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NO: 06

 Discussion Questions of Chapter 5.



1. “Because literature review is a time‐consuming exercise, a good, in-depth interview

should suffice to develop a theoretical framework.” Discuss this statement.

ANS. Literature review is the documentation of a comprehensive review of the published and

unpublished work from secondary sources data in the areas of specific interest to the researcher.

An in-depth interview uses a flexible interview approach. It aims to ask questions to explain the

reasons underlying a problem or practice in a target group. It is the technique to gather ideas and

to gather information. The purpose of both in depth interview and literature review is to ensure

that no variable that has consistently been found to have an impact on the problem is ignored.

The variables considered relevant to the study should be clearly identified and labeled. The

relationship between the literature review and the in depth interview provides a solid foundation

for developing the theoretical framework. It is done through interrelationships among the

variables that are deemed to be integral to the dynamics of the situation being investigated.

2. “Good models are complex. What’s more, a good model should include both moderating

and mediating variables.” Discuss this statement.

ANS. There is no relationship between the quality of a model and the complexity of a model.

Recall that parsimony is one of the hallmarks of scientific research: Simplicity in explaining the

phenomena or problems that occur, and in generating solutions for the problems, is always

preferred to complex research frameworks that consider an unmanageable number of factors. A

good theoretical framework identifies and defines the important variables in the situation that are

relevant to the problem. Moderating and mediating variables may or may not be important to the

problem. A good model does not necessarily include moderating and mediating variables.
3. “Academic researchers usually develop more complex and elaborate models than applied

researchers.” Discuss this statement.

ANS. This is not true because most academic research is merely adding to what is already known

whereas applied research involves research & development of new ideas and technology. Neither

wants to create a complex model because the simple model is easier to understand and more

open to alternative hypothesis. Applied research is most often associated with the private sector,

where money is spent on research programs that can develop technology and other applications

based around advanced scientific studies. Academic research typically takes a much broader

approach where researchers are simply extending the base of current scientific knowledge.

4. “In an applied research context you do not need to explain the relationships between the

variables in your conceptual model.” Discuss this statement.

ANS. Whether basic, applied or academic research, the relationship of the variables always need

to be explained so everyone know the thought process of how the variable interact or not.

A theoretical framework is the foundation of hypothetic‐ deductive research as it is the basis of the

hypotheses that you will develop. A theoretical framework represents your beliefs on how certain

phenomena (or variables or concepts) are related to each other (a model) and an explanation on why

you believe that these variables are associated to each other (a theory). Both the model and the theory

flow logically from the documentation of previous research in the problem area. Integrating your logical

beliefs with published research, taking into consideration the boundaries and constraints governing the

situation, is pivotal in developing a scientific basis for investigating the research problem.  A good

theoretical base thus adds rigor to a purposive study.    Rigor connotes carefulness, scrupulousness, and
the degree of exactitude in research investigations. Rigor is one of the hallmarks of scientific research

which pertains to both basic and applied research. 

5. There is an advantage in stating the hypothesis both in the null and in the alternate; it

adds clarity to our thinking of what we are testing. Explain.

ANS. There is an advantage in stating the hypothesis both in the null and in the alternate because

they adds clarity to our thinking about what we are testing. Explain. A null hypothesis is

formulated so that it can be tested for possible rejection. If we reject a null hypothesis, then all

permissible alternative hypothesis relating to the particular relationship tested could be

supported.A null hypothesis is a statement that there is no actual relationship between variables. It

may read, "There is no difference between..." It states the opposite of what the experimenter

would expect or predict.Alternative hypothesis states a potential outcome that the researcher may

expect. It comes from prior studies and it is established when a null hypothesis is rejected. Most

often, an alternative hypothesis is the desired conclusion of the experimenter.A non-directional

alternative hypothesis states that the null hypothesis is wrong. A non-directional alternative

hypothesis does not predict whether the parameter of interest is larger or smaller than the

reference value specified in the null hypothesis.A directional alternative hypothesis states that the

null hypothesis is wrong, and also specifies whether the true value of the parameter is greater than

or less than the reference value specified in null hypothesis.

6. It is advantageous to develop a directional hypothesis whenever we are sure of the

predicted direction. How will you justify this statement?

ANS. It is advantageous to develop a directional hypothesis whenever we are sure of the

predicated direction. The advantage of using a directional hypothesis is increased power to detect
the specific effect you are interested in. The disadvantage is that there is no power to detect an

effect in the opposite direction. When stating the relationship between two variables or

comparing two groups, terms such positive, negative, more than, and the like are used, then these

hypothesis are directional because the direction of the relationship between the variables

(positive/negative) is indicate, or the nature of the difference between two groups on a variable

(more than/less than) is postulated.

7. In recent decades, many service markets have been liberalized. For this reason,

incumbent service firms are facing new competitors and must address customer switching.

You are discussing the determinants of customer switching with a service firm manager.

She believes that product quality, relationship quality, and switching costs are important

determinants of customer switching. You agree with the contention that product quality

and relationship quality are important determinants of switching. However, you believe

that switching costs moderate the relationships between product quality, relationship

quality, and customer switching. Provide arguments for this contention.

ANS. Customer, who had good relationship and content with the product, will not switch to the

competitors disregard low switching cost.

8. For the following case: (Concerned about her current customer base, manager Andersen

started to think of factors that might affect the attractiveness of an auditing firm. Of course, the

service quality provided and the fees charged by the auditor seem two important factors. Next,

she decides that the reputation of the auditing firm also needs to be included in the framework as

an independent variable. As illustrated by the dramatic effects of recent auditing scandals,

reputation seems especially important for large auditors (i.e., auditing firms that are large in

size). Finally, manager Andersen also thinks that the proximity of the auditing firm to the

customer is another variable to be included as an independent variable. Proximity very likely

affects the possibility for the client to personally meet with the auditors on a regular basis and

she knows from her own contact with customers that they perceive personal interactions as quite


a. Identify the problem.

ANS. There is a problem that factors might affect the Attractiveness of Auditing firm.

b. Develop a diagram representing the conceptual model.



c. Develop the hypotheses.


HA1: There is a significant effect between services offered and attractiveness of auditing firm.

HA2: There is a significant effect between quality and attractiveness of auditing firm.

HA3: There is a significant effect between reputation and attractiveness of auditing firm.

HA4: There is a significant effect between proximity and attractiveness of auditing firm.

HA5: There is a significant effect between attractiveness of auditing firm and customer base.

9. Develop a conceptual model for the scenario below.

Incidence of smoking in movies has started to increase again, after having declined for several

decades. According to the National Cancer Institute, smoking is seen in at least three out of four

contemporary box-office hits. What’s more, identifiable cigarette brands appeared in about one-

third of all movies in 2008. Exposure to smoking in movies is an important predictor of

adolescent smoking initiation: smoking in movies has been shown to affect adolescents’

intentions to start smoking. In turn, the intentions to start smoking are determined by a more

positive attitude toward smoking after seeing a film character smoke. Recent research has

revealed that the relationship between seeing a film character smoke and the attitude toward

smoking is stronger when a person’s identification with a film character increases.

These findings are consistent with social learning theory, which predicts that attitudes and

behaviors are modeled by observing the behaviors of others.



10. Develop a conceptual model for the following case.

(Once given, bonuses are extraordinarily hard to take away without undermining employee

morale. The adverse effects of these cuts far outweigh the anticipated savings in dollars.

Research has shown that when the reason behind the cuts is explained to employees, morale

does not drop.)


11. Product placement is a form of advertising in which a company’s products and name

are intentionally positioned in motion pictures, television programs, radio broadcasts, and

the like. Product placement can take many forms: verbal mentions in dialogue; actual use

by a character; or visual displays (for instance, a company logo on a vehicle or billboard).

Develop a theoretical framework on this issue, based on a review of the current literature.

This framework should include:

a. a specification and definition of an appropriate dependent variable;


b. a conceptual model that describes the relationships between the dependent variable, at

least one independent variable, and either a moderating or a mediating variable;


c. a theory on why you would expect these relationships to exist;


d. an appropriate number of testable hypotheses.


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