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Prayers of Intercession October 8th 2022

Let us pray ----

Father, we pray for the world and all people,
for the people of Ukraine, for their leaders and fighters,
for an end to war and suffering everywhere,
for peacemakers and pacifiers,
for those affected by climate change amid devastating fire and flood
and those who strive to prevent it,
for those who govern us and represent us,
for wise decision-making in the governance of our country
for a system of balance, integrity, cooperation, and wisdom to prevail
for hope to be renewed in our country; for a better, fairer future,
and for this community, sharing nationwide concerns about energy and the cost of living.


Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.

For all who are sick in mind and body, for those suffering still from Covid,
for the scientists, medical and caring teams dealing with this world crisis
for those who grieve,
for those in prison as we enter National Prayer for Prisons Week
for those who suffer prejudice, exploitation, or mistreatment
for those working against Gender-Based Violence and Abuse
for those who suffer from disease and pestilence caused by neglectful regimes
and for those who ask for our prayers.


Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.

For your church and all people of faith,

for the leaders and servants of the Church
for Ian, our Bishop, Kim our Rector and assistant priests, David and Janice Cameron
for the Vestry members of all our churches
and for successful outcomes in all the decisions they make.


Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.

For all who have died

for those we have known and loved but see no longer
for all whose lives and deaths are known only to you.
and especially for the family of my old friend Andy Linklater, dearly loved by the music world
of Aberdeenshire, who died three days ago at the age of 90

May they rest in peace,

And rise in Glory

For ourselves and each other, for all our needs and concerns.
Help us appreciate the good things in our lives and to lay aside our doubts and fears.
Help us turn to you, Lord, in good times and in bad. You are our source of strength.


Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.

Father, hear all these prayers, spoken and unspoken,

for we bring them to you through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

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