ¼ 2Fe3 O4 ðsÞ ½1
ing 5 pct O2 and 95 pct argon for 4 min followed by rapid cooling.
(a) M0; (b) M5; (c) M15.

4Fe3 O4 ðsÞ þ O2 ðgÞ ¼ 6Fe2 O3 ðsÞ ½2

during slow cooling for the specimen sintered with 5 pct
O2. Correspondingly, the contents of SFCA and The equilibrium partial pressures of Reactions [1] and
hematite both increased during slow cooling, close to [2] are presented in Figure 14. Wustite is unstable under
the levels observed when the sample was sintered in air. sintering conditions and can be oxidized when the oxy-
In the specimen sintered in 0.5 pct O2, up to 94.6 pct of gen partial pressure is greater than ~107 kPa which is
magnetite was obtained by rapid cooling. The amount well below that used in the current investigation,
of magnetite sharply decreased to only 32.7 pct reverting to either magnetite or hematite. Note,


however, hematite becomes unstable when the sinter- shown in Figure 13, however, revealed that the oxida-
ing temperature is high enough resulting in the reverse tion of wustite proceeded via a magnetite rim with a
reaction of Reaction [2] to take place. thickness of less than 100 lm at 1548 K (1275 C). The
Wang et al.[23] demonstrated the occurrence of oxidation reaction involved diffusion of oxygen via the
hematite decomposition in the preheating zone of a magnetite lattice to the wustite-magnetite interface
sinter pot test by measuring the increase in the amount which may be the rate controlling step of the reaction.
of Fe2+ in the blend in this zone. The equilibrium A finer particle size is beneficial to the conversion of
oxygen partial pressure of Reaction [2] is 14.7 and wustite into magnetite and further conversion to
26.2 kPa at 1548 K and 1573 K (1275 C and 1300 C), hematite in a more-oxidizing atmosphere such as during
respectively. Due to the large difference between the the slow cooling stage (Figures 13(b) and (d)).
equilibrium partial pressures of Reactions [1] and [2], SFCA phases are desired in high quality sinter due to
there is always a tendency to convert co-existing wustite their role in improving sinter strength, reducibility, and
and hematite to magnetite by oxygen transfer, even in an reduction degradation index (RDI). Specifically, SFCA
inert gas atmosphere. phases are calcium ferrite-based mineral phases with
As shown in Figure 8, sample M0 sintered at 1573 K aluminum and silicon. Considering the heating and
(1300 C) at pO2 = 5 kPa for 4 minutes and then cooling cycle of sintering, its formation starts with either
rapidly cooled, formed almost 40 pct magnetite due to CaFe2O4 (CF) or Ca2Fe2O5 (C2F).[24,25] Recent work by
reverse Reaction [2] in a specimen without mill scale. Webster et al.[19] indicates that in synthetic sinter
Addition of 5 wt pct of mill scale increased the mag- mixtures, C2F forms before CF. The pure CaFe2O4
netite content by 11.4 pct, while increasing the mill scale phase has a melting point of 1489 K (1216 C), while
content to 10 wt pct further increased the magnetite Ca2Fe2O5 melts at 1722 K (1449 C).[26] Due to the
content by nearly 35 pct. These results suggest that relative difficulty of solid-state diffusion, the likely
consumption of oxygen in the gas phase by the formation of a localized melt significantly enhances
oxidation of mill scale created a locally less-oxidizing mass transfer and further reaction. Impurities such as
environment which promoted conversion of hematite to silica and alumina within the sinter blend participate in
magnetite. additional reactions with the early formed ferrites
During sintering with fine mill scale particles as shown resulting in the formation of SFCA phases.
in Figure 4, the mill scale was completely oxidized into It is well recognized that SFCA only forms from
magnetite at all temperatures tested in an atmosphere hematite.[11,27] In a relatively reducing gas atmosphere,
with pO2 = 0.5 kPa. Using particles of larger size, as however, reduction of hematite to magnetite takes place

Fig. 8—The phase composition of specimens with different mill scale levels sintered at 1573 K (1300 C) at pO2 = 5 kPa for 4 min, followed by
two different cooling procedures.


as the reverse reaction of Reaction [2], as discussed
above. Factors which enhance reduction of hematite
affect the formation of SFCA negatively, whereas those
factors which help to retain hematite favor the forma-
tion of SFCA. However, the SFCA formed at low
temperatures will be melted when heated to high
temperatures, such as above 1573 K (1300 C). This
can take place owing to two different mechanisms: (1) a
physical melting process without a chemical reaction
involved, and (2) a reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ in SFCA
which affects its stability. Previous work[18] has proven
that the second mechanism is the dominant mechanism
in sintering.
As shown in Figure 5, increasing the partial pressure
of O2 in the sintering gas atmosphere significantly
increased the content of SFCA in a sinter specimen
because it increased the stability of SFCA to higher
temperatures, which is consistent with the observation Fig. 10—The porosity of specimens with different mill scale addi-
by Webster et al.[28] However, when the temperature tions sintered at 1573 K (1300 C) in pO2 = 0.5 kPa for 4 min fol-
increased beyond 1573 K (1300 C), the pO2 of air is lowed by rapid cooling.

Fig. 9—Optical-reflected light images of specimens with and without mill scale additions sintered at 1573 K (1300 C) in a gas mixture contain-
ing 0.5 pct O2 and 99.5 pct argon for 4 min, followed by two different cooling procedures. (a) M0, rapid cooling; (b) M15, rapid cooling; (c) M0,
slow cooling; (d) M15, slow cooling.


insufficient to fully suppress the decomposition of pressures. Changing mill scale addition from 0 to
SFCA, resulting in a decreased SFCA content in the 15 wt pct had a negligible effect on the sintering in air
higher temperature sintered samples. This is consistent (Figure 6). The oxidation of mill scale was complete,
with the results of Webster et al.[29] Thus, the maximum and SFCA and hematite were the dominant phases. In
SFCA content was formed, and the peak temperature the gas mixture with pO2 = 5 kPa, the decomposition
increased, with the increasing pO2. of hematite to magnetite is favored thermodynamically
The addition of mill scale had a significant effect on when sintering temperatures are higher than 1540 K
the mineral-phase formation at lower oxygen partial (1267 C). As shown in Figures 7 and 8, increasing mill
scale content from 0 to 15 wt pct resulted in a decrease
of both hematite and SFCA phases with correspond-
ingly more magnetite formation. At pO2 = 0.5 kPa,
sintering was obvious in a sample without mill scale
(Figure 9(a)), although the content of SFCA was low.
The addition of 15 wt pct of mill scale (Figure 9(b))
resulted in a sample with little evidence for the sintering
having occurred. In this sample, the wustite in mill scale
promoted the reduction of hematite quickly into mag-
netite which hindered the formation of calcium ferrites
and preliminary liquid phase, and the aggregation of
fine particles.
It seems, however, that the lack of sintering during the
heating stage is not an issue if the sample is exposed to a
relatively oxidizing atmosphere, as demonstrated by the
results from specimens slowly cooled in air. The SFCA
and hematite contents of a specimen sintered in a more
reducing atmosphere and then cooled in air approached
those when sintered in air. The porous structure
generated during the heating stage is beneficial to the
Fig. 11—The phase compositions of specimens with different mill diffusion of oxygen inside a specimen when cooled
scale additions sintered at 1573 K (1300 C) in pO2 = 0.5 kPa for slowly in air, and promotes the formations of secondary
4 min followed by slow cooling in air. hematite and SFCA.

Fig. 12—Effects of cooling procedures on the phase composition of samples sintered at different atmospheres. All samples are with 5 wt pct mill
scale and sintered at 1573 K (1300 C) for 4 min.


Fig. 13—Optical-reflected light images of typical mill scale particles in specimens sintered at different temperatures for 4 min in a gas mixture
containing 0.5 pct O2 and 99.5 pct argon followed by different cooling procedures. (a) 1548 K (1275 C), rapid cooling; (b) 1548 K (1275 C),
slow cooing in air; (c) 1573 K (1300 C), rapid cooling; (d) 1573 K (1300 C), slow cooing in air.

oxidizing atmosphere, the oxygen content beneath the

combustion zone can be well below 10 pct, and the local
oxygen content in the combustion zone can be much
lower than the average level. This causes inhomogeneity
of sintering. Figure 15 shows that in an industrial sinter,
the material close to the edge of a sinter lump was high
in SFCA and hematite content (more oxidizing), but the
interior (less oxidizing) was mainly secondary magnetite
and silicate phases with little SFCA and hematite being
Based on the observations in this study, mill scale is a
suitable sinter blend component with very low impurity
contents. Addition of mill scale into a sinter blend,
especially in significant amount such as above 5 wt pct,
may, however, affect the formation of mineral phases
during the heating stage. Nonetheless, if appropriate
Fig. 14—Equilibrium partial pressures of O2 for Reactions [1] and measures are taken so that the magnetite formed during
[2]. heating is allowed to be sufficiently oxidized during the
cooling stage, the contents of SFCA and hematite will
In industrial sintering, the sinter blend experiences not be significantly changed, and the quality of sinter
different stages with varying temperature and gas can be maintained. This requires reducing the cooling
atmospheres. Although overall a sinter bed is in an rate of the sinter immediately after the combustion has


Fig. 15—Typical microstructures of an industrial sinter. (a) Exterior and (b) interior of sinter lumps.

completed. Reducing the suction pressure will reduce the hematite will not be significantly changed, and so
cooling rate and promote the formation of SFCA. This the quality of sinter can be maintained.
will also cause extension of combustion time and so
require decreasing the sinter grate speed accordingly.
Recycling of hot air from the cooling section to the
sintering section not only reduces fuel consumption but
also reduces the cooling rate of sinter which may also ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
promote formation of SFCA.
The project is financially supported by a BlueScope
Steel Metallurgical Centre Projects Grant. The authors
acknowledge the permission for the use of SEM JEOL
V. CONCLUSIONS JSM-6490LV facility at the UOW Electron Micro-
scopy Centre.
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