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Life & Works of Rizal

Galleon Trade
 Galleon that is named in the Galleon trade means the transportation that is used in the trading. At first, Galleon is
not intended for trading use but for wars.
 Also called Manila-Acapulco Trade (route of the galleon) From Manila, Philippines to Acapulco, Mexico and
vice versa
 108 galleons used
 250 years ( 1565-1815)
 A government monopoly which only limited people were being benefited in this trade.
 Spanish who lived in Manila
 Governor- General
 Spanish individual who is part of the consulate
 First Primate City
 Boleta ot Ticket – it is given to the traders who is part of the galleon trade for them to put their products in the
1 boleta = ₱200-250 which can rent a part or a room in the galleon.
 Filipinos are the one who created the Galleons and only 8 of the 108 galleons that is being used where created in
Mexico. It is created in Cavite, Mindoro, Marinduque and Masbate.
 Carabao and Mango , One of the important influence/import of Mexico in the Philippines.
 September 12, 1815 – Galleon Trade was abolished.
 Polo Y Servicio – sapilitang paggawa

Tobacco Monopoly
 A program under the Basco Reforms (1778) which aims to restore and revive the economy in terms of agriculture
and other industry.
 Inspired by the Opium Trade
 100 years , Started March 1782
 Proposed by Fracisco Leandro de Vianno
 Real Situado – yearly ₱200,000 given by Mexico to the Philippines in providing the production of the monopoly.
 Increasing Profits of the Government
 Philippines became known in the world when it comes in tobacco monopoly which is known as “Tabakong
Pilipino”or “Tabakong Maynila .

Suez Canal
 is a sea-level waterway in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea through the Isthmus of Suez.
 it officially opened on 17 November 1869.
 Ferdinand de Lesseps
 193 km/h long
Advantages :
 Because of the opening of Suez Canal the travel time became more shorter than its normal travel time. (2
months became 30 days)
 Because of the easy way of trading, there are books and other magazines that is being traded wherein it
brightens and opens their minds in the idea about liberalism and their rights as a Filipino.

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