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Classroom Procedures

By: Kailee Gilhooly

Classroom procedures are an important aspect of every classroom and how it functions.

Below are the classroom procedures I will model to my students, have the students follow and

practice regularly in the classroom.

Entering/leaving the room as whole class- Students will enter the room quietly, using a level

one voice (a quiet voice) and go to their desks. Students leaving the room will line up quietly in

a line against the wall near the door, once they are ready to leave, they will follow the teacher

with the last student closing the door. When waiting to leave the room students be allowed to

talk at a level one voice, but as soon as they cross the threshold to the door voices will go off.

Beginning of the day- Enter the classroom quietly, a level one voice, hang your backpack on

your hook number, turn in any homework to the homework bin, put lunch boxes in the lunch

bin, place your sticky note on the daily check in mood chart (how you are feeling that day), after

this is completed sit at the carpet quietly for morning meeting.

Morning Meetings- The teacher will take attendance, check for hot lunch orders, go over any

class announcements, and have a few check in questions for students to answer and share with

each other. The students will come and check the hot lunch meal they want to order, and one

student will take the order to the office. This will be a classroom job. Another classroom job will

be a weekly job for two students to pick a topic from the topic bowl for a morning discussion

lead by the students.

Homework/finished work turn in- The turn in bin will be located on a table in the front corner

of the room. Once students are finished with their work, they will know they are to place the

work in the bin. Students will be expected to turn in homework in the morning as part of their
beginning of the day procedure. Students will turn in all work and homework to this bin unless

otherwise told specific directions by the teacher. A red bin will be the homework bin and a

yellow bin will be the bin for work completed at school.

Absent Work- The students will check the folder placed by the student mailboxes the day they

come back from being absent with the work they missed. The student will be able to connect

and chat with the teacher either right before going to lunch or doing silent reading time.

Students will discuss with the teacher what needs to be turned in for a grade versus work that

is practice.

Leaving the room as individuals- Students will need to ask the teacher for permission to leave

the room when the teacher is not in the middle of a lesson, unless there is an emergency. The

student will move their number clip to where they are going in the school as well as write their

name and time on a sign out sheet.

Bathrooms/water breaks - The teacher will introduce the sign language sign for bathroom and

water. The students will be able to hold up their hand and the teacher will sign back yes or no

or tell them directly yes or no. Students should try to ask to do these during worktime and not

in the middle of a lesson. Students will need to ask each time they need to leave the room. If

the teacher does not see the sign and the student feels an accident coming, they will be

allowed to use their voice to come tell the teacher and be allowed to go.

Water sign
Gaining class attention- The teacher will say “class, class” and students will respond “yes, yes”

and direct attention to the teacher. Another option for gaining class attention is the teacher

states, “Hocus Pocus!” and the students respond, “Everybody focus!” I will also introduce a

third attention getting to the class, “hands on top. everybody stops” and the students put both

hands on their heads. After the teacher says one of the sayings the students are to stop what

they are doing, be quiet, and listen to the teacher.

Using the Pencil Sharpener- The students will all have handheld pencil sharpeners in their pod

boxes at their desks. There will also be an electric pencil sharpener located in the classroom

near the student mailboxes. Students will only be allowed to use the electric pencil sharper

when the teacher is not teaching or giving directions. This means the students can use the

electric pencil sharpener during group work, silent work, or a time like stations, but students

can use the handheld pencil sharpeners whenever they please.

End of the day- At the end of the day students will clear off their desks, putting materials back

in their desk or in their storage cubby. Students will each have to pick up three different pieces

of garbage and throw it away and go back to their seats. After the students pick up the garbage,

they will be called on table by table to get their lunchbox from the lunch bin and grab their

backpacks. The students will then line up and wait for the end of the day bell to ring.

End of the week- At the end of the week the students will follow the same procedure as the

end of the day, but there will be a few added things. The students will need to empty their

classroom mailboxes, taking home any graded work and notes. The students will need to wipe

of their desk and put their chair on top of their desk. This will take a bit longer than a normal
end of the day, so the teacher will begin the end of the week procedure a few minutes earlier

to be sure there is enough time to do all tasks at hand.

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