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Father in heaven, as the Angels minister to you in heaven, strengthen your Church to serve you here

on Earth.

[Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.]

Bless our homes, families, community and all humankind. We pray for those suffering poverty,
persecution, slavery, oppression, injustice and the effects of conflict. We pray for the compassion,
wisdom and courage to your children throughout the world.

[Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.]

Eternal Father, we pray for our country in this uncertain time; direct the House of Commons, House
of Lords and all its members; Give them wisdom, insight and a concern for the common good of Your

[Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.]

Gracious God, we pray for the sick and for those who care for them. We pray this week for:
Ratna Ambett, Loraine Arnold, Janet Edwards, Anne Fox, Grace Martin, Jennifer Mottley and her
family, Robert Must, Joergen Nielsen, Hemendra Rai, Reema, Riad Reslan, Avril Sangowawa and
Christobel Trumpet

[Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.]

May God strengthen and comfort those who mourn and grant the departed one's soul rest in peace.
We pray for those whose anniversaries of death fall this week: Clive Burton, Sydney Genower,
Constance Saunders, Barbara Fullard, Brian Green, Roberto Hill, Wilfrid Horton, Florence Bayley,
Eleanor Masters, Hilda Beesley, Eleanor Davies, Charles Newman, Marjorie Newman, Una Baker,
Jeffrey Crooks, Frank Butterworth, Rhoderick Hall, James Chapman, Jennifer Coleman and John

Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord

And let light perpetual shine upon them

May they rest in peace

And rise in glory.
[Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.]

Gracious Lord, be with us in the week ahead as we go out into the world. Help us to live this week
transformed by your love and draw us closer to you in holiness.

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