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God our Father, You have taught us to overcome our sins with prayer; accept our Lenten disciplines

and when we fall by our weakness, raise us up by your unfailing mercy.

[Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.]

Loving Father, we pray for Your church here on earth and pray for our brothers and sisters
everywhere in the world. We pray for Bishop Stephen, Bishop Peter and our parish priest Father
Stephen; and for the priests and people in our MMU partner parishes of St Luke and St Mary, Ilford.
May your blessing rest on each one of them.

[Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.]

Nourishing God, may all Your people on the earth have the clean water they need to live their lives
fully. Help us to solve the problems of drought, flooding, sanitation and disease by Your Holy Will.

[Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.]

Creator God, enlighten Your people to discover the creative ways to provide enough clean water to
all the people and to every living creatures. We pray for perseverance and courage for individuals,
communities, agencies and organizations throughout the world working for water justice.

[Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.]

Healing Lord, stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow; be with the families of those
who are sick or have died because of the Coronavirus; be with the doctors, nurses, researchers and
all medical professionals who put their life at risk in the process of helping others.

[Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.]

Eternal Father, we pray for the sick and those in need. We pray this week for:
Loraine Arnold, Janet Edwards, Fizza and her family, Anne Fox, Marjorie Green,Peter Haler, Joan
Kelly, Malcolm Kennedy, Grace Martin, Jennifer Mottley and her family, Joergen Nielsen, Hemendra
Rai, Reema, Avril Sangowawa, Christobel Trumpet and John Went.

[Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.]

May God strengthen and comfort those who mourn. We pray for Marjorie Tarran, Donald Kingston,
Raymond Pugh, Mary Herbert, Edith Humpheries, John Deuchar, Frances Mackenzie, Win Theakston
George Green, Mia Kiso and Wilfred Chilman.

Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord

And let light perpetual shine upon them
May they rest in peace
And rise in glory.

[Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.]

Gracious Lord, be with us in the week ahead as we go out into the world. Help us to live this week
transformed by your love and draw us closer to you in holiness.

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