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How to Make Our Teacher Happy

Making your teacher happy serves many purposes, and demands something in return – it makes
school go more smoothly, it makes your family pleased and proud and ultimately it makes
attaining what you want in life easier. How do we make our teacher happy?

a) Attend your classes on time.

While being on time is important every day, being seated before class starts on the first
day is exactly the first impression you want to make to your teacher! It shows that you’re
responsible, respectful and punctual.

b) Be respectful in and out of class.

From passing your teacher in the hall and saying, respectively, “Hello, Mrs. Wiwik,” to a
smile at her upon entering her classroom, pleasant manners are fundamental and
necessary if you want your teacher to like you. A huge component of respecting your
teacher is listening to your teacher. You are there to learn, and your teacher is there to

c) Follow directions.
Directions in school are either instructions regarding how to do something or they’re
rules. You want to follow both. It shows your teacher that you’re not only listening but
that you also have respect for his or class rules. One of those rules is often to raise your
hand when you have a question, when you wish to make a comment or if you need to be
excused from class

d) Pay attention to the lesson or lecture.

A classroom with kids scampering about or a lecture hall full of busy student fingers
moving over smart phones are not a teacher’s dream come true. Instead envision a quiet
class in which everyone is facing the teacher, listening to the lecture. That’s what a
teacher wants to see, and how you should behave in class.

e) Participate in class.
One of the most effective ways to your teacher’s heart is by being engaged in class
discussions, asking questions, and responding thoughtfully to new ideas and facts. In life,
people respond positively to you when you show an interest in what they like or in what
they are doing, making or discussing. It’s the same with teachers.

Nama: Ahmad Zidan Rifqi

Absen: 3
Kelas: XI-IBB

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