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MALLA DE CONTENIDOS DEL ÁREA DE LENGUAS EXTRANJERAS: INGLÉS 4º (Antiguo 2º) Horas / Clases: 3 horas semanales / 2 días

Semana de Ambientación: Activación y habilitación del nuevo año escolar • Acogida a los estudiantes • Presentación de los Contenidos de la Asignatura, de la
Metodología de Evaluación y de las Reglas del Juego • Aplicación de la Evaluación Diagnóstica
Septiembre Unidad 1: Actividades de la vida diaria • Free time • 1. Free-time activities: Free-time activities vocabulary: Biking, chess, dancing,
P1 exercise, going to the beach, going to the movies, hanging out with friends, karate, photography, playing video games, reading,
skateboarding, shopping, soccer, surfing the Web, yoga, swimming, table tennis, volleyball, walking, surfing, writing, listening to
Unidad 1
music, etc. • Free-time activities verbs: Play + ball games and board games: baseball, basketball, bowling, chess, football, hockey,
Actividades de la vida
ping-pong, soccer, table tennis, tennis, volleyball, etc. • Go + activities that end in –ing: biking, shopping, skateboarding, swimming,
etc. • Do + other activities: exercise, karate, yoga, etc. • Adjectives to describes activities: Boring, fun, relaxing, creative, dangerous,
Página 10
very difficult, interesting, easy, etc. • 1.1. Presente simple para solicitar y ofrecer información sobre actividades cotidianas: •
The simple present: He – She – It Case • Do / Does: Affirmative, Negative, Questions • Like / Don’t like + verb –ing • Information
questions: What, How often, Where, When + Do / Does + Personal pronoun + verb? • Adverbs of frequency (Ordering the
information logically): Always, usually, often, sometimes, never

Tiempo aproximado: 12 horas (8 días)

Octubre Unidad 2: Relaciones humanas y profesionales • 2. Trabajo: Profesiones y Ocupaciones • Jobs: At work • Vocabulary and verbs for
describing jobs: Vocabulary for describing jobs: An actor, an architect, an assistant, a baker, a baseball player, a businessperson, a car
P1 mechanic, a cartoonist, a computer analyst, a dentist, a DJ, a doctor, a driver, an ecologist, a factory worker, a farmer, a firefighter, a
Unidad 2 florist, a librarian, a mail carrier, a manager, a nurse, an operator, a painter, a pharmacist, a pilot, a police officer, a principal, a sales
Relaciones humanas y assistant, a salesperson, a scientist, a student, a teacher, a truck driver, a veterinarian, a waiter, a web designer, a writer, etc. • Verbs
profesionales for describing jobs: create, deliver, design, fly, play, repair, sell, serve, treat, work, etc. • What do / does…? • Where do / does…? •
Página 14 2.1. The present continuous (For activities that are happening now and for future plans): To be in present + verb in -ing • The simple
present and the present continuous • 2.2. The simple past of be: was / were • 2.3. Connectors: And, but and because • 2.4. Fractions
and percentages • 2.5. Celebraciones, Festividades y Tradiciones: Festivals around the world: New Year around the world; traditional

Tiempo aproximado: 15 horas (10 días)

Noviembre / Unidad 3: El Cine 3. Movies: Talk about movies: Audience, director, soundtrack, lead stars, character, producer, stunt man,
Diciembre stunt woman, actor, star, the acting, the special effects, the plot, the story, the ending, etc. • Words to describe movies: (+)
great, amazing, awesome, interesting, surprising / happy; (-) bad, terrible, so-so, boring, sad • Different types of movies:
P2 Animated, musical, comedy, science fiction, historical, thriller, action, romantic • 3.1. The simple past: Regular and irregular
Unidad 3 verbs • Yes / No questions: Did…? • Negative statements with didn’t • Information questions: What, when, where, why + did
El Cine
Página 18 Tiempo aproximado: 18 horas/12 días Noviembre: 12 horas/8 días 3 • Diciembre: 6 horas/4 días

Enero Unidad 4: La Música • 4. Music: Géneros musicales: Types of music: Classical, country, rock, jazz, bachata, merengue, salsa, pop, hip-
P2 hop, etc. • Instrumentos musicales: Musical instruments: Bass, guitar, 2iolín, piano, drums, clarinet, trumpet, tuba, Dominican
Unidad 4: La tambora, etc. • Gustos y preferencias – Likes and dislikes: 0% hate / can’t stand • 30% don’t like • 50% don’t mind • 60% prefer •
Música 80% like • 100% love / be crazy about • Also, too • 4.1. Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives: Adjetivos calificativos – The
Página 22 adjectives • Comparative forms of adjectives: than, more • Superlative forms of adjectives: the most • a) Classifications in 5 Groups •
b) Irregular Cases
Tiempo aproximado: 15 horas (10 días)
Febrero Unidad 5: Accidentes y desastres naturales • 5. Accidents and disasters: Heavy rain, a thunderstorm, a fire, an earthquake, a
P3 tsunami, a flood, a traffic accident, cars accidents • Describing accidents and disasters: Volunteer, evacuated, rescued, panic, to
Unidad 5: survive, to destroy • 5.1. The Past Continuous: The simple past of be (was / were) + verb in –in • Affirmative / negative, Yes/No
Accidentes y questions, Information questions • The simple past and the past continuous: When
naturales Tiempo aproximado: 12 horas (8 días) Página 26

Marzo Unidad 6: Alimentos • 6. Talk about food: Food groups: Dairy: milk, yogurt, butter, cheese • Meat / fish: fish, beef, chicken, eggs
P3 • Fruit: apples, oranges, bananas, strawberries, etc. - - Vegetables: carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, etc. • Grains: pasta,
Unidad 6: bread, cereal, rice • Adjectives for describing food: Bitter, sweet, salty, fried, frozen / cold, raw, fresh, canned, spicy / hot, sour, hot
Alimentos Comidas y bebidas típicas: Food in different cultures: cheeseburger and fries, couscous, fajitas, hamburger and fries, Peking duck,
Página 30 pizza, roast beef, Spaghetti Bolognese, sushi, etc. • Recetas de cocina - Write a recipe • Preparación de alimentos: boil, chop, cut, fry,
grill, mix, wash… • 6.1. Count and noncount nouns: Singular and plural nouns: Count nouns: eggs, carrots, tomatoes, oranges,
bananas, hamburgers, vegetables, strawberries, etc. • Noncount nouns: beef, bread, cheese, coffee, lettuce, pasta, tea, water, yogurt
• Irregular plural nouns • Expressing quantities: a) Count nouns: some / a lot of: We have some / a lot of apples. • any / much
(negative): We don’t have any / much rice. • b) Noncout nouns: some / a lot of: They ate some / a lot of rice. • any / many
(negative): They didn’t eat any / many apples. • Questions about quantities: a) Count nouns: How many…? • How many apples do we

have? • Any / Many…? • Do we have any / many apples? • b) Noncount nouns: How much? • How much rice did they eat? • Any /
Much…? • Did they eat any / much rice. • 6.2. The present perfect: Have / Has + Past participle • Negative: Haven’t / hasn’t
• Contractions: I’ve, you’ve, he’s, she’s, it’s, we’ve, you’ve, they’ve • Yes / No questions: Have / has + subject + past participle?
• Short answer: Yes, + subject + have /has. • No, + subject + have / has.
Tiempo aproximado: 15 horas (10 días)
Abril Unidad 7: Relaciones humanas y sociales • 7. Body language verbs: Smile, stare, cry, bow, kiss, yawn, hug, wave • Use polite
P4 language: Polite and rude behavior • Comparación entre aspectos socioculturales de Estados Unidos e Inglaterra: Rules of behavior in
Unidad 7: the United States and Great Britain: American or British? • Aspectos socioculturales alrededor del mundo (Modos de saludo y
Relaciones despedida, hábitos culturales, etc.): Greetings • Cultural habits around the world • Auxiliaries for Obligation, Advice and
humanas y Permission: 7.1. Have / Has to + verb (for obligation): Affirmative • Negative: Don’t / Doesn’t Have to • 7.2. Must / Mustn’t (For
sociales rules) • In questions: Use HAVE TO instead • 7.3. Should / Shouldn’t (For advice) • 7.4. Can / Can’t (For Permission))
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Tiempo aproximado: 9 horas (6 días)
Mayo / Junio Unidad 8: Actividades artísticas • 8. El Arte - Art: Vocabulary: a) Actividades artísticas: acrobatics, art, magic, doing a card trick,
P4 poetry, breakdancing, being a living statue, juggling, music, paint, comedy, etc. • b) The performers: An artist, a clown, an acrobat, a
Unidad 8: ballet dancer, a comedian, a juggler, a magician, a musician, a poet, etc. • c) Verbs: to juggle objects, to do a magic trick, to do a card
Actividades trick, to paint a picture, to tell a joke, etc. • d) Adjectives: artistical, musical, magical, comic, poetic, etc. • The future: 8.1. Be going to
artísticas for plans and intentions • 8.2. The present continuous for future plans • 8.3. Will for predictions and spontaneous decisions
Página 39 8.4. The First Conditional (For future activities under certain conditions): IF Clause (If + the simple present) + result clause

Tiempo aproximado: 18 horas (12 días) Mayo: 12 horas/8 días 3 • Junio: 6 horas/4 días

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